Posts Tagged ‘chinese’

see and listen to the wonderful sounds of Chinese,Korean and Japanese traditional musical instruments..ref: YouTube

and many more….if music soothes your heart,play on……

This 13MGE so scheduled in 2012 will be a Great Battle for BN and Pakatan!Why?

In the last 12MGE in 2008,BN lost many states but still maintain hold on the Federal Govt by virtue of having Ā majority seats in Parliament.The Opposition now branded as Pakatan Rakyat have gained much ground since the last 12MGE by winning states like Selangor,Kedah,Perak (now taken back by BN),Penang and Kelantan (been with PAS for many terms already)

For this coming 13MGE,we all know that Pakatan are “gunning” for Federal Power and want to be incharge at PutraJaya (Malaysia’s Capital),Can they achieve it or BN will still be in PutraJaya?

What can happen in this 13MGE?

Ramli’s Toughts (Theory) based on many facts and factors are:

  • Malays make up about 60% of the Voting Population in this coming 13MGE -who will they vote?The Malay Party or Malay Candidate?
  • Gen Y (people below 25 years but will be 1st Time Voters make up about ? % Voting Population – who will they vote? The BN or Pakatan Party/Candidate?
  • Will people favour and vote for Important National Agendas like Eradication of Poverty,Malaysia for Malaysia,1Malaysia,Jobs for all,every home live in comfort etc…?
  • Will people refuse “Bad Politicians” with Bad Records and Greedy Type?
  • Will people vote against Old Politicians -whose time have come to “pencen”
  • Will people vote for “New Politicians” for their good performance or “bagi peluang” for them to show their “colors”?
  • Will Anwar Ibrahim be the New PM?
  • Will after the 13MGE,Malaysia become Better and Prosper?
  • Can Malaysia expect a New Federal Govt ie.Pakatan or still want BN to rule not with a slim majority but a “good enough” majority?
  • Do Malaysian Voters “Know how to vote correctly,rightly” ?
  • Will Malays,Chinese,Indians still possess a “race preference” in voting their MPs or ADUNs?
  • and many more issues?

Lets hope this coming 13MGE will educate all eligible voters to vote rightly,correctly,without fear or favour and be a Responsible Malaysian Voter for the sake of Malaysia’s Great Future and Generations.Inshallah.


Contact Ramli at hp:019-2537165 and email: for your comments and suggestions.Ramli also need cash and kind sponsorships to continue his mission to write and work to make Malaysia a Truly Great Nation.



The Malays must become a POWERFUL FORCE in this 21stCentury!Why?How?

Since the great days of the Malacca Sultanate and the Malay Powers(including Indonesia & Philippines) in Nusantara or Malay Archipelago,Malays have travelled all over the world and have made their presence felt even up today!

Malays are now in South Africa,Europe,all over Asia,Americas and many of the Islands of the World!

Malays were seafarers and explorers and they travelled afar in search of new lands,opportunities and spread their culture and religion.

Now the Malays are weak,tidak apa attitude,never explore and lead the diaspora lifestyles like the Chinese or Indians and not many are Rich or become Billionaires!

Why all this things happening?

Unlike the Chinese and Indians they too have travelled afar and build their wealth through many generations and are now a great force in their new found countries!In fact in the last Forbes List of Richest Person many Indians especially are among the Top 20 Richest Individuals in this World like Mittal,Ambani families.

Ramli attended the 3rd Global Business Summit and the theme of that summit was “Global Diaspora Business Summit” and this summit held in Kuala Lumpur was well attended by Business Leaders from India,Singapore,Philippines,China,Pakistan,Australia,Indonesia,Thailand,Iran and Malaysia.

The word Diaspora was the key element here where most of these business people are the generations of their forefathers who travelled from their original country like China,India and Great Britain to seek new opportunities to become Entrepreneurs from scratch with no money,no contacts and nobody to finance them in this new lands BUT with the spirit of Business and Passion for Success they become knowledgable in their trade,seek many opportunities,possess best characters and values plus their never give up attitude and zest for greater life!

The tales of their success stories through their generatons as diasporas were shared at this summit and hopefully the new generations of entrepreneurs can study,learn from the best and worst and make their own companies better today than yesterday and the best tomorrow!

The Malays also need to be a Greater Race than today as what their forefathers have shown when they controlled the Straits of Malacca and the Malay Archipelago.They controlled the businesses and trade in their countries until the evil minds or intentions of the Portuguese,Dutch,British and Japanese that came to conquer their lands and make them like slaves and lose their power base for quite a long time till the Malays with help from fellow Chinese and Indians Ā including the Natives got their Merdeka (Independence) on 31st August,1957!

The Malays must learn a lot from successful Chinese and Indians business people based in USA,UK,India,China,Singapore,Hong Kong and elsewhere including Malaysia as to their best practices,business secrets,kinship,networkings,values and financial expertise and many more…

The Malays must become Good Muslims that adhere to the Quran and Hadiths as what Prophet Muhammad pbuh have shown and made Islam a dominant force in this world.

The Malays must now make their plan and work their plan to achieve all this great mission to become a Greater Race,Nation and Super Power as what their forefathers have shown 700 years ago when they are Kings of Straits of Malacca and the Malay Archipelago!Inshallah more will be written of this subject in pramleeelvis blog.

Contact Ramli +6019-2537165 or email: for further enquiries and feedbacks.

some YouTube videos for you to see,ponder and get new ideas as how the Malays can become a Greater Race,Nation and Power!

This is the recent status of Malaysia’s population and ethnic composition:


The population of Malaysia is aroundĀ 28.25 millionĀ (as at 2010). Malays account for about 55% of Malaysia population, while approximately 25% and 10% are Chinese and Indians respectively. Other races make up the rest of the countryā€™s population.

Let’s study these slogans or statements we have or we use oftenly in Malaysia:

  • Bersekutu Bertambah Mutu (Unity is Strength)
  • Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa
  • Melayu Tak’an Hilang DiDunia!
  • Malaysia Boleh!
  • 1Malaysia
  • and many more…
Based on population of Malaysia which reported to have 28.25 million people as of 2010 and the majority race is Malays about 55%.
In this 54 years of Merdeka,have the Malays successfully help build the so called Malaysian Culture where key indicators like:
  • can all Malaysians speak Malay fluently like what Indonesia have done with her almost 237 million people who speak Bahasa Indonesia so well?
  • can all Malaysians sing the Negara Ku (National Anthem) by heart and properly?
  • can all Malaysians remember the Rukun Negara and understand the meaning of it?
So,generally what is important here is understanding and knowing Bahasa Melayu (some refer as Bahasa Malaysia) and ability to speak,understand and communicate effectively all the time!
The current dilema of trying to project Bahasa Melayu and Bahasa Malaysia as the National Language is A ROAD TO DISASTER because here the people first get confused and then get disilliusioned as to what ROAD ARE WE ACTUALLY HEADING – A BAHASA MELAYU OR BAHASA MALAYSIA ?
Once this stand is clear we can now make Bahasa Melayu (Ramli’s preferance) the main language and glorify its use and impact to build a great Malaysian Culture by all ways or mediums possible.
Malays are 55% of the Malaysian Population as 2010 stats indicate and rightly the Malays have the best role to play to the determine the real Malaysian Culture so that the World knows that Malaysian Culture is more based on Malays rather than a “rojak”type of culture where the Malay language,adat,adab,values are now seem to become “kaput” or disarray with all the influences of the west and other races.
Is it good to uphold the Malay ways or culture for Malaysia or allow this mix of other cultures so that a blended Malaysian Culture is evolved and remains?
Malay culture is so closely connected to Islam and all practices in the Malay Culture have close obedience to Islam of course with some exceptions to the old influence of Hinduism and Pagan rites like some adat or practices in the Malay Customs.Ramli is not an expert in this field but its best you seek the details with experts of Malay Traditions and all the influences that Malay Traditions have encountered.
The Malays are now in the process of breaking up in 3 due to Political inclination,preference or even sympathy especially for those in UMNO,PAS and PKR.Why?
if the Leaders can do so and agree to get all these urgent agendas resolved then Malay Rule will be safeguarded,more certainty and good for the country.
How can you allow or make the 55% Malays lose their power in their own Tanah Tumpah Darah Ku Ā and by the 55% majority population is good enough to maintain a lead in power unless some Malays have become PENGKIANAT,PEMBELOT OR TRY TO SELL THEIR OWN COUNTRY TO OTHERS THAN THE MALAYS?
Anything can happen at this coming MGE13 and if the Malays chose to remain disunited and do not have a common understanding as to uphold Malay Power then Malays must be ready to be discarded,left as outclassed and lose power like “mad” to the other races (as they seem to be more united,knows their mission and want the best for their people)
Islam is the Best Solution for the Malays and all Malays are mainly Muslims (although there are reports that almost half a million malays are murtad or becoming murtad) and with Islam in their hearts,minds and actions,Inshallah the Malays will be properly guided and shown the Right Way by Allah SWT to make Malaysia a Greater Country in Progress,Prosperity,Harmony,Peace just like their Forefathers have done since the Malacca Sultanate 500 years ago and since Merdeka 54 years ago.
The Malays being a 55% majority race must be well protected and safeguard their power in their own TANAH TUMPAH DARAH KU and only with these certainty can Malays be still in power and build their race,culture and future as what their forefathers expected of them forever!
Tak’an Melayu Hilang DiDunia must always be in the hearts,minds and actions of all Malays.Inshallah.
For enquiries or anything contact Ramli Abu Hassan at hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed: Ā

People say when Singaporeans come to Malaysia they are like flock of birds singing “cheap,cheap,cheap” True?

Singapore’s Economy is so much greater than Malaysia although we both started on the same footing!Look with Malaysian Airlines and Singapore Airlines!SIA is still strong financially and good mgmt but MAS is rocking and more rocking with losses,brand damage and takeover or shares swapping with people like Tony Fernandes and others!

So,it goes to show that Singaporeans are smarter,better, and quality pe9ple than Malaysians,is it?

So if Singapore still remains with Malaysia maybe Malaysia will become the Top 3 Greatest nation in the World with GREAT ECONOMY,QUALITY PEOPLE AND FIRST CLASS INFRASTRUCTURES ETC….

What make Singapore GREAT?Why Malaysia so backward?

Of course the QUALITY OF LEADERSHIP matters most!

Lee Kuan Yew have a firm grip on Singapore’s Leadership and his Vision have enabled all actions to sail through and achieved their targets and even surpassed them.Lee Kuan Yew is Bapa Singapore just like YTM Tengku Abdul Rahman as Bapa Merdeka or Bapa Malaysia!Who is a better Leader,Tengku or Kuan Yew?

Yes,people say Singapore is a small state or nation with now maybe 4 million people and Malaysia comprised 14 states and about 28 million people.7 times more in population and maybe many times more in land area.

So,naturally Singapore want more lands for her dynamic growth and future and to get that Singapore must seek them from Malaysia and Indonesia.Thats what they are doing as FDIs and purchases of Real Estates and Industrial Investmemts and Retailing etc…How much of Malaysia and Indonesia have SINGAPORE POSSESSED AND DOMINATED?

If the Malays or even the Indons have this notion of MELAYU MUDAH LUPA ATAU MELAYU MUDAH TAKUT Ā then lots more of Malaysian lands,equities and management control will falled in the hands of Singaporeans and cronies alike!

What to do?


Ramli strongly think and “haqul yakin” that Islam is the only solution to this Malaysia and Rest of the World problems where we uphold the truth,faith and TAQWA to Allah SWT.


Life on earth is just like a passing breeze and the REAL LIFE IS THE HEREAFTER where Jannah or Paradise awaits for those who uphold and follow the ways of Islam in full and with great patience.

To feel and know more about this,please read the Great Quran and Best Practices of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

You can call Ramli at +6019-2537165 or emailed


Main article: Demographics of Malaysia

Malaysia’s population comprises many ethnic groups, with the Malays making up the majority at 50.4%; and other bumiputra at 11%[2] of the population. According to constitutional definition, Malays are Muslims who practice Malay customs (adat) and culture. Therefore, technically, a Muslim of any race who practices Malay customs and culture can be considered a Malay and allocated privilleged status in the form of the rights stipulated in the constitution for Malays, aboriginals and natives (commonly referred to as Bumiputra, although the constitution itself does not use this term).[citation needed] Bumiputra status is also accorded to certain non-Malay indigenous peoples, including ethnic Thais, Khmers, Chams and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak. Non-Malay bumiputra make up more than half of Sarawak’s population (of which 30% are Ibans), and close to 60% of Sabah’s population (of which 18% are Kadazan-Dusuns, and 17% are Bajaus).[2] There also exist aboriginal groups in much smaller numbers on the peninsula, where they are collectively known as Orang Asli.[116]

Various other minorities who lack Bumiputra status have established themselves in Malaysia, for a variety of reasons. 23.7% of the population are Malaysians of Chinese descent, while Malaysians of Indian descent comprise 7.1% of the population.[2] Indians began migrating to Malaysia in the early 19th century.[117] The majority of the Indian community are Tamils. Many Europeans and Middle Easterners assimilated through inter-marriage into the Christian and Muslim communities respectively. Most Eurasian Malaysians trace their ancestry to British, Dutch or Portuguese colonists.

Malaysian citizenship is usually granted by lex soli.[118] Citizenship in the states of Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysian Borneo are distinct from citizenship in Peninsular Malaysia for immigration purposes. Every citizen is issued a biometric smart chip identity card, known as MyKad, at the age of 12, and must carry the card at all times.[119]

The population distribution is highly uneven, due to the population concentrated in Peninsula Malaysia.[120] About 20million residents of the approximately 28million live on the peninsula.[9] 70% of the population is urban.[2] Due to the rise in labour intensive industries,[121] Malaysia is estimated to have over 3 million migrant workers, which is about 10% of the Malaysian population.[122] Sabah NGOs estimate that out of the 3 million population, 2 million are illegal immigrants.[123]

Additionally, according to the World Refugee Survey 2008, published by the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Malaysia hosts a population of refugees and asylum seekers numbering approximately 155,700. Of this population, approximately 70,500 refugees and asylum seekers are from the Philippines, 69,700 from Burma, and 21,800 from Indonesia.[124] The U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants named Malaysia as one of the Ten Worst Places for Refugees on account of the country’s discriminatory practices toward refugees. Malaysian officials are reported to have turned deportees directly over to human smugglers in 2007, and Malaysia employs RELA, a volunteer militia, to enforce its immigration law.[124]

Largest Cities of Malaysia
City State Population City State Population
1 Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory 1,809,699  

8 Shah Alam Selangor 617,149
2 Subang Jaya Selangor 1,321,672 9 Kota Kinabalu Sabah 579,304
3 Klang Selangor 1,055,207 10 Kota Bharu Kelantan 577,301
4 Johor Bahru Johor 895 509 11 Petaling Jaya Selangor 543,415
5 Ampang Jaya Selangor 756,309 12 Tebrau Johor 525,351
6 Ipoh Perak 710,798 13 Cheras, Selangor Selangor 515,961
7 Kuching Sarawak 658,562 14 Sandakan Sabah  


Some videos from YouTube to create this meaning of Work and Business.

Recently there are lots of hoo haa on this subject about Who are U first,a Malay or Malaysian also a Chinese first or Malaysian second and also an Indian first or Malaysian second!

One thing for sure,if you answer I am a Chinese first and China second or Indian first and India second then you are a confirmed “Pendatang” or Alien to Malaysia.

Why Ramli said “I am monkey first and pet second” is because when you are not domesticated to be a PET you were your original self that is a monkey that is free to swing from tree to tree and you are free to roam the jungle or forest.Once,you are caught or tamed to be a PET like those in the circus,you act now more like a PET than a monkey because you are not free as you suppose to be originally or destined in your life!

Like all 1Malaysians we are just like the monkey,we are free to live anywhere we like since our great great forefathers maybe like Nabi Adam as who was moved from Heaven to Earth due to his act of disobedience of wanting to eat the forbidden fruit with Hawa as as a result of Satan’s continual persuasions.

So,once you decided to move to a country like Malaysia from China or India then you are still a Chinese or Indian first and Malaysia second no more a Chinese first and China second since now Malaysia is your home but you are still a Chinese first or Indian first then Malaysia (your new homeland) just like the Malays who emigrated from Java or Sumatra to Malaysia and now known or brand themselves as Malay first or Java first and Malaysian second!If you want you can still migrate to Canada and become or profess to be a Bangali first and Canadian second if not the Canadians will not like it and treat you as an Alien just like other countries!

The great beauty about Religion is that when you confess you are a Muslim then wherever you go,you want to be treated as a Muslim first then a Malay second or Iranian second because Islam is universal and everyone is proud to be a Muslim first and Malaysian or Iranian second.Why?Its all about FAITH and you and I know that Allah SWT is the Greatest and who else can be FIRST only ALLAH SWT is always FIRST and Muhammad pbuh is His Messenger.The rest is not important at all whether you are a Malay,Chinese,Indian or whatever as long as you know that WE are from the same roots or beginning that is from Prophet Adam as unless YOU want to believe you originate or are a decendants of the MONKEY or APE!

Ramli loves Malaysia very much and have represented his state Selangor Darul Ehsan since Std 6 as Selangor 200metres sprinter at the MSSM sports meet in 1968 and also many other events like his Pro-Boxing promotions by representing Malaysia as the Promoter of the World Class Championship Boxing involving countries like Japan,Korea,Thailand,Philippines and Indonesia.

Maybe,let not confuse ourselves with asking ourselves whether we are a Malay,Chinese or Indian first and Malaysia second since thats what we are from our early history or roots and the only thing we must really ask ourselves is “ARE WE A GOOD MALAYSIAN FIRST OR BAD MALAYSIAN” there’s no second here because WE only want 1st Class Malaysians not 2nd Class or No Class!


Ramli Abu Hassan



twitter: @pramleeelvis

To know Ramli or any enquiries,please contact:





Money or Wealth is what everyone wants today maybe not everyone because to some people they want Good Health.What’s the use of all the money in the world if you are sick after working “like mad” to make your millions or billions?What’s the use if your lose your family chasing for the “big bucks” and you are now alone with your world of loneliness and nobody to call you “dad” or “dear” maybe you can get new wife/wives but it is not the same original one!

Money is not evil thats for sure!The evil is the human themselves who have “lost their head” thinking that with all the money they have they can buy anything in this world!Ask the Billionaires in this world and what they think about all the money they possess and what real happiness do they enjoy?Are they satisfied with their life’s journey or greed is the way of life that make living good for them?

Maybe if Billionaires or Rich People become Social Entrepreneurs then they can at least create a change for the better in peoples’ lives everywhere.Poor people are plenty and they need support,care and love all the time.The best is to “teach them how to fish” rather than “spoonfeed or give them all the fish” since by teaching poor people how to fish or do things on their own maybe they can become more independant and not waiting for handouts only!

So,like from stories of the past,to provide great education to our children is the best present rather than giving them all the money you possess since with education and knowledge our children will know how to proceed in their lives to earn their living by getting a good job,working on businesses with good profitsĀ  or invest in areas of great returns.If they do not have the right knowledge due to poor education then they will finally ended up finishing all the money they possess and do not know how to “grow money” but just waste money…..

To those who do not think so much of having great wealth,then maybe becoming a Billionaire is not important or all what more working hard for the money.They love to lead simple lives and their satisfaction comes from other ways that they know best!Actually there are plenty of them in this world…..

Anyway,here are some videos of the World’s Billionaires!

Listen to this song as sung by Allahyarham Datuk Zainal Alam -Malaysia’s “Bob Hope” as some called him and this song is very remarkable and important because it was sung in Malay,Chinese,Indian and English…
How many Malaysians can really speak what more write in this 1Malaysia components of people,language,beliefs etc…Diversity but In Unity…..
1Malaysia is a noble mission and everyone who loves Malaysia including all the “Foreign Aliens” legal or illegal must understand what 1Malaysia really means….A Peaceful Malaysia will be the result of 1Malaysia and Peace we get Prosperity,Harmony,World Class Performance,Trust and Become Greater Malaysians…..Inshallah…