Posts Tagged ‘awards’

Ramli through many years of working as an employee and later as a self employed person running his own small business,always want to aspire to be the best or in Ramli’s word “to unleash the hidden talents to infinite possibilities or world class results”

When we want to be the best we must seek first to find some good examples either in a person,company or a combination of both.

Ramli is fortunate enough that he started work at the age of 20 with Matsushita Malaysia and with Matsushita Philosophy,Ramli learned a lot about the responsibilities as an entrepreneur (in Matsushita’s thinking) and what are the values and good practices of a socially resposible company which Matsushita was so early in her history committed to perform and excel ie.since 1918 when Matsushita was incorporated in Japan.

No wonder,FORTUNE magazine have announced Tan Sri Konosuke Matsushita as the Greatest Entrepreneur in the World.That is no understatement or poor decision on the sides of the Fortune Magazine Management and Editors but based on what Matsushita have contributed to the World by way of his business philosophies,products and services,employees’ assessment and loyalty,customers satisfaction not just locally but globally and his coaching of his people and his business associates have made him so important,a model figure,a mentor and most important a good man to learn new knowledge and best practices that really work!

In Malaysia,we too have many AWARDS SCHEMES and many prominent people,Billionaires,Top CEOs and important Top Managers and their respective companies have been accorded with Awards and Recoqnition as Malaysia’s Best!

What have we learn from them,actually?

Many of these companies or CEOs have shown that they managed to make huge profits by changing their business models or leadership styles and strategies  as well as many have taken their companies “out of the reds to be in the black” and making great business turnarounds and transformation to be Malaysia’s Top Companies in terms of profits,market capitalization and shareholders returns etc..

How do they managed to get all these wonderful results?Is it a continual basis or a one-off affair?Is it because of the Government Bailed Outs or Political Patronages…tell Ramli pleased…

Are the CEOs or Executive Chairmen really Great?Are they people like Matsushita or Bill Gates or even Steve Jobs?

Are their companies offering jobs as many as they can create everyday or are they managing their business by “hire and fire” or

“management by fear” ?

Are they  making real profits by their smartness,best strategies,excellent teamwork and innovative products and services?

Many Malaysian businesses still rely so much on the Government to give them projects,subsidies,tax discounts,overseas projects and personal attention!Why?

Just imagine if Malaysian businesses are put on the same playing field as the foreign companies that are freely allowed to invest in Malaysia and no special treatment to anyone,maybe Malaysian companies will easily lose out and only get the crumbs while the best are “eaten up” by these foreign world class companies who are always ready to “harvest” the marketplace with all their best practices,great leadership and ability to stand alone without much outside help especially from their governments!

These are the type of success stories  that Malaysian must learn and understand so that learning from these Annual Award Winners will be as good and satisfied as winning the awards by the Winners concerned!

To Ramli,a  Winner is one who can create or develop as many winners like themselves,thats a Great Winner or Champion!Agree or Disagree?