Posts Tagged ‘benchmarking’

Ramli berpengalaman dalam KMK@KIK serta QCC@ICC dan MQT sejak 1980 lagi.Ramli pernah bekerja di Matsushita (sekarang Panasonic) serta Affin Bank Berhad (dulu Perwira Affin Bank/Perwira Habib Bank)

Sila lihat profail Ramli dan pengalaman luas Ramli terutama dalam subjek KIK@ICC ini.

Ramli bersedia untuk membantu dan bekerjasama dengan syarikat2,agensi2,jabatan2 atau mana2 kementerian  kerajaan dalam semua aspek KIK@ICC ini seperti:

  • Ahli atau Ketua Panel Hakim Konvensyen KIK@ICC dari Sektor Pengurusan atau Teknikal
  • Khidmat Konsultansi untuk penubuhan dan perkembangan KIK@ICC di syarikat atau agensi anda
  • KIK@ICC Knowledge Session untuk semua peringkat kakitangan -Pengurusan Atasan,Pengurus2 dan Pekerja2
  • Merancang strategi dan acara2 KIK@ICC untuk promosi,perkembangan dan penambahbaikkan untuk Prestasi KIK@ICC Anda
  • Hari KIK@ICC atau Bulan KIK@ICC
  • Lawatan sambil belajar (Benchmarking Visit) kepada Organisasi yang Terbaik dalam Prestasi KIK@ICC mereka
  • Latihan “Facililation untuk KIK@ICC” untuk Fasilitator dan Penasihat KIK@ICC
  • Memastikan Budaya KIK@ICC Sentiasa Hidup,Mesra dan Capai Semua Objektif2nya
  • dan banyak lagi aktiviti,latihan dan khidmat runding yang boleh Ramli & Teamnya sediakan dan laksanakan.
Harap talifon Ramli di hp:019-2537165 atau emel segera :
Kos Latihan atau Perkhidmatan dari Ramli & Team adalah sangat berpatutan,boleh di runding dan mesra pelanggan.
Sekian,Terima Kasih.

Eliminating Waste

The extent to which staff understand that activities that do not add value are waste. Scrap; re-work; unnecessary storage; inspection; delay and transport; are continually process-mapped as part of ongoing efforts to improve the work ratio.

My Rating



Managers think that being busy means they are being productive.Things are rushed, people turn up late at meetings, etc.When you talk to them about improving the systems they use,they say “We’re too busy working for all that!”


People understand that all activities that do not add value to the  product or service are waste.Managers realise that operators watching machines working isnot work, it’s waste.Teams start to use Business Process Improvement charts to

identify waste.

Managers use time management techniques to improve their

time utilisation.


Process waste reduced by at least 20% e.g. scrap, rework, ordercycle time, process steps, transport, etc.Process Mapping used everywhere.Operators look after two or more jobs or machines.

Study groups meet to discuss how to reduce waste using the

S.P.E.C.S. procedure.


Process waste reduced by at least 50%.The overall actual work ratio has reached 75% or higher.Operators manage whole groups of machines.Managers plan what specific value they will add every day.

Equipment breakdowns are virtually eliminated.


The actual work ratio is at least 85%.The whole company is purposely organised to minimise waste.Stock-holding – of raw materials, in-process work, and finishedgoods – is the lowest in the industry.

Even new employees can follow procedures easily.

New processes are designed to maximise added-value activity.

Based on the above Table of Eliminating Waste,we will understand that World Class Companies (Level 5) will meet or even surpassed the measureables at Level 5!

The most telling characteristic of  “waste” is that people aren’t aware of it.To most people waste has to do with material waste,scrap,rejects and things that are thrown away.That is not how waste is defined here and in world class companies.Waste is any activity that does not add value.

Adding value means: changing the product or information in some way that is of value to the customer.The customer in this case maybe an external customer (the end iser of the information or product) or it may be an internal customer ie.the next person in the process.

It has been said that factories and offices are virtual storehouses of waste.The Japanese have a word for it.Its MUDA.This is how they list the 7 Sins of MUDA which are:

  • Making Mistakes
  • Duplication
  • Waiting delay
  • Excessive transport or motion
  • Overproduction
  • Overstocking
  • Run-Outs
The good news is:it takes time and effort,but its all preventable.And the even better news is:every RM saved falls right to the company’s bottom line.
In this study or workshop sessions on 12 Ladders to World Class Performance,Ramli as the Trainer cum Facilitator will bring you (participants) in the Journey of Knowledge and Experience where each Level 1 to 5 of every 12 Factors (Benchmark) will be analysed based on the 5W2H criteria (what,why,who,when,what,how and how much) and also other techniques like Asking Why 5 Times etc…In this analysis of the mentioned measurables of Level 1 (ordinary performance) to Level 5 (world class) we will now know the GAPS of our actual company’s performance against World Class Benchmarks and what we must do to close the gaps like from Level 2 to Level 3 or 4 or even trying to achieve at Level 5.
In this objective ways to analysing our company’s operational performance ,we can now know as a Team what are our Individual Evaluation and then via consensus what are our Team Evaluation and finally as a Total Group Evaluation as to what Level we are now and later on prioritizing what are the 1st Four Factors we must do,the next Four we can do later and the last 4 Factors we can do or take actions to improve their Levels.
This we called it the Team Objectives Meeting Approach or  TOM Approach.
For more details and training proposal,please contact Ramli Abu Hassan (Principal Consultant) at hp:+6019-2537165 or email at

add on:The Ladders Audit

Ladders Audit

Scoring Table


Where We Are Now
























Aligning Management Objectives


Customer Focus


Organizing the Workplace


Visible Measurement Systems


Managing for Quality


Eliminating Waste


Best Operating Practices




Staff Empowerment and Involvement


Rewards and Recognition


Purposeful Communication


Continuous Learning



Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd.(391758-D)

No.19 Jalan 18/40,40200 Shah Alam,SelangorDarul Ehsan,Malaysia

[Hotline : +6-019-2537165(Ramli)]




Training Proposal:

  The 12 Ladders to

    World Class Performance    


Understanding What YOU can do  to be a World Class Organisation

3 Day Workshop Programme


Ramli Abu Hassan

Malaysia’s Representative for Prof.David Drennan-World Class Performance Study,Implementation and Audit.

Programme Introduction


Is YOUR organization World Class ?

Most managers strive for world class status,but few know how to achieve it.

The book titled “12 Ladders to World Class Performance” written by Professor David Drennan from UK describes the practical ideas and techniques that have helped companies around the world to elevate themselves from the ordinary to be world class performers they are today.

Each of the 12 key benchmarks of World Class practice is presented as an ascending ladder,separated into five steps.Drennan and Pennington (co-author) will guide your organization on its journey from Level1,representing ordinary performance,to Level 5 –World Class.

Ramli Abu Hassan,53,the Founder and Principal Consultant of Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd. since 1996 as well as being a Writer,Promoter,Speaker and Practitioner of Total Quality & Productivity with almost 20 years working experience with a Major Multi-National Japanese company and an ex-Banker with a local Bank have now taken the initiative to promote and teach the subject of The 12 Ladders to World Class Performance to all Malaysian companies and organizations both in the private and government sectors.

This subject was initially introduced in Malaysia through Professor David Drennan,Founder and Managing Director of Good People Management International Ltd of UK in Dec,2005 organised and promoted by Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd.(DPS) together with the support of Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) and Asian Productivity Organisation (APO).Prof Drennan provided examples of the world’s leading corporations and how to adapt their routes to success to meet the needs of  the participants’ own organizations.This journey to world class status is accessible to large and small companies alike.It is a question of learning a new mindset and adopting key practices that everybody in the company can do something about every day.

There is a great divide in this country for organisations to become world class,but it is not easy to find people to show just what it takes to get to that level of performance.According to Professor Drennan,he says getting to world class performance standards is not an event,it is a step by step journey,and has written his book specifically so you can see exactly where your company is today on 12 different world class factors.Here are the factors:

1.                 Aligning Management Objectives

2.                 Customer Focus

3.                 Organising the Workplace

4.                 Visible Measurement Systems

5.                 Managing For Quality

6.                 Eliminating Waste

7.                 Best Operating Practices and Continuous Improvement

8.                 Teamwork

9.                 Staff Empowerment and Involvement

10.               Rewards and Recoqnition

11.               Purposeful Communications

12.               Continuous Learning

Under each of these factors,Professor Drennan has described five levels of performance,from ‘ordinary’ at Level 1,to ‘world class’ at Level 5.When they see the descriptions,most companies place themselves to start with at only Level 1 or 2.But they can also see just what they have to do to take themselves to the next level.That way,they can start Climbing the Ladders to World Class Performance.

List of Participants/Companies that have attended this World Class Performance Training/Workshop since December,2005 to Today:


2.MMC Engineering,WP

3.Sony EMCS (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd.,Penang


5.Resort World Berhad,Pahang



8.Tenaga Nasional Berhad,Selangor

9.Tahan Insurance,Selangor

10.Advanced Micro Device (AMD) Penang

11.Hicom Honda Manufacturing Malaysia Sdn.Bhd.,Penang

12.Robert Bosch,Penang

13.Sarawak Tourism Development


15.Intan’s Oven,Pahang

16.Pascorp Paper,Pahang



19.Public Watch Dealers & Service Centre,Penang

20.Maker Recipe Sdn.Bhd.,Penang

21.Ichi-Ban Plastic (M) Sdn.Bhd.,Penang

22.UiTM Shah Alam

23.Lembaga Getah Asli,Sarawak

24.Pejabat Ketua Menteri Sarawak

25.and many others…

Programme Objectives


This highly participative programme will enable participants at the end of the programme to:

1.  Identify the importance of measurement in building world class performance

2.  Identify the different measures on which organisations may be identified as world class

3.  Focus on the measures and targets important to their organisations

4.  Use a scorecard approach to build a strategy for continuous improvement of performance

5.  Implement a measurement initiative in their organisations

Reference will be made throughout the programme to David Drennan’s highly acclaimed book ’ “12 Ladders to World Class Performance” and Ramli Abu Hassan’s recent book “Revolusi Aksi” model.

Participants will be given extensive opportunities to review and share experiences and approaches from their organisations.Lectures,workshops and case studies will be applied as the course training methodology.

They will be invited to draw up personal action plans at the conclusion of the programme.

Programme Content

(in summary)

1.  How YOUR organization can compete with the best in the World ?

2.  The 12 Ladders to World Class Performance & The 5 Levels of Performance of each ladder.

3.  Measures used by Top-Performing Companies

4.  Choosing the Measures which are right for your organisation

5.  Developing a World Class Performance Scorecard

6.  Walking the Talk through “Revolusi Aksi” approaches

7.  Implementing the World Class Performance actions/initiatives in your organisation

8.  YOUR Action Plans

What are the benefits derived from this Training to YOUR organization.

(including the tangible and intangible benefits)

1.  The participants can now implement their Action Plans to ensure their organization improve her current Levels of Achievement to a Level 5 (World Class Performance-WCP) in the 12 Ladders to WCP Approach.

2.  The WCP Scorecard can now be adopted as the Management Measurement Tool for monitoring the many business processes at your organization in terms of Levels of Achievement in the WCP .

3.  The impact of the improvements made as a result of identifying the priority focus areas in the 12 Ladders by the respective Teams or Individuals in your organization will enable your organization to improve her quality outputs,more cost savings,better delivery of products and services,safer operations and a more sustainable corporate social responsibility involvement and impact to the environment.


A highly participative and interactive approach incorporating individual and group workshop exercises,discussions,

presentations,role plays,case studies and lectures.

For Whom (participants) :

Business (including Government) Leaders,Senior Management,Heads of Divisions,Depts,Units,All Managers and Executives involved in projects for “Making YOUR Company World Class.”

Your Investments for this training:

1.The professional fees (Encik Ramli Abu Hassan-Trainer)will be RM 3,500.00 per day.This training is for 3days =RM10,500.00.Encik Ramli will be accompanied by 1~2 assistants where necessary.

