Posts Tagged ‘consultancy’

Jemput lah Ramli untuk memperkasakan Budaya Q Anda serta Prestasi KIK dan Mengenalpasti Ilmu2 seperti Falsafah 3E,QCD Factor,QCDSME,World Class Performance dan banyak lagi….

lihat profile Ramli di: promoter


some facts and photos about Ramli Abu Hassan’s Profile:


Biography of Ramli Abu Hassan

Ramli Abu Hassan is an author, trainer, consultant,speaker and promoter.He is Founder and Managing Director of Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd.or DPS, a Malaysian locally incorporated company since 25th June,1996.DPS have been mainly involved in the business of Training&Consulting,Professional Sports Promotion and Marketing of Malaysian made products both domestically and overseas.In the Training&Consulting business,DPS helps organizations both in the private and government sectors build world-class talent through unleashing their hidden talents as well as making continual improvements in their work areas, leadership and personal performances plus increase in their               knowledge of quality,productivity,team building and team working like Quality Control Circle / Innovative & Creative Circle (QCC@ICC) and Managers’ Quality Team (MQT) /Quality Improvement Team (QIT.)


He is the author of the book “Revolusi Aksi” or Action Revolution published on 24th March,2006 plus hundreds of articles on quality and productivity improvements,sports management and promotions,human capital, leadership and general subjects like hobbies and travels. He has now,his own website that features his thoughts,events and happenings.Go to and You can also see Ramli’s Profile at


He works with organizations to establish World Class Performance in their business and satisfaction of customers ,designing and establishing corporate universities (your in-house university or learning centres)as well as all aspects of Quality and Productivity Improvements. Ramli has been in collaboration with Global Experts on subjects like World Class Performance,CorporateUniversities,Quality,Productivity and Sustainable Development Initiatives including Environment plus his other areas of Professional Sports Promotion and Management.


He is an active member of the Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry(MICCI),Business Council for Sustainable Development of Malaysia (BCSDM),American Society for Quality (ASQ),Institute of Quality Malaysia (IQM) as well as the Malaysian Representative for World Boxing Council and World Boxing Council for MuayThai.Ramli also have good collaboration with many major sports organizations both in Malaysia and Overseas like PESAKA,MABF,KBC,IBF and others.


In his past corporate working experience from 1976 to 1996,he was the Head of Total Quality Management Secretariat at Perwira Affin Bank Berhad (now known as Affin Bank Berhad) as well as an Executive at Matsushita Electronic Components (M) Sdn.Bhd.

Ramli can be contacted at +6019-2537165 or email at



Ramli menawarkan khidmat Latihan&Konsultan untuk Pihak Pengurusan Atasan,Menengah dan Kakitangan.

Subjek2 nya adalah:

  • WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCE -THE 12 LADDERS esp Team Work,Eliminating Waste,Customer Focus,Continual Learning,Best Operating Practices (BOP) and many more especially the SCORECARD
  • QCDSME Factors of making your company an Excellent Company
  • Team based projects like ICC@QCC,KIK@KMK and MQT
  • Quality Improvement Tools
  • New Mgmt Tools and Basic QC Tools
  • TQM being still relevant as a Great Business Philosophy
  • Corporate University or Your Inhouse Academy (how to start one in your organisation)
  • and many others
Hope YOU will contact Ramli as soon as possible to reserve your dates and Ramli can ensure you are able to have those dates for your People Development Program and meet to all your Talent Needs!
Ramli is also available for SPEAKING assignments,Judge for your ICC or KIK Conventions and Special Project/s that relate to Ramli and His Global Experts knowledge and field of interests.
Please review Ramli Abu Hassan Profile at:
If necessary,please call Ramli at +6019-2537165 or emailed at

Ramli have been a Full Time Entrepreneur since he turned 40 on 1stNov,1996.

Ramli used to work with Matsushita (17 years) and Affin Bank (4 years).

Ramli is involved in the business of Training & Consulting,Sports Promotions and Trading (Import & Export) till today but Training & Consulting is the main earner now.Sports Promotions need good sponsorship in cash and kind which is so difficult nowadays and Trading is slow due to lack of available funds ….so Ramli’s Business Journey keep on  moving in search of great results,profits and benefits to all customers and people around us especially.

Who are these BIG BOYS of Consulting that Ramli and all small time Consultants always fear who comes like a Tsunami and “takes away” the biggest chunk of Malaysia’s Consulting & Training Business available “on the table” not forgetting those “under the table”?Many of these Big Boys are foreign companies that have offices around the world and are of course global players and “rich companies” status also.

Can we beat them or stay away from them or maybe even joined them?

Like what Ramli’s Business Associates tell Ramli “they are big names and they have better ways to get business and customers love them and willing to pay “sky high fees” even though the package or contents are like Malaysian based Consultants!”How to compete and how to “beat” them for business in Malaysia or ASEAN Region?Maybe the best option nowadays is have a STRATEGIC ALLIANCE,PARTNERSHIP OR USE THEIR NAME AS OUR BRAND (LIKE FRANCHISE) Maybe the final consideration is MONEY needed to do all these options or just be your ownself and keep on doing your best with what you possess and that can offer the 3Es of Ramli’s Revolusi Aksi (Action Revolution) Business Formula for Great Results ie.EXCELLENCE,EXCITEMENT AND ENTHUSIASM…want to learn and know more..please call Ramli Abu Hassan at mobile:+6019-2537165 or email at or visit for his Profile and read all his BLOGS here and at…

Some infos about the Big Boys of Consulting : (Ref:Wikipedia English):

Management Consulting Firms Rankings

The webservice “” annually prepares a list of the top 50 consulting companies in the US and Europe. The rankings consider company culture, practice strength, prestige and compensation, among a few other parameters. The Top 25 for 2011:

Top 25 in the US 

  1. Bain & Company (8.492)
  2. The Boston Consulting Group (8.176)
  3. McKinsey & Company (8.159)
  4. Analysis Group, Inc. (7.251)
  5. The Cambridge Group (7.178)
  6. Deloitte Consulting LLP (7.162)
  7. Oliver Wyman (7.123)
  8. AT Kearney (7.089)
  9. Triage Consulting Group (7.024)

10. Censeo Consulting Group (6.903)

11. West Monroe Partners (6.899)

12. Cornerstone Research (6.897)

13. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (Consulting Practice) (6.890)

14. Alvarez & Marsal (6.844)

15. Trinity Partners, LLC (6.840)

16. Booz & Company (6.814)

17. Milliman, Inc (6.795)

18. Strategic Decisions Group (6.774)

19. PRTM (6.769)

20. Gallup Consulting (6.761)

21. Diamond Management & Technology Consultants (6.753)

22. Health Advances, LLC (6.729)

23. Strategos (6.704)

24. The Brattle Group (6.696)

25. Monitor Group (6.694)

Top 25 in Europe 

  1. Bain & Company (8.579)
  2. The Boston Consulting Group (8.390)
  3. Roland Berger Strategy Consultants (7.596)
  4. Booz & Company (7.528)
  5. Oliver Wyman (7.245)
  6. OC&C Strategy Consultants (7.100)
  7. Accenture (6.994)
  8. A.T. Kearney (6.861)
  9. Monitor Group (6.845)

10. PRTM (6.698)

11. Diamond Management & Technology Consultants (6.446)

12. Candesic (6.412)

13. Arthur D. Little (6.405)

14. Deloitte Consulting LLP (6.362)

15. AlixPartners, LLP (6.340)

16. Alvarez & Marsal (6.336)

17. Hay Group (6.297)

18. NERA Economic Consulting (6.258)

19. Hewitt Associates (6.081)

20. PA Consulting Group (6.018)

21. ZS Associates (5.980)

22. Simon-Kucher & Partners (5.924)

23. Corporate Value Associates (5.813)

24. Celerant Consulting (5.795)

25. Ernst & Young (Consulting Practice) (5.761)

In   a few hours more,we will all say Goodbye,Sayonara or Selamat Tinggal to 2010!

Ramli lost her mum on 20thDec,2010 and training projects are also few in 2010 BUT Ramli have increased her products and services offerings to the Malaysian Corporations and Government Agencies like better approaches towards attaining World Class Performances,Establishing the Corporate Universities and Academies through the G-ACUA Partnership with Prof.Richard Dealtry,Better Training and Consultancy approaches for Team Based projects like KIK and ICC,Executing the 3Es for QCDSME Factors,World Class Manufacturing (WCM)  and others…

How to get things done in 2011?

Professionalism in doing our work is a must and only with Great Knowledge and Partnerships with The Best Talented People can we get things done the Right Ways with Right Results that Our Customers Become Fully Satisfied!

Our Knowledge maybe not be good enough for some business so the plans to cooperate and collaborate with the Best Minds and Skillful People are a necessity and the best ways to get things done nowadays!Ramli have his strengths and skills in some subject matters after having the knowledge,wisdom and experience of working with the Japanese,Malaysians and other MNCs in the capacity as Head of TQM and also as a Principal Consultant of almost 15 years with his own Training & Consultancy company after he resigned from his monthly paying job at Affin Bank Berhad when he turned 40!

With all these years as an Entrepreneur and dealing in business of Training & Consultancy,Professional Sports and Trading,Ramli have the best approaches and knowledge to assist companies and govt agencies to embark on their TRANSFORMATION programme to become better in QUALITY,COST,DELIVERY,SAFETY,MORALE AND ENVIRONMENT  plus Innovation & Creativity!Actually all these business excellence must focus on LEADERSHIP ,TEAMWORK AND HIGH MORAL VALUES.If we lack or slack in these factors then nothing of the QCDSME & IC elements can be accomplished.

World Class Companies usually have World Class Talents and Culture and all these take many years to build and not just a single or few years to achieved.Motorola achieved their 6 Sigma status in about 10 years but whats important they have a PLAN AND THEY WORKED THAT PLAN TO REALIZATION WITH PASSION & FOCUS.Maybe YOU too want to be a World Class Company but YOU must have YOUR PLAN and YOUR Talented Leaders & People.

Call Ramli to start this Journey of Excellence,Excitement and Enthusiasam (the 3Es of Ramli’s Revolusi Aksi)

mobile:+6-019-2537165 or email:

The recently completed event held on 23rdFeb,2010 at Berjaya Times Square Hotel in Kuala Lumpur as stated above hosted by MIDA,SME Corp (formerly SMIDEC) plus other MITI’s Agencies and some other sponsors have enabled Malaysian businesses especially from the SMEs to understand the latest thoughts,actions and events that MITI will initiate and support SMEs especially from the services sector.

The Honourable Minister YB Dato’Sri Mustapa Mohamed delivered the Keynote Address to over 800 participants and among his highlights were:

1.MITI NKRAs and MKRAs are being “worked on” by his officials and new areas of growth like aerospace,biotech,green technology are expected to be further promoted and get good results..

2.More efforts to get domestic investments as compared to FDIs initiatives.For 2020,60% will be from domestic investments and 40% from FDIs

3.SMEs especially from services sector to get more support and learn to leverage from all those opportunities like Matrade initiatives overseas,regional development like Intra ASEAN Trade,ASEAN with China,Korea and Aust/NZ trade etc..

4.MITI Outreach Program -do more for domestic sector

Later,the Minister MITI himself coordinated the Q&A session with all participants and based on all the issues raised Ramli think it was a good session but like in business,there are more that can be done to make it better…

Later we all had a good lunch at the hotel.Thank You MIDA & SME Corp and all that the Sponsors.

At 2.30 pm there was the Concurrent Seminar from MIDA and SME Corp.

Ramli attended the SME Corp session.However the crowd was less than the morning session.

The highlights as what Ramli observed was:

1.Total SMEs in Malaysia now was 548,267 cos and the composition was services=86.6%,manufacturing=7.2% and agriculture=6.2%

2.Contribution of SMEs to GDP = 32% in 2005 and 37% in 2010 (forecast)

3.Contribution of SMEs to Employment is 56.4% in 2005 and 57% in 2010 (forecast)

4.Efforts to build capacity and capability of SMEs ongoing in 2010..pls refer to smecorp

5.visit about making your internet presence safe and worthwhile

6.Assessment methods introduced like MSC’s “Score Petals” in areas like:

a.Business Performance

b.Financial Capability

c.Operation Management

d.Marketing Capability


f.Talent/Human Resource Development

g.Management Capabilities

7.4 Pillars of Green Technology





please visit

25,000 tons of waste everyday in Malaysia and 80% are recyclable

also visit ..for more info on this Green Technology

Later as usual we had the Q&A session and hopefully all issues raised will be followup by all the relevant 14 Ministries and almost 60 Agencies involved with this SMEs businesses.

For more info,please contact MIDA or SMECorp and you can call Ramli at 019-2537165 or email: if you need further assistance and also Ramli’s products and services.See also Ramli’s profile at

Islamic Management is the best we have now in this World because it originates from the Holy Quran (Allah SWT Thoughts,Blessings&Mercy) plus the Hadiths (traditions like his thoughts,actions and lesson learned from the Prophet Muhammad pbuh and narrated by his Sahabats)

ISTIQAMAH is defined in Malay “tetap hati,tekun dan terus menerus dalam menggiatkan usaha untuk mencapai cita cita” and in English literally it will mean “persistence,hard working and continual improvement and actions to achieve your dreams or mission.”

For Ramli,my ISTIQAMAH are focus on a few things as of today like:

1.Performing my Daily Prayers (5 times a day) in my nearby Mosque or any Mosque or Surau where Ramli will be around due to his work and appointments etc…

2.To everyday check my Solat Scorecard to understand my Solat Performance and to analyse the results and take immediate action to uphold the good performance and also to make improvements for any weak results

3.To eliminate any current debts or long outstanding debts and eliminate any usury or related to it in Ramli’s life

4.To ensure my children get a good education and a future well planned for their prosperous,happier and blissful lives

5.To pursue my professionalism to World Class levels in areas of Training&Consultancy,Book Writings and Thoughts generation for the benefit of all.

6.and others …

ISTIQAMAH like the definition above will ensure U that your work,your mission and your actions are all done well and keep on repeating them always and also go for further improvements or kaizen type improvements (small ones step by step) and occasionally some Innovations type (quantum leap) where U will become better and achieve excellent results all the time.

If you do not practise ISTIQAMAH then you will bound to face problems happening or errors being made since your thoughts are like “its OK to make a mistake or some defects” and thats is very “dangerous or bad” for U and your business.

Lets study more what ISTIQAMAH can actually help us all them time!

For more infos and training&consulting,please contact:

Ramli Abu Hassan

Principal Consultant / Business Owner of DPS




Ramli was happy that his many articles on subjects that relate to QUALITY received responses from viewers around the world and it goes to show that (still) many people value Quality more than others.Actually Quality is linked to areas like Cost,Delivery,Safety,Morale,Envioronment and also Innovation&Creativity or in acronym form Q-C-D-S-M-E + I&C

Quality is the cornerstone of good business!

Juran’s Trilogy consists of Quality Planning,Quality Control and Quality Improvement (Breakthrough)!

Quality is made in the Boardrooms!

Make Quality People Before Make Quality Products!

Rule No.1 is Customer is King and Rule No.2 please refer to Rule No.1!

The 21st Century needs Quality Leaders who understand the above statements and not only understand them but execute them with great passion and compassion following the PDCA Cycle and ensuring the process gets better all the time plus all the Quality Assurance made on time  and in full!

Good Quality Brings Good Business and with Profits!

Some updates on what Top Mgmt are doing to Bring Back Quality in their Businesses and also providing Total Customer Satisfaction and Guarantee of Excellent Service Round the Clock!

Published: Sunday February 14, 2010 MYT 6:59:00 AM

Report: Toyota chief visits dealership, apologizes

TOKYO (AP): Toyota’s president visited a dealership in Tokyo on Saturday and apologized over troubles that have prompted the world’s biggest automaker to recall some 8.5 million vehicles, a news report said.

Akio Toyoda, a grandson of the company founder, told at least one customer having a Prius repaired that the company had “caused concern,” Kyodo News agency reported.

Toyoda also asked an official at the dealership in Musashino if the recall process was going smoothly and offered encouragement, Kyodo reported. The news agency said the appearance was an attempt to show Toyoda is taking the lead on the recall issue.

Toyota’s top executive has been criticized for the company’s perceived slow response to the recalls that have sullied the company’s image for quality and safety. He kept a low profile during the initial recalls late last year but has been more visible recently, giving two news conferences and publishing an opinion column in The Washington Post.

Officials at Toyota could not be reached late Saturday for comment on the Kyodo report.

Toyota Motor Corp. is recalling about 8 million cars for a gas pedal that can stick in the depressed position and floor mats that can get stuck under the accelerator.

On Tuesday, the company announced a recall of 437,000 Prius and other hybrids over brake problems.

Toyoda has apologized repeatedly and vowed to win back customer trust. The company is setting up a special committee focused on improving quality and plans to disclose vehicle problems even when it is not legally required to do so.

The U.S. Congress is scheduled to hold hearings on Toyota’s recalls on Feb. 24-25 and March 2. Toyoda is expected to visit the United States early next month, though the company says nothing has been decided on whether he will attend any hearings.

Pada akhir tahun 2009,pihak Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia telah mula memperkenalkan aktiviti Kumpulan Inovatif dan Kreatif atau KIK dan pihak MAMPU telah juga menerbitkan Panduan KIK seperti terdapat dalam PKPA yang biasa diumumkan pada semua yang terlibat.

Bagi Kementerian,Jabatan atau Agensi Kerajaan yang telah lama mengwujudkan KMK sejak tahun 1983 dimana KMK atau QCC (lebih dikenali diperingkat global dan juga disektor swasta di Malaysia) telah bermula bertapak dengan PKPA edisi 1991 nya akan senang memahami atau membuat transformasi dari KMK ke KIK.Mengapa?

Ini adalah kerana KMK pada asasnya telah wujud di Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia untuk mengalakkan kakitangan kerajaan terutamanya dipihak kumpulan sokongan untuk membuat aktiviti penyelesaian masalah ditempat kerja mereka pada suatu tempoh yang mereka setujui serta dengan penglibatan semua ahli kumpulan meningkat mutu kerja mereka (KMK)Mereka juga digalakkan untuk menggunakan alat alat QC dalam proses PDCA mereka untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang mereka telah ketahui dengan sepenuhnya agar masalah ini tidak timbul lagi dan proses kerja mereka kembali seperti biasa mengikut  SOP yang sediada.

Oleh kerana KMK telah berkembang dengan pesatnya selama 25 tahun lebih maka Ramli fikir adalah wajar pihak Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia ingin membuat suatu transformasi kearah yang lebih maju serta membawa impak kepada prestasi hasil kerja dan proses “delivery” yang lebih efektif dan efisyen kepada pelanggan pelanggan Kementerian,Jabatan dan Agensi yang terlibat itu.Maka transformasi ini dibuat dengan memanggil KMK yang sediada kepada KIK seperti yang juga dilaksanakan oleh pihak MPC(Perbadanan Produktiviti Malaysia) kepada kumpulan QCC mereka kepada ICC (innovative and creative circle) pada tahun 2004 dahulu.

Apa yang sangat penting yang Ramli nak umumkan disini ialah Idea Asas disebalik aktiviti KMK maupun KIK!

Apakah perkara2 yang terpenting itu:

Berpandukan kepada QC Circle Koryo atau Prinsip Prinsip Asas QCC yang di terbitkan oleh pihak JUSE,Japan pada tahun 1980 lagi adalah baik kita memahami perkara2 asas ini,iaitu QCC atau KMK:

1.Menyumbangkan kepada peningkatan dan perkembangan syarikat atau pun pihak kerajaan

2.Menghormati kemanusiaan dan membina satu kehidupan yang penuh bererti dan tempat kerja yang bahagia

3.Mempamerkan kebolehan manusia sepenuhnya dan akhirnya  mencungkilkan kebolehan yang tidak terbatas.

