Posts Tagged ‘psr’

There are so many good things one can do if one is wealthy enough to donate to help the poor,the needy and the unfortunate!Billionaires like Bill Gates,Warren Buffet and others have realized the power of giving than just receiving from the sales of their products,services or wealth making.They have agreed to donate their existing wealth in great proportions to Charity of their choice and the quantum of their contribution or donations are in the Billions of USD and also a big percentage of their total wealth amount.

If one were to stroll or walk along Kuala Lumpur streets like Bintang Walk,KLCC,Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman or Jalan Sultan Ismail we definitely will see the great wealth local Malaysians have amassed in their lifetime.At times we can see young people like Gen Y (below the age of 25 years) posessing luxury cars,own high priced condomeniums,eat regularly in premium restaurants and many more where the rich people can go and can afford to pay!Are they making wealth the right ways or are they making wealth the wrong ways?Are they children of Millionaires or Billionaires?Wealth can be made in many ways mainly the Halal and Haram ways!

For Muslims is all about the Halal ways of making or acquirng wealth and only those unfearful of Allah SWT will earn their money in the Haram ways like cheating,gambling,prostitution,smuggling,drug dealing,gangsterism,usury (riba),bribery or receivers of bribe,and many Haram ways of making money!

If you make an effort to learn about the Halal and Haram ways of Islam then maybe this realization of living well and in the realms of Islam can be realized and understood well.

If Allah SWT have been kind and blessed you and you become RICH then its good to practice zakat of at least a 2.5% payment to the Zakat Office so that your wealth is now blessed and you have performed your rightful duties of a pious Muslim.The world have many poor people and this people need constant financial assistance to buy their food of the day,place to stay,children to school,bills to pay and many other expenses a family or an individual need to meet or keep up just like you and me!

The coming of new technical gadgets and modern services like mobilephone,use of credit cards,cars of great comfort and interests,events of great excitement to attend and many more have all impacted the pockets of the common people and also have created many financial burdens to young people who love the thrills and frills of modern living without realizing the power of their wallets or income earned.So these young people suddenly become debt ridden and have many traumas or fear of the chasing Alongs or Bank Collection Dept people always calling and wanting to know when a payment can be made to settle their debts.

These are now effecting not only individuals but also companies and countries where debt problems are really sky rocketing and making them BANKRUPTS !Financial discipline and prudent money management is a Must Have knowledge for all especially GenY and only with this behaviour or attitude can we live in peace,harmony and free from debts or hutang!

My late mother also advised me that only when the real money is in your hands can you start buying things that you want and dont imagine or make a purchase if that money is still “flying” in the air and not in your hands.Another good advise from mum is never borrow if you can because any debts or hutang will make you restless and cannot sleep peacefully!

So,RICH people must help and play their roles in this aspect of CSR by helping people in need to buy food,stay in good shelters (home),have good medical care,get good education and knowledge and many other corporate or personal social responsibilities..

Its not good to be a show off or show all the wealth you have when actually you have not even donated any worthwhile money to such CSR or PSR causes.In Islam there is a verse that states for every dollar or good thing you do,you will be rewarded 700 times over like for a RM1 you donate Allah SWT will reward you in the Hereafter with RM700 as a reward and bank in your Hereafter Bank Account!Just imagine if you have donated RM1 Million where you are now almost becoming a Billionaire in the Hereafter where your wealth have increased to RM700 Million…

So,in summary its good practise to be a giver than a receiver of money and the more you give the better you get Blessed and Have Mercy from Allah SWT and many people believe that a person that always donate or give his wealth will never become poorer or bankrupt.Inshallah.


Everybody must really love their parents including your inlaws!When you are old like above 70 years of age or suffering from sickness,there’s nothing better to be surrounded and being looked after by your loved ones.

In Islam it is a known fact that all children must obey and respect their parents at all times.The Prophet Muhammad pbuh have stated clearly that the mother is almost 3 times as important than the father so all children must never even try to say “huh” or “shut up” to their parents even though they think they are right or in a superior position.It is not easy to always be nice, have great patience or obey your parents when your life is full of challenges and “what have you” BUT upon the advice of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh we must obey and have great trust and confidence to what the great blessings and rewards that Allah SWT will bestow upon us when we really love and care for our dear parents all the time!Inshallah.

If you are in a hospital like Ramli and Munah was the whole last week University Hospital in PJ,you will notice all kinds of human behaviours and actions where at times can make you cry,feel so hurt and just being “numb and dumb” because you just feel you cannot help at all due to financial constraints and time factor.

So,all activities that concerned Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR or CR) and Personal Social Responsibility (PSR) can best be implemented by observing all these events or happenings in the hospital/s.NGOs and Philantrophists are best to assist these initiatives by providing the management,funds and opportunities to do projects to assist or eliminate all these kinds of sufferings,human trajedies and “not so good” happenings to make them become better or resolved all these problems.

The question of life and death is Allah SWT’s Powers or Wishes but we as humans must work hard and pray hard so that Allah SWT Knoweth’s our struggles and our determination to solve our problems to the best we can.Are you ready to perform such tasks in your lifetime at least to your loved ones like parents,inlaws,children and closed relatives or friends?

Hope to write more soon..many stories like ETP,killing of innocent people by “mad people”,riba’ in Malaysia,KIK Conventions,why West Malaysians still need immigration clearance in East Malaysia,the Commonwealth Games,etc…and of course Ramli’s offerings of Trainings and Consultancy in areas of World Class Performance,Corp U,TQM,Revolusi Aksi,QCDSME Factors,KIK@KMK,ICC@QCC,MQT,Team Building etc…plus all the championship events in ProBoxing,MuayThai and Silat…..

Contact Ramli at +6-019-2537165 or emailed:

Ramli always go to the government hospitals like University Hospital in PJ to attend to the needs of his elderly mother Hjh Meenah Hj Ahmad where my mum will go for her regular medical visits and also at times get admitted to the wards there for treatment.

Ramli also will queue to take my mum medicines and what’s so wonderful is that all the medical treatments,medicines and specialist appointments are FREE for my mum who happens to be a Retired Medical Matron and Govt Officer.So, as a pensioner all these are FREE no need to pay anything at all.By the way I think my mum have worked with the Govt for 28 years and retired already for 33 years or so.She is now 90 years old!

When you are in the hospital you can see with your own eyes,hear with your own ears,smell with your own nose and feel with your own heart as to all the happenings infront of you.What can you see there?

1.How old people walk slowly without any of their children helping them to get their medicines or walk to the many clinics.

2.How poor people do not have money to buy drinks or food at the many cafetarias while others are busy “munching” away

3.How some people shout or quarrel as to who or where to go since they lost their way or feel so exausted of the walking and waiting

4.Wait many hours to get treated or wait for the reports from doctors or nurses in charge

5.Make payment to the hospital because they are not govt servants and some have no money to pay so much for their medicines or hospitalization etc..

6.and many more happenings…

Maybe it is good or right to get all these CSR projects done by all these inputs or views from the hospitals.We need to do the right actions for the rightful problems or obstacles!We need to always do it right all the time!

For assistance on this CSR or PSR,please contact Ramli at hp:019-2537165 or email: ..for details and more insights…