Posts Tagged ‘tabiintabiin’

Money is POWER!

Who said that?


Business Tycoons or even Underworld Bosses have lots of money stashed in Banks,Off Shore Heavens,in lonely islands under the grounds,in their private vaults,by their trusted proxies and what have YOU?

Money can buy anything in this world?Be it people like CEOs,Political Leaders and men or women in the streets?

BUT when you talk this to Leaders of Islam like Prophet Muhammad pbuh,his 4 Pious Caliphs,Sahabats,Tabiin,TabiinTabiin then be careful because in Islam Money is just a vehicle to get things done BUT not to corrupt people or do sinful acts that Islam Prohibits 100%.

So,there is no hiding needed by Leaders of Islam because they are always CLOSE TO THE PEOPLE OR UMMAH.

They are always ready to Jihad in the Name of Allah and Muhammad pbuh.

To die for the sake of Allah SWT is the best and noble thing to do for a Muslim because Jannah awaits all those who truly Jihad for Islam not hypocrites or show off then the Hellfire awaits those who become hypocrites or show offs.

Why Business Tycoons (some of them) hide from the public views or eyes?

Why do Underworld Bosses also hide from the Public views and eyes?

Are they the same persons or what?

Are so fed up..just wrote some texts here and they are gone…why this notebook behave such?

Ok,so maybe its best to write a book on this subject later on…..

Will continue again….

hope this is a starter to write more on this important subject….

contact Ramli for assistance like financial support and sponsorship…+6019-2537165 or