Ini sebabnya QCC atau KMK perlu diwujud dan digalakkan setiap masa oleh pihak Pengurusan dan setiap warga kerja perlu prihatin akan Idea Asas kenapa QCC atau KMK ini penting atau relevan untuk mereka melibatkan diri sepenuhnya dan secara berterusan selagi mereka berada ditempat kerja mereka itu.

Dengan arahan baru untuk mengwujudkan KIK atau ICC ini,diharap agar Idea Asas disebalik aktiviti QCC atau KMK akan dikekalkan dan bukan disalah tafsir atau yang teruk lagi dilupakan oleh pihak Pengurusan Atasan khususnya.

Inilah sebenarnya menjadi asas kenapa QCC atau KMK telah berjaya lama wujud disebabkan Falsafah QCC atau KMK yang harmoni dan sungguh baik untuk mencungkil kebolehan atau Human Talent ini!Jika tiada QCC atau KMK kemungkinan usaha untuk melatih,membina serta mencunkil bakat bakat kakitangan kita akan tidak berjaya,sungguh lambat atau tiada langsung.Inilah satu satunya “contribution to society” yang Ramli lihat dari impak kewujudan QCC dan KMK ini.

Bagi Ramli adalah lebih wajar agar pihak Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia membuat dua variasi dalam hala tuju membina kakitangan awam mereka ke tahap World Class iaitu:

1.kekalkan format KMK pada kumpulan2 baru yang tidak tahu langsung apa itu sebenar aktiviti QCC atau KMK

2.wujudkan KIK sebagai transformasi kepada KMK yang sediada atau “matured” untuk lebih kearah peningkatan kerja atau membuat aktiviti yang lebih proaktif serta berpandukan kepada elemen inovasi dan kreativiti dimana hasil projek mereka akan membantu meningkatkan prestasi lebih baik dan menukar SOP yang sediada kepada yang baru kerana proses kerja telah dapat di perbaiki samada dari aspek kualiti,kos,penghantaraan,keselamatan,keharmonian pekerja serta alam sekitar.

Hanya dengan 2 cara tersebut yang Ramli cadangkan itu barulah boleh kita pastikan Idea Asas QCC@KMK serta ICC@KIK akan tetap relevan,penting dan membantu pekerja2 kita serta pengurus2 atau pegawai2 mereka terus terlibat langsung dalam peningkatan prestasi kerja mereka dan keharmonian kerja diantara mereka bukan setakat satu projek tetapi berterusan selagi mereka berada didalam tempat kerja yang sama.Itulah sebenarnya Falsafah QCC yang mula2 diilhamkan oleh Professor Kaoru Ishikawa di Jepun sejak tahun 1962 lagi.Inshallah.

Sesiapa yang berminat untuk program latihan dan konsultansi QCC@KMK serta ICC@KIK,sila hubungi:

Ramli Abu Hassan

Principal Consultant

Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd. (DPS)

Alamat Pos:

19 Jalan 18/40,40200 Shah Alam,Selangor Darul Ehsan,Malaysia




12th February,2010 (as of today)


To all concerned


Ramli Abu Hassan

Principal Consultant

Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd.

Shah Alam,Selangor Darul Ehsan

Assalammualaikum Wrh Wbt and Salam 1Malaysia

Dear Sir,

Transforming YOUR Organisation & Unleashed YOUR People Talents to World Class Performances through Revolusi Aksi (Action Revolution) Approaches.

Greetings from all of us at Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd. (DPS) based in Shah Alam,Selangor Darul Ehsan,Malaysia and our DPS Global Partners based in UK and USA especially.

The business of today like YOUR Organisation/Company  requires World Class Talents to compete with all the World Class Companies that have established and expanded their businesses locally as well as globally.Like in Malaysia today,we also award Malaysia Class company and they too need to be the best performers in Profitability,Customer and Stakeholders Satisfaction and to do that they must excel in Quality,Cost,Delivery,Safety,Morale and Environment if they want to be among the Top Malaysian Performing companies and “reap the harvest” of the marketplace.

Like the Government Tranformation Program (GTP) of wanting to get “Big Fast Results” in about three years time from now(ie.2012) through all the NKRAs and MKRAs initiatives,YOUR Organisation too need to act similarly if not profits is difficult to come by and your company can suffer due to poor business,lack of world class talents and worst still not many customers to serve or want to buy your products or services.

(NKRAs=National Key Results Areas and MKRAs=Ministries Key Results Areas)

The 21st Century requires a competent and knowledgeable workforce that are able to conform to their customers’ requirements all the time as well as maintaining a performance standard of Zero Defects (ZD.)Do you know your current performance standard and do you want to raise your levels of achievements to World Class Performance Levels or be the No.1 in your industry for your products as well as your services offered.

We are pleased to introduce our Training programmes and Consulting packages especially designed to meet to your current demands for a more dynamic and competent knowledge workforce.The World Class Performance Training as developed by Prof.David Drennan from UK will enable your organization to compete with the best in the world.

In Dec,2007,we have added another World Class Performance subject ie.Corporate Universities(your in house U) to be promoted and implemented for Malaysian Companies and Government Agencies concerned.Corporate Universities will help make your HR initiatives more strategic to the business and not just a cost centre approach only.Talent Development,Retention and Acquisition are also areas of focus.

Please find the attachments as provided for an introduction on the information about our World Class Performance & Corporate Universities subject and other training modules.

Revolusi Aksi or Action Revolution as described in Ramli’s book will become the vehicle for all the above initiatives to take place and making sure your business become World Class and also your people with World Class Talents.To achieve all that you must Act Now!

As of today,we at DPS and our Business Partners in UK and USA are aggressively promoting the following products and services:

  • World Class Performances –based on Prof.Drennan’s proven and successful approaches towards identifying the 12 Ladders towards World Class Performances.This is a 2 or 3 day Workshop Sessions where Encik Ramli will be the Main Facilitator and you will come to study and understand how the step by step approaches towards achieving Level 5 (World Class) for your company.
  • Revolusi Aksi (Action Revolution)approaches as developed by Encik Ramli Abu Hassan towards building a more dynamic,action oriented,passionate and excellent team based workforce towards a World Class Company Culture and People Performance.The emphasis will be on Teamwork based projects like QCC@ICC,MQT,QIT and Special Project Teams.The target will be towards zero wastes,zero errors,zero delays,zero injuries,zero breakdowns,zero changeovers  and zero defects. As a result of these actions,there will be many tangible and intangible benefits to the organization concerned.
  • Corporate Universities –It’s time (in this 21stCentury) to build your own in-house university (Corp U) where your Corp U will assist YOUR Company to achieve her business results better than without one.Corp U will also assist your company to acquire,develop,manage and retain your “home-grown”Talents.DPS can arrange for this special Workshop where Mr.Kevin Wheeler will be invited to be the Main Trainer / Facilitator for the 2 day workshop session.
  • And many others (eg.Team Building,5-S (Visual Management),TPM,TQM,etc.)

We wished to meet YOU at your earliest convenience so that we will be able to present you and your Top Management our company profile,products and services.We hope to quickly understand your training needs and all those customized projects that you may need us to design and execute with your people concerned.We can quickly be contacted at hp:019-2537165 (Ramli) or just e-mail at

For a quick review of our profile,please visit this website at or and


Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,

Ramli Abu Hassan MIQM,MASQ

Managing Director / Principal Consultant (since 1/11/1996 ~ today)

Author of book titled “Revolusi Aksi”

Malaysia’s Representative for Prof.David Drennan’s World Class Performance Study,Implementation and Audit since 2005.

Malaysia’s Representative for Global Learning Resources Inc,USA for Study,Designing,Implementation and Assessment of Corporate Universities since 2007.

Member of Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI)

Member of Business Council for Sustainable Development of Malaysia (BCSDM)

Working Experience in Production,HR and Quality with Matsushita (1976~1993)and Affin Bank Berhad (1993~1996)

Ramli have been an Entrepreneur (Full Time) since 1stNov,1996.