Posts Tagged ‘maimunah’

Here are some of the photos taken by Ramli:

Here are some great moments in Ramli & Maimunah Children’s Lifetime:

Ramli & Maimunah’s children are: (Age as of 2011)

Zaim Aimran (26)

Zaim Ikhwan (24)

Nur Amirah (23)

Nur Arina (19)

Zaim Bukhairi (16)

Remember and Apply Ramli’s 3Es of No-Nonsense Management Philosophy:




Enquiries call Ramli +6019-2537165 or email:

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Ramli realized that when we as Leaders start our projects we must have PDCA in mind ie.Plan-Do-Check-Action (system of control and execution)

Without these fundamental Good Mgmt practices we will landed up with failures and waste of time and resources as our projects become bad and poor outcomes.

When we practise all the nonsense mgmt styles we will get nonsense results that does not meet the targets or objectives of the projects concerned!

Wastes of time,money,human capital are too hard to bear nowadays when the world is experiencing lack of natural resources,good talents and capital!

We must always learn not to waste and maximise results with minimise capital!

One good example in Ramli’s place is the establishment of the Shah Alam Bus Terminal at Section 17 where due to careful analysis and need of customers,the authorities decided to establish the Bus Terminal or Station where all the Express Buses come here and commuters can now easily booked their tickets and can travel from Shah Alam to anywhere in West Malaysia!Thats so wonderful when before they must travel to KL to book their tickets and take the buses there.Now no more,all can be done at this Section 17 Bus Terminal with almost all the Major Bus Companies have station their buses here!

See the photos below when Ramli last night send his eldest daughter Nur Amirah to board the bus going to Kuala Trengganu to attend to her Convocation at UMT on 2nd October,2011.Tomorrow my wife will also board the Express Bus to go to KT.

Everybody who live will soon die when our time have come,as determined by Allah SWT.

Muslims belief there is life after death and all the good deeds  we do on earth will be rewarded with great Blessings by Allah SWT in the Hereafter.

All the bad deeds or dosa will grant us a place in Hell or Neraka.So,it is a good thing to remember that LIVING ON EARTH MUST BE FILLED WITH GREAT DEEDS,ZERO DOSA,PIOUS CHILDREN,SHARE OR GIVE OUT YOUR WEALTH AND POSSESS A POSITIVE PERSONALITY.

My late brother in law Hj.Abdullah is a kind man,great father to his children,always ready to help and have done great service to his kariah or neighbourhood or community.He suddenly fell ill and after about 4 months of pain,laying in bed and slow deterioration of his health finally death comes knocking and Abang Man passed away peacefully in Seremban Hospital on Friday about 1.45 noon and later was burried at the Muslim Cemetery just next to his Sepang House where Ramli found out that Abang Man was also one of the grave diggers at that cemetery.Abang Man was also driving some school chikdren to school in his car daily.

Here are some photos Ramli snapped in memory of Abang Man last night: AL-FATIHAH

here are the photgraphs:

Ramli was surprised that his youngest son Zaim Bukhairi (only 16years old) have friends who Ramli just observed behaving with poor discipline,no manners,revving their motorbikes like they own the streets of Shah Alam,talking like shouting,maybe also the smoking type and maybe never pray their solat 5 times a day and what have you?Are these kind of Gen Y or teens we want for FUTURE MALAYSIA?

Who helped shape their character and behaviours what more their  attitude,skills and manners?Of course their parents are the KEY PLAYERS and also their teachers in school and elder brothers and sisters and people old enough to advice them!So,maybe these KEY PLAYERS  are not performing their roles & responsibilities well enough and if we rate them maybe they are at the rating of 2/10 ie.POOR

What to do?

Ramli is getting worried about “wiwi” whom we in the family called my youngest son!We allow him to choose his friends or buddies but now there are strong doubts this kind of friends may not seem to be good enough to help him establish a strong discipline person with good character,strong motivation for success,honest,polite,trusty and so many other good values that we want our children to possess and reflect in their personality.

Wiwi may have the strong base of loving,caring,discipline from his family BUT if he is weak in maintaining his stand of good discipline he may falter or lose all these good values and start possessing all the bad values that his friends may passed on or influenced him or worst still get “trapped” in their bad environment and find difficulty to “get out” of the gang!

So,what to do urgently and more actions needed?

Ramli in his book “REVOLUSI AKSI” have stressed the 4 Main Elements in the Revolusi Aksi Cycle that are :

  • Thinking (Pemikiran)
  • Doing (Tindakan)
  • Measurement (Pengukuran)
  • Discipline (Disiplin)

Based on the 4th Element ie.DISCIPLINE it shows the great importance that we must focus to make DISCIPLINE IMPORTANT ALL THE TIME in our cycle of living towards EXCELLENCE.

After we have done the 3 ELEMENTS well,we must ensure to establish DISCIPLINE in our processes,work,projects and environment.If you read the book,you will undertstand the 7 factors involve in the DISCIPLINE element.These 7 Factors are:

  • Rukun Iman (as in Islam)
  • Shitsuke (as in 5S Philosophy)
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Kepimpinan (Leadership aspects)
  • Kumpulan (Team aspects)
  • Komuniti (Community aspects)
  • Global aspects

Based on these wide approaches,DISCIPLINE must be establish at all these 7 areas and by instilling discipline at the highest level,we can at least ensure we can HOLD THE GAINS or INSTITUTIONALISED all our hard work of the 3 earlier elements and sustain and maintain all the good results always and keep on improving all the time.Only with a discipline approach we can sustain all these good results .

Ok,so how we relate this importance of discipline to our children?

The Family and School must become the important “vehicle” to “build” discipline in our kids to the highest level like those we see being produced at Military Schools like WESTPOINT IN USA and RMC IN MSIA  and others.

These are establishments that are well respected around the world and they continually produced graduates of great callibre and later become Captains of Industry like CEOs,Directors and Important Business and Govt Leaders.

So,maybe our schools have to make discipline a core focus area by all Pengetua and Gurubesar and with the support of the PK HEM incharge of discipline of the school plus the Prefects Board hopefully the school discipline level will become good to best and all cases of indisciplinary acts like bullying,”ponteng”,smoking in school,theft,absence from class,poor results due to laziness and so many other factors can be slowly reduced and finally eliminated.However that is not easy to do or achieve now in our SRK and SMK.

Our teachers and students now fear the “bad hats” of their school and these bad hats are ready to create a lot of mischiefs,harmful actions and “what have you” that make the teachers and fellow students life stressful,miserable and disgusting at times since like nothing or no good actions can be done?

So,like the behaviours of my WIWI friends that I observed today,we must be worried and can we take enough good effective actions to help them become more discipline and become better students and individuals when they complete school?

Now,the use of the ROTAN  or caned is almost like banned in school and any small canning action by a teacher will create great uproar by the parents involved.The parents will not allow such canning by teachers to their children even though their children have created a serious indiscipline act like stealing,bullying or smoking in school regularly.

Can we allow the teachers to rotan our kids?Can we personally hand over our own rotan to the teachers to canned our kids if they go “out of control” or we ourselves canned our kids if informed by the teachers concerned?maybe many of the parents of today refused or like “afraid” to punish their kids!We have become so “soft” and “so kind” to our kids not like the times of our own parents and grandparents before.WE MUST CHANGE OR TRANSFORM to become Great Parents of Strong Discipline to ur Kids!

So,what other actions can we take to establish DSICIPLINE to our children?

If we do not see this as a Major Threat and Danger to Malaysia,then maybe by 2020 our Gen Y & Gen X will become “USELESS MALAYSIANS” where they become more of a liability to Malaysia rather than a strong asset or bring great impact to Malaysia’s results!We need millions of Discipline Rakyat to uplift and upgrade Malaysia’s World Class Performance and if at this early age of our kids that lack all these strong fundamentals of discipline,good values,strong moral values and motivation to succeed ,we definitely will not reach our aspirations of Vision 2020 that was coined in 1981.

DISCIPLINE is and must be everyone’s responsibility and like in Ramli’s Revolusi Aksi Cycle,only with Discipline install can we ensure our work,our projects,our ASPIRATIONS are realized on time and in full.

We need more ideas and actions to make Discipline Work in Malaysia especially for our young generations like GenZ,Gen Y and Gen X and when they grow up as Leaders,Followers and Baby Boomers Gen,they become a great asset to Malaysia and eliminate all the wastages and errors that an Indiscipline Generations can create or produce.

DISCIPLINE is so IMPORTANT and we all must make it take place in the best of time and in what ever ways even if we must or need to ROTAN our children before they face the ‘REAL ROTAN” if they are sentenced to PRISON AND THE ROTAN for criminal acts or indisciplined acts!

Contact Ramli at 019-2537165 or for any enquiries or assistance.





Ramli really have a great life filled with many loved ones who cared for Ramli since he was a baby boy till now…My mum,dad,uncles,aunties,grand fathers  and grand mothers all have passed away peacefully living only a few who are aging and maybe “ready to die peacefully”

In Malay we say “Mati itu satu kepastian” meaning “death is real” and we must be ready for it anytime anyplace!

Why people behave so greedy and foolishly still when they also know that soon death is at their doorsteps?Be nice,care for people in need,the hand that gives is better than the hand that receives and many more good deeds where God Almighty (Allah SWT) will surely Blessed and have Mercy for all that obey and abide to His Commands.

Ramli wants to be super rich and be super donor but maybe its all about our own destiny that Allah SWT have charted for all of us!Jadi Hartawan and Dermawan meaning Being Wealthy and Philantrophist is what matters most but as usual maybe not everybody will be like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet but as long we give more than we receive than we have also acted or behave like Mr.Gates and Mr.Buffet who want to contribute their great wealth to human improvements in terms of quality of life,free from diseases and be knowledgeable to meet the challenges that the world posed to us all the time.

Kak Hawa was my “adopted” sister whose family include Baba Pen,Mak Esah,Kak Ani (still living) and Nenek Long who all have loved and cared for Ramli since he was a toddler in Kuantan,Pahang and through Ramli’s growing years as a kid to teenager and then as an adult and later as a father to his 5 growing children.Kak Hawa passed away peacefully on 31st October,2008 and was burried at Datuk Keramat Cemetery where a beautiful grave with all the marble tombstone was erected by Kak Hawa’s dear Husband Abang Mail and her 2 children Ishar and Itishah.

Life is a journey so we must keep building great relationships with all our loved ones and their children so that there will be long term bonding and caring with lots of love to all involved and maybe that is what life is all about to love and to care for each other.Al-Fatihah to all our loved ones who have passed away and May Allah SWT Blessed and Have Mercy on all of them.

If you want,contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 or email at anytime,anywhere.

Here are some photos especially dedicated to Kak Hawa:

My mum pictures and videos:

Since my mum was admitted to UMMC on 9thNov,2010 Ramli and his wife Maimunah together with his younger sister(Jalilah) and elder brother (Ismail Razak) have been busy taking care of mum and ensuring her health and daily needs are met.We took turns to sleep in UH at Wad 12 and later at Wad 13.

As far as Ramli is concerned the many days spend at UH was great!Why?

There are lots of things to learn actually at the hospital!What are the things we can learn or observe or take notes?

Everyday in our lives we go through many events or actions.We need to always TAKE THE  RIGHT ACTIONS  so that we eliminate errors,wastes and great loss of time that will never come back or repeat again.

The loss of my Dearest Mummy,HJH MEENA HJ AHMAD  or also known in her working career as Matron Meenah was really one of my greatest moments in my life where my mum borned on 22-8-1922 (as in her IC shows) which my mum refute saying she must be older than that age of 88 + years old.My mum died peacefully after being treated for athsma,kidney,diabetic,heart,infections of many types infact all interconnected that led to her breathing problems and need the ventilator to support her oxygen intake and finally her failed heart that led to her timely death at 3.41 am yesterday morning of 20thDecember,2010.

Ramli thinks on the Management side of things managed at UMMC there need to be lots of improvement as far as patient care and life saving efforts are made!We must have good and clear of patient’s medical history so that no waste of time or duplication are made especially by doctors in charge .Malaysian medical progress or technology must now possess each Malaysian Medical Record in their IC chip for example where every hospital or clinic they get treatment will upload or update all their medical datas so that any doctor treating them can quickly know or study further their patient’s medical performance and all the health problems or historical datas.

Nowadays,the duplication process is so many where each clinic or hospital will safeguard their patient’s profile in their own system and do  not passed them to be kept by their patient’s themselves like in their special medical card or like our IC!

So,my mum also have many years of health records kept at UMMC and Ramli hoped the doctors who treated  her these last days at UH knows all her medical history and not “just trying to find” new datas through trials and errors or experiments?

Ramli even told or caution some of the Consultants and senior doctors that it looks the rate of patient’s safety or discharge as good health is BAD and many ended up in “boxes” or dead persons!Yes,being at ICUs or special treatment for serious illness or poor health the rate of prolong survival is SLIM and many ended up dead after maybe 2-4 weeks at the hospitals!

For the World’s Best Hospitals it is IMPORTANT to have this good medical survival record for ICU patients so that people who can pay lots of money can at least be assured that their loved ones are in good care,treatment and will survive that medical treatment or journey!So,poor people will have less survival rate not because they cannot get the RIGHT MEDICAL TREATMENT BUT MAINLY BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO OR PLENTY OF MONEY!THAT’S REALLY BAD OR SUCKS!But thats life,so work hard be rich and maybe you can live longer!

Ramli wants to research and write more about how to improve Malaysia’s Medical Performance to World Class Levels.Hope you too can cooperate and contribute!

For Muslims,our life and death are determined by Allah SWT and He Knoweth’s Best!

Mummy was buried with so many family members,friends and Ramli’s Kariah people attending her funeral at the Shah Alam Muslim Cemetery at Section 21 yesterday around 11 am to 12 noon.

So many things to write on my mum history,memorable events and management performances but lets do it later with addition of my loving dad’s story also (my dad Abu Hassan Omar passed away on 19thJune,1997 ) and buried at Bukit Kiara Cemetery.

Here are some photos of Ramli’s mother at UMMC and her funeral:

Perkahwinan antara seorang lelaki dan perempuan setiap saat berlaku di dunia dan Malaysia ini khasnya.

Mengikut statistik sungguh ramai kes2 perceraian yang dilapurkan setiap hari hampir 5~10 pasangan Muslim akan bercerai setiap hari di Selangor saja?Jika kita jumlahkan setiap tahun maka jumlah kes perceraian akan menjadi sungguh banyak dan tidak lah baik untuk negara dan imej Islam.

Perkahwinan antara selebriti kita pun banyak yang akhirnya berlaku perceraian apabila sudah 3~5 tahun berkahwin malah ada juga yang tidak sampai setahun!

Perkahwinan artis Melayu dengan “Mat Salleh” pun banyak dan malangnya seperti yang Ramli lihat ramai sungguh yang akhir dengan perceraian.Mengapa?

Susahke nak jaga Mat Salleh ini atau susah dan pening ke Mat Salleh nak jaga isteri Melayu mereka ini?Siapakah yang lebih “melayu” atau “Islam” ?Jika perceraian artis Melayu begitu teruk apabila nikah dengan Mat Salleh mengapa nak pilih Mat Salleh lagi?Pilih lah Mat Jawa,Mat Mamak,Mat Boyan,Mat Minang,Mat Asli dan Mat2 yang lain tapi hati2 dengn Mat Rempit atau Mat2 yang nakal2 itu yang tidak ikut “saman” atau tidak berdisiplin atau beriman itu!

Perkahwinan adalah sangat penting dan satu2nya kejayaan manusia dalam meneruskan zuriat dan membina empayar mereka.Jika perkahwinan tidak boleh tahan lama maka ramailah anak2 akan tidak ada keluarga yang stabil,tanpa kasih sayang dan tanpa bimbingan ibu bapa…ini akan menghasilkan anak2 yang tidak berdisiplin,self low esteem,tidak ada keyakinan diri,suka memberontak tanpa sebab2 yang kukuh dan banyak lagi masalah sosial..

Sekarang jika sesuatu perkahwinan berjaya bertahan 3 atau 5 tahun dan lebih ,maka perkahwinan itu sangat berjaya dan makmur hendaknya.Sungguh ramai sekarang wanita2 muda digelar JANDA atau “single mother” dan sekarang mereka ini tidak rasa malu atau “inferior” tapi lebih rasa “independant”,megah,berani,tak kisah dan “thats my problem” sindrom dan “u apa hal?”

Jika ramai pula lelaki baik Duda,Teruna atau sudah beristeri satu atau dua,maka jika mereka mahu bernikah dengan wanita2 tersebut bukan janda muda itu sahaja tetapi kesemua “pakej”nya termasuk anak2 kecil mereka yang berderet itu maka aman dan bahagia lah 1Malaysia nanti,Inshallah.Kenapa?

Ini bermakna kita ada institusi keluarga yang harmonis,aman,cerah masa hadapan dan tidak membiarkan wanita2 solo ini bagai “merempit” atau tiada siapa yang memberi nafkah baik zahir dan batin.Bernikah lebih atau amalan poligami adalah relevan dan boleh digalakkan asalkan si lelaki itu akan “responsible”,adil,sayang semua ahli keluarga dan pemimpin yang wibawa!

Jika ada kemampuan dan kemahuan,nikahlah ramai kalau tidak bersyukurlah dengan yang ada itu selama2nya.

Hubungi Ramli di 019-2537165 atau emel: