Posts Tagged ‘shah alam’

In today’s morning cakap2 at Ramli’s Masjid,some of Ramli’s friends show their concerned and frustrations at the of house prices like in Shah Alam! Why?

They informed Ramli that an apartment price is now reaching about RM200,000 and a terraace house (one storey corner lot with 3 rooms and land size abt 65 ft x 30 ft) now being offered at RM550,000.00?

Is these prices fair,cheap or exorbitant?Why are they selling at sky rocket prices almost 8-10 times the original price offered 25 years ago?Should they be selling just like a 200 or 300% mark up?

Why are there no CONTROL or Monitoring of Property Prices in Malaysia?Whose responsibility is to control and monitor fair house prices?

Are our House Developers Too Greedy to make high profits or their costs of building new homes are in fact too high nowadays?

Lets study some facts first about what actually houses will cost to build?

How Much Will Your New House Cost?

A building plans pro tells how to estimate your home building costs

By Jackie Craven


You want to build a new house, but can you afford it? To plan your budget, start with a free online building cost estimator. Then look for hidden costs that will add to your final bill. Here are tips from a building plans professional.

“Guesstimate” the Cost of Your New Home

Home building tips by Ken Katuin
1. Contact Local Builders
Meet with builders who construct houses that are similar in size, quality, and features to the home you want. Builders will tell you how much per square foot they usually charge for home construction. They can also give you a ballpark idea of what your dream home might cost. However, it is important to know exactly what is included in the price. If you ask, some builders will provide you a list showing the materials they will use.

2. Count the Square Footage
Look at newly constructed homes that are similar in size, style, quality, and features to the home you want. Take the price of the home, deduct the price of the land, and divide that amount by the square footage of the home.

For example, if the home is selling for $230,000 and the land costs $30,000, then the construction cost is around $200,000. If the home is 2,000 square feet, then the cost per square foot is $100.

Use several new homes in your area to get an approximate square footage price. After you have calculated an average square footage cost, you can multiply that cost by the finished square footage of your house plan to get a ballpark estimate.

3. Expect Some Features to Cost More
The most expensive areas in a home are usually the bathrooms and the kitchen. The number of windows and the size and quality of windows can also affect the cost. Vaulted ceilings and high roof pitches can increase the cost of a home. When using other homes to calculate an estimate, be sure the home has a similar style and features of the home you plan to build.

The cost per square foot is often higher for a small home than that of a larger home. When building a larger home, the cost of expensive items (such as a furnace or kitchen) is spread over more square footage. Consequently, a larger home may have a lower square footage cost than a smaller home. Also, it usually costs less to build a two-story home when compared to a one-story home that has the same square footage. This is because a two-story home will have a smaller roof and foundation. Plumbing and ventilation are more compact in two-story homes.

Small details in the design of your home can make a big difference in the price. To save on costs, begin estimating construction expenses before you select your final blueprints. Here are important factors to consider:

  • Size of Home
    When building a home, it’s best to work with even numbers. Have your home size rounded up or down to increments of two feet. This reduces wasted materials. Also, it’s most economical to build a home which is no deeper than 32 feet. If the depth exceeds 32 feet, then your roof trusses may need to be specially designed and will be more expensive.
  • Architecture of Home
    Homes that have a rectangular or box shape cost less to build. Having more angles and corners in the architectural design of your home can increase the amount of labor and materials needed to build. Dome shaped homes often make efficient use of materials and tend to cost less than other shapes.
  • Site Preparation
    Preparing a site for construction can have a big impact on the cost of a home. Building on a flat lot will usually cost less. If you have to haul in lots of dirt, do a lot of grading, clear trees, or blast through large rocks, then site preparations can become more expensive.
  • Cost Overruns
    Usually the finished cost of a home is more then the original bid price. Cost overruns occur from overspending the allowances, making changes, and encountering unforeseen problems. Proper planning can greatly reduce cost overruns. In general, it is a good idea to allow an additional 10% to cover unexpected costs.
  • Inflation and Market Conditions
    Usually the cost of building a home increases around 3% to 6% per year. If it will be several years before you begin construction, remember to include inflation into the cost estimate for your home. When using other homes to compare prices, try to use homes that have been built within the last six months.

OK,after studying these factors we can make better decisions on the prices of the house we really want to purchase and pay up maybe with a 20 year installment plan with the bank.

If we make a mistake just imagine the loss,wasteful resources,pain and agony of paying up with the hefty costs and feeling unhappy with the housing deal or purchase?

My real estate friend informed Ramli that maybe next year there can be a housing “bubble” where properties are many unsold,left or abandoned and people just dont have the money to buy anymore?Can it happen?

Imagine our growing up adult children have to buy a terrace house worth RM500,000 in shah alam when the same kind of house only cost RM80,000 25 years ago?The so called cheap homes like flats or apartments now even costs RM200,000 each?

Our salary have not seen drastic increased like 10 or 20 times these 25 years but our houses have been increased almost 600% these 25 years in existence?Our new graduates with a degree only can earn a salary of RM2,500 or 3,500 per month and how can he or she afford to buy a house worth RM500,000?They also have to pay for their living expenses,children needs,and so many others…if they earned RM25,000 a month then maybe its OK but only RM2,500 per month?

Ramli wants to find good answers to these problems and also good solutions so that our children can live with confidence,peace and decent living…..

If you want to share your thoughts do send a note to ramli at this site or email:


Today 4thMay,2013 is history to Ramli,why?

Ramli received more than 10 sms and almost the same of telephone calls from the BN Candidiate vying for the MP seat of Shah Alam which is now held by incumbant MP Tuan Hj Khalid Samad (who is actually Ramli former classmate in Form 6 at Sultan Abdul Samad PJ Secondary School.)

So what the interesting story of this desparate Candidate as MP for P.108?

Ramli became so annoyed after receiving numerous sms and telephone calls as such:

SMS from registration numbers of:












Telephone Calls are:

1.0355204222  and of the same tel number always….


See the long existing Pasar Tani in Shah Alam (near the Shah Alam Stadium):

Antara berpuluh ribu kedai2 Riba’ (seperti Along dan Bank2 Komersial) yang memperluaskan bzns Riba’ mereka.Yang akan musnah adalah orang Melayu juga termasuk Cina,India dan lain2…..ada kes rompak dan rogol oleh remaja Melayu baru2 ini di Shah Alam akibat tidak ada wang hendak bayar pinjaman Along jadi mereka buat rompakan dan rogol pada mangsa gadis Melayu yang baru hendak pergi kerja di stesyen komuter shah alam.Siapa yang salah?

Foto2 yang Ramli ambil kedai2 Along di Shah Alam yang sangat banyak dan nampak tanpa kawalan dan “menjadi2” pada hal MP Shah Alam adalah kawan baik sekolah Ramli dulu!STOP RIBA’ Practices NOW!Itu lah Jeritan Rakyat yang Ramli ingin ketengahkan.Allah SWT sangat benci akan sesiapa yang anjurkan Riba’,gunakan Riba’,biarkan Riba’ dan semuanya akan hal2 Riba’ ini…kes rompak dan rogol di atas adalah akibat Riba’ yang berleluasa sekarang.PAS dan UMNO dan juga PKR-hapusan Riba sebelum Allah SWT hapuskan kamu semua!




Klik sini untuk muat turun peta lokasi PPAS



Here are some photos Ramli took when paying his respect to Mum’s grave today 10 Muharram 1433 Hijrah = 6th Dec,2011.

Ramli pada malam 11-11-11 telah bersolat maghrib dan isha’ di MASJID ANNADHAH ISLAMIAH iaitu masjid khariah Ramli di seksyen 18/42 shah alam.

Hari ini dengan keistimewaan dan keganjilannya iaitu bertarikh ganjil 11-11-11 telah pun pihak AJK MASJID menanjurkan DISKUSI ILMIAH yang bertajuk TARIKH2 PILIHAN DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM.

Panel2 Terhormat yang di undang adalah:

1.Y.Bhg.Ustaz Dato Hj.Kamaruddin Zakaria-Manten Imam Besar Masjid Negara dan Penceramah Bebas

2.Y.Bhg.Ustaz Dr.Khairunizaman-Universiti Malaya

Moderator nya adalah Y.Bhg.Ustaz Yusuf Arbain-Sirim

Ramli berjaya mengambil foto,video dan mencatit nota2 dari sesi Diskusi Ilmiah tersebut.

Buat masa ini,Ramli hanya ingin mempamirkan foto2 yang di ambil dan nota sesi tersebut secara “bullet point” sahaja.Inshallah.

Sebagai Rumusan perbincangan sesi tersebut adalah:

  • 234 pasangan telah mendaftar untuk berkahwin pada 11-11-11 berbanding dengan 123 perkahwinan pada 10-10-10
  • setiap 15 minit berlaku satu perceraian pada kalangan umat Islam di Malaysia
  • sahabat2 Nabi Muhammad SAW berjumlah 114,000 yang termaklum dalam Sunah Nabi SAW
  • Rasulullah SAW suka perkara2 yang ganjil dan yang utama adalah ALLAH SWT
  • Yang Hebat adalah di perkara dan perbuatan yang ganjil seperti-Solat Witr,Qiam,Dhuha,Asmaul Husna,
  • Kenal Allah SWT-Yang Satu!
  • Taat pada Allah SWT
  • Tarikh yang penting adalah apabila kita melaksanakan 7 hari 7 malam amalan bukan tarikh lahir atau umur kita sudah menjengkau 55,60 atau 68…..
  • Allah SWT kita membaca Al-Quran dengan tashdid,tajwid dan betul…maka banyak lah manfaat kita perolehi dari Allah SWT
  • Menanggis lah apabila membaca Al-Quran
  • Rasulullah tak pernah tinggal solat dhuha atau pun witr yang ganjil jumlah nya 1,3,5
  • Mengalir lah air mata masa berada di Mekah dan melihat Kaabah!Itu mesti-Inshallah!
  • dan banyak lagi penjelasan dibawa oleh Ahli Panel yang bijaksana dan dihormati.
Ini adalah foto2 Sesi Diskusi Ilmiah di Masjid AnNadhah Islamiah Seksyen 18/42.


    Ramli recently had visited a Teppanyaki Food Shop in Alam Sentral Shopping Compex in Shah Alam .Surprisingly the Chef and Helpers there are Bangladeshi and based on Ramli’s Food Walkabout,many Banglas are working in Klang Valley and many are also working in Food Outlets like this Teppanyaki Food Centre!

    In Bangladesh maybe there is no such Teppanyaki Food but with good training and willingness to learn,the Bangla Guy can become a Great Cook and continually serve their customers with delicious Teppanyaki food.

    See the photos below:

    Semalam seperti setiap hari di Masjid AnNadhah Islamiah (masjid khariah Ramli) di Jalan 18/42 Shah Alam,kuliah agama bersama Ustaz Uda Kassim telah memberi pengajaran yang baik akan apa kita perlu laksanakan atau beri tumpuan dalam hidup kita agar kita menjadi Ahli2 Syurga pada Kiamat nanti apabila Allah SWT menghisab atau mengukur amalan2 baik kita seperti pahala2 yang ada,amal jariah sedeqah kita,mendidik anak2 yang soleh dan banyak lagi amalan2 positif daripada negatif?

    Ustaz Uda Kassim adalah antara satu2 nya Ustaz di Masjid Nadhah ini yang mengajar secara bersiri setiap minggu dengan berpandukan Kitab Fi Zilalil Quran (di bawah bayangan Al-Quran) karangan AsSyahid Syed Qutb-Jilid 17.

    Ramai jemaah yang istiqama menghadiri kuliah2 Ustaz Uda Kassim yang sentiasa mengajar penuh semangat,dedikasi,banyak membawa cerita2 Rasulullah dan Sahabat2 serta pengajaran2 yang kita boleh dapati dari memahami Kitab ini.

    Semalam Ustaz menceritakan bagaimana Allah SWT tidak memandang berat akan hal2 dunia pada hamba2nya malahan hari akhirat adalah apa manusia perlu fokus dan samada bekalan2 untuk akhirat mencukupi untuk segala ujian2 akhirat nanti.Jika banyak pahala atau amalan baik didunia maka Inshallah lah akan selamat kita dalam hisab akhirat nanti.Bak kata sehari di akhirat adalah selama 50,000 tahun di dunia!

    Ustaz juga mencerita kes Madrasah nya dimana Ustaz telah berjaya mendidik seorang muridnya yang tidak pandai langsung mengaji kitab dan hal2 agama dan setelah bertungkus lumus selama 2 tahun mendidik penuh kasih sayang seperti anaknya sendiri akhirnya murid ini yang telah berjaya qatam belajar kitab dan boleh pula mengajar telah MENGHILANG DIRI (LESAP) DENGAN IBUBAPANYA dan tidak langsung beritahu Ustaz akan pemergiannya itu!

    Ini lah yang membuat Ustaz sedih dan seperti kata Ustaz “masih berdarah dalam hatinya” akan betapa sedihnya murid kesayangannya telah pergi sekelip mata tanpa apa sebab yang sebenarnya!Ustaz berharap agar situasi begini tidak akan berlaku lagi pada dirinya dan berharap agar ibubapa akan lebih bersifat tanggungjawab dan hormati Ustaz2 Madrasah atau dimana2 tempat pengajian pun.

    Ustaz juga mengatakan betapa benarnya Manusia sekarang hanya lihat kebendaan atau materialis sahaja dan jika mahu mencari menantu mereka lebih suka mendapat menantu yang berduit,kerja pangkat tinggi,kereta besar2,rumah besar2 dan macam seorang Ustaz atau Hafiz tidak lah laku atau di gemari!Sungguh malangnya nasib umat2 sekarang yang meletak harta kemewahan dari iman dan taqwa dalam fomus hidup mereka.Itu lah sebab manusia mengejar apa yang mereka lihat atau nampak bukan yang tidak nampak seperti akhirat,pahala,iman,taqwa dan budi baik.

    Dunia ini BUSUK bagai bangkai!

    Dunia ini tidak ada apa2 pada Allah SWT maka tumpuan lah kepada Akhirat!

    Seperti kata2 nasihat Imam AlKadir Jalani yang pernah menyebut:

    Wahai ahli2 dunia

    Kamu kejar Dunia,

    Dunia yang kamu kejar

    sedang kejar Ahli2 Akhirat!

    Semoga Allah SWT menganugerahkan kita Hidayah dan Keselamatan Dunia dan Akhirat!

    Salam dari Ramli +6-0192537165 atau emel: