Posts Tagged ‘youth’

The demographics of Malaysia are represented by the multiple ethnic groups that exist in this country. Malaysia‘s population, as of July 2010, is estimated to be 28,334,000, which makes it the 41st most populated country in the world.[1] Of these, 5.72 million Malaysians live in East Malaysia and 22.5 million live in Peninsular Malaysia.[2] The Malaysian population continues to grow at a rate of 2.4% per annum.According to latest 2010 census, among the three largest Malaysian groups Malays and Bumiputera Fertility rates are at 2.8 children per woman, Chinese 1.8 children per woman, and Indians 2.0 children per woman. Malay fertility rates are 40% higher than Malaysian Indians and 56% higher than Malaysian Chinese. In 2010, the Malays were 60.3%, Chinese 22.9%, and the Indians 7.1% of the total population. The Chinese population has shrunk to half of its peak share from 1957 when it was 45% of Malaysia, although in absolute numbers they have multiplied more than threefold.[3]

The population distribution is uneven, with some 20 million of 28 million citizens concentrated in Peninsular Malaysia, which has an area of 131,598 square kilometres (50,810.27 sq mi).


Population age distribution trends for 2001–2010


< 15 Years (%)

15 – 64 Years (%)

> 64 Years (%)

Population (in millions)



















































Data from July 2010.[16]


Many people from the rank and file and also from ordinary tea girl,jaga kereta,manager and tycoon all now talk and discuss about the Bersih 3.0 happenings and impact to Malaysia!Why?

For Politicians or people in the political parties especially the Pakatan Rakyat,Bersih since the 1st to the 3rd series have been a Great Event for them where many thousands and even some estimate hundreds of thousands of people have come together to join the Bersih gathering and march in the streets of KL especially.

Have Bersih met their objectives?Are the PR bosses happy with the recent outcomes?Are the Govt worried or want to put a stop to future Bersih events?

Ramli read from the news that over 500+ people were detained by the Police and also released immediately.Maybe there was no “crooks” or bad intentions by those detained just coming to KL or Dataran Merdeka with all others to seat down peacefully and protest or “Bantah”.Bersih all “bantah” on what is not right,fair or equal opportunities for the Rakyat to live in peace and harmony.They want a clean govt and especially now a clean elections of the coming 13MGE or PRU13.

Some friends also said many proBN people also participated in Bersih 3.0 because they too want a clean and good govt.Maybe next time the Bersih 4.0 edition will see equal numbers of both PR and BN people?Can it happen?If so,then Bersih is no more about BN or PR but the Voice of the Rakyat who want GOOD GOVT,CLEAN GOVT,GOOD POLICIES AND ALL THINGS GOOD FOR MALAYSIA.

One of my old friend once informed Ramli that the Present Generation of Malaysians are basically “spoilt” generations who are basically:

  • “too manja” and always never satisfied and wants more n more
  • before a person who gets a RM100,000 loan is so happy and thanked Allah SWT for the great blessings BUT now if they are awarded with a RM2 Million grant they will tell you why not give them RM 10 Million since another friend got RM10 Million of funds?
  • The new generation have poor discipline and never try to work the hard way and learn to save like the old generation.
  • the current huge household debts status in Malaysia is also due to the extravagant life styles of the new kids on the in excess when the revenue pipeline is small and uncertain!
  • and many more negative traits than positives

So Bersih maybe a reflection of people who are OK and have a steady job but WANTS MORE N MORE?Or people who lost their jobs due to poor govt strategies and execution where billions of RM are lost and maybe never can recover again?

Ramli think what is KEY is:

  • identify all those bad projects and poor leadership performance and eliminate them
  • help people in real need and not by giving them fish only but teach them how to fish so that they can eat everyday-as the famous saying goes…
  • be honest,truthful,sincere in all our dealings
  • promote more entreprenerism among Malaysians be it Malays,Chinese,Indians and all 1Malaysians
  • stop ungreatful business people and give more to businesses that help build a better Malaysia and richer one
  • we want Malaysian businesses to grow more rather these entrepreneurs leaving the country to set up base overseas and Malaysia lose all the potential earnings
  • a Greater Malaysia and High Income Malaysia can only happen when more businesses are growing in Malaysia with all the right economic stimulus,disciplined people,great leaders and all good things….

Lets hope the impact of Bersih 3.0 or the coming ones can be a good stimulus for Better Malaysia in terms of economics,politics,social,environment,solidarity,education and so many other good aspects of nation building and people’s progress both financially,mentally and spiritually.Inshallah.

FIFA made a profit of US$631 million over the last four years, with world football’s governing body revealing on Thursday that 87% of its $4.19 billion turnover was generated by the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

FIFA’s financial report confirmed that expenditure was $3.56 billion, $105 million over budget due of additional investments in football development and a $31 million overspend on the 2010 World Cup. FIFA’s annual profits have grown steadily from $49 million in 2007 to $202 million in 2010, while the ruling body’s reserves have reached $1.28 billion.

“FIFA is financially strong and dependent on the World Cup,” said director of finance Markus Kattner. “This illustrates the necessity for FIFA to build up and have sufficient reserves to decrease its dependency on the World Cup.”

FIFA also announced on Thursday that the berths for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil will remain the same as in 2010. Under that format, Europe is guaranteed 13 spots, Africa will have five, Asia will have four and Central and North America will have three.

South America – in addition to Brazil qualifying automatically as host – will have four spots. South America, Asia, Central and North America and Oceania were also given a half-berth, meaning one country from each region will qualify for a two-legged playoff series for an opportunity to advance as one of the final two qualifiers. The play-off series will be decided by an open draw in future, rather than pre-arranged pairings.

The FIFA Executive Committee also confirmed on Thursday during its meeting that the 2015 Women’s World Cup and 2014 Under-20 Women’s World Cup will be staged by Canada, the 2013 Under-20 World Cup will be hosted by Turkey and the 2015 Under-20 World Cup will take place in New Zealand. It was also decided that the 2013 Under-17 World Cup will be held in the United Arab Emirates, the 2015 Under-17 World Cup will take place in Chile, the 2012 Women’s Under-20 World Cup will be staged in Uzbekistan and the 2014 Under-17 Women’s World Cup will be hosted by Costa Rica.

Ibnu Abbas R.A. berkata:

Pada suatu hari,saya duduk dibelakang Rasulullah SAW atas suatu kendaraan,maka Rasulullah SAW bersabda kepada ku ujarnya: “Wahai Pemuda,Saya akan mengajarkan kamu beberapa kalimat (ketetapan untuk menjadi pedoman hidup) iaitu:

“Peliharalah akan Allah (pelihara segala suruhan dan tegahannya) supaya Allah memelihara engkau.JIka engkau tetap memelihara Allah,tentunya engkau tetap mendapati NYA dihadapan engkau.Ma’rifatilah akan Allah didalam kesenangan,supaya Allah mema’rifati (mengenali) engkau di dalam kesusahan.Apabila engkau memohon sesuatu hajat,pohonlah kepada Allah;dan apabila engkau meminta sesuatu pertolongan,pintalah akan dia kepada Allah.Ketahuilah bahwa walaupun berkumpul seluruh ummat untuk mendatangkan sesuatu kemanfa’atan untuk engkau,tiadalah mereka itu dapat berbuat apaapa,kecuali sekadar yang Allah telah tetapkan memperolehinya.Dan jika berkumpul pula seluruh manusia untuk mendatangkan sesuatu kemelaratan kepada engkau,tiadalah juga mereka itu sanggup berbuat apaapa (mereka tidak dapat memelaratkan engkau) melainkan hanya sekadar yang Allah telah tetapkan juga.Sebenarnya telah diangkat matapena (kalam) dan telah kering segala lembaran tulisan.Dan ketahuilah bahwa pertolongan Tuhan hanya diberikan kepada orang yang sabar dan bahwa kelapangan diberikan kepada orang yang dalam kesusahan.Demikian pula dalam menderita kesulitan,disitulah Tuhan memberikan kemudahan.”

Hadith Riwayat At-Turmudzy dan lainlain

Kita sebagai orang muda (Gen Z,Gen Y dan Gen X-iaitu Gen Z,Y,X dari linkungan umur 12 hingga 40 tahun) perlu belajar sebanyak2nya ketika kita muda,beramal soleh sepenuhnya semasa kita muda dan mengajar sebanyak yang boleh akan amalan soleh setelah kita tak muda…fikir2 dan renung2 lah…tapi perlu ada revolusi aksi untuk mencari kecemerlangan (action revolution for great results..)

Wawasan 2020 is just 10 years away and the clock is ticking like normal but now since we launched Wawasan 2020 (Vision 2020) almost 20 years ago,the clock seems to tick faster since the deadline is encroaching and coming!
Billions of RM have been spent to make this Vision 2020 a reality and great achievement for all 1Malaysians and many PMs have come and go and the PM that reign in 2020 will be the one that benefit from all these sacrifices and hard work by all Malaysians concerned ever since Wawasan 2020 was launched by the then PM YAB Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad in 1991.
Some infos on Wawasan 2020:
Wawasan 2020

Dasar ini mula Diperkenalkan Tun Mahathir pada 28 Februari 1991, pembentukannya bertujuan meletakkan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara maju, berdikari, progresif dan berdaya saing.

Dasar ini mempunyai rangka strategi yang kukuh dan amat kehadapan dalam perancangannya. Wawasan 2020 yang kita sentiasa sebut itu diperkenalkan melalui satu teks ucapan Tun Mahathir Mohamed yang bertajuk “Malaysia: The Way Forward”.

Ucapan pertama Wawasan 2020 ini telah didengarkan pada Majlis Perdagangan Malaysia di Kuala Lumpur.
Tun Mahathir memulakan ucapannya memperkenalkan wawasan 2020 dengan berkata …

“Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk mengemukakan kepada tuan-tuan beberapa pandangan tentang arah masa depan negara kita dan bagaimana kita patut berusaha mencapai matlamat membangunkan Malaysia menjadi Negara Perindustrian.”

Can we achieved all these targets of Wawasan 2020 or only some of the targets?Are we still having the great passion and compassion to make this Wawasan 2020 really work!
The many “whistle blowers” that Malaysia experienced or possess maybe happy for all the actions taken as a result of their “making noise” of what is not good in the Malaysian administration or government policies and execution.Some maybe so disappointed that no action are taken or maybe some just being ignored as the problem highlighted by these whistle blowers are “takde apaapa” kind of thing and not urgent or necessary to take any action at all.
From the Auditor General Reports made yearly,maybe there are so many major problems faced by the Malaysian Government incharge including all the MInisteries concerned.What more if there are problems but the Auditor General people did not notice since there are so many not easy to “gather” all facts and happenings at one time or in one calender year.What if the problems are the useful many and not the vital few ones as taught by Dr.Juran in his Pareto Diagram of prioritising the major and minor problems that constitute the overall problems in any organisations or companies.
The best way to build quality in organisations are not by CHECKING or Auditing methods but more of PREVENTIVE and ProACTIVE measures where quality is build from the start of the business process and to build QUALITY ORGANISATION YOU NEED QUALITY PEOPLE!
Is the Malaysian Civil Service or the Malaysian Government in Power or some of the State Governments in the control of the PAKATAN RAKYAT of Quality Management with Quality People?Are they truly effective and efficient ie.doing the right things right all the time!
If you read the Malaysian Newspapers nowadays,so many stories involving fraud,cheating,bad management,Criminal Breach of Trusts,white collar kind of crimes,bribes,illegal dealings,unlawful use of government assets etc…are reported and the Rakyat knows that Malaysia is still so weak and not yet a Great and World Class Nation like other countries who seems to regularly Top the Rankings as far as Clean Govt,Per Capita Income levels,Crime free,honest leadership and many other parameters set aside by the surveys or study groups.
Ramli think 2010 is a great year to think differently as Einstein once stated as such “it is foolish to hope for some new results if you are doing the same actions repeatedly” So for Malaysia to move up the Rankings of a Great Nation or World Class Levels,we need to act differently and that need a great political will,good budget,good planning and execution BUT maybe the most Key Factor is Right People who will perform the Right Actions and that will produce the Right Results without fear or favour and that also means some sacrifices of some Great Malaysians since nothing come “Cheap” or “Easy” if there is no Blood,Sweat&Tears!
Malaysia have to do all these actions like it or not and like what we all scream always “Malaysia Boleh” and with that Great Spirit together with our faith and Doa to Allah SWT(God Almighthy),Yes Maybe (Inshallah) We Will Achieve our Wawasan 2020.
For more infos or enquiries,please contact:
Ramli Abu Hassan