Posts Tagged ‘dangerous’

This coming 18th to 20th May,2010,many VVIPs and Important Personalities will be in Kuala Lumpur to attend to the 6th WIEF scheduled at KLCC.

There are many important events being arranged and for all those interested,please visit for details.

Ramli will also be attending this WIEF for the first time and hopefully this Great Event will allow all delegates to “speak their minds and hearts out”,love Islam and push for Islamic Reforms totally plus making Islam a Way of Life (Ad-Deen) not by mere words or Declaration but ensuring real practices are implemented ( eg.Get Rid of RIBA’ in Muslims Lives,Making Baitulmal the Power House of Wealth or Money for Muslims in Need,Strengthening the Roles of Masjids as Focal Point for Islamic Activities etc..) in as many Muslim Nations and a passion and dedication with sacrifices be made as to ensure the Future of a Great Islam is build or what the Organisers thought of earlier as the theme “RESURGENCE”.Inshallah.

some extracts from wief’s website:

Islamic economic forum to build bridges

KUALA LUMPUR: Business and political leaders from around the world will speak at the 6th World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) to be held here from May 18 to 20.

Themed “Building Bridges Through Business”, the forum is dedicated to building bridges through business between the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds.

In a statement on Tuesday, April 27, WIEF said former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will join UK Secretary of State for Justice Jack Whitaker Straw and former Canadian prime minister Avril Phaedra Douglas Campbell to share their experience on managing global issues in the past, present and future in the Leadership Panel session entitled “Leadership Challenges for the New Era”.

The Global CEO Panel session entitled “The New Game Plan: Thriving in a Post-Crisis World” will see eminent world business leaders such as UK Prudential Assurance chief executive Tidjane Thiam discuss key success factors to ensure business survivability and sustainability.

The forum will also include special programmes for youth and women through pre-forum events such as the WIEF Young Leaders Forum and WIEF Businesswomen Forum.

Speakers at the WIEF Young Leaders Forum will include UAE Minister of Foreign Trade Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi, former president of Mauritius Caseem Uteem and CIMB Bhd managing director Datuk Seri Nazir Razak.

The WIEF Businesswomen Forum will feature speakers such as Forge de la Louve president and founder Douja Gharbi and Effat University vice chair of the board of trustee Princess Lolowah Al-Faisal.

3D is not 3 dimension that is now getting popular with the television manufacturers like Panasonic and others..3D viewing really get the THRILLs and FRILLS!

Ramli’s article today is about the other 3Ds ie. Dust,Dangerous and Dirty in our business world.

Many people worked in these kind of environment and everyday in their lives they must THINK SAFETY FIRST THEN QUALITY! Why?

When you worked in this kind of dusty places like cement manufacturing,flour milling,bricks making are always exposed to dusts and plenty of them…

When you worked in dangerous environment like areas of steel making,explosives making,acid plants too are exposed to dangers around you like errors in your work process which can be fatal like the old case of a fireworks factory in Sg.Buluh where due to error of a sudden ignition the whole factory was “gone in smoke”  and many lives were lost.

Next the places where you work are dirty due to the way the processes are designed like poultry or like cattle&sheep slaughtering,rubbish or recycling plants etc..will also expose you to diseases or infections if you do not take heed of the many safety or hygenic processes put in place.

These 3Ds type of business actually are very lucrative and have high growth potentials because of few participations and chiefly due to the 3Ds factors.

Once a successful Chinese Towkay (the old school type and street smart businessmen) told Ramli in Malay “saya kerja sangat kuat pagi2 saya sudah bangun dalam 4 pagi dan keluar pergi angkat itu nasi busuk untuk bagi saya punya babi2 makan kemudian saya juga bikin kerja dikolam air ikan saya untuk beri ikan2 saya makan lepas itu saya juga beri saya punya ayam,itik dan kuda makan TAPI saya punya kerja sangat penat,susah dan busuk dan saya kerja sampai malam esok saya start balik semua ini…” What this Chinese Businessman is trying to tell Ramli is that he works very hard from morning dawn to late night everyday without failed to feed his many animals and the work is dirty,smelly and really hard BUT the money he earned is good,clean and honesty.He also said that some people become very rich BUT the money they earned are not that “good smell” or “clean ways” because the money comes from prostitution,gambling and vices.

So,jobs like these 3Ds factors are pure,clean and honest style of earning while those that may worked in environments that are “sweet smelling,lots of modern furniture or high tastes living” may actually be the opposite of 3Ds but more of the 3Vs -vices,victimization and very bad practices ways of earning a living.

So,how’s your job type?