Posts Tagged ‘2010’

Today ie.27th April,2011 is a significant day (also my eldest son Zaim Aimran bin Ramli 26th Birthday -he is an Engineer by profession having graduated with Honours in Bachelor in Engineering (Mechatronics) from UTM last 2008.

Today,Ramli have posted almost 1000th times of his thoughts and articles for reading at this BLOG.

If we are to compiled all this 1000th postings,Ramli think it can be like a 4inch thick book or more!Thats the volume of articles that have been written since Jan 2009 till today!

To read any article in this BLOG,you just need to type your subject and just press search,I am sure you can get the article of interest.Ramli have now about 3,800+ tags and 58 categories and received with approved status almost 924 comments.

Ramli just hoped the webmaster do not delete Ramli’s postings and all the 1000 postings will be made available all the time for all interested people.

Maybe the approach to take for the 1,001th and others will be more informative,”hot” topics,add value and all those positive stories for building our POSITIVE PERSONALITIES.

At  the end of the day,we must help bring happiness,prosperity and peace to people lives everywhere by useful knowledge,breakthrough thinking and REVOLUSI AKSI (ACTION REVOLUTION-as from Ramli’s first book published in March 24th,2006)

Ramli hoped all these writings will also benefit Ramli by more offers to do Training&Consultancy for interested Clients for subjects like world class performance,corporate university or corporate academy via Ramli’s association with his Global Experts like G-ACUA ,GCCU,GLR Inc and GPM International Ltd other subjects of TQM,all the factors of Q,C,D,S,M,E of Improvement of your company processes,Team Work activities like MQT,QCC@ICC and KMK@KIK etc..

Ramli also hoped Sport Fans will participate in Ramli’s Promotions of Pro Boxing,Muay Thai and Silat Championship events together with his Global Alliance of the Big Boys of Boxing and MuayThai like WBC,WBA,UBO,IBF,KBC,IBC,WBC MuayThai,WMC,PESAKA,MABF and others..

Ramli also want to spread his Trading Business to all over the world in the many product and services offerings made known through this BLOG ie. and

Anyone who wants to know Ramli’s profile please visit

To contact Ramli Abu Hassan called his mobilephone :+6019-2537165 or emailed at:





Top Posts for all days ending 2011-02-14 (Summarized)

Title Views
Home page 4,437
Pengenalan kepada Kumpulan Inovatif dan Kreatif (KIK)-dari Buku Panduan KIK (yang terbaru) 3,626
Ini Juara AJL ke-25 – Ana Raffali – Tolong Ingatkan Aku.Tahniah! 903 our Malaysian worker a salary worth their blood,sweat and tears..a worker can get RM600 a month and a CEO can get more than RM800,000 a month..why so great a variation..LCL=600,CL=?,UCL=800,000!!! 603
An Overview of Corporate University -good to know again what Corp U means to your company/organisation-all the tangible and intangible benefits! 596
Happy 31st Birthday Datuk Siti Nurhaliza!Watch Siti through the years….. 555
Kumpulan Inovatif dan Kreatif (KIK) sudah mula diperkenalkan mengantikan KMK mulai 1hb Nov,2009 dengan terbitnya Panduan KIK dari MAMPU baru ini..harap rujuk dilaman web 516
The “Love” Story of Jericho Rosales & Kristine Hermosa -goes on n on…. 487
Malaysia latest demographics 2010 -Malays almost 50.4% of population and other Bumiputra about 11%,Chinese 23.7% and Indian 7.1% plus all the rest.The Malays are basically Muslims and as the majority race they can hold power,be economically rich and be a great force culturally,socially and determining the future!However this is not the story,why? 436
Malaysia Got Corporate Talents!Case Study-Danaharta 430
Gunung Merapi in Kinahrejo,Yogyakarta,Central Java have erupted again in Indonesia!How’s best for humans to be at peace with nature -learning and living with natural disasters like volcanic eruptions,earthquakes,tsunamies,typhoons,floods,etc.. 408
Malaysia Demographics Profile 2010 -let’s study our stats for the coming 13MGE 371
The Real “Drivers” of the Malaysian Economy in 2010-The Politicians or the Entrepreneurs & Their Mgmt Team? 355
Ramli’s Trading House (RTH)-latest business is the Eumora Bar…the miracle bar… 346
The Networked Readiness Index 2008–2009 rankings-know where your country’s performance is at ranking no.? 335
Malaysia’s Talent Corporation -Build the Talents from inside Malaysia is better than importing outside Malaysia even though they are Malaysians!What YOU think? 325
Why Muslim Men do not try hard to marry 4 wives? 318
The rise and importance of the Middle Class Income people around the this article below.. 282
WOW!Heard the latest news about Malaysia’s Football Team beat the South Koreans!Its all about working harder and smarter,Yes-Malaysia Boleh! 282
Do U Know what is “Liwat” and all things related to it? 266
The TOP 20 Websites Globally & Malaysia -as appear on today! 257
Patutlah Kedai Along banyak pasal nak pinjam duit dari Bank susah dan riba’ pun tinggi!Along nak pinjam senang tapi awas jgn tak bayar! 242
The Wisdom of Tan Sri Konosuke Matsushita -the Founder of Panasonic 228
Many Top Sportsmen and Sportswomen of the World are Millionaires through prize monies(earnings)and endorsements plus their own investment returns-Read this article below.. 227
Kiamat -End of Time :Are YOU prepared already?Read this long article from wikipedia…is it coming this 2012? 227
Salute to Datuk Lee Chong Wei and his coach Datuk Misbun Sidek by winning the 100th Edition All England Badminton Championships (Year 2010) of the Men’s Single category..Now let’s challenge for Malaysia’s 1st Gold Medal at the London Olympics 2012! 222
High Income Economy (gross national income per capita to be RM38,850=USD12,140) & High Productivity Economy -To be achieved in 2015 !What’s the “real” impact to Malaysia? 218
Malaysia’s New Economic Model -What’s Best,What’s the Focus,How to do it Right? 216
Congratulations to “Harimau Malaya” aka Malaysia Football Team for winning the 1st Leg of the AFF Cup Final!Win the 2nd Leg then Malaysian Football will be greatly admired again! 213
Foods of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w -Lessons learned from “The Book Of Sufi Healing”.Honey the food of foods,the drink of drinks and the drug of drugs! 207
7 Management Tools for QC (M7) plus 7 QC Tools (Q7) can enable your ICC,KIK,MQT or GTP Teams to achieve Great Results & Knowledge! 204
erma fatima 187
Jilbab 4 173
DPS -Trading House of the World’s Xtra-Ordinary Products&Services 173
Qualities of a Good Politician and a Bad Politician -want to know,please read on.. 171
Get Rid of Usury (Riba’) In Our Way of Life-Enough of all these sufferings due to Greed! 166
Famous Personalities that Ramli have met (so far) 166
See More of ECHOTIN and maybe their love is for Real? 164
The right aksi (actions) for Malaysia’s proposed Talent Corporation (TC)establishment by 2011! 164
Should Malaysia pays her Top Leaders(Business&Politicians)more than 42x or 900x than the normal salary workers? 162
Happy Maal Hijrah! 1hb Muharram 1432H = 7th December,2010 AD 161
Here are a list of Great Muslims who have served Islam very well and May Allah SWT Reward Them With Jannah. 156
Dr.W.E.Deming(Quality MahaGuru)-Remembering his teachings esp The System of Profound Knowledge in making sure we transform our style of management to one of optimization. 155
Quality People help build a Quality Company-Let’s study the Google Management aka Leaders’ in Charge! 155
Allahuakbar!Allah The Greatest-Only Allah SWT Knoweth Everything!In Allah,we seek Allah’s Blessings & Mercy! 151
Program Transformasi Kerajaan – Lagi foto2 di GTP Hari Terbuka pada 17&18Dis,2009 151
It’s important to know about Dajjal -a signal of the End of the World is coming! 150
Malaysia’s Talent Corporation will officially resume operations on about the appointment of the CEO of Talent Corp.. 149
Ramli always admire Great Malaysians like Royal Professor Ungku Aziz-read this article from The Star newspaper. 147
Islam can assure Financial Support for all Muslims in Need by making their Baitulmal Institution more prominent,stronger and well supported by all. 143
AL-FATIHAH kepada Ustaz Hj.Asri daripada Kumpulan Nasyid Rabbani 143
P.Ramlee masih relevan kepada Malaysia-Kita perlu faham dan kenalpasti mesej2 filem2nya….. 140
All Women around the World love to dress elegantly and be beautiful always-Read about the latest trends in Muslim Women Fashion.. 133
EUMORA slide-2 128
Sir Run Run Shaw-Amazing Man who is now almost 103 years old and his life story about the Movie Business (a glimpse of it)! 127
Malaysia’s Talent Corp wants to invite 70,000 high calibre and talented people back to Malaysia till 2020!800,000 Malaysians are working abroad and 1.4 Million others have emigrated since 1960!Ramli is promoting Corp Universities in Malaysia where we develop,retained and also acquire Malaysian based Talents,thats better! 125
Do YOU really know the meaning of 1=ONE=satu?1Islam,1Malaysia,1Isreal,1World,1Utama,etc..How “1” is affecting or reflecting in your life… 120
Pramlee’s Life Story On History Channel at ASTRO last night was so Wonderful!Maybe there are another 30%~50% remained untold about Pramlee!May Allah SWT Blessed and Have Mercy on Pramlee and Saloma!Al-Fatihah… 116
Malaysia’s Richest Persons for 2009 as reported by Malaysian Business Annual Rankings.. 114
Datuk Nicol Ann David-What’s Next ?Aim for the Olympic Gold Medal for Women Squash-if included in the Olympic Games?Yes,get married also,soon? 111
Understanding more about Organised Crime in Malaysia and Rest of the World!How to identify them?What are their traits or attributes? 111
Revolusi Aksi’s World of Knowledge :KMK now rebrand as KIK in the Government Sector 109
Ramli dijemput menjadi Ketua Panel Hakim Kategori Pengurusan di Konvensyen KIK 2010 Peringkat Wilayah Persekutuan Bagi Sektor Awam 2010..lihat foto2 yang diambil… 106
The Top 10 Best Hospitals in the World-based on The Globe’s Best Hospitals Ranking.. 103
Malaysia’s New Economic Model (NEM) -What We all can do to make it work rightly,this time around! 101
How do U invest your RM100,000 to become RM1,000,000 in 365 days period or say in 3 years time? 99
Ramli dijemput menjadi Ketua Juri di Majlis Konvensyen KIK Jabatan Penjara Malaysia pada 3hb&4hbJun,2010 di Penjara Sg.Udang,Melaka. 96
Latest Updates on 1Muharram,1432H/7thDec,2010-Tan Sri Dr.Zeti Aziz was awarded the “Tokoh Maal Hijrah” for 1432H.Congratulations to Tan Sri Dr.Zeti -Islamic Banking great growth in Malaysia and rest of the world is one of her major contributions.. 93
Today is 1-1-11!Are YOU ready to execute your PLAN for 2011? 93
Konosuke Matsushita in Malaysia 93
World Class Manufacturing (WCM) -Let’s study how some companies achieved WCM Levels and the great impact to their business results and people performance! 92
A ship without a Captain sailed like “crazy”.Some of the work of a CEO is non delegable,do you know what are they? 91
Gong Xi Fa Chai to all my Chinese Friends who will celebrate this Chinese New Year of the TIGER! 91
Tahukah Anda apakah hebatnya seorang Hafiz atau Hafizah Al-Quran?Mahukah ANDA menjadi seorang Hafiz atau anak2 anda? 90
Ramli and his Celebrity Friends….do you know them also? 87
KMK masih relevan disektor kerajaan walaupun KIK telah mula diperkenalkan!Kita semua perlu prihatin atau sedar akan idea asas disebalik aktiviti KMK@KIK.. 86
Ramli thinks the cost of a phone call via handphone is too much in Malaysia better use the Public Phone or your dial up or touch much save your prepaid credits longer! 85
Tak’an Melayu Hilang Di-Dunia -Menjaga Bahasa Melayu sama sahaja perjuangannya…Inshallah. 85
World Class Malaysia Wawasan 2020-Prosperous,Safe,Honest,Harmony,Peaceful -Who Can Make It Happen? 85
Latest from Dr.M -Melayu Mudah Lupa & Melayu Mudah Takut!as reported by Ramli “Bicara Perdana” bersama YABhg Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad 85
Guide to a Better Life -thoughts by Randy Pausch 84
Every Muslim Must Jihad to become a Better Muslim-A Complete Muslim! 83
The Greatest Challenge for The Government Transformation Program (GTP) is People not Process,Products or Promotion or whatever ?Do U Know That? 82
The difference between a General Hospital and a Specialist Hospital-Of Course the Fees! 80
Corporate University (your own inhouse Talent Building & “hub” for your Corporate Responsibility) -DPS&GLR Workshop for U 80
An-Nahdhah Al-Islam Lecture Series:Ayatul Kursi by Ustaz Ahmad Tajuddin Mat Jali on 3rdJan,2010 79
OK More on this great mobile&internet bzns SMS BUSINESS -JOIN Ramli’s Team of Excellent Partners’ 79
Siapakah “Walisongo” abad ke-21 ini?Mari berkenalan dengan Walisongo sebenarnya..dari Wikipedia.. 76
Jadilah ahli MAFPA (Persatuan Usahawan Pemprosesan dan Pembungkusan Makanan Malaysia) dan sertai Pameran PROMAS 2010 di PWTC pada 15hb~18hb,Julai,2010. 76
Malaysia have nowadays many Award Schemes like CEO of the Year,Top Brands,Enterprise 50,Malaysia’s Billionaires’ Club and etc…actually what can we learn or what have we been able to learn from this “Winners”?here’s the stories.. 75
When will Malaysia qualify for the FIFA World Cup Finals?Will Malaysia ever qualify for the World Cup Finals?When? 75
PEPATAH Melayu ada mengatakan: “Harimau mati tinggalkan belang, manusia mati tinggalkan nama.” Begitulah jasa2 Allahyarham Seniman Agung Tan Sri P.Ramlee dan isteri kesayangannya Biduanita Negara Datuk Saloma. 70
Can Malaysian GLCs become Regional and Global Champions?Can they do it by 2015 or 2020 or 2057…. 70
About Ramli Abu Hassan 70
Jangan biarkan angan2 kita lebih panjang dari kehidupan kita-Hadis Nabi saw dari H.R.Bukhari 69
Malaysia need to monitor reasonable food prices at Food Outlets like Gerai,Food Stalls,Food Courts,Restaurants etc…Some of their prices are “crazy”-exorbitantly high! 69
Ramli syukur dapat belajar usaha Tabligh sejak 1988-Usaha untuk memperbaiki iman dan amal kita sendiri..itu sangat penting.. 69
Ramli’s DPS 2010 Training Modules made for YOUR Business Excellence..view a sample 68
Hari Raya Aidil Fitri for Malaysia have been declared to be this Friday 10th September,2010.Before,we have disputes as to the Raya date and created lots of confusion,disappointment and frustration! 68
Record Number of Cars sold in 2010 and Record Number of Traffic Jams occurred in 2010 and will be more in 2011!What happen to the mission to reduce Malaysia’s Carbon Footprint and Improve Public Transportation?Actually we need less cars on the road and better Public Transportation System! 68
RTH Tudungs just arrived from Jakarta -Now Available for sale… 66
Senarai Tuan2 Guru dan Ustaz2 & Ustazah2 yang membuat Tazkirah dan Kuliah Agama di Masjid Nahdhah Al Islam Seksyen 18 Shah Alam-senarai terkini… 66
Mustafa Kamal Ataturk -Orang yang bertanggungjawab meruntuhkan Kerajaan Islam Turki pada tahun 1343Hijrah (1924Masehi)-bacalah misteri mayatnya tidak diterima bumi! 66
Congratulations to Datuk Seri Idris Jala -Malaysia’s New Minister and CEO of Performance Mgmt & Delivery Unit (Pemandu) 65
Alhamdulillah,Ramli completed reading all the 114 Surahs and 6666 verses of the Quran yesterday ie.19 Ramadan 1431H = 29 August 2010 AD 64
Come and enjoy this Mobile and Internet based business!Follow the instructions below… 64
Top 20 Countries with highest number of Internet Users for period 2009. 63
For RAMADAN (Muslim Fasting Month) Ramli will try to sell Murtabak Raja (King Murtabak) via Internet to all clients..just email or tel 019-2537165 for your orders… 62
Yasmin Ahmad-May ALLAH SWT Blessed U and Have Great Mercy ON U too… 62
This is the Oldest UMNO Book “Anggota Majlis Kerja Tertinggi UMNO Malaya 1956.”For SALE to highest offer..Hurry! 60
Some information about Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM) and their contribution to WCM. 58
12 Ladders to World Class Performance -Training Proposal 57
This great quality problem or your product branding is tarnishing (among the World’s Auto Manufacturers) like “wildfires.”First,we heard of Toyota then Honda,Ford and now Proton!Whose Next? 57
More information about Corporate Universities -interested Malaysian companies,please contact Ramli at 019-2537165 for a preview.. 57
Do U know the status of your company/organisation Q-C-D-S-M-E performance?Better contact Ramli to bring U to World Class! 55
KIK@KMK dan ICC@QCC perlu jelas apa alat QC yang terbaik yang perlu diapplikasikan dalam projek mereka! 53
Maybe it’s time to establish Professional Sports Academies (Schools) for Football,Tennis,Golf,Swimming,Badminton etc…only then Malaysia can unleash World Class Champions!Invite Sports Entrepreneurs anywhere in the world to invest in Malaysia? 53
Anyone who’s worth above RM10Million must have armed bodyguard/s-nowadays there are too many crooks and “bad”people around! 53
MORE infos on Ramli’s latest SMS Solution Business 53
Do YOU know what is your Quality Performance in your company,NOW?See,what these American companies are doing to make Quality a prime mover of their business! 52
Husnul Khatimah-Setiap penyakit ada ubatnya hanya MATI!Adakah anda berusaha mencari Husnul Khatimah? 52
In the airline industry there is “no play play” stuff but “safe safe always” so that people have great confidence of their safety when boarding the planes like MAS,Air Asia or Fire Fly and others…. 52
Tinju atau Professional Boxing sudah pun menjadi Bisnes Sukan yang hebat di AS,Europa,Jepun&Korea-Malaysia pun boleh,jika mendapat sokongan terutama SPONSOR! 52
World Class Companies like Toyota and General Motors Co are always serious about their Quality & Safety for their vehicles..what about your company? 52
Jilbab 3 52
You want to know how much it costs(close estimates)to promote a World Title Fight for Professional Boxing involving the Big Hottest Names in Boxing like Pacquiao,Mayweather or even Tyson? 51
Farewell to Allahyarhamah Datin Mariam Abdullah (Mak Teh) on 10thJune,2010-Al-Fatihah 50
Globalisation or Glocalisation -What Good Can They Do For Our Now? 50
Why MAS,Air Asia or Firefly must worry?As long they give the best quality service,reliable,reasonable prices at times cheap fares and excellent customer service,YOU are OK!Business will thrive and survive!For more profits and No.1 in the industry then that needs an extraordinary efforts from YOUR TEAM!so simple actually…if only there is passion to work as a Team…1Malaysia! 50
How much do you really love your wife or wives and also your children-Read on…. 49
Today in Malaysia is 1st Ramadan 1431 Hijrah =11th August,2010.Please visit Quran recitals by the World’s Best Qari (eg.Abdul Basit Abdul Samad..) and all infos on Islam.. 49
The Good and Bad about Riba’ (Usury)..oops Riba’ is HARAM,there is no GOOD about it and WE Must Jihad to abolish RIBA’,that’s better…. 49
sudirman and fans_0001 49
Kelebihan murid Tahfiz dengan murid sekolah biasa ialah Akhlaknya -selalu dengar arahan Ustaz dan berdisiplin terutama menjaga solat 5 waktu dengan istiqamah.. 49
The “wasted” workforce of Malaysia when they reached above 55 years old (pensioners)-Can we use their expertise esp their brains&wisdom? 48
Employee Engagement -The Best Way to get Ideas and Help Save YOUR Company!Read this article… 48
More of Innovation-reference from Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) book “Collection of Innovations 2009” 48
First Toyota now Honda..whose NEXT to fall (brand damage) because of Poor Quality..but remember they have more than 5,000 car parts suppliers..they are also the culprits! 48
What’s the greatest challenge for our ETP?In order to achieve a high income nation, our GDP must grow at least.. 6% per annum from 2011 to 2020!Can Malaysia do it when the Malaysian Work Culture and Talents are still not optimized to the fullest!So,what to do? 47
Muslims in Malaysia must work harder,smarter and become successful and holding steadfastly to the Quran & Sunnah-It’s not impossible because Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhariy & others have shown the way… 46
Banks must play the role of nation building by offering funds with minimal fees (dont like the word interest -its riba’ or usury).Just imagine borrowing RM10,000 and you have to pay back RM392/month x 36 months ie.RM 14,112 ( a fee of almost RM4,112 or 41.12% Riba’)Please,any banks can offer better rates to Ramli? 45
Alamak!Another serious accident involving Malaysian Buses,Why?The MM (Malaysian Mentality) of some Top Officials who do not understand the importance of Zero Defect (in this case Zero Accident) relating to major accidents of buses on Malaysian Roads!Stop all these “nonsense management” styles and start managing The Right Way! 45
walt disney 45
Ingin tahu pasal KMK@KIK dan QCC@ICC,bacalah buku Revolusi Aksi… 44
Ramli’s Trading House (RTH) -Get these products from RTH,Now! 42
The old times entertainment centre in Kuala Lumpur like BB Park -YOU know the stories? 42
How many cars have u bought in your life so far?what are your dream cars?here’s Ramli dream far… 42
Seminar Usahawan Selangor 2009 & Dialog Ekonomi Selangor 2009 42
Businesses Must (Always) Remember Crosby’s Quality Management Absolutes otherwise YOU are in (BIG)trouble! 42
Photographs of MAFPA Events held for PROMAS Exhibition at PWTC 41
Good to Know the Co Acquisitions made by Google,Yahoo and Microsoft-so far.. 41
Ramli and his ASEAN Fight Night Championship Project-Invitation to all Interested esp SPONSORS. 41
Great Show Malaysia’s Amirul at 19th Commonwealth Games 2010 in Delhi,India 41
Harimau Malaya or Harimau Malaysia?Knowing the facts is more objective rather than being emotional and subjective! 41
The Greatness in the Tabligh Movement -Spreading the Dakwah Message as done by Prophet Muhammad pbuh and all his Sahabats,Tabiin and Tabiin by all able Muslims.. 40
The Economy will improve with more jobs available,more projects to be completed and higher productivity from everyone.All these paper gains or stock price manipulations are unreal practices and better ignore them!Read this article to know more… 40
Going for Green Technology -is it affordable and have many benefits or not? 40
Malaysia’s “Hottest” Politicians for 2010 -based on Ramli’s Thoughts! 40
What will Malaysia be in 2057?Islam will definitely be the same even in 3057 or till the end of time! 39
Ramadan in History -all the great events happening in the month of Ramadan 39
ISTIQAMAH-the Islamic Way for Continual Excellence for you,your company and your fact the whole World! 39
Do U want to know our Malaysian Voters Registration Status currently who will cast their votes to choose the Federal and State Governments for the coming 13th Malaysian General Elections? 38
It is dangerous to drive when you are sleepy,when you are crazy and when you ignore all the road safety rules!Many lost their lives due to this factors! 38
collage3-esabee homepage photo 38
Ramli and son visited the Pertandingan Kemahiran Malaysia PKM 2010 held at CIAST,Shah Alam 37
How to ensure your ICC or KIK can progress the 4 stages of Teamwork with Excellence ie.Form->Storm->Norm->Perform 37
Sting bottle closeup 37
This is pramleeelvis’s blog 700th posting-Its Budget 2011 Announcement today by PM! 36
Dunia Islam kehilangan lagi Ulama’ Tersohor dan Banyak Berjasa pada Umat Abad ke 20 & 21 ini!Al-Fatihah kita hadiahkan pada Allahyarham Sheikh Mohammed Sayed Tantawi. 36
Government Transformation Program(GTP) Road Map successfully launched today by PM-Now’s the time for Successful Execution for Results-Ready-Set-Go! 36
Tribute to my Father & Mother -Abu Hassan Omar AMN & Meenah Hj.Ahmad AMN 35
The Greatest Sacrifice a Muslim can make is to Jihad for the sake of Allah SWT-The Battle of Badr,Uhud and many more have witnessed many Muslims Jihad but in this 21stCentury,who are really sacrificing for Allah’s sake? 35
Hahaha…is “Awang Hitam” that really good ke?Ask your doctor-is not the size but the power within that matters..more hahaha… 35
The Malays’ in 2050?Global Entrepreneurs+Knowledge Explorers+Islam Missionaries.Can the Malays Do It?Good to understand why some major global companies go bankrupt? 34
You can only be really RICH after you experienced real hard times even to the brink of being a bankrupt person!True or False?Learn from the Overseas Chinese… 34
One ASEAN One People-some photos from Ramli’s Trip To Medan,Prapat,Danau Toba and Brastagi 34
Merdeka,Merdeka,Merdeka -53 years celebrating Malaysia’s Independence!The True Loyal Malaysians must always be remembered&respected BUT not the enemies who have killed Malaysians,who have cheated Malaysians and who have no love for Malaysians except for their own selfish needs… 34
Ramli invite U again to join this -Be a Pioneer SMS Entrepreneur.Soft Launch on 5thApril,2010 at PWTC!Join Now,Follow the Instructions below… 33
If only all able Muslims were to pay their annual zakat of 2.5% from their total annual income,maybe there will be no more beggars insearch of money,food or help amymore!Zakat is one of the 5 Pillars of Islam just like Solat! 33
EUMORA slide-1 33
For Malaysia to become a Great Nation it’s our Malaysian Culture or Way of Life that matters most!Who can make it happen?How long it takes? 33
Pramlee,Elvis.Michael Jackson.John Lennon,James Dean,Marlon Brando etc..What do they have in common for these extra-ordinary humans…? 32
Living to Pray:Road to Heaven – Ramli’s 5th Book now ready for bookings 32
Adakah ANDA sayangkan Rasulullah SAW?Tahukah ANDA tarikh lahir dan wafatnya Baginda SAW? 32
The 6th World Islamic Economic Forum held in Kuala Lumpur from 18th to 20thMay,2010-Ramli was also among the 2542 delegates coming from 67 countries. 32
Al-Fatihah to “King Ghaz” -A Great Politician who could be Malaysia’s PM but he chose not to!Ramli loves his GUTS! 32
What’s our CEOs think and want to do in 2010?Results not Reasons for CEOs Key Performance Indicator! 32
After producing the Nano Car for USD2,500 now INDIA have come up with the USD35 computer tablet (just similar to i-Pad) -Eureka! 32
Jika Perkhidmatan Awam ingin menjana Transformasi Ketahap Kelas Dunia maka banyakkan lagi KIK@KMK diseluruh Negara.Satu KIK@10 orang jadi 1.4juta kakitangan awam perlu 140,000 KIK!Berapa KIK sekarang? 31
Dakwah is so important in Islam but nowadays Muslims in Malaysia take things for granted not like in EU or USA-Many Thousands are embracing Islam in EU and USA! 31
Mualaf -all the converts to Islam.In Malaysia,are they being protected,cared for and becoming Good Muslims? 31
Welcome Ramadan -The Greatest Month in Islam -Lots of Blessings from Allah SWT-Go for It! 31
From Social Networks to Communities – an article from Kevin it 31
Seriously,can Malaysia win her 1st Olympic Gold Medal at the London Olympics in 2012?What Sport and Who? 31
Miracles of Mecca -Every Muslim MUST perform his/her Pilgrimage to witness and feel these miracles of Mecca! 31
1Malaysia -Before and Present Champions -eg.Zainal Alam’s rendition of “Rose Rose I Love You” 30
2010 Present from Ramli Abu Hassan -Your Solat Scorecard-Try It! 30
How many Millionaires and Billionaires does Malaysia possess now?Are they becoming philanthropists or just enjoying themselves? 30
What’s happening now with Malaysia’s ETP Project towards Vision 2020?Here are some snapshots taken by Ramli at the recent ETP Public Presentation of Progress Reports… 30
Jilbab 5 30
Jilbab 2 29
Only about 100 days more to 2011-That’s the 500th Anniversary of the fall of the Malacca Sultanate to Foreign Powers until Merdeka of 1957!Malaysians must really know their history to become Better 1Malaysians! 29
Elimininate Numerical Quotas like Targets…understand the way Dr.Deming think what is the right way(being effective)rather than just doing it right(efficient)! 29
Ramli’s meeting with YABhg Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad-“Bicara Perdana” at Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia on 28thJan,2010… 29
Is it true that MONEY is the Root of All Evil?See these photos of all the money you can load on a pallet?Visit the Federal Reserve or BNM for a “peep or peek” to these loads of money…hahaha 28
Ramli turut hadir di Konvensyen Usahawan Melayu 2010 dari 14hb&15hb Mei,2010-“NGO Force ke-3″Penjana Ekonomi Bangsa! 28
Beyh Royale catalog-page 1 28
JOM Join 1Malaysiasms -A Great Way to enjoy sms and make lots of money! 28
Let’s understand what are SWFs-How Sovereign Wealth Funds are a source for developmental change! 27
senu abdul rahman 27
Ramli attended the MIDA&SME Corp -National Domestic Investment Dialogue and Seminar with YB Dato’Sri Mustapa Mohamed,Minister of International Trade and Industry(MITI) 27
Is it easy to make RM1Million in a year,in 3 years,in 5 years or 10 years and more? 27
REvolusi Mental,REformasi,REvolusi Aksi and many others -Only the FUture will know their impact to Malaysia’s Prosperity,Progress,Peace etc…Great Leaders will (must) always work hard,think smart,shed lots of tears,sweat and blood..Allah SWT Knoweth Best! 27
Ramli as the photgrapher -some the photo sessions with models… 26
My “Nusantara Beauties”-Siti Nurhaliza ,Anneke Gronloh,Saloma,Lea Salonga,Kristine Hakim,Dewi Yull,Sharifah Aini,Anita Sarawak…. 26
Pelajari,Hayati dan Istiqamah dengan keperibadian Nabi Muhammad SAW iaitu Siddiq,Amanah,Tabliq & Fatanah maka Majulah Islam dan Makmurlah Ekonomi,Politik,Sosial,Ilmu Pengetahuan dan segala2nya… 26
Innovation-the NEW Face of Quality-please read this great article from Praveen Gupta.. 26
Manifesto Pilihan Raya -adakah penting dan perlu untuk Rakyat?Suatu Janji yang di Kota atau Penipuan Semata2? 26
Maybe by 2100,Malaysia and Indonesia will become One Greater Nation in this New Malay Archipelago!Maybe the Muslim Nations of ASEAN will Unite as One Greater Nation? 25
Professional Boxing will get more popular in China and India and that means an audience of almost 3 billion people-can it happen?If we still have boxers like Muhammad Ali,Smokin’Joe Frazier or Iron Mike Tyson then its possible! Ramli is also a proboxing n muaythai sports promoter,ask him? 25
Gong Xi Fa Chai to all Ramli’s Friends -wherever U are now in this Global World! 25
In Search of Lailatul Qadar -The Reward from Allah SWT -1000 Months of Blessings 25
If only Malaysia’s PhDs’ holders working at Government Agencies and Private Sectors and Professors at Universities both at IPTAs and IPTSs were to write a book each per year (maybe as their KPI) then Malaysia will improve her rankings as one of the World’s Most Number of Books published per year-Lets achieve this feat,Malaysia Bolehkan? 25
Nasihat dari Rasulullah SAW kepada orang muda macam kamu semua-faham dan terus amal…. 25
Good to Know what is Web 3.0-here are some good sites… 24
Ramli Abu Hassan-Principal Consultant of DPS wish to introduce you to World Class Performance Training&Consultancy support to your organisation/company.. 24
More Reading for U :The Quality Movement vs Innovation Movement 24
Kenalilah 124,000 Nabi2 Kita teruatamanya yang disebut2kan dalam Al-Quran. 24
Malam Jumaat -Dimana kah anda perlu berada atau perlu laksanakan? 24
Ramli’s article appear in Sinar Harian Online Newspaper 24
Jackie Chan -The Most Celebrated 7th Forbes Chinese Celebrity List 2010. 24
Kenapa nak pening kepala?Simpan saja di dalam ASB dapat pulangan >8.55% setahun cukuplah…Anda ada cadangan lain ke? 24
When you don’t study what is PDCA Cycle or System of Profound Knowledge all about,you only think of getting results(the outcome) is most important!The processes of getting the results is the key to great outcome!Who said?The MahaGurus of Management like Dr.Deming,Dr.Juran and Dr.Crosby plus Ramli Abu Hassan etc.. 23
Artis Artis Malaysia 23
World Class Companies really “go crazy” over Top Talents,no matter where you are working now!Intellectual Capital is more sustainable and we must invest more to build them rather than just Financial Capital?If only the World have as many of these people as those “RICH” Footballers playing around the World Best Leagues! 23
Jermaine Jackson -the big brother of Michael Jackson -a Muslim Convert.. 23
Melayu Tak’an Hilang diDunia -siapa cakap?Laksamana Hang Tuah-betul ke?Belajar Sejarah betul2..Hang Tuah hebat bersllat dengan Keris Taming Sarinya.. 23
Politics made “dirty” by “dirty politicians” -want to know on.. 23
Aduhai!Tanda2 Kiamat sudah banyak dilihatkan sekarang.Adakah ANDA mengetahuinya? 23
Melayu Mudah Takut – Malays are easily frightened -as remarked by Dr.M on.. 23
Membina Akhlak sangat penting dalam diri kita sebagai Muslim -Build YOUR Personal Quality before YOU build Quality Products & provide Quality Services! 22
Cost_Comparison-slide 9 22
Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam ada hampir 1.4 Juta pekerja termasuk kumpulan pengurusan dan sokongan.Oleh kerana pentingnya bekerja secara kumpulan spt KIK@KMK atau ICC@QCC,kita perlu banyak lagi kumpulan2 ini mungkin sebanyak 140,000 KIK untuk Transformasikan Kerajaan kearah Kelas Dunia! 22
Geared Toward Innovation -an article extracted from ASQ.ORG 21
Ramli just joined this wonderful Infinity Downline – An Affiliate Program and U can access to all types of Training Softwares and U can make Great Money also!call Ramli at +6019-2537165 NOW! 21
Can Malaysian Sports be better managed without Politicians just leave it to Professionals and Sports Entrepreneurs? 21
Mengapakah perkahwinan artis2 Malaysia dengan “Mat Salleh” tidak kekal lama?Masalah budaya,ekonomi,agama,sosial atau apa? 21
The-Bishwa-Ijtema-2011 21
If you are an Entrepreneur who will you choose to become your coach- a successful entrepreneur who have made RM10 Million from his business or a famous professor cum author who have written a great business book with sales almost RM1 Million?Its like selecting your coach between Bill Gates and Jim Collins or you want both or neither? 21
Sports is Good Business especially when Malaysia have plenty of Gen Z,Y and X -they need their “space” and sports is the place to be,anytime,online and on the ground! 21
umie aida-2 21
Discipline -the key to human survival as of today! 20
Malaysians want to chase out the Jews@Yahudi from Malaysia BUT the common practices of the Jews@Yahudi like RIBA’ or Usury is greatly practised and booming in Malaysia even among the Muslims!What the Hell or Whose Going to Hell,NOW! 20
RTH-07 19
Time.Com – 50 Best Websites 2009 – Have U Seen Them All? 19
To Build World Class People We Need World Class Education & World Class Leadership-Learning begins from Primary,Secondary,Tertiary and also at Corporations&Government and see what’s happening around the world! 19
Who will take care of U when you are old,weak and no money? 19
The World Class Performance Training Module -Please contact Ramli at +6-0192537165 for available training dates.TQ. 19
Ramli’s List of Clients since Nov 1996 till Today -Please do invite Ramli to help unleash your People’s Talents! 19
Bapa Merdeka 19
Sudirman and fans 19
6th World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) – Resurgence?Muslims must realize that Islam is the Most Powerful Religion and Muslims can also be powerful in Politics,Economy,Military,Culturally etc..IF MUSLIMS ABIDE TO THE QURAN & SUNNAH SAW! 19
More pictures of my loving mother -Hjh Meenah Hj Ahmad (Tok Muji)of Kg.Berisu,Alor Gajah,Malacca. 19
Perhimpunan & Majlis Pentauliahan Kor SISPA (Kor Siswa Siswi Pertahanan Awam) IPTA/S Peringkat Kebangsaan pada 16hbDisember,2010 di UiTM Shah Alam -anak perempuan Ramli,Nur Amirah adalah juga antara Pegawai Berpangkat Leftenan Muda yang ditauliahkan itu.. 19
Apakah mesej dari Allah SWT akan terjadinya kecoh pasal nama NYA (Allah)? 19
Tell your kids to become EXPLORERS -Discover the many secrets that the World possess be it flora,fauna,locations and people of diverse cultures and beliefs… 18
Personal Humility & Professional Will -Do YOU as Leaders have these personal qualities,if you don’t have just be a Great Follower,its also good! 18
Israel don’t allow you to bring i-Pad !Why? read on… 18
EUMORA slide-3 18
What’s the best age or which Generation Group is best to become the Prime Minister of Malaysia or Leaders’ of any Government in the World?Do you know?What is your Generation Group? 18
1Malaysia…Ramli’s friends… Usha Nai… 18
Top Management like in Malaysia must be RESPONSIBLE & ACCOUNTABLE for the way they lead and manage their organisations or companies!Just now Ramli experienced this subject with great disappointment in the Banking Sector esp MEPS Quality Service!Read on… 18
Internet World Stats News-some new updates for U! 18
Onboarding YOUR Talents (esp new recruits) to help make your Organisation Prosper,Happier,Smarter,Safer and Productive! 18
In Islam anything is possible like using the Dinar and Dirham -Inshallah. 18
The greatest threat to Malaysia in building and unleashing her GenZ,GenY especially is the Discipline factor!Why? 18
Anggota Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO Malaya 1956 18
Learn from the Best Companies in the World if U also want to be a World Class Company-Study>Implement>Measure>Discipline 18
Do YOU know what’s the Deming’s PDCA Cycle is all about? 18
The World’s Boxing Sanctioning Bodies-good to know for all Sports Fans 18
WikiLeaks -a little info about them.We only believe the actual facts and datas not theories that are not tested or proven to be right! 18
The Day (20thDecember,2010) My Dearest Mother passed away peacefully-Al Fatihah! 18
It’s wrong to “rob” the Gold Medal from a Great Cyclist like Malaysia’s Azizul who did no wrong and no harm by just trying his best to win the Gold Medal!It’s heartbreaking when you have worked for 4 years to win a medal! 18
In every successful man there must be a great woman by his side-remembering Mrs.Lee Kuan Yew who recently passed away peacefully… 17
1Malaysia -A Dream of Najib or a Mission for all Malaysians…to make it work..tell me.. 17
Hidup dan Mati adalah kuasa Allah SWT-Kita perlu selalu kerja kuat dan berdoa…cerita dari Chile.. 17
Jilbab 6 17
PPUM-A great place (almost) to be when you are sick or need proper medical treatment in Klang Valley!Its also reasonable price and can make your visit memorable… 17
Adakah jenis pakaian wanita didunia ini membantu produktiviti harian mereka?Fikir2 dan Renung2lah 17
Tiada Solat Kepada Mereka Yang Tidak Membaca Surah Al-Fatihah-sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. 17
Di Lembah Klang hari ini 9hbJan,2011 (Ahad) ada 2 acara Mega berlangsung iaitu Solat Hajat & Pidato Perdana dan Anugerah Juara Lagu ke-25 (AJL25) -Yang Mana Pilihan Anda atau Anak2 Anda?Yang Mana Yang Perlu Anda Hadiri atau Suka Hadiri? 17
miss malaysia 17
Macam mana nak jadi kayaraya jika menjadi ahli politik diMalaysia melainkan kita “kaki putar belit” atau menipu rakyat!Tanya sahaja ahli2 politik yang sudah kayaraya itu!Gaji mereka hanya agar RM50,000 sebulan tetapi harta mereka berjuta RM banyaknya?Dari mana datangnya? 17
Rencana Ramli terbit di Utusan Malaysia edisi 1hbSeptember,2004 17
ZERO Accident -How to achieve?What Pro-Active & Preventive Actions to take? 16
Al-Fatihah kita hadiahkan Almarhum Sultan Iskandar ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail. 16
3 Consciousness that can help YOU & YOUR People plus Company become World Class-Quality Conscious,Problem Conscious and Improvement Conscious!These are the basics,you need to do more … 16
Books@BUKU-lots of them all over the World BookShops BUT try finding a Malay Book in a Singapore Bookshop like Borders,Ramli could not find any or maybe there are 1 or 2 books somewhere,why?What is Malaysia doing? 16
Looking forward to a greater year of achievements in 2011!Its all about More Hard Work,Smart Thinking,Quick Actions and Right Results..maybe there’s more… 16
Ramadan Al-Mubarrak akan tiba dalam masa 24 hari lagi maka eloklah kita bersiap sedia dengan amalan Ramadan sebaik2nya seperti Puasa,Solat Sunat Terawih,Sedeqah,Tadarrus dll… 16
pramleeelvis’s blog-the top posts as of today 16
Year of the Tiger -what the Chinese belief or want to belief -read this article… 16
Ramli pernah borak dengan Arwah Tan Sri S.M.Nasimuddin di pejabatnya di Kg.Baru pada tahun 2001-Kalau boleh,Tan Sri nak beli banyak tanah di Kg.Baru untuk bisnesnya,tapi banyak masalah dengan tuan punya tanah! 15
Stories of Miss World -World’s Most Beautiful Women 15
Now’s the “real deal” about all this GTP NKRAs and MKRAs-Getting the Results,Breakthrough in Cultural Patterns especially all those people who resist to change for the better! 15
The US President Barack Obama is in town (ASEAN) -Selamat Datang Saudara KU,Obama! 15
Ramli’s feedback to The Star Newspaper-“Ketuanan Melayu” 15
Watch this Historical Video of Search-video by Ramli on 25thNov,1985 at Hard Rock Cafe TTDI-remember? 15
Transforming Company Culture -involving your company’s people,habits,attitudes,behaviours -the way things are done around here!Invite Ramli to help your company in this Transformation process-Know where YOU are now to where YOU want to be? 15
How come a decision to maintain a minimum wage for the Malaysian Worker is never easy when the Malaysian CEOs nowadays are paid above RM100,000 per month and nobody complaints? 15
Valentine’s Day is basically a Christian Event so Young Muslims especially must know Valentine’s Day origin or history.Muslims are best to celebrate and honour Maulidur Rasul that falls on 12thRabiulawal 1432=15thFebruary,2011 and other Islamic Celebrations! 15
Islam needs Her Great Warriors like Saidina Umar Al-Khatab r.a.,Saidina Khalid Al-Walid r.a.,Sallahuddin Al-Ayubi r.a.,and many others so that Islam can fight and win the “war” against the enemies of Islam…where are these 21st Century Muslim Warriors? 15
Its good to know the secrets of Entrepreneurial Success-read this article from Ms.Indu Navar Bingham-CEO,Serus Corp,USA. 15
Public Listed Companies(PLCs’) in Bursa Malaysia must seriously consider establishing their own Corp U-so that their Talents can become the Best in the World in producing Good Profits and Satisfied Customers! 15
All humans must belief in Allah SWT (God Almighty) even Great Scientists like Albert Einstein have to.. 15
Happy Wilayah Persekutuan (WP) Day on 1st Feb,2010!Ramli’s memorable events living in KL… 15
Ramli on TV3 -Scoreboard Programme -Talking about the business of Sports in Malaysia. 14
Content is e-King..oops..e-Emperor!Read this article on Rupert Murdoch.. 14
umie aida 14
Ramli was involved for almost a week at the PROMAS (Products of Malaysia)Exhibition at PWTC-lots of sweat,hard work and patience in dealing with exhibitors,management and visitors!Why? 14
Ramli’s Health n Wealth Business Package -this is YOUR best opportunity for Peace,Prosperity and Happiness 14
A History of Managing for Quality in Malaysia -What was it like?Who were the Heroes?How actually did Malaysia benefit? 14
Kak Hawa -In loving memory of a great “sister” who loved and cared for Ramli so much..Al-Fatihah to Kak Hawa..see the memorable photos..maybe U have the same stories like Ramli.. 14
Want to know what makes a Good Teacher -please read this article highlighted by ASQ updates to Ramli… 14
Mobilephones should be banned in the Prayer Hall of all Masjids and Suraus esp in Malaysia-Why?Read on please… 14
1Malaysia Cartoons becoming popular not in Malaysia only BUT also Out-Of-Malaysia 14
Ini adalah indikator2 yang Malaysia tak boleh jadi negara maju,makmur dan bermoral tinggi….apa kah indikator2 itu? 14
Ramli’s Top 40 List of Concerns for Malaysia in 2009! 13
Kemana arah Politik Malaysia lepas 2012?Berapa ramai Gen Y (umur 16~30 tahun) akan masih undi BN (Pemerintah sekarang) atau pilih Parti Baru (Parti Gen Y)? 13
JPM KIK Konvensyen 2010 020 13
Corporate University (CU) status around the World-The 11th Annual Corp U Xchange Awards presented in 2010-here are the winners.. 13
Happy Mother’s Day -Love U so much Mummy,Emak & Mama! 13
World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) -Remembering the last (5th) WIEF Declaration in Jakarta-How much actions have been taken after all the taking done?Whats the results and benefits? 13
sting_logo_english-3 13
Invitation to DPS Training & Consultancy for 2010 -Revolusi Aksi for World Class Performances! 13
Program Peningkatan Professionalisme Kepengetuaan-“Even Pengetua (Headmaster) Must Study about KIK!” 13
Sports Sponsorship..really so difficult to get nowadays..its the KNOW WHO not the KNOW HOW Game?Otherwise Ramli is already a Rich Man… 13
RTM,Media Prima Group or even ASTRO must start producing TV Dramas that reflect our Journey to be a High Income Economy and World Class Nation “bukan” all those “hantu syaitan” stories and “cinta cinta gila jadi kaya” stories!Enough of all those!read on.. 13
USA Best Hospitals based on speciality -Every Human Being (Rich & Poor) have the right for the best medical treatment,but thats not the real treatment only affordable by the RICH! 13
Islam ensure peaceful existence of Muslims with Non Muslims-Read the Quran! 13
6th WIEF photos n videos 056 13
WOW!The 7th Billion person in this World will be born on Ramli’s 55th Birthday ie.1stNov,2011 (ok..some researchers say on 31stOct,2011 the 7thBillion Person a boy (most likely) will be born in Uttar Pradesh,an Indian State)!Watch for this date! 13
4 Indian Americans are among the Wealthiest Americans-read this story 13
senu abdul rahman 13
Now,Malaysians are reportedly reading 8 books a year so what that means?Great business for bookshops and book publishers,of course!Why no news of new libraries being established or open for public?Which is the biggest library in Malaysia in terms of quantities of book available to read? 13
Ramli invited to speak at “Seminar Keibubapaan” at SMK Wangsa Maju Section 2,Kuala Lumpur today (8thJan,2011) 13
Ramli’s Japanese Friends since 1976 -We at Matsushita,We “Make” People Before We Make Products!To Ramli’s FRIENDS,do contact Ramli wherever you are,now! or +6019-2537165 13
Invitation to Ramli’s DPS Training & Consulting products&services for 2010… 12
Ramli’s Wedding Day Celebrations in Petaling Jaya on 29thJuly,1984 12
No wonder Malaysia Airlines cannot make “good profits” due to “old ways” of thinking eg.checking in with extra baggage than the normal 20 kgs and pay more than say Air Asia?read on… 12
Jilbab 1 12
Marriages among the Gen Y seem to disintegrate faster than they are formed!Why…read this NST report.. 12
Why do men or women in their late 50s’ want to enjoy life to the fullest just like Gen Y?The Answer is simple-they missed all the enjoyment of living when they were at the Gen Y’s age!Are U a Baby Boomer? 12
Forecasting the future of our economy like FOREX with accuracy is never an easy job,you need plenty of expert knowledge,experience, this article from Bloomberg. 12
Let’s further study,understand and take the right actions (revolusi aksi-action revolution) after the mental revolution on the subject of Quality & Innovation and all related matters.. 12
Have U ever wondered what will happen if all the hardwares and softwares in this world are damaged and out of service?Maybe it is better to keep on building Human Talent who become “Humanware”? 12
Malaysia & ASEAN needs another low cost quality carrier airline maybe called it “Air Melayu Nusantara” -inviting the Rich & Smart Malays to invest,NOW! 12
I have decided to embark on writing my n… 12
The population of people above 65 years old are increasing year by year -We need to be aware and have the best action plan to help saved lives and let people live peacefully and with care.Read the article below.. 12
Sinopsis dari buku Ramli Abu Hassan-Revolusi Aksi (Action Revolution) 12
Think before U fall in love -the hurt is greater when U fall out in love,really! 12
If YOU are a Real Muslim Lady,who walk the talk or belief in Islam,then please wear your tudung or hijab the right way,please seek to understand the importance of the tudung in the first place? 12
erma fatima-close up 12
Today pramleeelvis’s blog received the most views ie.465 still counting.Why?Everybody wants to know more about Ana Rafelli -Juara AJL25!Thanks Ana! 12
You are invited to attend this conference in London in Feb 2011 organised by G-ACUA 12
Imagine Malaysia hosting the World’s Greatest Boxing Championship involving the Best Fighters in the World!What’s the Total Costs?Maybe around USD 50Million=RM165Million!Possible or Impossible? 12
Cerita Ibu merebus batu untuk mententeramkan anak2nya dari kelaparan-Kisah hebatnya peranan seorang Pemimpin Negara spt Saidina Umar Al-Khattab ra.. 12
Celebration of True Friendship Thru’ The Years-Ever Wondered Where Are Your Friends NOW?Ramli’s School Friends-Have a Look! 11
Kenali Asal Usul Bagaimana Setiap Solat 5 Waktu Anda Mula diKerjakan-dari Nabi Adam a.s. ke Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. 11
Muhammad Ali -I am the Greatest -from his great speeches… 11
A Tribute to Brother Mikaeel aka Michael Jackson (1958~2009) 11
Memorable Moments for Ramli and Maimunah with YABhg Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad at “Bicara Perdana” at PNM. 11
Can’t Help Falling In LOVE With YOU!listen to the many singers singing this ELVIS Greatest Hits 11
The Government Hospitals are the best to get your medical treatment!Why?Good Hospital,Cheap Medical Fees,Plenty of Trained Nurses,Fully equipped,now-faster service,and many more!Private Hospitals-YOU pay too much,why? 11
H-ma_factor-slide4 11
When are you going to set up your Corp U?For more facts about the importance of Corp U,please read this article..or call Ramli at +6019-2537165 11
“Anda ada 60 saat”program di ASTRO membodohkan orang Melayu(khususnya) dan Malaysia (amnya) -Kenapa? Baca pendapat Ramli… 11
iPod,iPhone,iPad – iNnovations that transforms ideas to products and to lots of dollars! 11
The Muslim’s 25 Rules for Life!- a note from Ramli’s Friends -Brother Hillare Shaggy 11
Civil Servants and Politicians must be BIG & BOLD in implementing the GTP-said YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak recently… 11
Merdeka!Merdeka!Merdeka!Ramli memories of Malaysia’s Merdeka… 11
Allahuakbar-Allah Is Great!Memorable sunset at Monkey Beach in Port Dickson-watch the clouds! 11
Malaysian Schools must challenge to become World Class Schools BUT first do the Teachers,Parents and Students plus the Government doing the Right Things or Right Actions…read what USA are doing to become World Class! 11
What’s YOUR Understanding about Quality & Innovation-Here’s more to read and really understand -ref.American Society of Quality (ASQ) 11
All The Current Boxing Rankings -Are U Don King or Bob Arum? 11
There is a book written titled “Good to Great” about how companies can improved their performance and profits BUT in Malaysia there are also many people who are on the road from “Richer to Richest” but the problem is the wealth is from “haram” ways!Fear Allah’s Punishments! 11
The high cost or big budget put aside for the Military is better use for undertaking and solving human basic needs to live better than it is now! 11
1Malaysia..the Story from Ramli Abu Hass… 11
Beware of Cyber Crooks when U are on Facebook or other websites 11
In Malaysia the real Quality,Productivity and Innovation Movement is for “show” or “presentation” purposes (almost) not ingrained at Top-Down Levels and not executed with constancy of purpose and great leadership!This need Urgent attention not by Managers but by CEOs themselves! 10
matsushita-1 10
Top Posts for all days ending 21stJuly,2010 for pramleeelvis’s blog 10
Going Shopping,Window Shopping are activities enjoyed by many people in this world BUT not everyone have that great opportunity!Why? 10
Today is 20-10-2010-A special date in our lifetime!What special thing have you done today? 10
mum and family raya 10 is now Ranked No.64,764 on Alexa’s Top Malaysian Websites 10
Saying “I LOVE YOU” in many ways-and many times….. 10
Hello MYWorld!YES,Welcome to 2009!Have a Great Year! 10
miss malaysia finalist-2 10
Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild-read what Professor Richard Dealtry have in mind… 10
JPM KIK Konvensyen 2010 021 10
Which Football Team (Country) will win the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa? 10
Again,Ramli is highlighting the “unreasonable” rates set by Malaysian Telcos.Imagine calling by HP(from Shah Alam) to Normal Phone (at Kota Baru)for just 2~3 minutes cost almost RM9 better use the old ways ie.normal tel to normal tel only costs maybe RM0.50 cents!This kind of business model must STOP! 10
The 21st Century Businesses -All about Internet,Speed,Networking,Content,Value for Money,Great Profits +++Great Leadership 10
Are WE Ready to Face Natural Disasters-Better to find all the ways (fast) rather than fighting wars that nobody wins or appreciate! 10
You know what’s the big problem with us (common people) ?WE know all the Billionaires in the country like Malaysia BUT those Billionaires do not know us,that’s the Big Problem!How to solve this problem? 10
Ramli n Miss Malaysia Finalists 10
The rate of Malaysian Companies especially those listed in Bursa Malaysia setting up their Corp U (in house U) is so slow as compared to those developed countries,why?Call Ramli and his Team to enlightened U! 10
Ramli and family have been caring for his ailing mother for almost 3 weeks in the hospital!What’s the observation and status of our Medical Profession or Business including quality of our medical treatment,expertise and future growth?This is serious matter and we are not doing enough!Who to blame? 10
Ramli & Maimunah will soon celebrate their 25thWedding Anniversary this 27thJuly,2009.. 10
Jilbab 8 10
Quality and Innovation -Allies or Enemies by Paul Sloane 10
Rejuvenates-slide 7 9
Ramli loves Filipino songs-actually the beautiful female singers… 9
The Azan -Call for Prayers for all Muslims heard every time around the World-Allahuakbar! 9
test 9
Kemana pergi kepakaran Melayu atau 1Malaysia?Where are all the Malaysian Billionaires?Malulah,jadi Rakyat Malaysia kalau kita sangat berharap dengan orang asing untuk projek naluri kita spt GTP,ETP dan Wawasan 2020!China atau Jepun semua guna pakai pakaran sendiri-berdikari membina negara!Pikr2lah dan Renung2 lah… 9
Synopsis Buku “Revolusi Aksi” oleh Ramli Abu Hassan 9
Al-Hafiz -One of the Great Wonders of the Muslim World 9
JPM KIK Konvensyen 2010 023 9
Ramli and Malaysia’s Female Celebrities -Love All of Them! 9
JPM KIK Konvensyen 2010 114 9
Jilbab 7 9
JPM KIK Konvensyen 2010 030 9
Management must state its long term purpose like Wawasan 2020:it can change,but not with the wind!ie.not change each day,not latch onto the next fad,not jump ship everytime a leader fails or economy decline!Let’s relearn again from Dr.Deming.. 9
RESPONSIBILITY-the key factor for any Muslim Man who wants to marry more than 1 wife!Who said?My Ustaz..just now at the Masjid.. 9
Adakah Malaysia akan menjadi negara yang 80% kekayaannya dikuasai oleh 20% rakyatnya termasuk Rakyat Asing yang mengelar “Malaysia is my 2nd Home”?jadi 20% dari 28juta rakyat ialah 5.6 juta kaya raya & kaya dan 22.4 juta sederhana & miskin! 9
Greed is Bad in Business-Why?Your Brand (products&services)should be economically priced not too high nor too low but reasonable! 9
More about Ramli Abu Hassan’s Journey in Life -incase you do not know yet….. 9
The continual debate about the performance of the NEP (now we have the NEM starting in the 10MP)-read what people say..right or be the judged? 9
solat scorecard-1 9
pak lah,pak ungku and fukuda 9
Do U know the Top 10 Malaysia’s Worst Business Results That Effect U (and of course Ramli)in 2009,as selected by Ramli? 9
WEB 3.0 -all about WEB of DATA-The Semantic Web-read all these infos on Malaysia’s Influential it? 9
dato’mohd yusoff hj ahmad 9
Eliminate Numerical Quotas For The Workplace ie.Managing by YOUR KPIs will not be good and the right way after all!Why,read on… 9
Ramli’s New Book -Revolusi Aksi 1Malaysia 9
Al-Quran -Mukjizat Nabi Muhammad SAW masih kekal sampai kiamat -Malangnya orang Islam lupakan kehebatan Mukjizat Al-Quran dan lebih tumpuan mengharap pada kuasa manusia dari kuasa Allah SWT!Itulah cabaran Islam terkini! 8
pramleeelvis’s blog is now No.33,286 on Alexa’s Top Sites in Malaysia and 3,754,306 on Alexa’s Top Sites in the World-see the Top 20 Malaysian Websites on Alexa Traffic Rank! 8
miss malaysia finalist-1 8
ASEAN -World Class Champions or Famous Personalities…. 8
mama cun 8
Thriller at the Peak -DPS Pro-Boxing Event -Sponsors are Welcome! 8
Ramli and Munah (wife) just came back fr… 8
Ramli and his Professional Boxing Sports Promotion in Malaysia-Sponsors Need YOUR Participation! 8
Muhammad Ali -More of his great speeches 8
Before we had Facebook,Ramli used the Autograph Book with Friends to sign in and say all the good and not so good things about us!Now,they say FB is going off the NET,true or false? 8
Living in Klang Valley -YOU need to walk faster,think smarter,spend more,always be careful,care for yourself AND so many attributes that enable YOU to survive the Rat Race lifestyle of a Cosmopolitan Busy Klang Valley esp KL! 8
Employment are very important anywhere in the world!Every adult must have a job or earn a decent living!Whose responsibility is that?Govt or Business or YOU? 8
Come sing with Ramli -Malaysia’s National Anthem-Negara Ku 8
Ramadan Bulan Membawa Banyak Berkat -Tapi kenapa ramai orang Islam tak kisah? 8
Innovations n Inventions that can make U a Billionaire-what are they? 8
Surah Al-‘Alaq (96)-Segumpal Darah 8
Without sponsorship in cash and kind there’s no way any sports can survive long what more grow in strength and popularity! 8
prdt_fibrena_05 8
corporate university workbook 8
Celebrate-slide 8 8
Renews-slide 5 8
In Islam,life and death is determine by Allah SWT but what’s disturbing Ramli’s mind is some people pay or “forked out” many thousands of Ringgit for their medical bills like a spine or heart operation but their health further deteriorated and died!Is there such thing as medical (continue living)assurance after such costly operations? 8
models 8
Is Corporate Malaysia or Govt of Malaysia getting greedy?Many acquisitions through buying overs are made involving Malaysian Big Companies and the Govt!Will Malaysia benefit or lose?Do we have Great Business Leaders who can add value or just becoming greedier? 8
Do YOU really know what is KAMASUTRA?Can… 8
lanzhou mosque 1996 8
Ramli and his Oriental Experiences in China,Japan and Korea especially…..”Carilah Ilmu Sampai ke Negara China” hadith Rasulullah SAW.. 8
All the Top 10:The People,The Places and The Food&Drinks Ramli want to meet,visit and tastes in 2011!What are YOURS? 8
Knowledge is Power!If Malaysia is not smart enough n fast thinking with quick actions,then most of Malaysian funds can be transfered to other countries by way of new financial instruments created like hedge funds,FDIs,overseas investments,money laundering acts,etc…. 8
Boleh dan Bila kah Malaysia akan memenangi Pingat Emas Olimpik? 8
Islam have spread across the World because Islam brings Great Progress,Prosperity and Peace for the People of the lands!Retelling History as how Islam was “hurt” by the Kafirs! 8
Apa hasilnya dari politik UMNO dan PAS -ramai lagi orang Melayu Islam yang tidak solat 5 waktu setiap hari!Peratusnya 80% tak solat 20% je yang kekal solat 5 waktu!Harus di “improve” ke 80% bersolat 5 waktu dari 20% je!Itu lah TRANSFORMASI Melayu Islam! 7
Every Father & Mother Love their Children-Children MUST also learn to LOVE their Parents. 7
With all the high tech stuff we install in our businesses for higher productivity,faster delivery,safer operations and quality services BUT finally it is the human touch that determine the final result-a case study of my daughter’s pos ekspres parcel still not received due to this human touch problem not by pos malaysia but at UiTM campus-we need excellent teamwork and collaboration always with our Business Partners! 7
Wisdom evolve through aging and when you past the 50th year of your life it’s worthwhile to embark and commit by “Making Islam a Way of Life” not by mere pledges or beliefs (so far)but by practises,consistency and continual improvements… 7
Miracles of Islam in Young Children -Allahuakabar! 7
prdt_eumora_01 7
Celebrating Happy New Year 2010 – Peace,Prosperity&Harmony for ALL-Best Wishes from Ramli 7
DPS Products-trading 7
sports today-ramli 7
The Most Important Transformation Programme for Malaysia is not just the ETP or GTP but RTP (Rakyat Transformation Programme)!We need the Talents with the Best Brains,Energy&Teamwork! 7
Sting_Logo_Slanting_malay-1 7
JPM KIK Konvensyen 2010 115 7
If it ain’t your money,don’t touch it at all!Read this article from yahoo finance. 7
San Pao Tai -the healthy tea from Gansu Province,China 7
Apa nak jadi dengan Maruah Melayu -semua tak kena,semua tak boleh,semua tak aman!Melayu Mudah Lupa,Melayu Mudah Takut..siapa yang cakap..tanya Tun Dr.Mahathir..dia yang cakap.. 7
Yes..more updates on Manny Pacquiao’s Championship Fight with Joshua Clottey.The Pac Man versus The Grand Master.Let’s RUMBLE! 7
6 Talent Trends for 2010 by Kevin Wheeler -Founder/President of Future of Talent Institute 7
Rencana dari Ramli terbit di Laman Web Sinar Harian mula hari ini 14hbJan,2010..bacalah 7
Seminar-Innovation For Higher Productivity Growth:The Korean Way-Held Today by MPC at PJ Hilton 7
Ramai pelawat di Blog pramleeelvis ingin tahu pasal KMK@KIK-Apakah status KMK@KIK anda sekarang?Tahap baru bermula,sedang berkembang atau menuju arah KIK Cemerlang?Hubungi Ramli untuk Usaha menjadi “World Class” 7
DPS -The Corporate University 2 Day Workshop -Mr.Kevin Wheeler (Expert & Facilitator) 7
IQRA’ or Read!( atau Bacalah!)Why Malaysians do not read and write many books of knowledge?For Muslims,Reading and Writing must be a passion and obsession!Some news on the KLIBF 2010. 7
Famous Quotes by Famous People (or some anonymous person) are better than all the talks and speeches made..really.. 7
Maybe this 21st Century is like what Dr.Juran have predicted “The Quality Century” and all the latest Mgmt buzz words must relate to Quality!More news on the impact of Quality to World Class Companies… 7
The World’s Top BLOGS -Do U Know? 7
Are we getting the best medical treatment from our hospitals?Are our doctors “good enough” to help save lives?Are our nurses “trained enough” to give the best patient care?Health is better than Wealth but Ramli found out wealth can “buy” or assure good health! 7
The Car Components – maybe almost over 10,000 parts to make a complete car -So making the car from start to end,QUALITY is everybody’s responsibility! 7
Do you want to know who will win this coming 13th Malaysian General Elections(13MGE)? 7
sting product leaflet-1 7
Corporate Learning is the BEST in building Great Talents but in Malaysia there’s no Corporate University or Corporate College or maybe too little..invite Ramli and his Global Corp U Experts to assist YOUR +6019-2537165..let’s talk first…ok,you can email also at 7




Ramli will always perform his best to write all the great news and infos that add value to your current thinking,knowledge and wisdom. hoped to be in the Top 500 Blogs in Malaysia as well as Top 100,000 Global Blogs in the ALEXA’S World Rankings.

Nothing is easy unless we work harder,smarter and faster!

Let’s all celebrate the many achievements of 2010 and hope for a better 2011 performance especially our personal self,family and all loved ones.

Happy NEW YEAR 2011!

The Muslim Calender begins on 1st Muharram and tomorrow will mark the start of the 1432 Hijrah Year.

In Malaysia,it is a Holiday and maybe so in other Muslim countries of the World.Just like New Year celebrated on 1st January of every new year,the Maal Hijrah is a significant day where Muslims celebrate this 1stMuharram with gatherings of the faithful,hold ceramahs and forums plus recoqnizing Muslim Talents for services rendered to the causes of Islam in Malaysia and Rest of the World.

In Malaysia,we award the Toko Maal Hijrah to people who have given their utmost in serving Islam and the causes so great and respected in Islam.

Many famous personalities are awarded with this Toko Maal Hijrah every year both at the National and State levels.

In the Hadiths,the Prophet Muhammad pbuh have stated that “the real hijrah is where a Muslim abstained or stay away from doing any wrongful or sinful acts that Allah SWT forbids and told to stay away.”If that is done then that is the true hijrah!

Happy Maal Hijrah  1432!

Allahuakbar! Allahuakbar! Allahuakbar!

Malaysia Demographics Profile 2010


25,715,819 (July 2009 est.)

Malaysia Population Clock Print E-mail

The Population Clock Malaysia is updated every minute.


The Population Clock covers all usual residents in Malaysia. This projection excludes Malaysians residing outside of Malaysia (example: students, workers, ambassadors, commissioners etc) and is based on data from the 2000 Population and Housing Census carried out on 5 July 2000. These census data had been adjusted for under enumeration as well as mid year.

This Population Clock subsequently, the population count is updated by adding births, subtracting deaths, and also adding net migration (international). Estimates of birth and death components are available from records received from the National Registration Department of Malaysia. Meanwhile, estimates and assumptions of migration are obtained from the Economic Planning Unit. This projection does not take into consideration factors such as natural disasters or epidemics which can significantly effect death estimates. The estimates used are assumed to be constant for a period of three months (every quarter) before the estimates are updated. The population increase may be subjected to small discrepancies caused by rounding.

The assumption used in the population projection are as follows:

  • one birth for every 58 seconds
  • one death for every 4 minutes and 36 seconds
  • one gain on net migration (International) for every 5 minutes and 15 seconds
  • overall increase in population, one person for every 56 seconds

Age structure

0-14 years: 31.4% (male 4,153,621/female 3,914,962)
15-64 years: 63.6% (male 8,210,373/female 8,143,043)
65 years and over: 5% (male 569,245/female 724,575) (2009 est.)

Median age

total: 24.9 years
male: 24.3 years
female: 25.6 years (2009 est.)

Population growth rate

1.723% (2009 est.)

Birth rate

22.24 births/1,000 population (2009 est.)

Death rate

5.02 deaths/1,000 population (July 2009 est.)

Net migration rate

note: does not reflect net flow of an unknown number of illegal immigrants from other countries in the region (2009 est.)


urban population: 70% of total population (2008)
rate of urbanization: 3% annual rate of change (2005-10 est.)

Sex ratio

at birth: 1.07 male(s)/female
under 15 years: 1.06 male(s)/female
15-64 years: 1.01 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.79 male(s)/female
total population: 1.01 male(s)/female (2009 est.)

Infant mortality rate

total: 15.87 deaths/1,000 live births
male: 18.32 deaths/1,000 live births
female: 13.24 deaths/1,000 live births (2009 est.)

Life expectancy at birth

total population: 73.29 years
male: 70.56 years
female: 76.21 years (2009 est.)

Total fertility rate

2.95 children born/woman (2009 est.)

HIV/AIDS – adult prevalence rate

0.5% (2007 est.)

HIV/AIDS – people living with HIV/AIDS

80,000 (2007 est.)

HIV/AIDS – deaths

3,900 (2007 est.)

Major infectious diseases

degree of risk: high
food or waterborne diseases: bacterial diarrhea
vectorborne diseases: dengue fever and malaria
note: highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza has been identified in this country; it poses a negligible risk with extremely rare cases possible among US citizens who have close contact with birds (2009)


noun: Malaysian(s)
adjective: Malaysian

Ethnic groups

Malay 50.4%, Chinese 23.7%, indigenous 11%, Indian 7.1%, others 7.8% (2004 est.)


Muslim 60.4%, Buddhist 19.2%, Christian 9.1%, Hindu 6.3%, Confucianism, Taoism, other traditional Chinese religions 2.6%, other or unknown 1.5%, none 0.8% (2000 census)


Bahasa Malaysia (official), English, Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka, Hainan, Foochow), Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Panjabi, Thai
note: in East Malaysia there are several indigenous languages; most widely spoken are Iban and Kadazan


definition: age 15 and over can read and write
total population: 88.7%
male: 92%
female: 85.4% (2000 census)

School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education)

total: 13 years
male: 12 years
female: 13 years (2005)

Employment (Updated:21/07/2010) Print E-mail
Labour Force (‘000)
Employed (‘000)
Unemployed (‘000)
Unemployment Rate
(% of Labour Force)
Labour Force Participation Rate (%)
(% of working age population 15-64 years)

Source: Labour Force Survey, Department of Statistics, Malaysia

Education expenditures

6.2% of GDP (2004)

Source: CIA World Factbook
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of December 18, 2008

Konvensyen KIK 2010 bagi peringkat Wilayah Persekutuan bagi Sektor Awam telah berjaya dilaksanakan di Dewan Serbaguna KWPKB Putrajaya pada 4hb dan 5hbOgos,2010.

Kategori Pengurusan (14KIK) dan Kategori Teknikal (8 KIK) telah layak dan berjaya ambil bahagian di peringkat akhir untuk memilih wakil WP ke Peringkat Konvensyen KIK Kebangsaan yang akan diadakan bulan Oktober,2010 ini.Hanya yang menjadi Johan diperingkat WP bagi kategori Pengurusan dan Teknikal akan mewakili WP di Peringkat Kebangsaan nanti.

Ramli sekali lagi telah dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menjadi Ketua Panel Hakim bagi Kategori Pengurusan bersama dengan Tuan Hj.Tahir (Perunding Bebas) yang banyak pengalaman dan masih aktif dalam Dunia KIK@KMK ini.Tuan Hj.Tahir juga adalah bekas Pegawai di INTAN.

Seperti dalam Ulasan Ketua Hakim yang di persembahkan oleh Ramli telah di beritahu pada semua yang hadir termasuk Y.Bhg.Dato Haji Ahmad Phesal Bin Talib-Ketua Setiausaha,Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan dan Kesejahteraan Bandar (KWPKB) iaitu KIK pada masakini perlu menghasilkan prestasi atau “outcome” yang Prestasi Tinggi (Kelas Dunia) dimana proses atau perkhidmatan di Jabatan2 Sektor Awam akan lebih inovasi dan kreatif dan penglibatan bukan dari kumpulan sokongan sahaja tetapi dari kumpulan pengurusan (pegawai2) juga.

Di Konvensyen KIK KWPKB,sebanyak 14 KIK telah membuat persembahan mereka dan 8 KIK dari kategori Teknikal juga membuat persembahan didewan yang berasingan dengan kategori Pengurusan.

Banyak pengajaran dan pengalaman yang diperolehi oleh KIK2 yang mengambil bahagian dan bagi KIK yang telah membuat persiapan projek dan persembahan yang terbaik mereka telah berjaya mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang dimana akhirnya KIK yang dinobatkan sebagai Johan kategori Pengurusan dan Teknikal adalah tersebut:

Johan Kategori Pengurusan

KIK: Kumpulan Evolusiterra

Jabatan:Jabatan Kastam DiRaja Malaysia,Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur

Tajuk Projek:Kesukaran Mendapatkan Data Data Pengimpotan Precursor Chemical Bagi Tujuan Pemantauan

Johan Kategori Teknikal

KIK:Kumpulan B13

Jabatan: Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Malaysia

Tajuk Projek: Mengurangkan Kadar Bebiri Tempang

Sila lihat foto2 yang Ramli telah ambil di Konvensyen tersebut:

Jackie Chan tops Forbes’ celeb list – Friday, April 30,2010.

Jackie Chan tops Forbes’ celeb list

International superstar Jackie Chan topped this year’s list of the rich and famous Chinese published by Forbes, displacing the iconic Yao Ming, who has been ranked first since its inception seven years ago.

The annual list is compiled by the authoritative business magazine based on celebs’ earnings in the last year and their media exposure. For the first time, people from all three Chinese regions were considered.

The 56-year-old Jackie spent a large part of the past year engaging in philanthropy and shuttling among various cities in Asia to help in fundraising efforts. His movie Little Big Soldier grossed 150 million yuan (S$30 million) in Mainland China alone, and he even became the first artiste to hold a concert at the Beijing National Stadium, or ‘Bird’s Nest’.

NBA player Yao was finally knocked off the perch after long-term injuries meant much less media coverage for him. However, the 29-year-old remains the biggest earner at 255 million yuan (S$51 million), over Jackie’s 206 million yuan (S$41 million).

With the inclusion of Taiwan, music phenom Jay Chou made a majestic entrance in second place with an income of 122 million yuan (S$24 million) last year. Despite poor results for his TV drama Pandamen and movie The Treasure Hunter, the 31-year-old owner of a music company achieved his Hollywood breakthrough in The Green Hornet.

The highest-ranked female celeb is the recently scandal-plagued Zhang Ziyi. The fifth place had appeared on 25 covers of magazines and raked in 69 million yuan (S$14 million).

Outside the top ten, Lin Chi-ling is the highest-ranked model in 11th, while that accolade for film directors went to Zhang Yimou in 25th.

7th Forbes Chinese Celebrity List 2010

1.Jackie Chan (actor, filmmaker, singer)

2.Jay Chou (singer, actor, filmmaker)

3.Andy Lau (singer, actor)

4.Yao Ming (basketballer)

5.Zhang Ziyi (actress)

6.Zhao Benshan (actor)

7.Jolin Tsai (singer)

8.Donnie Yen (actor)

9.Liu Xiang (athlete)

10.Fan Bingbing (actress)

Ramli first heard this Great Song when he was in Osaka,Japan in 1985.This “We Are The World” Recording was participated by many famous singers and film stars especially from USA and this recording was made with the main focus to Give Aid to Poor Africans who live in misery,famine and worst still “no bright future” ahead of them!

Bob Geldorf was one of the pioneering experts who managed to promote and lead all these initiatives to “do something” rather than just talk and talk with no solutions in sight.So,with Michael Jackson,Lionel Richie and Quincy Jones expertise this song was composed,refined and later recorded in the late night to the early hours after many of the stars came to support and sincerely gave their professional help to make this recording truly majestic and world class performance where later this album was released throughout the world and then all was history!In fact the stars were so happy to meet in the recordings and appreciate each other talents and what a wonderful way to work together,share their thoughts and expertise plus enjoying the night and anxiously waiting the final results of that “one in a lifetime” recording experience!

Ramli heard that there maybe efforts to “revisit” this We Are The World recording and maybe do another similar one for the many poor people who always need help and assistance for the basic necessities of life like FOOD,SHELTER,CLOTHING but the real help these people need are HOPE,KNOWLEDGE,PEACE and a Great Secure Future for all of them and their children and children’s children.THATS THE WAY TO HELP THE WORLD.

Like the proverb states “Do not give a fish to eat to someone all the time but its better to teach that person how to fish then he/she can eat all the time and don’t need people’s aid anymore.”

Here is the Video made many years ago!Where were you then?

Hey,they already made the 2010’s version of We Are The World!Ramli just realized it through YouTube!WOW,Great!

This is the 1985 version:

This is the 2010’s version:

This is the “Somos El Mundo Por Haiti” version:

Some TV reviews about this “we are the world” made in 1985 and the remake in 2010:

these news are from my Business Partner’s(Prof.Richard Dealtry in UK) website-please do explore and see whether they can assist your business to greater achievements.Ramli & Prof.Richard will soon hold a major seminar and workshop in Malaysia focussing on Innovation Management and all matters related to it especially on unleashing your Company’s Talents -we will keep you updated…just let Ramli know whats your current requirements on all these focus on Innovation & Creativity for Great Business Results Fast!

News Bites and Events Updates

Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild

At the Swiss Davos 2010 Global Summit, attended by policy makers, business leaders, academics and many other people, they concluded that there is an urgent need to “Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild” organisations and business processes. And to do that effectively and efficiently “business leaders need to learn new skills.”

How to achieve that skills transition and move forward in a way that is speedy, effective and sustainable is of course the real top management challenge. Managers in all sectors need to become involved in the pursuit of the essential new skills going forward and to facilitate the innovative processes of rethinking, redesigning and rebuilding of new management paradigms.

G-ACUA’s own Senior Executive Business Development Programme, The Corporate University Manager, is an online, in-house, entirely business-led management programme. It has been specifically designed for the pursuit of the essential new skills and to facilitate the innovative processes of rethinking, redesigning and rebuilding new management paradigms

Banks Do Care!

Yes. Our discussions with one of the more forward-thinking banks show that they are now ready to reach-out beyond the counter to sponsor and participate in an iPCo seminar on “Making a Success of SME Clusters”, showing that there is now a wider vision of engagement in banking services with entrepreneurship.

The benefits of the Cluster platform are now more widely recognised, well beyond CIT, the traditional stomping ground of clusters, into other sectors such as health care.


G-ACUA Board Members and Corporate Partners can participate in the G-ACUA Members’ Self Assessment and Peer Review Process for the Award of G-ACUA Fellowship



iPCo, the G-ACUA Corporate Partner, sponsored the British Institute of Learning and Development (BILD) Connect Event at the BCU Conservatoire in Birmingham on 16th September 2009.

The theme was Managing Performance Learning and the Agenda included presentations on how training, learning, technology and performance advancements are being made in a rapidly evolving international musical world.



Process Models for Corporate University Design and Management

Research to date shows that there are more than 110 key variables that influence the successful management of corporate university investments. ACUA members are invited to share in the development of dynamic process models by offering 2000-word articles on the management of these factors.

For a list of key variable subjects, please email.


Conference Notes

A recent event, in partnership with the EC Leonardo Da Vinci ECUANET Project, was a transnational conference held at the West Midlands in Europe Conference Centre in Brussels.

This event was entitled:From Learning to Earning – managing the dynamics of lifelong learning and talent development

The objectives of the conference were dissemination and dialogue on corporate university and enterprise academy transnational action research findings

If you wish to receive information on the discussions and results of this event please email

Here are Ramli’s Best Hits: