Posts Tagged ‘baby boomers’

Meaning of Crooner:  A Crooner is someone who sings slow love songs in a soft voice…


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Itulah ungkapan yang boleh di tuju kepada Top Mgmt di UMNO dan PAS dan PKR dll…

Peratus Melayu Islam yang lebih cenderung pada tanggung jawab mereka seperti solat 5 waktu,tak main(ambil skim) riba’,bermoral dan nilai murni nampak nya dalam porak puranda.Sungguh banyak cerita benar Melayu Islam yang buat hal dan kes jenayah setiap hari.Penceraian antara muda mudi dan tua bangka pun makin menjadi.Di Selangor DE dianggarkan berlaku perceraian 5-10 pasangan setiap hari.Bayangkan jumlah setiap tahun dan itu Selangor DE sahaja!

Ramli ingin syorkan agar Islam di ambil berat dan TRANSFORMASI kan lah sebaik2nya.

Jadikan peratus Melayu islam ramai kan masjid dan surau.Penuhkan saf dan solat waktu sama ramai seperti solat Jumaat!Boleh Ke?

Apa guna kita berekonomi tinggi tapi perangai dan iman macam “setan” atau macam bukan orang Islam pulak nampaknya.

Biar kita hidup penuh kesederhanaan tapi ilmu,iman dan amalan yg terbaik,istiqamah dan terbaik di “pandangan” Allah SWT!

Fikir2lah dan Renung2lah.Jangan berangan2 sahaja tapi REVOLUSI AKSI untuk kecemerlangan hidup sebagai orang Islam.


Jika berminat,hubungi Ramli di hp:+6019-2537165 atau email:

Maybe you have heard or read somewhere about “life really begins when you turn 40”,have you?

Many of us really worked so hard when we were young like to complete our University education and then later to seek our first good paying job and later on at maybe age of 25~30 seek for marriage.Some even got married at the age of 35~40 years old.

So,building our wealth will start slowly especially when we have our monthly salary and deposit some of them in our savings account or any investment accounts like ASB,Unit Trusts or Insurance Plans etc…

When we almost turn 50 or 55,we realized we have some good savings either at EPF or the others just mentioned above or even we have bought properties as investments in the real estate as we worked in our working life.

Along the way of course we need to spend our money for our children’s education,parents medical care and also house renovations or some travelling around the country or overseas.Some of us who are still working have expenses to pay for our children’s marriages or to meet to sudden emergencies in our family like serious medical problems or legal suits etc..

Maybe thats why when people who reached retirement age of above 55 years old,they tend or want to be young again like buying their first Harley Davidson big bike or going for a World Tour about 60 days or so and many other “dream” desires or wants!Why do we do all these or make such decisions?

In Islam,life is basically short and it is very important we always prepare ourselves with good deeds,lots of charitable acts and also develop good pious children who respect us,pray to Allah SWT and follow Prophet Muhammad pbuh teachings and hadiths.

A kid of 7 must be encourage to pray and by age 10 we must “beat” them if they still refuse to pray to Allah SWT.Islam is not a religion of wanting to amass Worldly Assets or “work like mad to be rich” and forget our daily prayers and all acts good to a Muslim.Islam encourage continual learning & education and great wealth but must be side aside for good use like zakat,care for the poor or needy and doing all kinds of “amal & iman” acts so that we helped enriched our Muslims and families .Inshallah.

When we Baby Boomers want to act like a Gen Y person then if we over do it we can become “so different” to our kind of age group where life is more about relaxation and peaceful living,activities that are suitable for our age group and not trying to turn back the clock so much,behaving as what is suitable for us and not finding us at nightly parties drinking alcohol and expressing our lusts to no limit etc…

Ramli thinks we must be aware of what we are now especially we have aged to be a person of 55 years old and if Allah SWT permits maybe we have another 10 or 20 years of living left and as a Muslim have we enough “right doings or amal” with us to bring back and show to Allah SWT that we have “taken the straight path” and we think we can qualify for Paradise or Jannah!

Living in akhirat is like 1 day in akhirat is 1000 years in dunia!Can you imagine the “blissful living” or “tortured living” we can have if we either go to Heaven or Hell?Are you ready for more “hanky panky” stuff on earth or be ready for your ultimate journey to the Heavens?

Living is Personal but when it involved getting the best for your loved ones or anyone you care about,then all these thoughts and advised may come important and necessary…Ramli thinks so……

Happy 55 or more for those who qualify….

If you like Ramli’s thoughts and friendship,get him at hp:+6-019-2537165 or emailed at :

Let’s firstly understand what are the kinds of Generations that we have agreed upon throughout the years:

List of generations (ref:Wikipedia)

Western world-their thoughts

There have been many conflicting attempts to enumerate the generations of the western world.[6] There is more agreement in the earlier parts of chronology through the early part of the Baby Boomer generation, while from the latter part of the Boomer generation on, there are significant differences, especially between those systems partially based on population dynamics and statistics, and that based on cyclic sociological theory of Strausse and Howe. The former system is more of an attempt at locating generational boundaries based on population trends and parentage and follows a roughly 15 year generations in order for the likely parentage of one generation for those two generations junior; while the latter Strausse and Howe theory is an attempt to conform the recent population trends in contemporary United States to perceived historical cycles of sociological changes in Anglo-American historical records, and follow a roughly 22 year generational interval. The Population Reference Bureau has published the “20th Century U.S. Generations”.[7] The publication uses population and census data to define generations. It includes impacts of cultural values on generations. The following is a list of widely accepted cultural generations, sorted by region:
The Lost Generation
(Ernest Hemingway, b. 1899) Birth Years: Pre-1900s

  • Primarily known as the Generation of 1914 in Europe,[8] were those who fought in World War I.

| The Interbellum Generation
(Ronald Reagan, b. 1911) Birth Years: 1901-1915

  • The name comes from the fact that those born during this time were too young to have served in the military during World War I, and were generally too old to serve as enlisted personnel in World War II, although many of them could indeed be found in the armed forces in some capacity during the latter conflict.

Members of this generation came of age either during the Roaring Twenties or the initial phase of the Great Depression, prior to the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the promulgation of the New Deal. This fact contributed to the core of this generation holding lifelong left-liberal views in politics, especially on economic issues (many of them joined Communist fronts during the 1930s), although a few prominent dissenters (such as Barry Goldwater) do stand out. Most of their children belong to the Silent Generation.

The Greatest Generation
(John F. Kennedy, b. 1917) Birth Years: 1916-1924

| The Silent Generation
(Elvis Presley, b. 1935) Birth Years: 19251945

  • Includes those who were too young to join the service during World War II. Many had fathers who served in World War I. Generally recognized as the children of the Great Depression, this event during their formative years had a profound impact on them.

|Describing this generation as the “Silent Generation” is a bit of a misnomer. In fact, many revolutionary leaders in the civil rights movement came from the Silent Generation, along with a wide assortment of artists and writers who fundamentally changed the arts in the United States. The Beat Poets, for example, were members of the Silent Generation, as were Martin Luther King, Jr and Gloria Steinem. Most rock stars of the 60s were of the Silent Generation, not the Boomers as some believe

Baby Boom Generation
(Barack Obama, b. 1961) Birth Year: 1946 – 1960

  • Born following World War II up to approximately 1960, a time that was marked by an increase in birth rates.[citation needed] The baby boom has been described variously as a “shockwave”[10] and as “the pig in the python.”[11]

By the sheer force of its numbers, the boomers were a demographic bulge which remodeled society as it passed through it. |In general, baby boomers are associated with a rejection or redefinition of traditional values; however, many commentators have disputed the extent of that rejection, noting the widespread continuity of values with older and younger generations. In Europe and North America boomers are widely associated with privilege, as many grew up in a time of affluence.[10] One of the features of Boomers was that they tended to think of themselves as a special generation, very different from those that had come before them. In the 1960s, as the relatively large numbers of young people became teenagers and young adults, they, and those around them, created a very specific rhetoric around their cohort, and the change they were bringing about.[12]

Generation X
(Kurt Cobain, b. 1967) Birth Years: 1961 – 1979

Generation Y
(Lady Gaga, b. 1986) Birth Years: 1980-1994

Generation Z Birth Years: 1995-2009


Based on the above facts about the types of Generations the World Possess,we must now try to think wisely,critically and realistically as to which Generation Group is best to lead their respective Governments or Nations?

At the 6thWIEF,Ramli listened to many thoughts of prominent political leaders,business leaders as well as NGOs leaders and at one session Ramli heard about the interesting facts about how some government have cabinet members of ages below 50 years of age while many other cabinets have ages over 50 to 80 years of age!

What about Malaysia then?Whats the average age of our Cabinet Members and also our PM and DPM?

I am sure many are above 50 years old and some almost reaching 70.Is that good for making Malaysia a Great Nation by 2020 or we need younger Cabinet Members to think better,act wiser and ensure Malaysia acheives all her targets like the RMK-10,RMK-11 and Vision 2020.

If you study the facts from Wikipedia above,you will realized that in US,they considered those born between 1916 to 1924 as the Greatest Generation and some prominent leaders born in this Generation is John F.Kennedy (born in 1917).What is comparable to Malaysia as those born in Malaysia’s Greatest Generation?Is it the same as USA for those born between the years of 1916 to 1924?YABhg Tun Dr.Mahathir is now almost 85 years old and he was born on 20thDec,1925 (just one year after this Greatest Generation age group)Actually does it matters or is there any significance as to which Generation you belong to?

Looking back again to those in Malaysia born in this Greatest Generation age group ie.1916 to 1924,there are now very few still living Great Malaysians like Dr.M,Royal Prof Ungku Aziz and others (whom Ramli cannot recalled now..sorry) have made Malaysia a Great Nation with our per capita income much greater than in 1957 and also enable our present Leaders to “pick up” from where they have ended and continue the Journey to make Malaysia a Greater Nation with a Higher Income Level and becoming a Fully Developed Nation with World Class stature and respect!

It’s good to study the effectiveness of Malaysian Leaders both in politics,business,sports and social sectors and whether the age group they belong have many direct impact or results to their performances or positions?Do you know?

Maybe thats why we allow civil servants and business employees to retire once they reached 55 years of age BUT why other countries allow their people to officially retire at age 60 or 62?

Is it more about economics or talent effectiveness?Many Malaysians still worked even when they reached 55 since they believe they are still strong mentally and physically!Why?

YABhg Tun Dr.Mahathir still goes around Malaysia and the World when he is almost 85 years of age and he seems to enjoy (maybe not so much for the money or allowances) but for his lifelong service and dedication to make Malaysia Greater and Better !Like they say in Malaysia Boleh spirit,if Dr.M Boleh,Kita pun Boleh kan?

What’s the summary then?

Maybe being effective leader and the ability to lead with great passion,speed and charisma plus good output and outcome is the hallmark of a Great Leader and that’s what Malaysia needs in the political arena,business,sports and social sectors.If you as a Leader just want to enjoy your monthly salary and perks plus all the executive travels and privileges maybe dont be a Leader just “take all your retirement benefits” and enjoy your vacation wherever you want and be happy with it!Its fair and most honourable to the Rakyat and Shareholders concerned.

Ramli hoped we can produce many Greater Generations to come and that will come from our Gen Z,Y and also X.Inshallah.

For more infos,please contact Ramli at +6-019-2537165 or email:

BTW,Ramli was borned on 1st Nov,1956 in Brisu,Malacca and Ramli is in the same Generation as President Barrack Obama of USA.We are in the Baby Boomers Generation.