Posts Tagged ‘ramli abu hassan’

DPS Training & Consultancy :now include RAHTC(new company established on 19thJune,2012)
Our Customers – The Reason Why We Are (Still) In Business
(a list of our customers –in alphabetical order,that Encik Ramli Abu Hassan,Principal Consultant of DPS& RAHTC and her World of Consultants’have served since 1st November,1996 until today.The type of courses and services offered to our customers are also included.)

• Affin Bank Berhad
Customer Satisfaction Survey,Work Improvement Team (WIT),Total Quality Management,Managers’Quality Team (MQT)
• Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Bayan Lepas FIZ,Penang
Intro to World Class Performance Project.
• Business Council for Sustainable Development Malaysia (BCSDM)
Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award (PMHA)2002/2003,2004/2005.2006/2007 Cycle.
• Department of Veterinary Services (DVS)
KIK Konvensyen –Ramli as Judge
• HUKM-Jabatan Kejuruteraan Tisu
Briefing on KIK
Employee Development and Supervisory Skills
• Institut Latihan MARA (ILHAM)
Emotional Intelligence for Conflict Management
• Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN) / Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam,Malaysia
Konvensyen Kebangsaan KMK Panel Penilai (Judge) Kategori Pengurusan & Teknikal
Co-Organiser:SUK Penang,SUK Selangor(1997),SUK Kedah,SUK Johor (2002) & SUK Pahang (2005),IET-Intan Executive Talk series.
• Jabatan Keselamatan & Kesihatan Pekerjaan (JKKP or DOSH)
Kumpulan Meningkat Mutu Kerja atau KMK
• Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia (JBPM) Negeri Melaka
Bengkel Peningkatan Prestasi KIK
• Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi,Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia
Taklimat Inovasi dan Pengenalan KIK
• Jabatan Perdana Menteri- Panel Penilai Konvemsyen KIK JPM.
• Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan
Konvensyen KIK WP-Ramli as Chief Judge,Talk on Integrity at DBKL
• KEMAS Negeri Sembilan – KIK Consultancy
• Kolej Poly-Tech MARA (KPTM) –J/V Project
Public Training programmes
• Lafarge Malayan Cement Berhad
Quality Improvement Tools and PM Hibiscus Award (Overview)
• Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia (LKIM)
Kumpulan Meningkat Mutu Kerja (KMK) Convention –Chief Judge
• Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) Malaysia – Bandar Baru Bangi
Bimbingan KIK
• Malaysian Administration Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU)
Managers’Quality Teams,Altruistic Management,Customer Satisfaction

• Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB)
ISO 9000 Introduction
• Matsushita Electronic Components Malaysia Sdn.Bhd.(MECOM)
Total Quality Management,Failure Mode Effects Analysis,Benchmarking and Team Building
• Matsushita Electronic Devices Malaysia Sdn.Bhd.(MEDEM)
Benchmarking,Team Building and Total Quality Management
• Maybank Assurance
QCC Convention (Judge)
• MIMOS Berhad –MySem
Strategic Intent Workshop (inclu.Team Building)
• National Productivity Corporation (NPC)–>Now MPC
ISO9001:2000,ISO14001,Internal Auditor Softwares,Cost Of Poor Quality –Talk,TQM for Service Industries for Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) program,QCC Judge for Regional and National Conventions
World Class Performance Seminar with Professor David Drennan from UK. (2005)
Seminar and Workshop on Establishing Corporate University with Mr.Kevin Wheeler from USA (2007)
• Nichicon (Malaysia)Sdn.Bhd.
Environmental Friendly Solution for Metal Surfaces –supplier and advisor
• Norconsult KL Sdn.Bhd. (Project –Associate)
Team Building programmes,Altruistic Management and seminars
• Pelorus Intelligence & Technology Academy Sdn.Bhd.(Project-Associate)
5-S Good Housekeeping training
• Politeknik Kota Melaka (PKM)
KMK Introduction
• Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan (PIS)
Bengkel Kumpulan Inovatif & Kreatif (KIK)
• Polis DiRaja Malaysia (Bahagian Perolehan)Bukit Aman
Projek KIK
• Penjara Malaysia
Konvensyen KIK –Ramli as Ketua Panel Hakim
• PM Securities (M) Sdn.Bhd.
Team Building
• Sabah Ports Sdn.Bhd.
5-S Facilitator training
• Selangor Public Library Corporation
Innovation Award –Anugerah Merits 2004 –Excellent Award to Ramli Abu Hassan
• Small and Medium Industries Development Corporaion (SMIDEC)
Team Building sessions
• State Government (SUK) Perak Darul Ridzwan
KMK Convention (Judge) 2004 & 2005.
• SONY Precision Engineering Malaysia Sdn.Bhd. (SPEM)
Quality Control Circles (QCC)
• Tahan Insurance Malaysia Berhad
Quality & Productivity Improvement,Goal Setting and Time Management,Image Grooming and Etiquette,Customer Care,Insurance Selling Skills,Supervisory Skills
• Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)
QCC Convention (Judge)
• UEM World
Team Building Session for UEM World Chief Executives and Presidents (assist Dato’Ismail Noor of Altruistic Leadership Center)
• University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
5-S Training
• University Teknologi Mara (UiTM)Shah Alam Main Campus
Total Quality Management,Quality Improvement Tools
• University Teknologi Mara (UiTM)Segamat,Johor DT Campus
KIK Konvensyen-Panel Hakim
• UMW Corporation Bhd
Team Building for HR Division.
• Yayasan Budi Penyayang Malaysia
Lead Discussant for Penyayang seminars in 2004,2005&2006.Essay Contest Judge in 2005.
• And many more…

First Prepared on 5th September,2005.
Revised on 6th March,2008.
Revised on 23rd July,2012
Revised on 3rd October,2012
Revised on 4thFebruary,2013
Revised on 18thDecember,2013
Revised on 3rd June,2014
Revised on 19thJanuary,2015

Hari ini Ramli dengar bahawa PM Najib telah syorkan agar rakyat lebih berinovatif dan kreatif supaya prestasi negara akan dapat di tingkatkan dan memenuhi aspirasi negara seperti Wawasan 2020.
Aktiviti KIK@ICC telah pun wujud sejak 1983 dan sudah hampir 31 tahun kita usahakan KIK@ICC di sektor kerajaan dan swasta.
Malangnya penubuhan KIK@ICC sangat lembab dan “slow” hanya segelintir yang berdaftar dan menjalankan projek mereka.
Jika kita analisis KIK@ICC kita akan dapati mereka membuat projek mereka dalam linkungan 12 bulan atau ada yang 18 bulan lamanya dari mula hingga tamat projek mereka.Ini adalah terlalu lama dan bukan lah produktif dan berwibawa!
Di negara Jepun QCC mereka sudah berjaya membuat projek dalam linkungan 4-6 bulan dan penubuhan QCC bukan lah setakat ratusan sahaja malahan sudah ratusan ribu ramainya.
Kita perlu banyak KIK@ICC kerana masalah atau penambahbaikkan yang kita ketengahkan adalah sangat banyak dan hanya dengan banyaknya KIK@ICC di organisasi kita baru lah realistik kita menjadi produktif,kualiti,dan sentiasa membuat Breakthrough dalam kerja atau prestasi kita.
Yang menjadi masalah seperti yang Ramli kaji adalah lembabnya pihak Pengurusan Atasan khususnya dalam mempromosi atau mengalakkan warga kerja mereka untuk melibatkan diri dalam projek KIK@ICC tersebut.Kenapa?
Semasa KMK@QCC dimulakan 1983 dahulu mesej KMK@QCC datangnya dari PM,Menteri2,KSN,KSU2,Ketua Pengarah2 dan Pengarah2.Semua terlibat dan semua ingin tahu perkembangan semasa KMK@QCC mereka.Sekarang KIK@ICC hanya dikhususkan oleh Jabatan Inovasi untuk promosi atau kembangkan,Kenapa?
Pegawai yang bertanggung jawab pun berjawatan rendah bukan tahap Jusa atau M58 seterusnya.Jika ini statusnya tentulah warga kerja akan tidak serious dan takde isu kepentingan atau urgent untuk kewujudan KIK@ICC,betul tak?
Hanya Konvensyen KIK@ICC jadi tumpuan ramai dan ini hanya melibatkan segelintir warga kerja mungkin hanya 5 % kesuluruhan tenaga kerja organisasi.Sepatutnya setiap organisasi patut ada 100% penyertaan KIK@ICC dan ini bermakna jika organisasi anda ada 1000 orang maka jumlah KIK@ICC anda patut ada (1000/10/KIK) = 100 KIK yang wujud.Ini bermakna kita boleh jayakan 100 projek KIK dan pastinya faedah ketara dan tidak ketara akan banyak dan membanggakan.Sekarang kebanyakkannya hanya ada hampir 1-10 KIK dalam organisasi yang 1000 orang tersebut,kenapa?
Ramli fikir usaha BARU dan Azam Baru perlu diwujudkan oleh Pengurusan Atasan dalam memastikan secara 100% Komitmen dan Participation of semua warga kerja dalam projek2 KIK@ICC tersebut.Buatlah azam ini untuk tahun 2015 ini!
Hanya dengan cara atau startegi ini barulah apa yang PM najib hasratkan akan tercapai dengan ratusan ribu inovasi dan projek2 yang membanggakan negara,organisasi dan setiap individu2 kerja.Inshallah.
Bagi yang berminat untuk memulakan KIK@ICC hubungi Ramli Abu Hassan di HP:+6019-2537165 / 0355450975 atau emel:

lihat dan baca lah buku2 ini….IMG_20141021_0001










• Revolusi Aksi –Beraksi Untuk Kecemerlangan

Apakah Revolusi Aksi ?
Dari buku yang ditulis oleh Encik Ramli Abu Hassan-Pengasas dan Bekas Pengarah Urusan,Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd. (DPS),beliau telah mendefinasikan Revolusi Aksi bermaksud “suatu perubahan radikal dalam sistem sosial kemanusiaan di mana kelompok atau komuniti manusia digalakkan bertindak (beraksi) untuk mencapai hasrat atau matlamat yang telah ditetapkan.”
Setelah Buku dan Gerakan Revolusi Mental di perkenalkan pada tahun 1971 di Malaysia oleh Y.B. Datuk Senu Abdul Rahman (Allahyarham) dan barisan panel penulisnya,objektif Revolusi Mental adalah diharapkan akan “mengubah cara berfikir,pandangan dan sikap anggota masyarakat bagi menyesuaikan diri dengan kehendak masa untuk mendorong mereka lebih giat lagi bagi merebut kemajuan dalam segala bidang hidup.”
Oleh kerana pencapaian objektif Revolusi Mental ini masih jauh dari sasarannya ,maka usaha memperkenalkan Revolusi Aksi diharap akan menjadi pemangkin kepada Gagasan Revolusi Mental dan agar dapat memajukan bangsa Melayu (khasnya) dan bangsa lain di Malaysia (amnya).Teras Revolusi Aksi ini adalah untuk bergerak langkah (beraksi)setelah segala resolusi atau pelan tindakan telah di siap atau sediakan.Tanpa aksi kita tidak akan dapat hasil dan tidak akan maju kehadapan.
Revolusi Aksi telah diilhamkan oleh Encik Ramli dengan berpandukan kepada Formula Putaran Revolusi Aksi yang merangkumi 4 Elemen atau Komponen Utama iaitu Komponen Pemikiran,Tindakan,Pengukuran dan Disiplin.Ia juga mengandungi 7

faktor utama pada setiap komponen komponen yang tersebut tadi.Putaran Revolusi Aksi boleh juga di panggil dengan Putaran 4Ex(4×7)F.Dengan mengapplikasikan Falsafah Revolusi Aksi ini maka barulah kita dengan cara objektif dan sebenarnya akan melihat perubahan akan berlaku dan hasil akan mula tercatat dan banyak lagi tindakan boleh di susuli untuk usaha penambahbaikan dan menuju ketahap “World Class” – Bertaraf Dunia.

Objektif Program
Perkara yang utama yang ingin dicapai adalah untuk memperkenalkan Falsafah dan Applikasi Putaran Revolusi Aksi tersebut kepada setiap peserta kursus.Dengan pemahaman melalui sesi ceramah dan sesi latihan bengkel yang akan diadakan selama dua hari ini,peserta akan juga diharapkan akan mengapplikasikan segala aktiviti-aktiviti yang terdapat dalam Gerakan Revolusi Aksi ini serta membuat penambahbaikan kepada keadaan semasa mereka ketahap yang lebih cemerlang,gemilang dan terbilang.

Kandungan Program
Definasi Revolusi Mental dan Revolusi Aksi
Faedah Ketara dan Tidak Ketaranya
Formula Putaran Revolusi Aksi
4 Elemen dan (4×7) Faktor dalam Revolusi Aksi
Apakah yang telah berjaya di Aksikan ?
Apakah yang boleh di aksikan lagi ?
Alat Alat & Teknik yang boleh di applikasikan dalam Projek Revolusi Aksi tersebut
Revolusi Aksi kearah “World Class Country,People&Values”

Jangka Masa:
2 hari dari 9:00 pagi hingga 5:00 petang

Revolusi Aksi adalah tanggung jawab semua orang.Tanpa Aksi kita tidak akan berjaya dan tiada penyelesaian masaalah atau penambahbaikkan boleh dilaksanakan.Setiap projek yang diilhamkan oleh pihak pengurusan atau sesuatu kumpulan kerja perlu memberi peserta peserta mereka pendidikan dan latihan supaya berilmu dan berjaya melaksanakan tanggung jawab mereka.
Peserta peserta kursus boleh disertai oleh golongan pengurusan,penyelia,penyelidik,eksekutif,konsultan,pengetua,guru dan bagi mereka yang ingin melihat penambahbaikan berlaku di organisasi dan tempat kerja mereka.

Faedah faedah menyertai program ini
Setiap peserta akan berjaya mendapat faedah faedah tersebut dibawah ini:
• Memahami akan pentingnya Revolusi Mental dan Revolusi Aksi
• Memahami akan Formula Putaran Revolusi Aksi
• Memahami dan mengapplikasikan Formula 4E X (4×7)F
• Mengenal pasti segala projek Revolusi Aksi di organisasi dan tempat kerja mereka
• Mendapat hasil dan membuat penambahbaikan ditempat kerja mereka.

Pengamal Pengamal Revolusi Aksi
Dengan pemahaman dan kesedaran akan pentingnya Revolusi Aksi ini,maka Gerakan (Komuniti) Revolusi Aksi akan berjaya diwujudkan dengan banyaknya projek berjaya dilaksanakan hingga mencapai hasil yang membanggakan serta membina tenaga kerja yang bersedia beraksi untuk kecemerlangan.

Ketua Fasilitator
Encik Ramli Abu Hassan yang juga menjadi Pengasas Revolusi Aksi ini.Panel Konsultan dari RAHTC akan juga di jemput mengendalikan kursus jika perlu.
Sila lihat biodata Encik Ramli seperti dalam lampiran.

Methodologi Program:
Kursus dikendalikan dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan Inggeris (jika perlu.)Ceramah,Kajian Kes,Bengkel dengan latihan secara individu dan kumpulan,tayangan video juga disediakan.Manual Latihan akan merujuk kepada buku Revolusi Aksi dan lampiran lampiran yang disediakan.

Kandungan Kursus (Program):

Hari Pertama:9:00 pagi hingga 5:00 petang

9.00 – 9.30 Pengenalan Fasilitator dan Peserta Kursus
Latar Belakang dan Objektif Kursus
9.30 – 10.30 Sejarah Revolusi Mental di Malaysia
Apa itu Revolusi Aksi ?

10.30 – 10.50 Minum Pagi

10.50 – 12.00 Formula Putaran Revolusi Aksi – 4Ex(4×7)F

Latihan 1: Komponen Pertama –Pemikiran dan 7 Faktor Utamanya.
Persembahan Kumpulan
12.00 – 1.00 Formula Putaran Revolusi Aksi – 4Ex(4×7)F
Latihan 2: Komponen Kedua –Tindakan dan 7 Faktor Utamanya
Persembahan Kumpulan
1.00 – 2.00 Makan Tengahhari

2.00 – 3.15 Formula Putaran Revolusi Aksi – 4Ex(4×7)F
Latihan 3: Komponen Ketiga-Pengukuran dan 7 Faktor Utamanya.
Persembahan Kumpulan

3.15 – 3.45 Minum Petang

3.45 – 5.00 Formula Putaran Revolusi Aksi – 4Ex(4×7)F
Latihan 4: Komponen Keempat-Disiplin dan 7 Faktor Utamanya.
Persembahan Kumpulan

Hari Kedua 9:00 pagi hingga 5:00 petang

9.00 – 9.30 Rumusan Hari Pertama
9.30 – 10.30 Mengenal Projek Revolusi Aksi Yang Telah Berjaya di Laksanakan.
Amalan Terbaik (Best Practices) yang dikenalpasti ?

10.30 – 10.50 Minum Pagi

10.50 – 12.00 Malaysia ketahap “World Class-Country,People and Values”-Apa yang perlu di aksikan ?

