Posts Tagged ‘2012’

Yes,the days are fast ending now to complete the 2012 calender and soon we will enter the 2013 Period and awaiting us are more challenges,uncertainties,natural environmental impacts,human sufferings and technological breakthroughs and maybe more increased of poverty both rural and now urban on the rised plus many more events that helped shaped our human existence and survival!

Maybe in Malaysia we will soon know the happenings and outcome of the 13th Malaysia General Elections (13MGE) and whether Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his Pakatan Team will formed the New Govt in Power or the incumbant BN will hold on in power with a lesser majority in Parliament or gained more seats and a more than a 2/3 majority control in Parliament?So 2013 will be a great year of happenings for Malaysian Politics?

What is actually best to depend on?Malaysia best managed by Politicians or Business Leaders or Entrepreneurs?Maybe with Entrepreneurs Malaysians have more jobs to acquire and enjoy better income and sustainable livelihood?If with Politicians leading the journey of growth in Malaysia then maybe many Malaysians still live in poverty since not many creative decisions are made to open up new businesses or industries where Malaysia not only focus on domestic businesses but also expand overseas and via excellent products or franchises Malaysia now can offer the global arena Malaysian products and services or world demands just like Global Companies like Microsoft,Samsung,Toyota,CITI Bank,Apple,McDonalds and others have offered to the world!

The world have registered her 7 Billion population on 1stNov,2011 and now maybe the percentage of people living in poverty are still many what more with urban poverty on the rise as also the usual rural poverty.Why?maybe the urbanites are people who want to live in excess and with minimal income they get themselves into serious debt crisis and just cannot get out of this debt trap!

So we need to think positive and act positive and allow many improvements to happen in our country,workplaces and even at homes!We need to make breakthroughs (improvements) in areas of QCDSME where quality of our products and services become better,productivity improve,delivery of our outcome faster,costs being reduced and minimal,safety ensured and fool proof,morale improved among our people and teams exist everywhere,environment becoming more protected,sustainable and safeguarded etc…

2012 have been full of natural calamities like typhoons,floods,earthquakes,tsunamies,droughts,unpredictable weather and temperature and many millions of people are made homeless,under nourished,loss of crops and businesses and some no more faith in God Almighty etc…

If the Belief in Allah SWT or God is no more then  we better be ready to face the wraths of Allah SWT or God Almighty because this is the foundation of human existence as to Belief in HIM and have great patience,faith and confidence that Allah SWT (God Almighty) will always safeguard our existence as what HE have given us numerous bounties,pleasures and good life on earth with blessings and mercy.It is we our humans who have been misguided and taken the wrong path to mischiefs,lawlessness,sins,bad values and no faith in Allah SWT (God Almighty) that have made us faced all these hardships,human trajedies and happenings that actually can be avoided if only we listen,we act the right ways and Belief in the Powers of Allah SWT (God Almighty) and stay away or dont listen the ways of Iblis or Syaitans (Devils) who only want to misguide humans and follow them to HELL in the Hereafter!

2012 have been a good year of KNOWLEDGE Building and acquisition where like Ramli he managed to attain new knowledge on my subjects mainly on Islam as there are daily Tazkirahs (lectures) on Islam provided by the many Ustazs and Gurus in masjids and suraus all over Malaysia and the Internet.Knowledge is Power and only with useful knowledge can we become better person and we can help served our people,family and country plus the world with new discoveries,better ways of living,technological breakthroughs and all things good and safe.

2012 still exist many CROOKS and Bad People who only desire to destroy our world with bad habits and values,bad works,sinful acts,destroy humans and not at all enriching our lives,safety and faith in Allah SWT!These are our challenges and we must avoid them for 2013 and beyond!

So in summary,developing the Right People in the Right World with Right Values and Attitudes are critical to all World and Business Leaders including parents at home.We need to continuously strieve for excellence in human potential or talents and to do all these we need contant knowledge and the pursue of excellent work and cooperation among people all over the world and at home.

Many more things to write but Ramli will do so later…

Have a Great 2013 ahead and always Belief in Allah SWT (God Almighty) for HIS Blessings and Mercy..Inshallah.

Contact Ramli at +60192537165 or +60355450975 or email at:

This is a long message that need to be reiterated and think about seriously…so sad,disgusted,painful to know after the money Billions of RM spend on sports,WE still cannot seem to positively win an Olympic Gold Medal ike this coming London Olympics 2012?

Who can win this 1 gold medal?Who?

Contact Ramli if interested 019-2537165 or

see how poorer countries like Ethopia,Nigeria,Uganda can continually win Olympic Gold Medals….why?how?


Vidoes highlighting the Year of the Dragon: Ref ( YouTube Videos)


Yes,2012 have already begun and you are now in the 1st Qtr of 2012.Normally we split into 4 Qtrs to execute our Business Plan  and yes,we do focus on a monthly,weekly and even daily performance outputs or results.What are your 2012 Focus and How much profits are you targeting or be satisfied to achieve for this 2012?

We need to review,revise and replan our Business Goals or Objectives based on areas of:

  • Q -quality.How we make our products and services better than before that satisfy our global or domestic customers all the time
  • C-cost.How we ensure we produce World Class products and services that at economical costs and eliminate wastages at all sectors or business processes.
  • D-delivery.How we produce or deliver our products and services at a speed satisfied by our customers or meeting our performance standards or promises to our customers.
  • S-safety or security.How we produce our products and services that are safe,secure and without any loss of time due to accidents or unchecked risks.We also ensure safety to our employees and customers.
  • M-morale.How we make our working environment happier than before by all employees working harmoniously,with great teamwork,passion to excel and minimise or zero mgmt-employee problems.
  • E-environment.How to ensure our company have great focus and execute many efforts or events to help save our environment by practising sustainable mgmt of all our resources and doing lots of CR work to ensure we are a caring company as far as sustainable mgmt is concerned.
  • and many others

With all the above subjects of importance being reviewd,revised and replan for better results in 2012 then there is a great opportunity for better results in areas of profits,improvement of the business processes,talent development and results and company branding become more popular and respected.

If YOU are interested to ensure these focus areas are being dealt with seriously for 2012 then do contact Ramli Abu Hassan (see profile) for a meeting to see how we can work together to achieve our agreed mission in the best possible time agreed upon.

Call Ramli at mobile:+6019-2537165 or email:

Happy New Year 2012!

Greetings from Ramli & Maimunah plus all my 5 children ie.Zaim,Ikhwan,Mira,Arina and Bukhiari.

Hope the 2011 have been blessful,eventful and memorable year.


some videos from youtube to celebrate this New Year 2012!

Contact Ramli Abu Hassan at:

mobile:+6019-2537165 (Malaysia)



Facebook: abu hassan


2011 is almost at the final end and left about 7 days more before we move to 2012 ( a leap year that comes once in 4 years in case you forgotten)!

2011 have been a great blessing for Ramli & Family!Why?

Here are some significant results in 2011:

  • Ramli reached 55 on 1st Nov,2011
  • Maimunah (Ramli’s wife) reached 50 on 13th Oct,2011
  • Nur Amirah (Ramli’s 3rd child and eldest daughter) graduated with Bachelor In Economics (Natural Resources) from University Malaysia Trengganu
  • Nur Arina (Ramli’s 4th child and youngest daughter) qualified to upgrade from Diploma in Banking at UiTM Kota Samarahan to Degree in Banking at UiTM Sg.Petani beginning Feb,2012
  • Ramli completed renovation of his Shah Alam’s home by Monday ( 26thDec,2011)
  • Ramli will assist his cousin Dato Ghazzalli of Nusatek and his Indian Partners at Balliss India with the new Bio Mass 25W Power Plant project in Lahad Datu,Sabah by Feb,2012.Inshallah.
  •  Ramli to help supply Malaysian Halal (Jakim) products to North West China with his Chinese Muslim Partner Daud Zhou hopefully by 1stQtr 2012.
  • Ramli establish his new website with support from
  • and many more…..

So,whats in store for 2012?

  • To start well and get results for Bio Mass Power Plant projects for Nusatek/Balliss in Sabah.
  • To export Halal Malaysian Products to North West China
  • To ensure Zaim Bukhairi (Ramli’s 5th Child and youngest boy) passed with great results for his SPM
  • To still pursue the Boxing Match in Ghana with Ramli’s Friend cum Promoter Victor Dunoo this Feb 2012.The 2011 event was postponed and hopefully the 2012 plan remain true!
  • To assist Zaim Ikhwan (Ramli’s 2nd Child with OKU status (slow learner) get a steady job and be more independant.
  • To write and publish at least 3 books for 2012 with the available manuscripts in stock.
  • To plan to go at least for Umrah with Munah this 3rd Quarter 2012.Inshallah
  • and many more…

The “Big Wishes” for 2012 (if money is not a big problem):

  • To organise and promote a “Corporate University Conference and World Class Performances” in Shah Alam in 2nd Quarter of 2012 and another one in 4th Quarter 2012.
  • Promote a World Class Pro-Boxing Championship in Kuala Lumpur in 4th Quarter 2012 or earlier with WBC Sanctions or others.
  • and some others…

Well,thats some report and actions that Ramli planned to do this 2012 and Inshallah with good thoughts,hearts,teamwork,financial support,energy and determination with great passion this 2012 will be an exciting year for Ramli and all concerned!

For enquiries or infos and sponsorships,please call Ramli at +6019-2537165 or email:


here are some of the Great Locations in ASEAN…from YouTube videos:

The Olympics of 2012 in London is already counting fast and Malaysia have started the mission and now pursuing the mission the get Malaysia’s 1st Olympic Gold Medal in London!Can we do it or just come back again with silver or worst a bronze and maybe ZERO Medal to show our Rakyat!

If the “fight” of BAM like Misbun versus some of the BAM Officials were to continue to drag on then countries that are competing with us for the Badminton Gold Medal will “love it” since the battle to win a Gold Medal need not be in the court but like Malaysia they have done that out of the badminton courts and that is an advantage for them and of course not Malaysia!

So,the KEY word here is FOCUS.Focus to win the 1st Olympic Gold Medal for Malaysia must be TOP Priority for all Malaysian Sports Officials and the SportsMen and Women concerned must now at all costs be passion,commited and understand where they stand or what we called benchmark with the Top 10 or even Top 3 in the World for their respective sports so that all “gaps” between their current performance and the Top of World’s Best Performance can be narrowed or even beat them,thats the mission IF we want to win the Gold Medal in London 2012.

So,Ramli suggests for the long term sports strategy to make Malaysia a dynamic sports nation producing countless World Class Sports Persons like Tiger Woods,Nadal,Federer,Messi,Phelps,William Sisters,Sharapova,Rooney and others WE must establish PROFESSIONAL SPORTS ACADEMIES that specifically focus on building sports persons of the highest callibre at an early age just as like what those famous sports academies around the world have done now!

Invite Sports Entrepreneurs to start this process and maybe Inshallah in 20 years time to win an Olympic Gold Medal is no more “lots of sweat,money,pain and despair” but some sort of assurance and certainty Malaysia can win and bring back those Gold Medals that have eluded Malaysia already 54 years as of today!

Amazingly,how countries like Ethopia,Kenya,Morocco can win Olympic Gold Medals continuously all the time especially from their Track&Event athletes most of the time in Olympic History?Maybe they are “gifted athletes or runners” but mainly they have great passion,sacrifices,willing to stand the pain and sweat and most of all they believe they can do it with patience and prayers!

So,to win an Olympic Gold Medal IS NO EASY STUFF and if Malaysia do not FOCUS NOW maybe the battle to win the Gold Medal have lost before we even compete in London 2012!Think about it and Act Wisely and Quickly!

Ramli can be contacted at mobile:+6019-2537165 or email:

After almost 53 years of Merdeka,Malaysia still have not won a single Gold Medal at the Olympics! Why?

Malaysia have participated in almost all the Olympic Games held around the World but the Gold Medal still is unachievable!

Yes,we won Silver and Bronze Medals lately but as Great Sporting Nations,the GOLD Medal matters so much!

When we analysed our sports and sportsperson,the sports that have great chances of winning the GOLD can be:

BADMINTON,SQUASH (if included),HOCKEY,CYCLING,what else..not manylah…

So,with the above hope can Malaysia still think we can win the Gold Medal at this coming Olympics in London?

To Ramli,the Management of Sports in Malaysia is RESPONSIBLE for Malaysia’s winning the 1st Olympic Gold Medal,agree or not?


Thursday April 1, 2010

Athletes who qualify for Olympics to get RM2,000 allowance

KUALA LUMPUR: Athletes who qualified for the Olympic Games will receive RM2,000 in monthly allowance, an increase from RM1,000 previously.

Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek said that the payment would take effect for a year prior to the start of the Games.

He added that the government would also increase the SEA Games reward, from RM5,000 to RM10,000, for the first gold medal. The reward for subsequent gold medals remain at RM5,000 each.

“This is just for the SEA Games. The incentives for the Commonwealth Games, Asian Games and Olympic Games remain unchanged,” he said after chairing the National Sports Council (NSC) board meeting in Bukit Jalil yesterday. He added the government decided on the rate after looking into the incentives offered in neighbouring countries.

Gold medal winners in team sports will receive RM10,000 for those comprising more than five athletes and RM2,000 for each member of a team with fewer than five athletes.

For the record, the incentives for the Commonwealth Games and Asian Games are RM80,000 for the gold medal, RM40,000 for the silver and RM20,000 for the bronze.

For the Olympics, a gold medallist will receive RM1mil and the silver and the bronze are worth RM300,000 and RM100,000 respectivey. – Bernama