Posts Tagged ‘new technology’

When Malaysia propagated the concept of Industrialisation in the early 1960s many kampung folks were invited to come to the urban centres like in Klang Valley areas,Penang,Johor and Perak to work in the many newly set up industries owned by locals and many by Multinational Companies like Japanese,Americans,Germans and others.
As a result of these Industrialisation efforts the Malaysian Kampungs soon lost her lustre and importance to position themselves as excellent dwelling centres for Malaysians since many of their population “ran away” to the cities to seek new jobs with higher salaries,enjoy the “city life” plus abstaining from doing the hard work in the rice fields,rubber plantations,tin mines,oil palms estates and other “sweat” based work that kampung life offers to her inhabitants.
However,as of today 2010,we now realized what city life have made us to become more stressed with every pay day means still not enough to meet the month’s end expenses especially with all the rent to pay,utilities bills,car installments and telephone top ups and others not forgetting those who dare to get loans from the Ah Longs or similar ones!Maybe we can summarised to say living in the cities with all the industrialzation going on is not that good after all!We still in the “rat race” and many of the Rakyat still have great problems to “feed their family” what more to live in surplus with extra money to keep in the banks or enjoy the excesses that city life may offer!
So now with the Agro Plan as the next growth engine of the Malaysian Economy and the best way to sustain our natural resources and independence for our Food Supply moving back to the Kampungs is actually a good strategy and wise move than staying in the cities with the continual challenges of meeting ones needs for the monthly living.
Many projects are now being taken by the govt and private enterprises where many agro based projects both upstream and down stream like have flourished.Many new lands are now grown with all kinds of vegetables to supply to hotels,fastfood companies,food manufacturers and also some for export as manufactured products.Many animal breeding projects like cattle,sheep,chicken and ostriches also deers have started.The rearing of fish both salt and non salt based are plenty since the country need lots of protein supply to the people.
Managing the kampungs well is important to sustain a Green Malaysia with no loss of our natural heritage due to forest burning for new lands or quietly “driving out” the orang asli from their natural locations to a new location that is actually not wanted or appreciated by them like living in a bungalow or apartments with the rest of the house owners in the new residential estates that was originally their “home ground” or ancestors lands.
Still,Ramli think the Malaysian kampungs is not that many people yet to really transform them to new sustainable gloobal villages where the rural infrastructures and other amneties are not well equipped so maybe we need more time or will it happen by 2010?
Internet connectivity and electricity,water,telephone plus other facilities as well provided with cost (of course) like in the cities especially good transport system must now be made available in these kampungs or rural locations.Only with these basic infrastructures can we ensure that the rural and also the current urban areas can move Malaysia to achieve the Vision 2020 Goals!
So,actually living in the now rural locations is not really rural but “RURUB” meaning rural place but urban style or also means GloCal standards with local conditions.
Lets hope this Transformation of Malaysian Kampungs like what may be done in the Government Transformation Program (GTP) like in the many so called NKRAs and MKRAs will enable our 1Malaysians to have equal opportunities for a higher standard of living and earning either they work in the cities or their own kampungs,they are equally rewarding only the focus jobs or processes maybe different but the technology used are equally up to date and modern with many innovations and creativity approaches.
For more infos or enquiries,please contact:
Ramli hp:+6019-2537165