Posts Tagged ‘13PRU’

Many people especially in Pakatan Rakyat controlled states like Selangor,Penang,Kedah and Kelantan all loved Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and are ready to support the leadership of PR.They believe Datuk Seri Anwar is a good man and show the characteristic of a Great Malaysian Leader.

However to Ramli’s surprise there are friends and neighbours who think differently and did tell Ramli -why should Anwar become the New PM and what good can he do for the country-better keep the current BN govt and assure a continuity of peace,prosperity and good govt?

What is the indication show here?

Ramli think not all Rakyat want a change of Power from BN to PR.They have negative thoughts about Datuk Seri Anwar and dont think he is “clean and have noble values”?

Next,maybe due to all the propagandas,many negative thoughts about Anwar are spreading among the common people and if PR wants to win the coming 13MGE they must put the record right,straight and all facts and datas about Datuk Seri Anwar are made available so that ordinary Rakyat can know the RIGHT AND WRONG (if there is any wrongs)about Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Ramli think becoming a new govt in power for the PR is NEVER GONNA BE AN EASY ROAD and if PR dont address all these small and larger issues maybe they can get a surprise or “shocker” at the results of the coming 13MGE!

Facts are facts but when the facts are not proven 100% or have doubts then you must ensure all the datas and facts are clearly explained and proven only then the ordinary Rakyat can believe you and vote for you either you are from PR or BN.

Only Allah SWT knoweths the Real Truth!Inshallah.

Some YouTube videos on Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim:

Voting is a simple process where you ticked your chosen candidate among the many choices and then cast your ballot and later wait for the Official Results!

Its the many processes in the final outcome that become complicated when people involved start playing their “dirty politics” all around?

Vote buying,vote rigging,vote manipulation and all kinds of haram  acts are being applied just to make sure your chosen candidate wins the election and become the new MP or ADUN?

When you are in  a political party and also a coalition like BN or Pakatan then when your coalition wins the most or majority of seats in Parlaiment ot State levels then that coalition assume POWER of the Country or State.

Now in Malaysia the BN and Pakatan have good control among the 14 states in Malaysia and the Real Fight now is which Coaliton will assume or retained POWER aa the Federal Govt?

The challenge to BN in this 13MGE is the WORST or MOST Feared of in this 55 years of Merdeka and BN loved to win again while the Pakatan hope now is the year of taking over the Federal Govt! can they do that? All now depends on the Rakyat Votes?

The BIGGER QUESTION  is WILL WE GET A BETTER GOVT IN CHARGE OR STILL THE SAME OLD STYLE WITH lots of corrupt practices,problems all around on VIPs personality and behaviours,abandoned projects with loss of public funds,excessive spending,useless and time wasting projects,nonsense style of leadership and management and many more….

The problems of overstaying or being in power for too long like more than 3 terms in office is also a threat of our onward progress in terms of dynamic leadership and brains for Malaysia’s success!

Our Public Transport problems is a pain in the *** and our quality of living well and secure is also getting worst with stories of crimes everyday in the news media?

Our social problems and Gen Y issues also is getting out of control and people’s values system is detriorating and effecting the real performance of Malaysia in terms of productivity,quality of outputs,talented people,living in greed by many and worst of all corruptions and bad practices taken as a norm rather than a problem that must be eliminated asap.

So,can the NEW GOVT in POWER act on all these issues or National Agenda and make Malaysia a Better,Safer,Prosperous,Happier and Cleaner GOVT and C0untry where the Rakyat will benefit most?

Vote wisely and analysed all the current problems,actions taken and people involved.YOUR VOTE is key to a Greater Malaysia unless you still maintain the “tidak apa” attitude in your brains,hearts and actions!

Contact Ramli if you need more infos,hp:+6019-2537165

and email:

Please do get a copy of Ramli’s 1st Book written in Bahasa Melayu titled “Revolusi Aksi”.More books coming soon Inshallah this year 2012.


Politics is a dirty or sensible “game” or not?Many people tend to say Politics is Dirty and full of back stabbing?True or False?

The right answer is Politics as in the Macmillian Dictionary states that politic is the ideas and activities where people use to gain POWER!

Politics must be clean,pure and honest dealings BUT because humans are always in greed and power crazy then they play politics the dirty ways like cheating,make false accusations,do bad things,create scenarios and all “untrue” events for their own political gains or mileage!

In Islam when Prophet Muhammad pbuh is the Prophet of Islam,Muhammad pbuh with his 4 main attributes like Shiddiq (benar=truth),Amanah (dipercayai=trusted),Tabligh (menyampaikan=messenger) and Fathonah (bijaksana=wisdom) will ensure that a person with these attributes or personal character will definitely be a Great Leader just like Prophet Muhammad pbuh and his 4 Pious Caliphs have shown the World especially in leading and managing Islam to her Greatest Heights of Achievements!

Do you see these personal attributes in our many Members of Parliament or ADUNs’?

Also the Prophet Muhammad pbuh will certainly DO NOT Possess these 4 bad attributes like Kizbun (Pendusta=Liar),Khianat (berbuat curang = traitor),Kitman (sembunyikan wahyu=hide away the revelations) and Jahlun (Bodoh=stupid).All these 4 bad attributes will not be with such Great Leaders like Muhammad pbuh or his 4 Pious Caliphs or any Great Person/s in this World!

Studying these 4 good and bad attributes we can safely say that a Great Leader must be like what Prophet Muhammad pbuh have shown Muslims and all mankinds as to what is really needed in Leaders like Prime Ministers,Presidents,Chairmen,CEOs,managers and all persons with Leadership responsibilities!

So if you have the early intentions of winning by cheating,bluffing or create untrue stories or events than YOU are Unfit or disqualified to hold positions of high callibre,status and responsibilities that your people,shareholders or Rakyat expect from YOU!

The Rakyat or people can easily be bluffed,fooled and fooled many times again BUT with no knowledge or wisdom then these trajedies of poor leadership and outcomes will be common and appear again and again!Some say thats Politics BUT that is just bull shit!

Only with qualities or attributes (good ones) can we make Politics Great,Clean and Blessed by Allah SWT (God Almighty)

contact Ramli for enquiries or interests ,call hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed:

The coming 13MGE is or maybe just a few days,weeks or months ahead!

Like PM Najib said “those who are non performers better quit and allow better ones to lead” and so too the other Political Parties all of them want to ensure their Party win this 13MGE.

The Opposition with their Pakatan brand wants to takeover Putrajaya and form the New Federal Govt while the incumbants BN wants to maintain their stronghold and be in power esp the Federal Govt.Losing the majority in PARLIAMENT will see the “goodbye” of BN as the Ruling Govt and allow Pakatan to elect the New PM and Cabinet!Can it happen?

Yes Pakatan can if they have the RIGHT MOVES and No if they make “stupid blunders” with the WRONG POLITICIANS AND DISLIKE BY THE VOTERS!

Maybe its better to have a clear majority winner in this coming 13MGE than a 50:50 winner where the management of the Federal Govt will see many “unnecessary” stoppages or hiccups due to political debates,arguments and all those non productive and non proactive actions from the political parties involved.

It goes to say,if a party win by more than 1 seat than the party is a majority winner and not a winner with the slimmest winning seat!Can it be done or accepted?

Why wastes?Why wastes lots of time politiking rather than WORK,WORK,WORK for the country and achieve her many important aspirations to become a Great Nation and Great Prosperity for the Rakyat ?

Ramli heard there are still Malaysians who do not possess clean water,ample lighting and food&shelter to their families and Malaysia already been Merdeka for 54 years ?

Malaysia have many cases or Corruptions as the Highest Levels,Divorces at “crazy” rates daily,sex crimes,CBT crimes,drugs and gangsterism and what have you?Malaysia Boleh as what people all say about Truly Malaysia!

So,who should WIN this 13MGE?

YOU Pikr lah?

for more insights about being a Great Malaysian,contact Ramli at hp:019-2537165 or email:

Based on recent Msian Stats the composition of Gen Y (those whose age are predominantly below 25 years old based on Malaysia’s Gen Y Unplugged Report from Human Resource Advisory,PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services Sdn.Bhd.)Malaysians are now about 62% of our Malaysian Workforce .Malaysia’s total population is now at  28,647,304 population as of 23rd Oct,2011 at 1.45 pm.

Why Gen Y is so important?

Simply said,Gen Y can impact or produce the outcomes like:

  • The Ruling Political Party for this coming 13MGE?
  • Help many MPs and ADUNs to win their political seats
  • Bring great profits to Businesses by sale of goods and services
  • Sell many albums for Artists
  • Fill football stadiums
  • Sell more McDs and KFCs
  • Help promote your book online and offline contacts and networking
  • and many more…
So,if you are from the Gen X or Baby Boomers and worst still if you need VOTES and sell more of your goods then its timely YOU seriously study all the characteristics,good and bad,wants and dont wants of this GEN Y before your competition does it better,faster and harvest all the benefits!!!
Contact Ramli for more or you want to win the most political votes in this 13MGE at hp:019-2537165 and email: if YOU are a good and honest person you will win!

Wikipedia on what is Gen Y:

Generation Y

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Millennial” redirects here. For the concept Millennialism, see Millennialism.

This article is about the demographic cohort (a group of subjects with a common defining characteristic) following Generation X. For other uses, see Generation Y (disambiguation).

Generation Y, also known as the Millennial Generation (or Millennials),[1][2] Generation Next,[3] Net Generation,[4] Echo Boomers,[5], describes the demographic cohort followingGeneration X. There are no precise dates for when the Millennial generation starts and ends, and commentators have used birth dates ranging somewhere from the mid-1980s[6] to the mid 1990s, with some sources including as late as the early 2000s.[7] Members of this generation are called Echo Boomers, due to the significant increase in birth rates through the 1980s and into the 1990s, and because many of them are children of baby boomers.[8][9][10][11] The 20th century trend toward smaller families in developed countries continued,[12][13]however, so the relative impact of the “baby boom echo” was generally less pronounced than the original boom.

Characteristics of the generation vary by region, depending on social and economic conditions. However, it is generally marked by an increased use and familiarity with communications, media, and digital technologies. In most parts of the world its upbringing was marked by an increase in a neoliberal approach to politics and economics.[citation needed] The effects of this environment are disputed.[14][15]


The Generation Y first appeared in an August 1993 Ad Age editorial to describe teenagers of the day, which they defined, at that time, as separate from Generation X, and then aged 12 or younger (born after 1981), as well as the teenagers of the upcoming ten years.[16] Since then, the company has sometimes used 1982 as the starting birth year for this generation.[17]“Generation Y” alludes to a succession from “Generation X.”

The name “Echo Boomers”[5] refers to the size of the generation and its relation to the Baby boomer generation.[18]

Authors William Strauss and Neil Howe have been influential[citation needed] in defining American generations in their book Generations: The History of America’s Future, 1584 to 2069(1991).[19][20] Their generational theory is frequently cited in books and articles on the subject. Howe and Strauss maintain that they use the term Millennials in place of Generation Ybecause the members of the generation themselves coined the term, not wanting to be associated with Generation X. Almost a decade later, they followed their large study of the history of American demographics with a book devoted to the new generation, titled Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation (2000).[21][22] In both books, William Strauss and Neil Howeuse 1982 and 2001 as the start and end years of the generation, respectively. They believe that the coming of age of year 2000 high school graduates sharply contrasts with those born before them and after them due to the attention they received from the media and what influenced them politically.[23][24]

According to the authors’ 1997 book, The Fourth Turning, modern history repeats itself every four generations; approximately 80–100 years. The authors of the book mention that the four-cycles always come in the same order. The first one, the High cycle, occurs when a new order or human expansion is developed, replacing the older one. The next cycle is called theAwakening. More spiritual than the previous, this is a time of rebellion against the already established order. The third cycle is known as the Unraveling, when elements of individualism and fragmentation take over society, developing a troubled era which leads directly to the Fourth Turning, an era of crisis dominating society during which a redefinition of its very structure, goals, and purposes is established.

Each generation has its archetypes, the four having the following one defined as: ProphetNomadHero, and Artist. According to the aforementioned book, Millennials belong to the Herocategory, featuring a deep trust in authority and institutions; being somewhat conventional, but still powerful. They grew up during an Unraveling cycle with more protections than the previous generation (Gen X). They are heavily dependent on team work, and thus, when they come of age, turn into the heroic team-working young people of a Crisis. In their middle years, they become the energetic, decisive, and strong leaders of a High cycle; and in old age, they become the criticized powerful elders of an Awakening cycle. Another previous generation that belongs to this category is The Greatest Generation (1916–1924).[25]

One author, Elwood Carlson, locates the American generation, which he calls “New Boomers,” between 1983 and 2001, because of the upswing in births after 1983, finishing with the “political and social challenges” that occurred after the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001, and the “persistent economic difficulties” of the time.[26]

In Australia, there is much debate over the dates of Generation Y – that is, when “Gen Y” began, and the “cut-off” period. It is generally accepted, however, that the first “Gen Y” members were born in 1982. Though some sources use the date range 1982-1995 for the generation, many, including the Australian Bureau of Statistics, use 1982-2000.[27][28][29][30][31]

In Canada, 1982 is generally thought to be the starting birth year for Generation Y, ending in the mid-1990s or 2000, sometimes even as late as 2004.[32][33][34][35][36][37]

Like members of Generation X, who are heavily influenced by the advent of MTV, early members of Generation Y are also sometimes called the MTV Generation. This term can also be a catch phrase for youth of the late 20th century, depending on the context.[38][39][40][41]

Jean Twenge, author of the 2007 book Generation Me, considers Generation Y along with later Xers to be part of a generation called Generation Me. This is based on personality surveys that showed increasing narcissism among this generation compared to Boomers when they were teens and twentysomethings. She questions the predictions of Strauss & Howe that this generation would come out civic-minded, citing the fact that when the War on Iraq began military enlistments went down instead of up.[42]

Twenge attributes confidence and tolerance to this generation, as well as a sense of entitlement, narcissism and rejection of social conventions.

Fred Bonner believes that much of the commentary on the Millennial Generation may be partially accurate, but overly general and that many of the traits they describe apply primarily to “white, affluent teenagers who accomplish great things as they grow up in the suburbs, who confront anxiety when applying to super-selective colleges, and who multitask with ease as their helicopter parents hover reassuringly above them.” Other socio-economic groups often do not display the same attributes commonly attributed to Generation Y. During class discussions, he has listened to black and Hispanic students describe how some or all of the so-called seven core traits did not apply to them. They often say the “special” trait, in particular, is unrecognizable. “It’s not that many diverse parents don’t want to treat their kids as special,” he says, “but they often don’t have the social and cultural capital, the time and resources, to do that.”[43]



Yes,the 13MGE is rumoured to be in Nov,2011 but with no official announcement from the current PM and later the SPR Boss,the 13MGE remains anyone guess!

Lots of issues can be debated,analysed and focus upon by the Rakyat as to whether the ruling parties are doing their job RIGHT!If the scorecard shows an excellent performance of Grade A+ or A then YOU can reelect them to power BUT if the scorecard or performance is having a Grade B+,B or C+ then it’s time to rethink and consider a better candidate or alternative.Finally if the grading is C,C- or D then just dont vote them anymore otherwise you will have another miserable 5 years of poor administration of the state and country.If your grading was F then YOU have made a serious error in the last 12MGE by voting the wrong candidate and wrong political party.Its your fault because your vote helped determined the final result of the election.

The 13MGE need the Rakyat to think smarter,act wiser and vote the Right Candidate and the Right Political Party.To do that we need good knowledge,smart assessment and excellent commitment to vote Rightly without Fear and Favour!

Can YOU do that?Ramli think YOU have too,thats YOUR RIGHT!

The People Votes are always the focus of all aspiring Political Parties in Malaysia to win any General Elections or By Elections.Why?

Of course all democractic based governments now allow their people (above the age of 21) to cast their votes to choose their elected Representatives in the Parliament as well as in the State Governments like in Malaysia.The road to become a MP or ADUN in Malaysia is never easy for the new commers but “kacanglah” to the veteran and “hardcore” politicians!

They get elected every 5 years and some even stay in office for more than 20 years or even 40 years!Why,no other Malaysians can be as good or better than them kah?

In USA,the President there can only be eligible to be in power for a maximum of 2 TERMS (about 8 years) even how excellent he or she is performing because thats in their country’s constitution BUT in Malaysia as long you get your ways YOU can be the PM till you “drop dead” if you want or have it your way!

Thats the sad part of the Malaysian Constitution because it is so static and does not meet to the changes of the world’s needs and management system for world class performance.Maybe due to the still racial factors or considerations, we just follow whats in the Federal Constitution even though time,circumstances and needs have change so much or drastically.Our current new generations maybe feel at lost or “dumb and numb” at the ways we manage or live in the “out dated” not realistic kind of constitution that was penned almost 60 years ago.We need constant improvement as to become more dynamic,honest,open communication,win-win approaches and live as 1Malaysia that will bring greater  harmony,prosperity and peace to the Rakyat and Country.Inshallah.

Anyone that possess a positive personality that Ramli have stressed in this blog will be a great asset to Malaysia all the time,why?When YOU possess a positive personality that means you have great faith in Allah SWT Powers and all that include in the Pillars of Faith like Belief in the Kitabs,Angels,Hereafter,Prophets,Qada&Qadar.These are the foundations of Faith in Islam and if this positive personalities are embedded in the Rakyat then Malaysia will become a Greater Nation than she ever was because now there will be minimum cases of bad or poor leadership & management,zero or almost zero corruption cases,greed,useless officials or corporate captains and all those bad attributes found now in leaders and corporate bosses!

The way to VOTE your MPs or ADUNs are to make your evaluation checklist as such: (Ramli’s suggestion only)

  • Can they be trusted?
  • Can they show lots of signs of leadership by example?
  • Are they greedy for money,power and recoqnition?
  • Are they smart and knowledgable?
  • Any great achievements have they done ( so far) ?
  • How’s their family status?
  • Do they fear the 3 TAs -Wanita,Takhta and Harta?
  • and many more positive attributes that make them relevant as Leaders of the People…

All these considerations can be your guide to choose the best available candidates to be elected in power and at least this 5 year new term in office will benefit the Rakyat more and more rather than making these politicians and their cronies and balachis rich like mad!So,be careful with your votes and dont waste them on all these negative personalities to be in power or still in power!

May Allah SWT Blessed and Have Mercy on us always.Inshallah.

Contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 or email at

This coming 13thMalaysian General Elections (13MGE) will surely be “full of thrills and spills and what have U” because the government in power (BN) and the opposition parties are all trying to keep their seats and states BUT what is the Main Event is who is going to run the show at PUTRAJAYA!

Thats the whole thing at stake now -the PEOPLE IN POWER AT PUTRAJAYA aka the Federal Govt!

So,the 13MGE will soon make the person in the street the local rakyat a VIP aka very important penggundi again after 4 years ..hahaha

So,who you want to vote and which party you want to vote?

Ramli was thinking without any boxes that why not we vote the party we really want and not what we have now?Can we really do that?Maybe no because all voters can vote the parties that are registered officially and no “haram” parties are allowed to be involved in the 13MGE,thats a fact!

Like ordering your pizza or ala carte meal,you can specify what flavour you want and also how much spices or add ons you want so that you can enjoy your meal so deliciously!In this 13MGE you vote what is in store or announced to you including all the incumbant parties and new parties just created either to be a serious contender or just some “proxies” to some bigger parties..hahaha

So,if you want you can also relax and stay at home and watch your favourite TV programs or surf at pramleeelvis’s blog if you think the candidates and their parties are just not what you want or not suitable to your tastes etc,,,,

So,the 13MGE is Really Important to all concerned but do that also means YOU (as the voter)?

If YOU are so important VIP then lets see if your “order for the best meal” is made ready for you?Let’s see?

Contact Ramli at 019-2537165 or email:

Here are some news reports on the above subject:


Published: Wednesday September 1, 2010 MYT 6:01:00 PM

Malaysia now has 11.4 million registered voters


PUTRAJAYA: The country now has 11,381,193 voters after the latest supplementary electoral roll, which contains 191,970 names, was gazetted, the Election Commission (EC) said.

Its registration panel chairman Datuk Zainal Abidin Mat Said said the EC had struck off 58,303 names in the latest roll including the names of those who had died.

Meanwhile, he said there was a huge increase in the number of new voters registered this year compared to last year, with an average of 85,000 new voters registered in each quarter.

He said there were still 2,241,565 people who had already reached their voting age but had yet to register as voters.

“The EC has set the target of registering at least 50% of them,” he told reporters here. He urged electorates to check their names in the roll to ensure the details, such as their localities, were correct.

“The EC will not be able to take action to correct mistakes if they only come to us in the last minute before an election,” he said, adding that corrections could be made in person or through the EC’s portal at – Bernama

Alan Ting

Sunday, 27 June 2010 13:42

KUALA LUMPUR – With more than four million eligible voters yet to be registered, political parties are now in a hurry to get them on the electoral rolls ahead of the next general election due in 2013.

Most of them are young Malaysians who have reached 21 years and are eligible to become voters but many have not done so as they usually do not bother to register.

Malaysia currently has 11 million registered voters out of a population of about 27 million.

Political analyst Ong Kian Ming said overall, between 25 and 30 per cent of Malaysian voters are expected to be below 35 years old by the next general election.

“This is significant when one considers the larger number of unregistered but eligible voters in Malaysia. There would also be two million Malaysians who would be eligible to vote for the first time in the next elections.

“This is in addition to the four million eligible voters, many believed to be under 30 years old, who did not register in time for the March 8, 2008 polls. In total, we are talking about six million potential voters who are most likely, to be opinionated, Internet-savvy and idealistic,” he added.

Change political landscape

According to Khaw Veon Szu, executive director of the Socio-Economic Development and Research Institute (Sedar), young and first-time voters played a decisive role in the last general election and caused Barisan Nasional to lose its two-thirds majority in Parliament. SEDAR is Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia’s think tank.

“If we are flooded with another wave such as the one in 2008, it would change Malaysia’s political landscape. If political parties ignore these young and unregistered voters, it would be at their own peril,” he said.

Khaw said Gerakan had adopted several strategies, including getting the young and eligible to register as voters, irrespective of their political leanings.

“Each component party tries to reach out, to say something to the young. They go on the offensive in the cyber world. From feedback we had gathered, it is still a daunting task for us (to reach out to them),” he said.

It is not surprising, therefore, that most political parties have stepped up efforts to register new voters because statistics from the Election Commission showed that last year alone, UMNO registered the highest number of new voters at 24,818, followed by DAP with 17,756 and PAS with 16,987.

As this gathers momentum, some political parties have doubled their endeavours such as PAS, which has set to get 500,000 new voters registered under the EC’s year-round registration programme.

The DAP, on the other hand, is targeting about a 10 per cent increase in the number of voters in every constituency by carrying out registration exercises even at night markets and shopping complexes.

“For example, in a constituency where you have 50,000 voters, we should get at least 5,000 new voters,” its youth chief, Anthony Loke, said.

The race to register more voters is getting more intense, especially in states currently controlled by the Opposition or “Pakatan Rakyat”.

The reasons are pretty obvious — each of these political parties are hoping to register more voters to work in their favour.

Selangor executive councillor Ronnie Liu revealed that in Selangor alone, there are more than 700,000 eligible but unregistered voters while Kedah and Penang, the two other states controlled by Pakatan, have more than 300,000 and 200,000 unregistered voters respectively.

“That means that whichever party that manages to register their supporters will make a lot of difference,” he said.

Need strong push factor

Another Selangor executive councillor, Hasan Ali, who is also Selangor PAS commissioner, admitted that the Pakatan-controlled states could fall back to BN if the Opposition failed to attract enough new voters.

However, other political analysts such as Dr Sivamurugan Pandian pointed out that although the young and new voters had been crucial in deciding the results in the last general election, not all the six million unregistered voters would get themselves registered for the coming general election.

“The current political landscape plays a role in their thinking because some of them are of the view that the alternatives are still the same,” he said, adding that there may not be a strong enough push factor to make them register as voters.

“As long as these unregistered voters do not see politicians as role models, it would still be very hard to convince them to register and vote in next general election,” he added.

In fact, Dr Sivamurugan cautioned political parties to also focus on older voters, especially those who had cast protest votes in the last general election.

“For example, they must understand that there are two different types of voter groups – urban and rural.

“You just can’t rely on the young voters alone. Political parties must also engage with NGOs (non-governmental organisations) and other groups who call themselves the ‘third force’ that play a decisive role,” he said. – Bernama