Posts Tagged ‘personality’

Today Ramli saw the History Channel showing the documentary about Body Language.The show was very interesting because we can easily make our observations as to understand what people are really ie.whether they are speaking the truth or just lying us!

Body Language allows us to judge people more objectively and with proper techniques,we can understand from their body movements like eyes,hands,face,forehead etc..what they are actually so that we can know what is the “true person” or a “faked one!”

This study of body language is so useful for people like the police,teachers,sales people,psychologists and many more including all parents.

Let see some facts and notes that Ramli have retrieved on this important subject:Ref: Wikipedia & YouTube

Body language is a form of non-verbal communication, which consists of body posturegesturesfacial expressions, and eye movements. Humans send and interpret such signals almost entirely subconsciously.

John Borg attests that human communication consists of 93 percent body language and paralinguistic cues, while only 7% of communication consists of words themselves;[1] however, Albert Mehrabian, the researcher whose 1960s work is the source of these statistics, has stated that this is a misunderstanding of the findings[2] (see Misinterpretation of Mehrabian’s rule). Others assert that “Research has suggested that between 60 and 70 percent of all meaning is derived from nonverbal behavior.”[3]

Body language may provide clues as to the attitude or state of mind of a person. For example, it may indicate aggressionattentiveness,boredom, relaxed state, pleasureamusement, and intoxication, among many other cues.

Understanding body language

The technique of “reading” people is used frequently. For example, the idea of mirroring body language to put people at ease is commonly used in interviews. Mirroring the body language of someone else indicates that they are understood.[citation needed] It is important to note that while some indicators of emotion (e.g. smiling/laughing when happy, frowning/crying when sad) are largely universal[citation needed],[4] however in the 1990s Ekman expanded his list of basic emotions, including a range of positive and negative emotions not all of which are encoded in facial muscles.[13] The newly included emotions are:

1. Amusement

2. Contempt

3. Contentment

4. Embarrassment

5. Excitement

6. Guilt

7. Pride in achievement

8. Relief

9. Satisfaction

10. Sensory pleasure

11. Shame

Body language signals may have a goal other than communication. Both people would keep this in mind. Observers limit the weight they place on non-verbal cues. Signalers clarify their signals to indicate the biological origin of their actions. Examples would include yawning (sleepiness), showing lack of interest (sexual interest/survival interest), attempts to change the topic (fight or flight drivers).

Physical expression

Physical expressions like waving, pointing, touching and slouching are all forms of nonverbal communication. The study of body movement and expression is known as kinesics. Humans move their bodies when communicating because, as research has shown[citation needed], it helps “ease the mental effort when communication is difficult.” Physical expressions reveal many things about the person using them. For example, gestures can emphasize a point or relay a message, posture can reveal boredom or great interest, and touch can convey encouragement or caution.[5]

  • One of the most basic and powerful body-language signals is when a person crosses his or her arms across the chest.[citation needed] This can indicate that a person is putting up an unconscious barrier between themselves and others. It can also indicate that the person’s arms are cold, which would be clarified by rubbing the arms or huddling. When the overall situation is amicable, it can mean that a person is thinking deeply about what is being discussed. But in a serious or confrontational situation, it can mean that a person is expressing opposition. This is especially so if the person is leaning away from the speaker. A harsh or blank facial expression often indicates outright hostility.
  • Consistent eye contact can indicate that a person is thinking positively of what the speaker is saying. It can also mean that the other person doesn’t trust the speaker enough to “take their eyes off” the speaker. Lack of eye contact can indicate negativity. On the other hand, individuals with anxiety disorders are often unable to make eye contact without discomfort. Eye contact can also be a secondary and misleading gesture because cultural norms about it vary widely. If a person is looking at you, but is making the arms-across-chest signal, the eye contact could be indicative that something is bothering the person, and that he wants to talk about it. Or if while making direct eye contact, a person is fiddling with something, even while directly looking at you, it could indicate the attention is elsewhere. Also, there are three standard areas that a person will look which represent different states of being. If the person looks from one eye to the other then to the forehead, it is a sign that they are taking an authoritative position. If they move from one eye to the other then to the nose, that signals that they are engaging in what they consider to be a “level conversation” with neither party holding superiority. The last case is from one eye to the other and then down to the lips. This is a strong indication of romantic feelings.[citation needed]
  • Disbelief is often indicated by averted gaze, or by touching the ear or scratching the chin. When a person is not being convinced by what someone is saying, the attention invariably wanders, and the eyes will stare away for an extended period.[citation needed]
  • Boredom is indicated by the head tilting to one side, or by the eyes looking straight at the speaker but becoming slightly unfocused. A head tilt may also indicate a sore neck orAmblyopia, and unfocused eyes may indicate ocular problems in the listener.[citation needed]
  • Interest can be indicated through posture or extended eye contact, such as standing and listening properly.[citation needed]
  • Deceit or the act of withholding information can sometimes be indicated by touching the face during conversation. Excessive blinking is a well-known indicator of someone who is lying. Recently[when?], evidence has surfaced that the absence of blinking can also represent lying as a more reliable factor than excessive blinking. [1]

Some people use and understand body language differently, or not at all.[citation needed] Interpreting their gestures and facial expressions (or lack thereof) in the context of normal body language usually leads to misunderstandings and misinterpretations (especially if body language is given priority over spoken language). It should also be stated that people from differentcultures can interpret body language in different ways.

[edit]How prevalent is non-verbal communication in humans?

Some researchers[who?] put the level of nonverbal communication as high as 80 percent of all communication when it could be at around 50-65 percent. Different studies have found differing amounts, with some studies showing that facial communication is believed 4.3 times more often than verbal meaning, and another finding that verbal communication in a flat tone is 4 times more likely to be understood than a pure facial expression.[citation needed] Albert Mehrabian is noted for finding a 7%-38%-55% rule, supposedly denoting how much communication was conferred by words, tone, and body language. However he was only referring to cases of expressing feelings or attitudes.

Body language and space

Main article: Personal space

Interpersonal space refers to the psychological “bubble” that we can imagine exists when someone is standing too close to us. Research has revealed that there are four different zones of interpersonal space.

  • The first zone is called intimate distance and ranges from touching to about eighteen inches (46 cm) apart. Intimate distance is the space around us that we reserve for lovers, children, as well as close family members and friends, and also pet animals.
  • The second zone is called personal distance and begins about an arm’s length away; starting around eighteen inches (46 cm) from our person and ending about four feet (122 cm) away. We use personal distance in conversations with friends, to chat with associates, and in group discussions.
  • The third zone of interpersonal space is called social distance and is the area that ranges from four to eight feet (1.2 m – 2.4 m) away from you. Social distance is reserved for strangers, newly formed groups, and new acquaintances.
  • The fourth identified zone of space is public distance and includes anything more than eight feet (2.4 m) away from you. This zone is used for speeches, lectures, and theater; essentially, public distance is that range reserved for larger audiences.[6]

Unintentional gestures

Recently[when?], there has been huge interest in studying human behavioral clues that could be useful for developing an interactive and adaptive human-machine system. Unintentional human gestures such as making an eye rub, a chin rest, a lip touch, a nose itch, a head scratch, an ear scratch, crossing arms, and a finger lock have been found conveying some useful information in specific context. Some researchers[who?] have tried to extract such gestures in a specific context of educational applications.[citation needed] In poker games, such gestures are referred to as “tells” and are useful to players for detecting deception or behavioral patterns in an opponent(s).

The need for change is always important in a country like Malaysia because as they say the only thing that is constant is CHANGE!

However the “new things” or ideas made like a new establishment,a new methodology, a new guide,a new way of doing things and all that is new seem to leave a lot of question marks?Why?

These are what the modern world now called Management Fads!These are ideas created with such WOWs and then disappear from the Corporate Map as fast they appeared earlier on!Why?

These new management fads just cannot exist anymore or stand the test of time due to being a copy of some older ones and actually the originator have not be honest enough to tell the world that he/she/they copied from some old management tool/s to now tell the world they have a new tool!

Ramli have been taught and practice Total Quality Management ever since he started work with Matsushita in 1976 in Sg.Way FTZ,Malaysia.From these early days Ramli learned about the fundamentals or basic of TQM@TQC@CWQC.Here we learn about the important role of Top Mgmt,Middle Mgmt and Employees as to how to make a Quality Product or Service through Quality People and Company.We learm about all the Basics of Quality,Quality Control and Quality Assurance.We also learn about the importance of Team Work,Projects,Tools&Techniques and many others.

We learn about Gurus of Quality like Deming,Juran,Crosby,Ishikawa,Imai and also Mgmt Gurus like Drucker,Matsushita,Henry Ford.We also learn from Business Leaders like Walton,Welch,Morita,Honda and many others including Gates,Packard and others.

The problem of new management ideas are being developed or “coined up” by Academia Experts and not so from Business Leaders and thats where the real deal is realized.How can people in air conditioned rooms or inhouse locations tell the whole world that their ideas are workable when there is no “hands on” or gemba(at site) situations?You cannot tell the world to cook delicious steaks if you describe or teach from reading books only but it will be better if you are a chef that have cooked many times the steaks concerned and you know whats its like to have a steak cooked with medium rare or just fully cooked!The tastes are different depending on the customer requirements!

Crosby will never agree with all these 6 Sigma stuff since he was the real man propagating ZERO DEFECT in all areas of work.Why?

Zero Defect can be debated many times as to the real objective of its existence.Was it only a mind set goal or really to make it happen at all workplaces?

Zero Defect or ZD really helped the world to go for the ultimate in quality performance because like in the 4 Absolutes of Quality that Crosby profess,ZD is the standard of performance n our work.No defect at all.How can we practice 6 Sigma in the airline industry where we allow a tolerable  3 air crashes per 1 million flights.The main aim is NO Air Crashes at all for as long as we can!Air crash means lost of lives and creating lots of sorrows and hardships to all involved and that include other businesses like heart transplants,delivering babies and marraiges.We want if possible all to be ZD!

In Malaysia the “war cry” for the need of innovation and creativity in the govt sector as well as private sector is going on everyday BUT actually this so called campaign have started way back in 1983 when Tun Mahathir launched the Look East Policy where what Japan or Korea or Taiwan do,Malaysia will copy and make it better!

The start of the QCC or KMK activities involving the “sokongan” group and workers group have all emphasised the importance of suggestions@ideas and these are done through creative and innovative ways or at time known as quality improvement or breakthroughs!

QCC@KMK now more popularly known as ICC@KIK (new branding only in Malaysia) have all focus on getting improvements made via their projects usually half yearly and yearly duration.All QCC@KMK projects produced great results and stats have shown from MPC and INTAN (the coordinating bodies for private and govt sectors) the savings of many millions of Ringgit all this while!

So,no need to shout to tell Malaysians of the need of innovation and creativity when in the first place all these basic foundations are done and deleivered already since 1983 BUT was not monitored well and continual improvement made to the existing processes or system!Thats the problem!

Malaysia have so many actions or activities introduced by all the PMs in our history of 54 years of Independence BUT as a new PM comes into office or a new KSN or CEO comes into office,they too want their ideas to be implemented and “kick out” the old or former ones!

This is a sheer wastes of Public Funds and the wheel keep on rotating with no concrete results or holding the gains stuff just more actions and more waste of public  or shareholders money.

Lets FOCUS on all we have done since 1957 and all good actions or projects we maintained and improved upon and all poor results or methodologies lets stop or discard them!

The Malaysian Education System is one area we must seriously review and all these problems of “nak bahasa atau inggeris” as our medium of communication and education syllabus be studied and that have produced the best results be used and not become a “political game” for all those politicians and interested people with selfish vested interests dictate our future!

So as Ramli analysed it is all about having Malaysian Leaders and Followers with Positive Personalities ie.with Great Faith in Allah SWT (God Almighty) who will lead and manage with sincerity,honesty,passion,dedication,discipline and all because of Allah First and Me Last attitude.

The Quran and Hadiths have been in existence almost over 1400 years ago together with all the Old Kitabs since Prophet Adam a.s. and they are still relevant and MUST be adhered to since Allah SWT have informed Prophet Muhammad pbuh that Islam is already made perfect and it is just for all Muslims to abide to it all the time and without need for any revisions since Allah SWT Knoweth’s Best and HE is the Almighty and Merciful.

Lets hope Malaysia become a Great Nation with Great People (Talent) and only with prudent management and right usage of public funds and acknowledging past good or best practices rather than creating new useless ones can make Malaysia greater to greatest!

Call Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed at

see Ramli’s profile at

any financial support,please banked in at Ramli Abu Hassan,Maybank Acc: 164173649135

Thank YOU.

If you have read Ramli’s last posting on what is your personality traits,you will find many Malay Muslims have actually lost their faith (IMAN) and that reflects their BAD TO WORST actions especially all the negative traits of their “lost personality”

Why have this happened to the Malays?

We now have the confused population of Malays especially the Gen X and Gen Y where they are now geared towards accepting UMNO,PAS or PKR especially talking about politics!

PAS is associated with ISLAM and all the Jihad one must do to uphold the Islamic Way of Living.

UMNO is always asociated with “what is it for ME” when I joined UMNO….

PKR is all about to uphold or accept the Malaysian Dream where all races can live in peace,harmony and prosperity.

If you study the population demographics of Malaysia,the Malays comprised almost 60 % of the Total Malaysian population and IF the Malays are all united,Malaysia is basically in the powers of the Malays and they can do wonders to upgrade,uphold and sustained the Malay Rule for a longer period rather than allow the other races to interfere unnecssarily in their Muslim Way of Life based on strict religious upbringing,adat dan adap issues,get rid of haram practices esp among the youths and many others..

The Malay Youth are now “decaying” and may become a “hopeless group” and non achievers as compared to the Chinese or Indian Youths.

Mat Rempit,Minah Bohsia,Pondan,Bullies,Mat Lepak,all the negative branding of Malays are now seen to exist like mad and all over…why is this made to happen…the Malaysian Boleh spirit ke?

Tun M have onced remarked the branding of Malays like “melayu mudah lupa”,”melayu mudah takut” and what more?,Maybe now is Melayu akan Mundur,Tak Maju,Tak Berani,Tak Berjaya and all the “Tak” rather than the Chinese or Indians where they hold the economic pie or share,hold many top corporate positions,hold majority of Malaysia’s wealth,get all their demands fulfilled,and many others when actually the Malays “tak perlu takut” because the Malays are 60% of the population and like in Indonesia the Javanese being almost 70% of the population will be made incharged and dictate the fate of the country wealth,posiitons and strategies to their own advantage…

So,looks like the UMNO,PAS and PKR have weakened the MALAY POWERS and this must stopped because Malaysia is first for the Malays and only the Malays know that “Tak’an Melayu Hilang DiDunia” statement is for their own survival and existence!

The Malays must be united at all times and pursue their dreams of a Better Malaysia and at least by 2020,Malaysian Malays will be leaders and not mere followers like now becoming security guards,dish washers,waiters,supermarket assistants etc..while the Non Malays are CEOs,Business Leaders,Alongs,Managers &Execs and many others…

The Talent Corporation must be filled with more world class Malay Talents than Chinese or Indians and the Malays Billionare Population must also include more Malay names and Good Billionaires with Strong Positive Personality that have great respect for Allah SWT and all his Kitab,Rasul,Angels and the Hereafter.

There is not much time and opportunities left so Malays must strieve for excellence,cooperation and collaboration and only by such positive actions can we all hoped the Malays Rise to Better Power and Good Personalities and Great Faith.

Get rid of all the bad to worst personality of Malaysian Leaders who have negative personality traits and only become a nuisance to Malaysia with all their nonsense style of leadership and management ways that only benefitting them and all their cronies or Teams of People.Dont vote them in this 13MGE and just vote the Good to Best Leaders who show all these Good Positive Personality.

For more infos,contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 or emailed at:

Ramli have just started reading his library of books where some were bought long time ago but was not read just staked or kept in some corners of his home.So,came across this book titled “Major Personalities in the Quran” and now starting to read…

Human nature in the Quran is the bedrock for development of human personality.Studies show that faith is the most powerful and effective dimension in man’s (also woman’s) life.

Faith leads to a healthy balanced and positive personality for those who believe in Allah SWT and His Books,Messengers,Angels and the Last Day.

Those who lack faith or are confused in their faith are seen as unhealthy,unbalanced and negative in their personalities.Therefore,the types of human personalities in the Holy Quran are associated with the strength of their faith.

The principal criterion used in classifying the type of personality as narrated in the Holy Quran is obedience to Allah SWT.

Those who are obedient to Allah SWT (positive personality) are the ones who are favoured by Allah SWT.On the other hand,the disobedient (negative personality) are the ones who are gone astray and those who gain Allah’s anger.

Therefore,understanding the types of human personality is important.

This book is written by Ahmed Raba who received his PhD in Psychology from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and has been lecturing at the International University Malaysia since 1991.

This book ISBN 983-065-109-6

Published by A.S.Noordeen.

Ramli was reading this book “Hundred Muslim Heroes” by M.Atiqul Haque and like to inform readers on the importance of character and personality for all Leaders.

Here are some excepts:

Who can truly understand the creation of this universe and its inner significance? Only Allah’s servants who know ie.who have the inner knowledge which comes from acquaintance with the spiritual world.Those who know the spiritual world are the people who can appreciate Allah’s creation and His management of this universe.

The Quran says,”Are those who know and those who do not know the same?” (Quran 39:9)

“Are the blind and the sighted equal?” (Quran 6:50)

Here the blind are those who do not know and they are compared elsewhere to donkeys which carry the revealed Books but do not know what they are carrying (Quran 62:5)

The sighted are those who are spiritually enlightened and who know who they are,the reason that they come to this world and where they are going after they take leave of this world.They are the people who have surrendered to their Lord and who seek and take guidance from their Lord.They are Muslims.

Among the contents of Prophet Muhammad pbuh great speech on Mount Arafat which is now accepted as a great “Charter of Human Dignity”

“The Arab has no preference over the non-Arab and vice versa;neither birth nor rank determine a man’s status,but only his piety and righteousness set the standard of his excellence.”

According to Jules Massrman,a famous US psychoanalyst:

Leaders must fulfill three functions:provide for the well being of the led,provide a social organisation in which people feel relatively secure,and provide them with one set of beliefs.People like Pasteur and Salk are Leaders in the first sense,people like Gandhi and Confucius,on the one hand,Alexander,Caesar and Hitler,on the other,are leaders in the second or perhaps the third sense.Jesus and Buddha belong to the third category alone.Perhaps the greatest leader of all times was Muhammad pbuh who combined all the three functions,to a lesser degree Moses as dis the same. (Time Magazine,July 1974.)

Islam did not spread through “the sword”.It spread through knowledge and piety.All the great preachers of Islam who travelled unarmed and unharmed throughout the  world and succeeded in taking Islam to Africa,Asia,Europe,China etc..were all great men of learning.They preached Islam by their character and conviction.

In evaluating the rise of Islam we must remember two things: the Quran and the Prophet’s pbuh character.When analysing the character of the Prophet pbuh we must remember that,although he was unlettered he laid full emphasis on knowledge and contemplation,which qualities form the basis of modern science.The Bedouins of Arabia drank deep into the Quran and the Sunnah and thus:

In less than fifty years,the Bedouins of Arabia established the greatest empire in the world of their day,and one of the greatest in history.(The Sunday Telegraph)