Posts Tagged ‘najib’

Photos which Ramli have taken a long time ago:

here are the B&W photos:

here some updates about PM Najib’s condition: as of today 5thNov,2010:

Published: Friday November 5, 2010 MYT 3:15:00 PM

Najib recovering from mild gastric attack


PETALING JAYA: Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is being treated for mild gastritis at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital.

Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Ismail Merican said the Prime Minister was responding well to medication.

“We have not ruled out the possibility that the gastric attack could be related to chicken pox,’’ he said.

Najib was admitted to the hospital on Thursday night following complaints of abdominal discomfort.

“An endoscopy was done, which revealed superficial ulcers and mild gastritis,’’ he said, adding he had started on medication and was recovering well.

Dr Ismail said Najib’s chicken pox was also clearing up.

“He is much better.

“However, he is expected to remain in hospital for a few days,’’ he said.

Dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini sejak 1997,Melayu di Malaysia ditimpa krisis ekonomi,politik,sosial dan soal 2 aqidah agama Islam mereka!

1997 adalah tahun krisis kewangan yang teruk di hadapi Malaysia dan lain2 negara di dunia ini dan matawang Malaysia di “hentam” dengan teruknya hingga tukaran duit RM dengan US menjadi hampir USD 1 = RM 5.00

Sekarang tukaran forex hampir USD1 = RM 3.20 tapi bolehkah Malaysia kekal dari serangan2 “rogue” traders matawang2 yang berkeliaran?

Kemudian Malaysia dilanda banyak skandal politik sejak era Dr.M ke Pak Lah dan diwarisi oleh Najib! Apa makna ini semua? Adakah setiakawan dalam kehidupan Melayu dan lebih penting lagi ikhwan muslimin kita sudah “hancur”,”berkecai” atau “tidak boleh dipakai”lagi?

Adakah Malaysia diperintah atau dipimpin secara “management by fear” atau “mengurus secara ketakutan”? Ini seperti dalam rencana2 saya dulu tidak lah baik dan bagus!Kita perlu mengurus secara demokratik,amanah dan mesra.Adakah Dr.M atau Pak Lah mengurus secara Mgmt By Fear atau sebaliknya.Sekarang Najib mengurus Malaysia secara style apa?By Fear atau No Fear atau kombinasi dua2 nya?

Isu Anwar Ibrahim,parti pembangkang serta pemerintah nampak tak henti2 walaupun pilihanraya sudah tamat macam permainan ini takde “full stop” pada hal pilihan raya sudah tamat jadi apabila keputusan sudah dapat kembalilah bekerja balik dan jangan timbul isu isu baru macam tak sporting je.Lihat pilihanraya Amerika Syarikat,apabila keputusan sudah diketahui maka semua rakyat terima kuputusan

dan kembali ke tugasan mereka.Ini adalah sporting dan gentlemen style bukan macam “mafia” atau “gangster”!

Isu Anwar ini nampaknya tiada henti! Anwar salah atau tidak salah dibicara sepanjang masa macam tiada henti mungkin tunggu Anwar jadi “arwah” atau tua bangka!

Anwar sudah dipenjara,di tumbuk matanya,badan nya habis merana kesakitan,dia juga dimaki hamun,di soal siasat mcm2 cara dan Allah SWT sahaja yang Maha Mengetahui.Mana pergi kesetiakawan Melayu atau Ikram Muslimin kita,yang di heboh2 dan di banggakan itu?

Ramli rasa kesianlah pada Anwar yang ada isteri yang baik dan sabar serta anak2 yang baik dan sayang ibubapa mereka.Jika Anwar suka “sex” atau hanky panky,mungkin dia sudah kahwin lagi atau kahwin 4 isteri (yang dibenarkan Islam)

Ramli rasa kes Anwar ini membuat kita orang Melayu macam “kaku dan banggang” atau “numb and dumb” dimana  kita tak boleh buat apa2 dan rasa tersalah.This is a lose-lose situation for all Malays!

Jika Anwar ingin berjihad mungkin dia pilih untuk bersara dari politik dan menjadi hamba Allah yang alim,beramal soleh serta bersiap menghadapi hari mautnya!Mungkin ini lebih baik?

Walau bagaimana pun mungkin ini isu Prinsip dan menegak yang benar,jadi Anwar dan pihak2 nya besedia nak “lawan di mahkamah” dan sedia hadapi segala cabaran…bila nak tamat..mungkin apabila Dr.M,Pak Lah,Najib,Anwar dan yang berkenaan dah sakit,meninggal dunia atau sudah insaf dan lebih minat pada sekaratul maut,Inshallah.

Masalah sosial orang Melayu sangat membimbangkan kerana sekarang di tempat yang paling mulia seperti di Masjid atau Surau masih ada perbalahan,pergaduhan dan tiada mesra persahabatan kerana kita ada pihak pemerintah dan pihak pembangkang.Sepatutnya di Masjid semua jemaah adalah sama rata dan bersaudaraan.Takut suatu hari nanti macam di Iraq atau Pakistan,kita ada pihak yang”bom” jemaah dimasjid dan ramai akan mati termasuk kanak2 dan wanita!Jika ini berlaku maka umat Melayu Islam akan semua pergi ke api neraka kerana menjadi murtad dalam aqidah dan kefahaman Islam mereka.Umat Melayu Islam sudah “confirm” menjadi “kaku dan banggang” atau “numb and dumb” kerana sudah tidak tahu apa yang baik dan dibenarkan dalam Islam hakiki.

Faktor ramainya orang Melayu Islam mengikut ajaran sesat sudah menjadi2 dengan teruknya dan dari statistiks dan lapuran khas,nanpaknya Malaysia sedang menuju ke hancuran agama serta jumlah murtad bertambah ramai.Lihat saja isu2 ajaran sesat ayahpin,kiadani,berpuluh ajaran2 sesat (tanya Jakim),riba menjadi2 (lihat je Along2),80% Melayu Islam tak solat 5 waktu harian,kahwin cerai macam goreng pisang dan banyak lagi isu2 aqidah dan fahaman Islam ini.

Maka kesimpulannya,kearah mana kah kita Melayu di Malaysia ini dan “the big picture” or global stand adalah kemana kah Rakyat Malaysia kita ini?Adakah Wawasan 2020 sesuatu destinasi yang sempurna dalam Islam atau yang kaya dah nak menjadi lebih kaya untuk mereka,kuncu2nya dan balachi2 mereka baik yang memerintah atau yang membangkang!

Hanya Allah SWT Yang Maha Mengetahui,Maha Besar dan Maha Pengampuni!Inshallah jika niat kita baik dari mula kita lahir atau berfikir sesuatu aksi,maka eloklah Melayu dan Malaysia semuanya.Inshallah.

Yang berminat nak membantu Ramli dari aspek Training and Consulting yang Ramli sediakan serta ingin memberi funding atau amal jariah sila hubungi di HP:+6-019-2537165 atau emel:

Bank In ke akaun Maybank Ramli Abu Hassan : ACC: 164173649135


ini adalah petikan dari Utusan Online dan Star Online akan pentingnya peranan Silat dalam menjaga Agama,Negara dan Bangsa kita:

Jangan terlepas kuasa politik


NAJIB Tun Razak bersama sebahagian ahli Pertubuhan Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia melaungkan 1Malaysia selepas menerima Anugerah Sandang Mahkota Seri Bintang Pelangi yang membawa gelaran Imam Khalifah Agong PSSGM Kebangsaan di Kuala Lumpur, semalam.

KUALA LUMPUR 2 Okt. – Orang Melayu diingatkan bahawa kuasa politik yang diperoleh mereka menerusi pembentukan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) adalah senjata paling tajam yang perlu dipertahankan supaya tidak terlepas ke tangan orang lain.

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, sokongan terhadap BN adalah penting kerana ia satu-satunya parti yang benar-benar berjuang atas landasan bangsa, agama dan tanah air.

“Ingatlah bahawa senjata yang paling tajam sekali bukan keris, sebaliknya adalah kuasa politik di tangan kita.

“Sebab itu, pesanan oleh pengasas Pertubuhan Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia (PSSGM), Allahyarham Datuk Meor Abdul Rahman Mohd. Hashim satu ketika dahulu adalah ‘kalau ada dulang jangan biar ia terhempas, kalau ada kuasa jangan biar kuasa ini terlepas ke tangan orang lain.’

“Inilah asas kepada segala-galanya. Selagi ada kuasa, insya-Allah ada esok lagi untuk kita semua. Sebab itu, rapatlah barisan kita, masuklah dalam barisan dan teruskan perjuangan kita,” katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap merasmikan Majlis Gayong Perdana 2010 dan sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri PSSGM yang dihadiri kira-kira 5,000 ahli pertubuhan itu di padang Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya di sini hari ini.

Turut hadir Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan yang juga Penaung Agung PSSGM Kebangsaan, Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan dan Yang Dipertua pertubuhan itu, Datuk Adiwijaya Abdullah.

Dalam pada itu, Najib menggesa supaya segala nilai-nilai murni dalam amalan persilatan termasuk yang diterapkan oleh PSSGM dijadikan wadah dan pemangkin untuk mewujudkan bangsa Malaysia maju pada abad ke-21.

Menurut Perdana Menteri, perkara sama telah dibuat oleh masyarakat Jepun sebelum ini apabila menggunakan kod prinsip-prinsip moral pahlawan Samurai yang dikenali sebagai ‘bushido’ bagi mewujudkan bangsa yang berjaya.

“Abad ke-21 bukan abad yang mana kekuatan tentera merupakan kuasa yang dapat kekal selama-lamanya, sebaliknya kejayaan sesuatu tamadun ini adalah berdasarkan kepada kekuatan minda dan nilai.

“Kita juga tidak boleh berjaya sebagai sebuah bangsa atas semangat atau laungan semata-mata. Untuk maju, semua pihak termasuk pengamal seni silat perlu tahu hala tuju dan landasan perjuangan mereka,” ujarnya.

Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Najib berkata, pengamal seni silat termasuk ahli-ahli PSSGM boleh dianggap sebagai barisan ketiga pertahanan yang sanggup berkorban dan menyumbang untuk mempertahankan kedaulatan negara jika diserang musuh.

Beliau menjelaskan, barisan pertama pertahanan negara adalah Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM), manakala barisan kedua adalah Askar Wataniah.

“Hari ini apabila saya melihat anak-anak muda di hadapan saya ini, ia seolah-olah saya berhadapan dengan sebuah angkatan anak-anak Melayu yang sudi menghadapi apa juga yang mungkin mencabar kedaulatan negara,” katanya.

Pada majlis itu, Najib dianugerahkan sandang tertinggi PSSGM yang membawa gelaran ‘Mahkota Agung Seri Bintang Pelangi’, sekali gus menjadikan beliau sebagai ‘Imam Khalifah Agung’ kepada kira-kira tiga juta ahli pertubuhan berkenaan di seluruh negara.

Tokoh terakhir yang menerima anugerah itu sebelum ini ialah bapanya, Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak Hussein.

Anugerah sandang itu tergolong di dalam susunan sandang kehormat PSSGM yang hanya diberikan kepada Raja-Raja Melayu, pemimpin tertinggi negara atau negeri bagi melambangkan ketaatan ahli silat seni gayong kepada kepimpinan sedia ada.

Najib dalam ucapannya turut melahirkan perasaan terharu diberikan anugerah itu yang disifatkan sebagai penghormatan besar terhadap dirinya.

Sunday October 3, 2010

PM hails nation’s ‘third line of defence’


KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has paid tribute to members of the country’s largest silat seni gayong or Malay martial arts association who he said had contributed much to peace.

He described members of the National Silat Seni Gayong Association as the country’s defenders who were willing to make sacrifices, including giving up their lives, to protect the nation.

“I consider the silat gayong association as one of three important groups in our line of defence, who can protect the country’s sovereignty and security. The first two are members of the armed forces and the police.

“I am sure all of you will be ready to fight against those who wish to challenge our country’s peace, security and sovereignty,” he told some 3,000 members of the silat group during a national gathering of the association here yesterday.

Najib said the members were respected for their discipline, mental confidence and loyalty to the country.

“We hope the younger generation will learn the discipline of seni silat gayong, which can inculcate good morals among the youths,” he added.

Najib said a nation’s strength in the 21st century did not lie solely in military strength but in political power too.

“The sharpest weapon for the future is not the keris but political power.

“You need to be excellent in all aspects, not only martial arts and skills.

“Use your silat knowledge as a means to develop yourselves into strong and successful individuals. The Japanese adhered to the bushido spirit after World War II to become an economically-powerful country,” he said.

Najib also said he would seriously look into a proposal to construct a Malaysian seni silat gayong building at Kampung Datuk Keramat here.

Later, during a special ceremony, the Prime Minister was bestowed with the Sandang Mahkota Agong Seri Bintang Pelangi award by association president Datuk Adiwijaya Abdullah.

The award is bestowed on Malay rulers and state leaders to symbolise the loyalty of the association’s members to the country’s leadership.

lihat video2 dari promosi Ramli di Malaysia:

Ramli have written a few articles on this important subject of high medical charges by Malaysia’s many private hospitals and so called “charitable hospitals” and hopefully we can study hard and find some great solutions so that medical services still can continue and meet the budget while the Rakyat can still afford to pay their medical bills without failed and be happy about those medical charges.Medical,education and care for old folks and OKU are some of Malaysia’s Key Priorities.Agree or not?

here’s an article about what’s happening with our hospitals of the future..ref Star Online

Saturday October 2, 2010

I was collateral damage in ’99, says PM

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Najib Razak said he suffered collateral damage following the sacking of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from Umno and the Government in 1998.

He said he fell victim to the Barisan Nasional electoral setback in the 1999 general election when he retained his Pekan seat by only 241 votes.

“There were times when I felt frustrated with the situation. Quite often, not the results of my own doing,” said Najib at the Asean 100 Leadership Forum 2010, here yesterday.

He said those were the circumstances he had found himself in. “You are collateral damage, I don’t know if that’s the right word,” he added.

Anwar was sacked as deputy prime minister in 1998 by then Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

My goal: Najib spells out his determination to push through his 1Malaysia and economic agenda at the Asean 100 Leadership Forum in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Brunei Economic Development Board chairman Datuk Timothy Ong (right) was the forum’s moderator. – Bernama

Najib said: “If you look at 1999, it was a strange situation. My majority dropped to 241.”

He said he had to work hard to regain the people’s votes and in the 2004 general election, he won the seat with a majority of 22,922 votes.

In the 2008 general election, he increased the winning margin to 26,464 votes, the highest obtained by any Barisan candidate that year.

“If you have the confidence, you should not be deterred by a temporary setback. What is important is the ability to recover. Fortunately, I’m still around,” said Najib, adding that it was vital to be in the right team to survive in politics.

In Putrajaya yesterday, the prime minister said government hospitals would soon be designed to be aesthetically pleasing apart from being friendly to its users.

Earlier this year, Najib had suggested that a competition be held to design government hospitals after the Cabinet was informed of the high cost of constructing such facilities.

Several chosen designs were presented yesterday to the prime minister, who was pleased with the outcome of the competition. “This will be the design of government hospitals when we roll out projects for the 10th Malaysia Plan. The designs also meet the Government’s aim to practise value management, which addressed capital cost and operational cost such as the use of energy.

“More importantly, hospitals must be user friendly to the public, doctors and medical staff,” Najib said after viewing the designs yesterday.

Everyone aspires to be SOMEBODY and no one wants to be NOBODY,right or wrong?

To some people they prefer to be nobody (actually they were somebody but due to circumstances or events happening,now they want to be nobody)

Lots of people especially Gen Z and Gen Y wants to be their Icons eg.Madonna,Britney Spears,Paris Hilton,Ronaldo,Jackie Chan or even Najib and Obama!

To Ramli,it all begins at the personal level and that is at HOME!

If you are GREAT at managing your home and ISTIQAMAH or with continuity then you are eligible to move up the levels of Leadership.If you cannot even manage your wife or kids or even your aged parents then how can you manage the people or organisations,communities or constituencies and even a country what more the Global World?

The best benchmark for Great Leadership will be Prophet Muhammad pbuh who have a great family,community,people and his Ummah who have adhered to his leadership,teachings and Belief in Allah SWT and all the Prophet Sunnah (hadiths).

Basically a Great Leader is one who brings great peace,prosperity,love,caring,knowledge and harmony to all his people and people around them.

Yesterday (10thJune,2010),our PM Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak tabled the 10th Malaysia Plan of 2011-2015 at the Dewan Rakyat hoping to propel the country towards becoming a high income and high productivity economy by at least 2015.

The 5 Strategic Thrusts as informed were:

1.Designing Govt philosophy and approach to transform Malaysia through the National Key Results Areas (NKRAs’)

2.Creating a conducive environment for unleashing economic growth

3.Moving towards inclusive socio-economic development

4.Developing and retaining a First World talent base.

5.Building an environment that enhances quality of life.

Among some of the other significant points in PM’s speech as noted above were also like:

Under the 10thMalaysia Plan,12 National Key Economic Areas or NKEAs’ which have potential to generate high income have been identified and they are comprising 11 sectors and 1 geographical area ie.Kuala Lumpur,which was chosen because it accounts for almost 1/3 of Malaysia’s total gross domestic product (GDP):

1.Oil & Gas (O&G)

-O&G industry is expected to increase RM81.9 Bil or 11.1% of GDP in 2015.

-Upstream and downstream are expected to contribute to RM43Bil or 5.8% and RM 39.8Bil or 5.3% of GDP respectively in 2015.

2.Palm Oil and related products

-To increase the palm oil industry’s output to GDP to RM 21.9Bil with export earnings of RM 69.3Bil.

3.Financial Services

-This sector of finance and insurance are targeted to grow at 8.3% and contribute 12.7% to GDP.

4.Wholesale and retails

-Distributive trade is expected to regsiter a growth rate of 8.3% per annum,contributing 15.1% of GDP by 2015.


-The 2015 target will be attracting a larger share of high spend travellers and capturing a higher share of high growth segments particularly from Russia,India,China and Middle East,in addition to increasing the number of tourist arrivals.

6.Electrical and Electronics (E&E)

-Efforts will be intensified to move the E&E industry up the value chain through effective public-private partnerships.

7.Private Healthcare

-The target is to grow revenue from healthcare travel by 10% per annum and make Malaysia the preferred healthcare destination in the region.


-The target is to increase the contribution of private education to GDP by 1.5 to 2 times in 2015 and attract 150,000 international students by 2015.

9.Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

-The contribution of the ICT to GDP is targeted to increase to 10.2% by 2015.

10.Business Services

-The target is to increase this sector’s contribution to 3.3 % of GDP by 2015.To achieve this target,the focus will be on further developing construction related and environmental management services.

11.Agriculture Services

-High value agriculture activities will be given special focus such that the contribution to GDP increases to 2% by 2015.

12.Greater Kuala Lumpur (KL)

-to position greater KL as a world class city, a combination of economic growth and liveability strategies will be required.Among them include establishing the KL International Financial district as a global financial centre,especially for Islamic finance and its related professionals services to attract local and international financial policy and monitoring organisations and talent.

(ref:for more details,please refer The Star Newspaper 11thJune,2010 edition)

So,what’s the “real” impact or benefit will 1Malaysians get by 2015?

Will Malaysia become a greater socio economic inclusiveness among the people?Can we do it?The 80:20 factor as Ramli was informed much earlier in a NGO Forum is really making the nation’s rich and poor gap widening further.The rich seem to get richer easily and the so called poor still need to work so hard,struggle in the world of knowwho than knowhow factor in Malaysia plus a huge lists of other factors that make 2015 non significant as the “real” results does not show any truth yet!

Living in Klang Valley with a household income of about RM3,000 may look “terrible” if you live in excesses with a car to pay the hps’, a house to pay the monthly installments or rents,kids to go to school with all the schooling costs like pocket money,school bus etc..,clinic bills to take care,utilities bills,telephone and pre paid cards to purchase and so many other expenses..

If our per capita income can become RM38,850 per year as targeted by 2015 maybe life will be better BUT if we are still living in excesses,no good discipline of our finances,hoping for continual subsidies and all those “spending money” activities,WE still can be living “horribly” and always “not enough” and need continual subsidies or “bail outs”

So,what’s the “Real” Mission for all 1Malaysians come 2015?

A great Muslim historical episode once happened in the reigns of Caliph Umar Abdul Aziz r.a. where the population was all living happily with peace,enough food,ample shelter and clothing,no need to beg,people are more forward to help and donate rather than to seek for charity or financial assistance! Why this conditions prevailed?

In Ramli’s assessment,it is all about these factors:

1.Great Pious Leadership

2.Leaders have Great Character and Personality

3.Bad habits are non existent like offering and taking of bribes,mistrust,dishonest etc..

4.People live in moderation no wastages or excesses (like wanting to have all the “me too” stuff like i-Pad,i-Phone,luxury cars,condominiums,high class restaurants etc….)

5.Live is all about worship to Allah SWT (God Almighty) and the Hereafter is much sought after since living on earth is just briefly and temporarily!

6.and many others (like the Great Important Role of the Baitumal institution in managing the country’s finances and needs of the poor etc..)

‘Let’s hope the building and unleashing of Malaysia’s TALENT will make 2015 a Better,Safer,Prosperous,Happier,Stronger,Financially Prudent Malaysia where the Quality of Life reflects Truly Malaysia and not a nation that may have a High Income Economy but also High Spending or Living in Excesses people!

Some facts about the meaning of Per Capita Income:

Per capita income means how much each individual receives, in monetary terms, of the yearly income that is generated in their country through productive activities. That is what each citizen would receive if the yearly income generated by a country from its productive activities were divided equally among everyone. Per capita income is usually reported in units of currency per year. While per capita income reflects gross national product per capita income when comparing nations, it is also used to compare municipalities within nations. When determining the per capita income of a community, however, it is not economic activity that is divided by the population, but the total personal income.

Per capita income as a measure of wealth

Per capita income is often used as a measure of the wealth of the population of a nation, particularly in comparison to other nations. It is usually expressed in terms of a commonly-used international currency such as the Euro or United States dollar, and is useful because it is widely known and produces a straightforward statistic for comparison.

Particularly when comparing countries with substantially different levels of wealth, however, it has several weaknesses as a measurement.

  Economic activity that does not result in monetary income, such as services provided within the family, or for barter, are usually not counted. The importance of these services will vary widely between different economies, both between countries and among different groups within a country. See: Informal economy

  Per capita income gives no indication of the distribution of that income within the country, so a small wealthy class can increase the measured per-capita income far above that of the majority of the population. See: Income inequality metrics

  Differing currency exchange rates between countries mean that a given amount of money (for example, one US dollar) has differing values in different places. See: Purchasing power

Per Capita means Per Person

Some national per capita income levels

Data on per capita income based on a country’s total personal income are rarely available. Thus, the Gross domestic product (GDP) is more commonly used. However, the total personal income is generally lower than the gross domestic income.

A list of the top ten countries, and the lowest-ranking country, by GDP per capita (in terms of purchasing power parity – PPP – and nominal values) for the year 2005 x

Nominal per capita   PPP per capita
1. Luxembourg 80,288   Luxembourg 69,800
2. Norway 64,193   Norway 42,364
3. Iceland 52,764   United States 41,399
4. Switzerland 50,532   Ireland 40,610
5. Ireland 48,604   Iceland 35,115
6. Denmark 47,984   Denmark 34,740
7. Qatar 43,110   Canada 34,273
8. United States 42,000   Hong Kong, SAR 33,479
9. Sweden 39,694   Austria 33,432
10. Netherlands 38,618   Switzerland 32,571


You can contact Ramli at mobile:+6-019-2537165 and email:

Buat pertama kalinya Ramli berjaya hadirdiri ke Konvensyen Ushawan Melayu 2010 di PWTC yang mengikut sejarahnya,Konvensyen ini adalah yang ke-5 diadakan setelah yang pertama pada 5-6-1965,kedua pada 7~9hbSept,1968,yang ketiga pada 10~12hbJan,1992 dan keempat pada 10~11hbSept,1999.

Konvensyen kali ke5 ini dianjurkan oleh Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia (DPMM) bersama Yayasan Kajian dan Pembangunan DPMM (YKPD).

YAB Dato’Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak,Perdana Menteri Malaysia telah hadir merasmikan Konvensyen yang sangat penting dari DPMM dan Wakil2nya.

5 Kertas Kerja telah dibentangkan oleh Pakar2 Melayu pada hari pertama dan pada hari kedua esoknya,4 bengkel telah diusahakan dan disertai oleh peserta2 konvensyen yang telah memilih bengkel2 yang mereka minat hadiri dan berbincang serta membuat rumusan akan usul2 yang akan di umumkan pada sidang Pleno oleh Ketua2 Bengkel yang juga pembentang kertas kerja pada hari pertama konvensyen tersebut.

Pada majlis penutupan Tuan Syed Ali Alattas-Presiden DPMM serta menjadi Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Konvensyen Ushawan Melayu 2010 telah pun menyerahkan Resolusi Konvensyen kepada YAB Tan Sri Muhyuddin Hj.Mohd Yassin-Timbalan Perdana Menteri yang turut hadir untuk menutup Konvensyen tersebut dengan jayanya.

Antara tajuk2 utama yang telah dibentangkan,dibahaskan,ditambah baikkan dan perkara2 yang terbangkit adalah seperti:

  • Agenda Ekonomi Melayu Dalam Modal Ekonomi Baru (MEB)
  • Tanggungjawab dan peranan kerajaan dan agensi kerajaan dalam pembangunan usahawan Melayu serta cadangan penubuhan “National Employment Institute”
  • Modal dan Kewangan Usahawan Melayu
  • Introducing   a viable Qardul Hasan Bank System
  • Hak dan peranan usahawan Melayu dalam gagasan 1Malaysia
  • dan banyak lagi…

Apakah yang Ramli sendiri “terasa dan ingin membuat revolusi aksi” agar masa hadapan Bangsa Melayu akan lebih kukuh,terjamin dan terusmaju dalam segala usaha kerajaan terutamanya dalam agenda nasional MEB tersebut ialah:

  • Usahawan Melayu perlu bekerja rapat dengan Kerajaan agar segala strategi perlaksanaan MEB difahami arah tujunya dan apa peranaan sebenar Usahawan Melayu agar tidak ketinggallan atau tercicir
  • Projek2 Kerajaan perlu disalurkan kepada Usahawan2 Melayu melalui DPMM mereka supaya tidak ada monopoli atau memberi faedah kepada segelintir Usahawan2 Melayu sahaja.Kita perlu menikmati bersama akan projek2 kerajaan yang akan di lancarkan di RMK10 dan RMK11 nanti.
  • Usahawan Melayu perlu bersiap sedia dengan barisan pelapis mereka agar ada persinambungan atau “handover power” kepada Generasi Baru sementara Generasi Lama bersiap sedia untuk berundur dengan tenang,penuh harapan dan bersyukur atas nikmat2 yang telah dicapai dulu itu.
  • Ramli juga bersedia melaksanakan usaha membina modal insan (talent development) dengan Program World Class Performance nya supaya Usahawan2 Melayu khasnya akan faham apakah ciri2 penting untuk organisasi mereka perlu ada untuk melonjakkan prestasi syarikat atau jabatan mereka ketahap Kelas Dunia.Metodologi World Class Performance Scorecard akan digunakan dengan baiknya agar Usahawan2 Melayu akan meningkat prestasi dari Level 1 (Ordinary Class) ke Level 5 (World Class)
  • dan banyak usaha2 yang lain lagi…

Ramli berharap dengan penglibatan Ramli dengan persatuan baru MAFPA akan membuat Ramli lebih ghairah dan syafakah dalam usaha memperkasakan Usahawan Melayu menjadi Global Players serta membantu merealasasikan NGO Force ke 3 sebagai Penjana Ekonomi Bangsa!Inshallah.

Hubungi Ramli di hp:019-2537165 atau emel:

Sila lihat foto2 yang Ramli ambil untuk perhatian anda:

Today(30th March,2010),as planned will be the official launch of the much awaited NEM and will be announced by YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak-Malaysia’s Prime Minister.

We shall read all the details when the Rakyat like Ramli read them in tomorrow’s papers and better still get a copy of the NEM Book (if there is one)

Like all projects,we first visioned what we want to achieve then we determined the mission on how to accomplish all those dreams and targets.We create the structure with people involved,processes to be build and put into action for results and then we maintain the project for final results based on the gantt chart or road map concerned.

With so many Malaysia Economic Projects or Programmes inplaced since the First Malaysia Plan(RMK1) to the Ten Malaysia Plan(RMK10),we still failed to achieve our many planned targets,met some of them and some we are still underperforming!Why?

If we study the many possible causes for this failure maybe the factor of MAN is the main culprit or focus rather than the factors of Method,Machine,Material,Environment and Measurement.Normally this 4M1E Factors are ways we brainstorm applying the Ishikawa Diagram or Fishbone Chart in a normal QCC@ICC or KMK@ICC project in Malaysia.The main objective is to find out the possible root cause/s of the problem at hand and in this case is “Why Malaysia failed to achieve a High Income Level country for her Rakyat”

With possible brainstorming sessions Ramli is sure the root causes comes from MAN (People) Factor that include Leadership and People attitude,character problems.If we have more sincere,honest,hardworking,trustful,smart thinking and fast action kind of people then WE can realized this mission of the NEM or whatever we are planning to do!

The other major factor is also our faith in Allah SWT (God Almighty).We can have all the best elements in place but if we behave with great disrespect,unfaithful,”we think we are always great type of people”,selfish,no faith in Allah SWT etc..then we can also failed in our NEM or whatever mission we will undertake now or 20 years from now etc…

Being successful in life is not amassing great wealth or having as many Billionaires in the country than others BUT being successful is about behaving rightly,halal ways,abstain from all haram acts,love each other,live in peace,being honest and most of all having more good deeds than bad ones that will be measured in the Hereafter.How much can we eat or want to live forever,our lifes are already predetermined even before we start to exist in this many “alams” that the Muslim goes through and same to the rest of all 1Malaysians.So,who is actually a Great Person or Great Malaysian?In Islam,A Blessed Person to Allah SWT are based on these 3 points:

1.Your “amalan” or deeds in this world

2.Your “amal jariah” or acts of charity

3.Your “anak2 solehah” or pious kids who will pray for you especially for your soul when you have passed away.

Do YOU think you can achieve those 3 Points before you “extinguished” yourself from this earth you may love so much?

Ramli always pray (Doa) to Allah SWT,Muhammad pbuh,Sahabats,Tabiin,Tabiin Tabiin,for himself.his wife,his children,his parents,his relatives,his Muslim Ummah and all the rest so that Allah SWT will Blessed and Have Great Mercy to all of us now and forever.

Ref:TheStar Online.

Published: Tuesday March 30, 2010 MYT 9:47:00 AM
Updated: Tuesday March 30, 2010 MYT 10:21:21 AM

PM: New Economic Model to turn Malaysia into high income nation

Keypoints of the Prime Minister’s speech Tuesday:

*There’s a need to change rent-seeking and patronage system that has wracked our old system and the NEM must overcome this

*NEM will focus on inclusiveness where all Malaysians of all races will contribute

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak speaking at the launch of the New Economic Model (NEM) in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday.

*The NEM aims to take Malaysia to a high income country with per capita income of US$15,000, from the current US$7,000, in 10 years

*We will use NEAC report as a roadmap to a new Malaysia but welcome public input to make them part of the decision process

*NEM forms the backbone of reform and is vital in the rebuilding of the Malaysian economy

*Don’t be fooled by calls to protect the status quo. Old ways cannot be continued. We have to break-out of middle income trap

*Government relooking at the subsidy system and introduction of GST which are common sense policies that need to be implemented

*Najib pledges to carry out the economic reforms needed for businesses to grow and people to prosper

*The NEM report by NEAC is 160 pages and warns that Malaysia can fall further behind its neighbour

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announces Tuesday the highly anticipated New Economic Model (NEM) that aims to transform the country into a high-income nation.

The NEM is part of the four key thrusts of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s agenda.

The others are the 1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now concept; the Government Transformation Programme (GTP); and the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP).

Najib unveiled the NEM’s framework at the Bursa Malaysia’s Invest Malaysia conference on Tuesday.

It was at the same function last year that Najib announced various liberalisation measures to make Malaysia more business friendly including the doing away with Foreign Investment Committee requirements.

The NEM recommendations were drawn up by the nine-man National Economic Advisory Council, which is headed by former Maybank chief and ex-minister Tan Sri Amirsham A. Aziz. The NEAC was formed on June 1.

The framework to be unveiled today is the first part of the NEM.

The NEAC is expected to submit the second part of its report on how the model should be implemented after studying all the feedback on the framework from various groups.

Najib is expected to elaborate on the targets of the NEM and the pitfalls facing the country if the recommendations are ignored.

Besides Amrisham, the members of the council include London School of Economics head of department Dr Danny Quah, finance expert Dr Yukon Huang and the World Bank’s East Asia chief economist Dr Homi J. Kharas. All three are advisers to the World Bank.

Datuk Dr Zainal Aznam Yusof, a distinguished fellow of the Institute for Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia, is also on the council.

Joining Zainal from ISIS are current director-general Dr Mahani Zainal Abidin and its former research director Datuk Dr Hamzah Kassim.

The other distinguished members are China Bank Regulatory Commission chief adviser Datuk Andrew Sheng and Universiti Sains Malaysia vice-chancellor Professor Tan Sri Dzulkifli Abdul Razak.

The sole corporate representative is Datuk Nicholas S. Zefferys, the past president of the American-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce.