Posts Tagged ‘profits’

By today (9thJan,2013) many companies may already paid the annual year end bonuses to their staff for a good work or performance achieved in fiscal year 2012.Ramli heard that in Malaysia those in the Oil&Gas sectors are rewarded handsomely about 4 to 6 mths bonus of their monthly salaries and some even as high as 12 months bonuses!

In the Govt they are promised 1 month bonus or RM500 minimum.

Usually many of those companies with Collective Agreements (CA) in place will agree on a minimum of 2 months bonus irrespective of the company actual business performance!

For Entrepreneurs the commitment to reward their People for a good performance by paying bonuses is a norm and many Entrepreneurs do reward well their staff especially the Top Mgmt with bonuses in Millions of USD or GBP and even SGD.Stories of Top Mgmt being paid millions of USD is common in USA and some even argue that the perks given to Top Executives are just too much and not a good practise!

Prof.Peter Drucker once cautioned Top Mgmt that the salary of the lowest excutive and the No.1 Boss must not be more than 40 times.So if a lowel executive is paid USD 2000 a month then the No.Boss must received a maximum monthly wage of USD 80,000 but that is not the case anymore in USA.Now they have the so called “Celebrity CEOs” whose salaries and perks are at their likes and wishes!Why pay so much then?

Celebrity CEOs can help make lots of profits to a company BUT also can lose Billions of USD to their companies or worst still make the company bankrupt!

Now,the World economic condition is really bad and like in Europe many countries have gone bankrupt and going to become bankrupt!Why?

People and the country have lived in excesses and they reportedly spend more than what they actually earned!So when there is no frugality and wise financial control,any country small or big can go out of control and bust!

Financial Experts need to study all the conditions and what actually caused all these financial problems and what are the people bad habits or poor money management and control?

Being paid good and high bonuses is a blessing actually and thank Allah SWT for being in the profitable sectors or industries and you get paid high bonuses rather than those in the slow and poor performing sectors.Lets hope paying good bonuses can see better performance with the Best Quality,Higher Productivity,Eliminate wastages and reduction of costs,Safer working environments,Higher Morale at work and great Team working and many more tangible and intangible benefits realized.

The habits of saving must be promoted more and more and less credits cards issued and more savings accounts or products introduced to the people!The more we save will be better than the more we spend at least we are debt free all the time! Cash is KIng in business and those companies that have good cash hoards are better off making new investments and increasing their assets and produce a better Balanced Sheet with more blue inks than red inks!

Say thank you to your company (esp the Business Owners/Entrepreneurs) who make sure the company runs well,make profits and make happy employees by paying their salaries,safe guarding their employment and paying good bonuses every end of the year!


The recent financial announcement that MAS may have recorded a loss of about RM2.5 Billion for Financial Year 2011 is so SICKENING AND GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT! WHY?

Almost all of MAS People seem to work very hard at every business process everyday BUT still MAS recorded great loss and wonder when she will make good profits again?

Some of Ramli’s friends have worked with MAS many decades already and what Ramli heard from them that many “foreign workers even engineers” are now in MAS and local Malaysians seem to be at lost and wandering around with no specific directions or mission to make MAS a NO.1 Airline of ASEAN what more the world.”Air Asia” people are also now infusing into MAS processes but still the impact of Air Asia smartness and passion is still not effecting MAS performance or bottomlines?

Ramli having read about Steve Jobs(SJ) iLeadership Ways and Best Practices was just asessing the SJ Ways if introduced in MAS Business and what real impacts or outcomes can MAS expect?

Lets see:

  • Focus on products -MAS need to focus on domestic or overseas travels.Which is the Top Priority and MONEY Spinner!
  • Talented People hired to work with MAS -sorry to say the current CEO is not an airline expert so understanding 100% of the airline business may not be so airline savvy.SJ was Tech Genius and knows the Tech Business like 1000%
  • People at Apple are willing to sacrifice their time just to achieve the Top Player award no tidak apa attitude or dont disturb me during my off time unlike SJ who expect his Team to be ready for answers anytime he called them even at home!
  • SJ will reward and recoqnise all good work and results by personally meeting his people and congratulating them!
  • Never rest on past achievements even though the cash flow is rolling high but keep on improving the products all the time..
  • Always ask “what will the customer’s expereince be” if they open up our apple’s packaging?Same like what will MAS customers’ feel when they are in MAS Air Terminals like KLIA?
  • Talent Recruitment not the work of HR Director or Manager only but like SJ (CEO) he will also identify TOP Talents and invite to work with Apples.Can MAS CEO also do the same?
  • Teambuilding is KEY to Apple’s Great Success and SJ really “turun padang” and meet his Team to identify their problems,help eliminate the problems and find new areas of improvements…
  • and many more what SJ’s Way can also help MAS to be Great Company like Apple (as today is the richest company with biggest market capitalisation above USD500Billion in value!

Lets hope MAS will be GREAT again but to do that the Leadership and People at MAS must think right,act fast and get results at all costs.Focus is key,passion to the mission to be top airline is also important.Making profits and improving the Cash Flow is also KEY and like SJ never say no or give up and lose out to all opponents and distractors!

MAS have been a Top Airline before and MUST now become TOP Again not by wasted efforts,poor leadership and lose focus!

If only Steve Jobs is around maybe MAS can have a new passion and mission to get things done the SJ Way?

Contact Ramli (if interested) at hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed at

Yes,2012 have already begun and you are now in the 1st Qtr of 2012.Normally we split into 4 Qtrs to execute our Business Plan  and yes,we do focus on a monthly,weekly and even daily performance outputs or results.What are your 2012 Focus and How much profits are you targeting or be satisfied to achieve for this 2012?

We need to review,revise and replan our Business Goals or Objectives based on areas of:

  • Q -quality.How we make our products and services better than before that satisfy our global or domestic customers all the time
  • C-cost.How we ensure we produce World Class products and services that at economical costs and eliminate wastages at all sectors or business processes.
  • D-delivery.How we produce or deliver our products and services at a speed satisfied by our customers or meeting our performance standards or promises to our customers.
  • S-safety or security.How we produce our products and services that are safe,secure and without any loss of time due to accidents or unchecked risks.We also ensure safety to our employees and customers.
  • M-morale.How we make our working environment happier than before by all employees working harmoniously,with great teamwork,passion to excel and minimise or zero mgmt-employee problems.
  • E-environment.How to ensure our company have great focus and execute many efforts or events to help save our environment by practising sustainable mgmt of all our resources and doing lots of CR work to ensure we are a caring company as far as sustainable mgmt is concerned.
  • and many others

With all the above subjects of importance being reviewd,revised and replan for better results in 2012 then there is a great opportunity for better results in areas of profits,improvement of the business processes,talent development and results and company branding become more popular and respected.

If YOU are interested to ensure these focus areas are being dealt with seriously for 2012 then do contact Ramli Abu Hassan (see profile) for a meeting to see how we can work together to achieve our agreed mission in the best possible time agreed upon.

Call Ramli at mobile:+6019-2537165 or email:

FYI,Ramli cut and paste the remarks made by the former CEO of MAS when he launched and executed the BTP1 and BTP2 Master Plan.

With such inspiring results before still MAS is a “sick airline” in the actual performance and investors views!Why?

A Letter from the Managing Director

There is no question that MAS is in crisis within the increasingly challenging Asian

airline industry. Today, we have a cash and profit crisis. On current business

assumptions, course and speed, we will surely fail unless we radically change the

way we run our business.

I am convinced that with decisive action, MAS can be a success and emerge as a

winner. We have a plan—The MAS Way—a plan that will turnaround the business

in 2 years. There are already promising early results and a groundswell of energy

that give me confidence that we will realise an all-time high profit for MAS in 2008

of RM 500 million. In my first three months as MD/CEO of Malaysia Airlines, we

have been working very hard to prepare a robust Business Turnaround Plan.  It is

our roadmap going forward.

This will be a long, winding and difficult journey and it will require unleashing the

talents of all our employees and the support of all our stakeholders. We will win

this together.

The GLC Transformation Program launched by the Government in 2004 has gone

a long way to making this possible. It has provided the necessary ‘air-cover’ and

acts as the spearhead for our business turnaround. We will continue to work

within the guidelines prescribed by the GLC Transformation Manual.

I am fully aware that our stakeholders particularly in Malaysia are very interested

in the affairs of MAS. Whilst this document is aimed primarily at communicating

the Business Turnaround Plan to our staff, we felt that it should be made available

to selected external stakeholders. My team and I have decided to be as transparent

as possible about our problems and how we intend to address them, without

disclosing confidential and competitive information. What we are definitely NOT

disclosing is how precisely we are going to implement the plan. The key to success

is indeed in the execution of this plan and that is our secret.

Over the next three years, look for regular updates on our progress and the impact

of our actions. Much lies ahead of us, but we will succeed.

Idris Jala

Managing Director

Malaysia Airlines

27 February 2006

A Joint Message from the Chairman, CEO and CFO

Dear colleagues,

It is great to see how well we have achieved our Business Turnaround targets to date. Together, we kept and

delivered on the promises we made in our Business Turnaround Plan (BTP 1) and delivered significant results.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your contributions over the last 2 years.

We worked really hard and pulled together as a team to successfully implement the BTP 1. Of course, we owe

part of our success to the Government-Linked Companies Transformation (GLCT) Programme which provided

us essential guidelines and a framework throughout the BTP 1 journey.

We must, however, remind everyone that we are not out of the woods yet. There is still a long way to go and

there is no room for complacency. For 2008 and beyond, there will be overcapacity in the industry and

competition will intensify; our yield and profit margins will erode. Based on current industry trends i.e.

overcapacity, increased competition and volatile fuel prices, MAS will surely fail unless we radically change

the way we run our business. We need to continue the momentum we have already built and fundamentally

transform our business into one that will grow in the face of adversity and deliver lasting success.

We are pleased to announce our Business Transformation Plan (BTP 2), which is a continuation of our BTP 1.

It is called “Transformation” because we have successfully completed our turnaround and returned to profitability.

Now, we want to transform MAS to achieve our vision of becoming the World’s Five Star Value Carrier (FSVC)

i.e. providing 5-Star products and services at affordable prices.

Our BTP 1 started with 3 phases: financial survival in 2006, profit generation in 2007 and profitable growth in

2008. Now that we have achieved the target of profit generation, we will shift our focus to profitable growth by

transforming MAS into a FSVC. Our ability to deliver this strategy is the cornerstone of our efforts to grow MAS

into a champion in the global arena. This transformation is vital to MAS’ continued success and relevance in the

long term. If we succeed in achieving this transformation within the next 3 to 5 years, we can realise a net profit

of anywhere between RM1.5 and RM3 billion per annum.                                    

Over the last 2 years, we have seen many of our employees grow as leaders during the BTP 1 journey. We

have learnt a lot and today, there are plenty of opportunities to grow as leaders for those willing to rise

to the challenge. To quote John Ruskin, “The best reward for a man’s toil is not what he gets from it but

what he becomes of it”. We sincerely hope that throughout our next journey to become a FSVC, many of us

will become better at what we are doing and above all, better persons and true leaders in our own right. We

will win this together.

Whilst this document, like the BTP 1, is aimed primarily at communicating the Business Transformation Plan

to our staff, we felt that it should be made available to external stakeholders. We have decided to be as

transparent as possible about our problems and how we intend to address them, without disclosing confidential

and competitive information. What we are NOT disclosing is how precisely we will implement the transformation

plan. The key to success is indeed in the execution of this plan and that is our secret.

The journey ahead is going to be arduous and challenging. It will require unleashing the talents of all our

employees and the support of all our stakeholders. Over the next 3 to 5 years, look out for regular updates on

our progress and the impact of our actions. Much lies ahead of us, but we will succeed.

As always, we are truly grateful for the support and encouragement that we receive from all Malaysians,

far and near.

We look forward to working with you to transform MAS into a Five Star Value Carrier.

Dato’ Dr Mohd Munir

bin Abdul Majid


Dato’ Sri Idris Jala

Managing Director &

Chief Executive Officer

Tengku Dato’ Azmil

Zahruddin bin Raja Abdul Aziz

Executive Director &

Chief Financial Officer

Now based on recent news reports,they are not happy and not excited at all with the new CEO of MAS  reporting on the status of MAS

and the profit forecasts in the coming years! Why?

MAS being a Premium Class Airline Company should easily make RM2 Billion or more billions Ringgit and not lesser than that!Why the New MAS Top Mgmt is making a lower profit projections?Who actually is the King Maker of Top Decision Maker for MAS?

We know Air Asia have a great % of MAS equity now and if MAS is acting like Air Asia or try to catch up with profits like Air Asia is making these few years then MAS Mgmt have got it all wrong!You dont compare yourself with performance like football teams of Sentul FC against Barcelona FC or Manchester City FC!MAS must be Focus and become a 5 Star Value Carrier just like what Dato Sri Idris Jala and his Mgmt Team have planned before!

Maybe its good to request Dato Sri Idris Jala on his current thoughts about the way/s MAS is being led and managed?Ramli is a Strong Supporter and Love MAS so much!

Contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or email:

More news report on whats happening at Mas and AirAsia:

Tuesday August 9, 2011

Rivals MAS and AirAsia to become allies


PETALING JAYA: National carrier Malaysia Airlines and low-cost carrierAirAsia Bhd‘s major shareholders Khazanah Nasional Bhd and Tune Air Sdn Bhd will today announce a landmark share swap deal worth just over RM2bil which will turn the long-time bitter rivals into collaborating partners.

According to sources, under the share swap deal, Khazanah will acquire a 10% stake in AirAsia from Tune Air, a private vehicle controlled by Tan Sri Tony Fernandes and Datuk Kamarudin Meranun.

As at July 6, 2011, Tune Air owned a 26% stake in AirAsia. Sources also said Khazanah was in talks to acquire a 10% stake in long haul low cost carrier AirAsia X but this would be announced at a later date.

As part of the agreement, a source said MAS would issue new shares to Tune Air which would end up with a 20% stake in the national carrier. Khazanah, which has a controlling stake of 69% in MAS, will continue to remain the single largest shareholder in the national airline after the exercise.

The source added that MAS, which was in dire need for fresh capital, would also make a rights issue very soon.

The valuation of the swap will be based on the recent share price of both companies as the exercise involves non-controlling stakes. Trading in both counters are suspended until today for two days pending a material announcement. MAS and AirAsia were last traded at RM1.60 and RM3.95 respectively.

“There is really little that’s innovative about all of this. The reality is that if you look at the big players in the industry, they have a low cost arm and a premium arm. If anything, MAS is just playing catch up only now,” said an observer.

A special executive committee comprising three to five members including MAS newly-appointed chairman Tan Sri Md Nor Yusof anddirector Mohammed Rashdan Yusof as well as Tony and/or Kamarudin will be set up to run the daily operations of the carrier in the interim while the search for a new chief executive officer will commence soon.

The source said MAS CEO Tengku Datuk Azmil Zahruddin would step down from his post to make way for these changes while Rashdan, who is Khazanah’s executive director of investments, would likely play a more active role in the airline until a CEO is identified.

“The exco will be a subset of the board, which will take over the running and management of the airline in the interim. The main decision maker at the airline will be Md Nor,” said the source.

CIMB Investment Bank Bhd has been appointed advisor for the share swap deal representing both parties.

“If you stand back and look at this deal, you can see the value it will bring to a full-service carrier (FSC) like MAS. The trend among FSCs is that they are gradually deriving a bulk of their revenue less from the airline operations and more from ancillary services such as maintenance, repair, operations (MRO) services and so forth. These services are huge profit centres. Currently, AirAsia outsources these services. With this partnership, MAS can be the outsourcing agent,” said an analyst.

“This way, MAS which has a staff strength of 20,000 can use its people more productively. There won’t be a need to lay off staff as both airlines will be run separately,” said the source.

The deal’s defendants say this deal marks a “great opportunity to create Malaysia as an airline hub”. “The whole idea is not for Tony to run MAS. It is to realign both airlines’ interests to allow them to grow with a more clear business model MAS in premium segment and AirAsia in budget segment as opposed to being in each other’s way,” said an analyst.

A source said this deal “has been cooking for so long but in the absence of a structure that could work and concerns over a clash of cultures, it had failed to take off.”

Infos on MAS from Wikipedia:

Malaysia Airlines

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Malaysia Airlines (MAS)
Penerbangan Malaysia





1947 (as Malayan Airways), October 1, 1972 (asMalaysian Airline System)


Secondary hubs

Kuching International Airport

Frequent-flyer program

Airport lounge

Golden Lounge


Oneworld (future)[1]


Fleet size

100 (+60 orders, 20 options)


85 inc. Maswings

Company slogan

“MH” is Malaysian Hospitality

Parent company

Penerbangan Malaysia Berhad (Government Holding Company)


Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport

Key people

Azmil Zahruddin (Managing Director & CEO)


Malaysian Airline System Berhad (MYX3786), DBA Malaysia Airlines (abbreviated MAS), is the government-owned flag carrier ofMalaysia. Malaysia Airlines operates flights from its home base, Kuala Lumpur International Airport, and its eastern hub in Kota Kinabalu. It has its headquarters on the grounds of Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in SubangSelangor.[2]

Despite a financial restructuring exercise in 2006, Malaysia Airlines maintains a strong presence in Southeast AsiaEast AsiaSouth Asia,Middle East and on the Kangaroo Route between Europe and Australasia. Malaysia Airlines also operates transatlantic flights from Kuala Lumpur to Buenos Aires, via Cape Town. It operates transpacific flights from Kuala Lumpur to Los Angeles, via Taipei.

Malaysia Airlines’ non-aeronautical revenue sources include maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO),[3] and aircraft handling. Malaysia Airlines has two airline subsidiaries: Firefly and MASwings. Firefly operates scheduled flights from its two home bases Penang International Airport and Subang International Airport. The airline focuses on tertiary cities although has recently launched services to Borneo from Kuala Lumpur International Airport. MASwings focuses on inter-Borneo flights. Malaysia Airlines has a freighter fleet operated by MASKargo, which manages freighter flights and aircraft cargo-hold capacity for all Malaysia Airlines’ passenger flights. MASCharter is another subsidiary of Malaysia Airlines, operating charter flights using Malaysia Airlines’ aircraft. After recovering from past losses, Malaysia Airlines is keen on merger and acquisition (M&A) activities: particularly airlines in the Asia Pacific region.[4] Malaysia Airlines was ranked second with score 88 in Aviation Week’s Top Performing Companies which accurately measures financial viability of an airline.[5]

Since its inception in 1963, after Malayan Airways was separated into two parts, Malaysia Airlines has built up a strong brand name in the aviation industry for service and safety,[6] coupled with numerous awards from international bodies such as Skytrax.[7] Malaysia Airlines is accredited by International Air Transport Association with IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) for its operational safety practices.[8]

Malaysia Airlines is one of the seven airlines to be ranked as a 5-star airline by the independent research consultancy firm Skytrax.[9]Malaysia Airlines is also listed among Skytrax’s Quality Approved Airlines.[10]




Malaysia Airlines commenced operations in 1987 after the airline changed its name from Malaysian Airline System. The airline began in 1947 as Malayan Airways, being renamed Malaysian Airways after Malaysia gained independence. After that, it changed its name once more to Malaysia-Singapore Airlines and thereafter ceased its operation. It was then divided into Malaysia Airlines and Singapore Airlines.


An Airspeed Consul, the first aircraft type operated by Malayan Airways.

Malayan Aviation History

Scheduled air passenger and mail services in Malaya commenced in 1937 when Wearne’s Air Service (WAS) commenced operating services between Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Penang. Wearne’s Air Service was started by two Australian brothers, Theodore and Charles Wearnes.[11] The service commenced as a thrice weekly flight between Singapore and Penang The first flight, using an 8-seater de Havilland DH.89A Dragon Rapide took place on 28 June 1937[12] This inaugural flight departed Singapore from the then brand-new Kallang Airport which had just opened earlier in the same month on 12 June[13] Later a second D.H.89A enabled the expansion to daily services as well as the addition of Ipoh as a destination. The WAS services ceased with the onset of the Second World War Japanese occupation of Malaya and Singapore.


An initiative[14] by the Alfred Holt’s Liverpool-based Ocean Steamship Company, in partnership with the Straits Steamship Company[15] and Imperial Airways, resulted in the incorporation in Singapore on 12 October 1937, Malayan Airways Limited (MAL). But the first paying passengers could be welcomed on board only some 10 years later. After the war, MAL was restructured to include just the partnership of Straits Steamship and Ocean Steamship. The airline’s first flight was a charter flight from the BritishStraits Settlement of Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, on 2 April 1947, using an Airspeed Consul twin-engined aircraft.[16] This inaugural flight on the “Raja Udang”,[17] with only five passengers, departed Singapore’s Kallang Airport and was bound for Kuala Lumpur’s Sungai Besi Airport. Weekly scheduled flights quickly followed from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang from 1 May 1947 with the same aircraft type.[18] The airline continued to expand during the rest of the 1940s and 1950s, as other British Commonwealth airlines (such as BOAC and Qantas Empire Airways) provided technical assistance, as well as assistance in joining IATA. By 1955, Malayan Airways’ fleet had grown to include a large number ofDouglas DC-3s, and went public in 1957. Other aircraft operated in the first two decades included the Douglas DC-4 Skymaster, the Vickers Viscount, the Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation, the Bristol Britannia, the De Havilland Comet 4 and the Fokker F27. Over the next few years, the airline expanded rapidly, boosted by post-war air travel demand when flying became more than a privilege for the rich and famous. By 12 April 1960, the airline was operating Douglas DC-3sSuper Constellations and Viscounts on new routes fromSingapore to Hong Kong, and from Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok via Penang. Flights were also introduced from Singapore to cities in the Borneo Territories, including BruneiJesselton (nowKota Kinabalu), KuchingSandakan and Sibu.

In 1957, the airline became a state-run stock corporation. With the delivery of an 84-seat Bristol Britannia in 1960, the airline launched its first long-haul international flight, to Hong Kong. When MalayaSingaporeSabah and Sarawak formed the Federation of Malaysia in 1963, the airline’s name was changed, from “Malayan Airways” to “Malaysian Airlines” (though still abbreviated to MAS). MAS also took over Borneo Airways. In 1966, following Singapore’s separation from the federation, the airline’s name was changed again, to Malaysia-Singapore Airlines (MSA). The next year saw a rapid expansion in the airline’s fleet and routes, including the purchase of MSA’s first Boeing aircraft: the Boeing 707s, as well as completion of a new high-rise headquarters in Singapore. Boeing 737s were added to the fleet soon afterward.


The differing needs of the two shareholders, however, led to the break-up of the airline just 6 years later. The Singapore government preferred to develop the airline’s international routes, while the Malaysian government had no choice but to develop the domestic network first before going regional and eventually international. MSA ceased operations in 1972, with its assets split between two new airlines; Malaysian Airline System (MAS)(now Malaysia Airlines), and Singapore Airlines.

With the Singapore government determined to develop Singapore Airlines’ international routes, it took the entire fleet of seven Boeing 707s and five Boeing 737s, which would allow it to continue servicing its regional and long-haul international routes. Since most of MSA’s international routes were flown out of Singapore, the majority of international routes were in the hands of Singapore Airlines. In addition, MSA’s headquarters, which was located in Singapore, became the headquarters of that airline.

The initials MSA were well regarded as an airline icon, and both carriers tried to use them. Malaysian went for MAS by just transposing the last two letters and choosing the name Malaysian Airline System, while Singapore originally proposed the name Mercury Singapore Airlines to keep the MSA initials, but changed its mind and went for SIA instead. Acronyms for airline names later became less fashionable, and both carriers then moved on to their descriptive names.



Boeing 747-400

Malaysian Airline System took all domestic routes within Malaysia and international routes out of that country, as well as the remaining fleet ofFokker F27‘s. It began flights on 1 October 1972. Soon after that, Malaysia Airline System rapidly expanded its services, including introducing long-haul flights from Kuala Lumpur to London.

In the same year, MAS operated flights to more than 34 regional destinations and six international services. In 1976, after receiving its DC-10-30 aircraft, MAS scheduled flights reached Europe, with initial services from Kuala Lumpur to AmsterdamParis and Frankfurt.

An economic boom in Malaysia during the 1980s helped spur growth at Malaysia Airlines. By the end of the decade, MAS was flying to 47 overseas destinations, including eight European destinations, seven Oceania destinations, and the United States destinations of Los Angelesand Honolulu. In 1993, Malaysia Airlines reached South America when the airline received its Boeing 747 aircraft. When Malaysia Airlines introduced its service from Kuala Lumpur to South America, MAS became the first airline in Southeast Asia to serve South America via its flights to Buenos AiresArgentina. Malaysia Airlines also flew to Mexico City between 1994 and 1998, taking advantage of fifth-freedom rights which allowed it carry passengers between Mexico City and Los Angeles, enroute to Kuala Lumpur.

First unprofitability

Prior to the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997, the airline suffered losses of as much as RM 260 million after earning a record-breaking RM319 million profit in the financial year 1996/1997. The airline then introduced measures to bring its P&L back into the black. For the financial year 1999/2000, the airline cut its losses from RM700 million in the year 1998/1999 to RM259 million. However, the airline plunged into further losses in the following year, amounting to RM417 million in FY2000/2001 and RM836 million in FY2001/2002. With these losses, the airline cut many unprofitable routes, such as BrusselsDarwinHonoluluMadridMunich and Vancouver.

The airline recovered from its losses in the year 2002/2003. It achieved its then-highest profit in the year 2003/2004, totaling RM461 million.

Second unprofitability


Regional services flown by Fokker F50s, such as this one, were once operated at a substantial loss.

In the year 2005, Malaysia Airlines reported a loss of RM1.3 billion. Revenue for the financial period was up by 10.3% or RM826.9 million, compared to the same period for 2004, driven by a 10.2% growth in passenger traffic. International passenger revenue increased by RM457.6 million or 8.4%, to RM5.9 billion, while cargo revenue decreased by RM64.1 million or 4.2%, to RM1.5 billion. Costs increased by 28.8% or RM2.3 billion, amounting to a total of RM 10.3 billion, primarily due to escalating fuel prices. Other cost increases included staff costs, handling and landing fees, aircraft maintenance and overhaul charges, Widespread Assets Unbundling (WAU) charges and leases.[19]

The Government of Malaysia appointed Idris Jala as the new CEO on 1 December 2005, to execute changes in operations and corporate culture. Several weaknesses in airline operations were identified as the causes of the RM1.3 billion loss. These included esclating fuel prices, increased maintenance and repair costs, staff costs, low yield per available seat kilometre (“ASK”) via poor yield management and an inefficient route network. Under the leadership of Idris Jala, Malaysia Airlines launched its Business Turnaround Plan in 2006, developed using the Government-linked company (GLC) Transformation Manual as a guide.

The most substantial factor in the losses was fuel costs. For the period, the total fuel cost was RM3.5 billion, representing a 40.4% increase compared to the same period in 2004. Total fuel cost increases comprised RM977.8 million due to higher fuel prices and another RM157.6[19]million due to additional consumption. In the third quarter, fuel costs were RM1.26 billion, compared to the RM1.01 billion in the corresponding period in 2004, resulting in a 24.6% increase or RM249.3 million.[19]

Another factor for the losses was high operating costs. MAS substantially lagged its peers on yield. Some of this gap is due to differences in traffic mix,[20] (less business traffic to and from Malaysia than to and from Singapore), but much of it was due to weaknesses in pricing and revenue management, sales and distribution, brand presence in foreign markets, and alliance base. Malaysia Airlines has one of the lowest labour costs per ASK at USD0.41, compared to other airlines such as Cathay Pacific and Singapore Airlines at USD0.59 and USD0.60[20] respectively. However, despite its low labour cost, the ratio of ASK revenue (millions) to this cost was, at 2.8, much lower than Singapore Airlines, where the ratio is 5.0, and slightly higher than Thai International Airways[20]

There are other factors listed in the Business Turnaround Plan of Malaysia Airlines, all leading to the net loss of RM1.3 billion in the year 2005.

Recovery from unprofitability


Boeing 777-200ER

Under the various initiatives, launched together with the Business Turnaround Plan, Malaysia Airlines turned losses into profits between FY2006 and FY2007. When the Business Turnaround Plan came to an end, the airline posted a record profit of 851 million Ringgit (265 million dollars) in 2007, ending a series of losses since 2005. The result exceeded the target of RM300 Million by 184%.[21]

Among the initiatives that turned losses back into profit, route rationalising was one of the major contributors. Malaysia Airlines pared its domestic routes from 114 to 22, and also cancelled virtually all unprofitable international routes (such as Kuala Lumpur-Manchester, that required a 140% load factor to break even). Apart from that, Malaysia Airlines also rescheduled all of its flight timings and changed its operations model from point to point services to hub and spoke services.

Additionally, the airline started Project Omega and Project Alpha to improve the company’s network and revenue management. Emphasis has been placed on six areas: pricing, revenue management, network scheduling, opening storefronts, low season strategy and distribution management.

Malaysia Airlines has been involved in discussions for new aircraft purchases, using its cash surplus of 5.3 billion Ringgit to eventually purchase 55 narrow-body aircraft and 55 wide-body aircraft.[22]

Despite all these achievements, the airline is still frequently the target of critics who often deride the carrier is lagging behind their competitors in the region. This notion is not helped by the fact Malaysia Airlines has not made substantial investments in customer service, especially compared to Thai Airways or Singapore Airlines.

On 22 December 2009, Malaysia Airlines announced the purchase of 15 new Airbus A330 aircraft, with options for another 10. Expected to be delivered between 2011 and 2016, they are intended to operate on medium-haul routes to eastern Asia, Australia, and the Middle East. The airline’s plans are to run Airbus A380 planes, which will be introduced into service in 2012, on long-haul routes, A330s on medium-haul routes, and Boeing 737 aircraft on short-haul routes. Under this plan, it is unclear where Boeing wide-bodies currently in the fleet would fall.[23]

Everyday Low Fares

Malaysia Airlines took an unprecedented move with its “Everyday Low Fares” (ELF) programme on 6 May 2008 which offers 1.3 million RM 0 for all domestic routes operated by Malaysia Airlines and Firefly.[24] According to the managing director of Malaysia Airlines, Datuk Seri Idris Jala the Everyday Low Fares programme will create new demand for people who do not fly with Malaysia Airlines.[25]

The Everyday Low Fares programme offers a maximum of 30% of the total seats on every flight which are unsold due to the average load factor of 70% on each flight. Thus, Malaysia Airlines is generating income for the airline through fuel surcharge, administrative fee and airport tax.[26] By 14 May 2008, Malaysia Airlines has sold more than 150,000 seats since the launch of the programme and 50,000 tickets have been sold in the first two days.[27] Malaysia Airlines is also extending the programme to all ASEAN routes operated by Malaysia Airlines (except Yangon).[28]

However, the Everyday Low Fares programme launched by Malaysia Airlines has been strongly opposed by Asia’s largest low-cost carrierAirAsia, which claims that Malaysia Airlines is competing directly with AirAsia’s business model but at the same time not allowing the budget carrier to compete against the national airline.[29]

Corporate information

Malaysia Airlines is listed on the stock exchange of Bursa Malaysia under the name Malaysian Airline System Berhad. The airline suffered high losses over the years due to poor management and fuel price increases. As a result of financial restructuring (Widespread Asset Unbundling)[19] in 2002, led by BinaFikir, Penerbangan Malaysia Berhad became its parent company, incorporated in 2002, in exchange for assuming the airline’s long-term liabilities. On the operational side, the Government of Malaysia appointed Idris Jala as the new CEO on 1 December 2005, to execute changes in operations and corporate culture. Under his leadership, Malaysia Airlines unveiled its Business Turnaround Plan (BTP) in February, 2006, which highlighted low yield, an inefficient network and low productivity (overstaffing). The airline headquarters building in downtown Kuala Lumpur was sold. The new corporate headquarters is now at Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in Subang, Selangor.


Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 flight MH138 docked at Adelaide Airport awaiting departure

Following the Widespread Asset Unbundling (WAU) restructuring of Malaysia Airlines, Malaysian Government investment arm and holding company, Khazanah Nasional‘s subsidiary, Penerbangan Malaysia Berhad[30] is the majority shareholder with a 52.0% stake.[30] After Penerbangan Malaysia Berhad, the second-largest shareholder is Khazanah Nasional, which holds 17.33% of the shares. Minority shareholders include Employees Provident Fund Board (10.72%), Amanah Raya Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd (5.69%), State Financial Secretary Sarawak (2.71%), foreign shareholders (5.13%)[30] and Warisan Harta Sabah (2.4%). It has 19,546 employees (as of March, 2007).[31] Malaysia Government has been reporting that the government’s holding company, Khazanah Nasional is keen on selling shares of Malaysia Airlines to remain globally competitive in an industry which is fast-consolidating.[4]


Main article: Malaysia Airlines Subsidiaries

Malaysia Airlines has diversified in to related industries and sectors, including aircraft ground handling, aircraft leasing, aviation engineering, aircatering, and tour operator operations. It has also restructured itself by spinning-off operational units as fully owned subsidiaries, to maintain its core business as a passenger airline. Malaysia Airlines has over 20 subsidiaries, with 13 of them fully owned by Malaysia Airlines.[32]

Some of the subsidiaries include:



Principal activities

Incorporated in

Group’s Equity Shareholding

Malaysia Airlines Cargo Sdn. Bhd Subsidiary Cargo Malaysia 100%
GE Engine Services Malaysia Joint Venture Engine Overhaul Malaysia 30%
MASwings Sdn. Bhd. Subsidiary Airline Malaysia 100%
Firefly Sdn. Bhd. Subsidiary Airline Malaysia 100%
MAS Aerotechnologies Sdn Bhd Subsidiary MRO Malaysia 100%
MAS Golden Holidays Sdn Bhd Subsidiary Tour operator Malaysia 100%
Malaysian Aerospace Engineering Sdn Bhd Subsidiary Engineering Malaysia 100%
MAS Academy Sdn Bhd Subsidiary Flight school Malaysia 100%
Abacus Distribution Systems (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Subsidiary Computer reservation system Malaysia 80%
Taj Madras Air Catering Limited Associate Catering India 20%
MAS Catering (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd Subsidiary Catering Sarawak 60%
LSG Sky Chefs Associate Holding company Malaysia 30%
MAS Engineering Training Centre Subsidiary Maintenance Training school Malaysia 100%

Financial highlights

Malaysia Airlines experienced its worst lost in FY2005, with RM1.25 billion losses. Since then, the Business Turnaround Plan was introduced to revive the airline, in the year 2006. At the end of the airline’s turnaround program, in financial year 2007, Malaysia Airlines gained RM851 million net profit: a swing of RM987 million compared to RM134 million in losses in FY2006, marking the national carrier’s highest-ever profit in its 60-year history. The achievement was recognised as the world’s best airline-turnaround story in 2007, with Malaysia Airlines being awarded the Phoenix award by Penton Media’s Air Transport World: the leading monthly magazine covering the global airline industry.[33]

Malaysia Airlines Financial Highlights.[34]

Year ended/(Quarter Ended) Revenue
(RM ‘000)
(RM ‘000)
after Tax (RM ‘000)
Fund (RM ‘000)
EPS after tax
31 December 2002 8,864,385 8,872,391 336,531 2,562,841 38.7
31 December 2003 8,780,820 8,591,157 461,143 3,023,984 36.8
31 December 2004 11,364,309 11,046,764 326,07 3,318,732 26.0
31 December 2005 9,181,338 10,434,634 (1,251,603) 2,009,857 (100.20)
31 December 2006 13,489,549 13,841,607 (133,737) 1,873,452 (10.90)
31 December 2007 15,288,640 14,460,299 852,743 3,934,893 58.05
31 December 2008 15,503,714 15,259,027 245,697 4,186,000 14.62
31 December 2009 12,782,086 12,288,980 493,106 747,596 28.64
31 December 2010 13,587,610 13,462,139 237,346 3,524,166 7.2



Malaysia Airlines cabin crew.

Malaysia Airlines’ branding and publicity efforts have revolved primarily around flight crew, unlike most other airlines which tend to emphasise aircraft and an extensive route network. Malaysia Airlines uses its flight attendants to promote the airline. This branding strategy seeks to portray cabin crews of Malaysia Airlines as representative of Malaysian hospitality and friendliness.[35] During the late 1990s to year 2007, Malaysia Airlines has been using the Going Beyond Expectations slogan to brand itself internationally by heavily promoting its service excellence. With the rollout of the Business Transformation Plan in 2008,[36] the CEO of Malaysia Airlines rejected the idea of using MH’s network or certain other features as its new branding strategy.[37] Instead, the new branding strategy slogan is MH is Malaysian Hospitality, to emphasise the hospitality of its cabin crew instead of the airline’s extensive network and its premium cabin and economy class cabin products.

The airline runs a training program for cabin and flight crew to ensure that the Malaysia Airlines brand experience is delivered correctly. The airline’s repute, and the resulting prestige of the job, has allowed it to be highly selective during its recruitment process. Of every thousand candidates who go for interviews, only 50 or 60 are chosen.[37]

Corporate image

Malaysia Airlines introduced Sarong Kebaya design on 1 March 1986[38] for female flight attendants. It was designed by the School of Fashion at Mara Institute of Technology (Malay:Institut Teknologi Mara) and later known as Mara University of Technology (MalayUniversiti Teknologi Mara). The batik material depicts the kelarai motif, which is a bamboo weave pattern. It appears in the background in subdued hues of the basic uniform colour. Superimposed on the kelarai motif is a mixture of Malaysian flora, such as the cempaka, jasmine and the leaves of the hibiscus. The geometric Sarawakian motif is used for the lapels of the baju, edges of sleeves and the sarong. On 1 January 1993, the colours of the batik were enhanced to complement the colour of the new uniform. The male flight attendants wear Ottanio colour jackets.[35] The stewardess’ uniforms are similar to that of the Singapore Girls‘ (stewardesses of Singapore Airlines).


Malaysia Airlines regional cabin staff

Colour Code of female flight attendants

  • Red Sarong Kebaya with yellow flowers with red background are for the Inflight Supervisors
  • Sarong Kebaya with pink flowers are for Chief Stewardesses, Leading Stewardesses and Flight Stewardesses (see difference from the name tag)
  • Sarong Kebaya with magenta flowers are for the ground frontliners

Colour Code of male flight attendants

  • Black coat with red tie are for the Inflight Supervisors
  • Dark shade Ottanio colour jackets are for Chief Stewards, Leading Stewards and Flight Stewards (see difference from the name tag)
  • Light shade Ottanio colour jackets are for male ground frontliners

Corporate logo

The history of the airline started in 1937, when Malayan Airways Limited was registered as a company. Flying operations started in 1947, with the aircraft bearing the symbol of a winged tiger. In 1963, the airline was renamed Malaysian Airways Limited, when the Federation of Malaysia was formed. Subsequently, Borneo Airways Limited was absorbed by Malaysian Airways Limited. In 1965, with the political separation of Singapore from Malaysia, there was continued participation by the governments of Malaysia and Singapore in the airline. In 1967, the company changed its name to Malaysia-Singapore Airline Limited (MSA), which was the joint national air carrier for both countries, and a new logo was introduced.

In 1971, Malaysia-Singapore Airline Limited was separated into two airlines, each with its own policies and objectives, leading to the birth of Malaysia’s flag carrier, Malaysian Airline System (MAS), on 3 April 1971. The name was chosen because, in abbreviated form, MAS (as in EMAS) in Malay means gold, to symbolise quality service.

A new corporate logo designed by Dato’ Johan Ariff, the Creative Director of Johan Design Associates (JDA) was introduced on 15 October 1987, retaining the essence of the moon kite, with a sheared swept-back look. Along with the new corporate logo, a new type style – MALAYSIA, was created. It is italicised to slant parallel with the logo to accentuate speed as well as direction. Within this corporate typestyle, the letters MAS bear red clippings to denote the initials of the statutory name of the airline, Malaysian Airline System (MAS), and were added after the original design was rejected by former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir. The introduction of blue to the original red logo has national significance. The red and blue divides equally in the middle to denote equilibrium.


Malaysia Airlines, along with Air FranceBritish AirwaysDelta Air LinesEmirates AirlinesKorean AirQantasQatar AirwaysSingapore AirlinesSouth African Airways, and United Airlines, is one of the few airlines that fly to all six inhabited continents.

See also: Malaysia Airlines destinations.

Before the introduction of the Business Turnaround Plan, Malaysia Airlines operated 118 domestic routes within Malaysia and 114 international routes across six continents.[20] Malaysia Airlines now flies to 87 destinations across six continents from its primary hub in Kuala Lumpur. It has a particularly strong presence in the Southeast Asia region, which, together with its subsidiary MASWings and Firefly, connects Kuala Lumpur to the most destinations in Borneo Island. Apart from that, the airline has a key role in the Kangaroo Route, on which the airline provides onward connecting flights from main European gateways to major Australian and New Zealand gateways via Kuala Lumpur International Airport, within 5 hours. Malaysia Airlines also operates transpacific flights from Kuala Lumpur to Los Angeles International Airport via TaipeiTransatlantic flights from Kuala Lumpur to Newark Liberty International Airportvia Stockholm-Arlanda Airport ended October 2009 due to poor passenger loads.

Under the Business Turnaround Plan, numerous routes had been axed and frequencies reduced. As of September 2007, Malaysia Airlines flies to 88 destinations. In cooperation with code-share partner airlines, the airline serves more than one hundred destinations worldwide. It was the first airline in Southeast Asia to fly to South Africa, following the demise ofapartheid, and the only airline in Southeast Asia that serves South America via South Africa. In 2006, it suspended its routes to Manchester, Vienna, Fukuoka, Chengdu, Nagoya, Xi’an, Cairo, Kolkata, Ahmedabad and Zürich under its Business Turnaround Plan.

Malaysia Airlines also owns its own charter flight division. Malaysia Airlines’ charter flights have flown to destinations around the world, such as Guilin, which was previously one of Malaysia Airlines’ scheduled destinations, and Christmas Island. Malaysia Airlines has also been the official airline for the Manchester United Asian Tour[39] It also has a substantial Hajj operation.

Malaysia Airlines has applied for approval to launch 3 weekly Kota Kinabalu – Tokyo Haneda service with Boeing 737-800, effective 15 November 2010. Once receiving regulatory approval, Malaysia Airlines will adjust Tokyo operation. All Kuala Lumpur – Tokyo traffic departs/arrives in Narita, and Kota Kinabalu – Tokyo traffic operates from/to Haneda.

Partnerships and codeshare agreements

Malaysia Airlines has codesharing partnerships with 31 airlines, including four from SkyTeam, two from Oneworld and ten from Star Alliance.[40]

Under the revised Business Transformation Plan unveiled in January 2008, Malaysia Airlines has embarked on a plan to form a network that resembles an alliance without joining an alliance. The airline requested to join the SkyTeam alliance in 2006,[41] but there is still no outcome from the discussions. Malaysia Airlines signed code-share agreements with Alitalia in Italy and China Southern Airlines in China, both of which are members of SkyTeam, in 2007.[42]

Therefore, instead of waiting to join SkyTeam, Malaysia Airlines launched Project MOSAIC together with the new Business Turnaround Plan for the period until 2012. MOSAIC stands for ‘MAS Overall Strategic Alliance Integration Concept’, to reap the maximum value from Malaysia Airlines’ present hub-and-spoke network.[36] The MOSAIC Project’s scope includes identifying high-value codeshare partners and Special Pro-Rate Agreement (SPA) partners, increasing agreements with partner airlines, discontinuing non-beneficial codeshare partners and optimising flight connections.

However, the airline has announced at the IATA World Air Transport Summit on June 6, 2011 that it will join the Oneworld alliance, with full integration as a member in 12 – 18 months.

Malaysia Airline’s codeshare partners as of July 2010 are, * indicate as Oneworld.


Main article: Malaysia Airlines fleet


Boeing 747-400 9M-MPB of Malaysia Airlines in the special “Hibiscus” livery, taking off from Runway 34L at Sydney airport


A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 737, registered as 9M-MMU, during pushback at Kuching International Airport

As of July 2011, Malaysia Airlines operates the following types of aircraft:[43][44]










Airbus A330-200






Equipped with PTV

Airbus A330-300






Old config. Portable AVOD in Business class







New Regional Business and Economy Class, equipped with AVOD[45]
Entry into service: 20 April 2011

Airbus A380-800






Entry into service: 2012[46]

Boeing 737-400






Exit from service: 2014

Boeing 737-800






6 aircraft leased from ILFC







Replacement of 737-400.
New Short/Medium Haul Business & Economy Class

Boeing 747-400






Equipped with AVOD

Boeing 777-200ER






Equipped with AVOD

MASkargo Fleet

Airbus A300-600



42,000 kg


Airbus A330-200F



Boeing 747-200F



100,000 kg


Boeing 747-400F



120,000 kg





Malaysia Airlines operates a fleet of aircraft with two-cabin and three-cabin configurations. The B777-200 fleet has a two-cabin configuration, with Golden Club Class and Economy Class. The Boeing 747-400 fleet has a three-cabin configuration, also including First Class. The Airbus A330-300, A330-200 and Boeing 737-400 aircraft have a two-cabin configuration. Malaysia Airlines’ premium cabins and Economy Class have won numerous awards for excellence in product and service delivery.[48]

Ground service

Passengers may check-in between 2 and 48 hours prior to flight departure. This may be done at the counter, or at the premium-classes Golden Lounge within the airport. Self-service kiosks (CUSS) are also available at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

Alternatively, passengers may check in at KL Sentral City Air Terminal, through the internet or by phone. Online printing of boarding passes is available through internet check-in. Passengers on short trips may also check-in for their return flight upon departure from the city of origin.

Airport lounge


Malaysia Airlines’ Golden Lounge

The Golden Lounge is the airport lounge for Malaysia Airlines First ClassGolden Club Class passengers and Enrich Platinum and Enrich Goldmembers. The clubs all have open bars and food catering. There are 14 lounges throughout the world, and qualified passengers have full reciprocal privileges at lounges operated by selected partners. The lounge offers various services such as business centres, food catering, slumber rooms and child-care centres.[49]

Lounges are maintained at the following airports:

In April 2008, the airline launched its new Regional Golden Lounge at the KL International Airport (KLIA) for regional-bound first and business class passengers.

With this new lounge, Malaysia Airlines at Kuala Lumpur International Airport now has three lounges: the Satellite Lounge, Domestic Lounge and the Regional Lounge.


First Class

The newer version of First Class was introduced in 2005, and is only available on the Boeing 747-400, with 12 seats. It features a 180-degree lie-flat seat with a pitch of 80 inches (200 cm) and a width of 28 inches (71 cm) with double drop down arm. The passenger can choose from a variety of positions at the touch of a button.


The long haul Business Class

Business Class

Business Class or previously known as Golden Club Class is available on all of Malaysia Airlines’ fleet. The newer business class, introduced in 2005, can only be found on Boeing 747-400s, which has 41 seats, and the Boeing 777-200, which has 35 seats.

Regional Business Class seats are offered on the Airbus A330 aircraft, featuring reclining seats and footrests. Passengers may enjoy selected movies, news and documentaries through the Portable Media Player (PMP) for flights of 3 hours and over. A newer generation of regional business class seats is being rolled out to all new deliveries of Airbus A330 for all short-medium haul routes, such as Perth and Shanghai.[50]Seats made by Recaro within the Business Class cabin of new A330-300 are configured in pairs (2-2-2) layout, fitted with in-seat power and USB port, as well as new Select 3000i on a 15.4 inches touch screen panel. The first Airbus A330-300 carrying the new Regional Business Class was assigned to Kuala Lumpur – Brisbane sector on 20 April 2011.[51]

Economy Class

Economy Class is available on all of Malaysia Airlines’ fleet. Seats feature a pitch of 33-34 inches and width of 17-17.25 inches, with footrests (except on B737-400s). On the Airbus A330-200, Boeing 747-400 and Boeing 777-200, it offers a 6.5″ personal TV located behind each seat, and a footrest located below the seat in front, the A330-300 offers no personal TV but overhead TV’s located in the aisles of the plane. The Boeing 737-400 has a standard Economy seat. In 2010, Economy Class was voted the World’s Best Economy Class at the 2010 World Airline Awards by Skytrax.[52]

Alongside with Malaysia Airline’s fleet renewal program, new deliveries of Boeing 737-800 and Airbus A330-300 will feature a new economy class seats. The new economy class seats in both Boeing 737-800 and Airbus A330-300 aircraft are fitted with a 9 inch touch screen personal television, as well as the refreshed Select 3000i in-flight entertainment system. The Weber seats in A330-300 is configured in 2-4-2 layout, equipped with USB port and in-seat power. Economy class in the new Boeing 737-800 would feature Boeing Sky Interior, a first for a full service airline.[53]

In-flight entertainment

Select is the in-flight entertainment system of Malaysia Airlines. There are three types of SelectSelect 3000iSelect 3000i Portable Media Player and Select Mainscreen. However, the Boeing 737-400 does not have Select Mainscreen or either version of Select 3000i, and does not offer audio video on demand.

Select 3000i

All Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200ER and Boeing 747-400 aircraft are equipped with an Inflight entertainment systemSelect 3000i. Passengers can choose from over 500 hours of audio and video programming. A touch-screen personal TV is available for First Class and Golden Club Class (Business Class) passengers on board Boeing 747-400 and Boeing 777-200ER aircraft. Apart from offering programs in 14 languages, Select 3000i also offers language lessons in 22 languages.[54] Malaysia Airlines A330-200 aircraft are fitted with personal television screens at every seat in both economy class and business Class but does not feature Audio Video on Demand in economy class.

New deliveries of Airbus A330-300 and Boeing 737-800 aircraft would carry the refreshed touch-screen based Select 3000i.


Select 3000i Portable Media Player

Select 3000i Portable Media Player

The Select 3000i Portable Media Player is provided to Malaysia Airlines’ Business Class passengers on selected regional and semi-long-haul A330-300 aircraft on North and South Asia routes. It allows passengers a choice of movies, TV shows and sports.[55]

Select Mainscreen

Used in Economy Class on A330-300 widebody regional and semi-long-haul aircraft which features 15-inch dropdown retractable LCD screens are installed at every 4th seat row in the economy class zone of the aircraft.

Frequent-flyer programs

Malaysia Airlines has two frequent-flyer programs: Grads for Students by Malaysia Airlines (Grads) and Enrich by Malaysia Airlines (Enrich). Grads is a frequent-flyer program with benefits designed for students. Enrich by Malaysia Airlines is a frequent flyer program for frequent travellers that comprises a variety of airlines, banks, credit-card issuers, hotels and lifestyle retailers around the world.

Enrich by Malaysia Airlines


On 30 September 1987, Malaysian Airline System introduced the Esteemed Traveller frequent-flyer program. In the early 1990s, Malaysia Airlines, Cathay PacificThai Airways International and Singapore Airlines launched their joint Asian frequent-flyer program: Passages. The joint program was officially dissolved in 1999, and the Enrich frequent-flyer program made its debut after the split from Passages.

Enhanced Enrich

On 12 July 2006, Malaysia Airlines introduced its enhanced Enrich frequent-flyer program. The program is now known as Enrich by Malaysia Airlines (Enrich), modelled after its more successful frequent-flyer program GRADS for Students by Malaysia Airlines. One of the enhancements in the program was the introduction of the Enrich Silver membership, which focuses on economy class travellers, while retaining the other memberships: Enrich Blue, Enrich Gold and Enrich Platinum.


Enrich’s membership of one million is spread over 240 countries, with the largest number in Malaysia at about 60%, followed by Australia (14%), Singapore, Britain and the US. Enrich membership numbers have been growing at an average of 23 percent per year, well above the industry’s average of 18 percent. Enrich members earned a total of 2.5 billion miles in 2005.[citation needed]

Benefits and Tiers[56]

There are four levels of Enrich memberships – Blue, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Each offers various privileges including priority check-in, priority standby and extra baggage allowance, amongst others. Miles can be accrued on qualifying Malaysia Airlines services, as well through partners, including airlines, hotels, car rental agencies and credit-card companies. Miles accrued by members allow for redemption for free travel, free upgrades and other complimentary services.


Members of Enrich are able to accrue miles on qualifying flights through Enrich Airline Partners such as:[57]

Non-airline partners[58][59] include:


Grads for Students

GRADS is Malaysia Airlines’ frequent-flyer program for students above 12 years old. The program enables students holding the membership card to enjoy benefits from Malaysia Airlines and partners’ merchant outlets.

Historical flights

  • 1–2 April 1997 – A Boeing 777-2H6 ER (N5107V, now 9M-MRA) broke a world record by flying around the world with the route of Seattle – Kuala Lumpur – Seattle. The aircraft was only being tested before its delivery flight. First the aircraft flew from Seattle to KL passing Europe and Africa. It arrived with only kilogram of fuel left. After being refueled it took off to Seattle by flying around Oceania. More than four weeks later, the aircraft was delivered

Accidents and incidents

There have been two accidents involving passenger fatalities on Malaysia Airlines, with a total of 134 fatalities:

Other, non-fatal incidents

  • 18 December 1983 – Malaysia Airlines Flight 684, an Airbus A300B4 (OY-KAA) leased from Scandinavian Airlines crashed 2 km short of the runway in Subang on a flight from Singapore. There were no fatalities, but the aircraft was written-off.[62]
  • 15 March 2000 – Malaysia Airlines Flight 85, an Airbus A330-300 (9M-MKB) was damaged by a chemical called oxalyl chloride, which leaked from canisters when unloading, causing damage to the fuselage when arrived at KLIA from Beijing. The 5-year-old Airbus was sufficiently damaged to be written-off.[63]
  • 30 November 2003 – A cable in a Boeing 777-200ER that allows pilots to turn the plane on the ground had snapped before the Bombay-bound jet was to take off. The incident came just months (2004) after several wires on an Airbus A330-300 bound for Australia were found to have been cut shortly before take-off. Three of the airline’s staff were arrested and later released over what a spokesman described as an act of vandalism, not sabotage.[64] The government and police regarded both incidents as sabotage.
  • 1 August 2005 – A Boeing 777-200ER as Malaysia Airlines flight 124 departed Perth for Kuala Lumpur. Climbing through 38,000 feet a faulty accelerometer caused the aircraft’s Air Data Inertial Reference Unit (ADIRU) to command changes of altitude. The flight crew overrode the ADIRU and manually returned to land the aircraft at Perth. Subsequent NTSB investigation led the US FAA to issue emergency airworthiness directive 2005-18-51 on the fly-by-wire software.[65]
  • 2 October 2009 – Malaysia Airlines Boeing 737-400 (9M-MMR) was substantially damaged when the port main undercarriage collapsed while the aircraft was parked at the gate atKuching Airport.[66]


Ramli have highlighted this problem of MAS (read former postings at this blog)becoming a target takeover by Air Asia namely Tony Fernandes due to the current good results of Air Asia BUT based on MAS History,National Pride,Premium Services and Great Quality  Staff (sorry not Top Mgmt as it is now)MAS must be made to be on her ownself with Top Talented Dynamic Leader who can turn over the tables from a weak performing carrier to one of the world best carriers like Singapore Ailrines (remember MAS was a sister company with SIA many years ago before they separated)The recent news report on the proposed shareholding (about 20%) of MAS to Tan Sri Tony Fernandes by people at Khazanah Nasional Berhad is very “interesting and disappointing” more for the “lost of steam” of upholding our Malaysian Pride and willingness to take the gamble of losing much more at a later date and maybe its better to let leave Tony Fernandes to manage and lead his Air Asia to higher and stable positions rather than the “greed and chase for higher uncalled and not needed glamour” to also want MAS in his stable of companies which is still uncertained and instable!Maybe many people have same thoughts like Ramli just ask MAS employees?

Read this article from Star Online about Tony Fernandes owning almost 20% of MAS:

Sunday August 7, 2011

Share swap deal: AirAsia’s Fernandes to gain 20% stake in MAS



KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and AirAsia will swap shares in a surprise deal which will see Tan Sri Tony Fernandes becoming the single biggest shareholder.

Khazanah Nasional Bhd, which owns over 17% of MAS, is said to have concluded negotiations with Fernandes to come up with a deal to save the national carrier.

Sources said the deal, which was struck last week after negotiations over the past year, became urgent after MAS’ poor showing in the last two quarters.

Fernandes is set to get 20% of MAS equity under the deal that is to be signed next week, with some sources saying it has already received the Government’s approval and could be inked by tomorrow.

Industry players expressed surprise at the deal because of past animosity between the management of the two airlines.

Those who were aware of the negotiations were also surprised at the speed at which it was concluded.

At present, Khazanah, a strategic investment company, holds about 17% stake in MAS, and under the deal with Tune Air Sdn Bhd, it will get a similar stake in AirAsia. Fernandes and his co-founder partner Datuk Kamarudin Meranun hold 26.28% in the world’s biggest budget airline.

Fernandes declined to comment when asked about the deal.

Insiders in both airlines confirmed that the negotiations concentrated on the synergy such a share swap would bring.

First, there will be rationalising of routes. Between them, the two airlines cover most of the lucrative routes from Asia to Europe.

Second, when they are seen as a single unit, their bargaining power with airports and aircraft manufacturers will double, said a source close to the deal.

He pointed to the recent move to merge SapuraCrest Petroleum andKencana Petro-leum via a share swap as an example for the AirAsia-MAS deal.

Insiders said it was unlikely the two airlines would merge into a single unit, but would operate though separate managements at operational level, while sharing common directors and policies.

Malaysia will get the best of both worlds a premier full-service carrier in MAS and the best budget carrier in AirAsia.

“They have been competing with each other for too long, and it’s time to work together because there is more than enough to go around,” said a senior government official.

The official added that the “feud” between the two had been going on for 10 years since Fernandes and others took over the ailing AirAsia fromDRB Hicom.

AirAsia is twice as big as MAS in terms of market capitalisation. MAS is worth about RM5.3bil, while Fernandes’ outfit is worth slightly more than RM11bil.

AirAsia stocks closed at RM3.95 per share yesterday while MAS’ was at RM1.60.

A news portal, The Malaysian Insider, which broke the story of the deal yesterday, reported that Fernandes would likely appoint Khazanah’s executive director of investments Mohd Rashdan Mohd Yusof as chief operating officer after the share swap. Rashdan already sits on the MAS board.

Sources said no decision was made about the position of MAS CEO Tengku Datuk Azmil Zahruddin.

MAS recorded a first quarter net loss of RM242.3mil against a profit of RM310.6mil in the same period last year. Analysts expect the national carrier to make full-year operating losses due to high fuel costs and falling yields.

In contrast, AirAsia recorded a first quarter profit of RM171.9mil for this year and a record RM1.5bil in profits for 2010.

Sources said the merger would also force the two airlines to take stock of their future aircraft purchases if they are to enjoy any synergy.

AirAsia purchased 200 Airbus A320 aircraft earlier this year with an option to buy another 100, while MAS was set to make a decision on the replacement aircraft for its Boeing 747 and 777 fleet, which is more than 20 years old.

Tuesday June 28, 2011

Malaysia Airlines chairman says privatisation of MAS possible



PETALING JAYA: Malaysia Airlines (MAS) does not rule out the possibility of taking the company private or spin off its other divisions, according to chairman Tan Sri Dr Munir Majid.

“No options are off the table. It’s the shareholders’ call. We can put the option on the table but it is still the shareholders call,” he said after the company AGM that lasted for three hours yesterday.

On Monday, StarBiz reported that Maybank Investment Bank suggested that MAS be privatised but list Firefly Sdn Bhd, MAS Engineering, MasKargo and even its terminal services.

The research house in its report said the privatisation of MAS was not an outlandish idea and the shareholders might just warm up to the idea. More so since the analyst community had an overwhelming “sell” call on the carrier after the airline reported RM242mil in net loss for the first quarter ended March 31, 2011.

Malaysia Airlines managing director and chief executive officer Tengku Datuk Seri Azmil Zahruddin (left) and chairman Tan Sri Dr Munir Majid at the briefing after the AGM on Monday. – Starpic by Art Chen

“There are merits to a privatisation, it provides a shelter away from further downside volatility in the share price, while the company reshapes itself up for a re-listing in the future years,” the report said.

Munir said privatisation was not exactly a “brilliant or unique” idea but it remained an idea to be tossed with. He added that MAS would consider all options and make a choice that was best for the company, without elaborating.

At 5pm yesterday, MAS had a market capitalisation of RM5.2bil. Its share price had been underperforming so far, closing at RM1.56 yesterday. Year-to-date, the counter has lost 25.7%.

Separately, Munir explained that the board of directors had been fielding questions from shareholders at the AGM, thus it took such a long time. He said shareholders wanted to know particularly what MAS was doing to close the net loss gap and concerns on share price performance were also raised at the AGM.

“We showed shareholders what we have been doing and what will be done. We also showed a comparison with other carriers. We did quite badly no doubt … some airlines made profit while some saw their profit pared down. Luftansa made loss but it’s a cold comfort for us,” he said.

Managing director and CEO Tengku Datuk Seri Azmil Zahruddin said MAS had an aspiration to become the number one airline of customer choice which would in turn help to drive its profitability and boost revenue.

He said MAS would be taking delivery of more new planes that would help the carrier to reduce its fuel cost as newer fleet would be more fuel efficient. He added that the maintenance and operation costs would also be reduced due to its aging fleet.

Last week, MAS announced that it had exercised an option to acquire 10 more Boeing 737s aircraft from Boeing, in a deal said to be worth over US$800mil (RM2.4bil).

Azmil said the group had embarked on all initiatives, including improving its front-end business that saw an increase of 40% in the first quarter, front-end check-in counter transformation at KLIA, call centre transformation and continuous improvement on website.

“All these initiatives will bring a lot of benefits to the airline. We have also joined the oneworld alliance. We are optimistic as it can provide lots of value,” Azmil said.

Asked for an indication of its second-quarter performance, Azmil declined to comment saying it was against Bursa Malaysia rules.

However, he said, MAS might not expand its capacity too rapidly in the coming quarters due to volatility in fuel price.

“If we knew that there was going to be a crisis in the Middle East, we would probably not grow our capacity that much (in the first quarter) but we didn’t know.

“One of the things that we will have to do is pare down the capacity a little bit. We would probably see more of that in the third and fourth quarters,” Azmil said. “With current fuel prices, we can’t sacrifice too much.”

Separately, Azmil said there would be “no immediate impact” on MAS with the Government’s move to grant AirAsia X five key international routes, including Shanghai, Beijing, Osaka and Jeddah.



Monday June 27, 2011

A private Malaysia Airlines?



Maybank IB: The company can reshape for a re-listing later

PETALING JAYA: Privatise Malaysia Airlines (MAS) but list Firefly, MAS Engineering, MasKargo and even its terminal services, suggestedMaybank IB in a recent research report.

The research house in its report yesterday said the privatisation of MAS was not an outlandish idea and the shareholders may just warm up to the idea. More so since the analyst community had an overwhelming “sell” call on the carrier after the airline reported RM242mil in net loss for the first quarter ended March 31, 2011.

“MAS’ poor performance stemmed from its lowest yields and highest cost position against its peers. Most of the root causes were legacy in nature, having inherited the oldest fleet and the ill effect of substantially under-invested in the business in the past.

“(However), there are merits to a privatisation, it provides a shelter away from further downside volatility in the share price, while the company reshapes itself up for a re-listing in the future years,” the report said.

Think about it: Maybank IB says the privatisation of MAS is not an outlandish idea

In the past many companies have been taken private for some years and later re-appear on the local house and this is the suggestion of Maybank IB. Among those companies that have been taken private for various reasons include PLUS Expressways Bhd, United Engineers Bhd, Mox Bhd, Astro, Palmco Bhd, Bumi Armada Bhd and Maxis Bhd. Thus far, Maxis has been re-listed and Bumi Armada is making its way back on the local bourse. Even the shareholders of AirAsia was once upon a time thinking of taking the carrier private.

But some analysts do not share Maybank IB’s sentiments.

“MAS had gone through a lot of transformation programmes and going private means it is admitting defeat. That is not the kind of signals it should be sending to the market. With all these GLC open day and all the work that Tengku Datuk Azmil Zahruddin is doing to reshape MAS, we should allow it to remain listed.

“Today may be tough times for the carrier, but given time and the right strategy and its recent entry into oneworld global air alliance and the fact that it is buying new aircraft, MAS should be doing better next year onwards,” an analyst from a foreign-based research house said.

However, she said, if “you look at it from the shareholder perspective and since the share price has tanked backed to the 1990s level, it is absolutely value destruction given all the equity calls. On paper the privatisation looks good but I still do not think it is the best way for MAS.”

An aviation analyst from Singapore who requested anonymity felt that “it (MAS) is not run like a government-controlled company and if the Government wants to sell the remaining stake, it is the Government’s decision. Even if the Government feels it should sell, it may need to wait for market conditions to be right for such a sale.”

Maybank IB in its reports felt that the shareholders of MAS might warm up to the idea of a privatisation.

It said the principle shareholders of MAS were Khazanah Nasional Bhd(69%) and Employees Provident Fund (EPF) (11%) and both had acquired MAS at a substantially higher price.

Since MAS’ stock performance has been disappointing and considering potential headwinds ahead, its parent Khazanah may consider privatising MAS as the stock is trading at its lowest historical price and valued at only 1.4x book. At the current share price, Khazanah needs to pay less than RM1.5bil for the remaining shares it does not own. If it teams up with EPF, like their partnership for the privatisation of PLUS, it will cost just RM962mil.

Maybank IB also agreed that MAS management was doing a lot of work to reshape the carrier. From the fleet perspective, it was making the “right approach to rejuvenate its fleet; it currently has the oldest fleet age in the region and more crucially it has many obsolete aircraft (B737-400, first generation A330). We expect the fleet age to fall rapidly in 2012-13 as MAS inducts 15-17 new aircraft. This will greatly enhance operational efficiency and reduce cost substantially.”

The report said a successful airline was all about having an efficient cost structure that could withstand the ups and downs of the aviation cycle.

“We also believe when MAS has a young and trendy fleet, it is no longer handicapped against its peers and instances where MAS lags the peer group will be an issue of the past,” the report said.

Maybank IB said re-listing could extract more value and assuming that MAS was a privately-owned company seeking a re-listing, it could extract better valuation by fixing its operations to be sustainably profitable and “we think this can be achieved by 2012; wait for the next aviation up-cycle; and float pieces of the group as stand-alone companies.”

“For example, MAS can public list Firefly first as there is a strong appetite for low-cost carriers. This can be repeated for MAS Engineering, MasKargo and its terminal services,” the report said.

The benefits of breaking up MAS were there and that was also something Singapore Airlines had done years ago for SIA Engineering, Tiger Airways and SATS.

MAS’ share price rose eight sen to close at RM1.53 on Friday.


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COPQ is the result of YOUR Co not doing things right the first time!Always there’s errors made in your processes,people and worst still Top Mgmt!

So,in order to save COPQ YOU must study what is COPQ and how’s best to stop  all these errors and increase your profits.People are your main focus and only with Quality People YOU can Build a Quality Company!

Call Ramli at mobile:+6019-2537165 or email: for a meeting and a proposal to train and execute some projects on this COPQ.

Ramli through many years of working as an employee and later as a self employed person running his own small business,always want to aspire to be the best or in Ramli’s word “to unleash the hidden talents to infinite possibilities or world class results”

When we want to be the best we must seek first to find some good examples either in a person,company or a combination of both.

Ramli is fortunate enough that he started work at the age of 20 with Matsushita Malaysia and with Matsushita Philosophy,Ramli learned a lot about the responsibilities as an entrepreneur (in Matsushita’s thinking) and what are the values and good practices of a socially resposible company which Matsushita was so early in her history committed to perform and excel ie.since 1918 when Matsushita was incorporated in Japan.

No wonder,FORTUNE magazine have announced Tan Sri Konosuke Matsushita as the Greatest Entrepreneur in the World.That is no understatement or poor decision on the sides of the Fortune Magazine Management and Editors but based on what Matsushita have contributed to the World by way of his business philosophies,products and services,employees’ assessment and loyalty,customers satisfaction not just locally but globally and his coaching of his people and his business associates have made him so important,a model figure,a mentor and most important a good man to learn new knowledge and best practices that really work!

In Malaysia,we too have many AWARDS SCHEMES and many prominent people,Billionaires,Top CEOs and important Top Managers and their respective companies have been accorded with Awards and Recoqnition as Malaysia’s Best!

What have we learn from them,actually?

Many of these companies or CEOs have shown that they managed to make huge profits by changing their business models or leadership styles and strategies  as well as many have taken their companies “out of the reds to be in the black” and making great business turnarounds and transformation to be Malaysia’s Top Companies in terms of profits,market capitalization and shareholders returns etc..

How do they managed to get all these wonderful results?Is it a continual basis or a one-off affair?Is it because of the Government Bailed Outs or Political Patronages…tell Ramli pleased…

Are the CEOs or Executive Chairmen really Great?Are they people like Matsushita or Bill Gates or even Steve Jobs?

Are their companies offering jobs as many as they can create everyday or are they managing their business by “hire and fire” or

“management by fear” ?

Are they  making real profits by their smartness,best strategies,excellent teamwork and innovative products and services?

Many Malaysian businesses still rely so much on the Government to give them projects,subsidies,tax discounts,overseas projects and personal attention!Why?

Just imagine if Malaysian businesses are put on the same playing field as the foreign companies that are freely allowed to invest in Malaysia and no special treatment to anyone,maybe Malaysian companies will easily lose out and only get the crumbs while the best are “eaten up” by these foreign world class companies who are always ready to “harvest” the marketplace with all their best practices,great leadership and ability to stand alone without much outside help especially from their governments!

These are the type of success stories  that Malaysian must learn and understand so that learning from these Annual Award Winners will be as good and satisfied as winning the awards by the Winners concerned!

To Ramli,a  Winner is one who can create or develop as many winners like themselves,thats a Great Winner or Champion!Agree or Disagree?