Posts Tagged ‘imai’

The need for change is always important in a country like Malaysia because as they say the only thing that is constant is CHANGE!

However the “new things” or ideas made like a new establishment,a new methodology, a new guide,a new way of doing things and all that is new seem to leave a lot of question marks?Why?

These are what the modern world now called Management Fads!These are ideas created with such WOWs and then disappear from the Corporate Map as fast they appeared earlier on!Why?

These new management fads just cannot exist anymore or stand the test of time due to being a copy of some older ones and actually the originator have not be honest enough to tell the world that he/she/they copied from some old management tool/s to now tell the world they have a new tool!

Ramli have been taught and practice Total Quality Management ever since he started work with Matsushita in 1976 in Sg.Way FTZ,Malaysia.From these early days Ramli learned about the fundamentals or basic of TQM@TQC@CWQC.Here we learn about the important role of Top Mgmt,Middle Mgmt and Employees as to how to make a Quality Product or Service through Quality People and Company.We learm about all the Basics of Quality,Quality Control and Quality Assurance.We also learn about the importance of Team Work,Projects,Tools&Techniques and many others.

We learn about Gurus of Quality like Deming,Juran,Crosby,Ishikawa,Imai and also Mgmt Gurus like Drucker,Matsushita,Henry Ford.We also learn from Business Leaders like Walton,Welch,Morita,Honda and many others including Gates,Packard and others.

The problem of new management ideas are being developed or “coined up” by Academia Experts and not so from Business Leaders and thats where the real deal is realized.How can people in air conditioned rooms or inhouse locations tell the whole world that their ideas are workable when there is no “hands on” or gemba(at site) situations?You cannot tell the world to cook delicious steaks if you describe or teach from reading books only but it will be better if you are a chef that have cooked many times the steaks concerned and you know whats its like to have a steak cooked with medium rare or just fully cooked!The tastes are different depending on the customer requirements!

Crosby will never agree with all these 6 Sigma stuff since he was the real man propagating ZERO DEFECT in all areas of work.Why?

Zero Defect can be debated many times as to the real objective of its existence.Was it only a mind set goal or really to make it happen at all workplaces?

Zero Defect or ZD really helped the world to go for the ultimate in quality performance because like in the 4 Absolutes of Quality that Crosby profess,ZD is the standard of performance n our work.No defect at all.How can we practice 6 Sigma in the airline industry where we allow a tolerable  3 air crashes per 1 million flights.The main aim is NO Air Crashes at all for as long as we can!Air crash means lost of lives and creating lots of sorrows and hardships to all involved and that include other businesses like heart transplants,delivering babies and marraiges.We want if possible all to be ZD!

In Malaysia the “war cry” for the need of innovation and creativity in the govt sector as well as private sector is going on everyday BUT actually this so called campaign have started way back in 1983 when Tun Mahathir launched the Look East Policy where what Japan or Korea or Taiwan do,Malaysia will copy and make it better!

The start of the QCC or KMK activities involving the “sokongan” group and workers group have all emphasised the importance of suggestions@ideas and these are done through creative and innovative ways or at time known as quality improvement or breakthroughs!

QCC@KMK now more popularly known as ICC@KIK (new branding only in Malaysia) have all focus on getting improvements made via their projects usually half yearly and yearly duration.All QCC@KMK projects produced great results and stats have shown from MPC and INTAN (the coordinating bodies for private and govt sectors) the savings of many millions of Ringgit all this while!

So,no need to shout to tell Malaysians of the need of innovation and creativity when in the first place all these basic foundations are done and deleivered already since 1983 BUT was not monitored well and continual improvement made to the existing processes or system!Thats the problem!

Malaysia have so many actions or activities introduced by all the PMs in our history of 54 years of Independence BUT as a new PM comes into office or a new KSN or CEO comes into office,they too want their ideas to be implemented and “kick out” the old or former ones!

This is a sheer wastes of Public Funds and the wheel keep on rotating with no concrete results or holding the gains stuff just more actions and more waste of public  or shareholders money.

Lets FOCUS on all we have done since 1957 and all good actions or projects we maintained and improved upon and all poor results or methodologies lets stop or discard them!

The Malaysian Education System is one area we must seriously review and all these problems of “nak bahasa atau inggeris” as our medium of communication and education syllabus be studied and that have produced the best results be used and not become a “political game” for all those politicians and interested people with selfish vested interests dictate our future!

So as Ramli analysed it is all about having Malaysian Leaders and Followers with Positive Personalities ie.with Great Faith in Allah SWT (God Almighty) who will lead and manage with sincerity,honesty,passion,dedication,discipline and all because of Allah First and Me Last attitude.

The Quran and Hadiths have been in existence almost over 1400 years ago together with all the Old Kitabs since Prophet Adam a.s. and they are still relevant and MUST be adhered to since Allah SWT have informed Prophet Muhammad pbuh that Islam is already made perfect and it is just for all Muslims to abide to it all the time and without need for any revisions since Allah SWT Knoweth’s Best and HE is the Almighty and Merciful.

Lets hope Malaysia become a Great Nation with Great People (Talent) and only with prudent management and right usage of public funds and acknowledging past good or best practices rather than creating new useless ones can make Malaysia greater to greatest!

Call Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed at

see Ramli’s profile at

any financial support,please banked in at Ramli Abu Hassan,Maybank Acc: 164173649135

Thank YOU.

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Ramli have been a student of the Gurus of Quality like Juran,Deming,Crosby,Ishikawa,Imai and many others…

Example like Dr.Philip Crosby teachings on the 4 Quality Management Absolutes that are:

1.Quality means conformance to requirements

2.Quality is obtained through prevention

3.Quality has  a performance standard of zero defects

4.Quality is measured by the price of nonconformance.

If Business Leaders always study,practice and live “Quality” then the chances of a major quality problem or crisis is almost null or zero occurences.

In 2010,Ramli heard that the World Economic Forum in Davos came to realize the need for Relearning of Fundamental Skills of Managing and Leading Rightly for Top Executives both in Business and Goverment.The many problems of businesses and govt have occured rampantly in the last 5 years or so and maybe its time to “go back to school” rather than “making money like mad” with poor quality results and products offered to the customers or citizens alike.

Ramli hoped Business Leaders “really” study about what is Quality and how to lead their organisations on Managing Quality themselves and not allow their salient duties of Managing & Leading Quality to be delegable to their No.2 or No.3 and worst still to the Quality Manager!

For Training & Consulting on areas of World Class Performance,the Q-C-D-S-M-E+I Factors,TQM as your business philosophy for making quality certain in uncertain times,Revolusi Aksi (Action Revolution) for Great Results Fast and many others,please contact:

Ramli Abu Hassan hp:+6-019-2537165 or email:

Profile: or

Here is an article on the recent Toyota Quality Problem-Time to rethink and restudy all things that Dr.Crosby have taught us so hard so well.

Toyota faces fresh questions over recall response

AFP – Tuesday, February 9,2010.

TOKYO (AFP) – – Toyota’s handling of dangerous defects in its cars came under fresh scrutiny Monday as the group was reported to be planning a global recall of 300,000 Prius hybrids worldwide over a brake problem.

The world’s largest auto maker is expected to tell Tokyo and Washington Tuesday it will pull the latest version of the cars that went on sale from May last year, Japan’s Kyodo News agency said late Monday, citing unnamed sources.

“Toyota is also considering filing recalls over other hybrid models, such as the luxury Lexus HS250h sedan and the hybrid-only Sai compact sedan, which employ a similar brake system to the Prius gas-electric hybrid,” the agency quoted the sources as saying.

The brake trouble comes on top of recalls of more than eight million vehicles worldwide due to sticking accelerator pedals that have severely tarnished the Japanese giant’s reputation for reliability.

The company, whose brand has long been synonymous with safety and quality, faces a class-action lawsuit on behalf of owners in the United States alleging that it hid problems that have led to the rash of recalls.

And Toyota’s North America president, Yoshimi Inaba, is set to testify at a US congressional hearing on Wednesday as part of a wider probe by lawmakers.

Toyota has denied it was slow to respond to the unintended acceleration issue but faces new questions about its handling of the episode, after it emerged that the company acted on the problem in Europe about six months ago.

“We did fix this in August last year (in Europe) after first hearing about the issue at the end of 2008,” said Toyota spokesman Paul Nolasco.

But it was initially thought that the problem only affected European right-hand drive vehicles, sold mainly in Britain and Ireland, he said.

Related article: Toyota recall raises questions about computerized cars

The trouble was attributed to the car heater blowing hot air on the gas pedal, causing condensation to build up inside and result in sticking, but was not thought to occur in left-hand drive models, he said.

Toyota officials could not immediately confirm whether any action was taken at that point for vehicles already on the road in Europe.

Toyota has come under fire after saying it had fixed the brake system flaw during production of the latest Prius model last month, without warning drivers of those vehicles already on the road.

Toyota is believed to have already notified its dealers in Japan that it will pull all the new model Prius vehicles sold in Japan, amounting to about 170,000 units. The firm will recall about 100,000 Priuses in the US.

Related article: Prius woes may muffle hybrid buzz

The model — which combines a petrol combustion engine with a battery-powered electric motor — is Toyota’s flagship hybrid car and key to its efforts to stay in pole position in fuel-efficient vehicles.

Toyota, which in 2008 dethroned General Motors as the world’s biggest car maker, has seen its brand image badly hurt by its handling of recalls affecting more than its entire 2009 global sales of 7.8 million vehicles.

The accelerator problems have been blamed for several accidents, including one in California in August in which four family members were killed.

Company president Akio Toyoda said Friday he was “deeply sorry” for the string of quality issues and said he would head a new task force to raise standards and investigate the cause of the problems.

Toyota shares fell 1.05 percent to 3,280 yen on Monday, having plunged by more than 20 percent in roughly two weeks.

Toyota has said it expects the accelerator trouble to burn a two-billion-dollar hole in its profits this year in recall costs and lost sales.