Posts Tagged ‘revolusi aksi’









• Revolusi Aksi –Beraksi Untuk Kecemerlangan

Apakah Revolusi Aksi ?
Dari buku yang ditulis oleh Encik Ramli Abu Hassan-Pengasas dan Bekas Pengarah Urusan,Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd. (DPS),beliau telah mendefinasikan Revolusi Aksi bermaksud “suatu perubahan radikal dalam sistem sosial kemanusiaan di mana kelompok atau komuniti manusia digalakkan bertindak (beraksi) untuk mencapai hasrat atau matlamat yang telah ditetapkan.”
Setelah Buku dan Gerakan Revolusi Mental di perkenalkan pada tahun 1971 di Malaysia oleh Y.B. Datuk Senu Abdul Rahman (Allahyarham) dan barisan panel penulisnya,objektif Revolusi Mental adalah diharapkan akan “mengubah cara berfikir,pandangan dan sikap anggota masyarakat bagi menyesuaikan diri dengan kehendak masa untuk mendorong mereka lebih giat lagi bagi merebut kemajuan dalam segala bidang hidup.”
Oleh kerana pencapaian objektif Revolusi Mental ini masih jauh dari sasarannya ,maka usaha memperkenalkan Revolusi Aksi diharap akan menjadi pemangkin kepada Gagasan Revolusi Mental dan agar dapat memajukan bangsa Melayu (khasnya) dan bangsa lain di Malaysia (amnya).Teras Revolusi Aksi ini adalah untuk bergerak langkah (beraksi)setelah segala resolusi atau pelan tindakan telah di siap atau sediakan.Tanpa aksi kita tidak akan dapat hasil dan tidak akan maju kehadapan.
Revolusi Aksi telah diilhamkan oleh Encik Ramli dengan berpandukan kepada Formula Putaran Revolusi Aksi yang merangkumi 4 Elemen atau Komponen Utama iaitu Komponen Pemikiran,Tindakan,Pengukuran dan Disiplin.Ia juga mengandungi 7

faktor utama pada setiap komponen komponen yang tersebut tadi.Putaran Revolusi Aksi boleh juga di panggil dengan Putaran 4Ex(4×7)F.Dengan mengapplikasikan Falsafah Revolusi Aksi ini maka barulah kita dengan cara objektif dan sebenarnya akan melihat perubahan akan berlaku dan hasil akan mula tercatat dan banyak lagi tindakan boleh di susuli untuk usaha penambahbaikan dan menuju ketahap “World Class” – Bertaraf Dunia.

Objektif Program
Perkara yang utama yang ingin dicapai adalah untuk memperkenalkan Falsafah dan Applikasi Putaran Revolusi Aksi tersebut kepada setiap peserta kursus.Dengan pemahaman melalui sesi ceramah dan sesi latihan bengkel yang akan diadakan selama dua hari ini,peserta akan juga diharapkan akan mengapplikasikan segala aktiviti-aktiviti yang terdapat dalam Gerakan Revolusi Aksi ini serta membuat penambahbaikan kepada keadaan semasa mereka ketahap yang lebih cemerlang,gemilang dan terbilang.

Kandungan Program
Definasi Revolusi Mental dan Revolusi Aksi
Faedah Ketara dan Tidak Ketaranya
Formula Putaran Revolusi Aksi
4 Elemen dan (4×7) Faktor dalam Revolusi Aksi
Apakah yang telah berjaya di Aksikan ?
Apakah yang boleh di aksikan lagi ?
Alat Alat & Teknik yang boleh di applikasikan dalam Projek Revolusi Aksi tersebut
Revolusi Aksi kearah “World Class Country,People&Values”

Jangka Masa:
2 hari dari 9:00 pagi hingga 5:00 petang

Revolusi Aksi adalah tanggung jawab semua orang.Tanpa Aksi kita tidak akan berjaya dan tiada penyelesaian masaalah atau penambahbaikkan boleh dilaksanakan.Setiap projek yang diilhamkan oleh pihak pengurusan atau sesuatu kumpulan kerja perlu memberi peserta peserta mereka pendidikan dan latihan supaya berilmu dan berjaya melaksanakan tanggung jawab mereka.
Peserta peserta kursus boleh disertai oleh golongan pengurusan,penyelia,penyelidik,eksekutif,konsultan,pengetua,guru dan bagi mereka yang ingin melihat penambahbaikan berlaku di organisasi dan tempat kerja mereka.

Faedah faedah menyertai program ini
Setiap peserta akan berjaya mendapat faedah faedah tersebut dibawah ini:
• Memahami akan pentingnya Revolusi Mental dan Revolusi Aksi
• Memahami akan Formula Putaran Revolusi Aksi
• Memahami dan mengapplikasikan Formula 4E X (4×7)F
• Mengenal pasti segala projek Revolusi Aksi di organisasi dan tempat kerja mereka
• Mendapat hasil dan membuat penambahbaikan ditempat kerja mereka.

Pengamal Pengamal Revolusi Aksi
Dengan pemahaman dan kesedaran akan pentingnya Revolusi Aksi ini,maka Gerakan (Komuniti) Revolusi Aksi akan berjaya diwujudkan dengan banyaknya projek berjaya dilaksanakan hingga mencapai hasil yang membanggakan serta membina tenaga kerja yang bersedia beraksi untuk kecemerlangan.

Ketua Fasilitator
Encik Ramli Abu Hassan yang juga menjadi Pengasas Revolusi Aksi ini.Panel Konsultan dari RAHTC akan juga di jemput mengendalikan kursus jika perlu.
Sila lihat biodata Encik Ramli seperti dalam lampiran.

Methodologi Program:
Kursus dikendalikan dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan Inggeris (jika perlu.)Ceramah,Kajian Kes,Bengkel dengan latihan secara individu dan kumpulan,tayangan video juga disediakan.Manual Latihan akan merujuk kepada buku Revolusi Aksi dan lampiran lampiran yang disediakan.

Kandungan Kursus (Program):

Hari Pertama:9:00 pagi hingga 5:00 petang

9.00 – 9.30 Pengenalan Fasilitator dan Peserta Kursus
Latar Belakang dan Objektif Kursus
9.30 – 10.30 Sejarah Revolusi Mental di Malaysia
Apa itu Revolusi Aksi ?

10.30 – 10.50 Minum Pagi

10.50 – 12.00 Formula Putaran Revolusi Aksi – 4Ex(4×7)F

Latihan 1: Komponen Pertama –Pemikiran dan 7 Faktor Utamanya.
Persembahan Kumpulan
12.00 – 1.00 Formula Putaran Revolusi Aksi – 4Ex(4×7)F
Latihan 2: Komponen Kedua –Tindakan dan 7 Faktor Utamanya
Persembahan Kumpulan
1.00 – 2.00 Makan Tengahhari

2.00 – 3.15 Formula Putaran Revolusi Aksi – 4Ex(4×7)F
Latihan 3: Komponen Ketiga-Pengukuran dan 7 Faktor Utamanya.
Persembahan Kumpulan

3.15 – 3.45 Minum Petang

3.45 – 5.00 Formula Putaran Revolusi Aksi – 4Ex(4×7)F
Latihan 4: Komponen Keempat-Disiplin dan 7 Faktor Utamanya.
Persembahan Kumpulan

Hari Kedua 9:00 pagi hingga 5:00 petang

9.00 – 9.30 Rumusan Hari Pertama
9.30 – 10.30 Mengenal Projek Revolusi Aksi Yang Telah Berjaya di Laksanakan.
Amalan Terbaik (Best Practices) yang dikenalpasti ?

10.30 – 10.50 Minum Pagi

10.50 – 12.00 Malaysia ketahap “World Class-Country,People and Values”-Apa yang perlu di aksikan ?

12.00 – 1.00 Mengenal Pasti Projek Revolusi Aksi Anda ?
Latihan 5: Apakah tema,tajuk dan perancangan projek anda ?

1.00 – 2.00 Makan Tengahhari

2.00 – 3.15 Persembahan Kumpulan dari Latihan ke-5.

3.15 – 3.45 Minum Petang

3.45 – 4.45 Rumusan Kursus untuk Hari Pertama dan Hari Kedua.
Sesi Soal Jawab bersama peserta kursus.
Mengisi borang penilaian kursus

4.45 – 5.00 Penyampaian Sijil kepada semua peserta kursus yang berjaya.
Sesi Bergambar (untuk semua peserta kursus)
Tamat Kursus dan Semoga Berjumpa Lagi.
Selamat Beraksi Selalu !

E-books offers opportunities for Malaysian authors


BUSINESS4 Jun 2013


Printed books might be the proverbial “last man standing” among content types but soon it will join music and movies in riding the digital wave

By Oon Yeoh

Malaysians are not particularly known to be successful book authors. We’ve had a few locals who’ve made it big – Tash Aw being the most obvious one that come to mind – but how many other local authors can you name?

If you go to a typical bookstore you might find half a bookcase of books by local authors. That’s all – half a bookcase in the entire store! You can’t really blame the retailers though. There are simply not that many locally-published authors.

A big part of that has to do with the high cost of traditional publishing. As a result of that high cost, established publishing houses will not want to take a risk with first-timers. It’s a classic vicious cycle situation. Aspiring authors can’t get a publishing contract because they’ve never been published before. But how can they get their first book published without a publishing contract?

It’s not easy to break that vicious cycle. The good news is that you don’t have to be concerned about that vicious cycle if you’re willing to consider e-book publishing.

The cost of publishing an e-book is remarkably lower than traditional publishing because there is no paper involved. That doesn’t mean there’s no cost. You’d still need an editor, a proof-reader, a graphic designer and maybe even an illustrator or photographer, depending on the type of pictures you want to incorporate into your e-book. But without print, a big cost has been unloaded.

With e-books, you can self-publish and sell your e-books locally through your own website or through an aggregator like MPH Online. To get onto there, just go to MPH Digital and follow the procedures outlined in the site.

You can also sell through’s Kindle service, which supports self-publishers. Although that service is not yet available to Malaysian readers it’s available to be used as a selling platform by Malaysian authors. It’s rather simple. You just have to submit your manuscript (MS Word document is fine) and  will convert the book into Kindle format for you.

There’s also Smashwords, which is a leading e-book distributor. Unlike Amazon though, Smashwords requires you to do some rather complex formatting of your MS Word document before it accepts your work. Still, it’s not rocket science we’re talking about.


Global distribution
In the old days, even if you had a print book contract, there’s almost zero chance of you selling the book overseas. That’s because the local distributors only handle stores within the country. At most they might deliver some stock to Singapore.

But with e-books your publication is instantly global. Although MPH Online is a local company, its e-books can be bought and downloaded from anywhere around the world. On top of that, MPH also has an e-book distribution deal with a Western aggregator that will make its e-books available to more than 50 online vendors from around the world. And of course if you publish your e-book through Amazon’s Kindle or Smashwords, you would have access to their customers from around the world.

So, with e-books the challenge is no longer about market access. Both locally and globally, if you want to get your e-book out there, you can. The challenges are in producing a quality e-book that people would want to buy and in marketing that e-book so that people know about it in the first place.

In the US, e-books have taken off in a big way. Already, sells more e-books than printed books. The Pew Internet Research Center recently released a finding that shows the number of people in the US reading e-books is indeed growing, while print reading is declining.

It will take some time for that cultural shift to happen here but it’s a wave that’s coming. Printed books might be the proverbial “last man standing” among content types but soon it will join music and movies in riding the digital wave.

So, if you have a book in you that you want to get out, don’t dwell on how to get it published in print format. That’s too much of a hassle. Join the e-book revolution instead.

Oon Yeoh is a new media consultant. He is also a senior consulting editor at MPH Publishing and a senior business development manager at MPH Digital.


  1. 1.     What are the advantages of publishing an e-book?
  2. Production turnaround time is much faster than for printed books
  3. Cost of production is lower, so publishers are more willing to take risks with e-book titles (they tend to be a lot pickier when it comes to printed books).
  4. Also because of the lower cost of production, publishers generally give higher royalties for e-books.
  5. Distribution is global
  6. E-books are available for sale 24/7 through online bookstores
  7. Unlike printed books, e-books are never out of stock
  8. E-books are highly portable (a typical e-reader can carry thousands of books)
  9. E-books are can be read on multiple devices (laptop, tablet, e-readers and even mobile phones)
  10. Being completely digital e-books are environmentally friendly
  11. E-books are the wave of the future (they already outsell printed books in the US and the trend is spreading globally).
  12. 2.     What’s ePub?

The e-book format used by MPH Digital is ePub, an open e-book standard by the International Digital Publishing Forum. It is intended to be a universal format that publishers around the world can use for distribution and sale. One notable feature of ePub is re-flowable content, which means that the text can be optimized for a particular display device.

