Posts Tagged ‘problem’

Berdikari or being Self Reliant is Great!

We need to “stand on our own feet” and perform excellently ourselves!

Our knowledge and wisdom can enable us to know whats right for Malaysia and Malaysians.Some say why do all the manual work or sweat when we can hire lots of foreigners to work for us and they can also produce what we want?

Yes,its good to work smart but Malaysians must know what it takes to get things done ourselves especially when we cannot depend anymore on expats or cheap foreign labour or talent.

The construction of the Petronas Twin Towers (PTT) was done by the Japanese and Korean construction companies and many Malaysians were hired to work for these 2 giant world class construction companies.The PTT is now well known all over the world but Malaysia cannot be so proud to say we build them with “our own people,hands and sweat” but we hired foreigners to help build for us the PTT same also like the Penang Bridge etc…

Malaysia need to Build Quality People to help unleashed her hidden talents and also discovering all the infinite possibilities that Malaysians can perform to the best!Who’s responsibility are these ?

Ramli learned also that we need to possess these 3 Consciousness if we want to build a Quality Malaysia.What are these 3 Conciousness?

1.Quality Consciousness

2.Problem Consciousness

3.Improvement Consciousness

If only all Malaysians possess these 3 Consciousness and become a habit of doing things everyday then Malaysia have no problems to proceed with all the 10MP and ETP,GTP etc…because the basic requirements of getting things done are met or realized ie.Right Attitude,Good Behaviours and Correct Skills are there and all the investments will not be wasted,have great errors and uncompleted projects or not met to budget or targets!

Revolusi Mental atau Minda sangat perlu dan kemudian di teruskan dengan Revolusi Aksi untuk mencapai kegemilangan atau hasil (outcome yang terbaik)

Tanpa aksi tiada hasil!


Contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed at:



When Ramli was working with Matsushita,Malaysia his MD once informed Ramli that to become a good quality man or manager,you need at least 5 years of study and training on the job.

At first Ramli dont want to accept that advice by Mr.Kenji Kato my MD but as the years passed by,Ramli realized Mr.Kato have great wisdom and foresight with that statement.Yes,you need at least 5 years of passion,dedication,sacrifices and lots of learning to become a Good Quality Manager or Staff.

Ramli liked to share with YOU especially the Gen Y employees of Managerial and Staff ranks that one of the learning points in corporate life as well as having that great knowledge about business and all those tools and techniques to make business prosper is these 3 consciousness:

1.Quality Conscious

If you are quality conscious all the time then your work will be of high standards and output will be excellent.Quality input create quality output!

Being quality minded helps you to do your job right the first time and everytime.If you are an aeroplane pilot,you must ensure 100% quality flight both the personnel on board and the plane.So,it is important we check all our system right and all the time.Nobody wants to fly an aeroplane that is not sure of her safe flying and landing!


2.Problem Conscious

We must always have this mindset of problem conscious so that every process or work is free of problems.If we detect problems then we must resolve that problem as soon as possible.Managers are hired not just to make the process right but also to solve problems along the way.

When we have problem consciousness,we always want to make our workplace the best like in terms of QCDSME.That means quality,cost,delivery,safety,morale and environment.We want to ensure all these factors are problem free and functioning with great results

then,we have

3.Improvement Conscious

Here it means,we must always seek for “Breakthroughs” as what Dr.JM Juran taught many Top Mgmt around the world.Only with breakthroughs can we see new “zone of controls” or areas of improvement!

Our speed of work and productivity have improved dramatically and drastically due to this mindset and actions for improvement.When there are no improvement then it means we are at our normal zone of control,no change,no new areas of growth or changes made.

Everyone now wants to get things faster,cheaper,better,safer,cleaner and happier so we must IMPROVE always!

For more on these factors,please contact Ramli for Trainings and Workshops for your Managers and Staff.Contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed at :

Every CEO or Business Owner wants to ensure their business goes well and make profits while making all the customers and employees happy including all the shareholders etc…

Before you start a business you must know lots of things about your business and all the A to Z of making sure the business will survive and make profits.

You must also be a knowledgeable person with all the book smart and street smart thinking so that even a crook cannot trick you!You must know when to say yes and no and when to take the right actions to get the right results at the right moment in time.Its not that easyactually and many a times people make mistakes and some very “painful and hurt the pockets” of their own and their investors.

Like what Ramli have read in one of the issue of the World’s Top Selling Business Magazine like the Economist,businesses must know and understand the Basics of Good Mgmt especially when there is a sudden Financial Crisis and many Top Cos and not so Top Cos gone bankcrupt and thousands of workers have to be terminated and some with their VSSs’ packages.All these are because of Poor Mgmt Results or Performances and it looks impossible to sustain the business or keep it alive any longer than what everyone wanted to do or wish to do!

So,what then is Good Basic Mgmt?

As indicated by some experts:

1.Being Honest

2.Being Frugal

3.Being Trustworthy

are the main focus.Companies even being the Top 500 Biggest Companies of the World if they do not focus on these 3 important Mgmt Ideals then they too can fall (and some really did fall very bad and no more on the corporate maps)

If Chairmen and CEOs are not honest and being at NO.1 in the co,they can create lots of disruptions like corrupt practices,abrupt decisions,poor performances and finally bankcrupt their companies when there’s no more cash to sustain their operations or losses being hidden “under the carpets” and there was no “whistle blowers” to tell the real true story..maybe until 5 or 10 years later…

It is not so difficult to teach or train our People on subjects like Being Honest,Frugal and it?Maybe the answer is yes and no!

Yes,if when the No.1 “walk his talk and talk his walk” and no when it is done vice versa ie.does not mean anything as far as his talk and his walk…only bluffing….

Maybe you can say a person that speaks well or can market things very well have this ability to deceive and cheat people if they play the negative ways BUT if they are people with Great Humility and Personality then they will bring great progress,great performance and results to their companies concerned.

The other important attributes that Ramli wants to highlight on this Basics of Mgmt is being:




In Japan many decades ago these 3 attributes were the main learning points for their QCCircles (QCCs’) and everyone in the QCC including the TQC Heads must understand this 3 attributes towards creating a Quality Company that prosper and satisfy her customers all the time.

If our people are not Quality Conscious then problems are not noticed and improvements will never be made !

Only when People are Quality Conscious will they then want to see that there maybe problems lurking around the corners of their businesses and if they find problems then they must find ways to solve the problems and improve the process so that they become  “fool proof” where it is almost like Zero Defects or Zero Errors processes in placed.

So,these 3 attributes of being Quality,Problem and Improvement Consciousness are also the main learning that we must always inculcate or indoctrine our People so that these Basics of Mgmt are understood so well all the time and in full (meaning not just 30%,60% but 100% all the time)

So,before we take the “super bullet train” we must know first what a Train Ride is all about and not missing the stations or having lots of unhappy customers that actually do not want a super fast train since they enjoy better in a slower train that works 100% in full all the time then one that is new works less than 100% all the time and with great probability of errors many electronics and too many processes that are macro and mini processes…so lots of control and checking processes..

Ramli hoped Top Mgmt will keep on emphasising the learning of Good Basics of Mgmt to their People and apply,review and improve them as times goes by rather than forget or ignore them as Important Subjects and pursue all the “Blue Oceans” when all blue,red,green or whatever color originate from the same ocean we all live all this while it is just we must know that all ocean have plenty of fish to eat and not pollute them or make them unsustainable or unliveable anymore…thats the basic problem,actually!

for more infos or need to communicate with Ramli please call hp:+6-019-2537165 or email: