Posts Tagged ‘Pious Caliphs’

Ramli have been thinking hard about what will be the outcome of this 13MGE?

BN the ruling govt definitely wants to still be in power or control of the govt!They still want a great majority of their MPs and ADUNs to stay in power by retaining their seats so that BN can win and remain in Power!

However with the great rise and importance of the Pakatan Rakyat they too want to retain their power in the state govts like Kelantan,Selangor,Kedah,Perlis and Penang and have great ambition to win new states,increase their majority and ultimately “kick out” the BN and become the New Ruling Govt esp of the Federal Govt or a majority of seats in Parliament?

The Malays who are represented both in BN amd Pakatan Rakyat components parties namely in UMNO,PAS,PKR all will now come face to face and compete for their places both in Parlaiment and State Constituencies.Who will win big in this 13MGE?

Once upon a time,Ramli remembers that UMNO took the initiative to invite PAS to join them and form a coalition and not compete with each other in the polls and during that moment in time they did cooperate to work together,join forces,have a common mission and objectives and nost important made a win-win situation for all concerned.This kind of brotherly coalition and coming together and working together have made the Malays overal stronger,better,more harmony,common purpose and enriched each other but that did not last and UMNO and PAS later went their own ways again till today.Why?

Is it so hard to find a perpetual or ever lasting Malay solidarity and brotherhood?Always the Malays have this PHD (perasaan hasad dengki) in them and that brought more downfalls,loss of economic footings,wasted opportunities,allow non Malays to gain more power as far as economy,education,politics and etc…

Can the Malays come together again for the sake of Malay Unity,Power,Solidarity,Future Generations and all good things….?

Ramli have seen the good and bad sides of both UMNO,PKR and PAS especially and if we can add up all these components maybe we will get 1+1+1 = more than 3+ then the Malays will gain more and become more powerful race than what they are now!

If we study the progress and downfalls of the Malays then maybe the Malays have shown more downfalls than what the Chinese or Indians especially have achieved these last 54+ years of Merdeka?

If we continue to have 3 voices of the Malays rather than 1 solid voice then the Malays must be ready to face more challenges,hardships and troubles within them and outside of them?

Islam is the KEY to Malays future like what have been planned and thought of by the Great Prophet Muhammad pbuh and all the Malays Wali2…if only Malays become more PIOUS and devout Muslims then the Malays who are predominantly Muslims and many by birth will enjoy greater blessings,hope and  knowledgable to lead a life of bliss,respect and harmony with Allah SWT,the Sunnah of the Prophet pbuh and with themselves and humanity likewise.

Islam is a way of life of clean living and respect on what is halal and haram practices.If we live the Islamic way and get rid of all kinds of corrupt practices,bad values,inhuman acts,stupid or nonsense management and leadership styles then the Malays will become a Super Race that can help lead the World’s Future and Progress to infinite possibilities.Inshallah.

So coming back to the co ming 13MGE will the Leaders of UMNO,PAS and PKR that these options of:

1.Unite Together and seek a common mission and achieve all their agreed objectives.They need to discard all Bad Practices and Bad Politicians for the sake of the Common Good.Can they agree on that?

2.Agree to Disagree by making sure Malay rights,importance and power are maintained,We compete for a better Malay not on a win-lose or lose-lose way.We want a win-win way.How to do it?

3.Lets do what we want our way!Let the best Malay win?Can we do it?what will be the after effects?

So based on the 3 options,Ramli still think Unity by the Malays is so important a mission and although they have many diversity in the ways of achieving their mission,the best way is THINK RIGHTLY,ACT RIGHTLY AND SELECT THOSE WHO ARE REAL MUSLIMS WITH GREAT MUSLIM AND MALAY MISSION with them all the time!

The problem with the Malays is that there are too many corrupt practices and examples of poor leadership,greed and the highest levels and arrogant or nonsense leadership and  management styles far too long and become a “pain in the neck and getting worst”Maybe the greatest problems or challenges to the Malays are some personalities who want the wealth all for themselves and their families and cronies while forgetting the needs of all other Malays and the mission to make Malays Greater and a Powerful race with great respect,honour and blessed by Allah SWT.

If only the Malays really study and follow the path of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh and his 4 Pouis Caliphs,then the Malay Muslim race will never fall apart,what more disintegrated and possess all the negatives rather than all the positives this world provide!Lets hope Allah SWT will Blessed and have great Mercy to all the Malays now and this 13MGE will bring all Malaysians a BETTER,HAPPIER,STRONGER,PROSPEROUS AND GREATER MALAYSIA for all.Inshallah.

Ramli Abu Hassan can be contacted at hp:+6019-2537165 or email:



Looking at the World Political scenario today especially the Arab World the political turmoils are happening here and there and many “old guards” especially the Presidents and Prime Ministers,they are now being challenged and the road ahead to still stay in power looks tough and uncertained!

Like the song lyrics that state “when the going gets tough the tough gets going” but here when you are in power for more than 12 years or almost 30 years maybe its time to “hang your gloves” and allow some “new kid on the block” to take over and formed his or her team of people (Cabinet)

Saying is easy but maybe when you are the Leader of a nation that earlier on really need you to rule the nation and after so many years of comfort,experience,wisdom,know all the tricks and what have you it may seem so hard to relinquish power when you think your position is still strong and the people may still vote for you or you know all the tricks “to let you still stay in power !”

Like in USA,their Constitution clearly states that a current President can be in power as President of USA for not more than 2 terms even if he/she is still popular and maybe can win a third term if he or she is allowed to run for President or reelected!Like President Ronald Reagan who was so popular but have to end his presidency after hi second term in office.

Actually in current situation to be in power for 8 years is quite a long time,isn’t it?We nowadays count our time no more in years or months but more in days actually working days.We find time is so important and we analyse our project or actions in days ahead and not in months or years anymore.If a day is wasted than it calls for great countermeasure since 1 day of errors or wrong decision can bankrupt a bank or bring down a great company or nation.As they say we now live in the “fast lane” or “rat race” and all things are measured by the minutes or seconds and only the best and right decisions will be critical and important.

Let’s hope in 2011,Presidents and Prime Ministers with exception of Monarchs,Kings and Sultans who ruled by their royal heritage will review their powers as to ensure a good 8 to 12 years is enough and to start a new successor to take over as nobody is indispensable and what more when the world’s population is coming to the 7 Billion mark and let allow other people a chance to show their talents and rule their respective countries with honesty,care,love,passion,prosperity and peace on earth.Inshallah.

Following the footsteps and examples of Prophet Muhammad pbuh and his 4 Pious Caliphs,their rule as Khalifah of Islam was more of the service to Allah SWT and Islam.They never wanted to be the Khalifah but because fate have their way,Allah SWT have chosen them to lead Islam and bring great prosperity,discipline,dakwah,taqwa and great Blessings and Mercy from Allah SWT.Maybe the Leaders of the current world especially Islamic Nations must take heed of these examplary examples of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh and his 4 Pious Caliphs.Inshallah.

Ramli can be contacted at mobile:+6019-2537165 or email at



Ramli have been reading some books on Muslim Heroes and also on the Great Sahabats,Tabiin and Tabiin Tabiin and as always their life stories and sacrifices are so great to sustain Islam as a Great Religion as what Prophet Muhammad pbuh have intially started and also all the other Great Prophets starting from Prophet Adam a.s.

Here are a list of Great Muslims for your immediate reference.Just type their names and make a quick search in any of the search engines available on the NET.
Ramli Abu Hassan
shah alam,malaysia
Some of the Great Muslims:
1.Imam Abu Hanifa
2.Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq
3.Jabir ibn al-Hayayan
4.Khalif al-Ma’mun
5.Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi
6.Muhammad ibn Isma’il al-Bukhari
8.Abu’l-Hasan al-Ash’ari
9.Muhammad a-Farabi
10.Imam Malik
12.Ibn Sina
13.Imam al-Ghazzali
14.’Abdu’l Qadir al-Jilani
15.’Umar Khayyam
16.Ibn Rushd
17.Shaykh Sa’di
18.Jalalu’d-din Rumi
19.Imam Ibn Taymiyya
20.Ibn Khaldun
21.Jalalu’d-din as-Suyuti
22.Shah Waliullah
23.Imam ash-Shafi’i
24.Imam ibn Hanbal
25.Shibli Namani
26.Mohammad Iqbal
27.Bayazid Bustami
28.Abu Ishaq Ya’qub al-Kindi
29.Imam al-Tirmidhi
30.Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakaria
31.Abdul-Hasan ‘Ali al-Masudi
32.Ibn al-Haytham
33.Sultan Mahmood Ghaznawi
35.Nizam ul-Mulk
36.Hafiz Shirazi
37.Zahiruddin Babur
38.Mujaddid Alf Thani Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi
39.Sheikh ‘Abdul Wahab
40.Syed Ahmed Shaheed
41.Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
42.Syed Ameer Ali
43.Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanovi
44.Munshi Muhammad Meherullah
45.Nawab Sir Salimullah
46.Sher-i-Bangla A.K.Fazul Haq
47.Maulana Hasrat Mohani
48.Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
49.Maulana Muhammad Ali
50.Qadi Nazrul Islam
51.Syed Qutb
52.Sheikh ‘Ali Al-Tantawi
53.Dr.Burhanuddin Hilmi
54.Imam Muslim
55.Imam Abu Dawud
56.Imam Ibn Majah
57.Imam Nasa’i
58.Maulana Qasem Nantubi
59.Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madan
60.Maulana Shamsul Haqq Faridpuri
61.Dato Ganj Baksh
62.Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti
63.Ibrahim bin Adham
64.Hadrat in Awiiya
65.Umar bin Abdul Aziz
66.Muhammad bin Qasim
67.Malik Faisal bin Abdul Aziz
68.Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi
69.Harun al-Rashid
70.Alamgir Aurangzeb
71.Robiya Basri
72.Tariq bin Ziyad
73.Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib
74.Tipu Sultan
75.Allama Maududi
76.Maulana Abdur Rahim
77.Hafiz Ibn Hajar Asqalani
78.Hadrat Shah Jalal
79.Prof.Dr.Yusuf Al-Qardawi
80.Syed Sulaiman Nadvi
81.Muhammad the Conqueror
82.Hadrat Hasan al-Basri (ra)
83.Ahmed Shah Abdali
84.Khalid the General
85.Allama Ali Hassan Hadvi
87.Shah Ismail Shaheed
88.Saad bin Waqqas
89.Hadrat Abdullah Ibn Mubarak
90.Hadrat Sufiyan ath-Thawri (ra)
91.Hajji Shariat Ullah
92.Hadrat Fudhail Ibn Aiyaz
93.Hajji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki
94.Hadrat Maulana Shah Karamar Ali Jaunpuri
95.Allama Hafiz Ibnul Qayyim
96.Shahid Hasan al-Banna
97.Mufti Muhammad Shafi
98.Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
99.Bangabandhu Shaykh Mujibur Rahman
100.Dr.Muhammed Shahidullah
101.Abdul Qadeer Khan
102.ismail Raji’ al-Faruqi
…and so many others who have lived and died for making Islam Great!Ramli will add their names soon…

For more info,please contact:
Ramli Abu Hassan