Posts Tagged ‘mgmt’

As Ramli was developing his new BLOG some time ago and named it pramleeelvis BLOG little did he realized that there was some important coincidences in that name that contains the 3Es!What are the 3Es then?

In Ramli’s 1st book that was published on 24thMarch,2006,Ramli wrote about the importance of the 3Es in Management and that 3Es stand for:

1. E for Excellence

2.E for Excitement

3.E for Enthusiasm

later on there are also many other Es that can add to the earlier 3Es which are:

4.E for Energy

5.E for Enlightenment

OK,lets study now the 1st E ie.Excellence.

To be World Class,we must be excellent in all things we do of course the good and right things only.We do not want to be excellent in cheating,bribe giving,late coming etc…

We as Top Mgmt and staff must all aspire to attain excellence in all things and all areas of our work.We must know that by being excellent we are in fact performing at 100% level and thats the highest level we can go!Like in school,when you get all right results in your exams you get a 100 marks and that qualify you a A+ rating (now in schools they have a A-,A and A+ rating system.

For companies to become World Class they must be the best in the world in what they produced or provide services to their domestic and global customers alike.Companies like Microsoft,Apple,McDonalds,Coca Cola,Nokia,Citibank,Panasonic and many others like in the Fortune 500 Global Ranked companies are all excellent in their performance.They know what their customers preferences are and how to continually satisfy them all the time and become loyal customers to their brands.These World Class companies are so passionate and “will go all the way” to become excellent and meet to their customers’ needs and demands.

Next E is excitement.

Excitement like in the dictonary it means feeling very happy and enthusiastic because something good that is going to happen.

For Top Mgmt and Staff,they must always be Excited with their job and environment because only by this positive attitude can they be always motivated and produce good results even though the challenges and competition is stiff and at times cruel! When we have a majority of excited employees then we already won 50% of the actual “battle” and the other 50% comes from the actual execution of their work and smartness.If we have a football team that is not excited to win the championship then I am sure this team will not win the match and at best just get a draw only.

The next E is enthusiasm which means the feeling of being very interested in something or excited by it!According to the Greatest Entrepeneur as reported by Fortune Magazine sometime ago,Tan Sri Konosuke Matsushita once taught us that an Enthusiastic worker or manager is one behaving like a “magnet” where due to his great interests and excitement all his teammates and co workers want to “copy” him/her and have great affection or respect for his/her exceptional abilities or job performance even though he/she is not that well academically educated.Do you have many of this enthusiastic people in your company?

The rest of the Es are Energy where you need to possess a certained amount of energy especially physically and also mentally if you are to venture in some major projects in your company.If you lack this energy then your tiredness will soon make you lazy and not “ummph” enough to carry out your work and complete with 100% results.

The other E is Enlightenment where after all the 4Es are executed very well,then you will get your rewards and feel so enlighted or mission well accomplished!The spirit of Malaysia Boleh or Yes,Malaysia Can is also needed so that with the great success achieved then you feel that you have made Malaysia proud and better as a result of some great accomplishments like scaling the top of Mount Everest,winning the Thomas Cup or ability to sell your products to the EU markets etc…

So,this realization of the significance of the 3Es in Ramli’s earlier book Revolusi Aksi and with the pramleeelvis Blog name shows how important these 3 Es plus the other 2Es must be strongly promoted,taught and executed in all businesses as well as in government agencies.This is the way for Malaysia to become World Class and achieved all the targets of a high income economy and World Class Talented People.Inshallah.

for details or enquiries,please contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or email:

Ramli have also training modules for World Class Performance and Revolusi Aksi,please take note.

Every CEO or Business Owner wants to ensure their business goes well and make profits while making all the customers and employees happy including all the shareholders etc…

Before you start a business you must know lots of things about your business and all the A to Z of making sure the business will survive and make profits.

You must also be a knowledgeable person with all the book smart and street smart thinking so that even a crook cannot trick you!You must know when to say yes and no and when to take the right actions to get the right results at the right moment in time.Its not that easyactually and many a times people make mistakes and some very “painful and hurt the pockets” of their own and their investors.

Like what Ramli have read in one of the issue of the World’s Top Selling Business Magazine like the Economist,businesses must know and understand the Basics of Good Mgmt especially when there is a sudden Financial Crisis and many Top Cos and not so Top Cos gone bankcrupt and thousands of workers have to be terminated and some with their VSSs’ packages.All these are because of Poor Mgmt Results or Performances and it looks impossible to sustain the business or keep it alive any longer than what everyone wanted to do or wish to do!

So,what then is Good Basic Mgmt?

As indicated by some experts:

1.Being Honest

2.Being Frugal

3.Being Trustworthy

are the main focus.Companies even being the Top 500 Biggest Companies of the World if they do not focus on these 3 important Mgmt Ideals then they too can fall (and some really did fall very bad and no more on the corporate maps)

If Chairmen and CEOs are not honest and being at NO.1 in the co,they can create lots of disruptions like corrupt practices,abrupt decisions,poor performances and finally bankcrupt their companies when there’s no more cash to sustain their operations or losses being hidden “under the carpets” and there was no “whistle blowers” to tell the real true story..maybe until 5 or 10 years later…

It is not so difficult to teach or train our People on subjects like Being Honest,Frugal and it?Maybe the answer is yes and no!

Yes,if when the No.1 “walk his talk and talk his walk” and no when it is done vice versa ie.does not mean anything as far as his talk and his walk…only bluffing….

Maybe you can say a person that speaks well or can market things very well have this ability to deceive and cheat people if they play the negative ways BUT if they are people with Great Humility and Personality then they will bring great progress,great performance and results to their companies concerned.

The other important attributes that Ramli wants to highlight on this Basics of Mgmt is being:




In Japan many decades ago these 3 attributes were the main learning points for their QCCircles (QCCs’) and everyone in the QCC including the TQC Heads must understand this 3 attributes towards creating a Quality Company that prosper and satisfy her customers all the time.

If our people are not Quality Conscious then problems are not noticed and improvements will never be made !

Only when People are Quality Conscious will they then want to see that there maybe problems lurking around the corners of their businesses and if they find problems then they must find ways to solve the problems and improve the process so that they become  “fool proof” where it is almost like Zero Defects or Zero Errors processes in placed.

So,these 3 attributes of being Quality,Problem and Improvement Consciousness are also the main learning that we must always inculcate or indoctrine our People so that these Basics of Mgmt are understood so well all the time and in full (meaning not just 30%,60% but 100% all the time)

So,before we take the “super bullet train” we must know first what a Train Ride is all about and not missing the stations or having lots of unhappy customers that actually do not want a super fast train since they enjoy better in a slower train that works 100% in full all the time then one that is new works less than 100% all the time and with great probability of errors many electronics and too many processes that are macro and mini processes…so lots of control and checking processes..

Ramli hoped Top Mgmt will keep on emphasising the learning of Good Basics of Mgmt to their People and apply,review and improve them as times goes by rather than forget or ignore them as Important Subjects and pursue all the “Blue Oceans” when all blue,red,green or whatever color originate from the same ocean we all live all this while it is just we must know that all ocean have plenty of fish to eat and not pollute them or make them unsustainable or unliveable anymore…thats the basic problem,actually!

for more infos or need to communicate with Ramli please call hp:+6-019-2537165 or email: