Posts Tagged ‘attitude’

3D is not 3 dimension that is now getting popular with the television manufacturers like Panasonic and others..3D viewing really get the THRILLs and FRILLS!

Ramli’s article today is about the other 3Ds ie. Dust,Dangerous and Dirty in our business world.

Many people worked in these kind of environment and everyday in their lives they must THINK SAFETY FIRST THEN QUALITY! Why?

When you worked in this kind of dusty places like cement manufacturing,flour milling,bricks making are always exposed to dusts and plenty of them…

When you worked in dangerous environment like areas of steel making,explosives making,acid plants too are exposed to dangers around you like errors in your work process which can be fatal like the old case of a fireworks factory in Sg.Buluh where due to error of a sudden ignition the whole factory was “gone in smoke”  and many lives were lost.

Next the places where you work are dirty due to the way the processes are designed like poultry or like cattle&sheep slaughtering,rubbish or recycling plants etc..will also expose you to diseases or infections if you do not take heed of the many safety or hygenic processes put in place.

These 3Ds type of business actually are very lucrative and have high growth potentials because of few participations and chiefly due to the 3Ds factors.

Once a successful Chinese Towkay (the old school type and street smart businessmen) told Ramli in Malay “saya kerja sangat kuat pagi2 saya sudah bangun dalam 4 pagi dan keluar pergi angkat itu nasi busuk untuk bagi saya punya babi2 makan kemudian saya juga bikin kerja dikolam air ikan saya untuk beri ikan2 saya makan lepas itu saya juga beri saya punya ayam,itik dan kuda makan TAPI saya punya kerja sangat penat,susah dan busuk dan saya kerja sampai malam esok saya start balik semua ini…” What this Chinese Businessman is trying to tell Ramli is that he works very hard from morning dawn to late night everyday without failed to feed his many animals and the work is dirty,smelly and really hard BUT the money he earned is good,clean and honesty.He also said that some people become very rich BUT the money they earned are not that “good smell” or “clean ways” because the money comes from prostitution,gambling and vices.

So,jobs like these 3Ds factors are pure,clean and honest style of earning while those that may worked in environments that are “sweet smelling,lots of modern furniture or high tastes living” may actually be the opposite of 3Ds but more of the 3Vs -vices,victimization and very bad practices ways of earning a living.

So,how’s your job type?

The GTP Objective is 2 fold ie. transform the govt to be more effective in its delivery of services and accountable for outcomes that matter most to the rakyat move Malaysia forward to become an advanced,united,and just society with high standards of living for all.

This is in line with the national mission of achieving Vision or Wawasan 2020-for Malaysia to become a fully developed nation.

Ramli’s also made his analysis on this GTP Mission for all the NKRAs and MKRAs and based on Ramli’s long experience working with the private sector (both MNC and Malaysian cos) plus working with the many Govt Agencies and Ministries,the Main Agenda or Focus areas for improvement or where innovation can take place most is with the PEOPLE.

The “sikap” or attitude of the People as far as the many elements involved in this GTP Road Map which include Processes,Products&Services,Promotions,Technology all are easy and “can do” type BUT when People are concerned we need lots of patience,time and leadership that can ensure People possess the right attitude,passion,discipline,teamwork and so many other attributes that matters…

People are the most difficult to change and get the BIG RESULTS FAST as determined in the GTP

Today,as Ramli was driving from Shah Alam to PJ,he saw the same Traffic Lights still flickering its lights after 3 days and some of the main roads have pot holes still not repaired after more than 1 month and repair works made on some section of the roads have no good safety measures installed where we drivers are basically driving everyday with great RISKS and just waiting for some major or minor accidents to happen with lost of lives or just normal injuries..all these to Ramli are man made errors not Acts of God that can be avoided if People have the right Attitude and Discipline of Work!

So,the GTP must seriously addressed all these causes and root causes why problems or bottle necks happen with the Govt Delivery services or products concerned?

There was a saying before “1st Class Infrastructure BUT 3rd Class Mentality of Malaysians”

Can we change it to “1st Class Infrastructures and World Class Malaysians”

Contact Ramli at hp:019-2537165 or email: