Posts Tagged ‘hospitals’

Ramli realized that with lots of money maybe you can prolong your life better as compared to a poor man!Why?

Allah SWT will be the final decision maker as to when u are born and die in this world and other than that is just our human efforts or painstaking work to keep a person still breathing and kicking!

Many Rich People seem to get the best medical treatment money can buy and a good example is Sir Run Run Shaw (the famous Movie Mogul) who now is about 103 years old!He is a very rich man and maybe he can afford to seek all the best medical treatment and new R&D work on prolong people’s life made available anywhere in this world.

If a normal or poor person he or she will be at the mercy of normal hospitals or govt owned hospitals that can only afford whats available stuff to treat you if you fall sick what more if you are on a serious illness like heart,cancer,mental and all the rest of life threathening sickness!Thats the sad part of our human society or reality where the rich can have a good chance of living longer than the poor or normal person!

So,Ramli suggest Top Mgmt at all govt hospitals,private hospitals like in Malaysia do lots of study and R&D on how best to help prolonged people’s life by giving the RIGHT MEDICAL CARE WITH ECONOMICAL PRICES AND STRONG CHANCE FOR RECOVERY AND LONEGIVITY!Can they do that?

Sure they can if they apply this knowledge of GAP ANALYSIS!

Here,they benchmark with the best quality hospitals in the world with their own and understand what or where are all the gaps!Once they know whats the gap,they must now try by closing the gaps or at least make it closer to the best practices so that with these initiatives the govt hospitals will at least know what to do,who to lead,why all these shortcomings arise,how much it costs to get these gaps closer and when or what kind of time frame they need to close these gaps?

Only by knowing and working with certainty can we see some HOPE of Success or a Good Chance to Survive and not just make stupid statements that “we are a govt hospital and we cannot compete with the best hospitals in the world because they have lots of money!”

Govt Hopitals have PEOPLE and these include Medical Staff,Admin Staff and normal employees just like the World’s Best Hospitals.Its just the leadership,tools and techniques,innovation and creativity plus all the tiredless efforts to improve all the time and NEVER GIVE UP ATTITUDE.

Thats good enough assurance for the Rakyat to know that their lives will be safeguarded and the hospitals will do all they can to sustain,prolong and let live a little longer until Allah SWT finally decide your time have come to move on the Hereafter.

Please study the Gap Analysis technique below:

Gap analysis

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In business and economics, gap analysis is a tool that helps companies compare actual performance with potential performance. At its core are two questions: “Where are we?” and “Where do we want to be?” If a company or organization does not make the best use of current resources, or forgoes investment in capital or technology, it may produce or perform below its potential. This concept is similar to the base case of being below the production possibilities frontier.

Gap analysis identifies gaps between the optimized allocation and integration of the inputs (resources), and the current allocation level. This reveals areas that can be improved. Gap analysis involves determining, documenting, and approving the variance between business requirements and current capabilities. Gap analysis naturally flows from benchmarking and other assessments. Once the general expectation of performance in the industry is understood, it is possible to compare that expectation with the company’s current level of performance. This comparison becomes the gap analysis. Such analysis can be performed at the strategic or operational level of an organization.

Gap analysis is a formal study of what a business is doing currently and where it wants to go in the future. It can be conducted, in different perspectives, as follows:

  1. Organization (e.g., human resources)
  2. Business direction
  3. Business processes
  4. Information technology

Gap analysis provides a foundation for measuring investment of time, money and human resources required to achieve a particular outcome (e.g. to turn the salary payment process from paper-based to paperless with the use of a system). Note that ‘GAP analysis’ has also been used as a means for classification of how well a product or solution meets a targeted need or set of requirements. In this case, ‘GAP’ can be used as a ranking of ‘Good’, ‘Average’ or ‘Poor’. This terminology does appear in the PRINCE2 project management publication from theOGC (Office of Government Commerce).
The need for new products or additions to existing lines may emerge from portfolio analysis, in particular from the use of the Boston Consulting Group Growth-share matrix—or the need may emerge from the regular process of following trends in the requirements of consumers. At some point, a gap emerges between what existing products offer and what the consumer demands. The organization must fill that gap to survive and grow.

Gap analysis can identify gaps in the market. Thus, comparing forecast profits to desired profits reveals the planning gap.: This represents a goal for new activities in general, and new products in particular. The planning gap can be divided into three main elements:

Usage gap

This is the gap between the total potential for the market and actual current usage by all consumers in the market. Data for this calculation includes:

  • Market potential
  • Existing usage
  • Current industrial potential

Market potential

The maximum number of consumers available is usually determined by market research, but it may sometimes be calculated from demographic data or government statistics. Ultimately there are, of course, limitations on the number of consumers. For guidance one can look to the numbers who use similar products. Alternatively, one can look to what happened in other countries.[citation needed] Increased affluence[citation needed] in all major Western economies means such a lag can now be much shorter.

Existing usage

Existing consumer usage makes up the total current market, from which market shares, for example, are calculated. It usually derives from marketing research, most accurately from panel research, such as conducted by the Nielsen Company, but also from ad hoc work. Sometimes it may be available from figures collected that governments or industries have collected. However, these are often based on categories that make bureaucratic sense but are less helpful in marketing terms. The ‘usage gap’ is thus:

usage gap = market potential – existing usage

This is an important calculation. Many, if not most marketers, accept existing market size—suitably projected their forecast timescales—as the boundary for expansion plans. Though this is often the most realistic assumption, it may impose an unnecessary limit on horizons. For example: the original market for video-recorders was limited to professional users who could afford high prices. Only after some time did the technology extend to the mass market.

In the public sector, where service providers usually enjoy a monopoly, the usage gap is probably the most important factor in activity development. However, persuading more consumers to take up family benefits, for example, is probably more important to the relevant government department than opening more local offices.

Usage gap is most important for brand leaders. If a company has a significant share of the whole market, they may find it worthwhile to invest in making the market bigger. This option is not generally open to minor players, though they may still profit by targeting specific offerings as market extensions.

All other gaps relate to the difference between existing sales (market share) and total sales of the market as a whole. The difference is the competitor share. These gaps therefore, relate to competitive activity.

Product gap

The product gap—also called the segment or positioning gap—is that part of the market a particular organization is excluded from because of product or service characteristics. This may be because the market is segmented and the organization does not have offerings in some segments, or because the organization positions its offerings in a way that effectively excludes certain potential consumers—because competitive offerings are much better placed for these consumers.

This segmentation may result from deliberate policy. Segmentation and positioning are powerful marketing techniques, but the trade-off—against better focus—is that market segments may effectively be put beyond reach. On the other hand, product gap can occur by default; the organization has thought out its positioning, its offerings drifted to a particular market segment.

The product gap may be the main element of the planning gap where an organization can have productive input; hence the emphasis on the importance of correct positioning.

Gap analyses to develop a better process

The gap analysis also can be used to analyse gaps in processes and the gap between the existing outcome and the desired outcome. this step process can be summarised as below: Identify the existing process, Identify the existing outcome, Identify the desired outcome, Identify the process to get the desired outcome, Document the gap. develop the means to fill the gap

See also

Market gap analysis

In the type of analysis described above, gaps in the product range are looked for. Other perspective (essentially taking the “product gap” to its logical conclusion) is to look for gaps in the “market” (in a variation on “product positioning,” and using the multidimensional “mapping”), which the company could profitably address, regardless of where the current products stand.

Many marketers would question the worth of the theoretical gap analysis described earlier. Instead, they would immediately start proactively to pursue a search for a competitive advantage.



Since my mum was admitted to UMMC on 9thNov,2010 Ramli and his wife Maimunah together with his younger sister(Jalilah) and elder brother (Ismail Razak) have been busy taking care of mum and ensuring her health and daily needs are met.We took turns to sleep in UH at Wad 12 and later at Wad 13.

As far as Ramli is concerned the many days spend at UH was great!Why?

There are lots of things to learn actually at the hospital!What are the things we can learn or observe or take notes?

Everyday in our lives we go through many events or actions.We need to always TAKE THE  RIGHT ACTIONS  so that we eliminate errors,wastes and great loss of time that will never come back or repeat again.

The loss of my Dearest Mummy,HJH MEENA HJ AHMAD  or also known in her working career as Matron Meenah was really one of my greatest moments in my life where my mum borned on 22-8-1922 (as in her IC shows) which my mum refute saying she must be older than that age of 88 + years old.My mum died peacefully after being treated for athsma,kidney,diabetic,heart,infections of many types infact all interconnected that led to her breathing problems and need the ventilator to support her oxygen intake and finally her failed heart that led to her timely death at 3.41 am yesterday morning of 20thDecember,2010.

Ramli thinks on the Management side of things managed at UMMC there need to be lots of improvement as far as patient care and life saving efforts are made!We must have good and clear of patient’s medical history so that no waste of time or duplication are made especially by doctors in charge .Malaysian medical progress or technology must now possess each Malaysian Medical Record in their IC chip for example where every hospital or clinic they get treatment will upload or update all their medical datas so that any doctor treating them can quickly know or study further their patient’s medical performance and all the health problems or historical datas.

Nowadays,the duplication process is so many where each clinic or hospital will safeguard their patient’s profile in their own system and do  not passed them to be kept by their patient’s themselves like in their special medical card or like our IC!

So,my mum also have many years of health records kept at UMMC and Ramli hoped the doctors who treated  her these last days at UH knows all her medical history and not “just trying to find” new datas through trials and errors or experiments?

Ramli even told or caution some of the Consultants and senior doctors that it looks the rate of patient’s safety or discharge as good health is BAD and many ended up in “boxes” or dead persons!Yes,being at ICUs or special treatment for serious illness or poor health the rate of prolong survival is SLIM and many ended up dead after maybe 2-4 weeks at the hospitals!

For the World’s Best Hospitals it is IMPORTANT to have this good medical survival record for ICU patients so that people who can pay lots of money can at least be assured that their loved ones are in good care,treatment and will survive that medical treatment or journey!So,poor people will have less survival rate not because they cannot get the RIGHT MEDICAL TREATMENT BUT MAINLY BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO OR PLENTY OF MONEY!THAT’S REALLY BAD OR SUCKS!But thats life,so work hard be rich and maybe you can live longer!

Ramli wants to research and write more about how to improve Malaysia’s Medical Performance to World Class Levels.Hope you too can cooperate and contribute!

For Muslims,our life and death are determined by Allah SWT and He Knoweth’s Best!

Mummy was buried with so many family members,friends and Ramli’s Kariah people attending her funeral at the Shah Alam Muslim Cemetery at Section 21 yesterday around 11 am to 12 noon.

So many things to write on my mum history,memorable events and management performances but lets do it later with addition of my loving dad’s story also (my dad Abu Hassan Omar passed away on 19thJune,1997 ) and buried at Bukit Kiara Cemetery.

Here are some photos of Ramli’s mother at UMMC and her funeral:

Life and death is Allah SWT perogative or power to decide!We as humans have no power to extend our life  even though we are Billionaires or Millionaires alive!In Islam,when your time have come you must go back to Allah SWT.

Lots of people love to enjoy life on earth and will seek all ways to live as long as possible even it will costs lots of money to pay for medical health and all the medicines they can get hold on to.

Research & Development on Medical Science,Surgery and Medicines are very important to help sustain and prolong human lives everywhere.Every human alive must have the right for the best medical care and treatment including all medicines that can treat their sickness or sustain their good health.

Reports on human life spans or mortality have increased tremendously over these 100 years or so and nowadays the life expectancy of male and female can be in ranges of 70 to 80 years old respectively and to some developed countries their life expectancy rates are higher than the poorer countries.

Our Holy Prophet Muhammad pbuh live for 63 years and he died peacefully without any prolong medical care or sickness just a few days of fever and pain.Muhammad pbuh the most loved human by Allah SWT have in a way reminded all Muslims especially that life on earth is best when we are healthy and can do all our work or mission in life and when we become sick,medically unfit or bed ridden then thats the time where we need our loved ones like wife/wives,children and relatives to take care or nursed us till we die.Maybe Prophet Muhammad pbuh wants to tell Muslims of all time that Allah SWT have given Muhammmad pbuh a great mission to position Islam in her rightful place on earth and when all this mission is done and completed (after almost 23 years of hard work of preaching,teaching and propagating Islam to all corners of the world) Muhammad pbuh have to now put to rest and be with Allah SWT in Jannah till Hereafter when evryone alive on earth will be put to death and meet their day of Judgement in front of Allah SWT.

Ramli’s recent observation at our Malaysian Hospitals are that some people pay lots of money by the thousands of Ringgit or some even in USD to get their medical treatment by way of operations of their bodily organs,warded in hospitals and feed upon with the best medicines possible so that they can recover and become well again.However not all come back alive some died along this treatment days at their hospitals due to many reasons which the hospitals’ doctors or nurses know best!

Maybe when someone pays lots of money for their medical treatment they need some medical assurance of their safe health and recovery!Can the hospitals assure such actions or can hospitals state their “guarantee of good health” after their patient pays lots of money for medical treatment if not they get back all their money or some of it for a job (operation) not well done or a failure/disaster where the patient died!

These are the key performance indicators or hospitals in making clear assessments of their patients health,recommend the best medical treatment and patient care in the hospitals wards etc….

In Islam there is a Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh that states “In every sickness there is a remedy or medicine except death”

With this important Sunnah its important that Medical Science stress on the R&D and continual improvement of the Medical Profession or Business by focusing on these Key Factors:

1.Safety and Prolong Life (of patient esp)

2.Fast and Accurate Medical Treatment (right daignosis,right action for best results)

3.Economical medical costs or fees (so that everyone can get the best treatment)

4.Highly knowledgable and trained doctors and nurses

5.R&D for all unknown sickness or “still not so good” medical treatment or medicines be improved upon all the time

6.and many more

Maybe with all the above viewpoints from Ramli and all the suggestions,we as humans still alive can seek the best medical treatment and cost effective ways so that like what the Sunnah have stated we shall get all the remedies of medical aid except life and death that only Allah SWT will have the Power to Decide.We also must always Pray or Doa to Allah SWT for His Many Blessings and Mercy upon us.

Contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or email:

For almost 3 weeks Ramli and Family were caring for Ramli’s ailing mother Hjh Meenah Hj Ahmad at University Malaya Kuala Lumpur (UMKL) or in Malay ,Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya or PPUM.My mum is about 90 years old and a former Principal Matron and have served for the Malaysian Govt almost 30 long years and now a pensioner for almost 35 years.My mum is really satisfied working with the Government Civil Service and during her working career have travelled all over the world on professional courses,seminars,conventions,study trips and others.My mum have travelled extensively all over Malaya and Malaysia and serviced many “Bidan Clinics” all over remote West Malaysia as her positioned as State Matron in states like Negeri Sembilan,Pahang,Kedah and Perlis and others.She saw all the development about Rural Health and how small towns became Big Cities and how the nurses were recruited,trained,on the job training and further growth to become well trained nurses.

My mother told me how she help deliver babies  right from Sultan Consorts to common rural people as well as worked with established doctors like Tun Dr.Siti Hasmah (wife of Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad) who was a Medical Doctor in Kedah/Perlis area way back in the early 1960s.

Looking back at the dedication,passion and mission of being a nurse then to a matron and later to Principal Matron,my mum showed how well and dedicated were the Medical Professionals before and how they helped make Malaysia become a healthy,growing and educated people where the Rakyat learned about basic medical care,balanced diet,seek hospital treatment when sick and many other medical services that are made available at all times.

NOW,the Medical Profession or Business is different!There are equally as many private hospitals as there are govt owned or public hospitals!The vast difference between these 2 hospitals systems is of course the high rates and govt rates charged by them!Due to the private sector support and need for medical treatement,these high costs charged by private hospitals still can survive and infact thrived and make lots of profits for their shareholders!

The problems Ramli see from these hospitals especially the govt owned types are many and among them are Top Mgmt leadership and strategies,Doctors “tidak apa” attitude and actions and also the nurses “workload factor” and training for consistent quality services and performances!

Top Mgmt must work hand in hand with the Govt to ensure Medical Care & Treatment is available for all,rich and poor people.Nobody should be deprieved of suitable and affordable medical treatment.When we have basic medical assurances then at least people can live in peace,no fear of not being cared for and can have a sustainable life for them and their families.

Medical treatment for all sick people is a NECESSITY  and no more a choice but now there are people who cannot afford to pay for even a simple medical treatment in govt owned hospitals what more to other private hospitals!There must be people who can identify these need by poor people who want to seek medical treatment and lead them to the proper agencies or NGOs that can quickly introduce them to these financial support and aids so that they can get treated fast and in full and ontime.Nobody should die due to no money to pay for medical treatment or medicines!Any fatality or death is a major crime by all Malaysians since we could not care less for fellow Malaysians who need our urgent help!

The Doctors are also a group of professionals that must show utmost professionalism in their work and to uphold the medical promise to the fullest to help save lives anywhere,anytime!

Being a doctor is not for the money only but also for the desire to serve our society by their medical professionalism and constant participation on medical care.Doctors are many nowadays but doctors with passion,caring,mission to serve the Rakyat are diminishing and may soon make the medical profession weaker and no pride or workmanship.

Nurses also need to become better in caring for the sick  as well as knowledgable enough to help saved lives and keep the hospitals caring status sustainable and good enough for all.The nurses must be well trained and know what to do next! in terms of crisis.


Many patients have died not so much of their illnesses but also to poor quality services and no professionalism in our doctors and nurses alike.Cases of late illness detection,poor surgeries,not knowledgable enough to get the best remedy and many more are inputs about the slackening of our medical professionals.

People die unnecessarily due to this human factor and that is not right or agreed upon by the Malaysian Govt or industries alike.

People die to illness and no remedy was found out for them in time and some people survived when effective medical treatment are given on time and in full.

There is no substitute for knowledge and everyone must study hard and try to make improvements all the time in their processes as well as in Customer’s and Suppliers’ .

The Medical Professionals like Professors,Senior Managers,Doctors,Nurses MUST BE and Act as Professionals and to remember that their salient duty is not just profits for the shareholders but to help SAVE LIVES IN ALL WAYS POSSIBLE and maybe at the lowest costs possible!

Maybe the examples created during Florence Nightingale era of nursing and all the great doctors that find many remedies or cure for so many types of sickness and even new state of the art and almost “fool proof” operations like “heart surgeries” can be reflected,followed and benchmarked!

We just cannot afford to have this “tidak apa” attitude or no great passion especially when lives are at staked all the time and every where in Malaysia.WE must saved lives where it matters even to my mother who maybe 90 years old!

Like the Muslim Hadiths that state “there are remedies for all sickness but not death” so the Medical Professionals must do all they can to ensure all sickness get the right treatment on time in full and great success!Inshallah.

Ramli always admire Doctors and no wonder we award  them with the prefix front of their names!




Ramli have written a few articles on this important subject of high medical charges by Malaysia’s many private hospitals and so called “charitable hospitals” and hopefully we can study hard and find some great solutions so that medical services still can continue and meet the budget while the Rakyat can still afford to pay their medical bills without failed and be happy about those medical charges.Medical,education and care for old folks and OKU are some of Malaysia’s Key Priorities.Agree or not?

here’s an article about what’s happening with our hospitals of the future..ref Star Online

Saturday October 2, 2010

I was collateral damage in ’99, says PM

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Najib Razak said he suffered collateral damage following the sacking of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from Umno and the Government in 1998.

He said he fell victim to the Barisan Nasional electoral setback in the 1999 general election when he retained his Pekan seat by only 241 votes.

“There were times when I felt frustrated with the situation. Quite often, not the results of my own doing,” said Najib at the Asean 100 Leadership Forum 2010, here yesterday.

He said those were the circumstances he had found himself in. “You are collateral damage, I don’t know if that’s the right word,” he added.

Anwar was sacked as deputy prime minister in 1998 by then Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

My goal: Najib spells out his determination to push through his 1Malaysia and economic agenda at the Asean 100 Leadership Forum in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Brunei Economic Development Board chairman Datuk Timothy Ong (right) was the forum’s moderator. – Bernama

Najib said: “If you look at 1999, it was a strange situation. My majority dropped to 241.”

He said he had to work hard to regain the people’s votes and in the 2004 general election, he won the seat with a majority of 22,922 votes.

In the 2008 general election, he increased the winning margin to 26,464 votes, the highest obtained by any Barisan candidate that year.

“If you have the confidence, you should not be deterred by a temporary setback. What is important is the ability to recover. Fortunately, I’m still around,” said Najib, adding that it was vital to be in the right team to survive in politics.

In Putrajaya yesterday, the prime minister said government hospitals would soon be designed to be aesthetically pleasing apart from being friendly to its users.

Earlier this year, Najib had suggested that a competition be held to design government hospitals after the Cabinet was informed of the high cost of constructing such facilities.

Several chosen designs were presented yesterday to the prime minister, who was pleased with the outcome of the competition. “This will be the design of government hospitals when we roll out projects for the 10th Malaysia Plan. The designs also meet the Government’s aim to practise value management, which addressed capital cost and operational cost such as the use of energy.

“More importantly, hospitals must be user friendly to the public, doctors and medical staff,” Najib said after viewing the designs yesterday.

Ramli always go to the government hospitals like University Hospital in PJ to attend to the needs of his elderly mother Hjh Meenah Hj Ahmad where my mum will go for her regular medical visits and also at times get admitted to the wards there for treatment.

Ramli also will queue to take my mum medicines and what’s so wonderful is that all the medical treatments,medicines and specialist appointments are FREE for my mum who happens to be a Retired Medical Matron and Govt Officer.So, as a pensioner all these are FREE no need to pay anything at all.By the way I think my mum have worked with the Govt for 28 years and retired already for 33 years or so.She is now 90 years old!

When you are in the hospital you can see with your own eyes,hear with your own ears,smell with your own nose and feel with your own heart as to all the happenings infront of you.What can you see there?

1.How old people walk slowly without any of their children helping them to get their medicines or walk to the many clinics.

2.How poor people do not have money to buy drinks or food at the many cafetarias while others are busy “munching” away

3.How some people shout or quarrel as to who or where to go since they lost their way or feel so exausted of the walking and waiting

4.Wait many hours to get treated or wait for the reports from doctors or nurses in charge

5.Make payment to the hospital because they are not govt servants and some have no money to pay so much for their medicines or hospitalization etc..

6.and many more happenings…

Maybe it is good or right to get all these CSR projects done by all these inputs or views from the hospitals.We need to do the right actions for the rightful problems or obstacles!We need to always do it right all the time!

For assistance on this CSR or PSR,please contact Ramli at hp:019-2537165 or email: ..for details and more insights…