Posts Tagged ‘apple’

All the news we hear and read in magazines,newspapers,TV shows and documentaries are interestingly about Great CEOs or Leaders are more about what they earned a month,a year and in their career!Why?

We “poor people” are awed as to their high paying salaries in the Millions of USD,Ringgit or SGD every month they worked.Prof Drucker the Great Manageement Guru once cautioned us to only pay about 20 times more salary between the lowest officer than the CEO (No.1) and anything more than that will be bad or create great tensions in the company due to the exorbitant salary differences.

For example Ramli read the news about our own Malaysian Bank CEO who is paid annually a salary of almost RM 5 Million a year while the maybe lowest executive in the bank may earned (eg.RM 2,500 x 16 months with 4 mths bonus) RM 40,000 annually.So  based on this example the CEO earned almost 125 times more than the normal executive in the bank?Its so much more than the 20 times salary difference as proposed by Prof.Drucker?

In USA the salary of CEOs are mind boggling where  the CEO of Apple Inc received about USD378 Million (RM 1.16 Billion) in his 2011 salary and perks.Is it fair or a good practice for a rich company like Apple Inc to do?Then what must be a fair compensation?

Real Great CEOs must do more for their people and that includes making their people better,richer and happier after he gets his people to work harder,smarter,more loyal and great passion for the company’s prosperity and customer satisfaction.

Fire in the CEO’s eyes must be more to all this responsibilities and roles of CEO and his ability to make things work and produce great results are his mission all the time!

CEOs who only wants big fat salary must be ignored and not worthy as Company Champion or Head Honcho!YOU only relax and enjoy your rewards after your hard work and smart thinking to raise the standard of your people,company and stakeholders satisfaction.Maybe thats a better way to make living better and improve the people happiness and lives.What say you?

Contact Ramli Abu Hassan at mobile:+6019-2537165 or email:


The world is enough for people in need but not enough for people in greed!”

Featured Quotes

“Making a pledge is meaningless unless it is practised. In order to ensure that the promise made is fulfilled, it is of utmost importance that the leaders practise it themselves. It is pointless for the leaders to urge others to do good, if they themselves do not practise what they preach.”

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad



For your research and love for reading,why not try this location below and also others.

The Perdana Library is a research library set up to support Perdana Leadership Foundation’s core activities by providing information and references on Malaysia’s leadership’s history for local and international researchers as well as the Malaysian public.

Being an electronic research library that has access to data from various sources, the Perdana Library provides users with access to a huge number of primary and secondary literatures on Malaysia’s leadership history. With over 320,000 digital records of speeches, news clippings, books and journal articles, the Perdana Library aims to provide users with convenient internet access to historical materials. Most of our materials can be searched and accessed via

The collection, which emphasises contemporary information resources on various subjects on Malaysian leadership, includes works on the following subjects:

  • Former Malaysian Prime Ministers
  • Past Federal Cabinet Ministers
  • Events connected to the various Prime Ministers
  • Policies, strategies and initiative that were adopted under the various Prime Ministers
  • Malaysian political parties (both government and opposition)
  • De-classified government documents
  • Unpublished works

Membership benefits
Perdana Library Members will have access to:

  • Monographs
  • Rare books collections
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Other benefits include:

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The recent financial announcement that MAS may have recorded a loss of about RM2.5 Billion for Financial Year 2011 is so SICKENING AND GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT! WHY?

Almost all of MAS People seem to work very hard at every business process everyday BUT still MAS recorded great loss and wonder when she will make good profits again?

Some of Ramli’s friends have worked with MAS many decades already and what Ramli heard from them that many “foreign workers even engineers” are now in MAS and local Malaysians seem to be at lost and wandering around with no specific directions or mission to make MAS a NO.1 Airline of ASEAN what more the world.”Air Asia” people are also now infusing into MAS processes but still the impact of Air Asia smartness and passion is still not effecting MAS performance or bottomlines?

Ramli having read about Steve Jobs(SJ) iLeadership Ways and Best Practices was just asessing the SJ Ways if introduced in MAS Business and what real impacts or outcomes can MAS expect?

Lets see:

  • Focus on products -MAS need to focus on domestic or overseas travels.Which is the Top Priority and MONEY Spinner!
  • Talented People hired to work with MAS -sorry to say the current CEO is not an airline expert so understanding 100% of the airline business may not be so airline savvy.SJ was Tech Genius and knows the Tech Business like 1000%
  • People at Apple are willing to sacrifice their time just to achieve the Top Player award no tidak apa attitude or dont disturb me during my off time unlike SJ who expect his Team to be ready for answers anytime he called them even at home!
  • SJ will reward and recoqnise all good work and results by personally meeting his people and congratulating them!
  • Never rest on past achievements even though the cash flow is rolling high but keep on improving the products all the time..
  • Always ask “what will the customer’s expereince be” if they open up our apple’s packaging?Same like what will MAS customers’ feel when they are in MAS Air Terminals like KLIA?
  • Talent Recruitment not the work of HR Director or Manager only but like SJ (CEO) he will also identify TOP Talents and invite to work with Apples.Can MAS CEO also do the same?
  • Teambuilding is KEY to Apple’s Great Success and SJ really “turun padang” and meet his Team to identify their problems,help eliminate the problems and find new areas of improvements…
  • and many more what SJ’s Way can also help MAS to be Great Company like Apple (as today is the richest company with biggest market capitalisation above USD500Billion in value!

Lets hope MAS will be GREAT again but to do that the Leadership and People at MAS must think right,act fast and get results at all costs.Focus is key,passion to the mission to be top airline is also important.Making profits and improving the Cash Flow is also KEY and like SJ never say no or give up and lose out to all opponents and distractors!

MAS have been a Top Airline before and MUST now become TOP Again not by wasted efforts,poor leadership and lose focus!

If only Steve Jobs is around maybe MAS can have a new passion and mission to get things done the SJ Way?

Contact Ramli (if interested) at hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed at

These three World Famous Entrepreneurs as Ramli like to consider and analyse have produced numerous technology based products both electric,electronic,IT related like softwares and hardwares that not only used by their own homeland users but all over the world there are consumers who loved their products and are satisfied to their brands like Apple,Microsoft,Matsushita (now Panasonic) and also their products like i-pod,i-phone,i-pad,mac computer,technics,panasonic,windows,x-box and many more gadgets and all the E&E stuffs.

Ramli knows a lot of Matsuhita having worked with Matsushita Electronics since 1976 to 1993.Ramli also had a great opportunity to meet the Founder himself Tan Sri Konosuke Matsushita when he visited Malaysia somewhere in 1979!

Ramli never met Bill Gates and Steve Jobs till now.

The Key Factors or Characteristics of these 3 Great Entrepreneurs of the 20th and 21st Centuries are mainly:


These 3 Great Entrepreneurs have great vision and mission for their people and they produce in abundance of their products and anyone in the world can gain access and bring great impact to their lives either by increasing quality of work,productivity increased,innovation and creativity enhanced and many other kinds of tangible and intangible benefits.

They make their products available everywhere,anywhere,all the time and prices are economically made!They keep on producing new inventions,new editions,revisions and change is the game and constant process.

Matsushita believes in “we make man before we make products”.Steve Jobs believes once stated that “being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me…Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful..that’s what matters to me.”

Bill Gates loved to care for people by donating Billions of USD (give back to society) after his Microsoft products made many Billions of USD from consumers all over the World who loves Microsoft products many years already!

When these Great Entrepreneurs have Great Paasion and Mission to help enriched humanity’s quality of living then their roles or presence become so important in this World and their demise or deaths can easily felt by billions of people all over the world since they sincerely have help enriched people lives by making living better,easier,happier,safer and many other good benefits…

Let the World have many more of people and leaders like STEVE JOBS,KONOSUKE MATSUSHITA AND BILL GATES!They will surely create greater PEACE,HARMONY AND PROSPERITY to all of us living humans.

Photos of the 3 Great Entrepreneurs: some photos from the WEB and also from Ramli’s Photo Library.

The memory of Steve Jobs still is strong in Ramli’s mind and heart.Why?

Ramli really loved his life’ story especially about his passion and mission to bring joys to the world especially in areas he knows best through products and softwares plus all the benefits people can get using his inventions.

Jobs as a Business Person have his ups and downs and ups again if you study his beginnings and till his dead bed.He started Apple Inc left for a while,started other projects and came back to Apple which he loved so much and made Apple one of the most powerful company on earth as well as satisfying the shareholders many times over.

Imagine 1 person can impact billions of lives across many continents with his inventions,innovations and ideas!Jobs have learned the art of knowing whats NEXT and with some Think Different mindset Jobs have given us all the Macs Pcs,ipods,iphones and ipads not forgetting the productions at PIXAR and also others (which we may not been informed)

Truly wonderful to lead such amazing,challenging and wonderful life and Jobs must surely feel like a Rock Star or MegaStar for all the “crazy” fans or admirers who “worship” him,admire,talk about always and wanting to know more and more about him even when he have gone already!In Islam,we always offer our prayers and read Surah Yassin for all our loved ones that have passed away so that Allah SWT will Blessed and Have Mercy on our souls.Inshallah.

Steve Jobs have made billions of USD as a Business Person for sure and now his family and all that he loved may enjoy his wealth that they may inherit from him.Thats important for us to remember to work hard and smart always so that we leave our loved ones with some wealth so that life can go on with no worries or pained!

