Posts Tagged ‘kids’

Ref: YouTube videos


Winning World Championship is “no joke” and need lots of hard work,smart thinking and planning plus all those scientific and careful n dedicated coaching and follow ups.

Sports is no more for “simple thinking or foolish dreams” BUT need lots of leadership,forward thinking and execution plus great passion and dedication by Malaysian Sports Men and Women alike.

Start from Young is the way to do it and we need TDR also.TDR means:

  • Hard Training
  • Good Diet
  • Ample Rest
This TDR Philosophy was made known by Ramli’s Boxing Advisor Mr.Henry Tongmo O from Korea way back in 1997 when Ramli launched the Pro-Boxing Sports in Malaysia and the “Thriller at the Peak” Pro Boxing Championship at Genting Highlands Hotel on 7thMarch,1997.The rest is history.
See some photos of Ramli’s Sporting History starting way back at Batu Road School from 1966 onwards when Ramli was in Standard Four.

Here are some great moments in Ramli & Maimunah Children’s Lifetime:

Ramli & Maimunah’s children are: (Age as of 2011)

Zaim Aimran (26)

Zaim Ikhwan (24)

Nur Amirah (23)

Nur Arina (19)

Zaim Bukhairi (16)

Remember and Apply Ramli’s 3Es of No-Nonsense Management Philosophy:




Enquiries call Ramli +6019-2537165 or email:

Ramli have 5 kids and my eldest a boy is now 26 years old (an engineer),my second child also a boy 24 years old helps me and my wife at home and in my business,my third child is a girl now 23 years old just completed her degree in economics waiting for the final results,my fourth kid a girl 19 years old  is now studying at UiTM Kota Samarahan for her Diploma in Banking (soon in her third semester) and finally my youngest kid a boy age 16years old studying in Form 4 near my home.

With these growing kids soon to be adults and later on getting married with chidren of their own all have an interesting journey in life and it is my duty and wife to see their journeys are worthwhile,happy,prosperous and full of bliss and hope.Parents have a duty to ensure their children get the best caring and love not just when they reached 21 years of age (freedom key as they say) or when they get married but throughout their lifetime (as Allah SWT Knows Best)

What Ramli is trying to highlight here is whats the ideal or best age for marriage to our growing kids?Is it 21,25,27 or 30 years old for males and 18,21,23,25,27,30 for females or none of the above meaning above 30 years old like 35,40 or ?

Ramli married at the age of 27 and Maimunah (Ramli’s wife) was at that time 22 years old.Within a span of 10 years,Ramli & Munah produced 5 kids.Ramli continued working until 40 years old when he decided to become a Full Time Entrepreneur and Munah stopped work after our first kid was born in 1985 and focus her time as housewife and mother.

Nowadays,there are many couples who are double wage earners and they hire maids to care for their children and home while the parents goes to work.Living in Klang Valley needs at least a household income of RM 3,000 (minimum) to feed a family of 5 pax.Maybe more for most families otherwise life is tough and hard.Is it?

So,the best age to get married for 1st timers must be at least below 30 years old ideally at 27 years old for males and 25 years old for females.Agree or not?

The most worrisome factor nowadays is the high rate of marriage breakdowns and that lead to divorces among newly married couples.Why?

Are these couples get bored so fast like within 3-5 years or just can’t take the pressures of married life?

We need to HELP them and helped SAVE their marriage at all costs.Marriage breakdowns are high in Malay couples and maybe the same with Chinese,Indians or rest of Malaysians..

We need marriages to stay forever and how best to make marriages POSSESSED THE 3Es of EXCELLENCE,EXCITEMENT AND ENTHUSIASM.

We need to have a majority of happily married couples and minimal divorces in Malaysia if Malaysia wants to be a Happy,Harmony and Prosperous Nation!We cant afford to see kids without their parents being happily married together since a broken home can also lead to a broken nation! Is it a myth or fact?

Soon in these few years to come (a span of 10 years) Ramli & Munah will be busy managing their children marraiges as well as all of Ramli’s Friends of the same Generation!We in the 50s and 60s are the busy times of our kids marriages and soon becoming DATUK AND NENEK of the real kind!

Wish all of YOU parents,Happy Lifetime and Great Journey of Living with your kids and grandchildren and maybe great grand children!


Ramli is available at +6-019-2537165 and

Wars are existing because Wars asisst the Super Powers business of Military Might as well as an important economic component for providing employment to millions of people in the army,navy,air force,special forces as well as civilians in the Military.Wars are also important to ensure the manufacturers of military armaments are busy at the factory floors to produce tanks,bullets,jet fighters,bombs,military uniforms,food for the military,air craft carriers,R&D work and so many others….

So to end all wars is BAD for the Military!They will be out of business and need to move to new areas of work like agriculture,education or medical etc…

So,Leaders or Stakeholders of the Need for Wars will always ensure troubles are created in most corners of the world and if possible made them prolonged wars or unrest where Military Might or Presence are needed most!

So as of today 4thMay,2011 we see many wars,civil wars and troubles happening everywhere including the threat of Terrorists,Nuclear Wars and “Crazy Mad Leaders” who will ensure wars are happening and the need of Military is always needed and armaments of all sizes and capabilities are bought,used and purchased again without the slightest thoughts of WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS,DESTROYING THE WORLD’S ENVIRONMENT,ENDANGERING PEOPLES LIVES ALL THE TIME,NO HOPE FOR AN EVERLASTING PEACE IN THE WORLD AND WORST OF ALL LIVING WITH NO BLESSING OF ALLAH SWT (GOD ALMIGHTY)….is that what we want?

Every Human Being will DIE sooner or later,so lets have peace in the world more so for our KIDS and Future Kids (Children) .They too have a right to live with PEACE,PROSPERITY AND HAPINESS…

Ramli can be contacted at +6019-2537165 or

Videos in youtube on these Miracle Kids who are all Blessed by Allah SWT with Great Knowledge of the Holy Quran,Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad and so many other “special gifts” from Allah SWT.

In Ramli’s book “Revolusi Aksi” or Action Revolution you can see the 4 Elements in the Revolusi Aksi Cycle of Actions and they comprised of:

1.Thinking (Pemikiran)

2.Doing (Tindakan)

3.Measuring (Pengukuran)

4.Discipline (Disiplin)

In these 4 elements there are also their own  7 factors and together they will act in harmony as to produce the right results when we apply this Action Revolution Cycle of Actions.Please do read this book to know more before you act for results.

Today,Ramli wants to futher stressed the importance of Discipline.

The moment our kid starts growing up,we must teach them the importance of discipline.LIke in Islam,we are advised to teach our children at the age of 7 how to pray 5 times a day and when they reach the age 10,if they dont pray you must beat them with the “rotan” or cane so that they are discipline enough to know the punishment of not praying since they been taught about praying 5 times a day when they were at age 7 already.

This reflects in our growing up years where if  you are late to school the discipline teacher will record your name and send you later to detention class as a punishment for non obedience to the rules of the school.Same goes when you start working in a company and when you are late to work you too will be given a show cause letter from HR Dept as to why you are late many times or not improving your performance even ample warning are given to you by the company.

So,discipline is a key factor to teach us the values of being obedient,steadfast,good leadership,time management,persistence,quality and so many other good attributes that a person must possess if they want to be Excellent People.

Nowadays,the parents are slacking in discipline and “too polite” with their children and based on Ramli’s analysis maybe thats why we have so many juvenile crimes,mischiefs,indiscipline and worst still child murderers in our own backyard!

Children if not taught the importance of discipline then they will become rude,impolite,no patience,lazy,easily give up,poor leadership,poor grooming and etiquette,and so many bad character that is a liability to human society rather than add great value to us all.

The many “mat rempits”,”bohsia or bohjan”,”kaki lepak”,bullies,drug addicts,smugglers,snatch theives,gangsters and others are the outcome when a child is not given the necessary discipline and not enough mental strengths to face life with courage,honesty and patience.

As all of us know,the SATAN or DEVIL is always beside us to “make us be like them” and when you behave like the Satan or Iblis family then discipline is not your priority anymore maybe the discipline to be bad or evil is your priority now!

How to instill discipline in our life?If you read Ramli’s book the 7 factors that constitute in the 4th Elements of Revolusi Aksi Cycle of Actions clearly spelt out the 7 areas of focus that you can concentrate and act upon.

Please read Ramli’s book but at this time around Ramli only have the Malay edition and need to get this book translated to the English version for all those non Malay readers.

Some pictures of Ramli’s book: Revolusi Aksi

Ramli have 1 wife (now) and 5 kids (3 boys and 2 girls)
My eldest son =Zaim Aimran bin Ramli born in 1985
Second kid =Zaim Ikhwan born in 1987
Third kid -Eldest daughter =Nur Amirah born in 1988
Fourth kid=Nur Arina born in 1992
Fifth kid-youngest son =Zaim Bukhairi born in 1995

See some YouTube Videos about how parents love their kids…..

This 27thJuly,2009 marked the 25th Year of Marraige for Ramli & Munah.On 27thJuly,1984..Ramli & Munah had their akad nikah(marraige vows-ceremony) in Kg.Pengkalan,Alor Gajah Malacca and immediately after the Nikah ceremony,the “bersanding” was held in Kg.Pengkalan.What’s so special is that Munah’s elder brother Azman also got married with his wife Hawa from the same village on that same night with Ramli&Munah.SO it was a Double Wedding with 2 Couples on the wedding dais or stage.
Later on 29th July,1984..Ramli&Munah had their wedding reception in Petaling Jaya at Ramli’s home attended by so many relatives,friends and loved ones…It was like the Wedding of the Year for Ramli&Munah in Sect 14,Petaling Jaya.
SO,the wealth that Ramli & Munah possessed actually the 5 grown up children we
1.Zaim Aimran – 24 years old…an Engineer graduated with Honours from UTM in 2008
2.Zaim Ikhwan – 22 years old..completed his Form 5 and now helps the mother and household cores..
3.Nur Amirah – 21 years old – a 2nd year student at University Trengganu Malaysia doing Environmemtal Economics…
4.Nur Arina – 17 years old…a Form 5 student in SMK Sect 18,Shah Alam
5.Zaim Bukhairi – 14 years old – a Form 2 student in SMK Sect 18,Shah Alam
May our children become Great Persons that hopefully will achieve the status of “Hartawan & Dermawan” and make this World a Better,Happier,Safer,Cleaner and Prosperous place for ALL.
May Allah SWT Blessed and have Mercy on all of US and send us to Jannah (Paradise)