Posts Tagged ‘world class’

The recent BIG Problem for Boeing Dreamliner that can be considered a SAFETY,QUALITY DELIVERY,MORALE,FINANCIAL PROBLEMs and a host of other related problems have really shattered,shaken and shocked Boeing Top Bosses as what Ramli heard the authorities wants the Dreamliner Aircrafts to be Grounded till proven safe to fly again with Full Proof and ZERO Defect status.What to do now?Ramli once met Mr.John R Black,Durector ,Boeing World Class Company Studies in Kuala Lumpur and kindly gave Ramli Boeing’s World Class Dreams,World Class Realities Paper.At that time Boeing was on their 777 Program.

based on that paper received from Mr.Black Boeing really aspire and really wants to be a World Class Company.They did so many things like learned from all the quality gurus,from other companies they learned,visited,observed,listened,benchmarked.They learned!Boeing also agressively focus human potential.Excel far beyond all standards.The people outperfomed the best Mgmt imagined!They focus on 5 primry areas to be WORLD CLASS ie.Manufacturing,customer focus,product deployment,organizational design and leadership.Many things they did and they know the 1st step in world class journey is URGENCY. 

so Boeing realized long time ago about the pressing need to change now or else.A sense of Urgency.The 2nd step they did was education and include everyone.Education must be comprehensive and high priority.3rd ly is IMPLEMENTATION..The 777 Program was integrated with complex set of processes for better product and lower cost.Finally it was LEADERSHIP.Top Mgmt must lead and learned the importance of taking advantage of momentum.JFK once said :Change is the law of life.And those who look only to the past or the present state are certain to miss the future.”Now,Dreamliner problem??

For World Class Studies,contact Ramli in Malaysia at mobile:+60192537165 or +603-55450975.Email:

Total Quality Management or TQM in short have become so popular eversince the American Corporate Sector started to ask themselves “If Japan Can,Why NOT USA?”

Quality Gurus like Dr.Juran,Dr.Deming and Dr.Crosby have travelled around the world teaching Top Mgmt about Quality,her components,her best practices,case studies and how best to implement TQM in their organisations right first time!

Japan after the World War 2 have started to revive their country especially on building up the economy and more specifically their shattered and battered companies to become better and producing products loved by all customers domestically and overseas.So with the teachings of Dr.Juran and especially Dr.Deming,Japanese CEOs and support from organisations like JUSE and others have allowed the importance of Quality to be made known clearly not just to Top Bosses but to everyone right up to shopfloor workers.The concept of Company Wide QC or TQC and introduction of Quality Control Circles in 1962 have allowed Quality to flowrish and grow tremendously where now excellent products and services are made and produced continually.Japanese products are sought after and with High Quality,Economical Prices and Sustainable Quality Assurances,Japan reap the harvest of their hard work,long term investment in making quality important and also building Quality People to help build a Greater Japan and become one of the dominant force of the World’s Economic Super Powers.

So,TQM as a Business Philosophy can WORK well if only Top Mgmt are committed,involved and support it all the time.Any lukewarm response or half hearted way of doing TQM will doomed to failure an never can reap the harvest of good quality!

When Ramli was Head of TQM at Affin Bank the struture have been Top Mgmt involvement,application of Tools&Techniques and also Teamwork for Excellence among the components of success.Teams are everywhere where we have Managers Quality Teams and Work Improvement Teams established.Projects by projects approach to making sure Control and Improvemenst are made are the Norm in the Bank and every year the bank realized tangible and intangible savings and gains as reported by all the teams involved.

Quality was planned and hopefully become a Culture in the Bank.Customers are highly valued and always given preference.TQM really brought many benefits and help build the People to become Quality People and build a Quality Bank.

However like all projects or implementations we need Consistency and Continuity.So when the No.1 or No.2 Boss do not show full commitment and dedication to TQM then many things failed and worst of all TQM become less important and never seen as the Driver of the Bank’s Engine of Growth or Profit Centres.Thats the beginning of the downfall of Quality and now other so called Fads come to play and getting more importance.

Actually many of the World’s CEOs or Bosses never really learned about TQM that well just a kind of minimal learning and not really a Top Priority matter like bottom line or shareholders’ satisfaction kind of work.TQM have so many things to offer to Company’s Growth and People Talent Building and many so called New Gurus have made shortcuts of senseless innovations like 6 Sigma,Business Reengeneering,Balances Score Card,Blue Ocean Strategy and ignore the real teachings of the Gurus like Juran,Deming,Crosby,Ishikawa,Imai and many others but introduced new ways which actually are the original ways made more exciting and wow factor where finally the outcomes are not sustainable,long lasting,give real impacts and help build the People skills,knowledge and behaviours.

So when TQM take many shortcuts surely results will also shortfalls and never give the real impacts and defect free results like nowadays millions of cars in the market being recalled is deemed common not like before a major catastrophy or worst kind of problem to the company.So when you recalled your products from the market place surely millions of USD or Yen will be incurred as external failure costs and effect your company’s bottom line or profits.The recent jetliners grounding due to suspected battery failures also a major market problems that can effect millions of USD to the companies concerned.

Maybe its good for Top Mgmtm or NO.1 Bosses to RELOOK,RESTUDY,REEVALUATE how TQM as a Business Philosophy can help solve problems now happening in many corporations and learn all the godo teachings of Gurus like Dr.Juran,Dr.Deming,Dr.Crosby and many other Quality Gurus who really have done so much to make sure our lives are safeguarded,products are of high quality and economical prices well affordable by all.

Working on project by project approaches is also one of the best ways to get things done and processes become better control and numerous new breakthroughs (improvements) can be realized always.

If you need assistance to MAKE QUALITY IMPORTANT IN YOUR COMPANY AND PEOPLE,invite Ramli at hp:+60192537165 or email: to seek ways to understand your current performance and how’s best to do projects to move on to greater progress in many areas or importance for your companies.



To have Malaysian born Talents of CEO status or Technology whizz kid will do lots of good for Malaysia,why?

Malaysia need Great Talents continuously or else the country cannot prosper,wrongly managed with poor leadership and always a follower to all others!

We need INNOVATION at peak levels or World Class status where many businesses can prosper or “ride on” our technology and achievements.

What are some common hindrances or “hickcups” to our search of Great Talents or Building Great Talents?

Here are some (based on Ramli’s analysis):

  • Fear Culture in Govt and Companies – no importance of enabling or encouraging people to speak freely (with facts and datas of course) in their organizations
  • Dont argue just work and follow the Boss- so tak kisah attitude and takpe culture keep building on and on
  • Ampu Bode culture is rampant and thats the way many think to reach the Top of the Ladders..
  • Malaysians dont have good reading habits just read 4 books a year instead of more than 20 books a year
  • Malaysians dont write books that much esp University Professors and Professionals…so minimal books are published annually and thats not good for Malaysia’s success story or journey
  • Nonsense Mgmt styles are practised in Malaysia like corruption,think negatively,no rewards and recoqnition schemes of importance,low salaries while CEOs are so high,poor company culture,old styles management ways etc…
  • and many more
With all these negatives or problems of building Great Talents Malaysia tend to lose so much especially like:
  • wasted resources and opportunities for growth and expansion
  • waste of money in doing wrong things all the time
  • poor projects with low impacts and benefits
  • poor leadership
  • no solid talent development made
  • always lacking,slacking and backwards to other Nations
  • domestic talents are easily “beaten up” by imports or foreigners
  • and many others
So what to do?
Malaysians must now act quickly like:
  • Understand what World Class Talent Mgmt is all about-identify,take actions,measure results,monitor and hold the gains
  • Benchmark always with World Best Talents and Results
  • Build more Corp Us for building talents and nurturing them to perform well
  • Have more Great Leaders and Back Ups
  • Reward and Recoqnised Great Talents
  • Provide Financial and Intellectual Incentives always
  • start from young age
  • Build a Malaysian Culture of Excellence
  • Eliminate all corrupt or bad practices
  • and many more
These are some insights from Ramli as to how can we start building Great Malaysian Talents and as they say it “if Steve Jobs(SJ) can do it,why not Malaysians also do the same” like SJ’s success stories?
SJ never seem to say NO or do things tidak apa ways BUT SJ will do things in a holistic way,with great focus and passion,never give up,work like a start up company,product focus and all SJ’s Best Practices!
Contact Ramli at hp:0192537165 or

Yesterday (in fact this early morning) on TV,Ramli saw the UK League Cup Final between Cardiff vs Liverpool where finally after extra time and the score level at 2-2 finally Liverpool won by penalty shootouts and emerged as the Champion.

