Posts Tagged ‘positive personality’

Malaysia will soon celebrate her 54th Merdeka this coming 31st Aug,2011 and as of today we are not “that united” as far as our Country’s Crest motto is concerned ie.Bersekutu Bertambah Mutu or literally translated as Unity is Strength!

UMNO,PAS and PKR are the political parties with majority Malays participation.They are no more united as 1Melayu but now 3Melayu with Islam as their Religion.By looking at the reality of the way things are moving UMNO,PAS and PKR Malays will need to “fight it out” to “round up” as many Malays in their party if they want to be the DOMINANT FORCE  in the coming 13MGE.

Malays make up almost 55-60% of Malaysia’s Total Population and by this majority race Malays SHOULD BE AND MUST BE THE POWER OR PEOPLE WHO RULE MALAYSIA!The Prime Minister must also always be a Malay if the country’s majority race is still Malay unless Malaysia become “really 1Malaysia” then maybe the Federal Constitution or the Rakyat can now agree to allow a Non Malay Origin to become the PM just like what USA have allowed President Obama to become their President after a series of “White President”!

To be a Malaysian mean so much and so important and Ramli have listed out some IMPORTANT TRAITS OR CRITERIA TO BE A REAL 1MALAYSIAN.HERE ARE THE TRAITS BELOW:

Only with these basic traits as Malaysians can we hope our GEN Y AND GEN X become the new generation for making Malaysia Greater and a World Class Nation.
The current Generation with people above 45 years old are all in the same mold as the older generation that make Malaysia still race conscious,class conscious,subsidy conscious,ampu bude conscious and many more negative styles consciousness!These are NO GOOD Triats and Gen Y AND GEN X MUST TRY TO ELIMINATE ALL THESE BAD TRAITS AND MOVE ON OR TRANSFORM TO THE POSITIVE TRAITS!
Only with these development of Positive Personalities where they fear Allah’s Warnings and adhere to all things good can we expect this country to be led and manage with great integrity,trust,sincerity,honour and discipline rather than become a country that is managed by greed,misjustice,corruption,hate,no discipline and poor results!
A Great Nation can only be made by Great People of Positive Personalities and Quality Traits.To do this takes lot of time and the best time to start is yesterday if not today because tomorrow or later is too late!
Any enquiries,please call Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or email:

    The many stories about Malaysia’s Corporate Failures and also in the Government sectors clearly show how bad some Companies and Government Ministries are being led and managed.

    The worst blunders in corporate and government failures are LOST OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR SHAREHOLDERS MONEY!

    The people have great trust in these public listed companies and have readily invested their hard earned money to invest in these companies who assure their shareholders of their good projects and opportunities to make great profits in the coming year or years.Finally some of these PLCs’ reported great losses and the share price “dipped like hell”!What to do and why all these poor performances happening?

    What is the reasonable rate of returns expected by investors nowadays?

    If you deposit your money in Banks like fixed deposits maybe you get a return of 3% annually,if you keep in Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) maybe you get a return of 10% annually with the dividends and bonuses added in and if you invest in Unit Trusts maybe you get a return of 5 % annually!

    So,its all about making profits in investing and to have good consistent profits we must have GOOD MANAGEMENT.

    Good Management is all about have Business Leaders with Professional Will and Personal Humility (as once described by Jim Collins in his book Good to Great)

    Good Management is also about people have POSITIVE PERSONALITY where all their values and actions are based on “fear of Allah’s Wrath” for any bad behaviour or nonsense management!

    Nonsense Management is where Business or Govt Leaders allow mistakes to happen either knowingly,unknowingly or a combination of both.Nonsense Management is when errors occur incurring losses that can be few hundred ringgit or billions of Ringgit to the company or ministry or even a NGO.

    We can read many corporate failures where billions or millions of Ringgit are totally lost due to poor decisions,wrong strategies,wasteful projects,no control management,stupid decisions and so many other kinds of management errors that a normal manager will not make such errors at all!

    So,how to prevent these NONSENSE MANAGEMENT ?

    Ramli always point to the QUALITY OF THE LEADERS FIRST.

    Leaders must be people who possess POSITIVE PERSONALITY.

    Only by having this traits of positive personality can they become leaders with trust,commitment,hard working,smart,responsible,proper utilisation of public funds and many other good traits or values.

    If you study all the corporate failures and government also,they all originate with Bad Personalities who have no fear of Allah’s Wrath and continually practise nonsense management that spoilt the corporate culture and only promote more nonsense kind of management in their organisations.

    To become a POWERFUL AND GREAT NATION we need PIOUS,HARDWORKING AND SINCERE LEADERS who took the jobs more to serve their people rather than earned “fat cheques” or high paying salaries that can even be 100 times more than the normal executive earns in the company.Reports have shown us that Malaysian CEOs can easily earn RM 1- 3 million annually and some so called Celebrity CEOs can earn from RM 5 million to RM15 million annually.Why we pay them so much when their organisations also have these nonsense management happening all the time or sometime?

    There is no greater leadership qualities than what the Prophet Muhammad pbuh have shown and proved to all of us especially the Muslims.With his Great Leadership and Positive Personality,Islam spread across the world and was the dominant force or power during the Prophet’s time.The stories of how simple the life of the Prophet with many a days he lived in hunger and also his family only show us that posessing great wealth is not the focus of our living but the caring,love,sharing,providing opportunities to others to success and building great character is what life is all about since life on earth is just like the wind that blows away and what is key or importance is our eternal life in the hereafter which is of greatest blessings and bliss.Inshallah.

    Please stop all the nonsense management styles you have at work and at home and hopefully Allah SWT will BLESS YOU with GREAT MANAGEMENT AND POSITIVE PERSONALITY.

    Contact Ramli for any enquiries at +6019-2537165 or

    If you were to analyse your status or achievements with your wife or girlfriend,which category do you belong above?

    Why is that we now witnessed many career minded women not  “jumping in the marraige bandwagon”?They are turning 30+ and many 40+ and above still remaining single and very eligible but not interesting to find The Man of their lives yet!Why?

    Ramli heard many women professionals in Singapore are still unmarried and rather be single and free.There are some even adopt children and willing to look after these kids as their own without the need of a man or husband where children called “dad”

    Is it good or safe to marry a Rich Man?Women always want the best of the worlds but many prefer wealth assurance rather than just handsome men,right?

    Good looks and trendy life style also need economic power where many times the “power of the wallet” speaks more than the “power in the pants”…hahaha

    However like all commodities the quantity of wealthy men are not many and so they are easily being “grabbed or snatched away” by these Smart,Beautiful and Hard Working women who really knows what they want in the lives.So,whats left behind are the weaker men who need to unleash their talents to become soon to be wealthy men and a great excitement to women in search of the right husband with wealth,looks and security.If these men cannot unleash their talents soon then they may become “ordinary men” and remain so for the rest of their lives..

    So,being a Rich Wife can be possible by having a Rich Husband unless the Rich Husband keep all the wealth to himself and only provide the “crumbs” to his wife…However if the wife is smart and strong willpower then she too will become a Rich Wife who ensure she gets a share of the husband’s wealth if she is not a working lady just a housewife.If the women is a career lady and holding high post then she will become a Rich Wife maybe richer than her husband like some of our Malaysian Women Ministers and CEOs..Ramli is sure their wallet or handbag is much “heavier” than their husbands?

    In marriage is also not about money only BUT many will agree that it is also important to have LOVE,CARING,PASSION,TRUST AND ALL THOSE POSITIVE PERSONALITIES..

    Many marriages broke down due to loss of love,no passion to each other and “tidak apa” attitude plus others…why this happen?

    Maybe,some say marraige is great for the first 3 years then become ordinary after the 5th year and turning cold after the 7th year and worst after the 10th year BUT now the Gen Y seem to end their marriage even before the wedding expenses (bills) are completely settled or paid in full for!Why?

    The divorce rates in Selangor D.E. for Muslim couples are alarmingly high! About 5-8 cases of divorxce per day and if you multiply for the whole year then the divorces comes to about almost 2000 for the full year!If you multiply by the children without married parents then it will be about 5000 to 7000 children and that later can create lots of social problems to the homes and country.

    So,its good to build more Great Husbands and Great Wives so that Malaysia possessed many Happy Homes with Happy Couples and Happy Children!

    A Happy HOME is worth all the money in this world!Ask the Great Men and Women of this World?

    Many homes are wreaked due to problems of indisciplined by men and women who prefer the greed,the lust and all the happy times of life befriending the Satan or Devil!Why?Is all about our Negative Personalities and we lack faith in Allah SWT (God Almighty) and we allow ourselves to indulge in events that can create more bad things rather than good outputs as we all really want in our lives!Maybe thats what they say good self disciplined and control.Ramli at times also falled in this trap of desires and foolish acts but when we positioned our FAMILY at the highest peak in our life then we come back to reality and stay on the right course of Happy Marriage and Future!

    Maybe as a Muslim man,Allah SWT have made poligamy HALAL and Muslim Men must use all these rights of what have been made Halal to them and not be so passionate with all those HARAM ACTS anymore…HOWEVER poligamy can only be practised well and right for Muslim Men of Positive Personality who knows the importance of “adil,amanah,alim,ilmu” and so many good traits of a man with 2,3 or 4 wives!Please seek more “ilmu” from your nearest Ustaz (Ramli have only 1 wife,now!hahaha)

    So,Great Husband and Great Wife is the way to GO and Pursue!Inshallah with your honest intentions,pure hearts and sincerity,YOU will find this person in your life and please treat this event of marraige as a SERIOUS one maybe like a Zero Defect campaign where we do not tolerate or allow marraiges to break down or create many sad moments in our lifetime.Yes,many people try to do it right the second time or third time and so forth BUT thats not the way to follow or have that kind of mindset!We must make our marraige work and last not for ourselves BUT more for our kids and our kids kids and so on…we are here to build our destiny and generations of love,hope,prosperity and happiness!Inshallah!

    for more infos,contact Ramli Abu Hassan at +6019-2537165 or

    The Prophet Muhammad pbuh have once taught his Muslim Ummah about the best ways to lead your nation,company and family!

    Prophet Muhammad pbuh emphasised the importance of LEADING BY EXAMPLE and to do that we must start from HOME!

    Yes,the family must made to be right and of great character and discipline.If YOU as the Head of the Family cant guide your own family to Islamic Ways or Ad-deen such as:

    • Strict obedience to Rukun Islam and Rukan Iman and not only know them but practice them always
    • Prayers is the Main Pillar of Islam and make sure your family members pray 5 times a day without failed!
    • Hijab to the women is a must and in Islam covering your body parts with the neccessary Hijab and also to the men will have great blessings from Allah SWT
    • Free from any Riba’ delaings is also obligatory for all Muslims since Riba’ is forbidden but Trade is encouraged.
    • If any family members “stray from the straight path” of Islam then they must be advised accordingly and punished on Islamic Laws as where applicable
    • In doing so then Allah SWT will Grant Great Blessings and Mercy to You and Your Beloved Family
    The above are basic criterias for selecting the RIGHT CANDIDATE FOR THE RIGHT JOB AS MP OR ADUN and any others are just plained wrong and poor judgement!Are you making the right decision or voting rightly?
    If you as the candidate cant even managed your family members to the straight path HOW COME you can expect to manage or lead your company or nation to the same straight path?Thats why the Prophet Muhammad pbuh always emphasised the need to focus and build great characters of Muslims and all humans in general.Like Ramli have written before a POSITIVE PERSONALITY (or Great Faith in Allah SWT) will be the main basis of a Great Leader or Person put to manage or lead!
    So,before you cast your most valuable ballot paper,it is advisable you make the above analysis of your political candidates to power so that the next 4 or 5 years of political power will be led by Leaders that you know are of Great Character and Positive Personality that want to be in power not for their greed or crazy of position BUT mostly for service to Allah SWT (God Almighty) and help make the life of Malaysians BETTER,PROSPER,HAPPIER,SAFER AND GREATER.
    For enquiries or advice,please contact Ramli at +6-019-2537165 or email at

    The recent outburst of news of great corruption among the Malaysian Customs is really disgusting and poor & bad image for Malaysia and Malaysian Civil Services!This will become a great talking point among Malaysia’s opponents or people who hate Malaysia where statements like below maybe made loud and clear:

    • gold bars and bags n bags of cash are discovered in their homes of several Customs Officers
    • 62 Customs Officers were arrested so far till today 3rdApril,2011
    • series of raids were made over under declaration of duties and tax evasion
    • One officer had over RM1 million in his bank account
    • about RM 10 Billion had been smuggled out or remitted overseas (where to?)
    • MACC reported investigations into organisations believed to be involved in under declaration of duties,tax evasion and money laundering
    • several customs officers had admitted to collect “fees” ranging from RM100 to RM500 for every Customs declaration K1 Form submitted and approved.K1 forms are meant for imported goods.
    • such crimes accounted for RM 108 Billion annually in unpaid duties and income tax
    • Those caught are aged between 24 and 56
    • at least 100 forwarding agents were also being investigated for bribery
    • Customs unit based in Port Klang was the most corrupt with 48 officers arrested.
    • and many more to come…..

    With the above remarks and press reports,Malaysia will now have a BAD IMAGE where her GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS are really corrupted and there is no indication of any improvement or steps to make Malaysia Free from corruption and good governance although there are PLENTY OF AWARDS being made both by the PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SECTORS for such Great Leadership and Management of Good Companies and Govt Agencies…now it look like a Big Joke or Perception and the Real Situation is not in sync or the same status!More like we are just bluffing or cheating ourselves.Maybe these AWARDS need to be reviewed and analysed whether they know what they are doing or awarding?Just for “money sake” or “ada udang disebalik batu” schemes?

    Ramli have wrote many times recently about the importance of POSITIVE PERSONALITY in us especially Leaders and Managers!

    What is meant by POSITIVE PERSONALITY?

    It is all about having Great Faith in Allah SWT (God Almighty) and all His Books,Messengers,Angels and the Last Day.Those who lack faith or are confused in their faith are seen as unhealthy,unbalanced,negative in their personalities.The many cases of great corruption,poor leadership,greed and all the bad behaviours we see,read and hear are all because of those people with negative personalities.This is what we must improve and that is have Great Faith to Allah SWT and all HIS Powers!When this is achieved all these problems of this era are sure to be eliminated or reduced.Inshallah.

    So,if these kind of Customs problems of Great Corruption we are facing can actually be resolved by making sure all the entire Customs Department Force go through this evaluation of their personality and that is to posses the POSITIVE PERSONALITY.Call Ramli at +6019-2537165 or email: for assistance and how to solve such headaches of Bad Management and Practise.There must now be a ZERO DEFECT mentality for Bad Behaviours and Bad Practices especially for the Customs Department!

    Malaysia must also move on the Road of Living with prudent spendings,save more for the family kind of programs,live within your own means,eliminate debts or bankruptcies among the Gen Y & Gen X plus try to lower down household debts and spendings unncessarily problems..

    When there are lots of greed among Malaysians then what they earned in their monthly salaries are never enough and their new lifestyles of excesses and wastages will only burned their desires for more money via sinful acts like corruption,illegal business,asking for favours,higher prices for their goods and services for more profits and many more!

    So,all the above problems highlighted is A SOCIAL AGENDA where Malaysia must act quickly but with great wisdom,long term planning and a commitment to make it happen and not only for public declaration but no great will or desire to make it happen or achieved!

    The greatest fear is our Future Malaysians whether they become Better Malaysians to Lead the Country to Prosperity,Peace and Harmony rather than become the Worst Malaysians that will make Malaysia suffer,poor image and no respect by the Global Community!