Posts Tagged ‘vote’

This 13MGE so scheduled in 2012 will be a Great Battle for BN and Pakatan!Why?

In the last 12MGE in 2008,BN lost many states but still maintain hold on the Federal Govt by virtue of having  majority seats in Parliament.The Opposition now branded as Pakatan Rakyat have gained much ground since the last 12MGE by winning states like Selangor,Kedah,Perak (now taken back by BN),Penang and Kelantan (been with PAS for many terms already)

For this coming 13MGE,we all know that Pakatan are “gunning” for Federal Power and want to be incharge at PutraJaya (Malaysia’s Capital),Can they achieve it or BN will still be in PutraJaya?

What can happen in this 13MGE?

Ramli’s Toughts (Theory) based on many facts and factors are:

  • Malays make up about 60% of the Voting Population in this coming 13MGE -who will they vote?The Malay Party or Malay Candidate?
  • Gen Y (people below 25 years but will be 1st Time Voters make up about ? % Voting Population – who will they vote? The BN or Pakatan Party/Candidate?
  • Will people favour and vote for Important National Agendas like Eradication of Poverty,Malaysia for Malaysia,1Malaysia,Jobs for all,every home live in comfort etc…?
  • Will people refuse “Bad Politicians” with Bad Records and Greedy Type?
  • Will people vote against Old Politicians -whose time have come to “pencen”
  • Will people vote for “New Politicians” for their good performance or “bagi peluang” for them to show their “colors”?
  • Will Anwar Ibrahim be the New PM?
  • Will after the 13MGE,Malaysia become Better and Prosper?
  • Can Malaysia expect a New Federal Govt ie.Pakatan or still want BN to rule not with a slim majority but a “good enough” majority?
  • Do Malaysian Voters “Know how to vote correctly,rightly” ?
  • Will Malays,Chinese,Indians still possess a “race preference” in voting their MPs or ADUNs?
  • and many more issues?

Lets hope this coming 13MGE will educate all eligible voters to vote rightly,correctly,without fear or favour and be a Responsible Malaysian Voter for the sake of Malaysia’s Great Future and Generations.Inshallah.


Contact Ramli at hp:019-2537165 and email: for your comments and suggestions.Ramli also need cash and kind sponsorships to continue his mission to write and work to make Malaysia a Truly Great Nation.



The Prophet Muhammad pbuh have once taught his Muslim Ummah about the best ways to lead your nation,company and family!

Prophet Muhammad pbuh emphasised the importance of LEADING BY EXAMPLE and to do that we must start from HOME!

Yes,the family must made to be right and of great character and discipline.If YOU as the Head of the Family cant guide your own family to Islamic Ways or Ad-deen such as:

  • Strict obedience to Rukun Islam and Rukan Iman and not only know them but practice them always
  • Prayers is the Main Pillar of Islam and make sure your family members pray 5 times a day without failed!
  • Hijab to the women is a must and in Islam covering your body parts with the neccessary Hijab and also to the men will have great blessings from Allah SWT
  • Free from any Riba’ delaings is also obligatory for all Muslims since Riba’ is forbidden but Trade is encouraged.
  • If any family members “stray from the straight path” of Islam then they must be advised accordingly and punished on Islamic Laws as where applicable
  • In doing so then Allah SWT will Grant Great Blessings and Mercy to You and Your Beloved Family
The above are basic criterias for selecting the RIGHT CANDIDATE FOR THE RIGHT JOB AS MP OR ADUN and any others are just plained wrong and poor judgement!Are you making the right decision or voting rightly?
If you as the candidate cant even managed your family members to the straight path HOW COME you can expect to manage or lead your company or nation to the same straight path?Thats why the Prophet Muhammad pbuh always emphasised the need to focus and build great characters of Muslims and all humans in general.Like Ramli have written before a POSITIVE PERSONALITY (or Great Faith in Allah SWT) will be the main basis of a Great Leader or Person put to manage or lead!
So,before you cast your most valuable ballot paper,it is advisable you make the above analysis of your political candidates to power so that the next 4 or 5 years of political power will be led by Leaders that you know are of Great Character and Positive Personality that want to be in power not for their greed or crazy of position BUT mostly for service to Allah SWT (God Almighty) and help make the life of Malaysians BETTER,PROSPER,HAPPIER,SAFER AND GREATER.
For enquiries or advice,please contact Ramli at +6-019-2537165 or email at

The 13MGE will see many new Political Manifestoes by all the Political Parties in Malaysia where every party wants to convince the Rakyat that they are the Right Party to Vote!Political Manifestoes appear before Election Time and thats where many Great Plans are informed to the Rakyat of what they will benefit if they vote for the Party concerned.

Malaysians have voted already 12 times in Malaysia’s 53 years of Merdeka and every election period the Rakyat will be exposed to all kinds of “promises and more promises” from both the ruling parties like Barisan Nasional (BN) and also the opposition parties like Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and other minor parties alike.Once the elections are over,it is left to the winners especially to start fulfilling their promises as stated clearly in their Election Manifestoes etc..

So,this 13MGE what is important for the Rakyat is to understand all the facts about the actual performances of all the political parties involved and what have they done since the 12MGE held in 2008?From this careful analysis will they then able to really know whether the incumbant candidates or the new oppositions are to be reelected for a job well done or get replaced with a new candidate due to the former failure to implement or execute the promises with great results.Maybe we can say “we vote for great results not just talk or empty promises”

For politicians and political parties to be still relevant they must performed well and make the Rakyat live better,happier,smarter and caring for each other with peace,prosperity and harmony.Inshallah.

For more infos contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or email:

Ramli is just like all ordinary Rakyat Malaysia who will perform his right to vote in every MGE.Ramli’s loves all Malaysians who want to make Malaysia a Great Nation.Ramli’s belongs to no Political Party just Being Benar (Right)Always fighting whats is Right for Malaysians,Being in the Right Causes and Championing or Voicing and Writing for the Right Ways of Thinking,Actions and Results.)

Pada tahun 2012 ada kemungkinan besar Pilihan Raya Umum Malaysia ke 13 akan di laksanakan untuk memilih barisan pemimpin baru baik di Kawasan Parlimen dah Dewan Undangan Negeri seluruh Malaysia.Kerajaan Baru Persekutuan akan juga di lantik berdasarkan Parti Politik yang berjaya mendapat kerusi yang terbanyak di Parlimen serta Kerajaan Negeri Negeri di Malaysia akan juga dilantik berdasarkan Kerusi Kerusi ADUN yang berjaya di gondol oleh Parti Politik yang bertanding.Siapa akan kekal dan siapa akan kecundang pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke 13 (PRU13)nanti?Jawapannya masih jauh dari pandangan mata kita tetapi bagi Parti Parti Politik yang bertanding dimana ada yang akan cuba kekalkan kekuasaan mereka dan ada juga akan menjadi pembangkang dan bersedia untuk menang kembali kerusi yang telah hilang dahulu semasa PRU12 akan atau sudah mula mengatur strategi mereka untuk berjaya dalam PRU13 ini.Tahun 2012 bukan lah lama sangat bak kata orang klip klap klip klap sudah pun tiba tahun 2012 nanti.

Bagi Ramli yang setia menjadi pengundi setela layak menggundi sejak umur capai 21 tahun lalu akan sentiasa membuat analisa dan cuba mengenalpasti siapakah calon calon yang terbaik untuk di undi menjadi Wakil Rakyat kita samaada di Peringkat Parlimen atau Negeri.

Tahun 2012 mungkin peratus penggundi baru iaitu umur 21 tahun ke atas dan juga penggundi Gen Y dan X iaitu yang berumur linkungan 21 hingga 25 serta 26 hingga 35 adalah sangat ramai  dan mereka ini mungkin akan menjadi penentu kepada Parti Politik yang mana akan kekal kekuasaan mereka nanti.Jika Parti Parti Politik baik dari Barisan Nasional atau pun Pakatan Rakyat tidak peka atau prihatin akan situasi demografi peratusan penggundi penggundi baru ini mingkin akan menyesal nanti jika Parti mereka kalah atau tidak berjaya mengekalkan kekuasaan mereka atau kalah dalam PRU13 nanti!

Adakah perlu suatu Parti Politik Baru (3rd Factor or the Third Voice) ini di wujudkan segera?Parti Politik atau Barisan Baru dimana sesiapa yang tidak “happy” dengan BN atau PR akan menjadi ahli Parti Politik Baru ini?Adakah Parti Politik Baru ini RELEVAN pada PRU13 nanti?Siapa yang akan menjadi Ketua atau Pemimpin Agung nya (Master Mind) atau Barisan “Team” nya yang akan bersama dengan Master Mindnya bergerak cepat,waras dan memenuhi cita cita rakyat yang mungkin dah bosan menggundi parti Barisan Nasional atau Pakatan Rakyat yang ada sekarang ini?

Apa akan berlaku jika ramai peratus Rakyat ingin wujudnya Parti Barisan Politik 3rd Voice ini?Mesti BN atau PR akan panik dan binggung yang sesuatu Parti yang di tubuhkan atas initiatif Kreatif dan Inovatif dunia masa kini ini?Ini adalah perkara perkara yang mingkin berlaku pada PRU13 atau PRU14 dan “maybe” PRU15 nanti,kita tunggu dan lihat?

Rumusannya,jika sesuatu MP atau ADUN dan parti parti yang memerintah sekarang ingin kekal atau menjadi Johan Memperjuangkan Kepentingan Rakyat (Penggundi) mereka perlu segera (asap-as soon as possible) faham dimana kah prestasi mereka setakat ini dan apakah kelemahan dan kekuatan mereka serta apakah peluang dan cabaran mereka yang masih ada atau wujud untuk dilaksanakan sebelum tiba PRU13 nanti?

“Satisfied Rakyat will vote for U no matter what “story telling” you tell them” because in MGE13 atau PRU13,ramai penggundi penggundi baru adalah berpelajaran tinggi dan mereka mahu memilih calon calon yang baik,tulus,bijak,berdikari,mesra rakyat serta yang ada prinsip hidup tinggi dan juga alim beragama.Calon calon yang telah berjanji dulu pada PRU12 dan tidak menunaikan janji2 itu maka elok lah mereka buat “tindakan segera” serta perubahan mendadak agar peluang mereka kekal dalam kerusi mereka akan lebih terjamin dan selamat.Jika tidak elok tarik diri dan biar calon calon yang lebih bersedia,berkaliber dan berwibawa mengambil tempat mereka nanti di PRU13.

Ini adalah tinjauan dan fikiran Ramli sahaja,yang baik dan benar semua dari Allah SWT dan yang ada kelemahan adalah atas kelemahan Ramli sendiri.Ramli selalu suka membuat “continual improvement” dalam prestasi hidup,kerja dan semua perlakuan di dunia fana ini.Inshallah.


Ramli Abu Hassan



Some videos to remind us the events of MGE12/PRU12 in 2008: