Posts Tagged ‘ihsan’

How come when sadness come into our life we suddenly realized that we are not actually great at all.We realized that someone else is greater and have more power than us!YES,that is Allah SWT (God Almighty)Power or Greatness  and when Allah SWT Commands something and wants will happen,anywhere and anytime!Nobody can stop the Powers of Allah SWT!

The Muslims are a lucky lot and the chosen one because through the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad pbuh have provided us with the AL-QURAN AND HADITHS.If all Muslims study,understand,practice and be consistent then Allah SWT will provide them with the greatest blessings in Dunia & Akhirat.Inshallah.

Muslims must adhere and abide to the 5 Tenets of Islam (Rukun Islam) and 6 Pillars of Faith (Rukun Iman) which are the foundations of Belief in Islam.All Muslims must pray 5 times a day wihtout failed and excused!Prayers are the ultimate faith and practice of a Muslim to their Belief and Love to Allah SWT.Allah SWT have blessed us with great gifts of the world and all our possessions are actually Allah SWT Blessings!Our ability to live,eat,drink,walk,see,talk,have children,travel etc..are all Allah SWT’s Blessings and we must always say our prayers for all these continual blessings from Allah SWT and nobody else!

There are many stories in the Surahs of the Quran where Allah SWT wiped out whole cities ,destroyed powerful kingdoms and create great hardships to non believers and ungrateful humans and leaders.To these people and nations there is no way they can “fight” with Allah SWT Powers.Remember it was Allah SWT who created Humans and He Knoweths Best all the elements or traits of Humans!So,dont play,play wih the Powers of Allah SWT!

The many great disasters of the world whether by natural disasters or man made types like wars,civil unrest are all make happen by Allah SWT wishes and actions.It is also due to humans indicipline,selfish acts,inhumane treatment of fellow humans or animals,ungratefulness to Allah’s Blessings,belief or becoming friends of Iblis or Satan,and so many acts that infringe what Allah SWT have commands and told to refrain from all Haram acts…these are the acts of Allah SWT (God Almighty) who wants Humans to learn and become Believers that there is only One God and that is Allah SWT and nobody can claim or pretend to be God other than Allah SWT.Allahuakbar!

The AZAN or Call for Prayer heard everyday in all corners of the World especially in Muslim populations are a mark of Love,Respect and Worship to Allah SWT and Allah SWT Knoweth’s Best how to assure safety and blessings to all those who worship HIM all the time.When humans start to believe and love Allah and His Rasul (Messenger) ie.Prophet Muhammad pbuh,then great Blessings and Assurance of Jannah (Heavens) will be most assured and granted at the Hereafter (Qiyamah).Inshallah.

Some videos of the importance of the Al-Quran:

Read this article from Star Online about Sultan Selangor decree to make Masjids to be free from any political purposes or campaigns.

Tuesday May 11, 2010

Sultan Selangor snubs Zaid


PETALING JAYA: Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah is unlikely to grant PKR leader Zaid Ibrahim an audience.

“At present Sultan Sharafuddin sees no reason to grant Zaid an audience as the latter is not an elected representative in Selangor or a Datuk from Selangor,” a source said.

In that context, there is no reason for the Sultan to grant an audience, the source said.

“So far, the only indication from Zaid is through the newspapers and no formal request has been received and also, according to the newspapers, Zaid only wants to explain and not apologise,” the source said.

Zaid courted controversy when he questioned the Sultan’s directive to disallow mosques in Selangor from being used for political purposes.

He drew more flak from various quarters when he posted in his blog ( a claim that the Sultan’s order for mosques not to be used as a political stage was the Sultan’s personal opinion and was not a decree.

Selangor Islamic Religious Council Chairman Datuk Mohamed Adzib Mohd Isa had said in statement that the directive by Sultan Sharafuddin was a decree.

He referred to Section 12 of the Selangor State Syariah Crime Enactment which stated that an order by the Sultan was a decree and was effective and could be implemented without first being gazetted.

The Selangor Islamic Religious Council (MAIS) had on Oct 6, last year issued a circular to all mosques in the state about the directive by Sultan Sharafudddin barring the use of mosques for political purposes.

Last year, the Sultan of Selangor had consulted MAIS, JAIS and the state Mufti’s office before the circular was distributed.

The circular (MAIS Bil 4/2009) also states that no ceramah is allowed by any unauthorised persons without first obtaining accreditation from MAIS.

The circular also stated that MAIS would not hesitate to enforce the provision of the law against anyone who disobeyed the Sultan’s directive

This coming 18th to 20th May,2010,many VVIPs and Important Personalities will be in Kuala Lumpur to attend to the 6th WIEF scheduled at KLCC.

There are many important events being arranged and for all those interested,please visit for details.

Ramli will also be attending this WIEF for the first time and hopefully this Great Event will allow all delegates to “speak their minds and hearts out”,love Islam and push for Islamic Reforms totally plus making Islam a Way of Life (Ad-Deen) not by mere words or Declaration but ensuring real practices are implemented ( eg.Get Rid of RIBA’ in Muslims Lives,Making Baitulmal the Power House of Wealth or Money for Muslims in Need,Strengthening the Roles of Masjids as Focal Point for Islamic Activities etc..) in as many Muslim Nations and a passion and dedication with sacrifices be made as to ensure the Future of a Great Islam is build or what the Organisers thought of earlier as the theme “RESURGENCE”.Inshallah.

some extracts from wief’s website:

Islamic economic forum to build bridges

KUALA LUMPUR: Business and political leaders from around the world will speak at the 6th World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) to be held here from May 18 to 20.

Themed “Building Bridges Through Business”, the forum is dedicated to building bridges through business between the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds.

In a statement on Tuesday, April 27, WIEF said former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will join UK Secretary of State for Justice Jack Whitaker Straw and former Canadian prime minister Avril Phaedra Douglas Campbell to share their experience on managing global issues in the past, present and future in the Leadership Panel session entitled “Leadership Challenges for the New Era”.

The Global CEO Panel session entitled “The New Game Plan: Thriving in a Post-Crisis World” will see eminent world business leaders such as UK Prudential Assurance chief executive Tidjane Thiam discuss key success factors to ensure business survivability and sustainability.

The forum will also include special programmes for youth and women through pre-forum events such as the WIEF Young Leaders Forum and WIEF Businesswomen Forum.

Speakers at the WIEF Young Leaders Forum will include UAE Minister of Foreign Trade Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi, former president of Mauritius Caseem Uteem and CIMB Bhd managing director Datuk Seri Nazir Razak.

The WIEF Businesswomen Forum will feature speakers such as Forge de la Louve president and founder Douja Gharbi and Effat University vice chair of the board of trustee Princess Lolowah Al-Faisal.