Whats is best part was Malaysia’s name was printed on both sides of the Cardiff footballers jersey.What a way to showcase Malaysia’s presence!If in money or sponsorship terms THATS  A LOT OF MONEY TO PAY to get your name or brand on the Jerseys of the Finalists of the UK League Cup.

Congratulations to the Owner of the Cardiff Football Club ie. Tsn Sri Vincent Tan and his associates including Cardiff Club Chairman Datuk Chan Tien Chee where they control about 49% of the club’s holding company.(ref:The Sun London)

With World  Class Malaysian Entrepreneurs willing to explore and make their business presence all over the world like UK then its simple logic and fair explanation that Malaysian Sports Men and Women MUST also show their presence at all these World Class Sports Centrestage like EPL,La Liga,Serie A,Japan J League and many more (as football is concerned)

In World Class level sports we need (based on Ramli’s analysis):

  • Champions
  • Consistency of performance
  • Passion
  • “Never say die” attitude
  • Lots of training,skills and discipline (at the highest levels)
  • Personality – able to captivate the world sports fans
  • Act fast before you get old and drop in your performance esp due to age factor
  • Sponsors (in cash and in kind)
  • Good financial mgmt for your winnings and future
  • and many more……

So while our Malaysian Entrepreneurs show their brand at the World’s Sporting locations or properties as they called them,its wise and timely that Malaysian Sports People also start showing their presence at all these sports centre stages and we need more sports personalities like Datuk Lee Chong Wei,Datuk Nicol David and let Malaysia’s name emblazonned or ambushed the many millions of jerseys around the world both worn by sports people and sports fans (and by the way these jourseys (if so called original) are not cheap to buy!)

In Ramli’s case he have been promoting Pro-Boxing,Muay Thai and Silat at the International Levels BUT he needs lots of Cash Sponsorship and Sponsorship in Kind as to continue staging these World Class Events esp in Malaysia and ASEAN.Can YOU help Ramli in contunuing this Journey of World Class Sports and Make Malaysia Proud and Well Known around the World all the time?

Contact Ramli at mobile:+6019-2537165 or email at :

Fact: Ramli was the FIRST Promoter in the World to promote and stage the World MuayThai Championship on board a World Cruise Liner ie.Super Star Leo on the high seas of Singapore/Malaysia on 4th April,1999.Ramli also did the Boxing Championships billed as “Thriller at the Peak” at Genting Hotel on 7th March,1997.

Business Thinkers like Rosabeth Moss Kanter and David Drennan have written books on World Class and World Class Performance respectively while many others have written about their World Class Practices or World Class Achievements so that others can emulate them and get the same results as they had for organisations all the time.Its good to know what is World Class but its better to take real actions to become World Clas Yourself!Invite Ramli for a 3 day Workshop on Achieving World Class Performance by utilising Professsor Kanter’s Thoughts,Tools&Techniques  and Professor Drennan Methodology and Scorecard Approach towards achieving World Class levels.

Here are some videos of Prof.Drennan lectures when Ramli promoted and organised these 12 Ladders to World Class Performance Seminars and Workshops in Malaysia beginning from Dec,2005 till today.

Note: these 3 books will be the main references during the Workshop conducted by Ramli Abu Hassan.For further enquiries and training proposal,please contact Ramli at +6-019-2537165 or email: You.

All books are available while stock lasts:

Ramli realized that with lots of money maybe you can prolong your life better as compared to a poor man!Why?

Allah SWT will be the final decision maker as to when u are born and die in this world and other than that is just our human efforts or painstaking work to keep a person still breathing and kicking!

Many Rich People seem to get the best medical treatment money can buy and a good example is Sir Run Run Shaw (the famous Movie Mogul) who now is about 103 years old!He is a very rich man and maybe he can afford to seek all the best medical treatment and new R&D work on prolong people’s life made available anywhere in this world.

If a normal or poor person he or she will be at the mercy of normal hospitals or govt owned hospitals that can only afford whats available stuff to treat you if you fall sick what more if you are on a serious illness like heart,cancer,mental and all the rest of life threathening sickness!Thats the sad part of our human society or reality where the rich can have a good chance of living longer than the poor or normal person!

So,Ramli suggest Top Mgmt at all govt hospitals,private hospitals like in Malaysia do lots of study and R&D on how best to help prolonged people’s life by giving the RIGHT MEDICAL CARE WITH ECONOMICAL PRICES AND STRONG CHANCE FOR RECOVERY AND LONEGIVITY!Can they do that?

Sure they can if they apply this knowledge of GAP ANALYSIS!

Here,they benchmark with the best quality hospitals in the world with their own and understand what or where are all the gaps!Once they know whats the gap,they must now try by closing the gaps or at least make it closer to the best practices so that with these initiatives the govt hospitals will at least know what to do,who to lead,why all these shortcomings arise,how much it costs to get these gaps closer and when or what kind of time frame they need to close these gaps?

Only by knowing and working with certainty can we see some HOPE of Success or a Good Chance to Survive and not just make stupid statements that “we are a govt hospital and we cannot compete with the best hospitals in the world because they have lots of money!”

Govt Hopitals have PEOPLE and these include Medical Staff,Admin Staff and normal employees just like the World’s Best Hospitals.Its just the leadership,tools and techniques,innovation and creativity plus all the tiredless efforts to improve all the time and NEVER GIVE UP ATTITUDE.

Thats good enough assurance for the Rakyat to know that their lives will be safeguarded and the hospitals will do all they can to sustain,prolong and let live a little longer until Allah SWT finally decide your time have come to move on the Hereafter.

Please study the Gap Analysis technique below:

Gap analysis

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In business and economics, gap analysis is a tool that helps companies compare actual performance with potential performance. At its core are two questions: “Where are we?” and “Where do we want to be?” If a company or organization does not make the best use of current resources, or forgoes investment in capital or technology, it may produce or perform below its potential. This concept is similar to the base case of being below the production possibilities frontier.

Gap analysis identifies gaps between the optimized allocation and integration of the inputs (resources), and the current allocation level. This reveals areas that can be improved. Gap analysis involves determining, documenting, and approving the variance between business requirements and current capabilities. Gap analysis naturally flows from benchmarking and other assessments. Once the general expectation of performance in the industry is understood, it is possible to compare that expectation with the company’s current level of performance. This comparison becomes the gap analysis. Such analysis can be performed at the strategic or operational level of an organization.

Gap analysis is a formal study of what a business is doing currently and where it wants to go in the future. It can be conducted, in different perspectives, as follows:

  1. Organization (e.g., human resources)
  2. Business direction
  3. Business processes
  4. Information technology

Gap analysis provides a foundation for measuring investment of time, money and human resources required to achieve a particular outcome (e.g. to turn the salary payment process from paper-based to paperless with the use of a system). Note that ‘GAP analysis’ has also been used as a means for classification of how well a product or solution meets a targeted need or set of requirements. In this case, ‘GAP’ can be used as a ranking of ‘Good’, ‘Average’ or ‘Poor’. This terminology does appear in the PRINCE2 project management publication from theOGC (Office of Government Commerce).
The need for new products or additions to existing lines may emerge from portfolio analysis, in particular from the use of the Boston Consulting Group Growth-share matrix—or the need may emerge from the regular process of following trends in the requirements of consumers. At some point, a gap emerges between what existing products offer and what the consumer demands. The organization must fill that gap to survive and grow.

Gap analysis can identify gaps in the market. Thus, comparing forecast profits to desired profits reveals the planning gap.: This represents a goal for new activities in general, and new products in particular. The planning gap can be divided into three main elements:

Usage gap

This is the gap between the total potential for the market and actual current usage by all consumers in the market. Data for this calculation includes:

  • Market potential
  • Existing usage
  • Current industrial potential

Market potential

The maximum number of consumers available is usually determined by market research, but it may sometimes be calculated from demographic data or government statistics. Ultimately there are, of course, limitations on the number of consumers. For guidance one can look to the numbers who use similar products. Alternatively, one can look to what happened in other countries.[citation needed] Increased affluence[citation needed] in all major Western economies means such a lag can now be much shorter.

Existing usage

Existing consumer usage makes up the total current market, from which market shares, for example, are calculated. It usually derives from marketing research, most accurately from panel research, such as conducted by the Nielsen Company, but also from ad hoc work. Sometimes it may be available from figures collected that governments or industries have collected. However, these are often based on categories that make bureaucratic sense but are less helpful in marketing terms. The ‘usage gap’ is thus:

usage gap = market potential – existing usage

This is an important calculation. Many, if not most marketers, accept existing market size—suitably projected their forecast timescales—as the boundary for expansion plans. Though this is often the most realistic assumption, it may impose an unnecessary limit on horizons. For example: the original market for video-recorders was limited to professional users who could afford high prices. Only after some time did the technology extend to the mass market.

In the public sector, where service providers usually enjoy a monopoly, the usage gap is probably the most important factor in activity development. However, persuading more consumers to take up family benefits, for example, is probably more important to the relevant government department than opening more local offices.

Usage gap is most important for brand leaders. If a company has a significant share of the whole market, they may find it worthwhile to invest in making the market bigger. This option is not generally open to minor players, though they may still profit by targeting specific offerings as market extensions.

All other gaps relate to the difference between existing sales (market share) and total sales of the market as a whole. The difference is the competitor share. These gaps therefore, relate to competitive activity.

Product gap

The product gap—also called the segment or positioning gap—is that part of the market a particular organization is excluded from because of product or service characteristics. This may be because the market is segmented and the organization does not have offerings in some segments, or because the organization positions its offerings in a way that effectively excludes certain potential consumers—because competitive offerings are much better placed for these consumers.

This segmentation may result from deliberate policy. Segmentation and positioning are powerful marketing techniques, but the trade-off—against better focus—is that market segments may effectively be put beyond reach. On the other hand, product gap can occur by default; the organization has thought out its positioning, its offerings drifted to a particular market segment.

The product gap may be the main element of the planning gap where an organization can have productive input; hence the emphasis on the importance of correct positioning.

Gap analyses to develop a better process

The gap analysis also can be used to analyse gaps in processes and the gap between the existing outcome and the desired outcome. this step process can be summarised as below: Identify the existing process, Identify the existing outcome, Identify the desired outcome, Identify the process to get the desired outcome, Document the gap. develop the means to fill the gap

See also

Market gap analysis

In the type of analysis described above, gaps in the product range are looked for. Other perspective (essentially taking the “product gap” to its logical conclusion) is to look for gaps in the “market” (in a variation on “product positioning,” and using the multidimensional “mapping”), which the company could profitably address, regardless of where the current products stand.

Many marketers would question the worth of the theoretical gap analysis described earlier. Instead, they would immediately start proactively to pursue a search for a competitive advantage.



Made available at CorpUtvs Channel at YouTube:

The search for Great Talents especially to lead a company like a GLC or MNC or PLC is so critical and important because we want to ensure the company can survive and continue make profits and satisfy the shareholders.

MAS is now in search of a new CEO because the former CEO have been transfered to Khazanah Nasional Berhad to a more or less comfortable job and maybe a still good paying salary and perks (luckily not fired and become jobless if Leaders like Jack Welch is around managing!)

Great Talents for Malaysia is also been assigned to Malaysia’s Talent Corporation whose sole aim is to import Malaysians back home to work in Malaysian soil and help Malaysia achieve her ambition of a High Income Economy as spelt out in the ETP especially and also in our Vision 2020.Talent Corp need to bring in about 70,000 Professionals but surprisingly to fill the vacant post of one MAS CEO is still not accomplish that soon or in due speed!Why?

Malaysians who are now working overseas are paid in the currency of that particular country and like a doctor in UK maybe he or she is paid GBP 5,000 (equal about RM 25,000) and the same in USA is paid about USD 5,000 (equal about RM 15,000).So why come back to Malaysia when you are paid RM5,000 or maybe double RM10,000 when you can easily earn RM25,000 or maybe more overseas!

The other great factor of performance is maybe the background of the incumbent CEO?Most CEOs in Malaysia now have accounting background and as Accountants maybe they are best to know the ins and outs of the company financial health or status.This may help them to manage their companies with great care for bottomline results ie Profits not Losses!

However in leading a company or govt agency got a lot to do about LEADERSHIP.Do these CEOs have great leadership qualities and know how best to manage their people as well as their customers?

CEOs like Jack Welch for example knows what it needs to lead his TEAM to Excellence (No.1 or No.2 in the industry is OK with Jack but No.3 or others is Not Good)

Jack Welch have great business vision for GE and he also emphasise the building of Talents by his Executive College as well as being a Coach to some of his selected CEOs (kind of a Mentor-Mentee approach)

Konosuke Matsushita -The Founder of Panasonic also was a Great Business Leader who lead by example and build his business by his hard work,sweat and innovation.He dont wait for projects from Govt Officials nor play the game of ampu bude or worst still bribing and back stabbing.

Business Leaders of the Greatest Kind are those who lead their companies with their hearts and souls and treat their staff as their Team of Great Talents and will always lead by example and knows what’s is best to do and take actions to solve problems and make great profits.Most of them knows best how to utilise and unleash their people’s talents to infinite possibilities and capabilities.People are their dearest asset!

Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad is a doctor by profession but with his passion,zest and political smartness,Tun Dr.Mahathir have led Malaysia for 21 years in his “My Way” styles and also successfully made lots of progress and landmark projects for Malaysia to be proud of like the building of capable CEOs to lead their companies as well as projects like Putrajaya,KLIA,PLUS Highways,Petronas Twin Towers,Vision 2020,Look East Policy and many others which some opponents may support and disagree with Tun Dr.Mahathir.Like what Tun Dr.M once said “well,you win some and lose some..haha”

MAS is now without a CEO and whose best to take over?An accountant or a doctor or who?Tan Sri Tony Fernandes is an ex-Entertianment Top Manager and he saw the great opportunity to build an airline like AirAsia to become one of the World’s Best Low Cost Carrier just like what Richard Brenson did initially with his Virgin Airlines…..Now,Tan Sri Tony and his business partner was offered almost 20% of MAS in a share swap deal with Khazanah Nasional Berhad and maybe MAS can become successful and profitable as Air Asia now (as what those Top Mgmt at Khazanah Nasional thinks lah..lets see this 3 mths or 1 year ahead..whats the outcome!)

So,it goes to show that investing in Learning to get great KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERTISE is KEY and must be made important all the time.Ramli have been promoting and conduct training and consultancy in areas of CORPORATE LEARNING AND EDUCATION by way of ESTABLISHING YOUR OWN CORP U OR CORP ACADEMY  and with this consciousness and breakthrough thinking maybe now your company will possess through developing of Talents Inhouse as well as unleashing Talents for Great Results for the company,nation and also for their own self progress and advancement.

If you need assistance and interests in this Corp U and World Class Performances,please contact RAMLI ABU HASSAN at mobile:+6019-2537165 or emailed at :

Ramli and his Global Experts on these subjects will help you and your team to gain this competitive advantage and build your people to greater heights of personal achievements and company success.Inshallah.

Reference from

Latrell Sprewell

Basketball player Latrell Sprewell first made headlines during his tenure with the Golden State Warriors. During a 1997 practice, he choked his coach, P.J. Carlesimo, and earned a 68-game suspension. Sprewell still went on to a substantial career, earning almost $100 million.

It all came to an end when he turned down a a three-year contract extension from the Minnesota Timberwolves worth $30 million. According to Sprewell, this was simply not enough money. He said, “I have a family to feed … [team owner Glen Taylor] better cough up some money. Otherwise, you’re going to see these kids in one of those Sally Struthers commercials soon.” (Sprewell was referencing ChildFund International commercials, which provided sponsorship to deprived children around the world.)

The Timberwolves’ upper management, unmoved by his family’s tragic situation, didn’t offer him one more cent, and by the end of the 2005 season, he was unemployed. By 2007, his yacht, “Milwaukee’s Best,” had been repossessed by federal marshals after missed payments and insurance worth over $1 million. In 2008, he defaulted on the mortgage on his Milwaukee home, sending it into foreclosure. His Westchester mansion went into foreclosure two years later.


Lenny Dykstra


Lenny Dykstra was a three-time All-Star player who graced the rosters of both the New York Mets and the Philadelphia Phillies. Nicknamed “Nails” by fans and seemingly never photographed without a thick wad of chewing tobacco lodged in his jaw, he helped lead the Mets to their 1986 World Series victory.

After retiring, he embarked on a new life as a financial guru, but by 2009, his free-spending lifestyle had caught up with him, and he was so broke that he sold his World Series ring. He ultimately declared bankruptcy, and in the filing he claimed $50,000 in assets and $50 million in liabilities, including money owed to both Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase.


Mike Tyson

For a while, no boxer on earth was as feared as “Iron Mike” Tyson. The powerful puncher won his first 19 professional fights by knockout, some of which took place during the first round. He quickly became the heavyweight champion of the world, but in 1992 he was convicted of sexual assault and served three years in prison. When he got out, no amount of comeback matches could get him back his mojo, and after biting off a piece of Evander Holyfield’s ear during a 1997 fight, Tyson was disqualified. He never again won another championship.

Money shouldn’t have been a problem for Tyson. After all, according to the New York Times, he had earned more than $400 million in his boxing career. However, he had spent almost all of it, frittering it away on extravagances like mansions, luxury cars and pet tigers. He also owed $9 million for his divorce settlement and $13 million to the IRS. When he filed for bankruptcy in 2003, he claimed debts of $27 million.


Kenny Anderson


Kenny Anderson earned an estimated $60 million during his NBA career after playing for nine different teams. He was married three times, and the divorce from his first wife, Tami Akbar, had cost him dearly. She successfully challenged their prenuptial agreement and walked away with half his assets and $8,500 a month in child support. To celebrate her court victory, she had a custom license plate made that read “HISCASH.”

In addition to monthly child support and alimony payments to Akbar, Anderson was also supporting six other children and two other ex-wives, as well as making monthly payments on his mother’s house. He also owned eight cars and an estate in Beverly Hills, and gave himself a $10,000-a-month allowance that he referred to as “hanging out money”. At the time of his bankruptcy filing, he had $41,000 in monthly expenses to pay.


Michael Vick


Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick is almost as well known for his activities off the field as he is for his achievements on the it. Prior to joining the Eagles, he played for the Atlanta Falcons, who had signed him to a record $62 million six-year contract, as well as a $3 million signing bonus. Then, three years later, he signed a ten-year extension worth $130 million, making him the highest-paid player in the NFL.

Everything seemed to be smooth sailing for Michael Vick until he went to prison for his participation in an illegal interstate dog fighting ring in 2007. The prison sentence sidelined him for almost two years, and during that time he lost his regular NFL salary and all of his endorsements, including a lucrative Nike sponsorship. The lack of income, combined with his own financial mismanagement, forced Vick to declare bankruptcy from federal prison.



Lawrence Taylor


Lawrence “L.T.” Taylor is considered one of the all-time NFL greats. The former New York Giants linebacker was drafted in 1981 and began winning awards almost immediately, including three Defensive Player of the Year awards and a 1986 Most Valuable Player award. He was also part of the “Big Blue Wrecking Crew,” the formidable Giants defense that made their Super Bowl victories possible.

Taylor filed for bankruptcy in 1998, literally to keep a roof over his head. According to the Daily News, Taylor was a full year behind on his mortgage payments at the time of the filing. However, his record on the field always spoke for itself, and his financial woes didn’t stop him from being inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1999, just one year after declaring bankruptcy. His personal troubles didn’t end there, however, with a traffic-related arrest in 2009 and statutory rape charges during a 2010 trial. He was sentenced to six years probation and had to register as


Johnny Unitas


In the annals of NFL history, Johnny Unitas is as legendary a player as there is. Nicknamed “The Golden Arm,” his career spanned three decades and saw him set record after record, winning the Most Valuable Player award three times and throwing touchdown passes in 47 consecutive games, a record which still stands today. Off the field, however, it was another story.

The legendary quarterback had attempted to parlay his earnings into shrewd business moves, such as restaurants, real estate ventures and bowling alleys, but these endeavors never performed in the way that he had hoped. Ultimately, he declared bankruptcy in 1991, and when he died in 2002, Unitas Management Corp was also forced to file for bankruptcy to protect itself from an unresolved lawsuit plaguing the Hall of Famer’s estate.



Dorothy Hamill


In 1976, Dorothy Hamill won the Olympic gold medal for women’s figure skating, becoming America’s sweetheart and pitch woman for Short n’ Sassy shampoo in the process. Now a superstar, she followed her victory by headlining the Ice Capades from 1977 to 1984, and later bought the company in 1993 in the hopes of reviving interest in the sport.

Sadly, she could not compete with the ruthless commercial juggernaut that was Disney’s World on Ice, and she sold the company to Pat Robertson’s International Family Entertainment, Inc. in 1995. The failed venture took its toll, and in 1996 the skater had to file for bankruptcy. After treatment for breast cancer in 2008, she got back on her feet, and recently she served as a mentor to 2010 Olympic competitor Rachael Flatt. She also continues to skate semi-professionally.



Jack Clark


Jack Clark played for several baseball teams between 1975 and 1992. Also known as “Jack the Ripper,” he played for the San Francisco Giants, the St. Louis Cardinals, the New York Yankees, the San Diego Padres and the Boston Red Sox. However, in 1992, during his second year with the Sox, he declared bankruptcy, listing debts of almost $7 million, including $400,000 in Federal and state taxes.

When Clark listed his assets in the filing, he cited 18 luxury cars, including a Ferrari, a Rolls Royce and a Mercedes Benz. He owed money on all but one of them. Apparently, Clark quickly got bored with his collection, and when that happened he would just get rid of the ones he no longer cared for and replace them with new ones. The habit ended up costing him his home, which was worth more than $2 million.



Marion Jones


Marion Jones started out as one of the most inspiring stories of the 2000 Summer Olympics in Australia. A track and field athlete, she walked away from the competition with three gold medals and two bronze medals, an unprecedented achievement for a female athlete. However, her ex-husband testified under oath that he had seen her inject steroids into her stomach during the games, and she denied the allegations to both the press and to two grand juries.

Jones eventually confessed to using performance-enhancing drugs in 2007, and it cost her dearly. Not only was she forced to forfeit all of the medals she had won in Sydney, but she was also sentenced to six months in prison. Just a few years earlier, she had earned as much as $80,000 per race, as well as $1 million in endorsements. But now her finances were decimated by legal expenses, and not only was her $2.5 million home in North Carolina foreclosed, but she was forced to sell her mother’s house as well.


Derrick Coleman


When the New Jersey Nets picked Derrick Coleman in the 1990 NBA draft, it seemed like a solid choice. He had been compared to no less a player than Charles Barkley, and it was assumed that he would turn in a similar performance on the court. However, it was not to be. Aside from being frequently injured and missing many games as a result, he also showed a tendency to gain weight and abuse alcohol. Many sportswriters accused Coleman of simply phoning in his performance.

Whatever his shortcomings may have been, Coleman earned over $87 million in his 15-year career, so many people were surprised when he filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy in March 2010. In the filing documents, he listed $1 million in assets, including a Bentley, five fur coats and $3,000 worth of jewelry. His debts totaled more than $4 million, which he owed to almost 100 creditors, including American Express, Verizon and even Detroit Mayor Dave Bing.


Mark Brunell

Quarterback Mark Brunell has played for the New York Jets, the Green Bay Packers and the Jacksonville Jaguars. During his career, he is estimated to have earned over $50 million. However, on June 25, 2010, he filed for bankruptcy, listing over $5 million in assets and nearly $25 million in liabilities.

At issue are multiple lawsuits stemming from failed real estate ventures and business loans from Champion LLC, a company that included fellow Jaguars Todd Fordham and Joel Smeenge. Still, the lawsuit hasn’t hurt his playing career any, and in July 2010, just one month after filing for bankruptcy, Brunell signed a two-year deal to play for the New York Jets





Scottie Pippen

Scottie Pippen is best remembered for his tenure with the Chicago Bulls. The 2010 Basketball Hall of Fame inductee was there when they won six NBA Championships, and he was there during the 1995-1996 season in which they won 72 games. He is also the only person to win both an NBA championship and an Olympic gold medal in the same year, and he is one of only four players from the Chicago Bulls to have his jersey retired.

Unfortunately, Pippen’s successes on the court couldn’t stop him from losing career earnings worth $120 million, including over $4 million for a corporate jet that was grounded just months after he bought it. He sued his attorneys for $8 million for failing to monitor the purchase, and he won the lawsuit. However, the jury ruled that Pippen bore plenty of responsibility for the purchase himself, and he was awarded only one quarter of the reward that he sought.



Antoine Walker


Antoine Walker currently plays for the Idaho Stampede in the NBA’s development league. In a career lasting 15 years with five different NBA teams, he’s collected one NBA championship and reportedly earned  $110 million.

However, in May 2010, he filed for bankruptcy, claiming assets of $4 million and liabilities of almost $13 million. The filing lists a $2 million house in Miami with a mortgage of almost $4 million.

Walker’s problems stem in large part from gambling. In 2009, he was arrested and charged with writing $800,000 worth of bad checks to three Las Vegas casinos.





Tony Gwynn


While many athletes jump from team to team, Tony Gwynn played for just one, the San Diego Padres, for his entire professional career. During that time he distinguished himself as one of the most reliable batters in Major League Baseball, striking out only 434 times in over 9,000 career at-bats, and never once batting below .300 in any full season.

He earned a high salary with the Padres, but during his sixth season he filed for bankruptcy, citing bad investments, poor accounting and $1 million in back taxes. At the time of the filing, his assets totaled approximately $700,000, while his liabilities totaled over $1.1 million.