Posts Tagged ‘management’

The Innovation Playground
Konosuke Matsushita: The Art and Wisdom of Management
Having read Konosuke Matsushita’s life and philosophy is like taking a journey back through time to the age in which people of my generation can hardly imagine. The book contains not only invaluable teaching we can learn from but the reflection to our own experiences on how we see things. The language uses is like a conversation between close friends, opened and frankly expressed. But perhaps, the most significant point that touched all readers may be the story of his integrity and the way of life which showed his true values, attitudes and believes.
Konosuke Matsushita His Life and Management Philosophy (the Art and Wisdom of Management, Volume 1)
It is now to me no wonder why Panasonic Corporation has become one of the most successful and yet the most admirable company in the world. Konosuke Matsushita has not only founded a solid ground for the company to grow but he has guided its future even after he has left through the ultimate truth in his management philosophy.
After reading the book, I have a strong feeling to share the wonderful lessons I learnt from it so I asked myself what is the best thing I can do to help spreading out the words. And here comes an idea. The paragraphs that followed are summary of the thoughts from one of the sharpest mind of 20th century.
• Awareness of social mission as manufacturers clarified my management philosophy has sustained Panasonic employee during the postwar years
• Company of all size, ranging from individual to government, need management philosophy
• Business management cannot be directed solely toward profit and expansion
• Philosophy must be rooted in a correct view of life, society and the world while reflecting different local needs
• The cycle of birth, growth, development and transformation is the laws of nature and society in which the management philosophy be founded on
• In contrast, the law of nature also imply deterioration, decay and disappearance and it is up to managers to account for the change with positive attitude
• Human beings pose the instinct to live better life in accordance with the laws and it is a mission of entrepreneur to satisfy those needs in steady, appropriate volume and reasonable prices
• Every managers should keep in mind the question “Why is this company necessary?” and its existence to benefit people and improve society must precede the business profit which is only a mean of achieving ultimate goal
• An enterprise is very much a part of social fabric. A purely personal, selfish motivation cannot be central even for a self-employ
• Social responsibility of an enterprise should lie at the core of all activities
• A manager needs to have a clear and correct understanding of the differences in the personalities and abilities of the people as well as their needs and desires
• Man stands above all living creatures because he is capable of understanding the laws of nature and using the wisdom to improve their lives
• Human is a master of all things and with this powerful role comes the responsibility to act with generosity and fairness
• By fulfilling our responsibilities and expanding our capacities, we can escape sorrow and suffering and realize our basic true goodness
• Just as the science requires a knowledge to best utilize the natural resources, a manager must know human nature to develop people to their fullest potential and expand the organization
• Management has a built-in mechanism geared toward success and it is a common sense based on the laws of nature
• Produce and sell quality merchandise, make a fair profit, and collect your payments while align with the laws of nature is much more essential than an intelligence and ability

