Ramli’s Revolusi Aksi (Action Revolution) Cycle – 4 Main Elements of Thinking,Doing,Measuring and Discipline-Its time to teach,practise,enjoy the outcome and maintain the gains with continual breakthroughs!

Posted: July 19, 2011 in All about Ramli, all about ramli's writings, business
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Yes,Ramli have written his book titled in Malay REVOLUSI AKSI (ACTION REVOLUTION) and published and released on 24thMarch,2006.

Whats the outcome or results so far?

The book basically have sold out for the 1st Printing of 1,000 copies and Ramli have requested his Publisher ie.IBS Buku Sdn.Bhd, to print the second time without any need for further edition just to meet the many requests of customers who come to like to read the book.In fact many customers also requested an English Translation of the book.

Ramli nowadays love writing and always get lots of inspiration to write on many subjects that suddenly cross his mind as well as those that have been hovering in his mind all the time.Ramli writes best on subjects that he personally get involved and also become a strong component of his business like TRAINING & CONSULTING,SPORTS PROMOTION,TRADING OF MALAYSIAN AND OTHER COUNTRIES PRODUCTS & SERVICES PLUS OTHER HOT SUBJECTS OF THE DAY OR THAT HAVE BEEN AROUND A LONG TIME.

Ramli also will add photographs and videos where necessary to make the article or posting worth the reading and add value to someone’s life or knowledge.

Like what Warren Bennis have said before “the worth of any society is not what you know but what you do with what you know” and this is very important to take note since nowadays information is everywhere and the availability of the Net and Social Medias have “plagued” us with so much of information that if we do not digest or know what are those infos then they become mere junk or wastes and only by understanding the knowledge these infos bring can we build up our talents,increase or knowledge and apply those new found knowledge to areas or in our work to get better results,productivity,quality and so many other outcomes!

Like the old saying KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and still remain true till today maybe forever!

If you are given a choice of wanting KNOWLEDGE OR MONEY maybe its better to choose KNOWLEDGE since with great knowledge we easily can make money and more money all the time BUT if we choose money or wealth then once they are gone or dried up we have no more money and we do not possess enough knowledge to make more money and so we become poor or weakened.

Ramli’s Revolusi Aksi is basically inviting us to ACT FOR RESULTS after the earlier REVOLUSI MENTAL (MENTAL REVOLUTION)where we think of all the ways to act and get better results after the Thinking or Mental Mode!

No Action No Result !Simply Put!

To get good Outcome we need to go the 4 stages or elements of Revolusi Aksi ie.Thinking->Doing->Measuring->Discipline.

Only with the best ways of actions in this Revolusi Aksi Cycle can we get Great Outcomes,thats for sure!

Ramli actually have completed  more manuscripts to be edited and finally publish as Ramli’s new books but they are now on hold by the Publisher maybe to unsuitable timing for release of the books or not so favourable economic conditions in the country to purchase books since Malaysia is still performing lowly as far as readership performance is concerned ie.Malaysians only now read about 8 books a year as compared to 2 books maybe many years ago!

Revolusi Aksi must happen all the time and not confined to professionals only but to all sectors of the private,public and social sectors also.We need to ACT FOR RESULTS AND THE MORE GOOD RESULTS WE HAVE THE BETTER THE COUNTRY BECOMES!

Maybe this is the FOCUS,DIRECTIONS,PASSION AND OUTCOME that Ramli wants upon achieving this 1,111 postings and soon it will be more of QUALITY POSTINGS rather than just QUANTITY POSTINGS!However Ramli being Different wants to achieve QUALITY AND QUANTITY POSTINGS so that all work is not wasted but performing to the highest level of achievement and commitment.Inshallah.

see Ramli’s Book and Read and Understand plus Apply the Knowledge for Great Outcomes!

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