Posts Tagged ‘mqt’

Watch this YouTube Video on Ramli’s Interview on Hot on Two of RTM held in June 8th,2009.

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—Good Problem Solvers-what type are YOU?
—Type 1: The self negating,despairing type
—Type 2: The someone else’s fault type
—Type 3: The “ostrich” type
—Type 4: The Problem Solving type
—What is a Strong Workplace?
—Tackling more challenging problems!
—A strong workplace is one that recoqnizes problems and can take steps to solve them.
What is a Problem?
—Narrowing the gap between the ideal and the real!
—A problem is a matter that must be resolved
—A Project is a Problem scheduled for solution (Dr.Juran)
—The QC Problem Solving Approach
—The QC problem solving approach is a method of solving problems rationally,scientifically,efficiency and effectively using
—1.The QC Viewpoint
—2.QC 7 Step Formula
—3.QC Tools
—The 10 Commandments for becoming a Competent Problem Solver
—1.It is a lie to say “we have no problems.Problems are everywhere.Actively search them out.
—2.Use accurate data,not guesswork.Observe the workplace carefully and grasp the facts accurately using data
—3.You cannot win empty handed.Study the QC Tools well and apply them thoroughly and effectively
—4.Skill is important.Improve your techincal ability by studying specialist skills,techniques amd tricks
—5.It is no good trying to do everything at once.Advance steadily by faithfully following the QC Seven Step Formula
—6.Do not be beguiled by apparently attracting solutions.Analyze the possible causes rigorously and only act after identifying the true causes
—7.Computers are useful but not creative.Exercise your ingenuity and originality
—8.Without a rational approach,things will come to a dead end.Move ahead using the QC viewpoint
—9.It is no good standing back and telling your subordinates to get on with it.Tackle difficulties yourself
—10.Never give up.Be determined and fight to the last.
—The QC Viewpoint-vital for QC Type Problem Solving
—1.The QC Mindset-Total,Statistical,Quality,Control,Improvement factors
—2.Quality First-above all produce good quality
—3.Consumer Orientation-make the products the customer really wants
—4.The Next Process is Your Customer-never send defectives or mistakes on to the next process
—5.The PDCA Wheel –Rotate the PDCA wheel deligently
—6.Priority Consciousness- Pounce on priority problems and attack them mercilessly
—7.Management by Fact-speak with facts and data
—8.Process Control – control working methods not results
—9.Dispersion Control-pay attention to dispersion and identify its causes
—10.Recurrence Prevention-institute radical countermeasures to ensure that the same mistake is not repeated
—11.Standardization-Formulate,observe and utilize standards
and many lessons to learn on this Art & Science of Elimination of Wastes (Money) due to Mgmt and Staff Errors!

Hanya dengan wujudnya Budaya Kualiti termasuk aktiviti Projek KIK@QCC secara berterusan akan membantu organisasi anda menjadi World Class serta berdaya saing,maju dan dinamik.

Belajar dahulu bagaimana hendak menwujudkan Budaya Kualiti ini dan bagamana hendak beraksi dengan cara Zero Defect atau Zero Error dalam mengimplimentasikan projek ini.

Hubungi lah Ramli di hp:0192537165 serta tel: 0355450975.Anda boleh juga emel:

Lihat lah Profile:


Ramli who have been involved in the areas of consulting,training and writing on subjects like Project Teams (QCC,ICC,KIK,MQT,QIT,WIT.TCS) have realized many years ago on the importance to UNLEASH THE HIDDEN POTENTIAL OF HUMAN CAPITAL through the active participation and completion of their inhouse project/s where teams are established with Management support and cooperation and these teams will embarked on their projects with a duration of 4-6 months tenure and they will have a mission to:

  • improve their current performance to a higher level in areas of quality improvement,productivity gains,cost reductions,waste eliminations,safety improvements,enhanced morale in workplace and also areas of better and cleaner environment.
  • work as a team and apply quality tools or teachniques to make improvements at their workplace or at times work cross functionally with other teams
  • record all their progress and report their findings and results to management for approval and institutionalisation
  • and many more

While the 1.4 Million strong Malaysian Civil Servants are now enjoying their new pay scheme and see their monthly salary increases they too have an important duty to the nation and the Rakyat.They can ensure their commitment to continual excellent service,integrity,honesty at work,responsible at all times and always seeking for ways to improve their performance.One of the best ways is in the active participation of Project Teams like Kumpulan Inovatif & Kreatif or KIK.

KIK will be the best vehicle to allow active participation of all govt employees and being 1.4Million  people they can form almost 140,000 KIKs around the country in the over 35 Ministries concerned.KIK is best to have about 4 to 10 persons in a team.

So,with 140,000 KIKs (a 100% participation achievement) the Malaysian Civil Servants can do so many projects and that means:

  • 140,000 projects of problem solving or Breakthrough results can be realized by the Govt
  • if 140,000 projects succeessfully completed will helped saved about RM 1,000 per project per KIK that  means RM 140,000,000 (yes RM140 Million) is saved per KIK calender (about 4-6 mths tenure).Imagine the IMPACT to the Ministries and Nation?
  • 1.4 Million people will now gained new knowledge,better teamwork,cooperation,expert in their work and many other tangible and intangible benefits

So,the DRIVE FOR REAL TRANSFORMATION in the Malaysian Civil Service is to really promote,register and ensure the 1.4 million malaysian civil servants are participating in this KIK and ensure all their projects are completed as scheduled in their PDCA Cycle and meet or exceed their targets of improvement or problem solving.

Can they do that?They must since they have received salary increases and better perks and its fair that they too become more productive,better quality and do all their KIK projects with great success,determination,teamwork and service to the Rakyat and Nation.As almost 90% of Malaysian Civil Servants are Malays and Muslims they too have a duty to serve Islam and Allah SWT.

Please contact Ramli Abu Hassan at hp:+6-019-2537165 or email: for assistance.

Ramli yang telah begitu lama menyertai,memimpin dan berjuang dalam Dunia QCC (sejak tahun 1976 hingga sekarang ) dan di Malaysia QCC(nama asalnya sejak 1962)  telah diinovasikan di Malaysia dengan jenama barunya KMK@KIK serta QCC@ICC.

Dunia QCC atau KMK@KIK serta ICC telah banyak menyumbangkan perubahan atau pembangunan dari aspek individu (personal development),pembangunan bersama (mutual development) dan pembangunan organisasi (organisational development).

Penyertaan pekerja2 serta pihak pengurusan juga telah membantu membawa banyak faedah ketara dan tidak ketara pada organisasi khususnya.QCC telah banyak menghasilkan perubahan dan menyelesaikan masalah serta pembuat peningkatan kerja dari “breakthrough” projek2 mereka yang di persembahkan dalam setiap konvensyen serta penjelasan dari laporan2 kertas projek QCC mereka.

Pada ulang tahun KIK Sektor Kerajaan Malaysia yang ke-29 ini pada 2012 Ramli telah di beritahu akan perubahan2 drastik yang di buat oleh pihak pengurusan KIK sendiri (iaitu INTAN) akan objektif2nya serta kriteria2 penilaian KIK itu sendiri.

Adakah perubahan2 ini (yang telah diinovasikan) akan menjadi baik kepada tahap mutu KIK itu sendiri serta membantu pembangunan KIK seluruhnya di agensi2 dan kementerian2 di kerajaan Malaysia?

Apakah yang sepatut perubahan2 ini hasilkan?

  • Prestasi KIK akan menjadi lebih berkesan,bermutu tinggi dan membawa banyak manfaat kepada sektor awam
  • Lebih banyak KIK di tubuhkan di agensi2 serta kementerian2
  • Lebih kekal penyertaan ahli2 KIK dan bukan membuat projek KIK sekali sehaja!
  • Jika di ukur lebih tinggi ratio penyertaan staf2 setiap musim KIK mungkin dari ratio 30% ke 60% dan setrusnya hingga 100% penyertaan setiap staf dalam aktiviti KIK Jabatan,Agensi atau Kementerian?
  • Pemahaman ahli2 KIK akan kegunaan alat alat QC dengan lebih baik dan mendalam
  • Skim penilaian KIK menjadi lebih berkesan dan efektif kepada pembangunan KIK dan senang di fahami dan dituruti
  • KIK melaksanakan aktiviti KIK mereka dengan sekurang2nya 2 projek setahun dari 1 projek setahun sekarang ini.
  • skim anugerah dan “recoqnition” KIK menjadi lebih baik dan efektif untuk mengenang jasa sumbangan KIK kepada Kerajaan
  • dan banyak lagi….

Sila lihat apakah perubahan2 yang berlaku sekarang (untuk tahun 2012) kepada KIK (dari penjelasan pihak INTAN)


-Tahun ini adalah tahun pertama KIK peringkat Kebangsaan melibatkan Kementerian dalam kategori Kementerian.

-Jabatan-jabatan di bawah Kementerian bertanding dalam kategori Kementerian.

-Terdapat pemisahan di antara State dan Kementerian dibuat.

-Hanya jabatan yang berstatus negeri sahaja boleh mewakili negeri.
e.g:  Jabatan Pendaftaran Negeri, Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia dan
Jabatan Persekutuan yang lain.

-Walau bagaimanapun jabatan persekutuan yang beroperasi di
negeri dan mempunyai dua (2) ‘kerakyatan” iaitu negeri dan persekutuan
seperti JKR, JPS dan lain-lain, jabatan berkenaan boleh mengadakan
perbincangan dengan negeri bagi menentukan jabatan tersebut akan
bertanding mewakili negeri atau kementerian.

-Jabatan Persekutuan di negeri mewakili Kementerian.

-Tahun ini adalah tahun pertama KIK peringkat Kebangsaan melibatkan Kementerian dalam kategori Kementerian.

-Jabatan-jabatan di bawah Kementerian bertanding dalam kategori Kementerian.

-Terdapat pemisahan di antara State dan Kementerian dibuat.

-Hanya jabatan yang berstatus negeri sahaja boleh mewakili negeri.
e.g:  Jabatan Pendaftaran Negeri, Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia dan
Jabatan Persekutuan yang lain.

-Walau bagaimanapun jabatan persekutuan yang beroperasi di
negeri dan mempunyai dua (2) ‘kerakyatan” iaitu negeri dan persekutuan
seperti JKR, JPS dan lain-lain, jabatan berkenaan boleh mengadakan
perbincangan dengan negeri bagi menentukan jabatan tersebut akan
bertanding mewakili negeri atau kementerian.

-Jabatan Persekutuan di negeri mewakili Kementerian.

*Kategori Teknikal ialah projek yang menggunakan bidang pengetahuan yang tertentu seperti kejuruteraan, seni perusahaan, dan sains gunaan. Masalah projek yang dikenalpasti dan telah diselesaikan oleh kumpulan adalah berhubung kait dengan bidang yang tersebut ini. Cadangan yang dikemukakan dan dilaksanakan juga adalah dalam bidang yang sama. Contoh projek teknikal ialah penciptaan peralatan baru, pembangunan sistem computer atau perisian computer, perubahan dalam penggunaan bahan atau komponen kimia dan perwujudan kaedah teknikal baru.

*Kategori Pengurusan ialah projek yang berkaitan dengan hal-hal pentadbiran atau sistem prosedur kerja. Contohnya, penggabungan borang permohonan, lesen komposit, pengenalan borang baru, pelaksanaan prosedur kerja baru, pengenalan sistem kerja baru atau pengubahsuaian sistem lama kepada sistem baru yang boleh menjimatkan masa, meningkatkan kepuasan hati pelanggan serta faedah-faedah lain.

SKEMA PEMARKAHAN KIK mulai 2012.(rujukan : INTAN)

  • Pemeriksaan Projek KIK (30%)
    • Pemeriksaan terhadap validitasi data dan sumber data projek.
    • Pemeriksaan terhadap penyeragaman projek dan penilaian kumpulan.
  • Penilaian Projek KIK Melalui Dokumentasi (40%) 
    •   Penilaian ini diadakan secara bersemuka antara panel dan peserta semasa konvensyen berdasarkan dokumentasi projek
  • Penilaian Persembahan Projek KIK (20%)
    • Penilaian ke atas keberkesanan mempersembahkan projek selama 10 minit semasa konvensyen.
    • Naik 5% dari 15% kepada 20% dalam aspek Public Speaking.
  • Penilaian Pameran Projek KIK (10%)
    • Penilaian ke atas kreativiti dan inovasi kumpulan dalam mempamerkan dan mempromosikan projek yang dipertandingkan