2.Training materials will be provided for 25~30 participants (max)-Free of charge.Additional participants will be charged @RM 25.00 for each Training Manual provided.

3.Training room,tea-breaks,lunches,flip charts/board,markers,cordless mic,LCD Projector and Screen to be provided/paid for by Host Company.

4.For outside of Klang Valley area training ,DPS will charge for transportation costs return journey either by car or flight,accommodation –twin sharing room,meals of the day and other costs incurred (to be informed)

5.All other arrangements will be decided and agreed upon by the Host Company and DPS.

6.All payment/s to be made to “Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd.” upon completion of training programme.

Bank:Affin Bank Berhad-Sea Park Branch,Petaling Jaya,Selangor Darul Ehsan.Current A/C:1000-6001-4046


1.Please submit your official confirmation through your Official Award Letter to DPS.

2.Call us at DPS for further enquiries: HP:019-2537165 (Ramli)

3.E-mail to DPS at:

4.Please refer Profile of Encik Ramli Abu Hassan and all latest updates/thoughts of Ramli Abu Hassan  at

Attachments:(please email at

1.Ramli Abu Hassan –Biography.

2.DPS Corporate Profile.

3.DPS World of Customers.

3.Others (where necessary)

Dalam buku REVOLUSI AKSI  yang Ramli telah terbitkan pada 24hbMac,2006 ada menerangkan akan pentingnya elemen DISCIPLINE dalam hidup kita dan Putaran Revolusi Aksi mengandungi 4 Elemen Utama iaitu Pemikiran,Tindakan,Pengukuran dan Disiplin.

Anggota Polis,Tentera dan “uniform personnel” selalu ada banyak latihan pasal disiplin diri seperti mereka latih berkawat,berpakaian bersih dan teratur,berjalan dengan penuh rentak sama dan lain lain lagi.

Orang awam tidak lah begitu ambil berat akan elemen disiplin ini dan tentulah banyak insiden atau perkara2 tidak baik akan berlaku atas masalah disiplin ini.

Murid2 disekolah juga sekarang banyak memberi masalah pada guru2 mereka atas isu atau hal2 disiplin.Ramli sekarang ada juga berinteraksi dengan Pengetua2 SMK dan dalam sesi percambahan fikiran (brainstorming) dengan PK HEM mereka,masalah disiplin adalah yang tertinggi dalam carta pareto mereka!

Banyak teori2 akan sebab2 terjadinya masalah disiplin di sekolah ini dan antaranya adalah sebab kurang guru2 lelaki yang berkhidmat seperti 20 tahun dahulu jadi mungkin murid2 mula “kurang ajar” atau “keras kepala” untuk mendengar arahan guru2 mereka atau mengikut segala peraturan sekolah mereka.Bulli2 sekolah dan samseng2 sekolah mula membiak dengan pesat dan ramainya..ini masalah besar SMK dan juga SRK dan perlu dibenteras atau di “eliminate” dengan segera!

Bila kita kurang mahu belajar akan hal hal disiplin seperti di kem2 askar,polis atau bomba,kita akan mula jadi kurang ajar dan selalu suka membuat kesalahan kerana melakukan kesalahan adalah “fun” atau “enjoy” kita…itu yang masalah besar ini…apa perlu buat?

Ini lah yang Ramli cadangkan ke sekolah2 terutamanya pada Pengetua2 untuk memulakan program KMK@KIK serta Program World Class Performance dimana Ramli akan membuat projek bersama guru2 sekolah mencari sebab2nya terjadi masalah2 ini serta dengan panduan PDCA kita akan membuat cadangan2 penyelesaian serta menghapuskan masalah yang ada ke satu keadaan yang terbaik menuju ke tahap World Class School…Inshallah kita boleh buat dengan Program Revolusi Aksi Ramli yang sediaada….

Untuk keterangan lanjut harap hubungi:

Ramli Abu Hassan

Principal Consultant-DPS,Malaysia


