Posts Tagged ‘performance’

The search for Great Talents especially to lead a company like a GLC or MNC or PLC is so critical and important because we want to ensure the company can survive and continue make profits and satisfy the shareholders.

MAS is now in search of a new CEO because the former CEO have been transfered to Khazanah Nasional Berhad to a more or less comfortable job and maybe a still good paying salary and perks (luckily not fired and become jobless if Leaders like Jack Welch is around managing!)

Great Talents for Malaysia is also been assigned to Malaysia’s Talent Corporation whose sole aim is to import Malaysians back home to work in Malaysian soil and help Malaysia achieve her ambition of a High Income Economy as spelt out in the ETP especially and also in our Vision 2020.Talent Corp need to bring in about 70,000 Professionals but surprisingly to fill the vacant post of one MAS CEO is still not accomplish that soon or in due speed!Why?

Malaysians who are now working overseas are paid in the currency of that particular country and like a doctor in UK maybe he or she is paid GBP 5,000 (equal about RM 25,000) and the same in USA is paid about USD 5,000 (equal about RM 15,000).So why come back to Malaysia when you are paid RM5,000 or maybe double RM10,000 when you can easily earn RM25,000 or maybe more overseas!

The other great factor of performance is maybe the background of the incumbent CEO?Most CEOs in Malaysia now have accounting background and as Accountants maybe they are best to know the ins and outs of the company financial health or status.This may help them to manage their companies with great care for bottomline results ie Profits not Losses!

However in leading a company or govt agency got a lot to do about LEADERSHIP.Do these CEOs have great leadership qualities and know how best to manage their people as well as their customers?

CEOs like Jack Welch for example knows what it needs to lead his TEAM to Excellence (No.1 or No.2 in the industry is OK with Jack but No.3 or others is Not Good)

Jack Welch have great business vision for GE and he also emphasise the building of Talents by his Executive College as well as being a Coach to some of his selected CEOs (kind of a Mentor-Mentee approach)

Konosuke Matsushita -The Founder of Panasonic also was a Great Business Leader who lead by example and build his business by his hard work,sweat and innovation.He dont wait for projects from Govt Officials nor play the game of ampu bude or worst still bribing and back stabbing.

Business Leaders of the Greatest Kind are those who lead their companies with their hearts and souls and treat their staff as their Team of Great Talents and will always lead by example and knows what’s is best to do and take actions to solve problems and make great profits.Most of them knows best how to utilise and unleash their people’s talents to infinite possibilities and capabilities.People are their dearest asset!

Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad is a doctor by profession but with his passion,zest and political smartness,Tun Dr.Mahathir have led Malaysia for 21 years in his “My Way” styles and also successfully made lots of progress and landmark projects for Malaysia to be proud of like the building of capable CEOs to lead their companies as well as projects like Putrajaya,KLIA,PLUS Highways,Petronas Twin Towers,Vision 2020,Look East Policy and many others which some opponents may support and disagree with Tun Dr.Mahathir.Like what Tun Dr.M once said “well,you win some and lose some..haha”

MAS is now without a CEO and whose best to take over?An accountant or a doctor or who?Tan Sri Tony Fernandes is an ex-Entertianment Top Manager and he saw the great opportunity to build an airline like AirAsia to become one of the World’s Best Low Cost Carrier just like what Richard Brenson did initially with his Virgin Airlines…..Now,Tan Sri Tony and his business partner was offered almost 20% of MAS in a share swap deal with Khazanah Nasional Berhad and maybe MAS can become successful and profitable as Air Asia now (as what those Top Mgmt at Khazanah Nasional thinks lah..lets see this 3 mths or 1 year ahead..whats the outcome!)

So,it goes to show that investing in Learning to get great KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERTISE is KEY and must be made important all the time.Ramli have been promoting and conduct training and consultancy in areas of CORPORATE LEARNING AND EDUCATION by way of ESTABLISHING YOUR OWN CORP U OR CORP ACADEMY  and with this consciousness and breakthrough thinking maybe now your company will possess through developing of Talents Inhouse as well as unleashing Talents for Great Results for the company,nation and also for their own self progress and advancement.

If you need assistance and interests in this Corp U and World Class Performances,please contact RAMLI ABU HASSAN at mobile:+6019-2537165 or emailed at :

Ramli and his Global Experts on these subjects will help you and your team to gain this competitive advantage and build your people to greater heights of personal achievements and company success.Inshallah.

Yes,Ramli have written his book titled in Malay REVOLUSI AKSI (ACTION REVOLUTION) and published and released on 24thMarch,2006.

Whats the outcome or results so far?

The book basically have sold out for the 1st Printing of 1,000 copies and Ramli have requested his Publisher ie.IBS Buku Sdn.Bhd, to print the second time without any need for further edition just to meet the many requests of customers who come to like to read the book.In fact many customers also requested an English Translation of the book.

Ramli nowadays love writing and always get lots of inspiration to write on many subjects that suddenly cross his mind as well as those that have been hovering in his mind all the time.Ramli writes best on subjects that he personally get involved and also become a strong component of his business like TRAINING & CONSULTING,SPORTS PROMOTION,TRADING OF MALAYSIAN AND OTHER COUNTRIES PRODUCTS & SERVICES PLUS OTHER HOT SUBJECTS OF THE DAY OR THAT HAVE BEEN AROUND A LONG TIME.

Ramli also will add photographs and videos where necessary to make the article or posting worth the reading and add value to someone’s life or knowledge.

Like what Warren Bennis have said before “the worth of any society is not what you know but what you do with what you know” and this is very important to take note since nowadays information is everywhere and the availability of the Net and Social Medias have “plagued” us with so much of information that if we do not digest or know what are those infos then they become mere junk or wastes and only by understanding the knowledge these infos bring can we build up our talents,increase or knowledge and apply those new found knowledge to areas or in our work to get better results,productivity,quality and so many other outcomes!

Like the old saying KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and still remain true till today maybe forever!

If you are given a choice of wanting KNOWLEDGE OR MONEY maybe its better to choose KNOWLEDGE since with great knowledge we easily can make money and more money all the time BUT if we choose money or wealth then once they are gone or dried up we have no more money and we do not possess enough knowledge to make more money and so we become poor or weakened.

Ramli’s Revolusi Aksi is basically inviting us to ACT FOR RESULTS after the earlier REVOLUSI MENTAL (MENTAL REVOLUTION)where we think of all the ways to act and get better results after the Thinking or Mental Mode!

No Action No Result !Simply Put!

To get good Outcome we need to go the 4 stages or elements of Revolusi Aksi ie.Thinking->Doing->Measuring->Discipline.

Only with the best ways of actions in this Revolusi Aksi Cycle can we get Great Outcomes,thats for sure!

Ramli actually have completed  more manuscripts to be edited and finally publish as Ramli’s new books but they are now on hold by the Publisher maybe to unsuitable timing for release of the books or not so favourable economic conditions in the country to purchase books since Malaysia is still performing lowly as far as readership performance is concerned ie.Malaysians only now read about 8 books a year as compared to 2 books maybe many years ago!

Revolusi Aksi must happen all the time and not confined to professionals only but to all sectors of the private,public and social sectors also.We need to ACT FOR RESULTS AND THE MORE GOOD RESULTS WE HAVE THE BETTER THE COUNTRY BECOMES!

Maybe this is the FOCUS,DIRECTIONS,PASSION AND OUTCOME that Ramli wants upon achieving this 1,111 postings and soon it will be more of QUALITY POSTINGS rather than just QUANTITY POSTINGS!However Ramli being Different wants to achieve QUALITY AND QUANTITY POSTINGS so that all work is not wasted but performing to the highest level of achievement and commitment.Inshallah.

see Ramli’s Book and Read and Understand plus Apply the Knowledge for Great Outcomes!

Ref: Bloomberg

(MAS:Kuala Lumpur)


CHANGE TODAY +0.01 0.69%


MAS On Other Exchanges

As of 4:52 AM 06/23/11 All times are local (Market data is delayed by at least 15 minutes).












10/4/10 – 2.42


05/30/11 – 1.34














K = Thousands  M = Millions  B = Billions

MAS:MK Historical Stock Quote
MAS:MK Advanced Stock Chart


No related news articles were found.


Malaysian Airline System Berhad provides air transportation and related services. It provides passenger, cargo, and mail transport services. The company also engages in the development, promotion, operation, and marketing of computerized reservations systems and related services; and provision of laundry and cleaning related services, as well as air cargo operations, charter freighter, and various warehousing services relating to air cargo operations. In addition, it provides catering and cabin handling services; trucking and clearance services; labuan leasing services; and tour and travel related services. Further, the company involves in the lease of aircraft and engines; and retailing in flight goods and boutique operations. It has operations in Orient, North America, Europe, the Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Africa, and South America. The company is based in Subang, Malaysia. Malaysian Airline System Berhad is a subsidiary of Penerbangan Malaysia Berhad.

Detailed MAS:MK Company Description…

(AIRA:Kuala Lumpur)


CHANGE TODAY 0.00 0.00%


AIRA On Other Exchanges

As of 4:54 AM 06/23/11 All times are local (Market data is delayed by at least 15 minutes).












06/8/11 – 3.28


06/30/10 – 1.21

















K = Thousands  M = Millions  B = Billions

AIRA:MK Historical Stock Quote
AIRA:MK Advanced Stock Chart


No related news articles were found.


Airlines in Deeper Trouble than Forecast

12/15/2009 5:59 AM ET

View More BusinessWeek News


AirAsia Berhad, together with its subsidiaries, provides air transportation services. It offers charter airline services for business travelers; and airspace advertising services, which include online, on ground, onboard, and in-flight magazine advertising. The company also involves in tour operating business; and the operation of aircraft leasing facilities. It operates a fleet of 90 aircrafts that serves approximately 60 destinations from hubs in Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. The company was incorporated in 1993 and is headquartered in Sepang, Malaysia.

Detailed AIRA:MK Company Description…

Founded in 1993

If we seriously study the status of Managing Corporate Malaysia,many of Malaysia’s CEOs have a 2-3 year contract and if their scorecard is excellent,the Board of Directors or basically the Owner of the Company will extend their contract for an equally 2-3 years more and so on.

So,these type of CEOs will eventually focus on bottom line results like Profits,Market Share,Market Capitalization,Branding and all the key Mgmt Ratios that BOD and Shareholders are happy with.The Voice of the Customers (VOC) and the Voice of the Employess (VOE) will be a subdued matter since all these VOC & VOE need development time to really “bear the fruits” of success and satisfaction.

Dr.Deming once again cautioned us about the subject of Mobility of Management in his explanation of the 5 Deadly Diseases effecting Management.

Dr.Deming stated that the Management of today do not know about the business they are in!They are in the company for so short a time like 1-3 years and they do not have good experience and knowledge about the company’s products,customers and suppliers what more all the nitty gritty or ABC of the business.Like in Malaysia many of the CEOs have accounting background and yes,they are good in “numbers” but not good in product knowledge or all about how the business is being run from “head to toe”!

Our CEOs will be happy with cost cutting measures,all the financial instruments that they can explore or introduce plus a whole lot of “short term actions” or short termed gained that they can make their company of group of companies realized!This after 10 years time will see the “nightmares” of those Top Mgmt actions and how much lost finally will be realized by the company in terms of market capitalization,profits and importance of the business to the country or world.Maybe these companies ceased in existence or bought over by some other companies!The thousands of workers and managers who lose their jobs will be devastating and just like “murdering” the whole family that depend on their fathers,mothers,sons and daughters for their living and meeting to daily needs.This is the serious effects of poor management and a social crime that is worst than a robber or killer of innocent people.So,what can be done to stop this deterioration?

Dr.Deming also stated in this aspect of Mobility of Management by the following 3 points:

1.this new management have no roots in the company

2.they also have no knowledge of the company

3.they also have no understanding of the company’s problems


Like as explained above,many of Malaysia’s CEOs or Top Mgmt are people brought in to “help with getting good profits and big fast ones” rather than ensuring continuity,sustainable good management,and build the people to build a great quality and successful company.

An example was given by Dr.Deming that in Japan a new manager was given the tasks to know the company well by delivering meat to customers premises for 7 years and by so doing with deligent and good customer service,this manager later became the Sales Manager and he prove to be perfect person for the business since he have good roots of the business and have lots of knowledge about the meat business and also understands all the problems experienced or will surfaced in the business.

Whats so different in Malaysia then?

Due to the short tenure of Malaysia’s CEOs managing businesses like Banking,Telecommunications,Infrastructures,Utilities,Auto Manufacturing,Food,Pharmeceuticals,Oil&Gas plus others they will have this 3 weakness that are No long roots in the Co,No ample knowledge of the company and not understanding the long time problems of the co!True of False?You tell me!

If we study the Malaysian businesses that thrived,sustainable,continual good stable profits and excellent customer satisfaction results are those Top Mgmt that have been there for more than 10 years or longer.Please see companies like Public Bank,Genting,AmBank,IOI,YTL,Selangor Pewter,Yeo Hiap Seng,Tan Chong Motors,Glomac,Bukit Kiara Properties and many more..

These companies have good management since they have constancy of purpose,quality is top priority,drive out fear (maybe),innovation and creativity,excellent teamwork,mobility of management at very minimum etc….

Both at the government and private sectors including all the GLCs,there need to be less mobility of management so that CEOs can make a plan and work that plan for making their company Great Companies!Each CEO have a place to grow their talents and make wealth and it is not good to be “jumping around” for new companies and let each CEO be “parked” at their respective locations and excel their perfomance to world class levels just like what Top Class CEOs have done in their respective business areas like IT,Banking,Food,Consumer Goods,Oil&Gas,Consulting,Fashion and can read all these CEOs profiles in Fortune or Forbes magazines etc..

Maybe with this new thoughts (actually old thoughts from Dr.Deming announced way back in 1984 or earlier) and actions,Malaysia’s corporate and govt results will be better and more satisfying and meeting or surpassing all those indicators of the Vision 2020!Inshallah.

Enquiries and support,please contact Ramli Abu Hassan at +6-019-2537165 or emailed at :


Ramli and his Global Partners have embarked on this Road to World Class Performance Study,Implementation and Assessment since Dec,2005 BUT still the response is “lukeworm” and “really challenging” to get the message across to Corporate CEOs and Government Heads!

Maybe becoming “Malaysia Class” is already a struggle and to “push ahead” to becoming World Class is like asking a Middleweight Boxer to fight with a Heavyweight Boxer,almost impossible but can be done..Filipino World Champion Manny Pacquiao is one boxer that really prove the world that his boxing prowess is able to challenge even at the Heavyweight class!Why,Pacquiao can do it?Maybe he thinks differently than other boxers of his weight class and maybe he wants to be World Class Performer?Thats the lesson we can learn from Pacquiao that we first must have the passion,mission,hard work,preseverence,determination,discipline,leadership and also lots of prayers to be the Best in the World..

So,business or government is like sports after all!We need True Champions that will work harder,smarter and braver to become World Class Performers..

Ramli and his Global Experts on World Class Performance have this World Class Scorecard with the 12 benchmarks that focus more on operational matters of your companies or agencies where we can assist your Top Mgmt and Project Teams to help “move up the ladder” from Ordinary Performance to World Class Performance,thats simple!

It may take some time like few years or a dozen years to become World Class like all those Great Cos’ like McDonalds,WalMart,Motorola,Samsung,Nokia,Coca Cola,GE,Exxon Mobil,Starbucks,Google,Microsoft and many others.What is important is your Managers know what it takes to become World Class and by applying this 12 LADDERS TO WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCE methodology and approaches,your company can now move confidently to improve your performance from a Level 1 (Ordinary Performance) to a Level 5 (World Class Performance) .

So,first step is to Study what is World Class Performance all about and what you can focus on areas that YOU think are very important for your company or agency to work hard to improve on..thats world class way of doing things..the rest will follow suit with much ease and confident…

Ladders Audit

Scoring Table

Where We Are Now












Aligning Management Objectives
Customer Focus
Organizing the Workplace
Visible Measurement Systems
Managing for Quality
Eliminating Waste
Best Operating Practices
Staff Empowerment and Involvement
Rewards and Recognition
Purposeful Communication
Continuous Learning

Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd.(391758-D)

No.19 Jalan 18/40,40200 Shah Alam,Selangor Darul Ehsan,Malaysia

[Hotline : +6-019-2537165(Ramli)]

As Ramli was developing his new BLOG some time ago and named it pramleeelvis BLOG little did he realized that there was some important coincidences in that name that contains the 3Es!What are the 3Es then?

In Ramli’s 1st book that was published on 24thMarch,2006,Ramli wrote about the importance of the 3Es in Management and that 3Es stand for:

1. E for Excellence

2.E for Excitement

3.E for Enthusiasm

later on there are also many other Es that can add to the earlier 3Es which are:

4.E for Energy

5.E for Enlightenment

OK,lets study now the 1st E ie.Excellence.

To be World Class,we must be excellent in all things we do of course the good and right things only.We do not want to be excellent in cheating,bribe giving,late coming etc…

We as Top Mgmt and staff must all aspire to attain excellence in all things and all areas of our work.We must know that by being excellent we are in fact performing at 100% level and thats the highest level we can go!Like in school,when you get all right results in your exams you get a 100 marks and that qualify you a A+ rating (now in schools they have a A-,A and A+ rating system.

For companies to become World Class they must be the best in the world in what they produced or provide services to their domestic and global customers alike.Companies like Microsoft,Apple,McDonalds,Coca Cola,Nokia,Citibank,Panasonic and many others like in the Fortune 500 Global Ranked companies are all excellent in their performance.They know what their customers preferences are and how to continually satisfy them all the time and become loyal customers to their brands.These World Class companies are so passionate and “will go all the way” to become excellent and meet to their customers’ needs and demands.

Next E is excitement.

Excitement like in the dictonary it means feeling very happy and enthusiastic because something good that is going to happen.

For Top Mgmt and Staff,they must always be Excited with their job and environment because only by this positive attitude can they be always motivated and produce good results even though the challenges and competition is stiff and at times cruel! When we have a majority of excited employees then we already won 50% of the actual “battle” and the other 50% comes from the actual execution of their work and smartness.If we have a football team that is not excited to win the championship then I am sure this team will not win the match and at best just get a draw only.

The next E is enthusiasm which means the feeling of being very interested in something or excited by it!According to the Greatest Entrepeneur as reported by Fortune Magazine sometime ago,Tan Sri Konosuke Matsushita once taught us that an Enthusiastic worker or manager is one behaving like a “magnet” where due to his great interests and excitement all his teammates and co workers want to “copy” him/her and have great affection or respect for his/her exceptional abilities or job performance even though he/she is not that well academically educated.Do you have many of this enthusiastic people in your company?

The rest of the Es are Energy where you need to possess a certained amount of energy especially physically and also mentally if you are to venture in some major projects in your company.If you lack this energy then your tiredness will soon make you lazy and not “ummph” enough to carry out your work and complete with 100% results.

The other E is Enlightenment where after all the 4Es are executed very well,then you will get your rewards and feel so enlighted or mission well accomplished!The spirit of Malaysia Boleh or Yes,Malaysia Can is also needed so that with the great success achieved then you feel that you have made Malaysia proud and better as a result of some great accomplishments like scaling the top of Mount Everest,winning the Thomas Cup or ability to sell your products to the EU markets etc…

So,this realization of the significance of the 3Es in Ramli’s earlier book Revolusi Aksi and with the pramleeelvis Blog name shows how important these 3 Es plus the other 2Es must be strongly promoted,taught and executed in all businesses as well as in government agencies.This is the way for Malaysia to become World Class and achieved all the targets of a high income economy and World Class Talented People.Inshallah.

for details or enquiries,please contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or email:

Ramli have also training modules for World Class Performance and Revolusi Aksi,please take note.

here’s a sample of Ramli’s Solat Scorecard.Anyone interested to do the same can contact Ramli for a sample of the Solat Scorecard-Its FOC.

Ramli’s Solat Scorecard

Legend:M=Masjid,H=Home,S=surau,Y=YES,N=No,s=solat sunat rawatib,k=kada’,i=infradi(self only),Tabligh-KItab Fad’ail=T,Kenduri=K

Quran-at least 300 verses, Zikr at least >1000X.If NONE = X

Date Fajr(F)

M / H


M / H


M / H


M / H


M / H


Y / N





01-03 sM sMs sM sMs sMs YES Y T
02-03 sM sMs sM Hs Hs NO Y T
03-03 sM sMs sM K Hs NO 500 T
04-03 sMs sMs sM sMs Ms YES 300 T,Yassin
05-03 M sMs sM Hs Hs NO NO T
06-03 sM sMs sM Hs Hs YES YES T
07-03 H sMs sM Hs Hs NO YES T
08-03 sMs sMs sM sMs Ms NO YES T,1x-Magh
09-03 sMs sMs sM sMs Hs YES YES T
10-03 sMs sMs sM sMs Ms YES YES T,1x-Magh
11-03 sMs sMs sM sMs Ms YES YES T,Yassin
12-03 M sMs sM Hs Hs NO YES
13-03 H sMs sM Hs Hs NO YES
14-03 sM sMs sM Hs sHs NO YES 1x-Fajr
15-03 sMs sMs Ss Hs Hs No YES
16-03 Hs sMs sM Hs Hs YES YES
17-03 Hs sMs sM sMs Ms NO NO 1x-Magh
18-03 Hs sMs M Ms Ms YES NO
19-03 sM sMs H Hs Hs No No
20-03 sMs sMs sM sMs Ms YES YES 1x,T-Magh
21-03 sMs sMs sM Hs Hs YES YES
22-03 Hs sMs sM Hs Hs YES YES
23-03 Hs S H sMs Ms NO YES 1x-Magh
24-03 Ms sMs H sMs Ms NO YES T,1X-Magh
25-03 Hs sMs M Ms Hs YES No
26-03 sMs sMs sM sMs Ms YES NO T,1X_Magh
27-03 Hks sMs sM sMs sMs NO YES T
28-03 M sMs sM Hs Hs No No 1x-Fajr
29-03 sMs Hs H Hs Hs No Yes T
30-03 Hs sMs H Hs Hs YES YES
31-03 Hs sMs H sMs Ms No No 1x-Magh
01-04 sMs sMs H sMs Ms YES YES T,Yasin
02-04 sMs sMs H H Hs YES YES T
03-04 Ms Ss H Hs Hs NO NO T
04-04 sM sMs sM sMs Ms NO NO 2x,Fajr,Mg
05-04 sMs sMs sM Hs Hs NO YES T
06-04 Hs sMs sM sMs sMs NO YES T
07-04 sMs sMs sM sMs Ms YES NO T,1x-Magh
08-04 sMs sMs sM sMs Ms YES YES T,Yassin
09-04 sMs sMs sM sMs Ms YES Yes T,Rattib
10-04 sMs sMs H sMs sMs YES YES T
11-04 sMs Ms sM sMs sMs NO NO 1x-Fajr
12-04 sMs sMs H sMs Ms YES YES 1x-Magh
13-04 sMs Ss H Hs Hs YES NO T
14-04 Hs sMs H sMs Ms NO NO 1x-Magh
15-04 H sMs sM sMs sMs YES NO Yassin
16-04 sMs sMs s M sMs Ms YES YES T,1x-Magh
17-04 sMs sMs M Ms Ms NO YES T,1x-Magh
18-04 M sMs sM sMs Ms NO YES 1x-Fajr
19-04 sM sMs sM sMs Ms YES YES T,Tadarus
20-04 sMs sMs H sMs Ms NO YES T,1x Magh
21-04 sMs sMs H Hs Hs NO YES T
22-04 sMs sMs sM sMs sMs YES YES T,Yassin
23-04 sMs sMs sM sHs Hs YES YES T
24-04 sMs sMs sM sM Ms YES YES T,1x-Magh
25-04 sM sMs sM sMs Ms YES YES 2X-Fajr&Magh
26-04 sMs sMs H sMs Ms YES YES T,1x-Magh
27-04 sMs sMs H sMs Ms YES YES T,1x-Magh
28-04 sMs sMs sM Hs Hs No YES T
29-04 Ms sMs sM sMs Ms YES YES T-Yassin
30-04 sMs sMs H Hs Hs YES YES T
01-05 sMs sMs sM sMs Ms YES YES T-1xMagh
02-05 sMs sMs sM sMs sMs NO YES 1x-Fajr
03-05 Ms sMs sM Ms sMs YES YES T
04-05 sMs sMs sM sMs Ms YES YES T,1x-Magh

Rtib Hadad

05-05 sMs sSs


sM sMs Ms YES YES T,1x-Magh

Rtib Hadad

06-05 Ms sMs H sMs sMs YES YES T,Yassin
07-05 Ms sMs

This is Ramli’s Solat Scorecard which Ramli have applied and measure his daily solat performance since Solat is the Greatest Pillar of Islam.Your ticket to Jannah (Paradise-Heaven) firstly depend on your Solat Performance!
There is a sample of Ramli’s own Solat Scorecard which Ramli is still measuring every daily prayers and also a complimentary solat scorecard sample for your own use.Please use it immediately but you need to amend the dates accordingly.
Hope to hear from your feedbacks,suggestions and advice if any.
All Good Things from Allah SWT.
Ramli Abu Hassan
note:Ramli may make a Solat Scorecard Booklet for Year 2010 for our easy usage and performance analysis.

On 25thJuly,2009 just immediately after Asar Prayers,Ramli’s father-in-law Encik Mohd Yusoff Long passed away peacefully in Malacca Hospital.He was almost 81 years of age and have lived a great life with 2 wives and almost a dozen children and scores of grand children and great grand children.
To be able to have a long healthy life of almost 80 years of age is a Great Blessing from Allah SWT (God Almighty) BUT most important of all to live with great deeds,refrain from all evil ways (haram) as well as being a person of great personality,excellence performance,friend to ALL,prosperous livelihood and never neglect your prayers all day in your lifetime.
May ALLAH SWT Blessed and Have Mercy on all of US.Inshallah.