  1. Semua kumpulan dikehendaki bersiap sedia 5 minit lebih awal dari masa yang telah ditetapkan dalam Jadual Persembahan KIK.
  2. Masa 5 minit akan diberikan untuk memasang peralatan oleh kumpulan, termasuk Montaj (sekiranya ada).
  3. Persembahan setiap kumpulan yang mengambil bahagian di Konvensyen akan dinilai berdasarkan kepada kriteria seperti yang telah dinyatakan.
  4. Setiap kumpulan akan diberikan 10 minit untuk membuat persembahan. Masa persembahan akan bermula selepas perkataan pertama disebutkan oleh kumpulan.
  5. Sekiranya tiada permulaan oleh kumpulan, loceng/buzzer permulaan akan dibunyikan setelah tamat 5 minit masa persediaan.  Loceng kedua akan dibunyikan setelah cukup 8 minit; dan loceng/buzzer penamat akan dibunyikan setelah cukup 10 minit persembahan.
  6. Penilaian akan dijalankan oleh ahli-ahli Panel.  Keputusan Panel Penilai adalah muktamad.

Semoga perubahan yang berlaku pada 2012 ini akan membantu Pengurusan Atasan menjadikan atau memposisikan KIK sebagai pemangkin Transformasi Kakitangan Kerajaan untuk bersama2 dengan Pihak Pengurusan membina atau menTransformasikan Prestasi dan Pencapaian Sektor Awam ke tahap World Class dengan menyertaan World Class People for building a World Class Government Service.Inshallah.

Ramli akan juga bincangkan dan membuat analisa akan prestasi QCC@ICC kita di pihak Swasta pada masa akan datang.Inshallah.

Sila hubungi Ramli untuk sebarang pertanyaan,latihan dan konsultansi QCC@ICC dan KMK@KIK serta MQT (Managers Quality Team) di talifon 019-2537165 atau emel:

Ramli telah menceburi bidang Kualiti ini sejak mula bekerja dengan Matsushita Electronic Components mulai 1976 lagi.Matsushita sekarang lebih dikenali dengan Panasonic telah sentiasa mengamal Kualiti sebagai Budaya Kerja nya dan banyak aktiviti2 serta strategi2 syarikat mencerminkan akan keutamaan Kualiti dalam Bisnes Harian dan Jangka Panjang nya.

Make Man Before Products dan Customer is King adalah cogankata2 Matsushita yang di umumkan,diajari dan dikawalselia pada setiap lokasinya diseluruh dunia.

Dengan sejarah penubuhannya sejak 1918 lagi,Matsushita telah menjadi IKON dan Penanda Aras (Benchmark) kepada banyak syarikat di Jepun dan seluruh dunia.Banyak lawatan ke kilang dan temubual dengan Pengasasnya Tan Sri Konosuke Matsushita telah di buat dan dengan Knowledge learned dan acquired telah sekurang2nya membantu syarikat2 ini maju dengan kualiti yg terbaik dan berjaya memenuhi hasrat pelanggan mereka seluruh dunia setiap masa.

Aktiviti KIK atau dulu dikenali sebagai Kumpulan Meningkat Mutu Kerja atau KMK di Jabatan,Agensi dan Kementerian Kerajaan telah mula bertapak pada 1983 apabila Polisi Lihat ke Timur (Look East Policy) dilancarkan oleh PM Tun Dr.Mahatir,KMK@KIK telah juga diperkenalkan dan bermula dengan baik setelah manual KMK di perkenalkan pada semua dan Agensi seperti MAMPU dan INTAN telah dipertanggungjawabkan untuk melaksanakan projek2 KMK@KIK tersebut pada lebih 1000 agensi,jabatan dan kementerian yang sediada itu.

Sekarang 2012 adalah tahun ke 29 kewujudan KMK@KIK ini di sektor awam dan apakah kesannya terhadap prestasi atau output2 setiap agensi,jabatan dan kementerian kerajaan?

Ramli telah melibatkan diri secara TOTAL dalam perjalanan dan perjuangan KMK@KIK serta QCC@ICC ini di Malaysia sejak bermulanya pada 1983 lagi dan setelah mendapat pendedahan QCC  ini di Matsushita sejak 1976 maka Ramli berjaya membantu banyak pengamal2 QCC ini akan apakah Best Practices QCC yang boleh diamal dan dilaksanakan di syarikat2 lain.Usaha2 ini Ramli berjaya laksanakan apabila adalah Study Trips,Jemputan Memberi Talk on QCC,Jemputan Menjadi Panel Hakim serta Program2 Dialog akan subjek TQM,QC dan QCC ini dilaksanakan seluruh Malaysia.

Ramli juga bersumbang dengan menulis rencana2 kualiti dan QCC dan dihantar ke MPC dulu NPC dan juga Intranet syarikat semasa Ramli di Matsushita dan Afiin Bank Berhad.

Nampaknya seperti Ramli membuat analisa akan apakah status sebenar KIK atau ICC di Malaysia kini khususnya di Sektor Awam (Kerajaan) dan ini adalah bullet points nya (secara ringkasan):

  • KIK sekarang hanya wujud lebih kepada demand persembahan pengurusan dan bukan kerana menjadi tanggung jawab setiap lokasi tempat kerja untuk wujudkan KIK sebagai people devmt,mutual devmt dan organisation devmt efforts or objectives!
  • KIK bermula dengan 1 projek dan akhir dengan satu projek itu juga.Sebenarnya falsafah QCC adalah membuat aktiviti atau projek QCC@KIK ini setiap masa selagi wujudnya tempat kerja tersebut
  • banyak KIK yang wujud telah lenyap dari layar peta KIK syarikat
  • penyertaan projek KIK nampak nya tidak lah sehebat macam mula2 diperkenalkan pada 1983 dulu
  • KIK sebenar dimulai dengan penyertaan pihak jurusan sokongan tetapi sekarang boleh juga disertai oleh pegawai2 macam Managers Quality Team (MQT) jika mahu berinovasi sedikit
  • KIK perlu diberi NAFAS baru oleh Pengurusan dan setiap organisasi perlu menambah penyertaan ahli dengan membuat measurement seperti Level 5 World Class dengan >90% participation ratio dan Level1 Ordinary >50% participation
  • dan banyak lagi (harap hubungi Ramli)

Dengan kewujudan QCC@KIK@ICC di Malaysia sudah hampir 29 tahun agak smapai masanya kita melonjak prestasi KIK kita ketahap World Class dan bukan macam “hidup segan mati tak mahu” sahaja.

Yang boleh memainkan peranan ini adalah TOP MGMT dan Middle MGMT di sektor awam.Ramli syorkan wujud REVOLUSI AKSI atau action revolution untuk kebangkitan peranan KIK dalam membawa inovasi,penambahbaikkan pada prestasi Sektor Awam dan membina Talent dimana hampir 1.4 juta penjawat sektor awam menunggu digilap dan menjadi talent yang world class dan berjaya membawa perubahan terbaik kepada negara Malaysia,Inshallah.

Hubungi Ramli akan segala hal KIK,World Class Performance dan subjek2 QCDSME dan Leadership Devmt dll

hubungi Ramli di 019-2537165 atau 019-2783930 dan emel :

foto2 ramli dengan Dunia KIK@KMK dan QCC@ICC:


Ref: Ramli’s Photo Library.

Interested to Build Quality People to Build Quality Company,contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 or emailed at :

When Ramli Abu Hassan was working with Matsushita Malaysia (now known as Panasonic Malaysia) and Perwira Affin Bank (now known as Affin Bank Berhad) Ramli was incharge of the many team based projects like QCC@WIT@ICC and MQT.

These team based activities all focused on solving problems in the company as well as improving the current performance to a “breakthrough” performance.

The Quality Control Circles or QCC (now branded as ICC) and Work Improvement Teams (WITs) as they are more commonly known in Affin Bank plus Managers Quality Teams (MQTs) all are focussed to solve problems and make many breakthroughs in a stipulated time frame with the participation of all workers or staff from the same work place with exception of the MQT which are comprised of cross functional team members of the Executive above levels right up to Managers and normally the Division Manager is the Mentor of the Team.In this way like in Perwira Affin Bank when Ramli was the TQM Secretariat Manager,we make sure all levels of Management and Staff are involved in team based projects.

A Project in Dr.Juran’s terms is a “problem due for solution” so we need many projects to help our company prosper and make breakthroughs of results.A project need a Team and teams like QCC,ICC,WIT and MQT can assist very much to take this responsibility.

In a company the COPQ (cost of poor quality) if calculated well can be as much as 20% of the Company Revenues or Sales so that means  we wasted almost 20% of our hard work to making defects along the way from input to output of our products or services.When we study COPQ,we will realized that defects can occur due to many causes and mainly its human factors!So,if we mean business we must practice ZERO DEFECT in our work.Some companies are happy at SIX SIGMA levels of performance meaning a tolerance of 3 defects in a 1 million of outputs.

However if you are in the airline business we cannot accept 6 sigma levels because if possible we want 100% aircraft flying safely performance and no air crashes like 3 aircrashes in 1 million flights!Even in the hospitals we want safe operations to all heart surgeries with zero fatility or death!

Project by Project approach is the BEST way a company can pursue to ensure your people make problem solving and improvement projects all the time.They must work on all matters of Q-C-D-S-M-E.

For more on team based activities like QCC@ICC@WIT and MQT,please contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed:

Ramli being an experienced TQM Manager and World Class Performance Trainer/Consultant can assist you on this Journey of Excellence making sure you have Quality People to Build a Quality Organisation or Company.


To many Top Mgmt in Malaysia and also Rest of the World maybe Quality Control Circles (QCCs’) is no more important and an important Tool of Mgmt not like when QCC was initially started in Japan in 1962!Why?

Top Mgmt basically is so busy trying to make Great Profits to satisfy the greed and pockets of Shareholders and Stakeholders!True or False?

Nowadays,Top Mgmt like CEO,CFO or even CTO all have contractual terms and mostly for 2-3 years and subject to renewal or extension if so desired by Top Bosses!So,with a term of 2-3 years there is not much time for employee development work let alone coaching and mentoring session.Its all about performance and more profits!Sad to say,they forget that QUALITY PEOPLE MAKE QUALITY COMPANY AND THAT LEADS TO GREAT PROFITS AND PERFORMANCE!

QCC is one of the Tools of MGT developed in 1962 to help unleashed the talents of employees to infinite possibilities or performance.Like Dr.JM Juran he explained this by his PROJECT BY PROJECT approaches in work and by people in teams.

If you have read or attended the course on Quality Improvement Tools (QIT) by Juran Institute then you will realized the importance of this Project by Project approaches in work.Only by project (problem for solution) can organisations or companies improve or get BREAKTHROUGHS!

So,QCC was a similar approach to get all the problems at shop floors resolved and make the system better or in Juran terminolgy Go For Breakthroughs!

Top Mgt like in Malaysia all want FAST BIG RESULTS and many ignore the PDCA system of problem or improvement approaches and quickly want results at all costs!So,they get results but the problem keep coming back again and again because the root cause/s are not eliminated just shifted from one place to another!Like bad habits or poor discipline!

QCCs around the world since 1962 with Prof.Ishikawa from Japan and also JUSE have helped companies saved many millions and now billions of USD from wastages or COPQ appearing in processes and QCCs helped to eleiminate them and saved money from all the QCDSME subjects of improvements.

So thats why this QCC Movement is still around BUT looks like its death is coming unless new ways of promotion,marketing,training,exploration,R&D and other innovations are introduced,expanded and followed!QCC is good and is always good as Tool of MGMT if done the Right Way!

Now,in Malaysia especially they called QCC as Innovative & Creative Circle (ICC) for the private sector promoted by MPC and the Public Sector they also rebranded Kumpulan Meningkat Mutu Kerja or KMK before to Kumpulan Inovatif dan Kreatif (KIK) since Nov,2009 ( I think ).

OK,the rebranding is done well and good BUT the key performance,growth,participation by all like participation ratio of employees to total staff looks bad maybe on the downfall!True or False?

Ramli have been involved with QCC since he work in Matsushita in 1976 and later with Affin Bank in 1993 and got involved in all aspects of leadership,training,motivation,promotions,conventions,judging etc..Ramli also help introduce Managers Quality Teams (MQTs) with Affin Bank as a way to get all levels (TOP and Bottom) to really do Project by Project approaches in making the company Great in all aspects of Performance.

So,this ICQCC 2012 held in Malaysia again after the last one in 1996 (ICQCC 21st Edition) will hopefully be a “springboard” or booster to QCC@ICC@KIK in Malaysia to become Greater and position itself as a Greater Tool of MGMT in getting Great Results of Profits,People and Branding of the Company or Organisation to World Class Levels!Inshallah.

Contact Ramli Abu Hassan at hp:+6-019-2537165 or email: ramlipromoter for all training and consulting for QCC,MQT and World Class Performance subjects.Read Ramli’s Profile also at

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