• Making profit is not evil rather is a win-win relationship in which seller provides good or service which a buyer values over its price. The profit gained is a reward given by the society for its contribution
• Corporate profit and public welfare are co-prosperity through the mean of governmental tax
• A company that doesn’t make a profit is acting against the interests of society and it should be restructured or closed down
• A business has to keep up with society and its growing needs by continue investing in R&D, plant and equipment
• The wealth and profits earned must be shared with the society and all related parties, be it supplier, dealers including competitors
• The consideration of rivals profits and position will sustain the overall industry through reasonable competition and improvement of goods and services on their true values
• Monopoly games lead to less profit to all parties involved and must be especially avoided by major enterprises
• The larger the enterprise, the greater its responsibility to protect the business community from excessive competition
• Listen to the Public. Valuing needs and concerns of citizens as well as doing the right thing lead to approval and support from the public
• Public Relationship should never be used for false promotion and misleading advertising rather it should be used as a mean to build trust between public and the company
• Believe You Will Succeed. Regardless of the condition we are facing we must hold the confidence in it. Thanks Lady Luck for success and blame yourself for failure. Good times are good but bad times are better.
• Aim for Self-reliance. Company operation should be self-supporting and autonomous. Pay your debt ASAP to maintain low rate of capital per outside financial support.
• Self-sufficiency will generate secure and true cooperation when outside financial become necessary.
• Plan for Emergencies. Dam management; keep something in reserve in every sector and at every level of the business.
• “Stock dam” is never equal to over production which is the result of misjudgment.
• Know Your Limitations. Set realistic goal, aware of business capability and limitations. For diversified company restructuring into independent, autonomous division will create steady growth for both.
• To Diversify or to Specialize. Concentrated in a single area brings company best chance for success. If for a company that success in more than one business field, divide and make them separately managed.
• Developing Employee’s Potential. Management method is just only tools relied on the people using them.
• A company must first learn to manufacture good human beings before it can manufacture good product at reasonable prices.
• Use every opportunities to communicate the principle of management philosophy and lead by example. Give feedback. Delegate task and authority. All to become good human beings and responsible members of society.
• Consult Other People. Seeks the wisdom of others and never relies solely on personal experiences. Allow employees to develop and make full use of their talents in order for them to provide sound advice.
• Harmony in Opposition. Create good labor-management relations. Ideally, the stronger should pull the weaker one to the equal level.
• Be Politically Aware. Without supportive political infrastructure, the company would not propel. Rather it should help shaping a just and bounteous society.

• Keep Pace with Change. Adaptable to social change and anticipate for the future. Establish an on going process of innovation in every sectors.
• Be Constantly Creative. Management is a multidimensional work of art that integrates the various divisions harmoniously. Learn from true master.
• Management philosophy that integrating activities of various parts and inspiring employees with a vision will enable staff full potential thus resulting in a masterpiece of work.
• A bad manager can bring down an entire company.
• Look at Things As They Are. Practicing “Sunao” mind; a state of open-mindedness, an absence of mental rigidity and ability to see things exactly for what they are.
• Recognize differences’ values in people but never become a slave to our own desires, ideologies or mindset.
• Sunao minds brings genuine success in business and true happiness in life.
That’s all for the wrap up of the very essentials I found in the book. Indeed, every conclusion made are based on perspective of an individual who noted it and could hardly extract all of the gems out of the very thought of an original writer. There is no exception in my case as well. However, I have tried my best to summed it up without bias and prejudice in my humble opinion. All of false and misinformation regarding the teaching of Konosuke Matsushita here are all to my responsibility. I hope you find the article useful if not enlightened as I was after I flip the very last page of the book.

Ramli and whole family saw the final match for Manchester City against QPR last night and what a dramatic ending the EPL have in store right up to the last 5 minutes of the 90 minute schedule match.

Manchester City was really tested to the final limits of their 38 matches played in the EPL and their last match with QPR was so tense,nail biting,hair scratching and what have you!If you also saw the game like Ramli and Family maybe you have learned some pointers of management,leadership,human character and motivaion etc…

What we observe from the match on the Manchester City Manager ie,Roberto Mancini,the Players,the Owner of Manchester City,the QPR Manager ,QPR Players and Tony Fernandes-the QPR Owner actually their actions,behaviours and attitude can sum up many learning points or lessons.What are they?

From Ramli’s analysis:

The Manchester City Manager-Roberto Mancini

  • his passion for the match and all the 38 games played showed his love for the team and game
  • he really is obsessed to make sure Manchester City wins the EPL Trophy after a long wait of 44 years unlike his rival Manchester United who have been winning for so many decades
  • his command and orders to his players especially when they are trailing by 2 goals deficit really shows his “true colors” and luckily those “crazy minutes” that Mancini stated was a crazy time for him to hold his composure,never give up spirit and keep on pushing his team to get the ultimate results-and thank God they did it!
  • he also is just like all of us normal humans who get so restless when our team or hopes are dashed but with lessons of human character,never give up spirit and never say die attitude can really make a difference in our mission
  • Mancini have done great jobs as a Manager before and that may have helped him keep believeing in his team and strategies that can make him produce the result as planned but not as the “crazy” way the game was played!
  • and many more observations

About the Manchester City Players:

  • They played as a Great Team and all their skills,knowledge and attitude have helped them achived the goals and win the game and finally the EPL Trophy that have eluded their club for 44 long years
  • They know their individual roles and responsibilities and at times some silly mistakesz cost them some goals but they preserve and help to produce more goals and win the match with great style.
  • Every minute of the match is so important and the last 5 minutes or so was so important and even the Goalkeeper comes forward to assist the team in their mission to score the winning goals
  • Leadership of players like the captain and superstars have helped the team to remain strong and win the game
  • the defense was always cautious of sudden attacks by QPR and that made the game plan well executed for the game
  • some team members know each other moves so well that in the last 5 minutes or so they pursue their combination and attacking with style,speed and accuracy.the moment of truth came when the slightest of chance available they use it well and scored the  goals before the last minute.
  • and many more

The Manchester City Owner:

  • By remaining calm and have great patience,the team felt good and know that the Big Boss is supporting them and hope they performed well
  • Owners must be leaders with great vision and mission and have great confidence in his selected Manager and Players alike
  • Owner always reward his Team for a great job well done and especially for winning the EPL Trophy after 44 long years of waiting.
  • History have been made and the Owner is surely a proud man,remember in the club history and also make lots of money

The QPR Manager:

  • His team is due for relegation from the EPL if they lose points but fortunately they played well although they lost the match to Manchester City but due to their goals scored they remain safe and not relegated.
  • He also change strategy to play defensive since one player was send off due to foul play but that keep the scoreline and QPR remain safe in the next year EPL
  • He also motivated his team and tell them to play hard and well

The QPR Players:

  • They know they are playing against the best team in the EPL but they never say die or lose hope
  • They played their hearts out especially in the defense and even scored 2 surprised goals and unlucky not to win the game due to their change in strategy.
  • Their star players played well and help the team stay relevant
  • and many more

The QPR Owner-Datuk Tony Fernandes

  • Being the Owner,he was also worried on the main arena but remain calm and believe that his QPR Team can win and bring glory back again
  • His commitment to get the best manager and players also helped QPR to still remain in the Premier League for the nest season with the scoreline
  • Surely,Tony also will reward his team for a good job done.


So,based on these many observations of the match,ramli think we can learn many things about management,leadership,followership,human character and motivation.Only with these many actions and bahaviours can we produce a winning team and looks like yesterday’s match is a WIN-WIN for all involved.Nobody lost!

Manchester City won the EPL Trophy after 44 long years of waiting and behind Manchester United,QPR managed to still be in the EPL,the Managers lead and managed well their teams and the Owners got their wishes and maybe make some good profits for their investments.

Lets hope more matches like last night will be watched by us all “crazy” football fans and we learned a lot both on the field and off the field.

Contact Ramli at mobile:+6019-2537165 or email:


When Ramli was working in Matsushita Malaysia from 1976 to 1993 in the production,human resource and quality departments,he experienced and learn about the importance of MBWA practiced by the Japanese MD and also visiting Matsushita Overseas Bosses.

We at home based will prepare the Boss schedule for his MBWA when any of the BIg Bosses visit our factory premises and as always this MBWA will be accompanied by all the Top Mgmt and all dept/unit heads in case of any questions or doubts by the Big Boss.This MBWA will be done and recorded by the Secretariat usually my Quality Dept since many of this MBWA are of quality nature and importance.

Products and important improvement matters will also be showcased and displayed along the walkways so that the Big Boss can view and give his personal feedback and recommendations.This is also the good time to try to tell the Big Boss and the manyb other smaller bosses about your achievements and maybe some rewards or sppreciation to your team for a job well done!

MBWA is not a common practise in the govt sector and also private sector since maybe they do not see the important significance,yet!

What can you gained from this MBWA?

Based on Ramli’s findings:

  • Top Mgmt can see with their “own eyes” whats the real status of their shopfloor both in production and admin areas.
  • There will be good communication and interactions with staff and bosses
  • Now,every knows who are the people managing both at the shop floor and high offices -some staff dont know how the bosses or MD looks like?
  • Top Mgmt can quickly do a check as to the status of quality,cleanliness,productivity,morale,standardisation,participation and many others when they view the processes and ask questions to the people in the processes
  • and so many others

Why Malaysian Bosses like to do Management by Flying Around?

  • Great way to see other far away places other than their own processes
  • Let their processes be managed by their lower mgmt and they the top mgmt can do a benchmarking process with other outside organisation
  • They think learning from others is better than learning from their own processes
  • and many other sensible and nonsensible reasons?

So,its timely now that MBWA be made known and understand the great importance of it by all Top Mgmt especially the No.1 Boss and how they can learn it well,its significance and good practices that have helped many great companies like Matsushita,FedEx,GE,Apple Inc and many others to become a Great Company that make consistent high profits,Happy Workforce,Satisfied Customers and most important managing and leading the Right Way!

For more and training on this subject of MBWA,please contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or email:


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Ramli realized that when we as Leaders start our projects we must have PDCA in mind ie.Plan-Do-Check-Action (system of control and execution)

Without these fundamental Good Mgmt practices we will landed up with failures and waste of time and resources as our projects become bad and poor outcomes.

When we practise all the nonsense mgmt styles we will get nonsense results that does not meet the targets or objectives of the projects concerned!

Wastes of time,money,human capital are too hard to bear nowadays when the world is experiencing lack of natural resources,good talents and capital!

We must always learn not to waste and maximise results with minimise capital!

One good example in Ramli’s place is the establishment of the Shah Alam Bus Terminal at Section 17 where due to careful analysis and need of customers,the authorities decided to establish the Bus Terminal or Station where all the Express Buses come here and commuters can now easily booked their tickets and can travel from Shah Alam to anywhere in West Malaysia!Thats so wonderful when before they must travel to KL to book their tickets and take the buses there.Now no more,all can be done at this Section 17 Bus Terminal with almost all the Major Bus Companies have station their buses here!

See the photos below when Ramli last night send his eldest daughter Nur Amirah to board the bus going to Kuala Trengganu to attend to her Convocation at UMT on 2nd October,2011.Tomorrow my wife will also board the Express Bus to go to KT.

Made available at CorpUtvs Channel at YouTube:

In Malaysia today,our PM have stressed many times of the focus on the OUTCOME of all our projects undertaken where it is important for Malaysia to produce the Great Big Fast Results so that the 1Malaysia Mission can be accomplished before 2020.Can we do it?Is it the right approach of thought and action?

When YOU study about Total Quality Management (TQM) the Mahagurus of TQM have always emphasised the importance of making sure all the processes are done right and correct.It is not good enough just being efficient(doing it right) but we need also to be effective (doing the right things right all the time)!

Dr.Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge can assist Top Leaders and Management understand these 4 fundamentals points in Management:

1.Appreciation for a System

-a system is a series of functions or activities within an organisation that work together for the aim of the organisation.

-the aim of the system must be clear to everyone in the system.Without an aim,there is no system

-Management of a system,therefore,requires knowledge of the interrelationship between all the subprocesses within the system and of everybody that works in it.

-Management’s job is to optimize the entire system

-When we optimize our own departments,we may suboptimizing the entire company!

-if someone loses,how can the corporation optimize its aim?

2.Theory of Variation

appreciation of a stable system

-understanding of special causes and common causes of variation

-knowledge that variation will always be there,between people,in output,in service,in product

-knowledge of the difference between a stable system and a capable system

-knowledge about the different kinds of uncertainty in statistical data

-and many more

3.Theory of Knowledge

-Management to be succesful,must be able to predict,with some confidence,the future.

-to do this we need a theory about specific future behavior

-Theory lead to questions.Without the right questions,experience and examples teach nothing

-20 years of experience may only be 1 year of experience 20 times over (or less)

-there is no such thing as a true value.there exists only the result of a procedure

4.Understanding of Psychology

Intrinsic Motivation -this is the motivation that comes from within people.We have chocked it off

-Extrinsic Motivation-this is external motivation from outside factors.Our system of rewards has ruined us.We have tried extrinsic motivation on a huge scale like in Northern America.Our emphasis on extrinsic motivation has smothered intrinsic motivation.

-Over-justification can destroy intrinsic motivation

-it must be kept in mind that reward systems have to be carefully selected to avoid problem of over justification.

More notes:

-the easiest way to improve the profits was to cut costs.(It’s as if no one thought the best way was to increase sales!!)

-at my company we have an elaborate system of management by objectives.We do much “negotiating of goals”,then we all figure how to be sure we look good on paper when review time comes.Right before the review,people will do anything to ensure that their individual or group goals (like your KPIs) are met on paper.To heck with anyone else!

To study,understand and execute this System of Profound Knowledge and all about TQM,please contact Ramli Abu Hassan at mobilephone:+6-019-2537165 or email at :

some videos on Dr.Deming’s teachings:

these news are from my Business Partner’s(Prof.Richard Dealtry in UK) website-please do explore and see whether they can assist your business to greater achievements.Ramli & Prof.Richard will soon hold a major seminar and workshop in Malaysia focussing on Innovation Management and all matters related to it especially on unleashing your Company’s Talents -we will keep you updated…just let Ramli know whats your current requirements on all these focus on Innovation & Creativity for Great Business Results Fast!

News Bites and Events Updates

Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild

At the Swiss Davos 2010 Global Summit, attended by policy makers, business leaders, academics and many other people, they concluded that there is an urgent need to “Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild” organisations and business processes. And to do that effectively and efficiently “business leaders need to learn new skills.”

How to achieve that skills transition and move forward in a way that is speedy, effective and sustainable is of course the real top management challenge. Managers in all sectors need to become involved in the pursuit of the essential new skills going forward and to facilitate the innovative processes of rethinking, redesigning and rebuilding of new management paradigms.

G-ACUA’s own Senior Executive Business Development Programme, The Corporate University Manager, is an online, in-house, entirely business-led management programme. It has been specifically designed for the pursuit of the essential new skills and to facilitate the innovative processes of rethinking, redesigning and rebuilding new management paradigms

Banks Do Care!

Yes. Our discussions with one of the more forward-thinking banks show that they are now ready to reach-out beyond the counter to sponsor and participate in an iPCo seminar on “Making a Success of SME Clusters”, showing that there is now a wider vision of engagement in banking services with entrepreneurship.

The benefits of the Cluster platform are now more widely recognised, well beyond CIT, the traditional stomping ground of clusters, into other sectors such as health care.


G-ACUA Board Members and Corporate Partners can participate in the G-ACUA Members’ Self Assessment and Peer Review Process for the Award of G-ACUA Fellowship



iPCo, the G-ACUA Corporate Partner, sponsored the British Institute of Learning and Development (BILD) Connect Event at the BCU Conservatoire in Birmingham on 16th September 2009.

The theme was Managing Performance Learning and the Agenda included presentations on how training, learning, technology and performance advancements are being made in a rapidly evolving international musical world.



Process Models for Corporate University Design and Management

Research to date shows that there are more than 110 key variables that influence the successful management of corporate university investments. ACUA members are invited to share in the development of dynamic process models by offering 2000-word articles on the management of these factors.

For a list of key variable subjects, please email.


Conference Notes

A recent event, in partnership with the EC Leonardo Da Vinci ECUANET Project, was a transnational conference held at the West Midlands in Europe Conference Centre in Brussels.

This event was entitled:From Learning to Earning – managing the dynamics of lifelong learning and talent development

The objectives of the conference were dissemination and dialogue on corporate university and enterprise academy transnational action research findings

If you wish to receive information on the discussions and results of this event please email