Posts Tagged ‘top mgmt’

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Biography of Ramli Abu Hassan

Ramli Abu Hassan is an author, trainer, consultant,speaker and promoter.He is Founder and Managing Director of Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd.or DPS, a Malaysian locally incorporated company since 25th June,1996.DPS have been mainly involved in the business of Training&Consulting,Professional Sports Promotion and Marketing of Malaysian made products both domestically and overseas.In the Training&Consulting business,DPS helps organizations both in the private and government sectors build world-class talent through unleashing their hidden talents as well as making continual improvements in their work areas, leadership and personal performances plus increase in their               knowledge of quality,productivity,team building and team working like Quality Control Circle / Innovative & Creative Circle (QCC@ICC) / Kumpulan Inovatif & Kreatif (KIK) for the Government Sector  and Managers’ Quality Team (MQT) /Quality Improvement Team (QIT.)

Recently on 19th June,2012 Ramli have restructured his business and established Ramli Abu Hassan Training & Consultancy (RAHTC) to be better focused and concentrate all Training & Consultancy businesses under RAHTC.


He is the author of the book “Revolusi Aksi” or Action Revolution published on 24th March,2006 plus hundreds of articles on quality and productivity improvements,sports management and promotions,human capital, leadership and general subjects like hobbies and travels. He has now,his own websites that feature  his thoughts,events and happenings.Go to Ramli’s Blog at and related sites including at . Ramli’s Profile can be viewed at Contact Ramli at mobile:+6019-2537165/60355450975 and email:


He works with organizations to establish World Class Performance in their business and satisfaction of customers ,designing and establishing corporate universities (your in-house university or learning centres)as well as all aspects of Quality and Productivity Improvements. Ramli has been in collaboration with Global & Local Experts on subjects like World Class Performance,Corporate Universities,Quality Management Systems like ISO9001:2008,EMS,5S Good Housekeeping,PM’s Hibiscus Awards,OSHA,Quality,Productivity and Sustainable Development Initiatives including Environment plus his other areas of Professional Sports Promotion and Management.


He is an active member of the Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry(MICCI),Business Council for Sustainable Development of Malaysia (BCSDM),American Society for Quality (ASQ),Institute of Quality Malaysia (IQM) as well as the Malaysian Representative for World Boxing Council and World Boxing Council for MuayThai.Ramli also have good collaboration with many major sports organizations both in Malaysia and Overseas like PESAKA,MABF,KBC,IBF,UBO,IBA and others.


In his past corporate working experience from 1976 to 1996,he was the Head of Total Quality Management Secretariat at Perwira Affin Bank Berhad (now known as Affin Bank Berhad) as well as an Executive at Matsushita Electronic Components (M) Sdn.Bhd.


Ramli graduated with a Diploma in Public Aministration at Universiti Teknologi MARA in 1981 and completed his MBA(TQM) with Newport University in 1996.


By today (9thJan,2013) many companies may already paid the annual year end bonuses to their staff for a good work or performance achieved in fiscal year 2012.Ramli heard that in Malaysia those in the Oil&Gas sectors are rewarded handsomely about 4 to 6 mths bonus of their monthly salaries and some even as high as 12 months bonuses!

In the Govt they are promised 1 month bonus or RM500 minimum.

Usually many of those companies with Collective Agreements (CA) in place will agree on a minimum of 2 months bonus irrespective of the company actual business performance!

For Entrepreneurs the commitment to reward their People for a good performance by paying bonuses is a norm and many Entrepreneurs do reward well their staff especially the Top Mgmt with bonuses in Millions of USD or GBP and even SGD.Stories of Top Mgmt being paid millions of USD is common in USA and some even argue that the perks given to Top Executives are just too much and not a good practise!

Prof.Peter Drucker once cautioned Top Mgmt that the salary of the lowest excutive and the No.1 Boss must not be more than 40 times.So if a lowel executive is paid USD 2000 a month then the No.Boss must received a maximum monthly wage of USD 80,000 but that is not the case anymore in USA.Now they have the so called “Celebrity CEOs” whose salaries and perks are at their likes and wishes!Why pay so much then?

Celebrity CEOs can help make lots of profits to a company BUT also can lose Billions of USD to their companies or worst still make the company bankrupt!

Now,the World economic condition is really bad and like in Europe many countries have gone bankrupt and going to become bankrupt!Why?

People and the country have lived in excesses and they reportedly spend more than what they actually earned!So when there is no frugality and wise financial control,any country small or big can go out of control and bust!

Financial Experts need to study all the conditions and what actually caused all these financial problems and what are the people bad habits or poor money management and control?

Being paid good and high bonuses is a blessing actually and thank Allah SWT for being in the profitable sectors or industries and you get paid high bonuses rather than those in the slow and poor performing sectors.Lets hope paying good bonuses can see better performance with the Best Quality,Higher Productivity,Eliminate wastages and reduction of costs,Safer working environments,Higher Morale at work and great Team working and many more tangible and intangible benefits realized.

The habits of saving must be promoted more and more and less credits cards issued and more savings accounts or products introduced to the people!The more we save will be better than the more we spend at least we are debt free all the time! Cash is KIng in business and those companies that have good cash hoards are better off making new investments and increasing their assets and produce a better Balanced Sheet with more blue inks than red inks!

Say thank you to your company (esp the Business Owners/Entrepreneurs) who make sure the company runs well,make profits and make happy employees by paying their salaries,safe guarding their employment and paying good bonuses every end of the year!


When Ramli was working in Matsushita Malaysia from 1976 to 1993 in the production,human resource and quality departments,he experienced and learn about the importance of MBWA practiced by the Japanese MD and also visiting Matsushita Overseas Bosses.

We at home based will prepare the Boss schedule for his MBWA when any of the BIg Bosses visit our factory premises and as always this MBWA will be accompanied by all the Top Mgmt and all dept/unit heads in case of any questions or doubts by the Big Boss.This MBWA will be done and recorded by the Secretariat usually my Quality Dept since many of this MBWA are of quality nature and importance.

Products and important improvement matters will also be showcased and displayed along the walkways so that the Big Boss can view and give his personal feedback and recommendations.This is also the good time to try to tell the Big Boss and the manyb other smaller bosses about your achievements and maybe some rewards or sppreciation to your team for a job well done!

MBWA is not a common practise in the govt sector and also private sector since maybe they do not see the important significance,yet!

What can you gained from this MBWA?

Based on Ramli’s findings:

  • Top Mgmt can see with their “own eyes” whats the real status of their shopfloor both in production and admin areas.
  • There will be good communication and interactions with staff and bosses
  • Now,every knows who are the people managing both at the shop floor and high offices -some staff dont know how the bosses or MD looks like?
  • Top Mgmt can quickly do a check as to the status of quality,cleanliness,productivity,morale,standardisation,participation and many others when they view the processes and ask questions to the people in the processes
  • and so many others

Why Malaysian Bosses like to do Management by Flying Around?

  • Great way to see other far away places other than their own processes
  • Let their processes be managed by their lower mgmt and they the top mgmt can do a benchmarking process with other outside organisation
  • They think learning from others is better than learning from their own processes
  • and many other sensible and nonsensible reasons?

So,its timely now that MBWA be made known and understand the great importance of it by all Top Mgmt especially the No.1 Boss and how they can learn it well,its significance and good practices that have helped many great companies like Matsushita,FedEx,GE,Apple Inc and many others to become a Great Company that make consistent high profits,Happy Workforce,Satisfied Customers and most important managing and leading the Right Way!

For more and training on this subject of MBWA,please contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or email:


Malaysian Bursa ( or Stock Market) have about over 1000 Public Listed Companies (PLCos) and many of them have Board Members and Executive Teams that are paid handsomely while some PLCos may not even get good profits or even reported losses of the worst and minor kinds but still enjoy good remunerations and executive perks.

Maybe the 80:20 rule apply to Malaysia’s where 80% are basically workers levels and 20% are Top Mgmt,Senior Mgmt and Middle Mgmt levels.

However maybe the 80% of the salaries or remunerations received are from the Top to Middle Mgmt levels and 20% to the Workers’ levels.The recent story or episode of the Malaysian Civil Servants salary restructuring also goes to show how Top Mgmt levels are getting so much than the normal Kakitangan levels.

Other than these salaries issue,the development of Talent (use to call labour) is still a problem where no Big Budget are set aside to build and unleashed people’s talents except the building of too many Learning Institutes or Colleges where there seems to be more bricks than training programmes going on!The building of Research Institutes or Centres like my dad’s Institute of Medical Research (IMR) which was build by the British in 1900 and still existing today clearly indicate the important role and contribution at World Class levels as far as Tropical Medicine and Research are concerned to the country and Region at large.Maybe Rubber Research Institute or RRI is another examplary example of these Learning and Research Institutions and a handful more!

Nowadays maybe with the thousands of Pusat Latihan and Colleges that the Malaysian Govt have approved and build may not be as close the performance yielded by these so called “British intiated” R&D Institutes and Centres especially when they are establised before Merdeka ie.before 1957

What Ramli want to emphasised here is Top Mgmt especially from PLCos including GLCs,MNCs,maybe SMEs and also from the Govt must REALLY see to the development of Talents and unleashed their people to World Class Performances just like what IMR,RRI ahve done all these years and still doing that till today!

Like in PLCos and GLCs the Top Mgmt are contract basis and have 2-3 years to perform and get the results for the companies.If they suceed well they may get an extension of their contracts and HIGH Salaries or Perks some from RM 100,000.00 to RM 100,000,000.00 per financial year!They earned well and travel all over the world to search for business maybe for work,fun,networking and you name it lah!

If Malaysian CEOs are so World Class then Malaysian Companies could easily be in the Fortune Top 500 Companies of the World BUT not so lah…we have a handful(can count actually)are in the Top 500 like Petronas and others who  maybe in the 501-1000 rankings!We could also have our Malaysian companies securing Best Companies to Work For in the World Rankings like Google,Boston Consulting Group,Mercedes Benz USA,QUALCOMM and others (just to name a few)

Unleashing People’s Talents are critical for the Nation Sucess and as they say “Quality People Help Build Quality Company” is true and worth the mission!

We must try to pay reasonable salaries to the Work Force and not just to CEOs and Top Mgmt maybe like in Singapore and as they say “you pay peanuts you get monkeys work” and that is not good productivity and profitability to the nation’s progress!

If Singapore can do it all(become a wealthy nation and high earnings per capita) all this while (maybe with Great Leadership of Lee Kuan Yew and his Mgmt Team) then Malaysia can do it also or even better?

We need a strong budget to build talents not buildings (as we have enough already) and we need Great Leaders who think more of their People than their own pockets and like the Business Guru Jim Collins said we need Leaders who have professional will and great humility to get this mission of unleashing the Peoples’ Talents done well and good to great!

How to do?

Contact Ramli at +6-019-2537165 or email:

Yes,2012 have already begun and you are now in the 1st Qtr of 2012.Normally we split into 4 Qtrs to execute our Business Plan  and yes,we do focus on a monthly,weekly and even daily performance outputs or results.What are your 2012 Focus and How much profits are you targeting or be satisfied to achieve for this 2012?

We need to review,revise and replan our Business Goals or Objectives based on areas of:

  • Q -quality.How we make our products and services better than before that satisfy our global or domestic customers all the time
  • C-cost.How we ensure we produce World Class products and services that at economical costs and eliminate wastages at all sectors or business processes.
  • D-delivery.How we produce or deliver our products and services at a speed satisfied by our customers or meeting our performance standards or promises to our customers.
  • S-safety or security.How we produce our products and services that are safe,secure and without any loss of time due to accidents or unchecked risks.We also ensure safety to our employees and customers.
  • M-morale.How we make our working environment happier than before by all employees working harmoniously,with great teamwork,passion to excel and minimise or zero mgmt-employee problems.
  • E-environment.How to ensure our company have great focus and execute many efforts or events to help save our environment by practising sustainable mgmt of all our resources and doing lots of CR work to ensure we are a caring company as far as sustainable mgmt is concerned.
  • and many others

With all the above subjects of importance being reviewd,revised and replan for better results in 2012 then there is a great opportunity for better results in areas of profits,improvement of the business processes,talent development and results and company branding become more popular and respected.

If YOU are interested to ensure these focus areas are being dealt with seriously for 2012 then do contact Ramli Abu Hassan (see profile) for a meeting to see how we can work together to achieve our agreed mission in the best possible time agreed upon.

Call Ramli at mobile:+6019-2537165 or email:

Do you know how much money Malaysian Govt,GLCs,MNCs and PLCs spend for International Consultants professional services and consultancy work?Yes,true many hundred millions of USD not Ringgit please!Are they successful in their consultancy and proposals to all those Malaysian entities?Based on all the problems of these entities the answer is NO.Why NO?

Of course the success of any organisation is the LEADERSHIP Factor!

The consultants are hired to advise and recommend whats best BUT if the LEADERSHIP play the game of “Touch N GO” style of management where there is lack of hard work,no gemba style of mgmt and worst still if they practise “Bottom Line Results” type of managing on day to day terms rather than paying close attention to such operational details like people performance,processes,products and services quality,promotions work and many others (basically operational matters that make the company perform well)then the OUTCOME is due to be bad to worst and not good to great like what most quality or world class companies do well always!

Maybe its time to get CEOs from engineering or HR background and let the accountants excel as CFOs of their respective companies since they managed by studying numbers and money they love to sit in their cool rooms and think&decide rather than go to the site and study all the facts and datas for achieving Great Business Results.

MAS have done well their initial Business Turnaround and Business Transformation Projects when Datuk Seri Idris Jala was brought in from Shell to get MAS out of debts and bankruptcy and he also showed that MAS can make their biggest profits in 60 years tenure of almost RM800 Million!WOW!

The BTP2 was also planned and engineered to ensure MAS will become a 5Star valued carrier and not like AirAsia a World Class Low Cost Carrier!If the focus is MAKE LOTS OF PROFITS then who made most a 5Star Valued Carrier or a World Class Low Cost Carrier?

MAS must benchmarked with the same apple to apple type of carrier ie like with SIA or Emirates or even Thai Airways?The business model and scope of business is very much different since Premium Airlines or 5Star Valued Carriers pay lots of attention on High Quality Service,Great F&B,Service both in the air and on ground  with execellence,high trained crew and airline staff,continual improvement efforts,teamwork,economic costs to achieve high profits and all other subjects that can fully satisfy the customers of economy,business and first class!The satisfaction of employees must also be taken into consideration to become an airline of world class standards all the time!

So whats interesting to know especially by Ramli is what actually happened after the quick departure of Datuk Seri Idris Jala to Head PEMANDU in the PM’s Dept who showed that MAS can make RM800 Million profits in a year (record in 60 years of MAS history) and also left all the Business Plans for MAS to maintain and excel as a 5 Star Valued Carrier?Why the sudden drop of good performance to the brink of bankcrupt again and where Top Bosses at Khazanah Nasional Berhad and MAS Board easily agree the fast way out by inviting Tan Sri Tony Fernandes of Air Asia by not offering the post of CEO of MAS (Tony is also the Group CEO of AirAsia) but a share swap and enable Tony to acquire about 20% of MAS,thats a better deal maybe to Tony!Now we wait the actual results of MAS whether this “magic wand of Tony Fernandes” can make MAS to the road or flight of great profits and improve share price and market capitalization?

To Ramli,if the CEO of MAS or the POWERS OF MAS just sit in their cool office rooms and does not Go Gemba then this dream of MAS making profits again and being respected for her MH tagline will never be achieved and become another nightmare and maybe  the worst kind!

Hey,where is Datuk Seri Idris Jala?Ramli have not read any serious remark or comment on why MAS is a failure again and on the verge of bankruptcy?Please Datuk Seri,your comments,advice and remarks is so important!

GTP and ETP will not be a success story if your past BTP1 and BTP2 at MAS cannot sustained her performance to ensure continued success even though the leadership change because the plans are good and can sustained her performance!Its all about Continual Improvement and More Breakthroughs!

Luckily MAS is not offered to Foreign Powers or Investors otherwise we may lose our long standing NATIONAL ASSET that we have owned since 1947 till now!

Ramli can be contacted at hp:+6019-2537165 or email at

Lets see what other Bosses at MAS and Khazanah Nasional Berhad are saying on this Hot Subject of MAS-AirAsia

Saturday August 13, 2011

Rashdan: MAS off to a good start

The same team that crafted and undertook the widespread asset unbundling (WAU) exercise a decade ago to bail out the then debt-ridden Malaysia Airlines (MAS) on the brink of bankruptcy is back on board. And on Tuesday, MAS tied up with its once arch rival AirAsiafounders Tan Sri Tony Fernandes and Datuk Kamarudin Meranun. This marks yet another fresh start for MAS which has seen more than its fair share of restructuring, turnaround and transformation plans in the past decade.

The idea for the collaboration is to get MAS to do what it’s best at being a focused full premium service carrier. The newly-set up executive committee led by new MASchairman Tan Sri Md Nor Yusof met for the first time on Thursday. It plans to scrutinise every single document, contract, strategy, profit and cost centre to weed out the weak areas and bolster the airline’s financial status.

StarBizWeek’B.K. SIDHU met up with MAS’ newly-appointed executive director Mohammed Rashdan Yusof (pic), who says the team is off to a good start. Below are excerpts of the interview:

SBW: What is the biggest problem facing MAS?

Rashdan: If you look at its operating statistics, the airline’s cost is one of the best versus other full service carriers. Its cost per ASK is competitive but the RASK (revenue per available seat km) is suffering. It (lacks) the ability to charge on a global basis, and this in turn is connected to our products. What we need is quality. We need a product which is highly competitive, the likes of the Middle Eastern airlines, and not Singapore Airlines alone. They are formidable competitors and we need to be at least at par or better.

Our strength clearly lies in our service the golden girls, the golden touch, the Malaysian touch, Malaysian hospitality. Hopefully people will pay what it’s worth and we can raise yields and RASK. We want to bring back the golden days that is how we made money and that is how we want to continue to make money. It is a simple strategy. We need to get back to that.

Do you agree that share swap does not address the fundamental need to manage revenue?

RASK is about revenue quality. In the past, the airline did a lot of global sales. We had revenue but now we want high quality revenue such as high yields and high RASK. People will only pay high yields and RASK if the product and service is good. So we will continue to maintain our competitive edge in services, both cabin and ground crew and also our inflight products. The good thing now is that we will no longer be distracted or detracted.

The A380 aircraft is coming in May. That will be a class of its own. Tony and Kamarudin have a fantastic relationship with Airbus and we can do a lot of things with them on our side. They are a clear asset … the way they negotiate for engines, spare parts and even planes and their cost savings culture. We could use all of that expertise at MAS.

Do you have the buy-in from the employees?

We met the union leaders and to my sweet surprise they are fully behind us. They understand that if we succeed, so will they. The rest is about execution and the new team will not let them down.

Where will immediate savings come from?

At our very first exco meeting, we identified savings in procurement. I can’t tell you where as we have not told our suppliers yet. They are capital expenditures and are large.

We have looked at the detailed study done by Bain & Co and the figure is up to RM1.2bil cost savings jointly.

The immediate areas will be training, (the whole gamut of) procurement from aircraft, spares, engines to simulators. As for funding, we can look at new ways of financing our aircraft purchase. In training, both of us have simulators and facilities. We will look at how we can share and have best practices.

What is the cash situation at MAS?

It is manageable and we have in excess of RM1.6bil. Obviously we have very large deliveries in the pipeline in terms of aircraft and these are for replacement of the aging B747 aircraft which have a high fuel burn. But with the new B737 and the A380 coming in, we immediately move to a higher productivity platform. If we use these new aircraft for our thick trunk routes, and promise improvement of product, which we assure you will be second to none in the region, surely people will pay more for it.

(That will lead to) fuel ASK improvement, and yield and RASK improvements. If we are able to demonstrate that and generate positive cashflow, the financing will surely come.

There has been much criticism over WAU, which you were also part of. Your comment.

WAU was successful in that it saved the airline from the brink of bankruptcy in 2001/2002. It gave the then MD Tan Sri Md Nor Yusof a platform to put into place operational restructuring, which he did. If you look back at the share price chart right up to his last day, it peaked during his tenure and shareholder revenues increased. So it is up to MAS to continue the good work he has done. Md Nor did financial restructuring and the managers (his successor) should have followed through.

Now his return as chairman is more meaningful as he understands the industry well.

In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge that could derail these big plans?

The biggest risk is if we take our eyes off the ball on how difficult this is to execute. It is not an easy ride.

The global economic outlook points to a double dip. Will this throw a spanner in the works on your plans?

Economic cycles come and go. But when the cycle is going up, you better be sure you are there to milk it. That comes in well with our aircraft deliveries. The future is for our taking. We just have to make sure we have the capacity to deploy and take advantage of it. Of course, we will face fierce competition from the usual suspects Garuda, China carriers that have identified Asia as their playground, the Middle Eastern carriers and Qantas, Jetstar … Why on earth should we retract when Asia is the playground?

To compete with SIA or Emirates, you need connectivity, frequency and comfort. How do you stack up?

We are seriously looking at launching the premium segment for short-haul carrier and that will serve us a strong feeder network. We already have the resources from Firefly jet services and that resources can be directed for full services proposition. It takes only months to realise this.

Three years from now, will we have to hear the story again of why MAS failed?

Three years from now, the only airline you will want to fly is MAS.

Do YOU know by factual accounts the amount of Ringgit we waste every year,month,days and hour?

All the errors we make as Leaders of the Country and States plus as Top Management of Companies big or small is a CRIME TO THE RAKYAT AND WASTES OF PUBLIC FUNDS.

When we make errors we make many bad outcomes and errors mean wastes of time,people efforts,resources of all kinds like materials,money,opportunities and so many actually to list here..we need a Lab style of meeting to think,study,analyse,recommend and act to this Project for Wastes Elimination Transformation Programme or  WETP just like GTP and ETP!Remember GTP and ETP can also become wastes to Malaysia if not thought of rightly,sincerely and act accordingly to get the Big Fast Results and the Final Outcome of 2020!

So wastes is a good study for all Leaders and Top Management and when we study rightly and with serious passion,commitment and willing to act rightly we can SAVE LOTS OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR CAPITAL THAT WE HAVE,BORROWED OR SEEK FROM MANY SOURCES.In times of financial crisis we know its hard to  invite Foreign Direct Investments to the country and also companies having tough times to sell their product or services BUT we always hear the government and companies are “spending like mad” for activities or projects better left untouched or just eliminate due to wastes of money,time and people’s efforts.

What then are the GREAT WASTES OF THE GOVT AND COs’?

This is a lengthy subject for discussion but Ramli will just list a few projects or activities that have caused lots of wastes (money loss) and time and even tarnish Malaysia’s image as a Great Country and having many positive personalities that help build Malaysia and eliminate wasteful projects!

Before that its important to understand the kind or category of wastes that we created and this is best to refer to the industry methodology of studying wastes by what Gurus like Juran and Crosby have highlighted to Top Management and they are the COPQ ie Cost of Poor Quality (include Leadership and Mgmt poor decisions)

1.Failure Costs both Internal and External where due to our bad decisions we make errors and wastes are created internally and also externally.This are “gone case” where we really have created wastes and lots of money is lost!External failure costs is worst because we even tarnished our country’s name and co’s name.This also caused market claims from customers and anyone effected by our mistakes.

2.Appraisal costs are wastes that we created because we dont believe in our System so we create special departments or people to always do checking or inspection so that our projects or orders are checked and maintained for results.All these checking or safe guarding are wastes since we now need to spend lots of money to perform all these checking or appraisals.

3.Preventive costs are all those efforts we do to try to make our projects or decisions Right the First Time and these maybe the least costs incurred by the Govt or Cos concerned.Here we try to train our people to know what to do rightly and correctly with minimum errors or failures.By doing many of this kind of preventive actions we hope to get the Best Outcomes and like our many projects towards 2020,we hope we achieve all of them or some of them.It will be a nightmare if we dont achieve any of them!

Ramli in his many years in the corporate sector like with Matsushita and Affin Bank have realised the weakness in Mgmt to create this great study and passion on COPQ.So,when there is no serious leadership,thoughts and actions to realize the importance of COPQ,we continually make errors all the time and Top Mgmt errors can costs the company a “bomb” where millions of RM are lost and no way of recovering them.

At the Global fronts,there are also companies and even govts who have made grave errors and lost Billlions of USD of Public Funds and Shareholders money and turn their companies Bankrupts and even countries!

OK,the list of Govt Leadership and Top Mgmt at Cos’ errors and wastes of the highest degree are like:

  • People still live in hardships and the poverty levels is still BAD for the majority of the population while maybe 10-20% of the population controls 80-90% of the country’s wealth!
  • Leaders just talk and make promises BUT nothing is actually delivered in full or ontime as promised in the election period!
  • Wastes are created everywhere all the time like too many official visits like 4 times a week both domestic and overseas  with no real reason and results.Just jalan jalan and suka suka.Better stay in the office by talking and listening to staff ideas and feedbacks for improvements.We need quality time for quality results and eliminate all the COPQ.
  • What is Budgeted and Executed are questionable in terms of ROI and wastes generated and costs saved.This need careful and more study!
  • Top Mgmt demand “exorbitant salaries” nowadays in Malaysia BUT with their short contract tenure of 2-3 years and possible extension,they tend to produce “as what they can” and not go for long term based and quantum or gigantic business results and seem like Touch N Go styles of management where there is No Good Corp Culture being developed,talent management being look after and many more long term based projects.This is just creatimg lost opportunities to become Global Champions or Regional Champion companies due to this TnG style of management practise and very soon the same CEO is found managing another GLC or PLCs again starting the same nonsense mgmt styles…
  • The events of mass destructions if there are street riots or demonstrations can be VERY HARMFUL AND LOTS OF WASTES can be created if the “foolish people” start damaging public properties like govt offices,hospitals,roads,trains,buses and police vehicles etc….this are the Rakyat assets and by damaging these public properties we may prove a point in our demos but it only hurt more when we lose lots of money and need to rebuild those destroyed or left without one like schools,offices or hospitals and we suffer the bad times….
  • PEACE,UNDERSTANDING,COOPERATION are all very important to not allow our foolishness,nonsense or bad personalities to happen and by upholding these good values we help make Malaysia BETTER,HAPPIER,PROSPER,ELIMINATE GREAT WASTES,BUILD GREAT TALENTS AND MANY MORE…
In summary for this brief article,Ramli hoped we think seriously of eliminating all these wasteful ways or actions that both Govt Leaders,Top Mgmt of Companies and people like you and me have done or committed everyday or sometimes.
We need to follow the ways or leadership shown by Prophet Muhammad pbuh and his Pious Caliphs where the Prophet pbuh have always shown the rightful ways of living by not making wastes and try our very best to save everything that Allah SWT have bestowed and grant to humans to satisfy their living needs and pleasures.The examples of the ways of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh is so great and honourable that really teach us the importance of not creating wastes at all and teach others the same since the new generations must also possess these noble values or way of living rightly and properly.
The world’s food supply and natural resources are getting less and less and if we do not save them or utilise correctly with good sustainable mgmt styles rather than all the nonsense styles of mgmt then our future generations can hope for a better,greater and happier future ahead.
Contact Ramli for more details or your feedbacks at hp:+6019-2537165 or email at:

Some facts on COPQ made available at Wikipedia:



Cost of poor quality

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cost of poor quality (COPQ) or poor quality costs (PQC), are defined as costs that would disappear if systems, processes, and products were perfect. in his 1987 book Poor Quality Costs.[1] COPQ is a refinement of the concept of quality costs. In the 1960s, IBM undertook an effort to study its own quality costs and tailored the concept for its own use.[2]. While Feigenbaum’s term “quality costs” is technically accurate,

COPQ was popularized by IBM quality expert H. James Harrington it’s easy for the uninitiated to jump to the conclusion that better quality products cost more to produce. Harrington adopted the name “poor quality costs” to emphasize the belief that investment in detection and prevention of product failures is more than offset by the savings in reductions in product failures.

COPQ decomposes COPQ into the following elements:



Direct poor-quality costs

  • Controllable poor-quality cost
    • Prevention cost
    • Appraisal cost
  • Resultant poor-quality cost
    • Internal error cost
    • External error cost
  • Equipment poor-quality cost
Direct COPQ can be directly derived from entries in the company ledger.[3]

  • Controllable COPQ is directly controllable costs to ensure that only acceptable products and services reach the customer.[4]
  • Resultant COPQ are costs incurred because unacceptable products and services were delivered to the customer, resulting from earlier decisions about how much to invest in controllable COPQ.[5]
  • Equipment COPQ are costs to invest in equipment to measure, accept, or control a product or service[6]. It is treated separately from controllable costs to accommodate the effects of depreciation.
Indirect poor-quality costs

  • Customer-incurred cost
  • Customer-dissatisfaction cost
  • Loss-of-reputation cost
Indirect COPQ is difficult to measure because it is a delayed result of time, effort, and financial costs incurred by the customer. These customer costs add up to lost sales and therefore do not appear in the company’s ledger.[7]



Cost element


Direct poor-quality costs Controllable poor-quality cost Prevention cost
Appraisal cost
  • Test and inspection
  • Supplier acceptance sampling
  • Auditing processes
Resultant poor-quality cost Internal error cost
  • In-process scrap and rework
  • Troubleshooting and repairing
  • Design changes
  • Additional inventory required to support poor process yields and rejected lots
  • Reinspection and retest of reworked items
  • Downgrading
External error cost
Equipment poor-quality cost Micrometers, voltmeters, automated test equipment (but not equipment used to make the product)
Indirect poor-quality costs Customer-incurred cost
  • Loss of productivity due to product or service downtime
  • Travel costs and time spent to return defective product
  • Repair costs after warranty period
  • Backup product or service to cover failure periods
Customer-dissatisfaction cost Dissatisfaction shared by word of mouth
Loss-of-reputation cost Customer perception of firm

White collar COPQ

Harrington noted that expanding cost analyses to management and clerical workers could also make a significant dent in waste.[8] He defined the following costs by functional area:

Functional area

Controllable COPQ

Resultant COPQ

Controller COPQ
  • Timecard reviews
  • Capital equipment reviews
  • Invoicing reviews
  • Billing errors
  • Incorrect accounting entries
  • Payroll errors
Software COPQ
  • Design reviews
  • Code reviews
  • Crashes
  • Deadlocks
  • Incorrect outputs
Plant administration COPQ
  • Security
  • Facility inspection and testing
  • Machine maintenance training
  • Disclosure of trade secrets
  • Facilities redesign
  • Overstaffing/understaffing
  • Equipment downtime/idle time
Purchasing COPQ
  • Vendor reviews
  • Periodic vendor surveys
  • Follow-up on delivery dates
  • Strike built-in costs
  • Line-down cost
  • Excessive inventory due to suppliers
  • Premium freight cost
Marketing COPQ
  • Sales material review
  • Marketing forecast
  • Customer surveys
  • Sales training
  • Overstock
  • Loss of market share
  • Incorrect order entry
Personnel COPQ
  • Prescreening applications
  • Appraisal reviews
  • Exit interviews
  • Attendance tracking
  • Absenteeism
  • Turnover
  • Grievances
Industrial engineering COPQ
  • Packaging evaluations
  • Layout reviews
  • OSHA reports
  • Inspection of contract work
  • OSHA fines
  • Shipping damage
  • Redoing layout
  • Paying contractors for poor work

Cost of poor quality by inception point

The damages of poor quality augment as the inception point is farther down the supply chain:
TCFP [Total Cost of Faulty Part] =
Direct Cost (manufacturing cost)
➔ failure at supplier’s site (bad)
+ Labor Cost (assembly and testing)
+ Overhead Cost (Inventory, handling, shipping costs)
+ Scrapping Cost (of part and attached parts assemblies: Sometimes assemblies cannot be disassembled and have to be scrapped altogether)
+ Rework (applying a new part instead)
➔ failure at manufacturer’s site (worse)
+ Repair / Recall Costs (these are costs associated with repairing or replacing a new part / assembly under warranty)
+ Product Liability Costs (These are costs resulting from damages caused by the faulty part to 3rd parties)
➔ failure at customers’ site (worst)




Like all businesses small or big,in Malaysia or Rest of the World the ability to achieve our business plan as started in the start of this year is so critical and utmost importance.

Some Top Mgmt are smart or cunning or play safe by announcing Business Targets that are within their means to achieve BUT the Real Good Top Mgmt are those who put great challenges to their people and themselves to achieve Business Results that they know need lots of hard work,smart thinking,innovative ways of working and good teamwork plus careful or prudent use of their available funds.

Many of the World’s Best or Profitable companies know what it takes to become the Best Co in the World and to achieve that they always measure,monitor and maintain their financial performance not on a half yearly basis nor quarterly or monthly basis BUT on a day to day basis where at the end of the day,the Top Mgmt especially the CEO knows exactly what the P&L status of the company as of the day’s transactions!Why?

With this mode or style of management then Top Mgmt can understand where their financial status are whether the figures indicate a profit or loss situation.Maybe due to good sales they add more revenues to their account and also due to great savings from innovative ideas they managed to save on purchases of raw materials or savings on electricity,water,telecommunication or petrol bills.

However if the Management control is poor or slacking then there will be losses occuring due to market claims,errors at the production plants or product launching and also errors of management and staff due to not working right the first time.

Companies need KNOWLEDGE at the highest level and to achieve that their people must be trained and know what’s the best action/s to produce World Class Performances all the time!

The establishment of Corporate Universities or Internal Academies in many Big Companies have enabled their people to become Leaders of their Business and have great competitive edge over their rivals since their new found or acquired knowledge have enabled them to harvest the marketplace with their innovative products and services where the customers love it very much!

Knowledge is POWER!

Only Smart Business Owners realized the importance of acquiring,developing,retaining and reward their TALENTS.If you have done all this since 1stJan,2011 then by today 1stJuly,2011 you must be on the road of many achievements because your TALENTS have done their work right,get things done right,fast and in full plus a lot more of great performance which you will never get if you follow the old style of educating your people!

To know more,contact Ramli Abu Hassan and his Global Panel of Experts at mobile:+6019-2537165 or emailed:

Ramli have written his book titled “Revolusi Aksi” or Action Revolution in 2006 and the book actual released to the Malaysian market was on 24thMarch,2006 during the KL International Book Fair held at PWTC in KL.

Ramli have written many articles and have tried many ways to promote,teach and build communities of Revolusi Aksi practitioners especially in Malaysia.

Now,Ramli once again want to emphasised the importance of the 3Es’ factor in this Revolusi Aksi Philosophy and Methodology of making sure we get the RIGHT Results with the RIGHT Actions!

The first of the 3Es  is EXCELLENCE.

To achieve Excellence in our work and play we must aim for the best always.Normally Leaders must possess this attribute of becoming an Excellent Person ie.a person with Great Mind,Great Action,Great Dynamism,Great Preseverance,Great Leadership and many other attributes of a Great Leader.

To achieve Excellence we must also know what is World Class Performance ie.the best among the best in the World.Like in Ramli’s teaching of World Class Performance,Ramli stressed the World Class Performance is like participation in the Olympics where you must be the best of the best atheletes to reach the FINAL of the particular event.Only when YOU are in the FINAL can you consider as the best in the world and if you win the Final race then you become the Champion or No.1 in the World!

Motorola is a World Class Company because it strieve so hard in 1982 when one of the Directors mentioned that “Motorola Quality really stinks” and so Motorola decided that they must improve towards Excellence!

So,Motorola initiated their many actions in this 6Sigma Journey of Excellence and through the 10 years or so,Motorola finally achieve “their quality that smells like perfume where they now tolerate only about 3 defects per million production” and that have helped them to improve their business,their reputation as far as quality of their products and services are concerned and also quality of the people or talents.

Excellence must be a passion especially among Leaders and if Leaders do not go for excellence then don’t be a Leader just be a Follower!

Excellence must be a Prerequisite for Top Management candidates and only with this excellence in whatever they do can move the organization to that World Class Levels of Performances.

Next of the 3Es is Excitement.

All people must show excitement in their work and play.Excitement is all about being happy and enthusiastic because something good is going to happen at your workplace or at home!

Once the Top Management have introduce the Business Plan of the Year,all Middle Management must show their support by actively and enthusiastically promoting and stressing the contents of the Business Plan to their many subordinates especially the workers level.

Excitement must now be a prerequisite for Middle Managers levels so that together with Top Management Excellence and Middle Management Excitement then we can achieve many things we want in our business or family since the Revolusi Aksi is now moving full steam ahead and will work as planned!

However without the application of the last of the 3Es ie.Enthusiasm especially from the Workers level then it is so difficult to achieve World Class because we need all 3 levels of commitment,cooperation and collaboration to work in any company or entity concerned!

Ramli once read from Tan Sri Konosuke Matsushita’s teachings that with enthusiasm a worker that is not smart or have higher education qualifications can still outperform others around them because their enthusiasm will become like a “magnet” that attracts all the “iron fillings” (people) around them and that moves the organization to World Class Performances also.

So,all workers must possess this Enthusiasm together with Excitement (among Middle Managers) and Excellence (among Top Management).

All these 3Es can also be possessed by all levels of Management in a company through training and practice preferably through projects based but like Ramli have emphasized earlier each strata of Management have their core competencies to achieve and with these 3Es of Revolusi Aksi at least attaining World Class Performances is no more a dream but a Road of Hope and Certainties assured.Inshallah.

For training and consulting work on these subjects like 3Es of Revolusi Aksi,World Class Performances,Corp U,TQM,all the QCDSME+I factors,Team Based projects like MQT,ICC@QCC,KIK@KMK and others,please contact:

Ramli Abu Hassan-Principal Consultant

Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd.



Do you know actually what is the definition of Quality and all that matters in Quality?

The many Great Gurus of Quality have stated:

Dr.Deming:Quality is delighting the customer.

Dr.Juran: Quality is Fitness for use.

Dr.Crosby:Quality means Conformance to Requirements.

Dr.Kaoru Ishikawa:Total Quality Control is a Thought Revolution in Management

Dr.Imai:Kaizen means Improvement.

and many more quality definitions by Quality Gurus.

Now,beginning this year we hear about Toyota (No.1 Auto Manufacturer in the World) “BIG Quality Problem” and today Ramli read about Honda’s “BIG Quality Problem” and soon maybe more Giant Auto Manufacturers are ready to announce in public their same “BIG Quality Problem” so that this kind of public announcements may “soften the blow” from the market (customers) for any serious quality problems reported or found in the market (customers) or “still in the company’s premises” not sold yet to the market.

Ramli once taught Quality Control Circles (QCC) to Malaysia’s Proton car manufacturer based in Shah Alam Plant  and from Ramli’s observation of the factory and office premises plus the Proton People (including Leaders) that is  ” to see with his own eyes,listen with his own ears and sense with his own heart”   Ramli believes a “Quality Car can be made with Quality People” all the time BUT they must adhere to all the teachings of Quality Gurus like  Quality Management Absolutes as described by Dr.Crosby plus Dr.Deming’s “System of Profound Knowledge ” and Dr.Juran’s “Juran Trilogy”

Nowadays because demand is so good and globally the case and supply need to be as fast as possible (afap) or as soon as possible (asap) the great tendency of that “greed factor” will surfaced and thats where ZERO DEFECT become secondary what more 6Sigma (yes,you can telerate 3 defects in a million) also become not important (this is Ramli’s theory need to confirm with all the facts and datas like doing the cause verification in the fishbone diagram study by the QCCs)

Furthermore like PROTON,all major car manufacturers are supported by their car vendors or suppliers which maybe over 5000 of them supplying to the main car manufacturer like PROTON regularly right from the screws,windows,brake pads,car seats,safety belts,air bags,horns,etc…so many actually…normally all the body,painting,assembly of parts and final inspection will be done in the main car manufacturing factory and only after all this are done well with final approval by QC will these completed cars then send to the market either domestically or overseas.Even that their car sales company will also do some standard checking before releasing the cars to the rightful buyers.

So,if you understand QUALITY all the checking you make on the cars your factory produced will not give 100% guarantee that there will be no error or quality problem (customer complaints)



These are the important quality slogans well worth thinking and acting everyday by all people in your company either you make cars,biscuits or underwears….

What Ramli suggests to World Business Leaders are the following:

1.Study again what is Quality for this 21st Century? And like Juran once remarked “the 2oth century is the century of productivity and this 21st century is the century for quality” maybe what this Quality Guru said is true…

2.Remember “Make Quality People before Making Quality Products” as what Tan Sri Konosuke Matsushita once remarked a long time ago.

3.Always follow the “PDCA” cycle in doing things like Dr.Deming have taught the Japanese Top Mgmt also a long time ago..

4.New thoughts or buzz words are good nowadays but with no strong evidence of R&D,success stories and people building,they must be used with CAUTION not WITH THE WOW FACTOR  since without deep thoughts,research and applications they can become “sleeping volcanoes” and a danger to human lives and business turmoils..

5.and many more…(contact Ramli for details at +6019-2537165 or email:

Ramli have attached the article about today’s news on Honda’s BIG Quality Problem as well as the ongong Toyota’s BIG Quality Problem:

Honda airbag fault fuels Japan’s auto woes

AFP – Thursday, February 11,2010

TOKYO (AFP) – – Honda, Japan’s second-biggest carmaker after crisis-hit Toyota, Wednesday recalled more than 400,000 vehicles to fix airbags that it said can explode and spray out potentially deadly metal shards.

The recall, the third related to the defect since late 2008, includes top-selling Accord and Civic cars sold in the United States and Canada as well as models marketed in Japan, Mexico, Taiwan and Australia.

Honda said the defective airbag inflators could rupture, “resulting in metal fragments passing through the airbag cushion material and possibly causing injury or fatality to vehicle occupants”.

The expanded recall of 437,763 vehicles covers models made in 2001 and 2002, mostly in North America, and also includes family-friendly models such as the Odyssey and CR-V.

Honda said it knew of 12 incidents involving the defect and one fatality, but added that there had been no new reports since last year.

The latest safety recall adds to the woes of Japan’s auto industry, a key export earner of Asia’s largest economy, with Toyota making global headlines over its faulty accelerator and brake systems.

Hans Greimel, the Asia editor of Automotive News, said Honda’s airbag problem was “significant” but said the company was “coming under increased scrutiny now because of the Toyota problem”.

“I think all automakers are coming under pressure because of the increased intricacies and complicated nature of today’s cars,” Greimel said. “There are a lot of electronics in the cars. A lot of things that can go wrong.”

Toyota on Tuesday expanded its global recall to over 400,000 of its Prius and other petrol-electric hybrid models. The world’s biggest car maker has now pledged to fix 8.7 million vehicles worldwide. Related article: Toyota announces mass Prius recall

Toyota dealers in Japan have started fixing software problems that can make brakes slow to respond in the third-generation Prius, the company’s flagship hybrid.

Toyota has also said it is recalling more than 7,000 Camry sedans with power steering problems in the United States, while US authorities say they are “reviewing” complaints about steering problems from Corolla drivers.

Company president Akio Toyoda, the grandson of the Toyota founder, has publicly apologised and plans to fly to the United States soon, where his company faces a congressional grilling and a host of lawsuits. Related article: Toyota boss ‘expected’ to testify in Congress

Angry US consumers and Congress members claim Toyota knew about the dangerous problem of “sticky accelerators” for years but was slow to respond until it was forced into action by federal authorities.

Japan’s centre-left government — which took power last year promising to put the interests of consumers before those of big business — has also ramped up pressure on Toyota, one of Japan’s most iconic companies. Related article: Toyota crisis hits hometown

Transport Minister Seiji Maehara, after publicly upbraiding Toyoda on Wednesday, said he expected the company boss to face Congress if US lawmakers request his presence.

However, Toyota officials in Tokyo said they were unaware of such plans.

A House of Representatives committee in Washington postponed a hearing on the Toyota recalls from Wednesday until February 24, after huge snow storms engulfed the US capital.

The Asahi Shimbun daily reported that a contrite Toyota had turned down an energy efficiency award from the government in light of the recall troubles.

Greimel of Automotive News said that Toyota, a company not used to crises, was enduring a “perfect storm” after looking unstoppable during its rise to global dominance.

“They are having their first operating loss in 70 years. Now their quality has been questioned like never before,” he said. “It is a classic fall-from-grace story.”