Posts Tagged ‘ZD’

Everybody LOVE quality products that satisfy them all the time!

Only when people get quality products that meet to their requirements will they come back to you again and again.Thats TRUE Customers!

What are Customer Requirements?

Anything that meet to their specifications are to them Quality Products!Why offer a customer a “Rolls Royce” product when they just need a cheap “Nano Car” and that comes with best prices and reliability!

We know when we buy a RM10 slipper from the roadside pasar malam we dont expect product reliability for more than 3 months maybe 5 months is great!However if we buy a slipper worth RM200 then we expect that slipper to lasts as long as we dont feel like wearing them anymore!

So,quality also goes with price tag!Quality products help the company make good profits all the time.Companies like McD,KFC,Samsung,Panasonic,Google,Yahoo,Microsoft,Toyota,BMW,and many more global brands all survive because their products worked or provide the customer satisfaction all the time,any time around the world!

If the product or service have problems or a customer complaints the service recovery or action taken is so fast and done correctly that the customer can easily forget what the complaint/s was really about?They are too delighted that your company acted quickly and ensure you get back that product or service confidence or satisfaction again.Thats make the difference between a Global Player and a “Kampung” class Player or Company!

Some companies spend millions of Ringgit for their Ad Campaigns every calender year BUT their products and service offerings are just the same like before better spend all those millions of RM to “building their people to build their products and services”!

If the CEO does not talk as his/her mouth speaks than people will believe more where his/her feet moves!We want ZD (zero defect) for our National Car but when a major quality problem arise or compliant by the Customer or Dealer then all things “break lose” especially the mission to conform to ZD Philosophy and now all things GO because sales are slowed down and shipments are postponed due to Not ZD products?

People are our Greatest Asset as most companies will pleadge and write in their Vision and Mission Statements BUT in reality it is not likely…just mere cheap talk and no sincere actions!Thats the problem in most companies and govt agencies!

So,we need sincere,humble and professional Leaders that say what they mean and mean what they say all the time!

Who are they in Malaysia?Do we have such Leaders?Are they an extinct breed?Do we produce such Leaders anymore in Universities or Corporations?

Tell Ramli what you think sincerely….

Contact Ramli at hp:+6-019-2537165 or emailed:

Ramli although living in Malaysia all his lifetime of almost 55 years realized that with the Great Technology and Innovation our Great Inventors have made like the Internet,Web 2.0&3.0,Mobile gadgets for easy communications and all the Wifi services easily available HAVE made our learning faster,better,maybe cheaper also,wider and so many good things or “wow” factors we experienced!

However the Human Values,Human Spirit of Leadership,Human Respect for the Teachings of Past Gurus and Leaders all seem to be “crumbling” and whats the word “forgotten and dont care” anymore!The present Global Leaders think they are too smart and dont need to learn from the past as the past have gone away and the future is what so important,really!Really?

Todays world is all about speed,fast results,immediate “do” factor,change is key,managing all ways as long we get results and escape the “big problem” and all others “instant” remedies!Why we behave such ways?Yes,the world is now populated to almost 7 Billion inhabitants maybe on 1stNov,2011 (Ramli’s birthday) and that 7thBillion person will be born in India.

We seek fast results because our New Gen of Z,Y and X especially are people whose lives are dealth with the Computers,Internet,Mobile,Entertainent,Fast Food,Global Travellers,Social Networking and almost all things using the Social Media for Learning,Interactions or Collaborations and thriving in the New Social Culture of the 21st Century!Even to some global citizens RELIGION is considered out of fashion and no need!For Muslims the Belief in Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad pbuh as the Messenger of Allah SWT is still the fundamental stance and the Quran and Hadiths are still the guide for all Muslims and any deviation or non adherence is regarded unIslamic and unacceptable to the Muslim World.Maybe thats what make Islam so different with other religions of the World.

The agendas of the New Normal and Thriving on Uncertainty as many Leaders & Professionals around the world accepted and studied have just showed us the need to revisit our Fundamentals Belief as what is Good and Bad to leading and managing our nations,companies and even homes!We need to know our ACTUAL STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE  and not compromise to lower our standards and agree to all things that are not so good than actually must be good!If we ignore Dr.Crosby teachings of his 4 Quality Management Absolutes like “quality has a performance standard of ZERO DEFECTS” then we are in GREAT DANGER! Why?

Then it means we make our aeroplanes where there will be great  likelihood they will “fall from the skies” due to errors of manufacturing,servicing and flying!We also allow our many hospital patients to die due to errors of operations,drug prescriptions,wrongly treated and diagnosed of sickness!So many errors can happen if we ignore Dr.Crosby teachings.Dr.Crsoby also taught us about MAKING QUALITY CERTAINED

Dr.Juran also advised us on the need to CONTROL AND IMPROVE (BREAKTHROUGH) our processes all the time and we must do them on a project by project basis.We must learn to be EFFECTIVE & EFFICIENT through Teamwork!

Dr.Deming also taught us many things about Quality Leadership just like Dr.Juran.Dr.Deming’s PDCA Cycle have been made so easy to understand to shop floor workers and also to Top Mgmt and Statisticians alike.

Looking back at all these MahaGurus of Quality (as what Ramli prefer to recoqnised them) means Masters of Quality ,they have showed us the way to be CERTAINED,PERFECTION,DO THE RIGHT THINGS RIGHT FIRST TIME philosophy and mindset.It is the new wave Thinkers,Leaders,Writers and what have you that want to be or act different and start introducing “an almost carbon copy of the MahaGurus teachings” like the 6Sigma,The New Normal,Thriving on Uncertainty and many others with a NEW NAME and PACKAGING but still with reference to the MahaGurus teachings and thoughts!

All these improper ways and in some ways signs of disregard or disrespect of the teachings of the Old Gurus or MahaGurus have allowed or build our NEW LEADERS with minds of plastic not steel,patience of a kid not a real man,anything goes not want to want to be a perfectionists and many other BAD TO WORST kind of thinking and actions.

So,as Dr.Juran once taught us if we have abnormalities happening in our processes and if we do not eliminate or bring them in control back then we are actually lowering down our standards of performance and living in crisis after crisis because we have not got back to our normal zone or zone of control.So,we live in chaos and we say “thriving in uncertainties or chaos conditions”.Who said we must live in such ways?We can come back to our normal self and bring back to our control conditions.Only when we are in control conditions can we now work our improvements or Breakthroughs!We need so many breakthroughs to improve from a status of 100 defects to 1 defect a month in our manufacturing processes for example.So,only by many Breakthroughs can we become Better to Best and not declare thats the way life is or the New Normal as some people like to call!

Like what Ramli heard and read that in 2010 at the World Economic Forum in Davos the Leaders there realized the need to Relearn the Fundamental Skills of Managing and Leading Rightly for Top Executives both in Business and Governments.The many problems of businesses and govrnments have occured rampantly in the last 5 years or so and maybe its time to “go back to school” rather than “making money like mad” with poor quality results and products offered to the customers or citizens alike eg.the million of cars being recalled from the market by many Top Automobile Manufacturers and also not so happy employees with businesses collapsed and unemployment rates on the high side and no new jobs made available anymore and saying its the New Normal.

Leaders especially have to “get the act together and rightly” so that their roles of Leaders that have been the essence of human existence become still as relevant as their predecessors before like Muhammad pbuh,Churchill,Roosevelt,Gandhi,Sukarno,Tunku Abdul Rahman and many more Great Leaders whom Ramli belief will not agree to all these new thoughts of the New Normal or Thriving on Uncertainty when actually the Control and Improve status was never done rightly and in full where Being Certained in Making Things Right must be the norm and practiced.We just cannot be at above par to win a game of golf,right?

Contact Ramli for your feedbacks or suggestions at mobile:+6019-2537165 and emailed at



The recent mishaps of our Malaysian aircrafts like Air Asia or even MAS where luckily there was no fatalities need serious attention as to the safety of managing the airlines to the highest callibre!

Malaysia cannot afford to practice nothing less than ZERO DEFECT mentality of our airlines safety record.We must be at our best all the time like zero errors for any serious problems and almost 6 sigma levels to minor errors like baggage or checkins..

Safety of passengers right from boarding the planes to landing must be ZERO DEFECT.

Pilots must be the best and well trained and not just mere ex jet fighters or indiscipline ones that think the plane is like their own sports cars…are there such pilots being hired?

Ramli hoped a detail investigation or management audit will be NOW made as to inform the public about the assurance of the safety of Malaysian planes in the sky and no more tolerance of pilot errors or plane technical problems.Life and death is in the power of Allah SWT but we humans in charged need to make sure we have good leadership and management of our resources first and then all else depends on Allah’s SWT Command and Power.

Everyone now can fly BUT we must ensure everyone fly safe and feel safe all the time!

The recent mishap by Air Asia of their plane skidding the runway at Kuching International Airport is for the Malaysian Airline industry to take note SERIOUSLY.

Although,thank Allah SWT there’s no human trajedy or fatalities with some minor injuries as reported in the newspapers,this incident must be studied thoroughly whether the pilot is not experience to land the plane in heavr rain conditions or there was a problem with the plane or the airport or runaway was faulty or whatever meaningful or thoughtful theories?

Only with a ZD mindset can Malaysian Airlines or companies be 100% safe or great assurance to their millions of customers who fly with Air Asia,Fire Fly and Malaysian Airlines all the time.

Lets hope we see this ZD mgmt in place and no “tidak apa” attitude is around especially from the Top Mgmt.


The quantum of road accidents in Malaysia is increasing day by day and more so when there are festivals or holiday seasons!This is a fact because Malaysia have recorded an increase in her total population to about 28 million people and definitely people will travel by road,by air and even by sea for all their holiday requirements and doing business all over the country.

In fact the influx of Foreign Tourists from ASEAN especially Thailand,Singapore,Indonesia,Brunei are all increasing day by day and they too will be travelling especially by Road to all the popular destinations inn the country.They are our visitors when they arrive into Malaysia and leave as our Guest when they return home like the Malaysian Airlines taglines in their Highway Billboards.

The recent bus tragedy at 15KM of the Cameron Highlands -Simpang Pulai Road near Ipoh,Perak involving a Malaysian Bus that killed 25 Thai Nationals and 2 Malaysians again with many more seriously injured at Ipoh Hospital indicate or signal Malaysia’s weakness in Managing our Roads at World Class Standards and many “loopholes” still exist in the Management of Safety of Passengers using Malaysian Public Transport.

Today’s newspaper reported that the bus involved in the accident should only be driven for city tours and not on hilly terrain like going up to Cameron Highlands Resort.Malaysian Institute of Road Safety officials,who inspected the scene at the country’s worst road tragedy,doubts the stability of high decked buses for travel on hilly terrain and at high speeds!They are also probing if there had been overloading of passengers on the top deck of the bus,making it even more unstable.

All these Malaysian Road Authorities or Experts actions are basically CORRECTIVE ACTIONS where things have happened and now we come out with corrective measures as to not allow the same accidents to happen again.This type of action by Management is NO GOOD.The best action plan for Management is always PROACTIVE ACTIONS  where we always ensure that no accidents will happen anytime anywhere since all the important guidelines and precautions are understood,implemented effectively,monitored continually and reviewed time to time for best results!THIS KIND OF TOP MANAGEMENT THINKING AND ACTIONS ARE NOT DONE 100% IN MALAYSIA.

Always when tragedy like this in Cameron Highlands-Simpang Pulai Road strikes and killed so many innocent lives that we now take actions and speak boldly that this kind of poor control must stopped!We now become very enthusiastic and make statements of how we will punish the culprits and never allow such similar accidents to reoccur,but sooner or later such worst accidents can reoccur because Top Management do not stick to the ZERO DEFECT philosophy and the famous Malaysian “TIDAK APA” attitude will be the norm.

All these ways of thinking and actions are what Ramli called NONSENSE MANAGEMENT that leads to big problems,major errors,huge amount of money and lives wasted plus a host of other bad outcomes!

Here,the main culprit is the Top Management who do not work PROFESSIONALLY AND WITH GREAT WISDOM.

They allow the system to fail and cause damages in terms of human lives and assets or resources (like buses,emergency rescue aids that cost lots of money from the GOVT etc..)

The worst damage is when people like our Asean Neighbours will start thinking how safe will they be if they travel on Malaysian buses or other vehicles when they visit Malaysia.Nobody wants to come to holiday in Malaysia and finally landed up in a  box (coffin)!

There are so many lessons to learn from this kind of worst road accident BUT what is key here is are we doing the right actions and making sure the situation or crisis will become ZERO ACCIDENT  the next time around?This actions now mainly rest with Malaysian Top Management or Officials incharged.

contact Ramli for assistance or advice at hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed:


Ramli who once trained Malaysia’s Proton Poeple on subjects of Quality realized that to make a car actually it involves so many people (the Main Car Manufacturer and all her hundreds or thousands of parts or components suppliers)

So making a Good Quality and Safe Car needs everyone’s cooperation and clear understanding about Quality!

In Ramli’s teaching or training to companies and government agencies,Ramli will always emphasize the subjects involving Q,C,D,S,M,E and also I&C.To know more about this alphabets,please contact Ramli soon at +6019-2537165 or email:

Have a look about this car business especially the car components as Ramli retrieved from Google Images:

Ramli have been a student of the Gurus of Quality like Juran,Deming,Crosby,Ishikawa,Imai and many others…

Example like Dr.Philip Crosby teachings on the 4 Quality Management Absolutes that are:

1.Quality means conformance to requirements

2.Quality is obtained through prevention

3.Quality has  a performance standard of zero defects

4.Quality is measured by the price of nonconformance.

If Business Leaders always study,practice and live “Quality” then the chances of a major quality problem or crisis is almost null or zero occurences.

In 2010,Ramli heard that the World Economic Forum in Davos came to realize the need for Relearning of Fundamental Skills of Managing and Leading Rightly for Top Executives both in Business and Goverment.The many problems of businesses and govt have occured rampantly in the last 5 years or so and maybe its time to “go back to school” rather than “making money like mad” with poor quality results and products offered to the customers or citizens alike.

Ramli hoped Business Leaders “really” study about what is Quality and how to lead their organisations on Managing Quality themselves and not allow their salient duties of Managing & Leading Quality to be delegable to their No.2 or No.3 and worst still to the Quality Manager!

For Training & Consulting on areas of World Class Performance,the Q-C-D-S-M-E+I Factors,TQM as your business philosophy for making quality certain in uncertain times,Revolusi Aksi (Action Revolution) for Great Results Fast and many others,please contact:

Ramli Abu Hassan hp:+6-019-2537165 or email:

Profile: or

Here is an article on the recent Toyota Quality Problem-Time to rethink and restudy all things that Dr.Crosby have taught us so hard so well.

Toyota faces fresh questions over recall response

AFP – Tuesday, February 9,2010.

TOKYO (AFP) – – Toyota’s handling of dangerous defects in its cars came under fresh scrutiny Monday as the group was reported to be planning a global recall of 300,000 Prius hybrids worldwide over a brake problem.

The world’s largest auto maker is expected to tell Tokyo and Washington Tuesday it will pull the latest version of the cars that went on sale from May last year, Japan’s Kyodo News agency said late Monday, citing unnamed sources.

“Toyota is also considering filing recalls over other hybrid models, such as the luxury Lexus HS250h sedan and the hybrid-only Sai compact sedan, which employ a similar brake system to the Prius gas-electric hybrid,” the agency quoted the sources as saying.

The brake trouble comes on top of recalls of more than eight million vehicles worldwide due to sticking accelerator pedals that have severely tarnished the Japanese giant’s reputation for reliability.

The company, whose brand has long been synonymous with safety and quality, faces a class-action lawsuit on behalf of owners in the United States alleging that it hid problems that have led to the rash of recalls.

And Toyota’s North America president, Yoshimi Inaba, is set to testify at a US congressional hearing on Wednesday as part of a wider probe by lawmakers.

Toyota has denied it was slow to respond to the unintended acceleration issue but faces new questions about its handling of the episode, after it emerged that the company acted on the problem in Europe about six months ago.

“We did fix this in August last year (in Europe) after first hearing about the issue at the end of 2008,” said Toyota spokesman Paul Nolasco.

But it was initially thought that the problem only affected European right-hand drive vehicles, sold mainly in Britain and Ireland, he said.

Related article: Toyota recall raises questions about computerized cars

The trouble was attributed to the car heater blowing hot air on the gas pedal, causing condensation to build up inside and result in sticking, but was not thought to occur in left-hand drive models, he said.

Toyota officials could not immediately confirm whether any action was taken at that point for vehicles already on the road in Europe.

Toyota has come under fire after saying it had fixed the brake system flaw during production of the latest Prius model last month, without warning drivers of those vehicles already on the road.

Toyota is believed to have already notified its dealers in Japan that it will pull all the new model Prius vehicles sold in Japan, amounting to about 170,000 units. The firm will recall about 100,000 Priuses in the US.

Related article: Prius woes may muffle hybrid buzz

The model — which combines a petrol combustion engine with a battery-powered electric motor — is Toyota’s flagship hybrid car and key to its efforts to stay in pole position in fuel-efficient vehicles.

Toyota, which in 2008 dethroned General Motors as the world’s biggest car maker, has seen its brand image badly hurt by its handling of recalls affecting more than its entire 2009 global sales of 7.8 million vehicles.

The accelerator problems have been blamed for several accidents, including one in California in August in which four family members were killed.

Company president Akio Toyoda said Friday he was “deeply sorry” for the string of quality issues and said he would head a new task force to raise standards and investigate the cause of the problems.

Toyota shares fell 1.05 percent to 3,280 yen on Monday, having plunged by more than 20 percent in roughly two weeks.

Toyota has said it expects the accelerator trouble to burn a two-billion-dollar hole in its profits this year in recall costs and lost sales.

The recent express bus accident along the Ipoh Highway with 10 deaths and many more injured really make us wonder (at least for Ramli) can we really make our Bus Journey Safe especially when our children travel all the time when they come back for the Holidays from their Universities or Schools away from Home!
LIke my eldest daughter,Nur Amirah she will travel from Kuala Trengganu to Shah Alam everytime there is a U Break for the holidays and the logical choice of travel will be by Express Bus like Trans Natoonal,Sani Express,Mutiara and many other bus express companies.
When I asked her to travel in the morning or daylight for her next trip she still likes to take the night bus bcoz its cooling,beat the traffic jams,can have a good sleep and she knows by Subuh she is already in Shah Alam.However I caution her to travel in the morning for this initial safety measures since night travelling is not yet fully guaranteed when you have bus drivers saying they fall asleep while driving and that coz the accidents like the tragic one in Ipoh recently.How can we tolerate such indiscipline and unprofessional approach towards the driving profession.Can you allow your airline pilots to say the same thing when they take off or wants to land their planes?If they are driving their ownselves then its their life at stake BUT when you have over 40 or even 300+ passengers like the aeroplane then PLEASE make sure all drivers or pilots abide to the strictest rule and discipline of making sure all passengers safety travel are at their best control.
So just to make sure these proactive and preventive mesasures to make TRAVEL SAFE,Ramli have list out some important points (for your consideration and ground and air travel cos safety measures)
Pro-Active & Preventive Measures to make travel safe with almost ZERO Accidents:
1.Drivers must be medically fit and pass the “driver’s safety checks” before allowed to drive their buses.
2.All buses must passed all safety check points based on the Safety Check List
3.Safety clearance must need multiple parties approval and cross checks eg.Driver,Administration Dept,Quality&Safety Assurance Unit Personnel
4.Safety clearance from Road Transport Dept about Today’s Weather and Road Conditions
5.Passengers being brief about what they can do if they witness any wrong doings or improper bus driving by drivers concerned.Can press the STOP BUS ALARM BUTTON if necessary along the journey
6.Install CCTV at all driver’s place to monitor driver alertness,quick response and safe driving at all times of the day
7.Stop Night Time Travel or allow Night Time Travel for only few passengers excluding children and senior citizens.
8.and many more….
Risk Management is good but without discipline and continual improvement in our processes we can “be attack” by sudden problems and can cause great loss to lives,assets and confidence of the people to our products and services.
The airline companies have done very well with their almost ZERO air accidents in as many hundred thousands of flights they do along the year/s and that is because of the strictest measures they impose on airline safety assurance to all airline cos in the world and they do not tolerate for any such infringements or “short cut” measures for safety and quality.
The bus companies like in Malaysia must do the same and only with the strong and determine leadership shown from the Transport MInistry for all matters related to travel safety can we as passengers or commuters be assured that travel is in good safe hands and we can rest n relax in our journey from one point to another all the time.Inshallah.
In Allah SWT we trust our fate BUT all man made errors must be stopped at once and we must achieve ZERO ERRORS in all our work all the time.
To know more about ZERO Defect and its importance,please read Philip Crosby books-He is the ZD Guru after all.
To contact:
Ramli Abu Hassan