As Ramli have mentioned every morning as we wake up from bed we now will check our mobile phones and notebooks plus switch on the TVs or Radios to listen to news reports as to what had happened while we were sleeping soundly?

The techno gadgets like ipod,iphone and ipad will be one of these tools in our hands in these early mornings and as we hold these gadgets we may start to remember that “hey Steve Jobs” did all these and how nice of him to brighten our lives or give us these tools that we never knew we wanted what more use it all day!Thats what Steve Jobs have done to the World by giving all these tools of technology that we so needed so much and can help us explore new discoveries ourselves in our work,play,living and learning modes.

Many things to write on the impact or Legacies of Steve Jobs and Ramli will try to that in the coming days..Inshallah.

Contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 or email at :

Ramli lives in Shah Alam,Selangor Darul Ehsan,Malaysia and you can check it on your google maps by using your iphone now!Good Day always!

Some of the products that Steve Jobs introduced to the World:

Ref: YouTube videos.

Ramli through many years of working as an employee and later as a self employed person running his own small business,always want to aspire to be the best or in Ramli’s word “to unleash the hidden talents to infinite possibilities or world class results”

When we want to be the best we must seek first to find some good examples either in a person,company or a combination of both.

Ramli is fortunate enough that he started work at the age of 20 with Matsushita Malaysia and with Matsushita Philosophy,Ramli learned a lot about the responsibilities as an entrepreneur (in Matsushita’s thinking) and what are the values and good practices of a socially resposible company which Matsushita was so early in her history committed to perform and excel ie.since 1918 when Matsushita was incorporated in Japan.

No wonder,FORTUNE magazine have announced Tan Sri Konosuke Matsushita as the Greatest Entrepreneur in the World.That is no understatement or poor decision on the sides of the Fortune Magazine Management and Editors but based on what Matsushita have contributed to the World by way of his business philosophies,products and services,employees’ assessment and loyalty,customers satisfaction not just locally but globally and his coaching of his people and his business associates have made him so important,a model figure,a mentor and most important a good man to learn new knowledge and best practices that really work!

In Malaysia,we too have many AWARDS SCHEMES and many prominent people,Billionaires,Top CEOs and important Top Managers and their respective companies have been accorded with Awards and Recoqnition as Malaysia’s Best!

What have we learn from them,actually?

Many of these companies or CEOs have shown that they managed to make huge profits by changing their business models or leadership styles and strategies  as well as many have taken their companies “out of the reds to be in the black” and making great business turnarounds and transformation to be Malaysia’s Top Companies in terms of profits,market capitalization and shareholders returns etc..

How do they managed to get all these wonderful results?Is it a continual basis or a one-off affair?Is it because of the Government Bailed Outs or Political Patronages…tell Ramli pleased…

Are the CEOs or Executive Chairmen really Great?Are they people like Matsushita or Bill Gates or even Steve Jobs?

Are their companies offering jobs as many as they can create everyday or are they managing their business by “hire and fire” or

“management by fear” ?

Are they  making real profits by their smartness,best strategies,excellent teamwork and innovative products and services?

Many Malaysian businesses still rely so much on the Government to give them projects,subsidies,tax discounts,overseas projects and personal attention!Why?

Just imagine if Malaysian businesses are put on the same playing field as the foreign companies that are freely allowed to invest in Malaysia and no special treatment to anyone,maybe Malaysian companies will easily lose out and only get the crumbs while the best are “eaten up” by these foreign world class companies who are always ready to “harvest” the marketplace with all their best practices,great leadership and ability to stand alone without much outside help especially from their governments!

These are the type of success stories  that Malaysian must learn and understand so that learning from these Annual Award Winners will be as good and satisfied as winning the awards by the Winners concerned!

To Ramli,a  Winner is one who can create or develop as many winners like themselves,thats a Great Winner or Champion!Agree or Disagree?

April 14, 2010 12:02 PM PDT (Ref:

Israel says U.S. iPads not welcome for now

by Don Reisinger

Now that the iPad has been delayed for international customers, people around the globe who can’t wait might be tempted to buy a U.S. version of the tablet and bring it with them to their home countries.

In most places that won’t be a problem. But in Israel, it will result in confiscation.

The iPad isn’t welcome in Israel yet.

(Credit: Apple)

According to a report in Israel newspaper Haaretz, the country’s Communications Ministry has decided to “block the import of iPads to Israel.” The paper also reported that when people attempt to go through customs, officers have been ordered to take all iPads. Owners are even being charged a fee for custom officials to hold on to their iPads until they’re returned when the ban lifts.

The Communication Ministry’s decision to ban iPads in Israel is mainly due to the limited testing it has been able to perform on the device. It has asked iDigital, Apple’s Israel distributor, for details on how the iPad works. But until it’s satisfied, U.S. iPads are not welcome within its borders.

“The iPad device sold exclusively today in the United States operates at broadcast power levels compatible with American standards,” officials at the ministry told Haaretz. “As the Israeli regulations in the area of Wi-Fi are similar to European standards, which are different from American standards, which permit broadcasting at lower power, therefore the broadcast levels of the device prevent approving its use in Israel.”

Just how long it takes for the U.S. version of the iPad to be allowed into Israel is unknown. It’s also worth noting that Israel might need to approve the international version of the device before it’s allowed into the country. In other words, it could be quite a while before Israel accepts the iPad. And for now, it’s one place where bringing your iPad probably isn’t a good idea.

(Via TUAW)

Read the recent news about the 1Pad successful launching in US.

Apple sells over 300,000 iPads on first day

AFP – Tuesday, April 6,2010.

No Photos here -pls refer to apple’s website.

The new iPad is displayed at an Apple store in San Francisco, California. Apple said on Monday it sold more than 300,000 iPads in the United States on its first day of availability, a figure in line with predictions of some analysts but fewer than others expected.

Slideshow: Internet Portals & Search Engines

WASHINGTON (AFP) – – Apple said Monday that it sold more than 300,000 iPads in the United States on its first day of availability, a figure in line with the predictions of some analysts but fewer than others expected.

Apple said the sales figures for the iPad included pre-ordered shipments of the tablet computer and purchases at retail stores around the United States on Saturday.

The sales numbers for the eagerly anticipated touchscreen multi-media device appeared to cheer investors as Apple shares gained 1.07 percent on Wall Street on Monday to close at 238.49 dollars.

The Cupertino, California-based company also said iPad users downloaded more than one million applications at Apple’s App Store during the first day and over 250,000 electronic books from Apple’s iBookstore.

“It feels great to have the iPad launched into the world — it’s going to be a game changer,” Apple chief executive Steve Jobs said in a statement.

Apple did not release sales estimates ahead of the release of the iPad and analysts had been mixed on their expectations for the device.

Most analysts had predicted Apple would sell between 300,000 and 400,000 iPads by the end of the weekend.

The Wall Street Journal quoted Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster, however, as saying he expected sales of between 600,000 and 700,000 units.

Credit Suisse, which had provided a rough estimate of iPad sales of 400,000 to 500,000, described the 300,000 figure as a “solid number for a single day of sales.”

Technology analyst Carmi Levy said it was difficult to interpret first-day sales figures “especially when the device in question is so unique that it can’t be realistically compared to similar, competing devices.”

“While first-day sales don’t represent enough of a sample size to accurately predict long-term sales performance, I can think of many companies that would give anything to sell 300,000 units in the first 24 hours of availability,” Levy said.

Credit Suisse estimated iPad sales of 4.8 million units in 2010 and 8.7 million units next year. Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty forecast iPad sales of six million units this year.

The iPad allows users to watch video, listen to music, play games, surf the Web or read electronic books. It runs most of the 150,000 applications made for the iPod Touch and the iPhone.

The model that went on sale Saturday features Wi-Fi wireless connectivity, while a model offering both Wi-Fi and 3G cellular connectivity will be released in late April.

The cheapest iPad model, with Wi-Fi connectivity and 16GB of memory, is 499 dollars while the most expensive — which includes 3G connectivity and 64GB of memory — costs 829 dollars.

The iPad has a 9.7-inch (24.6-centimeter) color screen and resembles an oversized iPhone. It is 0.5 inches (1.3 centimeters) thick, weighs 1.5 pounds (0.7 kilos) and comes with 16, 32, or 64 gigabytes of memory.

Wi-Fi and 3G models will be available in Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain and Switzerland in late April.

Apple has been pushing the iPad’s abilities as an e-book reader and analysts have described the tablet computer as a potential rival to Amazon’s Kindle.

Unveiling the iPad in January, Apple CEO Jobs hailed it as a “revolutionary” device and said he was taking a gamble by trying to carve out an entirely new product category between the laptop computer and the smartphone.

Reviewers have been mixed on whether the iPad will be a smash hit like the iPod, which controls over 70 percent of the market for MP3 players, or the iPhone, which completely transformed the smartphone arena.

While Apple was lauding its first-day sales figures, a Los Angeles-based company called EMG Technology said Monday that it plans to add the iPad to a patent infringement lawsuit it has filed with a Texas court.

EMG Technology’s pending lawsuit accuses Apple of patent infringement in a number of products, including the iTunes Store, iPhone, iPod Touch and Apple TV. The case is scheduled to be heard in September 2011.