Archive for the ‘global population’ Category

Living well with all the basics of living like clean water,consistent electricity supply,clean environment,well behaved people,good values practised and cooperation among friends and neighbours will be a prerequisite for better living and peaceful life.

However in Malaysia especially in many Klang Valley areas the neighbourhood or housing areas are disappointing where the conditions are:

  • too congested with people,cars,motorbikes and even small lorries
  • apartments are mostly congested with people
  • difficult to drive through,parking is a nightmare
  • rubbish thrown everywhere and anyone
  • living at peace is never easy
  • life is really a “rat race”
  • no caring,not mush love for thy neighbour
  • more incidents that trouble the hearts and minds rather having peace of mind and living with calm and enjoying the environment
  • and many more

So what to do?

We need to improve all the above to conditions that make living right,more quality,more productive and safe for the people and environment..

See some photos that Ramli have taken to show the poor conditions of living by many of us at apartments and high rise dwellings especially on areas of cleanliness and parking problems:

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Recently Ramli attended the Business Forum for Philippines-Malaysia held in Kuala Lumpur.Ramli was fortunate to meet H.E. Jejomar C Binay-Vice President of the Philippines who headed his business delegation comprising of many Top Philippines Business Owners and  CEOs.

During the VP speech,Ramli heard and took note of his emphasis and concern about Eradication of Poverty in the Philippines.HE invited Malaysian businesses to come invest in Philippines and help build homes for the many millions of poor people there and help create peace,harmony and improve their quality of living.

Like in Malaysia,the mission to eradicate poverty is ongoing and still not achieved well where we still have many “hard core” poor people who need help financially and provide all the basic needs like shelter,food,clothing and most important constant and stable jobs to help earn for their families.

Having a job where we get a monthly salary is so important to all people and living in Klang Valley is not enough for a family of 5 if you are earning below RM3,000 a month.Now the minimum wage is set to be about RM900 a  month and once implemented may greatly help families to earn “something more than before” and help sustained their family throughout the year or so..

Are we living in excess,nowadays?Are we spending more than we earn monthly?are we living wastefully?

These are questions important to be understood and taken care of by Malaysians.We must learn to save more than we spend and if we make that a good discipline then our cash position or savings will be better and get us out of the debt problems like what most Malaysians are facing now?

Simply put to help eardicate poverty in her Citizens,Govts must do all these important works like:

  • provide as ,many jobs to her people where everyone can earn a monthly salary and help assist their families to survive
  • promote entrepreneurism and give many support both financially,technically,business stimulus so that small and big business can grow more and more
  • identify all unemployed persons and help them seek jobs to earn a living and become productive,hard working Malaysians
  • Promote Talent Development to all qualified persons
  • help build more homes to all homeless people and provide special payment system to all house buyers
  • never give up on helping the poor and provide their basic needs and maybe become independant and successful people
  • and many more…

So,its so important to eradicate poverty at all costs and many governments become in Power as a result of the support of the majority of her citizens.Its not good just to give money (like giving fish to eat) but best to teach the people how to earn a living ( how to fish everyday) so that they can eat and survive better and more confidently!

Contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or email:

Mother’s Day have just passed by and we all rejoice as to what a Great Mother (and Father) we all have all this while.

However the facts and datas never lie and we have now in Malaysia as well in the world,such facts as:

  • poor discipline among youths of GenZ and GenY even Gen X
  • criminal cases happening everywhere involving these new kids
  • smoking,drugs-are all common usage among these kids
  • sex without barriers are frequent among them
  • now-even the President of USA approve Gay Marriages-what is happening?is it so important for being elected again?
  • parents have just no power or authority among their children
  • school children are behaving rudely and “worst kind” to teachers and fellow students
  • babies being discarded as a result of sexual relationships without marriage
  • Mat Rempit
  • Minah Bohsia
  • and so many more…..really many…

Ok,so what to do or take good actions?

Its the PARENTS really the Biggest Problem,why?

They have forgotten their real roles as Parents in areas or responsibilities like:

  • upbringing of their kids from baby to teen and adult
  • instilling good discipline in their kids all the time
  • respect and have noble values in their kids
  • produce kids with great character although the family is not rich or have all the things in life
  • learn to excel and work hard and smart for a great future
  • reprimand their kids when something wrong is done and not to do it again
  • benchmark with the best around
  • and many more..really many more…

With all the above constraints and problems,surely we cannot produce our Young Gen Z or Gen Y to become Great Kids or Great Teens and Great Adults.Only Great Children can help make a Great World to LIVE by ALL.

So,if we failed and make hopeless or nonsense managment in our Kids Live then we will help create hopeless and nonsense youths of the world which is what is really happening now all over Malaysia and Rest of the World.

With lack of Religious education and guidance we also create youths that forget the Powers of Allah (God Almighty) and they blatantly disobey Allah’s SWT Commands and Prophet Muhammad pbuh teachings etc..

Islam is a Religion of AdDeen and Great Success if only all the Muslims abide to the Quran and Sunnah.Since Muslims are also divided in more than 73 sects except the Sunnah Wal Jamaah then Muslims will also be following not the straight path and will definitely join Iblis (satan) to the Hellfire (Neraka)

Parents Role is ultimate now and most important then all the AGENDAS of the world like Economic Growth,Sustainable Development,Poverty Eradication,Global Warming,Techonology Development etc..If we ignore and dont do our 100% efforts to make Parents Right then the World must be ready for more disruptions,disorders,indiscipline,poor values,and poor results with millions or billions of spoilt kids!

Parents are so important to help the World Survive and become Better all the time!

Lets do our Parental Role right,all the time and any where we are!Its our salient and rightful responsibility not to our kids only but to Allah SWT and also from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad pbuh.Inshallah.

contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or email:


videos from YouTube showing Japanese seriousness on making their country Green (clean,safe and sustainable living):



Like Christopher Columbus,Marco Polo,Zheng He,Ibn Battutta,Francis Light,Vasco Da Gama,Genghiz Khan and many other Explorers the World possessed,we experienced the discoveries of new far away lands and made humans or citizens of the world closer either by peaceful means or by horrible warfares and conquests.The map of the world were redrawn many times as a result of these discoveries and conquests.Malacca was more widely known than Malaysia as a country and traders from all over the world know Malacca as an international port where trading of products like spices,silks,gold and precious stones,potteries,timber are all made available here.

Likewise in the modern world after World War 2,new discoveries are found not in discoveries of new lands but more for technology,inventions of new machines,medicines,processed food and beverages,equipment both small and big sizes,automobiles and aeroplanes and so many others.

With better communication,transportation and networking of people from distant lands we now embraced globalization  like “hell” and once where we use to be so far away can now communicate and collaborate in just a matter of short time and businesses are made to flourish easily and everywhere.Trade are expanded and business grow and  grow to unprecedented heights!

Products like Facebook or Yahoo Mail have created many hundred of millions of users on a daily basis like eg.Facebook where they reported a daily traffic or active users about 850 million people!Imagine the marketing opportunities and trading that can be created when you have 850 million users everyday!

Only challenge that we humans still faced is TIME factor!We live all over the world with time zones of GMT 0.01 to GMT 24.00 like London having a GMT of 12.00 and Kuala Lumpur a GMT of 20.00 (a difference of +8 hours)

So if we are having a meeting at 9 am in London then it is 5pm in Kuala Lumpur and we will definitely feel different since the daylight conditions are different,our body conditions too plus a host of other differences when time is concerned!

When we have a “LIVE Telecast” of a football match in Tokyo at 8 pm then it will be morning time in time zones like in Europe?The good thing we are able to see the football match at the same time (same viewing) but not at the convenient time we actually prefer.During the “good boxing days” of Muhammad Ali or World Cup Fever,TV viewers may have to watch their Live TV at odd hours where some at dinner time,some at breakfast time,some at lunch time and some at early hours of the morning or night!

Maybe that we cannot change at all and thats why we also said “the only thing that is constant is change” and time is always on the move and once lost we will never get it back again.Thats life and as time goes by we too get old or aged!

Globalization is Great but make Globalization with Harmony,Peace,Prosperity for all Humans.Only by constantly adding value in our lives can Globalization really bring the benefits to all humans no matter where they live or in what time zones they are having!


Example:Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad -events through the years and his age

(what happen to you while you aged till now-let’s benchmarked with the Best People)

History of Tun Dr Mahathir joining UMNO (age)

date of birth: 10thJuly1925.

1946: Joined United Malays National Organisation (Umno). (21)

1947: While a medical student, he wrote extensive anti-colonial commentaries in Malay newspapers under the pen-name “Che Det”.(22)

1957: Resigned from government service as a doctor. Starts private practice.(32)

1964: Entered active politics as Kota Star Selatan MP.(39)

1965-1969: Member, Umno Supreme Council.(40~44)

Sept 1969: Expelled from Umno for disciplinary reasons. Re-admitted on March 7, 1972.(44)

June 1972: Elected a member of the Umno Supreme Council with the highest number of votes. Lost in the election for an Umno Vice-President post. (47)

Dec 1972: Appointed a Senator by the Kedah State Legislative Assembly.(47)

1974-2004: MP for Kubang Pasu, Kedah.(49~79)

Sept 1974: Education Minister.(49)

June 1975: Umno Vice-President.(50)

March 1976: Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Education.(51)

1977: Acting Chairman, Umno Liaison Committee, Malacca.(52)

Jan 1978: Deputy Prime Minister & Trade and Industry Minister (53).

May 1978: Chairman, Perak Umno Liaison Committee.(53)

Sept 1978: Umno Deputy President. (53)

June 1981: Barisan Nasional Chairman.(56)

June 1981: Umno President.(56)

July 16 1981: Fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Minister of Defence (until 1986) and Minister of Home Affairs (until 1999). (56~)

July 17 1987: Umno Political Bureau Chairman.(62)

Feb 16 1988: Pro-tem President of Umno Baru. Umno was declared an illegal society on Feb 4, 1988.(63)

Dec 1993: Kelantan Umno Chairman. Chairman, Politics and Constitution Committees of the Supreme Council.(68)

Sept 1998-Jan 1999: Finance Minister. June 2001 – Finance Minister.(73~74)

June 22 2002: Announced his intention to resign from all political and government posts at the final day of the 56th Umno assembly. Appeals from Umno Supreme Council members.(77)

Oct 31 2003: Retired as PM and Umno president after 22 years.(78)

Sept 2006: Fails in bid to be an Umno delegate for the Umno general assembly coming in ninth out of 15 contestants in the Kubang Pasu division. (81)

May 19 2008: Quits Umno (83)

July 10,2011 : Celebrated 86th Birthday.

In Malaysia’s Budget 2012 Presentation by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak recently,he informed about the Govt approval to extend the retirement age of Malaysia’s 1.4 million Govt Servants from 55 to 58 and now to 60!

From research and studies made,soon Malaysia will have a big % of Senior Citizens (above 65 years old) in the total population and this need immediate actions to ensure we have great measures to assist and care for our Old Folks and how best to utilise all the great Talents of this Senior Citizens just like what Tun Dr.Mahathir have shown us and the world his ongoing capabilities and power of the mind!

So,maybe now being a 60 year old is still considered YOUNG and many things can be performed or contributed by all the 60 year olds in the country.Many Top Scholars or Consultants like Drucker,Deming,Juran,Crosby,Ishikawa,Kessinger,Lee Kuan Yew all showed their “brain power” and influence to many World Leaders and also Business Leaders in helping shape their business strategies,actions and planning.

Maybe its true that once your brain stop working well then it is a clear signal of your weakness,slowdown and no more productive  to the environment around you.

With modern medical science and technology it is important or critical now that we try to assist Older People to lead a healthy,productive and possess a strong body that does not slow down or deteoriate that fast and become liabilities to the Nation.Let’s be like Tun Dr.M,Lee Kuan Yew,Royal Professor Ungku Aziz and many more….Inshallah.

Normally,many Malays will head back to their hometowns or kampung to meet their grandparents or parents who may still be living there unless they have decided to migrate to the city life with their children!

Like Ramli,this Raya Fitri 1 Syawal 1432Hijrah which may fall on 30th Aug,2011,Ramli will celebrate Raya in Shah Alam in his home as thats the way it has been many years already.Why?

Ramli’s parents who lived in Petaling Jaya from 1970 to 2000 in our home in Sect 14 was Ramli’s focal point when Raya comes along!With my parents in PJ so no need to go back to my kampung in Brisu,Alor Gajah where once my grand parents were living there.This year with the death of my mum on 20thDec,2010 and my dad in 1997,Ramli is basically “anak yatim piatu” and will now focus to visit and say my Doa to my parents graves where my dad is buried in Bukit Kiara Muslim Cemetery and my mum in Sect 21,Shah Alam Muslim Cemetery.

However Ramli will also go back to visit my father in law who lives in Sg.Putat in Melaka with his new wife after the death of my mother in law many years already.Now,my father in law is also demised and left my mother in law with her 2 kids.My wife siblings always make their habit to celebrate Raya with their father in Melaka when he was alive and now they too will focus to Raya either in their own homes or the homes of their in laws (if their in laws are still alive though)

Do you enjoy your Raya in your kampungs or with all your siblings and Members of your Big Family?Some stories described many unwanted incidents where when siblings goes back to kampung for Raya they tend to have “bad feelings” or “want to show off how rich they are” or “how successful and high status” they have become and that create lots of tension and stressed for those who feel so victimised or look down upon!

This must stop and whose role is it to stop this NONSENSE?

Maybe the parents or the eldest son or daughter can play this peacemaker or harmony person role to enable all the siblings understand their roles and respect each other and that include their children and grandchildren!


The best person is one who respect,love and care for each other no matter whats their status and positions.

Life in the kampung nowadays is SO MUCH DIFFERENT and not like in the 1960s or 1970s!

The URBAN DWELLINGS OR POPULATION IS THE DOMINANT FORCE now in Malaysia and Urban Population is growing and in greater dominance.Even the kampung now depends so much on their kids in the cities for money,comfort and other needs.

Hope you and your kids will enjoy and make full use of your time during Raya in your hometown or kampung and if there are chickens or buffaloes around,show them to your kids and tell them how you use to chase all those chickens and buffaloes!

Tell them more about the best times you had in your kampungs especially during this Raya Celebrations!Tell them NOW because your kampungs may not be the same or exist later on if they too decide to become urbanised and no more padi fields,buffaloes,and all things we consider the kampung life!

Ramli’s kampung on my mum side is Brisu,Lubok China,Malacca and on my dad’s side is Kg.Tengah 0r Kg Air Mati around Pasir Salak area (seldom go to my late dad’s kampung)Anyone knows this kampungs or knows Ramli or my wife Maimunah,do contact Ramli at 019-2537165 or email:





African Muslim Population

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Total Population
2010   (in million)
Muslim Population
2010  (in million)

Northern Africa

Algeria 36 99   % 35.64
Egypt 80.4 94   % 75.576
Libya 6.5 99   % 6.435
Morocco 32.4 99   % 32.076
Sudan 43.2 70   % 30.24
Tunisia 10.5 98   % 10.29

Western Africa

Benin 9.8 24.4  % 2.3912
Burkina Faso 16.2 60  % 9.72
Cape Verde 0.5 5  % 0.0025
Ivory Coast 22 38.6  % 8.492
Gambia 1.8 90  % 1.62
Ghana 24 45  % 10.8
Guinea 10.8 85   % 9.18
Guinea Bissau 1.6 50  % 0.8
Liberia 4.1 35  % 1.435
Mali 15.2 90   % 13.68
Mauritania 3.4 100   % 3.4
Niger 15.9 95  % 15.105
Nigeria 158.3 70   % 110.81
Senegal 12.5 94   % 11.75
Sierra Lione 5.8 60   % 3.48
Togo 6.8 50  % 3.4

Eastern Africa  

Burundi 8.5 10   % 0.85
Comoros 0.7 98   % 0.686
Dijbouti 0.9 96  % 0.864
Eritria 5.2 50   % 2.6
Ethiopia 85 50  % 42.5
Kenya 40 33  % 13.2
Madagascar 20.1   % 1.407
Malawi 15.4 36  % 5.544
Mayotti 0.20 97.85  % 0.2158
Mauritus 1.3 16.6   % 0.1957
Mozambique 23.4 20   % 4.68
Reunion 0.8   % 0.016
Rawanda 10.4 15  % 1.56
Sechelles 0.1 1.1  % 0.0011
Somalia 9.4 100   % 9.4
Tanzania 45 55  % 24.75
Uganda 33.8 35  % 11.83
Zambia 13.3 15   % 1.995
Zimbabwe 12.6 10  % 1.26

Middle Africa

Angola 19 2.5  % 0.475
Cameroon 20 22   % 4.4
Central African Rep. 4.8 22  % 1.056
Chad 11.5 50   % 5.75
Congo 3.9   % 0.078
Congo, Democtratic Republic 67.8 10   % 6.78
Equatorial Guinea 0.7 2  % 0.014
Gabon 1.5 12  % 0.18
Sao Tome & Principe 0.20 3  % 0.006

Southern Africa

Botsawana 1.8   % 0.054
Lesotho 1.9 5  % 0.095
Namibia 2.2 3  % 0.066
South Africa 49.9   % 0.998
Swaziland 1.2 10   % 0.12


1030.2 539.97
The Percentage of Muslim Population in Africa is 52.41  



The World’s Muslim Population (as of 2010):

World Muslim Population

Continent Population
(in million)

Total Population
2010 (in million)


Muslim Population
in 2010 (in million)



            52.41 %




             31.98 %




               7.6  %




             1.49  %


North America


               2.2  %


South America


               0.42 %




28.96 %


Muslim Population is increasing at 1.84%**.
The Muslim population in 2011 is 1974.5 Million. = 1.97 Billion
** Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

The Malays comprise about 60% of the Malaysian Population and when you split them into UMNO:PAS:PKR you now have a ratio of 20:20:20 % and thats almost equal with the Chinese or Indians population %.

If the Malays are UNITED like pre-1957 then The Malay Majority is a force to be reckoned with and a sure way to maintain a Malay Majority in as many Parliament and State seats!

Why Malay Power is so important in Malaysia?

The reason or rationale is simple-Malays make up the majority population like Javanese in the Indonesian Population breakdown based on ethnicity.So with almost 60% Malay Population then Malays must be well represented in the country or else the common Malays will “shout and get angry” as to why a Malay majority area have a Non Malay as their Rep at Parliament and State?

When will Malaysia become a Truly 1Malaysia?Ramli thinks it will not be next year or 10 years from now and maybe not also in 2020!Why?

If we travel around all the Malaysian towns you will be surprised the many local Malaysians still do not speak Malay very well although they have lived in Malaysia as 1st Generation or 2nd Generation Chinese or Indians Malaysians as we called our people.Malaysians still prefer to state that they are Malay,Chinese,Indians or natives rather than Malaysians FIRST and ethnic SECOND..thats the KEY Problem or Factor for Malaysian Real Unity!

We still live in our own ethnic culture except the few minorities that have inter married with the Malay Muslims especially….

Like Indonesia they are STRICT right from the start of their INDEPENDENCE.They want all Indonesians including all ethnic Chinese,Indians or others to possess INDONESIAN NAMES,SPEAK INDONESIAN AND LIVE THE INDONESIAN WAY!

With this discipline and Panca Sila in place Indonesia have successfully integrated their CITIZENS to become PURE INDONESIANS who all can speak fluent Indonesian,possess with great pride Indonesian Names and live the Indonesian Way all through their lives…even the Japanese that goes to Indonesia to work with GOBEL (an Indonesian JV company with Matsushita (now known as Panasonic) all need to study to speak Bahasa Indonesia and all the Japanese can speak fluent Indonesian after only a few years there.Remember Barrack Obama-The US President can also speak Indonesian as a result of his early schooling days in Jakarta and Obama is happy and proud to speak Bahasa Indonesia if the need is there like chatting with President Indonesia Pak SBY.

So,Malay UNITY is no more a choice BUT a neccessity for Malays to be still in majority power and we must DO IT NOW!Can we or do we want to?Who to lead?Maybe the Leaders must be the Malays themselves-yes,of course at this present times!

In fact there is no more thinking that Malaysia is for Malays since we have many new generations of Malaysian Born Chinese,Indians and other races even Indonesians,Bangla Deshi,Pakistani etc…all have their children borned in Malaysia and they too soon one day will have only Malaysia to live,work and die and their children and children’s children all will make Malaysia their homes except those Malaysians who prefer to migrate and even handover their Malaysian Citizenship back and prefer to take new citizenship in foreign lands where they think the “grass are greener” and have lost confidence in Malaysia!To these people including many Malays,let them be and may Allah SWT give great guidance and love to them always!

Lots of things to write and also debate as nowadays maybe real living as Global Citizens are a reality to some BUT as it is NOW,Malays NEED to UNITE for the sake of Malaysia’s Security,Progress and Peace!Inshallah.

Please contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed :


some articles at Wikipedia to enable us to know more about The Deaf (Orang Pekak):

Hearing impairment

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See also: Deaf culture for the social movement.

Deafness is a condition wherein the ability to detect certain frequencies of sound is completely or partially impaired. When applied to humans, the term hearing impaired is rejected by the Deaf Culture movement, where the terms deaf and hard-of-hearing are preferred.


Hearing sensitivity is indicated by the quietest sound that an animal can detect, called the hearing threshold. In the case of humans and some animals, this threshold can be accurately measured by a behavioral audiogram. A record is made of the quietest sound that consistently prompts a response from the listener. The test is carried out for sounds of different frequencies. There are also electro-physiological tests that can be performed without requiring a behavioral response.

Normal hearing thresholds within any given species are not the same for all frequencies. If different frequencies of sound are played at the same amplitude, some will be perceived as loud, and others quiet or even completely inaudible. Generally, if the gain or amplitude is increased, a sound is more likely to be perceived. Ordinarily, when animals use sound to communicate, hearing in that type of animal is most sensitive for the frequencies produced by calls, or in the case of humans, speech. All levels of the auditory system contribute to this sensitivity toward certain frequencies, from the outer ear’s physical characteristics to the nerves and tracts that convey the nerve impulses of the auditory portion of the brain.

A hearing loss exists when an animal has diminished sensitivity to the sounds normally heard by its species. In humans, the term hearing impairment is usually reserved for people who have relative insensitivity to sound in the speech frequencies. The severity of a hearing loss is categorized according to the increase in volume that must be made above the usual level before the listener can detect it. In profound deafness, even the loudest sounds that can be produced by an audiometer (an instrument used to measure hearing) may not be detected.

Another aspect to hearing involves the perceived clarity of a sound rather than its amplitude. In humans, that aspect is usually measured by tests of speech perception. These tests measure one’s ability to understand speech, not to merely detect sound. There are very rare types of hearing impairments which affect speech understanding alone.[1]

More reading at Wikipedia..

Deaf culture

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Deaf culture describes the social beliefs, behaviors, art, literary traditions, history, values and shared institutions of communities that are affected by deafness and which use sign languages as the main means of communication. When used as a cultural label, the word deaf is often written with a capital D, and referred to as “big D Deaf” in speech and sign. When used as a label for the audiological condition, it is written with a lower case d.

Members of the Deaf community tend to view deafness as a difference in human experience rather than a disability.[1] The community may include family members of deaf people and sign-language interpreters who identify with Deaf culture and does not automatically include all people who are deaf or hard of hearing.[2] According to Anna Mindess, “it is not the extent of hearing loss that defines a member of the Deaf community but the individual’s own sense of identity and resultant actions.”[3] As with all social groups that a person chooses to belong to, a person is a member of the Deaf community if he or she “identifies him/herself as a member of the Deaf community, and other members accept that person as a part of the community.”[4]

Deaf culture is recognised under article 30, paragraph 4 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which states that “Persons with disabilities shall be entitled, on an equal basis with others, to recognition and support of their specific cultural and linguistic identity, including sign languages and deaf culture.”

Acquisition of Deaf culture

Merikartano school for deaf students in Oulu,Finland (February 2006).

Historically, Deaf culture has often been acquired within schools for the deaf and within Deaf social clubs, both of which unite deaf people into communities with which they can identify.[1] Becoming Deaf culturally can occur at different times for different people, depending on the circumstances of one’s life. A small proportion of deaf individuals acquire sign language and Deaf culture in infancy from Deaf parents, others acquire it through attendance at schools, and yet others may not be exposed to sign language and Deaf culture until college or a time after that.[3]

Although up to fifty percent of deafness has genetic causes, less than five percent of deaf people have a Deaf parent,[5] so Deaf communities are unusual among cultural groups in that most members do not acquire their cultural identities from parents.[6]

Students at a school for the deaf in Baghdad,Iraq (April 2004).

Diversity within Deaf culture

Anna Mindess notes that there is “not just one homogenous Deaf culture.”[3] There are many distinct Deaf communities around the world, which communicate using different sign languages and exhibit different cultural norms. Deaf identity also intersects with other kinds ofcultural identity. Deaf culture intersects with nationality, education, race, ethnicity, gender, class, sexual orientation, and other identity markers, leading to a culture that is at once quite small and also tremendously diverse. The extent to which people identify primarily with their Deaf identity rather than their membership in other intersecting cultural groups also varies. Mindess notes a 1989 study, which “found that 87 percent of black Deaf people polled identified with their Black culture first.”[3]

Characteristics of Deaf culture

Sign languages

Members of Deaf cultures communicate via sign languages. There are over 200 distinct, naturally-occurring sign languages in the world. Although the United Kingdom and the United States share English as the most common spoken language, the sign languages used in these countries differ markedly. Due to the origins of deaf education in the United States, American Sign Language is most closely related to French Sign Language.

Apart from using sign languages, Deaf culture has typical beliefs, values, and arts that help to define it.

Values and beliefs

  • A positive attitude toward being deaf is typical in Deaf cultural groups. Deafness is not generally considered a condition that needs to be fixed.[3]
  • The use of a sign language is central to Deaf cultural identity. Oralist approaches to educating deaf children thereby pose a threat to the continued existence of Deaf culture. Members of Deaf communities may also oppose technological innovations like cochlear implants and hearing aids for the same reason.
  • Culturally Deaf people value the use of natural sign languages that exhibit their own grammatical conventions, such as American Sign Language and British Sign Language, over signed versions of English or other spoken languages. Note that spoken English, written English and signed English are three different symbolic systems for expressing the same language.
  • Deaf communities strongly oppose discrimination against deaf people.
  • Deaf culture in the United States tends to be collectivist rather than individualist; culturally Deaf people value the group.[3]

Behavioral norms

  • Culturally Deaf people have rules of etiquette for getting attention, walking through signed conversations, leave-taking, and otherwise politely negotiating a signing environment.
  • Deaf people also keep each other informed of what is going on in one’s environment. It is common to provide detailed information when leaving early or arriving late; withholding such information may be considered rude.[3]
  • Deaf people may be more direct or blunt than their hearing counterparts.[3]
  • When giving introductions, Deaf people typically try to find common ground; since the Deaf community is relatively small, Deaf people usually know some other Deaf people in common. “The search for connections is the search for connectedness.”[3]
  • Deaf people may also consider time differently. Showing up early to large scale events, such as lectures, is typical. This may be motivated by the need to get a seat that provides the best visual clarity for the deaf person. Deaf people may also be late to social events. However, at Deaf social events such as parties, it is common for Deaf people to stay for elongated amounts of time, for the solidarity and conversations at social gatherings are valued by Deaf people.

Literary traditions and arts

Main article: American Sign Language literature

A strong tradition of poetry and storytelling exists in American Sign Language and other signed languages. Some prominent performers in the U.S. include Clayton Valli, Benjamin Bahan, Ella Mae Lentz, Manny Hernandez, C.J. Jones, Debbie Rennie, Patrick Graybill, Peter Cook, and many others. Their works are now increasingly available on video.[7]

Culturally Deaf people have also represented themselves in the dominant written languages of their nations.[8]

Deaf artists such as Betty G. Miller and Chuck Baird have produced visual artwork that conveys a Deaf worldview.[6]


Deaf people who sign are intensely proud of their history. In the United States, they recount the story of Laurent Clerc, a Deaf educator, coming to the United States from France in 1816 to help found the first permanent school for deaf children in the country.[8]

Another well-known event is the 1880 Second International Congress on Education of the Deaf in Milan, Italy, where hearing educators voted to embrace oral education and remove sign language from the classroom.[9] This effort resulted in strong opposition within Deaf cultures today to the oralist method of teaching deaf children to speak and lip read with limited or no use of sign language in the classroom. The method is intended to make it easier for deaf children to integrate into hearing communities, but the benefits of learning in such an environment are disputed. The use of sign language is central to Deaf identity and attempts to limit its use are viewed as an attack.

Shared institutions

Deaf culture revolves around such institutions as residential schools for deaf students, universities for deaf students (including Gallaudet University and the National Technical Institute for the Deaf), Deaf clubs, Deaf athletic leagues, Deaf social organizations (such as the Deaf Professional Happy Hour), Deaf religious groups, and an array of conferences and festivals, such as the Deaf Way II Conference and Festival and the World Federation of the Deaf conferences.

Deaf clubs, popular in the 1940s and 1950s, were also an important part of Deaf culture. During this time there were very few places that the Deaf could call their own; places run by Deaf people for Deaf people. Deaf clubs were the solution to this need. Money was made by selling alcohol and hosting card games. Sometimes these ventures were so successful that the building used by the club was able to be purchased. However, the main attraction of these clubs was that they provided a place that Deaf people could go to be around other Deaf people, sometimes sharing stories, hosting parties, comedians, and plays. Many of today’s common ABC stories were first seen at Deaf clubs. The clubs were found in all of the major cities, New York City being home to at least 12. These clubs were an important break from their usually solitary day spent at factory jobs. [6]

In the 1960s, Deaf clubs began their quick and drastic decline. Today there are only a few spread out deaf clubs found in America and their attendance is commonly small with a tendency to the elderly. This sudden decline is often attributed to the rise of technology like the TTY and closed captioning for personal TVs. With other options available for entertainment and communication, the need for Deaf clubs grew smaller. It was no longer the only option for getting in touch with other members of the Deaf community. [6]

However, others attribute the decline of Deaf clubs to the end of WWII and a change of the job market. During WWII there was high demand for factory laborers and a promise of high pay. Many Deaf Americans left their homes to move to bigger cities with the hope of a factory job. This huge influx of workers into new cities created the need for Deaf clubs. When WWII ended and the civil rights movement progressed, the federal government started offering more jobs to Deaf men and women. People began switching from manufacturing jobs to service jobs, moving away from solitary work with set hours. Today, Deaf clubs are rare, but Deaf advocacy centers and other Deaf organizations have become widespread and popular. [6]

Deaf Space

Initially known as visu-centric design. This concept began at Gallaudet University with the Sorenson Language and Communication Center (SLCC) building. This was designed by theSmithGroup. “Designed in its entirety for the needs of the deaf and hard-of-hearing, this unique academic building establishes a new level of architectural accommodation.” [10] With soft corners, diffused lighting and wide circular pathways SLCC allows total visual access and connectivity. Automatic sliding doors compared to the traditional swinging doors allow continuous conversation, without unnecessary pauses. Metal railings can become visual obstructions, therefore are replaced by glass railings. [11]

The SmithGroup has won the following recognitions for the Sorenson Language and Communication Center:

  • Section Award, Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA), 2009
  • Illumination Award of Merit, Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA), 2009
  • Silver Award/Educational/Institutional, International Interior Design Association (IIDA), Mid-Atlantic Chapter, 2009
  • Award of Excellence?Best Institutional Project, National Association of Industrial and Office Properties (NAIOP), Maryland/DC Chapter, 2009
  • Institutional Award of Merit (submitted by Heery International), Mid-Atlantic Construction, 2008

“Eyeing the Future: Gallaudet University‘s new visu-centric facility promotes communication”, Environmental Construction & Design, November 2008

“Gallaudet Eyes the Future with Visual Design”, School Construction News, November 2008 [12]


“deafness” and “Deafness”

In a clinical context, the term deafness (written with a lower case d) refers to a physical condition characterized by a relative lack of auditory sensitivity to sound compared to the species norm.[1] In a cultural context, the term “Deafness” (written with an upper case D) refers to cultural membership within a group that is composed mainly, but not exclusively, of people who are clinically deaf and who form a social community with an identity that revolves around deafness and the use of sign languages to communicate.[2]


The term hearing impaired is more likely to be used by hearing people and people who have acquired deafness in adulthood than by those who have grown up deaf. By contrast, those who identify with the Deaf culture movement typically reject the label impaired and other labels that imply that deafness is a pathological condition, viewing it instead as a locus of pride.[1]

Myths regarding people with hearing losses

There are many myths regarding people with hearing losses including, but not limited to:

  1. Everyone who is deaf or hard of hearing uses sign language.
  • There are a variety of different sign systems used by hearing-impaired individuals.[19]
  • Individuals who experience hearing loss later in life usually do not know sign language.[20]
  • People who are educated in the method of oralism or mainstream do not always know sign language.
  1. People who cannot hear are not allowed to drive.
  • Deaf people may use special devices to alert them to sirens or other noises, or panoramic mirrors to enable improved visibility.[21]
  • Many countries allow deaf people to drive, although at least 26 countries do not allow deaf citizens to hold a driver’s license.[21]
  1. All forms of hearing loss can be solved by hearing aids or Cochlear Implants.
  • While many hearing-impaired individuals do use hearing aids, others may not benefit from the use of a hearing aid.[19]
  • For some hearing-impaired individuals who experience distortion of incoming sounds, a Cochlear Implant may actually worsen the distortion.[19]
  1. A lack of hearing correlates to a lack of intelligence.
  • A person’s intelligence level is unrelated to whether or not the person can hear.
  1. All deaf/hard of hearing people are experts in Deaf Culture.
  • Deaf people may have a variety of different beliefs, experiences, and methods of communication.[20]
  • This may be influenced by the age at which hearing was lost and the individual’s personal background.[20]
  1. All deaf people want to be hearing.
  • While some individuals with hearing loss want to become hearing, this is not the case for everyone. Some take pride in their deafness or view themselves as a minority rather than a disability group.[22]
  1. People who can’t hear can’t use a phone.
  1. Everyone who cannot hear can lip read.
  • Only about 30% of spoken English is visible on the lips.[19][20][unreliable source?]
  • Lip reading requires not only good lighting, but also a good understanding of the spoken language in question and may also depend on contextual knowledge about what is being said.[20]
  1. Most deaf people have deaf parents.
  • Less than 5% of deaf children in the United States have a deaf parent.[23]

 Cabaran2 untuk Orang Pekak terutama Orang Islam yang pekak (apa kita boleh bantu segera):

1.Mengajar mereka segala aspek beribadat terutama solat dan hidup sebagai seorang Muslim

2,Menjemput mereka selalu beristiqamah menjadi ahli jemaah masjid atau surau pada setiap solat fardu dan majlis2 tazkirah atau ibadat yang lain

3.Memberi tugasan2 yang penting agar mereka juga akan merasai kenikmatan berjasa dan hidup berkomuniti

4.Kita yang “normal” perlu belajar bahasa isyarat orang pekak agar kita senang berkomunikasi dengan mereka dengan cepat,tepat dan berhasil

5.dan banyak lagi…

Adalah menjadi sangat penting agar Komuniti Orang Pekak ini akan di bela,di sayangi dan ditransformasikan menjadi Rakyat Malaysia yang DINAMIK,CERIA,MAJU,BIJAK DAN HARMONI dengan kehidupan mereka serta dengan Rakyat2 Malaysia yang sudah berjumlah 29 juta orang ini!


Hubungi Ramli Abu Hassan di hp:+6019-2537165 atau emel: untuk pertanyaan atau bantuan yang ingin di salurkan kepada Komuniti Orang Pekak khususnya.Ramli ada berkenalan dengan Komuniti Orang Pekak ini dan berusaha agar mereka2 ini akan di Transformasikan menjadi Rakyat Malaysia yang Terbaik & Beriman dan selamat hidup Dunia & Akhirat,Inshallah.