12.00 – 1.00 Mengenal Pasti Projek Revolusi Aksi Anda ?
Latihan 5: Apakah tema,tajuk dan perancangan projek anda ?

1.00 – 2.00 Makan Tengahhari

2.00 – 3.15 Persembahan Kumpulan dari Latihan ke-5.

3.15 – 3.45 Minum Petang

3.45 – 4.45 Rumusan Kursus untuk Hari Pertama dan Hari Kedua.
Sesi Soal Jawab bersama peserta kursus.
Mengisi borang penilaian kursus

4.45 – 5.00 Penyampaian Sijil kepada semua peserta kursus yang berjaya.
Sesi Bergambar (untuk semua peserta kursus)
Tamat Kursus dan Semoga Berjumpa Lagi.
Selamat Beraksi Selalu !



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AS informed before when comes May 13th,its time for us to review all the CROOKS and their bad hearted and mindset to cheat innocent people especially their money,time and trust!

The ongoing 3AIG and GPLF stories of Conmen and Crooks where many thousands of Malays especially have been cheated and conned is a SAD Story.


They have been promised of good returns on investment (ROI) for their investments in the earlier HIBAH,3AIG and later GPLF Schemes BUT nothing have been achieved or NO Money received so far at all.If you read Ramli earlier postings on this same subject on 13thMay,2013 there were millions of RM invested and almost over 40,000 people are effected by these schemes and looks like SCAMS….

Ramli have been contacted by the Raub Police to help in their investigation of the GPLF Resort in Raub which happen to have Tuan Hj Anuar Abdul Aziz (now Dato Seri) as one of the Main Owner.They want Ramli together with his MEMBERS to officially make a POLICE REPORT and informed all the details of what happened in the Hibah,3AIG and GPLF Schemes.

Ramli have prepared the DRAFT but just did not send yet the Report to the nearby Police Station Shah Alam.

So many of Ramli Members have also meninggal dunia (died) and it is so sad that they do not see or realized their ROI.

Ramli feel so responsible to GET The TRUTH and JUSTICE DONE to this Episodes of Innocent People being cheated by these 3AIG and GPLF Crooks.These Crooks are still continuing their bad works and many more innocent people who invested get cheated and no ROI.

Its time to get all these CROOKS to STOP all thesse bad habits,scams and cheating and return back all the money that people have invested and trusted them with.YES Return back all their money even though they may not receive any dividends or profits…..

Ramli hoped these actions will be made by Y.Bhg Dato Seri Hj Anuar Abdul Aziz and his TEAM immediately and without any more delay or frustrations what more cheatings and tipu…..

Allah SWT Knoweth’s All and only ALLAH SWT will reward and punish for those that are doing right and wrong.

Contact Ramli at HP:+6019-2537165 or email: for any comments,sugestions and enquries….


Teamworking is different from team-building. It measures the degree to which teams are the building block of the organisation, where teams have full responsibility for an entire product or service.


1 People think of themselves as just doing a job, not in a team.
Co-operation between work-groups is patchy; there is rivalry and
points-scoring between teams.
Workers don’t act as a team with management – it’s difficult to
make changes without suspicion or opposition.

Staff generally co-operate with changes the company wants to make.
Work-groups have specific measurable team objectives.
Staff know who their customers are, external and internal.
They look like a team, help each other to get the job done.

3 Work groups meet as a team daily, or at least monthly.
Team members and team leaders all have clear roles.
They make specific performance contracts with customers.
They display performance data publicly in their team area.
Staff are multi-skilled and can cover a variety of jobs.

4 Teams are organised around processes or products.
Teams set their own objectives, manage their own budgets, resolve problems and make innovations.
Cross-disciplined project teams used to tackle big issues.

5 Teams exist everywhere, and have become a way of life.
Self-directed teams are set up and working effectively.
The versatility in teams means they cope with change well.
Teams celebrate achievements and expect success.






Seven New Management and Planning Tools
In 1976, the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) saw the need for tools to promote innovation, communicate information and successfully plan major projects. A team researched and developed the seven new quality control tools, often called the seven management and planning (MP) tools, or simply the seven management tools. Not all the tools were new, but their collection and promotion were.
The seven MP tools, listed in an order that moves from abstract analysis to detailed planning, are:
1. Affinity Diagram: organizes a large number of ideas into their natural relationships.

2. Relations Diagram: shows cause-and-effect relationships and helps you analyze the natural links between different aspects of a complex situation.

3. Tree Diagram: breaks down broad categories into finer and finer levels of detail, helping you move your thinking step by step from generalities to specifics.

4. Matrix Diagram: shows the relationship between two, three or four groups of information and can give information about the relationship, such as its strength, the roles played by various individuals, or measurements.

5. Matrix Data Aanalysis: a complex mathematical technique for analyzing matrices, often replaced in this list by the similar prioritization matrix. One of the most rigorous, careful and time-consuming of decision-making tools, a prioritization matrix is an L-shaped matrix that uses pairwise comparisons of a list of options to a set of criteria in order to choose the best option(s).

6. Arrow Diagram: shows the required order of tasks in a project or process, the best schedule for the entire project, and potential scheduling and resource problems and their solutions.

7. Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC): systematically identifies what might go wrong in a plan under development.
Excerpted from Nancy R. Tague’s The Quality Toolbox, Second Edition, ASQ Quality Press, 2004.

Books We Really Recommend by Good People Management (Company founded by David Drennan in 1986.)
The books listed here are full of great ideas and advice, and are likely to have a major impact on anybody who reads them. They are all classics in their field. Some were first published years ago, but are well worth searching out. They have the power to seriously change your thinking.
Moments of Truth Jan Carlzon

Fascinating story of how inspired leadership can galvanize a whole company into producing exceptional, competition-beating results.

Quality Is Free Philip B Crosby

Crosby demonstrates how delivering consistent good quality, far from adding cost, actually saves money. How to get things ‘Right First Time’ and achieve zero defects. Full of practical advice.

The Deming Management Method Mary Walton with J Edwards Deming

Deming is the man credited with teaching the Japanese after World War II how to produce quality products which would beat the world. Discover here what he told them.

Up The Organization Robert Townsend

Humorous but wise book on how to run corporations. Punchy, bullet-point stuff you will enjoy reading – and putting into practice.

The Effective Executive Peter Drucker

The ultimate management guru lays out his views about how to use your management time to get the right things done.

Made In America Sam Walton

An insight into how the down-home philosophy of Sam Walton laid the foundations for Wal-Mart, now the biggest corporation in the world.

In Search of Excellence Tom Peters and Robert Waterman

First published back in 1982, this book still has a multitude of lessons and practical examples useful to any practising manager today.

A Passion For Excellence Tom Peters and Nancy Austin

400 pages of practical stuff any manager can use. We defy any manager not to find here ideas he or she can use immediately in their job.

The Frontiers of Excellence Robert Waterman

Looks in depth at several excellent companies to identify the ideas and practices that took them to world class standards of performance.

The IBM Way Buck Rogers

Top IBM marketing executive for more than 10 years reveals the secrets that have made IBM the most consistently successful company on the planet.

Work and The Nature of Man Frederick Herzberg

This is a classic piece of practical research into what really motivates people at work. Its key insights will undoubtedly influence how you manage.

The Richer Way Julian Richer

Originally inspired by In Search of Excellence, Richer describes the practical techniques he uses to get every employee in his company delivering exceptional service to their customers.

Kaizen – The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success Masaaki Imai

Continuous improvement has helped Japanese companies turn out products of world-beating quality and reliability. Maasaaki Imai tells you how it was – and is – done.

The Toyota Production System Taiichi Ohno

For those in manufacturing companies this is absolutely essential reading. By the man who was the originator of their much-admired system right from the beginning.

Key Strategies For Plant Improvement Shigeo Shingo

Part of the Toyota story, his publisher says : “If I could give a Nobel prize for exceptional contributions to world economy, prosperity, and productivity, I wouldn’t have much difficulty selecting the winner – it is Shigeo Shingo.”

Transforming Company Culture David Drennan

This is a book that makes the whole business of culture change practical and understandable. Written for practising managers who need to make change happen, it is a book about what to do and how to do it.

The 12 Ladders to World Class Performance David Drennan

Using twelve key benchmarks of world class practice, this book shows you how you can, step by step, steadily ascend the ladders to world class standards of performance.

How To Win Friends and Influence People Dale Carnegie

Written many years ago now, but full of fundamental truths that will influence your business and personal relationships for the rest of your life.

Psycho-Cybernetics Maxwell Maltz

A quirky title, but invaluable for demonstrating the importance of your self-image in determining your behaviour and ultimately your success in life.

Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill

Hill was sent by one of the first American multi-millionaires to visit other millionaires to find out their secrets of success. Fascinating stuff.