Posts Tagged ‘jobs’

By today (9thJan,2013) many companies may already paid the annual year end bonuses to their staff for a good work or performance achieved in fiscal year 2012.Ramli heard that in Malaysia those in the Oil&Gas sectors are rewarded handsomely about 4 to 6 mths bonus of their monthly salaries and some even as high as 12 months bonuses!

In the Govt they are promised 1 month bonus or RM500 minimum.

Usually many of those companies with Collective Agreements (CA) in place will agree on a minimum of 2 months bonus irrespective of the company actual business performance!

For Entrepreneurs the commitment to reward their People for a good performance by paying bonuses is a norm and many Entrepreneurs do reward well their staff especially the Top Mgmt with bonuses in Millions of USD or GBP and even SGD.Stories of Top Mgmt being paid millions of USD is common in USA and some even argue that the perks given to Top Executives are just too much and not a good practise!

Prof.Peter Drucker once cautioned Top Mgmt that the salary of the lowest excutive and the No.1 Boss must not be more than 40 times.So if a lowel executive is paid USD 2000 a month then the No.Boss must received a maximum monthly wage of USD 80,000 but that is not the case anymore in USA.Now they have the so called “Celebrity CEOs” whose salaries and perks are at their likes and wishes!Why pay so much then?

Celebrity CEOs can help make lots of profits to a company BUT also can lose Billions of USD to their companies or worst still make the company bankrupt!

Now,the World economic condition is really bad and like in Europe many countries have gone bankrupt and going to become bankrupt!Why?

People and the country have lived in excesses and they reportedly spend more than what they actually earned!So when there is no frugality and wise financial control,any country small or big can go out of control and bust!

Financial Experts need to study all the conditions and what actually caused all these financial problems and what are the people bad habits or poor money management and control?

Being paid good and high bonuses is a blessing actually and thank Allah SWT for being in the profitable sectors or industries and you get paid high bonuses rather than those in the slow and poor performing sectors.Lets hope paying good bonuses can see better performance with the Best Quality,Higher Productivity,Eliminate wastages and reduction of costs,Safer working environments,Higher Morale at work and great Team working and many more tangible and intangible benefits realized.

The habits of saving must be promoted more and more and less credits cards issued and more savings accounts or products introduced to the people!The more we save will be better than the more we spend at least we are debt free all the time! Cash is KIng in business and those companies that have good cash hoards are better off making new investments and increasing their assets and produce a better Balanced Sheet with more blue inks than red inks!

Say thank you to your company (esp the Business Owners/Entrepreneurs) who make sure the company runs well,make profits and make happy employees by paying their salaries,safe guarding their employment and paying good bonuses every end of the year!


In 2012,Ramli heard reports on massive unemployment especially in Europe  and the numbers of people unemployed are more and rising everyday as compared to be getting hired?

The Euro Financial Crisis have really effected millions of people everywhere and the slowdown in business in Europe have also effected businesses in Asia and other continents.The world is so connected and when one region is affected or slow growth then the rest of the “supply chain” will also be affected and that bring great impact and hardships to families around the world.What to do?

When we have Great Entrepreneurs like Sam Walton or Konosuke Matsushita ,these Great Bosses have modelled their business based on building more bricks and mortar of their buildings around the world and developed businesses like supermarkets and factories where we need to hire thousands of workers per locations  and that helped provide employment and salaries to all involved.Nowadays the Internet Revolution have help reduced manpower in their locations and that also have reduced manpower hirings and reduce the opportunities to earn for a living and also reduced employment.

Jobs are so important to all adults and having a job means the ability to provide or feed a family who depend on their adults to earn a living and helped feed the family.

It is important World Leaders seek to encourage businesses that helped hire lots of people and do not develop models where hiring is minimal and may seem to impact the social well being of the world’s population.

Lets hope we have more Walton’s who no hire more than 1 million employees around the world and Matsushita who helped build factories around the world to produce electric and electronic products.

Rewards and Recoqnitions must be awarded to Great Entrepreneurs not just for making great profits but helped employ many people to have a job and earned a decent living!

Ramli can be contacted at mobile:+6019-2537165 or emailed at:



Published: Wednesday July 28, 2010 MYT 9:26:00 AM

American confidence falls even as corporate profits rise

NEW YORK: Americans’ confidence in the economy faded further in July, according to a monthly survey released Tuesday, amid job worries and skimpy wage growth.

That’s at odds with Wall Street’s recent rally fueled by upbeat earnings reports from big businesses such as chemical maker DuPont Co. and equipment maker Caterpillar Inc.

That’s because the pumped-up profits are being fueled by cost cuts like layoffs and overseas sales. In fact, big companies have shown few signs they’re ready to hire.

The Consumer Confidence Index came in at 50.4 in July, a steeper-than-expected decline from the revised 54.3 in June, according to a survey the Conference Board. The decline follows last month’s decline of nearly 10 points, from 62.7 in May, and is the lowest point since February. It takes a reading of 90 to indicate a healthy economy — a level not seen since the recession began in December 2007.

“Consumers have a much different view of the economy than the stock market does, and their views matter more to the economy,” said Mark Vitner, an economist at Wells Fargo. The index “tells me the economy is heading for slower growth in the second half. We have low expectations for back-to-school.”

Joel Naroff, president of Naroff Economic Advisors, agreed, noting that the fatter profits have shown that companies have been able to squeeze out higher productivity from workers, but that also means that “households are not benefiting.”

The profit picture is “good news for Wall Street, but not good for workers,” he added.

The survey was taken July 1-21, beginning just before the Standard & Poor’s 500 index hit a nine-month low of 1,022.58 on July 2. It had risen 4.5 percent by July 21 and has since climbed an additional 4 percent as upbeat earnings reports from key manufacturers have made investors more convinced that the economic recovery isn’t stalling as much as they had originally thought.

The Dow Jones industrial average rose 12 points Tuesday, although broader stock measures slipped, after three days of big gains, as investors digested the confidence data as well as a slowdown in regional manufacturing reported by the Richmond Federal Reserve. Stocks rose moderately at the open because of strong earnings from chemical maker DuPont Co. and European banks UBS and Deutsche Bank.

DuPont, which has announced thousands of job cuts over the past year, reported that second-quarter income nearly tripled, as revenue surged in most of its businesses. The results were led by revenue gains in the Asia Pacific region. DuPont didn’t announce any hiring plans.

A rapid, sustainable recovery can’t happen without the American consumer. And the second straight month of declining confidence following three months of increases is worrisome, economists say.

Economists watch confidence closely because consumer spending accounts for about 70 percent of U.S. economic activity and is critical to a strong rebound.

Both components of the index declined. They measure how people feel about the economy now, and their expectations for the next six months.

The index — which measures how Americans feel about business conditions, the job and the next six months market— had been recovering fitfully since hitting an all-time low of 25.3 in February 2009. The index typically falls before the economy slows down, and on the way out of a recession, the expectations component, which accounts for 60 percent of index, rises sharply, said Lynn Franco, director of The Conference Board Consumer Research Center.

“It’s all about jobs. That’s still the primary source of income,” Franco said. “Until we see the pace of job growth pick up and consumers are confident that this is sustainable, we are not likely to see a significant pickup in confidence.”

The Conference Board survey, based on a random survey mailed to 5,000 households, showed that consumers’ assessment of the job market was more negative than the month before. Those claiming that jobs are “hard to get” increased to 45.8 from 43.5 percent, while those saying jobs are “plentiful” remained unchanged at 4.3 percent.

Economists say the index’s expectations component tends to track stock market movements, but Vitner noted that the market’s big plunge in May has made such an imprint on consumers that the recent rebound hasn’t registered.

Retailers had a surprisingly solid start to the year, but business has been slowing since April. With unemployment stuck near 10 percent, Americans are expected to remain skittish through the back-to-school and Christmas season.

Concerns are also rising about the housing market. While the S&P/Case-Shiller 20-city home price index released Tuesday showed a 1.3 percent rise in May from April, the home buyer’s tax credit, which expired April 30, helped pull more buyers into the market. In fact, the report warned that the recent gains in home prices are not likely to last. – AP
Latest business news from AP-Wire

3D is not 3 dimension that is now getting popular with the television manufacturers like Panasonic and others..3D viewing really get the THRILLs and FRILLS!

Ramli’s article today is about the other 3Ds ie. Dust,Dangerous and Dirty in our business world.

Many people worked in these kind of environment and everyday in their lives they must THINK SAFETY FIRST THEN QUALITY! Why?

When you worked in this kind of dusty places like cement manufacturing,flour milling,bricks making are always exposed to dusts and plenty of them…

When you worked in dangerous environment like areas of steel making,explosives making,acid plants too are exposed to dangers around you like errors in your work process which can be fatal like the old case of a fireworks factory in Sg.Buluh where due to error of a sudden ignition the whole factory was “gone in smoke”  and many lives were lost.

Next the places where you work are dirty due to the way the processes are designed like poultry or like cattle&sheep slaughtering,rubbish or recycling plants etc..will also expose you to diseases or infections if you do not take heed of the many safety or hygenic processes put in place.

These 3Ds type of business actually are very lucrative and have high growth potentials because of few participations and chiefly due to the 3Ds factors.

Once a successful Chinese Towkay (the old school type and street smart businessmen) told Ramli in Malay “saya kerja sangat kuat pagi2 saya sudah bangun dalam 4 pagi dan keluar pergi angkat itu nasi busuk untuk bagi saya punya babi2 makan kemudian saya juga bikin kerja dikolam air ikan saya untuk beri ikan2 saya makan lepas itu saya juga beri saya punya ayam,itik dan kuda makan TAPI saya punya kerja sangat penat,susah dan busuk dan saya kerja sampai malam esok saya start balik semua ini…” What this Chinese Businessman is trying to tell Ramli is that he works very hard from morning dawn to late night everyday without failed to feed his many animals and the work is dirty,smelly and really hard BUT the money he earned is good,clean and honesty.He also said that some people become very rich BUT the money they earned are not that “good smell” or “clean ways” because the money comes from prostitution,gambling and vices.

So,jobs like these 3Ds factors are pure,clean and honest style of earning while those that may worked in environments that are “sweet smelling,lots of modern furniture or high tastes living” may actually be the opposite of 3Ds but more of the 3Vs -vices,victimization and very bad practices ways of earning a living.

So,how’s your job type?

When Malaysia propagated the concept of Industrialisation in the early 1960s many kampung folks were invited to come to the urban centres like in Klang Valley areas,Penang,Johor and Perak to work in the many newly set up industries owned by locals and many by Multinational Companies like Japanese,Americans,Germans and others.
As a result of these Industrialisation efforts the Malaysian Kampungs soon lost her lustre and importance to position themselves as excellent dwelling centres for Malaysians since many of their population “ran away” to the cities to seek new jobs with higher salaries,enjoy the “city life” plus abstaining from doing the hard work in the rice fields,rubber plantations,tin mines,oil palms estates and other “sweat” based work that kampung life offers to her inhabitants.
However,as of today 2010,we now realized what city life have made us to become more stressed with every pay day means still not enough to meet the month’s end expenses especially with all the rent to pay,utilities bills,car installments and telephone top ups and others not forgetting those who dare to get loans from the Ah Longs or similar ones!Maybe we can summarised to say living in the cities with all the industrialzation going on is not that good after all!We still in the “rat race” and many of the Rakyat still have great problems to “feed their family” what more to live in surplus with extra money to keep in the banks or enjoy the excesses that city life may offer!
So now with the Agro Plan as the next growth engine of the Malaysian Economy and the best way to sustain our natural resources and independence for our Food Supply moving back to the Kampungs is actually a good strategy and wise move than staying in the cities with the continual challenges of meeting ones needs for the monthly living.
Many projects are now being taken by the govt and private enterprises where many agro based projects both upstream and down stream like have flourished.Many new lands are now grown with all kinds of vegetables to supply to hotels,fastfood companies,food manufacturers and also some for export as manufactured products.Many animal breeding projects like cattle,sheep,chicken and ostriches also deers have started.The rearing of fish both salt and non salt based are plenty since the country need lots of protein supply to the people.
Managing the kampungs well is important to sustain a Green Malaysia with no loss of our natural heritage due to forest burning for new lands or quietly “driving out” the orang asli from their natural locations to a new location that is actually not wanted or appreciated by them like living in a bungalow or apartments with the rest of the house owners in the new residential estates that was originally their “home ground” or ancestors lands.
Still,Ramli think the Malaysian kampungs is not that many people yet to really transform them to new sustainable gloobal villages where the rural infrastructures and other amneties are not well equipped so maybe we need more time or will it happen by 2010?
Internet connectivity and electricity,water,telephone plus other facilities as well provided with cost (of course) like in the cities especially good transport system must now be made available in these kampungs or rural locations.Only with these basic infrastructures can we ensure that the rural and also the current urban areas can move Malaysia to achieve the Vision 2020 Goals!
So,actually living in the now rural locations is not really rural but “RURUB” meaning rural place but urban style or also means GloCal standards with local conditions.
Lets hope this Transformation of Malaysian Kampungs like what may be done in the Government Transformation Program (GTP) like in the many so called NKRAs and MKRAs will enable our 1Malaysians to have equal opportunities for a higher standard of living and earning either they work in the cities or their own kampungs,they are equally rewarding only the focus jobs or processes maybe different but the technology used are equally up to date and modern with many innovations and creativity approaches.
For more infos or enquiries,please contact:
Ramli hp:+6019-2537165