Archive for the ‘KIK@KMK ICC@QCC MQT Teams’ Category

Ramli telah membuat analisanya akan amalan2 KIK yang baik dan tidak baik selama 30 tahun kewujudan KMK@KIK di Malaysia bermula tahun 1983 lagi.Antara amalan2 yang tidak baik KIK adalah seperti berikut:

1.KIK dibuat atau di laksanakan bukan secara berterusan tetapi hanya satu projek sahaja lepas itu terus “senyap” atau tidak wujud lagi.Ini sangat merugikan bukan kepada syarikat atau organisasi tetapi pada semua ahli2 KIK itu sendiri.Falsafah KIK atau QCC adalah projek yang berterusan selagi kita berada di tempat kerja tersebut.

2.KIK di laksanakan dengan penglibatan Ketua Kumpulan dan segelintir ahli KIK, yang lain hanya jadi “pemerhati” atau “passenger” tidak melibatkan diri secara menyeluruh dalam projek KIK.KIK perlu penglibatan oleh semua ahli2 nya barulah boleh berjaya

3.KIK perlu ada istiqamah dari segi mesyuarat kumpulan dan bukan hanya 3-4 mesyuarat untuk projek sepanjangnya.Banyak perkara atau resolusi perlu di buat jadi mesyuarat yang konsisten akan membantu KIK membuat perbincangan atau analisa projek yang lebih efektif dan berkesan.

4.KIK perlu mengapplikasikan Alat2 QC dengan betul dan menyeluruh bukan dengan banyaknya kerana setiap alat QC ada kepentingan dan relevannya,Seperti alat QC Rajah Tulang Ikan dengan Rajag Hubungkait.Gunakan alat2 QC dengan betul dan ikut keperluan.

5.Pihak Pengurusan perlu sokong projek KIK dan bukan memberi halangan2 yang hanya akan menyusahkan projek KIK di jalankan dengan lancar dan mengikut Rajah Batuan.

6.KIKI perlu sentiasa Study & Study pasal QC dan QCC.Hanya dengan ilmu yang baik dan mendalam baru konsep,matlamat dan projek KIK boleh di laksanakan dengan efektif dan capai sasaran.

7.Pihak Kerajaan Malaysia perlu menggalakkan projek KIK dalam tempuh masa 4 hinnga 6 bulan setiap projek dan bukan terlalu lama seperti 8 hingga 12 bulan setiap projek.

8.Semua KIK perlu ikut Kitaran PDCA dengan baik dan jelas untuk membuat projek KIK dengan baik dan teratur.

9.KIK perlu buat latihan yang rapi agar persembahan KIK akan lancar,teratur dan sedia di fahami pihak Pengurusan dan Hadirin.

10.Setiap projek KIK perlu di rekodkan,di seragamkan dan di beri anugerah atas usaha gigih dan baik dari setiap KIK yang terlibat.

11.dan banyak lagi…

Untuk membantu anda membuat projek KIK harap jemput Ramli untuk program Latihan,”Coaching” dan Klinik KIK bila perlu.Hubungi Ramli di hp:0192537165 / 0355450975 atau emel:

See the Training Proposal for Basic Level QCC/ICC/KIK Training from RAHTC.

Prices are negotiable based on your current budget and planning.

Title of Proposal:

QCC / ICC /KIK Training for Facilitators,Team Leaders and Team Members.(Basic Level Course-specially for new QCC/ICC/KIK and also those that have completed at least 1 (one) project.)


World Class Performance Measure for Teamwork:

“Teams (like QCC/ICC/KIK) Exist Everywhere and Have Become A Way Of Life.”

(A Level 5 Performance Measure based on Professor David Drennan’s Study & Book-The 12 Ladders to World Class Performance)

Encik Ramli Abu Hassan is Malaysia’s Representative for Prof.Drennan’s World Class Performance Study,Implementation and Audit.  Encik Ramli Abu Hassan is also the Pakar Rujuk for KMK/KIK for The Malaysian Government through INTAN.


Training Programme Rationale:

In this era of globalization and free trade,the world we live in is changing (really)fast with new structures,technologies,business processes,leadership styles,systems,standards,talent management and customer orientation.The need to develop and unleashed the human talent of organisations have become more important and urgent in order to survive in this great race for business supremacy in this 21st Century or also better known in the era of the Knowledge Economy (K-Economy.)


Quality Control Circles  or QCCs’ have been in existence since 1962 as was started in Japan and later gained popularity and acceptance in other parts of the world including Malaysia.QCC/ICC or KMK (Kumpulan Meningkat Mutu Kerja) as also known in the Malaysian government sectors have officially started in 1983.Currently (2013) the National Productivity Corporation (NPC) now known as Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC)as well as the Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN) will soon organised the 3oth KIK/ICC Convention respectively(Innovative and Creative Circles or ICC as now being known and promoted by MPC)Both MPC and Intan/JPA now help promote and organize ICC/KIK Conventions respectively for the Private Sectors as well as for the Government Sectors.


The QCC/ICC/KIK training programmes that will be provided for (name of Client) staff will definitely allow the development of their personal (self)development,mutual development among the team members as well as total organisation growth and prosperity.There are many competencies of the participants that will be addressed and will add value to their current performances especially in terms of skills,attributes and behaviours.




Programme Objectives: (will be finalized with Client)

At the end of this programme,participants should be able to:


1.Understand the true (real) meaning of the philosophy of QCC / ICC/KIK especially based on the Union Of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) QC Circle Koryo (General Principles of the QC Circle and Panduan from MAMPU as far as the KIK is concerned.)

2.For Facilitators-they should be able to train,facilitate and guide their QCC/ICC/KIK members in carrying our their QCC / ICC /KIK projects.

3.For Members-they should be able to understand and do their QCC/ICC/KIK projects in the stipulated time frame as well as producing the best results based on their Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle of Improvement.

4.As for the organisation,there will be many QCC / ICC/KIK projects successfully identified,implemented and produce many tangible and intangible benefits.


Programme Outline:

1.QCC / ICC/KIK Philosophy including History of QCC/ICC/KMK/KIK  in Malaysia.

2.The QCC/ICC/KIK Secretariat –Roles & Responsibilities

3.The Role of Facilitators,Team Leaders and Team Members

4.Quality Improvement Tools like Basic 7 QC Tools (Q7)& New Mgmt Tools (N7)

5.QCC / ICC/KIK Project based on the P-D-C-A Cycle

6.QCC / ICC/KIK Project Report & Presentation

7.QCC / ICC/KIK Presentation Judging Criteria.

8.How to maintain and improve further the QCC / ICC/KIK Teamwork and Projects.

Note: This Basic QCC/ICC/KIK Course will be conducted mainly in Bahasa Malaysia (for the benefit of the majority Malay speaking participants)with some English especially the Quality definitions and terminology.


Who Should Attend ?

Managers (New),Executives,Supervisors,Line Leaders,Workers who are working in a similar workplace in the same factory or business process.


Programme Duration:

Preferably 3 days for Facilitators and  3~4 days for Team Leaders and Team Members.


Concluding Session:

The Programme Organiser would draw out the highlights and key action points from the above training programme/s.The programme/s will end with conclusions,feedback and presentation of Certificates of Attendance.



The programme evaluation will be performed through the evaluation questionnaires which have been designed to collect participants ratings,comments and suggestions for future betterment.Evaluations and suggestions for improvement collected at the end of the training programme will be incorporated in the subsequent programme as part of a permanent review process.RAHTC also recommend a periodic “QCC/ICC/KIK Clinic Session with Team Facilitators and Leaders” as to understand their progress reports as well as problems and ideas of managing their QCC/ICCs’/KIK to the planned schedule and targeted results.New Teams are encouraged to complete their maiden project within 4~6 months tenure with at least 2 projects completed successfully in a calendar year.



Trainers (Facilitators) involved :

1.Encik Ramli Abu Hassan –RAHTC Principal Consultant,MIQM,MASQ

2.Selected RAHTC Panel of Consultants


3.RAHTC Assistants/Helpers.


Fees (Your Investment):

1.Professional fee will be RM4,500.00 per working day that includes professional fees for Encik Ramli and his Panel of Consultants and Helpers.Now HRDF allowable professional fees per day is RM5,000.00

2.Transport claims like travel by car or plane,tolls and parking fees will be charged to Client if training venue is outside of KlangValley area.

3.Accomodation in hotel and meals of the day must be provided by Client if training venue is outside of KlangValley area.

4.Others if deemed necessary (will be informed and confirmed by Client)

5.All payments to be made by cheque to “Ramli Abu Hassan Training & Consultancy” and made to the attention of Encik Ramli Abu Hassan – Principal Consultant of RAHTC.

Note:Please apply early to HRDC for your HRDF Claims under the SBL Scheme.

Banker: Alliance Bank

Branch:Seri Muda ,Shah Alam,Selangor Darul Ehsan

Name of Account: Ramli Abu Hassan Training & Consultancy

Account Number: 121270010044038


We at RAHTC sincerely hoped the above proposal will meet to your requirements and an early confirmation or meeting with you will be much appreciated.

Thank You.

Ramli Abu Hassan.

Principal Consultant



Greetings again for the coming XMas and New Year 2013! (only a few more days left…)

As all of us review our end of the year business performance as well as our own personal performance for 2012 we will come to reality as to the facts and datas of it all!Did we met our original targets or even our revised targets in consideration of the many world’s unexpected events or natural disasters as we never thought would happen when we did our 2012 Business Plan!

As they say it is not that easy to generate new sales as the market conditions and world global economy is really on an upheavel like EU Debt Crisis,Middle East Political Instability,China and India economic adjustments as to meet their ongoing “good run” as well as natural disasters that are happening everywhere.Maybe ASEAN performance looks encouraging with countries like Philippines and Indonesia moving Up and Up!

As for us at the company levels we may need to understand where our money really being spend on and are they giving us the profits as planned?So,Ramli in brief here would like to suggest that if sales are so difficult to make why not learn to do projects internally or at your many business processes to SAVE COSTS!

You can save costs by eliminating “stupid” or careless errors in your daily work as well making sure Top Mgmt are making all the right decisions and judgements plus investments!

Errors are created because you did not do your work right the first time and need revisions (some even 3-4 times) to finally get the job done right!

Why all these happenings?Mainly its People problems.They do not understand what is actually needed to be executed and done well.So there is a kind of trial and error thing where jobs are not done perfect at one go!Knowledge is key to all of People’s problems.How do we make sure our People are well trained and competent enough to do their work right the first time?Do we have excellent onboarding programmes or OTJ training and even good supervisory guidance esspecially to new recruits?

Next,do we have excellent teamworking established in our company especially at all the workplaces?Do we have Great Workplace Leaders and know their Main Roles&Responsibilities?

Ramli would like to propose as for 2013,there must be great changes in the way we Think,Do,Measure and Discipline our daily work,weeks,months and year.This is the Action Revolution (Revolusi Aksi) Cycle which Ramli have introduced in his book in March 2006.We need to think all ways of making improvements in areas of QCDSME and by following the 7 factors in each of these 4 important Elements (Phases) we can at least do some great work and produce great results that save money,generate profits and improve the performance of our people!

Ramli is a strong promoter and doer of all things about Quality,Productivity,Cost Savings,Safety,Morale Up and Environment Protector plus a host of other focus areas.

To do all these we need projects and as Dr.Juran once taught ” a Project is a Problem due for solution”

We need to do many projects around our many business processes and do that we need TEAMS in action!

Ramli have promoted,nutured,facilitated,trained and evaluated TEAMS in action like QCC,WIT,KMK,KIK,MQT and of other names from start to end and from their results or outputs they really have shown great results from the innovations and creativity plus excellent teamwork.Only with Teams can we realistically eliminate or reduce the Company’s Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) due to errors of all kinds!By projects we can slowly but surely reduce all these wastages and loss of money by all the Control and Improvement activities we do.We can establish our poke yoke system (fool proof) where such stupid errors will not happen again and the company can save loss of money and help the budget work rightly as planned.Studies shown that we at times can waste about 20 to 30% of our sales turnover due to COPQ factors!

So,if the Malaysian Govt have now a work force of 1,400,000 people then we can establish about 140,000 KIKs in all the Govt Ministries,Agencies,Departments etc..with about 4 to 10 members per KIK then just imagine the 140,000 projects can be done every cycle (best is 4 to 6 months period per KIK project cycle).If each KIK can help save RM1,000 per project then with 140,000 projects completed on time and in full,the Malaysian Govt can help save or record a saving of RM140,000,000 every KIK Cycle!Wonderful!

Sadly this push or drive for more KIK are not done or not forcefully made even though KIK have been introduced almost 30 years already since 1983 in Malaysia.Japan introduced QCC in 1962!

So,we need continual study and knowledge about QCC@KIK in all our Malaysian Workforce to make Malaysia relevant as a growing and developed nation of High Achievers and High Income Nation with a target per capita income of USD15,000 in 2020!Can we do that?Easily we can if we can establish this 140,000 KIKs in the Malaysian Civil Service.

So,we need PROJECTS in our workplaces and that also applies to the Private Sectors and GLCs.

We need REVOLUSI AKSI and Competent Workforce with Dynamic Leaders and Capable Managers!We need CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT with Control and Breakthrough Projects all the time year around!

So,2013 is a great year to get all these done and make a great difference in the RESULTS  as far as your PROFITS,PEOPLE,BRAND,MARKETS AND ALL THINGS GREAT by end of 2013!

Do contact Ramli Abu Hassan at mobile:+60192537165 / +60355450975 or email:

There is no failure in life except the failure to participate!

Happy New Year 2013!

Teamwork is the best way to get your people involved in helping saved millions or hundred thousands of RM via projects based.

You can initiate projects to improve Quality,Reduced Costs or Wastages,Improved Delivery System,Have safety measures,Improved Morale of your people,established clean or good environment and many other focus areas for your projects!

Only by focussing on subjects like QCDSME can we seriously helped saved Millions of RM for our company or Jabatan….

Contact Ramli now on how to get all these done rightly,zero defects and give total satisfaction to our customers and stakeholders concerned.

Ramli hp:+60192537165 or emailed:

Anda nak jadi KIK yang terbaik?

Jawab soalan2 ini dahulu?

1.Ada kah Pengarah Urusan atau Ketua Pengarah anda suka atau sokong aktiviti2 KIK?

2.Adakah KIK di organisasi anda untuk membuat persembahan atau konvensyen je atau berterusan setiap tahun?

3.KIK anda di sertai oleh pihak sokongan atau bawahan atau juga dari pihak pengurusan?

4.Adakah latihan dan konsultansi di beri oleh pihak Pengurusan?

5.Adakah semua yang terlibat dalam KIK di hargai oleh Majikan?

6.dan banyak lagi..Tanya lah Ramli-Pakar KIK dan QCC@ICC….


To make good sales nowadays is so difficult when the world’s economy and corporate performance look bad and poor recovery.There is so much negative indications as to positive growth around the world.If companies dont act quickly and wisely they soon will faced poor performance and have negative growths and worst lose money and may even be wiped out of the corporate map!

What to do now?

usually its best to start a cost savings project by eliminating wastages or errors.The more errors we make the more we lose and not good for our business performance.Dr.Philip Crosby and Dr.JM Juran,both Gurus of Quality once stated that the Cost of Poor Quality(COPQ)can be like 20% of our Sales Volume.The bigger your company the more COPQ in amount of USD or Ringgit will be felt.How to reduce COPQ?

Only by project by project approaches will be best applied to help eliminate wastes and improve business performance.People are encouraged to work my teams approach and by identifying cost savings projects can a company hope for reduction of COPQ and improve performance in areas of Q,C,D,S,M,E and others.

Like in the Malaysian Civil Service with a working population of 1.4 million strong and if they create teams like KIK or QCC then 1.4 million people can form almost 140,000 teams (10 members per team).With 140,000 teams or KIK registered,WOW the number of projects can easily saved millions or billions of Ringgit per year.Its all about commitment,passion for excellence and focus on the mission to make Malaysian Civil Service the best in the world!

How to do it?

Contact Ramli Abu Hassan Training & Consultancy now for advice and training & consulting support.

Call Ramli at mobile:+6-019-2537165 or email:

Ramli who have been involved in the areas of consulting,training and writing on subjects like Project Teams (QCC,ICC,KIK,MQT,QIT,WIT.TCS) have realized many years ago on the importance to UNLEASH THE HIDDEN POTENTIAL OF HUMAN CAPITAL through the active participation and completion of their inhouse project/s where teams are established with Management support and cooperation and these teams will embarked on their projects with a duration of 4-6 months tenure and they will have a mission to:

  • improve their current performance to a higher level in areas of quality improvement,productivity gains,cost reductions,waste eliminations,safety improvements,enhanced morale in workplace and also areas of better and cleaner environment.
  • work as a team and apply quality tools or teachniques to make improvements at their workplace or at times work cross functionally with other teams
  • record all their progress and report their findings and results to management for approval and institutionalisation
  • and many more

While the 1.4 Million strong Malaysian Civil Servants are now enjoying their new pay scheme and see their monthly salary increases they too have an important duty to the nation and the Rakyat.They can ensure their commitment to continual excellent service,integrity,honesty at work,responsible at all times and always seeking for ways to improve their performance.One of the best ways is in the active participation of Project Teams like Kumpulan Inovatif & Kreatif or KIK.

KIK will be the best vehicle to allow active participation of all govt employees and being 1.4Million  people they can form almost 140,000 KIKs around the country in the over 35 Ministries concerned.KIK is best to have about 4 to 10 persons in a team.

So,with 140,000 KIKs (a 100% participation achievement) the Malaysian Civil Servants can do so many projects and that means:

  • 140,000 projects of problem solving or Breakthrough results can be realized by the Govt
  • if 140,000 projects succeessfully completed will helped saved about RM 1,000 per project per KIK that  means RM 140,000,000 (yes RM140 Million) is saved per KIK calender (about 4-6 mths tenure).Imagine the IMPACT to the Ministries and Nation?
  • 1.4 Million people will now gained new knowledge,better teamwork,cooperation,expert in their work and many other tangible and intangible benefits

So,the DRIVE FOR REAL TRANSFORMATION in the Malaysian Civil Service is to really promote,register and ensure the 1.4 million malaysian civil servants are participating in this KIK and ensure all their projects are completed as scheduled in their PDCA Cycle and meet or exceed their targets of improvement or problem solving.

Can they do that?They must since they have received salary increases and better perks and its fair that they too become more productive,better quality and do all their KIK projects with great success,determination,teamwork and service to the Rakyat and Nation.As almost 90% of Malaysian Civil Servants are Malays and Muslims they too have a duty to serve Islam and Allah SWT.

Please contact Ramli Abu Hassan at hp:+6-019-2537165 or email: for assistance.

Ramli yang telah begitu lama menyertai,memimpin dan berjuang dalam Dunia QCC (sejak tahun 1976 hingga sekarang ) dan di Malaysia QCC(nama asalnya sejak 1962)  telah diinovasikan di Malaysia dengan jenama barunya KMK@KIK serta QCC@ICC.

Dunia QCC atau KMK@KIK serta ICC telah banyak menyumbangkan perubahan atau pembangunan dari aspek individu (personal development),pembangunan bersama (mutual development) dan pembangunan organisasi (organisational development).

Penyertaan pekerja2 serta pihak pengurusan juga telah membantu membawa banyak faedah ketara dan tidak ketara pada organisasi khususnya.QCC telah banyak menghasilkan perubahan dan menyelesaikan masalah serta pembuat peningkatan kerja dari “breakthrough” projek2 mereka yang di persembahkan dalam setiap konvensyen serta penjelasan dari laporan2 kertas projek QCC mereka.

Pada ulang tahun KIK Sektor Kerajaan Malaysia yang ke-29 ini pada 2012 Ramli telah di beritahu akan perubahan2 drastik yang di buat oleh pihak pengurusan KIK sendiri (iaitu INTAN) akan objektif2nya serta kriteria2 penilaian KIK itu sendiri.

Adakah perubahan2 ini (yang telah diinovasikan) akan menjadi baik kepada tahap mutu KIK itu sendiri serta membantu pembangunan KIK seluruhnya di agensi2 dan kementerian2 di kerajaan Malaysia?

Apakah yang sepatut perubahan2 ini hasilkan?

  • Prestasi KIK akan menjadi lebih berkesan,bermutu tinggi dan membawa banyak manfaat kepada sektor awam
  • Lebih banyak KIK di tubuhkan di agensi2 serta kementerian2
  • Lebih kekal penyertaan ahli2 KIK dan bukan membuat projek KIK sekali sehaja!
  • Jika di ukur lebih tinggi ratio penyertaan staf2 setiap musim KIK mungkin dari ratio 30% ke 60% dan setrusnya hingga 100% penyertaan setiap staf dalam aktiviti KIK Jabatan,Agensi atau Kementerian?
  • Pemahaman ahli2 KIK akan kegunaan alat alat QC dengan lebih baik dan mendalam
  • Skim penilaian KIK menjadi lebih berkesan dan efektif kepada pembangunan KIK dan senang di fahami dan dituruti
  • KIK melaksanakan aktiviti KIK mereka dengan sekurang2nya 2 projek setahun dari 1 projek setahun sekarang ini.
  • skim anugerah dan “recoqnition” KIK menjadi lebih baik dan efektif untuk mengenang jasa sumbangan KIK kepada Kerajaan
  • dan banyak lagi….

Sila lihat apakah perubahan2 yang berlaku sekarang (untuk tahun 2012) kepada KIK (dari penjelasan pihak INTAN)


-Tahun ini adalah tahun pertama KIK peringkat Kebangsaan melibatkan Kementerian dalam kategori Kementerian.

-Jabatan-jabatan di bawah Kementerian bertanding dalam kategori Kementerian.

-Terdapat pemisahan di antara State dan Kementerian dibuat.

-Hanya jabatan yang berstatus negeri sahaja boleh mewakili negeri.
e.g:  Jabatan Pendaftaran Negeri, Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia dan
Jabatan Persekutuan yang lain.

-Walau bagaimanapun jabatan persekutuan yang beroperasi di
negeri dan mempunyai dua (2) ‘kerakyatan” iaitu negeri dan persekutuan
seperti JKR, JPS dan lain-lain, jabatan berkenaan boleh mengadakan
perbincangan dengan negeri bagi menentukan jabatan tersebut akan
bertanding mewakili negeri atau kementerian.

-Jabatan Persekutuan di negeri mewakili Kementerian.

-Tahun ini adalah tahun pertama KIK peringkat Kebangsaan melibatkan Kementerian dalam kategori Kementerian.

-Jabatan-jabatan di bawah Kementerian bertanding dalam kategori Kementerian.

-Terdapat pemisahan di antara State dan Kementerian dibuat.

-Hanya jabatan yang berstatus negeri sahaja boleh mewakili negeri.
e.g:  Jabatan Pendaftaran Negeri, Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia dan
Jabatan Persekutuan yang lain.

-Walau bagaimanapun jabatan persekutuan yang beroperasi di
negeri dan mempunyai dua (2) ‘kerakyatan” iaitu negeri dan persekutuan
seperti JKR, JPS dan lain-lain, jabatan berkenaan boleh mengadakan
perbincangan dengan negeri bagi menentukan jabatan tersebut akan
bertanding mewakili negeri atau kementerian.

-Jabatan Persekutuan di negeri mewakili Kementerian.

*Kategori Teknikal ialah projek yang menggunakan bidang pengetahuan yang tertentu seperti kejuruteraan, seni perusahaan, dan sains gunaan. Masalah projek yang dikenalpasti dan telah diselesaikan oleh kumpulan adalah berhubung kait dengan bidang yang tersebut ini. Cadangan yang dikemukakan dan dilaksanakan juga adalah dalam bidang yang sama. Contoh projek teknikal ialah penciptaan peralatan baru, pembangunan sistem computer atau perisian computer, perubahan dalam penggunaan bahan atau komponen kimia dan perwujudan kaedah teknikal baru.

*Kategori Pengurusan ialah projek yang berkaitan dengan hal-hal pentadbiran atau sistem prosedur kerja. Contohnya, penggabungan borang permohonan, lesen komposit, pengenalan borang baru, pelaksanaan prosedur kerja baru, pengenalan sistem kerja baru atau pengubahsuaian sistem lama kepada sistem baru yang boleh menjimatkan masa, meningkatkan kepuasan hati pelanggan serta faedah-faedah lain.

SKEMA PEMARKAHAN KIK mulai 2012.(rujukan : INTAN)

  • Pemeriksaan Projek KIK (30%)
    • Pemeriksaan terhadap validitasi data dan sumber data projek.
    • Pemeriksaan terhadap penyeragaman projek dan penilaian kumpulan.
  • Penilaian Projek KIK Melalui Dokumentasi (40%) 
    •   Penilaian ini diadakan secara bersemuka antara panel dan peserta semasa konvensyen berdasarkan dokumentasi projek
  • Penilaian Persembahan Projek KIK (20%)
    • Penilaian ke atas keberkesanan mempersembahkan projek selama 10 minit semasa konvensyen.
    • Naik 5% dari 15% kepada 20% dalam aspek Public Speaking.
  • Penilaian Pameran Projek KIK (10%)
    • Penilaian ke atas kreativiti dan inovasi kumpulan dalam mempamerkan dan mempromosikan projek yang dipertandingkan


  1. Semua kumpulan dikehendaki bersiap sedia 5 minit lebih awal dari masa yang telah ditetapkan dalam Jadual Persembahan KIK.
  2. Masa 5 minit akan diberikan untuk memasang peralatan oleh kumpulan, termasuk Montaj (sekiranya ada).
  3. Persembahan setiap kumpulan yang mengambil bahagian di Konvensyen akan dinilai berdasarkan kepada kriteria seperti yang telah dinyatakan.
  4. Setiap kumpulan akan diberikan 10 minit untuk membuat persembahan. Masa persembahan akan bermula selepas perkataan pertama disebutkan oleh kumpulan.
  5. Sekiranya tiada permulaan oleh kumpulan, loceng/buzzer permulaan akan dibunyikan setelah tamat 5 minit masa persediaan.  Loceng kedua akan dibunyikan setelah cukup 8 minit; dan loceng/buzzer penamat akan dibunyikan setelah cukup 10 minit persembahan.
  6. Penilaian akan dijalankan oleh ahli-ahli Panel.  Keputusan Panel Penilai adalah muktamad.

Semoga perubahan yang berlaku pada 2012 ini akan membantu Pengurusan Atasan menjadikan atau memposisikan KIK sebagai pemangkin Transformasi Kakitangan Kerajaan untuk bersama2 dengan Pihak Pengurusan membina atau menTransformasikan Prestasi dan Pencapaian Sektor Awam ke tahap World Class dengan menyertaan World Class People for building a World Class Government Service.Inshallah.

Ramli akan juga bincangkan dan membuat analisa akan prestasi QCC@ICC kita di pihak Swasta pada masa akan datang.Inshallah.

Sila hubungi Ramli untuk sebarang pertanyaan,latihan dan konsultansi QCC@ICC dan KMK@KIK serta MQT (Managers Quality Team) di talifon 019-2537165 atau emel:

Ramli telah menceburi bidang Kualiti ini sejak mula bekerja dengan Matsushita Electronic Components mulai 1976 lagi.Matsushita sekarang lebih dikenali dengan Panasonic telah sentiasa mengamal Kualiti sebagai Budaya Kerja nya dan banyak aktiviti2 serta strategi2 syarikat mencerminkan akan keutamaan Kualiti dalam Bisnes Harian dan Jangka Panjang nya.

Make Man Before Products dan Customer is King adalah cogankata2 Matsushita yang di umumkan,diajari dan dikawalselia pada setiap lokasinya diseluruh dunia.

Dengan sejarah penubuhannya sejak 1918 lagi,Matsushita telah menjadi IKON dan Penanda Aras (Benchmark) kepada banyak syarikat di Jepun dan seluruh dunia.Banyak lawatan ke kilang dan temubual dengan Pengasasnya Tan Sri Konosuke Matsushita telah di buat dan dengan Knowledge learned dan acquired telah sekurang2nya membantu syarikat2 ini maju dengan kualiti yg terbaik dan berjaya memenuhi hasrat pelanggan mereka seluruh dunia setiap masa.

Aktiviti KIK atau dulu dikenali sebagai Kumpulan Meningkat Mutu Kerja atau KMK di Jabatan,Agensi dan Kementerian Kerajaan telah mula bertapak pada 1983 apabila Polisi Lihat ke Timur (Look East Policy) dilancarkan oleh PM Tun Dr.Mahatir,KMK@KIK telah juga diperkenalkan dan bermula dengan baik setelah manual KMK di perkenalkan pada semua dan Agensi seperti MAMPU dan INTAN telah dipertanggungjawabkan untuk melaksanakan projek2 KMK@KIK tersebut pada lebih 1000 agensi,jabatan dan kementerian yang sediada itu.

Sekarang 2012 adalah tahun ke 29 kewujudan KMK@KIK ini di sektor awam dan apakah kesannya terhadap prestasi atau output2 setiap agensi,jabatan dan kementerian kerajaan?

Ramli telah melibatkan diri secara TOTAL dalam perjalanan dan perjuangan KMK@KIK serta QCC@ICC ini di Malaysia sejak bermulanya pada 1983 lagi dan setelah mendapat pendedahan QCC  ini di Matsushita sejak 1976 maka Ramli berjaya membantu banyak pengamal2 QCC ini akan apakah Best Practices QCC yang boleh diamal dan dilaksanakan di syarikat2 lain.Usaha2 ini Ramli berjaya laksanakan apabila adalah Study Trips,Jemputan Memberi Talk on QCC,Jemputan Menjadi Panel Hakim serta Program2 Dialog akan subjek TQM,QC dan QCC ini dilaksanakan seluruh Malaysia.

Ramli juga bersumbang dengan menulis rencana2 kualiti dan QCC dan dihantar ke MPC dulu NPC dan juga Intranet syarikat semasa Ramli di Matsushita dan Afiin Bank Berhad.

Nampaknya seperti Ramli membuat analisa akan apakah status sebenar KIK atau ICC di Malaysia kini khususnya di Sektor Awam (Kerajaan) dan ini adalah bullet points nya (secara ringkasan):

  • KIK sekarang hanya wujud lebih kepada demand persembahan pengurusan dan bukan kerana menjadi tanggung jawab setiap lokasi tempat kerja untuk wujudkan KIK sebagai people devmt,mutual devmt dan organisation devmt efforts or objectives!
  • KIK bermula dengan 1 projek dan akhir dengan satu projek itu juga.Sebenarnya falsafah QCC adalah membuat aktiviti atau projek QCC@KIK ini setiap masa selagi wujudnya tempat kerja tersebut
  • banyak KIK yang wujud telah lenyap dari layar peta KIK syarikat
  • penyertaan projek KIK nampak nya tidak lah sehebat macam mula2 diperkenalkan pada 1983 dulu
  • KIK sebenar dimulai dengan penyertaan pihak jurusan sokongan tetapi sekarang boleh juga disertai oleh pegawai2 macam Managers Quality Team (MQT) jika mahu berinovasi sedikit
  • KIK perlu diberi NAFAS baru oleh Pengurusan dan setiap organisasi perlu menambah penyertaan ahli dengan membuat measurement seperti Level 5 World Class dengan >90% participation ratio dan Level1 Ordinary >50% participation
  • dan banyak lagi (harap hubungi Ramli)

Dengan kewujudan QCC@KIK@ICC di Malaysia sudah hampir 29 tahun agak smapai masanya kita melonjak prestasi KIK kita ketahap World Class dan bukan macam “hidup segan mati tak mahu” sahaja.

Yang boleh memainkan peranan ini adalah TOP MGMT dan Middle MGMT di sektor awam.Ramli syorkan wujud REVOLUSI AKSI atau action revolution untuk kebangkitan peranan KIK dalam membawa inovasi,penambahbaikkan pada prestasi Sektor Awam dan membina Talent dimana hampir 1.4 juta penjawat sektor awam menunggu digilap dan menjadi talent yang world class dan berjaya membawa perubahan terbaik kepada negara Malaysia,Inshallah.

Hubungi Ramli akan segala hal KIK,World Class Performance dan subjek2 QCDSME dan Leadership Devmt dll

hubungi Ramli di 019-2537165 atau 019-2783930 dan emel :

foto2 ramli dengan Dunia KIK@KMK dan QCC@ICC:


ASQ Announces 2012 International Team Excellence Award Finalists

For Immediate Release

Organizations Recognized for Best-in-Quality Processes

Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 29, 2012 — ASQ, the world’s largest network of quality resources and experts, has announced that 32 global teams from nine countries have been named finalists in the 27th annualInternational Team Excellence Awards process.

The teams will be part of the quality impact sessions and live case study presentations May 21-23 at ASQ’s annual World Conference on Quality and Improvement at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, Calif.

Teams representing a broad spectrum of industries including manufacturing, service, education, health care, and government will vie for the coveted ASQ gold, silver and bronze awards. Winners will be announced during an awards ceremony Wednesday, May 23, and will serve as benchmarks of organizational excellence in all industries for years to come.

The finalists’ projects showcase creative and innovative solutions and organizational cost-savings. Conference attendees can observe team project presentations that demonstrate the real-life application of quality tools to achieve valuable business results.

The following finalists have been invited to participate in the 2012 International Team Excellence Award process. Project summaries can be found at


  • Ramaiah Institute of Management Studies — Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  • Tropic Isles Elementary — Fort Myers, Fla.


  • CGI Federal — Fort Campbell, Ky.
  • Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) — Singapore, Singapore
  • NAVFAC-Navy Medicine-HDR-Clark/McCarthy — Camp Pendleton, Calif.
  • National Reconnaissance Office — Chantilly, Va.
  • URS Federal Services — Stockton, Utah


  • BJC Healthcare — St. Louis


  • Alcoa Inc. — Morristown, Tenn.
  • Altos Hornos de México C.V. — Coahuila, Mexico
  • Anheuser-Busch InBev — St. Louis
  • Boeing — Long Beach, Calif.
  • Continental Automotive System Co. Ltd. — Tianjin, TJ, China
  • Continental Automotive Systems Corporation — Icheon-city, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
  • CSX Transportation/General Electric — Jacksonville, Fla.
  • Ford Motor Company — Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Ford Motor Company — Saarlouis, Saarland, Germany
  • Ford Motor Company — Dearborn, Mich.
  • General Motors — Milford, Mich.
  • Hewlett Packard — Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
  • Reliance Industries Ltd. Dahej — Dahej, Gujarat, India
  • Reliance Industries Ltd. Hazira — Surat, Gujarat, India
  • Suzlon Energy Limited — Pune, Maharashtra, India


  • Firstsource Solutions Ltd. — Amherst, N.Y.
  • HCL Technologies — Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Housing and Development Board — Singapore, Singapore
  • Pruksa Real Estate Public Company Ltd. — Phayathai, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Telecom Personal SA — Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Capital Federal, Argentina
  • Telefonica Argentina — Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Tgestiona — Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • The Ritz-Carlton, New Orleans — Coconut Grove, Fla.
  • Wyndham Consumer Finance — Las Vegas

Since 1985, more than 1,000 teams from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Colombia, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and the United States have participated in this team recognition process — the only one of its kind in the United States. Organizations such as 3M; Alcoa; Bayer; Boeing; Humana; Reliance Industries Ltd., the largest business enterprise in India; and Telefonica, a major cell phone operator in Argentina, have all showcased proven results with long-term implications, resulting in cost-savings of millions of dollars.

Conference Speakers

Speakers at this year’s WQCI, where the Team Excellence Awards takes place, include:

  • James Albaugh — Executive Vice President of The Boeing Co., and President and Chief Executive Officer of Boeing Commercial Airplanes
    James Albaugh is responsible for Boeing’s commercial airplanes programs and services, is a member of the Boeing Executive Council and serves as Boeing’s senior executive in the Pacific Northwest.
  • Carletta Ooton — Vice President and Chief Quality, Safety and Sustainable Operations Officer for The Coca Cola Co. 
    Carletta Ooton, who has more than 20 years of quality and operational experience, has overarching accountability for the policies and standards, audits, analytical services, food safety, customer quality, performance measures and operations support delivered by the global quality organization.
  • Majora Carter — President of MCG Consulting
    Named one of the 100 most creative people in business by Fast Company magazine, Majora Carter is known for her sustainability leadership in pioneering the nation’s first urban green-collar job training and placement system.
  • Simon Sinek — Leadership expert and author of “Start With Why”
    Simon Sinek teaches leaders and companies to inspire people, and his unique approach has earned him invitations to meet with high-profile leaders around the country, including Microsoft, U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
  • Joseph A. DeFeo — President and CEO of Juran Institute
    Joseph A. DeFeo is recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on transformational change systems and breakthrough management principles. DeFeo is co-author of several books, including the go to resource for deployment leaders, “Juran’s Quality Handbook Sixth Edition, The Complete Guide to Performance Excellence.”

About ASQ
ASQ is a global community of people dedicated to quality who share the ideas and tools that make our world work better. With millions of individual and organizational members of the community in 150 countries, ASQ has the reputation and reach to bring together the diverse quality champions who are transforming the world’s corporations, organizations, and communities to meet tomorrow’s critical challenges. ASQ is headquartered in Milwaukee, Wis., with national service centers in China, India, and Mexico. Learn more about ASQ’s members, mission, technologies, and training at

Ramli have been a Full Member of ASQ for many years already.Contact Ramli for Training & Consulting needs mobile:+6019-2537165 or email:

Here are the Teams Project Summaries as provided by ASQ.

Project Summaries for Quality Impact Sessions/Live Team Case Studies

Finalist teams will be invited from the 2011-12 ITEA participant list below and will present their case study/quality impact session at the

World Conference. Visit for live presentation schedule and updates.

Alcat el-Lucent Shanghai Bell

Team Name: Zero Defect Delivery Project Team

Type of Team: Improvement

Shanghai, China

After identifying a huge opportunity and deciding the project was

best acheived through external partnership, the Zero Defect Delivery

Project Team used various quality tools over three years to achieve

zero-defects and zero-delay in product delivery to its strategic

business partner. Its product has been validated by its partner as a top

marketing opportunity in the coming years.

Alcat el-Lucent Shanghai Bell

Team Name: Defects Ratio of CNC Bending Process Reduction


Type of Team: Six Sigma

Shanghai, China

Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell used many quality tools, including

Six Sigma, DOE, and lean, to reduce defects from 2 percent to .

76 percent on its CNC bending process.

Alcoa Inc.

Team Name: Ceramic Core Excellence Team

Type of Team: Lean

Morristown, TN, USA

The Ceramic Core Excellence Team drove significant culture

change. Using A3 thinking to define its target, the team used process

management, workflow designs, and DMAIC to achieve target

conditions. The project team improved delivery time by 63 percent,

reduced the OSHA recordable rate by 23 percent, and reduced cost

by 26 percent annually. In addition, the PPM defect rate went down

52 percent, and employee absenteeism was reduced by 30 percent.

Alt os Hornos de Mexico, S.A.B. de C.V.

Team Name: No Planos

Type of Team: Six Sigma (DMADV)

Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico

Offering its steel products to the construction, food, and automotive

manufacturing industries, this project’s goal was to reduce

manufacturing costs. There were savings of 9 MMUSD per year

since 2009. The team also reduced energy and resource consumption,

reduced emissions, and helped improve the company’s image.

WC12 | 28

Quality Impact Sessions

Anheuser-Busch InBev

Team Name: Liner Continuous Improvement Team

Type of Team: Improvement

St. Louis, MO, USA

The Liner Continuous Improvement Team was formed to optimize

placement of the liner compound used to create an airtight seal on

cans. Following a standardized improvement team process, several

designed experiments determined how to successfully optimize the

compound placement. These innovations reduced the possibility of

potential quality issues and reduced cost while maintaining efficiency.

BJC Healthcar e

Team Name: Pressure Ulcer Prevention Team

Type of Team: Lean Improvement

St. Louis, MO, USA

In April 2010, three unit teams participated in an event to develop

standard criteria for hospital-acquired pressure ulcer prevention. Each

team participated in a local rapid improvement event to integrate the

criteria within patient care and workflow processes. It resulted in a

combined decrease of 58 percent (p value = <.02) of ulcer occurrence.

the Boeing company

Team Name: C-17 Nose to Fuse Project Team

Type of Team: Improvement

Long Beach, CA, USA

The C-17 fuselage has benefitted from multiple, successful

improvement projects. A new project was initiated to determine the

root cause and resolve the team’s latest joint alignment issue. Root

cause identification and correction requires womb-to-tomb process

knowledge and a structured reasoning approach. Utilization of

the ASQ ITEA process criteria as a foundational project template,

lean methodology, advanced quality metrology methods for large

structures, and simulations facilitated the team’s success.

CGI Federal

Team Name: DOL Automotive Inspection Program Improvement

Type of Team: Lean Six Sigma

Fort Campbell, KY, USA

This project focused on improving the automotive inspection program.

Utilizing the DMAIC methodology, the team employed gage R&R, Pareto

chart, cause-and-effect diagram, 5 whys, multi-voting, and a number of

other valuable tools for root cause identification and final improvement

recommendations. The improvement provided the potential for a

$1.6 million USD cost reduction by creating an easily reproducible

inspection program that guarantees uniformity across all operations.

Continental Automotive System

(Tianjin) Co. Ltd.

Team Name: The Great Wall

Type of Team: Six Sigma

Tianjin, TJ, China

The Great Wall team focused on reducing customer returns. The team

implemented Six Sigma and DMAIC. Customer complaints were

high at 1,200 PPM defects. The new process had less than one defect

from a shipment of 10,000, and the total saving was higher than

$13,000 USD per year.

Continental Automotive Systems

Corporati on

Team Name: Cornerfill Team

Type of Team: Six Sigma

Icheon-city, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

The Cornerfill Team’s objective was to enhance solder strength on

an assembly process. The team launched a new process through

benchmarking and developed new epoxy material to maintain good

adhesion level under SMD process. The project achieved increased

solder strength and cost savings of about $771,000 USD.

Continental Guadalajara

Team Name: Scrap in Daimler

Type of Team: Six Sigma

Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco, Mexico

The Scrap in Daimler team’s goal was to reduce scrap. So far the

project shows savings of more than $81,000 USD, and waste has been

reduced. The improvement in quality contributed to Daimler giving

the next ECU airbag platform to Continental GDL.

CSX Transportati on

Team Name: CSX–GE Fuel Conservation Team

Type of Team: Six Sigma

Jacksonville, FL, USA

CSX Transportation and General Electric partnered in a fuel and

emissions conservation project that documented an astounding 6.9

percent fuel savings for their pilot trains and a potential 390,000-ton

reduction in greenhouse gases annually. Using the DMADV project

discipline, the team executed multiple pilots to validate the results.

This project improves the air we breathe and reduces our dependency

on an increasingly scarce natural resource.

Embrac o

Team Name: QCC CT 28

Type of Team: Improvement

Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil

This project aimed to eliminate waste and improve the welding

process of refrigerator equipment. It was a breakthrough project

since the solution wasn’t covered by welding technical literature. It

produced savings on internal indicators, such as OEE, customer line

rejection, production rate, quality, raw material (process), safety,

OTIF, and people satisfaction.

Firstsource Solutions Limited

Team Name: Firstsource Solutions Limited

Type of Team: Six Sigma

Amherst, NY, USA

The webpay improvement project, developed by the Firstsource

Advantage Six Sigma team, improved the total customer experience

and the number of payments taken on the virtual collections website.

This resulted in an increase of $880,000 USD in client revenue and

$380,000 USD to Firstsource revenue over a 12-month period.

Intangible benefits included building key collaborations, encouraging

a process excellence focus and data-driven culture to sustain results,

and driving further successful Six Sigma programs.

WC12 | 29

Quality Impact Sessions

Ford Motor Company

Team Name: Electrical Variability Reduction Team

Type of Team: Six Sigma

Ricardo Rojas (ex Gral Pacheco), Buenos Aires, Argentina

The challenge was customer dissatisfaction due to dead batteries, and

the goal was to increase battery voltage capability by 70 percent and

reduce 70 percent of discharged batteries. Six Sigma methodology and

tools were used to identify the root cause and solve it.

Ford Motor Company

Team Name: Park Brake Assembly Dash Pass-through Seals

Type of Team: Design for Six Sigma

Dearborn, MI, USA

This project is a case study on how to rapidly solve noise transmission

problems through the numerous holes in a vehicle body. Development

and deployment of design rules for controlling noise that can pass

through the various holes in the vehicle institutionalized the knowledge.

As a result, new products have delivered quieter interior cabins, which

in turn contributed to higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Ford Motor Company

Team Name: Six Sigma Team Body Construction Saarlouis VO

Type of Team: Six Sigma

Saarlouis, Saarland, Germany

A complex body construction production process challenged this team,

which chose DMAIC as the appropriate discipline. The team achieved a

savings of $700,000 USD per year and reduced defects by 15 percent at

the beginning (based on 3,000 opportunities) to zero defects (actually based

on 1,500,000 opportunities), documenting the power of a cross-functional

team using DMAIC, working together with the suppliers, breaking down

barriers, and demonstrating the power of Six Sigma by results.

Ford Motor Company

Team Name: Team Ford–Body Engineering

Type of Team: Six Sigma

Dearborn, MI, USA

Six Sigma DMAIC discipline was used to solve a paint quality defect

on hood panels of the Ford Explorer. Through use of the y=f(x)

cascade, measurement systems analysis, hypothesis testing for attribute

and continuous data, and graphic analysis, employees tackled the

issue. Results from the project included an increase in the paint shop’s

first-time-through metric to 98.6 percent, a reduction of $400,000

USD in nonvalue-added labor, and the assembly plant meeting fullvehicle

production targets.

General Motors

Team Name: General Motors Technical Problem Solving

Type of Team: General Motors Red X

Milford, MI, USA

This project shows how seemingly different tools can be

complementary. The team was able to leverage the power of lean while

protecting critical creative and adaptive strategic needs. The resulting

improvements include a 368 percent and 169 percent improvement

in two critical processes. These improvements resulted in the

ability to increase by two and one half times the number of quality

improvements the team was able to deliver to General Motors vehicles

and to its customers.

HCL Technologies

Team Name: Operational Excellence Through Intuition

Type of Team: Lean and Six Sigma

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

This project applies artificial intelligence and mass communication.

Average handling time was reduced by 20 percent, while

simultaneously eliminating defects completely. These also led to

diverse improvements giving identifiable bottom-line benefits of

$6 million USD per year by reducing costs, wastes, and defects.

HCL Technologies

Team Name: Operational Excellence With a Human Face

Type of Team: Lean and Six Sigma

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

This project applies production and psychological theories to BPO,

focusing on reducing order turnaround time from 24 hours to four

hours while simultaneously improving from a 95 percent quality

score to a 99.5 percent score in an outsourced complex global order

management process. These led to improvements in the visibility,

velocity, and reliability of the client’s global supply chain, giving

identifiable bottom-line benefits of $10 million USD per year.

Hewlett-Pac kard

Team Name: HP Way

Type of Team: Six Sigma

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

This project team comprised of team members from India, Mexico,

the United States, Poland, and England focused on the HR shared

services organization that, among other things, provides the human

talent to the whole company. Using DMAIC and innovation tools,

this project aimed at improving the performance of the “on-time

hirings” for the United States, which went from 65 percent to more

than 98 percent, completely eliminating complaints from clients and

legal risks. Additionally, the project yielded $108,000 USD in annual

savings and created a paperless process.

Housing and Development Board

Team Name: RQUEST 4

Type of Team: Innovation and Quality Circle


The sand ban by Indonesia has affected Singapore’s construction

industry severely, including housing and development since its

construction of public housing required reinforced concrete, which is

made from sand and granite. Using reengineering techniques the team

achieved significant reduction in building concrete usage, thereby

minimizing disruption to the building program and overcoming sand

shortage issues in the long term.

WC12 | 30

Quality Impact Sessions

Jubilant Lifesciences Limited

Team Name: Renaissance

Type of Team: Lean Six Sigma Improvement

Noida, UP, India

This pharmaceutical industry team faced a serious backorder situation.

The service level was less than 60 percent, demand was on the

rise, and capacities were not sufficient. The team used appropriate

improvement methodologies like lean, Six Sigma, modeling, and

supply chain operations reference to accomplish improvements.

Following were the benefits to customers: improved service levels

to >95 percent in six months, reduced backorder to almost nil, and

increased plant capacities by 12.3 percent with no capital investment.

Media Servic es Center

Team Name: Media Services Center–Project Team

Type of Team: Six Sigma DMAIC

Chantilly, VA, USA

Using Six Sigma DMAIC methodology, this project was implemented

to facilitate critical communications, reduce production defects, and

implement sustainable improvements to the process of gathering,

creating, and managing customer requirements. Accuracy rose from a

baseline sigma of 1.5 to 3.3, which is a 96.96 percent improvement

score. Project creation average cycle-time decreased by seven minutes,

generating significant cost savings, and customer satisfaction scores

rose from 97.8 percent to 98.7 percent.

Ministry of Defence (MINDEF)

Team Name: Blue Sapphire

Type of Team: Work Improvement


The Triple Ejector Rack-9A is equipment that multiplies the number

of bombs carried on the F-16. Testing of each TER-9A requires

30 minutes. The team designed a portable field tester that

accomplishes the test in less than 10 minutes. With the new field

tester, 100 percent confidence on the serviceability of all TER-9As

is ensured before they are installed on to the aircraft.

Ministry of Defence (MINDEF)

Team Name: Five Stars

Type of Team: Work Improvement


This project aimed to improve the process of removing a part from

an engine to send it for repair/service by the OEM. After finding the

root cause using the PDCA methodology and QC tools, a solution

was found that led to substantial cost and time savings and delighted

partners from Fleet.

Ministry of Defence (MINDEF)

Team Name: Planning Ahead

Type of Team: Improvement


Learn how this team improved protective gear for safeguarding

soldiers. Considering factors like mobility, body temperature, and ease

of getting in and out of gear, the team designed an integrated body

armour (iBA) to function as both a load-bearing and bullet-proof

vest. This allowed the soldiers to configure three different levels of

protection based on their requirements.

Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd.

Team Name: Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd.

Type of Team: Business Process Excellence

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

This project was aimed at improving the productivity of direct sales

teams of one of the leading financial service providers in India.

The project was executed using DMAIC with the objective of

improving the number of customers acquired per day. The sustainable

processes put in place resulted in a 28 percent improvement in sales

productivity, besides breaking down existing paradigms and making

stakeholders more receptive to new process improvement initiatives.

Pruksa Real Estat e Public

Company Limited

Team Name: Pruksa Excellence Team

Type of Team: Continuous Improvement

Phayathai, Bangkok, Thailand

To increase home construction capacity and improve quality, the

Pruksa Excellence Team used Six Sigma methodology and lean.

Initial data shows a big improvement—67 percent in capacity and an

increase of more than 70 percent in quality. These numbers help the

team to easily convince all stakeholders to implement these solutions.

This project saved the company more than $1.13 million per year

and contributed to improved working relationships and a new way of

managing real estate in Thailand.

Ramaiah Institute of Manag ement


Team Name: Employability

Type of Team: Radical Improvement

Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Ninety-eight percent of students in a business graduate program

cite employability as the primary criterion, but studies show only

25 percent of students graduating are employable. In response, the

Employability team undertook a comprehensive project to improve

placement quality, attract star recruiters, ensure students receive offers

quickly, enhance salary levels, retain employers, attract new recruiters,

and earn revenue from placement. A variety of tools yielded results,

including an unprecedented $90,000 USD revenue from placements.

Reliance Industries Limited

Team Name: Reliance Dahej

Type of Team: Improvement

Surat, Gujarat, India

The Reliance Dahej team addressed the application of simulation

tools to optimize the cooling water flow to the plant process while

increasing plant production and improving energy efficiency at the

400 KTA Gas Cracker Plant (GCU) plant.

WC12 | 31

Quality Impact Sessions

Reliance Industries Limited

Team Name: Reliance Industries Limited–Vadodara

Manufacturing Division

Type of Team: Six Sigma

Vadodara, Gujarat, India

This project was undertaken to confirm the effect of different reactor

parameters on ACN conversion. An exhaustive list of 36 parameters

were considered for the study. Based on two test sample p-values,

10 variables were selected for further study. Based on the statistical

analysis using Minitab and partitioning using JMP, six variables were

defined for improved ACN conversion. This resulted in conversion

improvements to 80.92 with a reduction in standard deviation to

1.265 from an earlier value of 2.045. IP21 software has helped to

increase conversion up to 80.2 percent with a reduction in standard

deviation of 0.718.

Reliance Industries Limited

Team Name: Reliance Productivity Improvement Team

Type of Team: Improvement

Dahej, Gujarat, India

Reliance is the largest polyester POY producer in the world. The

challenge was to increase POY production without incurring any

capital expenditure, and to earn higher revenue by utilizing available

polymer capacity. Different tools such as mind mapping, causeand-

effect matrix, theory of constraints, simulation model, FMEA,

SCRAMPER, and DOE were used. The team achieved annual savings

of $3.1 million and increased productivity. This modification was also

incorporated in other sites of reliance and future projects.

The Ritz-Carlt on Hotel Company

Team Name: The Ritz-Carlton, New Orleans–Housekeeping Project

Type of Team: Six-step Defect Reduction–Room Supply Missing

Coconut Grove, FL, USA

The project team used The Ritz-Carlton’s six-step problem-solving

process over five weeks to diagnose the cause of defects in the

housekeeping department, specifically missing room supplies. By

applying the principles of 5S and improving training and inspections

processes, the team reduced defects by 50 percent in the first year and

additional reductions in the second year. The project also reduced the

cost of guest supplies by 25 percent through better inventory controls

and management. The approach and results for this project have been

shared throughout Ritz-Carlton.

ROICC Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton

Team Name: Replacement Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton

Type of Team: Construction Project Team

Camp Pendleton, CA, USA

Drawing on the best practices and improvement initiatives within the

construction industry and government, a composite team consisting

of hand selected members of Naval Facilities Engineering Command

(NAVFAC) Southwest, Navy Medicine West, HDR Architects Inc.,

and Clark/McCarthy Joint Venture set out to program, design,

construct, and commission a new, state-of-the-art, $500 million,

1-million-square-foot Naval Hospital campus at Camp Pendleton,

CA. The team created and implemented a groundbreaking strategy

to reconstruct the entire project delivery timeline and adapt internal

business practices and organizational structure to not only meet but

exceed the unprecedented performance objectives, as well as setting

a new course for the execution of large, complex projects within

NAVFAC and Navy Medicine, as well as a new standard of care for

Our Nation’s Warriors.

Shanghai Guanghua Printing

Machin ery Co. Ltd.

Team Name: “New Concept” QCC

Type of Team: Improvement

Shanghai, China

Quality of a printing process improved through various quality tools, and

saved about $63,000 USD in manufacturing costs. Sale orders improved

greatly and enhanced the ability of members to analyze problems.

Shanghai Shentong Metro Group

Co. Ltd.

Team Name: Iron Army Team With Outstanding Performance

Type of Team: Improvement

Shanghai, China

The team’s goal was to have safe, efficient, punctual, and convenient

services. Using a 65-mile long transit line, the team brainstormed;

used systematic, radar, and permutation graphs; investigation tables;

and more. By means of retrofitting the overhead contact system

equipment as well as optimizing inspection and maintenance, the

hard points arising from the section insulator decreased from 100

occurrences to zero. As a result, the metro operation safety and

stability improved, $315,000 USD worth of equipment costs was

saved, and the work-time utilization rate increased.

Shanghai Yaming Lighting Co. Ltd.

Team Name: Newborn Calves Team

Type of Team: Improvement

Shanghai, China

The team’s goal was to reduce the reject rate of an assembly process.

This multi-disciplinary team focused on company policy and

objectives driven by performance. It investigated root causes through

brainstorming and verified key factors. It successfully reduced the

reject rate of a specific part from 5.8 percent to 1.7 percent, and

saved more than $4,000 USD for the company every year. The QC

activities encouraged teamwork, improved the ability to analyze, and

enhanced the awareness of on-site improvement and sense of service.

Suzlon Energy Limited

Team Name: IBU-PRD-R-DM-003

Type of Team: Six Sigma

Pune, Maharashtra, India

Using proven DMAIC methodology, this project addressed the goal

of improving availability of turbine for power generation. The study

and implementation, completed on 46 machines, resulted in reduced

interventions. The project outcome is applicable to more than 5,000

installations in India with total potential of $700,000 USD per year.

The savings have proved to be a morale booster for the team.

WC12 | 32

Quality Impact Sessions

Telecom Personal SA

Team Name: Activate Is Winning

Type of Team: Process Improvement

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Capital Federal, Argentina

An increased volume of business customers led to longer activation

times, inefficiencies, and increased billing claims. To achieve the project

objective of reducing mean activation time to less than three days,

tools such as flowcharts, histograms, decision matrixes, control charts,

and hypothesis tests were used. Time reduction, increased customer

satisfaction, and cost savings of more than $200,000 USD resulted.

Telefonica Argentina S.A.

Team Name: Keeping the Pieces Connected

Type of Team: Six Sigma

Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Looking to solve reconnection problems, this team project encircled

more than 108,000 customers with these problems. Goals were

acheived using Six Sigma methodology and DMAIC discipline.

The project team achieved a savings of $1 million USD per year by

reducing the reconnection lead time from more than three days to less

than 14 hours, and reducing inbound calls by more than 23 percent,

to improve the image of the company, the service provided to its

customers, and the internal teamwork.


Team Name: Delivering Quality

Type of Team: Six Sigma

Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Highly applicable to different service industries, this project encircled

more than 1,000 delivery points in Argentine territory to solve logistical

problems. Goals were achieved using Six Sigma methodology and

DMAIC. The project team achieved savings of $630,000 USD per year

by reducing unusual deliveries from 53 to one, and satisfying all the

service level agreement indicators at about 95 percent, helping to improve

the image of the company and the service provided to its customers.

Tropic Isles Elementary

Team Name: Tropic Isles Data Miners

Type of Team: Improvement

North Fort Myers, FL, USA

The Tropic Isles Data Miners team was developed to increase student

academic performance and improve customer satisfaction/employee

engagement. As a result, third grade improved in math from 81 percent

of students meeting or exceeding standards in 2007 to 94.9 percent in

2010. Reading and writing also improved. Student satisfaction increased

from 82.6 percent in 2008 to 95.7 percent in 2011. Workforce

satisfaction increased from 86 percent in 2008 to 96 percent in 2010,

which exceeds the results of a Florida Baldrige recipient.

URS Federal Servic es

Team Name: TOCDF VPP Leadership Team

Type of Team: Voluntary Protection Program Leadership

Stockton, UT, USA

This annual project known as the Element Owner Program is

focused on employee involvement through a team approach to selfassessment.

All levels of employees are involved. Results include a

safety recordable injury rate below .5 percent, and more than 12

million man hours worked without a lost-time accident. Workers

compensation claims have dramatically decreased and this program

has empowered personnel to commit to quality standards and

personal safety.

Wyndham Consumer Finance

Team Name: Red Pill

Type of Team: Lean Improvement

Las Vegas, NV, USA

This project focused on the telesales component of selling vacation

packages to customers. It was identified that 30.7 percent of vacation

packages sent to potential customers (by telesales) were not finalized,

resulting in $3 million USD in lost revenue annually. Utilizing the

DMAIC methodology, the team identified that 95 percent of the

problem was due to customers not signing and returning documents.

An e-signature solution shortened mailing time, reduced non-return

rate, and error-proofed the signature process. Control charts, box

plots, and hypothesis tests validated the success of the solution, and

$3,094,341 USD was added to revenue.