Some books with complicated formatting or those with lots of symbols and formulas are not suited to being converted into the ePub format, which was designed forvery text-centric books like novels. For publications not suited for the ePub format, we can make a version available in PDF format. Both ePub and PDF e-books will be copy-protect by Adobe DRM.

  1. 3.     Where will my e-book be sold?

In Malaysia, it will be sold via MPH Online. However, we also have global distribution deals and your book will be available to e-book stores in over 50 countries around the world.

  1. 4.     How will my e-book be promoted?

As with printed books, the bulk of the marketing work is usually done by the author. However, we can help by featuring you and your e-book through the MPH Digital website, which has various multimedia offerings (blog, podcast, video stream).

  1. 5.     Great, how can I get started?

Submit a manuscript to us via this link or as an attachment in your e-mail


Ramli Abu Hassan Profile at :


Facebook: abu hassan

805T051bnamramli standing-1Image004

Biography of Ramli Abu Hassan

Ramli Abu Hassan is an author, trainer, consultant,speaker and promoter.He is Founder and Managing Director of Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd.or DPS, a Malaysian locally incorporated company since 25th June,1996.DPS have been mainly involved in the business of Training&Consulting,Professional Sports Promotion and Marketing of Malaysian made products both domestically and overseas.In the Training&Consulting business,DPS helps organizations both in the private and government sectors build world-class talent through unleashing their hidden talents as well as making continual improvements in their work areas, leadership and personal performances plus increase in their               knowledge of quality,productivity,team building and team working like Quality Control Circle / Innovative & Creative Circle (QCC@ICC) / Kumpulan Inovatif & Kreatif (KIK) for the Government Sector  and Managers’ Quality Team (MQT) /Quality Improvement Team (QIT.)

Recently on 19th June,2012 Ramli have restructured his business and established Ramli Abu Hassan Training & Consultancy (RAHTC) to be better focused and concentrate all Training & Consultancy businesses under RAHTC.


He is the author of the book “Revolusi Aksi” or Action Revolution published on 24th March,2006 plus hundreds of articles on quality and productivity improvements,sports management and promotions,human capital, leadership and general subjects like hobbies and travels. He has now,his own websites that feature  his thoughts,events and happenings.Go to Ramli’s Blog at and related sites including at . Ramli’s Profile can be viewed at Contact Ramli at mobile:+6019-2537165/60355450975 and email:


He works with organizations to establish World Class Performance in their business and satisfaction of customers ,designing and establishing corporate universities (your in-house university or learning centres)as well as all aspects of Quality and Productivity Improvements. Ramli has been in collaboration with Global & Local Experts on subjects like World Class Performance,Corporate Universities,Quality Management Systems like ISO9001:2008,EMS,5S Good Housekeeping,PM’s Hibiscus Awards,OSHA,Quality,Productivity and Sustainable Development Initiatives including Environment plus his other areas of Professional Sports Promotion and Management.


He is an active member of the Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry(MICCI),Business Council for Sustainable Development of Malaysia (BCSDM),American Society for Quality (ASQ),Institute of Quality Malaysia (IQM) as well as the Malaysian Representative for World Boxing Council and World Boxing Council for MuayThai.Ramli also have good collaboration with many major sports organizations both in Malaysia and Overseas like PESAKA,MABF,KBC,IBF,UBO,IBA and others.


In his past corporate working experience from 1976 to 1996,he was the Head of Total Quality Management Secretariat at Perwira Affin Bank Berhad (now known as Affin Bank Berhad) as well as an Executive at Matsushita Electronic Components (M) Sdn.Bhd.


Ramli graduated with a Diploma in Public Aministration at Universiti Teknologi MARA in 1981 and completed his MBA(TQM) with Newport University in 1996.


Watch this YouTube Video on Ramli’s Interview on Hot on Two of RTM held in June 8th,2009.

Voting is a simple process where you ticked your chosen candidate among the many choices and then cast your ballot and later wait for the Official Results!

Its the many processes in the final outcome that become complicated when people involved start playing their “dirty politics” all around?

Vote buying,vote rigging,vote manipulation and all kinds of haram  acts are being applied just to make sure your chosen candidate wins the election and become the new MP or ADUN?

When you are in  a political party and also a coalition like BN or Pakatan then when your coalition wins the most or majority of seats in Parlaiment ot State levels then that coalition assume POWER of the Country or State.

Now in Malaysia the BN and Pakatan have good control among the 14 states in Malaysia and the Real Fight now is which Coaliton will assume or retained POWER aa the Federal Govt?

The challenge to BN in this 13MGE is the WORST or MOST Feared of in this 55 years of Merdeka and BN loved to win again while the Pakatan hope now is the year of taking over the Federal Govt! can they do that? All now depends on the Rakyat Votes?

The BIGGER QUESTION  is WILL WE GET A BETTER GOVT IN CHARGE OR STILL THE SAME OLD STYLE WITH lots of corrupt practices,problems all around on VIPs personality and behaviours,abandoned projects with loss of public funds,excessive spending,useless and time wasting projects,nonsense style of leadership and management and many more….

The problems of overstaying or being in power for too long like more than 3 terms in office is also a threat of our onward progress in terms of dynamic leadership and brains for Malaysia’s success!

Our Public Transport problems is a pain in the *** and our quality of living well and secure is also getting worst with stories of crimes everyday in the news media?

Our social problems and Gen Y issues also is getting out of control and people’s values system is detriorating and effecting the real performance of Malaysia in terms of productivity,quality of outputs,talented people,living in greed by many and worst of all corruptions and bad practices taken as a norm rather than a problem that must be eliminated asap.

So,can the NEW GOVT in POWER act on all these issues or National Agenda and make Malaysia a Better,Safer,Prosperous,Happier and Cleaner GOVT and C0untry where the Rakyat will benefit most?

Vote wisely and analysed all the current problems,actions taken and people involved.YOUR VOTE is key to a Greater Malaysia unless you still maintain the “tidak apa” attitude in your brains,hearts and actions!

Contact Ramli if you need more infos,hp:+6019-2537165

and email:

Please do get a copy of Ramli’s 1st Book written in Bahasa Melayu titled “Revolusi Aksi”.More books coming soon Inshallah this year 2012.


Date as of today.


Dear Business Associates,


Introducing DPS & DPS Global Partners -Training & Consulting Packages on The 12 Ladders to World Class Performances & Corporate Universities.


Greetings from all of us at Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd. (DPS) based in Shah Alam,Selangor Darul Ehsan,Malaysia and DPS Global Partners based in UK and USA especially.


We are pleased to introduce our Training programmes and Consulting packages especially designed to meet to your current demands for a more dynamic and competent knowledge workforce.The World Class Performance Training as developed by Prof.David Drennan from UK will enable your organization to compete with the best in the world.

We also have added another World Class Performance subject ie.Corporate Universities to be promoted and implemented for Malaysian Companies and Government Agencies concerned.

We are delighted to send you our proposal for an introduction on the information about our World Class Performance & Corporate Universities subject and training modules.


As of today,we are aggressively promoting the following products and services:


  • World Class Performances –based on Prof.Drennan’s proven and successful approaches towards identifying the 12 Ladders towards World Class Performances.Ramli have now taken the initiative to conduct the training cum workshop to Clients in Malaysia since 2008 till today.


  • Revolusi Aksi approaches as developed by Encik Ramli Abu Hassan towards building a more dynamic,action oriented,passionate and excellent team based workforce towards a World Class Company Culture and People Performance



  • Corporate Universities –It’s time (in this 21stCentury) to build your own in-house university (Corp U) where your Corp U will assist YOUR Company to achieve her business results better than without one.Corp U will also assist your company to develop,manage and retain your “home-grown”Talents.Please visit our Global Partner’s website at for an insight as to importance of Corp U for companies big and small.


  • And many others (eg.Team Building,Project Teams,Quality Improvement Tools,Managers Quality Teams(MQTs),QCC@ICC/KMK@KIK,Quality&Productivity…)


We wished to meet you at your earliest convenience so that we will be able to present you our company profile,products and services.We can quickly be contacted at hp:019-2537165 (Ramli) or just e-mail at

Please visit our website at and Ramli’s Profile at


Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,

Ramli Abu Hassan (Full Member of American Society of Quality No.63543968)

Managing Director / Principal Consultant

Author of book titled “Revolusi Aksi” published in March,2006.

Malaysia’s Representative for Prof.David Drennan’s World Class Performance Study,Implementation and Audit since 2005.

Malaysia’s Representative for Global Learning Resources Inc,USAfor Study,Designing,Implementation and Assessment of Corporate Universities since 2007.

Member of Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI)

Member of Business Council for Sustainable Development ofMalaysia(BCSDM)

Business Thinkers like Rosabeth Moss Kanter and David Drennan have written books on World Class and World Class Performance respectively while many others have written about their World Class Practices or World Class Achievements so that others can emulate them and get the same results as they had for organisations all the time.Its good to know what is World Class but its better to take real actions to become World Clas Yourself!Invite Ramli for a 3 day Workshop on Achieving World Class Performance by utilising Professsor Kanter’s Thoughts,Tools&Techniques  and Professor Drennan Methodology and Scorecard Approach towards achieving World Class levels.

Here are some videos of Prof.Drennan lectures when Ramli promoted and organised these 12 Ladders to World Class Performance Seminars and Workshops in Malaysia beginning from Dec,2005 till today.

Note: these 3 books will be the main references during the Workshop conducted by Ramli Abu Hassan.For further enquiries and training proposal,please contact Ramli at +6-019-2537165 or email: You.

To many Top Mgmt in Malaysia and also Rest of the World maybe Quality Control Circles (QCCs’) is no more important and an important Tool of Mgmt not like when QCC was initially started in Japan in 1962!Why?

Top Mgmt basically is so busy trying to make Great Profits to satisfy the greed and pockets of Shareholders and Stakeholders!True or False?

Nowadays,Top Mgmt like CEO,CFO or even CTO all have contractual terms and mostly for 2-3 years and subject to renewal or extension if so desired by Top Bosses!So,with a term of 2-3 years there is not much time for employee development work let alone coaching and mentoring session.Its all about performance and more profits!Sad to say,they forget that QUALITY PEOPLE MAKE QUALITY COMPANY AND THAT LEADS TO GREAT PROFITS AND PERFORMANCE!

QCC is one of the Tools of MGT developed in 1962 to help unleashed the talents of employees to infinite possibilities or performance.Like Dr.JM Juran he explained this by his PROJECT BY PROJECT approaches in work and by people in teams.

If you have read or attended the course on Quality Improvement Tools (QIT) by Juran Institute then you will realized the importance of this Project by Project approaches in work.Only by project (problem for solution) can organisations or companies improve or get BREAKTHROUGHS!

So,QCC was a similar approach to get all the problems at shop floors resolved and make the system better or in Juran terminolgy Go For Breakthroughs!

Top Mgt like in Malaysia all want FAST BIG RESULTS and many ignore the PDCA system of problem or improvement approaches and quickly want results at all costs!So,they get results but the problem keep coming back again and again because the root cause/s are not eliminated just shifted from one place to another!Like bad habits or poor discipline!

QCCs around the world since 1962 with Prof.Ishikawa from Japan and also JUSE have helped companies saved many millions and now billions of USD from wastages or COPQ appearing in processes and QCCs helped to eleiminate them and saved money from all the QCDSME subjects of improvements.

So thats why this QCC Movement is still around BUT looks like its death is coming unless new ways of promotion,marketing,training,exploration,R&D and other innovations are introduced,expanded and followed!QCC is good and is always good as Tool of MGMT if done the Right Way!

Now,in Malaysia especially they called QCC as Innovative & Creative Circle (ICC) for the private sector promoted by MPC and the Public Sector they also rebranded Kumpulan Meningkat Mutu Kerja or KMK before to Kumpulan Inovatif dan Kreatif (KIK) since Nov,2009 ( I think ).

OK,the rebranding is done well and good BUT the key performance,growth,participation by all like participation ratio of employees to total staff looks bad maybe on the downfall!True or False?

Ramli have been involved with QCC since he work in Matsushita in 1976 and later with Affin Bank in 1993 and got involved in all aspects of leadership,training,motivation,promotions,conventions,judging etc..Ramli also help introduce Managers Quality Teams (MQTs) with Affin Bank as a way to get all levels (TOP and Bottom) to really do Project by Project approaches in making the company Great in all aspects of Performance.

So,this ICQCC 2012 held in Malaysia again after the last one in 1996 (ICQCC 21st Edition) will hopefully be a “springboard” or booster to QCC@ICC@KIK in Malaysia to become Greater and position itself as a Greater Tool of MGMT in getting Great Results of Profits,People and Branding of the Company or Organisation to World Class Levels!Inshallah.

Contact Ramli Abu Hassan at hp:+6-019-2537165 or email: ramlipromoter for all training and consulting for QCC,MQT and World Class Performance subjects.Read Ramli’s Profile also at

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