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Biography of Ramli Abu Hassan

Ramli Abu Hassan is an author, trainer, consultant,speaker and promoter.He is Founder and Managing Director of Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd.or DPS, a Malaysian locally incorporated company since 25th June,1996.DPS have been mainly involved in the business of Training&Consulting,Professional Sports Promotion and Marketing of Malaysian made products both domestically and overseas.In the Training&Consulting business,DPS helps organizations both in the private and government sectors build world-class talent through unleashing their hidden talents as well as making continual improvements in their work areas, leadership and personal performances plus increase in their               knowledge of quality,productivity,team building and team working like Quality Control Circle / Innovative & Creative Circle (QCC@ICC) / Kumpulan Inovatif & Kreatif (KIK) for the Government Sector  and Managers’ Quality Team (MQT) /Quality Improvement Team (QIT.)

Recently on 19th June,2012 Ramli have restructured his business and established Ramli Abu Hassan Training & Consultancy (RAHTC) to be better focused and concentrate all Training & Consultancy businesses under RAHTC.


He is the author of the book “Revolusi Aksi” or Action Revolution published on 24th March,2006 plus hundreds of articles on quality and productivity improvements,sports management and promotions,human capital, leadership and general subjects like hobbies and travels. He has now,his own websites that feature  his thoughts,events and happenings.Go to Ramli’s Blog at and related sites including at . Ramli’s Profile can be viewed at Contact Ramli at mobile:+6019-2537165/60355450975 and email:


He works with organizations to establish World Class Performance in their business and satisfaction of customers ,designing and establishing corporate universities (your in-house university or learning centres)as well as all aspects of Quality and Productivity Improvements. Ramli has been in collaboration with Global & Local Experts on subjects like World Class Performance,Corporate Universities,Quality Management Systems like ISO9001:2008,EMS,5S Good Housekeeping,PM’s Hibiscus Awards,OSHA,Quality,Productivity and Sustainable Development Initiatives including Environment plus his other areas of Professional Sports Promotion and Management.


He is an active member of the Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry(MICCI),Business Council for Sustainable Development of Malaysia (BCSDM),American Society for Quality (ASQ),Institute of Quality Malaysia (IQM) as well as the Malaysian Representative for World Boxing Council and World Boxing Council for MuayThai.Ramli also have good collaboration with many major sports organizations both in Malaysia and Overseas like PESAKA,MABF,KBC,IBF,UBO,IBA and others.


In his past corporate working experience from 1976 to 1996,he was the Head of Total Quality Management Secretariat at Perwira Affin Bank Berhad (now known as Affin Bank Berhad) as well as an Executive at Matsushita Electronic Components (M) Sdn.Bhd.


Ramli graduated with a Diploma in Public Aministration at Universiti Teknologi MARA in 1981 and completed his MBA(TQM) with Newport University in 1996.


Total Quality Management or TQM in short have become so popular eversince the American Corporate Sector started to ask themselves “If Japan Can,Why NOT USA?”

Quality Gurus like Dr.Juran,Dr.Deming and Dr.Crosby have travelled around the world teaching Top Mgmt about Quality,her components,her best practices,case studies and how best to implement TQM in their organisations right first time!

Japan after the World War 2 have started to revive their country especially on building up the economy and more specifically their shattered and battered companies to become better and producing products loved by all customers domestically and overseas.So with the teachings of Dr.Juran and especially Dr.Deming,Japanese CEOs and support from organisations like JUSE and others have allowed the importance of Quality to be made known clearly not just to Top Bosses but to everyone right up to shopfloor workers.The concept of Company Wide QC or TQC and introduction of Quality Control Circles in 1962 have allowed Quality to flowrish and grow tremendously where now excellent products and services are made and produced continually.Japanese products are sought after and with High Quality,Economical Prices and Sustainable Quality Assurances,Japan reap the harvest of their hard work,long term investment in making quality important and also building Quality People to help build a Greater Japan and become one of the dominant force of the World’s Economic Super Powers.

So,TQM as a Business Philosophy can WORK well if only Top Mgmt are committed,involved and support it all the time.Any lukewarm response or half hearted way of doing TQM will doomed to failure an never can reap the harvest of good quality!

When Ramli was Head of TQM at Affin Bank the struture have been Top Mgmt involvement,application of Tools&Techniques and also Teamwork for Excellence among the components of success.Teams are everywhere where we have Managers Quality Teams and Work Improvement Teams established.Projects by projects approach to making sure Control and Improvemenst are made are the Norm in the Bank and every year the bank realized tangible and intangible savings and gains as reported by all the teams involved.

Quality was planned and hopefully become a Culture in the Bank.Customers are highly valued and always given preference.TQM really brought many benefits and help build the People to become Quality People and build a Quality Bank.

However like all projects or implementations we need Consistency and Continuity.So when the No.1 or No.2 Boss do not show full commitment and dedication to TQM then many things failed and worst of all TQM become less important and never seen as the Driver of the Bank’s Engine of Growth or Profit Centres.Thats the beginning of the downfall of Quality and now other so called Fads come to play and getting more importance.

Actually many of the World’s CEOs or Bosses never really learned about TQM that well just a kind of minimal learning and not really a Top Priority matter like bottom line or shareholders’ satisfaction kind of work.TQM have so many things to offer to Company’s Growth and People Talent Building and many so called New Gurus have made shortcuts of senseless innovations like 6 Sigma,Business Reengeneering,Balances Score Card,Blue Ocean Strategy and ignore the real teachings of the Gurus like Juran,Deming,Crosby,Ishikawa,Imai and many others but introduced new ways which actually are the original ways made more exciting and wow factor where finally the outcomes are not sustainable,long lasting,give real impacts and help build the People skills,knowledge and behaviours.

So when TQM take many shortcuts surely results will also shortfalls and never give the real impacts and defect free results like nowadays millions of cars in the market being recalled is deemed common not like before a major catastrophy or worst kind of problem to the company.So when you recalled your products from the market place surely millions of USD or Yen will be incurred as external failure costs and effect your company’s bottom line or profits.The recent jetliners grounding due to suspected battery failures also a major market problems that can effect millions of USD to the companies concerned.

Maybe its good for Top Mgmtm or NO.1 Bosses to RELOOK,RESTUDY,REEVALUATE how TQM as a Business Philosophy can help solve problems now happening in many corporations and learn all the godo teachings of Gurus like Dr.Juran,Dr.Deming,Dr.Crosby and many other Quality Gurus who really have done so much to make sure our lives are safeguarded,products are of high quality and economical prices well affordable by all.

Working on project by project approaches is also one of the best ways to get things done and processes become better control and numerous new breakthroughs (improvements) can be realized always.

If you need assistance to MAKE QUALITY IMPORTANT IN YOUR COMPANY AND PEOPLE,invite Ramli at hp:+60192537165 or email: to seek ways to understand your current performance and how’s best to do projects to move on to greater progress in many areas or importance for your companies.



When Ramli was working in Matsushita Malaysia from 1976 to 1993 in the production,human resource and quality departments,he experienced and learn about the importance of MBWA practiced by the Japanese MD and also visiting Matsushita Overseas Bosses.

We at home based will prepare the Boss schedule for his MBWA when any of the BIg Bosses visit our factory premises and as always this MBWA will be accompanied by all the Top Mgmt and all dept/unit heads in case of any questions or doubts by the Big Boss.This MBWA will be done and recorded by the Secretariat usually my Quality Dept since many of this MBWA are of quality nature and importance.

Products and important improvement matters will also be showcased and displayed along the walkways so that the Big Boss can view and give his personal feedback and recommendations.This is also the good time to try to tell the Big Boss and the manyb other smaller bosses about your achievements and maybe some rewards or sppreciation to your team for a job well done!

MBWA is not a common practise in the govt sector and also private sector since maybe they do not see the important significance,yet!

What can you gained from this MBWA?

Based on Ramli’s findings:

  • Top Mgmt can see with their “own eyes” whats the real status of their shopfloor both in production and admin areas.
  • There will be good communication and interactions with staff and bosses
  • Now,every knows who are the people managing both at the shop floor and high offices -some staff dont know how the bosses or MD looks like?
  • Top Mgmt can quickly do a check as to the status of quality,cleanliness,productivity,morale,standardisation,participation and many others when they view the processes and ask questions to the people in the processes
  • and so many others

Why Malaysian Bosses like to do Management by Flying Around?

  • Great way to see other far away places other than their own processes
  • Let their processes be managed by their lower mgmt and they the top mgmt can do a benchmarking process with other outside organisation
  • They think learning from others is better than learning from their own processes
  • and many other sensible and nonsensible reasons?

So,its timely now that MBWA be made known and understand the great importance of it by all Top Mgmt especially the No.1 Boss and how they can learn it well,its significance and good practices that have helped many great companies like Matsushita,FedEx,GE,Apple Inc and many others to become a Great Company that make consistent high profits,Happy Workforce,Satisfied Customers and most important managing and leading the Right Way!

For more and training on this subject of MBWA,please contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or email:


Ref: Ramli’s Photo Library.

Interested to Build Quality People to Build Quality Company,contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 or emailed at :

When Ramli Abu Hassan was working with Matsushita Malaysia (now known as Panasonic Malaysia) and Perwira Affin Bank (now known as Affin Bank Berhad) Ramli was incharge of the many team based projects like QCC@WIT@ICC and MQT.

These team based activities all focused on solving problems in the company as well as improving the current performance to a “breakthrough” performance.

The Quality Control Circles or QCC (now branded as ICC) and Work Improvement Teams (WITs) as they are more commonly known in Affin Bank plus Managers Quality Teams (MQTs) all are focussed to solve problems and make many breakthroughs in a stipulated time frame with the participation of all workers or staff from the same work place with exception of the MQT which are comprised of cross functional team members of the Executive above levels right up to Managers and normally the Division Manager is the Mentor of the Team.In this way like in Perwira Affin Bank when Ramli was the TQM Secretariat Manager,we make sure all levels of Management and Staff are involved in team based projects.

A Project in Dr.Juran’s terms is a “problem due for solution” so we need many projects to help our company prosper and make breakthroughs of results.A project need a Team and teams like QCC,ICC,WIT and MQT can assist very much to take this responsibility.

In a company the COPQ (cost of poor quality) if calculated well can be as much as 20% of the Company Revenues or Sales so that means  we wasted almost 20% of our hard work to making defects along the way from input to output of our products or services.When we study COPQ,we will realized that defects can occur due to many causes and mainly its human factors!So,if we mean business we must practice ZERO DEFECT in our work.Some companies are happy at SIX SIGMA levels of performance meaning a tolerance of 3 defects in a 1 million of outputs.

However if you are in the airline business we cannot accept 6 sigma levels because if possible we want 100% aircraft flying safely performance and no air crashes like 3 aircrashes in 1 million flights!Even in the hospitals we want safe operations to all heart surgeries with zero fatility or death!

Project by Project approach is the BEST way a company can pursue to ensure your people make problem solving and improvement projects all the time.They must work on all matters of Q-C-D-S-M-E.

For more on team based activities like QCC@ICC@WIT and MQT,please contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed:

Ramli being an experienced TQM Manager and World Class Performance Trainer/Consultant can assist you on this Journey of Excellence making sure you have Quality People to Build a Quality Organisation or Company.


some photos to remember on Ramli’s Musical Journey (so far…)

contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 or

Here are some sites for you to see and understand whats happening with Rest of the World and Malaysia’s QCC@ICC and KIK.

C:\Users\ramli\Desktop\all abt kik@icc\konvensyen kik kebangsaan 2011 – Google Search.htm

Since 1984,when Malaysia started her QCC Movement there was only a handful teams registered with the QCC Secretariat (administered by NPC (now known as MPC) and INTAN).In the first year of Malaysia’s QCC Establishment as Ramli can recalled the 1st QCC Convention was participated both by the Govt Sector and Private Sector.In the following year the Govt Sector decided to hold their separate QCC Convention and NPC was given the responsibility to promote and administer the Malaysian Private Sector QCC Convention till today (2012)

The Govt Sector later renamed or rebrand their KMK to be known now as KIK and NPC also rebrand their QCC to be known as ICC.

With the steady growth and increasing popularity and acceptance of these QCC@ICC and KMK@KIK activities,many govt depts,agencies,ministries and also private sectors have all tried to implement and get the benefits of these teambased activities and projects implementation.

Studying back the actual philosophy of QCC since was initiated in Japan in 1962,the Father of QCC,Prof.Kaoru Ishikawa stated in the QC Koryo Book that QCC is a small group activity in the workplace participated by all workers to help solve problems in their workplace using QC Tools & Techniques in a desired time frame agreed by all.

QCC when carefully studied,practise and continual improvement will enable to help unleashed the hidden talents of the members to infinite possibilities and will be good for the personal development,mutual development and organisation development to take place.QCC is a tool of management and properly applied will help make the company and employees better.

Malaysia is now in the 28th year of QCC@ICC and KIK@KMK existence since 1984 till now (2012).Many great changes have happened as Ramli analysed and some of the recent ones are “shocking”,”disturbing” and “far from the original philosophy of QCC”.Why?

If we really study and understand the QC Koryo,QCC is basically established with the members in mind and how best to get team members to work together,unleashed their hidden talents and solve problems or make “breakthroughs” for their section or process or workplaces.

Nowadays,its more about results and results but the process of QCC is never highlighted or thought of deeply! Why?

Problems are plenty at the workplaces and yes nowadays the focus is no more on problem solving projects but “breakthrough” or “penambahbaikkan” projects.We must now move to improvement modes and no more problem solving BUT processes still have problems happenings?So,we still need to do problem solving before we can move on to “breakthrough” projects.

Today,Ramli was shocked to hear that the KIK Presentation time have been set at 10 minutes rather than the usual 30 minutes duration ( 5 mins preparation,20 mins actual speaking and 5 mins for Q&A)

How come they decided to set at 10 mins?If that the case maybe no need to come for KIK Conventions anymore just submit the KIK DVD to the Panel of Judges and wait for the evaluation by the Judges based on the Project submission via DVD.Good or Bad way?

Ramli personally think its good to give time to the KIK to present their QCC Story in the 30 mins duration and only The best TEAMs will be presenting or taking part in the Final KIK Convention.Like now only the Best 2 Teams ( one each from Mgmt and Technical Team) from each state in Malaysia are invited as Finalists in the National KIK Convention held annually.

MPC this year 2012 will organise the ICQCC 2012 for the second time in history being the first one organised by NPC in 1996 in Kuala Lumpur (Ramli presented a paper at this ICQCC 1996)To know more please visit for details.

Finally,lets hope ICC and KIK still lives on well in Malaysia and do not forget the original mission or philosophy of QCC established in 1962.QCC is all about people and talents and how’s best to unleash these talents to infinite possibilities for personal,mutual and organisation development.

To assist YOU on this QCC@ICC and KIK Journey,please contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 or email:

Ramli have been involved in great depth and experienced with QCC@ICC and KMK@KIK including MQT since 1980 till now.See Ramli’s achievements in his Profile at

Some memorable photos of Ramli’s GFs..Ramli decided to attach only 1 photo out of so many others (maybe its too personal-so just this group photo is good enough to describe Ramli’s Love Story…hahaha) Contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 or email:

Ramli Abu Hassan have worked with MATSUSHITA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (M) SDN.BHD. from 1976 to 1993.The 2 companies Ramli worked was MECOM and MEDEM.

Ramli have many Japanese Friends in Japan and Malaysia and many of them are MATSUSHITA Top Mgmt ,Managers and Workers.

Ramli & Family wished to send our sympathies to our Japanese Friends in particular and all Japanese people who have suffered the recent natural disasters of earthquake and tsunami that occured especially around North Eastern Japan region.

So many people lost their lives and homes and many more are being counted as a result of the search and rescue efforts going on till today…

Ramli pray to Allah SWT (God Almighty) for His Blessings and Mercy to all of us and May there be peace,harmony and prosperity for all.

Ramli can be contacted at mobile:+6-019-2537165 and email:

some photos of Ramli’s Friends in Japan and at MECOM & MEDEM: