Posts Tagged ‘1985’

Welcome to Malaysia all Delegates to the ICQCC Convention to be held from 14th to 17th October,2012 at KLCC.!


Ramli had his industrial manufacturing training at Matsushita Japan plants in 1985 for almost 4 months and experienced a lot of whats going on in Japan at that time as compared in Malaysia.One of the major  insights as far as Japanese lifestyles Ramli witnessed was the popularity of the “singing machine” called KARAOKE.

Almost all Japanese cafes and homes owned Karaoke Machines that have become a phenomenon and HIT with all Japanese and Aliens that come and visit Japan at that time.Many kinds of cassettes tapes are made available at music shops and everyone can sing along using their favourite tapes and lyrics made available.Now,after almost 26 years we have DVDs,CDs,MP3 and all kinds of digital formats plus direct from YouTube website to choose our favourite songs to sing.The rest is history as far as Karaoke Mania in Malaysia and Rest of the World.

Listen and sing along Ramli’s Popular Karaoke Hits made available from YouTube:

Ramli first heard this Great Song when he was in Osaka,Japan in 1985.This “We Are The World” Recording was participated by many famous singers and film stars especially from USA and this recording was made with the main focus to Give Aid to Poor Africans who live in misery,famine and worst still “no bright future” ahead of them!

Bob Geldorf was one of the pioneering experts who managed to promote and lead all these initiatives to “do something” rather than just talk and talk with no solutions in sight.So,with Michael Jackson,Lionel Richie and Quincy Jones expertise this song was composed,refined and later recorded in the late night to the early hours after many of the stars came to support and sincerely gave their professional help to make this recording truly majestic and world class performance where later this album was released throughout the world and then all was history!In fact the stars were so happy to meet in the recordings and appreciate each other talents and what a wonderful way to work together,share their thoughts and expertise plus enjoying the night and anxiously waiting the final results of that “one in a lifetime” recording experience!

Ramli heard that there maybe efforts to “revisit” this We Are The World recording and maybe do another similar one for the many poor people who always need help and assistance for the basic necessities of life like FOOD,SHELTER,CLOTHING but the real help these people need are HOPE,KNOWLEDGE,PEACE and a Great Secure Future for all of them and their children and children’s children.THATS THE WAY TO HELP THE WORLD.

Like the proverb states “Do not give a fish to eat to someone all the time but its better to teach that person how to fish then he/she can eat all the time and don’t need people’s aid anymore.”

Here is the Video made many years ago!Where were you then?

Hey,they already made the 2010’s version of We Are The World!Ramli just realized it through YouTube!WOW,Great!

This is the 1985 version:

This is the 2010’s version:

This is the “Somos El Mundo Por Haiti” version:

Some TV reviews about this “we are the world” made in 1985 and the remake in 2010: