Posts Tagged ‘malaysian voters’

The Prophet Muhammad pbuh have once taught his Muslim Ummah about the best ways to lead your nation,company and family!

Prophet Muhammad pbuh emphasised the importance of LEADING BY EXAMPLE and to do that we must start from HOME!

Yes,the family must made to be right and of great character and discipline.If YOU as the Head of the Family cant guide your own family to Islamic Ways or Ad-deen such as:

  • Strict obedience to Rukun Islam and Rukan Iman and not only know them but practice them always
  • Prayers is the Main Pillar of Islam and make sure your family members pray 5 times a day without failed!
  • Hijab to the women is a must and in Islam covering your body parts with the neccessary Hijab and also to the men will have great blessings from Allah SWT
  • Free from any Riba’ delaings is also obligatory for all Muslims since Riba’ is forbidden but Trade is encouraged.
  • If any family members “stray from the straight path” of Islam then they must be advised accordingly and punished on Islamic Laws as where applicable
  • In doing so then Allah SWT will Grant Great Blessings and Mercy to You and Your Beloved Family
The above are basic criterias for selecting the RIGHT CANDIDATE FOR THE RIGHT JOB AS MP OR ADUN and any others are just plained wrong and poor judgement!Are you making the right decision or voting rightly?
If you as the candidate cant even managed your family members to the straight path HOW COME you can expect to manage or lead your company or nation to the same straight path?Thats why the Prophet Muhammad pbuh always emphasised the need to focus and build great characters of Muslims and all humans in general.Like Ramli have written before a POSITIVE PERSONALITY (or Great Faith in Allah SWT) will be the main basis of a Great Leader or Person put to manage or lead!
So,before you cast your most valuable ballot paper,it is advisable you make the above analysis of your political candidates to power so that the next 4 or 5 years of political power will be led by Leaders that you know are of Great Character and Positive Personality that want to be in power not for their greed or crazy of position BUT mostly for service to Allah SWT (God Almighty) and help make the life of Malaysians BETTER,PROSPER,HAPPIER,SAFER AND GREATER.
For enquiries or advice,please contact Ramli at +6-019-2537165 or email at