Posts Tagged ‘west point’

Ramli was surprised that his youngest son Zaim Bukhairi (only 16years old) have friends who Ramli just observed behaving with poor discipline,no manners,revving their motorbikes like they own the streets of Shah Alam,talking like shouting,maybe also the smoking type and maybe never pray their solat 5 times a day and what have you?Are these kind of Gen Y or teens we want for FUTURE MALAYSIA?

Who helped shape their character and behaviours what more their  attitude,skills and manners?Of course their parents are the KEY PLAYERS and also their teachers in school and elder brothers and sisters and people old enough to advice them!So,maybe these KEY PLAYERS  are not performing their roles & responsibilities well enough and if we rate them maybe they are at the rating of 2/10 ie.POOR

What to do?

Ramli is getting worried about “wiwi” whom we in the family called my youngest son!We allow him to choose his friends or buddies but now there are strong doubts this kind of friends may not seem to be good enough to help him establish a strong discipline person with good character,strong motivation for success,honest,polite,trusty and so many other good values that we want our children to possess and reflect in their personality.

Wiwi may have the strong base of loving,caring,discipline from his family BUT if he is weak in maintaining his stand of good discipline he may falter or lose all these good values and start possessing all the bad values that his friends may passed on or influenced him or worst still get “trapped” in their bad environment and find difficulty to “get out” of the gang!

So,what to do urgently and more actions needed?

Ramli in his book “REVOLUSI AKSI” have stressed the 4 Main Elements in the Revolusi Aksi Cycle that are :

  • Thinking (Pemikiran)
  • Doing (Tindakan)
  • Measurement (Pengukuran)
  • Discipline (Disiplin)

Based on the 4th Element ie.DISCIPLINE it shows the great importance that we must focus to make DISCIPLINE IMPORTANT ALL THE TIME in our cycle of living towards EXCELLENCE.

After we have done the 3 ELEMENTS well,we must ensure to establish DISCIPLINE in our processes,work,projects and environment.If you read the book,you will undertstand the 7 factors involve in the DISCIPLINE element.These 7 Factors are:

  • Rukun Iman (as in Islam)
  • Shitsuke (as in 5S Philosophy)
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Kepimpinan (Leadership aspects)
  • Kumpulan (Team aspects)
  • Komuniti (Community aspects)
  • Global aspects

Based on these wide approaches,DISCIPLINE must be establish at all these 7 areas and by instilling discipline at the highest level,we can at least ensure we can HOLD THE GAINS or INSTITUTIONALISED all our hard work of the 3 earlier elements and sustain and maintain all the good results always and keep on improving all the time.Only with a discipline approach we can sustain all these good results .

Ok,so how we relate this importance of discipline to our children?

The Family and School must become the important “vehicle” to “build” discipline in our kids to the highest level like those we see being produced at Military Schools like WESTPOINT IN USA and RMC IN MSIA  and others.

These are establishments that are well respected around the world and they continually produced graduates of great callibre and later become Captains of Industry like CEOs,Directors and Important Business and Govt Leaders.

So,maybe our schools have to make discipline a core focus area by all Pengetua and Gurubesar and with the support of the PK HEM incharge of discipline of the school plus the Prefects Board hopefully the school discipline level will become good to best and all cases of indisciplinary acts like bullying,”ponteng”,smoking in school,theft,absence from class,poor results due to laziness and so many other factors can be slowly reduced and finally eliminated.However that is not easy to do or achieve now in our SRK and SMK.

Our teachers and students now fear the “bad hats” of their school and these bad hats are ready to create a lot of mischiefs,harmful actions and “what have you” that make the teachers and fellow students life stressful,miserable and disgusting at times since like nothing or no good actions can be done?

So,like the behaviours of my WIWI friends that I observed today,we must be worried and can we take enough good effective actions to help them become more discipline and become better students and individuals when they complete school?

Now,the use of the ROTAN  or caned is almost like banned in school and any small canning action by a teacher will create great uproar by the parents involved.The parents will not allow such canning by teachers to their children even though their children have created a serious indiscipline act like stealing,bullying or smoking in school regularly.

Can we allow the teachers to rotan our kids?Can we personally hand over our own rotan to the teachers to canned our kids if they go “out of control” or we ourselves canned our kids if informed by the teachers concerned?maybe many of the parents of today refused or like “afraid” to punish their kids!We have become so “soft” and “so kind” to our kids not like the times of our own parents and grandparents before.WE MUST CHANGE OR TRANSFORM to become Great Parents of Strong Discipline to ur Kids!

So,what other actions can we take to establish DSICIPLINE to our children?

If we do not see this as a Major Threat and Danger to Malaysia,then maybe by 2020 our Gen Y & Gen X will become “USELESS MALAYSIANS” where they become more of a liability to Malaysia rather than a strong asset or bring great impact to Malaysia’s results!We need millions of Discipline Rakyat to uplift and upgrade Malaysia’s World Class Performance and if at this early age of our kids that lack all these strong fundamentals of discipline,good values,strong moral values and motivation to succeed ,we definitely will not reach our aspirations of Vision 2020 that was coined in 1981.

DISCIPLINE is and must be everyone’s responsibility and like in Ramli’s Revolusi Aksi Cycle,only with Discipline install can we ensure our work,our projects,our ASPIRATIONS are realized on time and in full.

We need more ideas and actions to make Discipline Work in Malaysia especially for our young generations like GenZ,Gen Y and Gen X and when they grow up as Leaders,Followers and Baby Boomers Gen,they become a great asset to Malaysia and eliminate all the wastages and errors that an Indiscipline Generations can create or produce.

DISCIPLINE is so IMPORTANT and we all must make it take place in the best of time and in what ever ways even if we must or need to ROTAN our children before they face the ‘REAL ROTAN” if they are sentenced to PRISON AND THE ROTAN for criminal acts or indisciplined acts!

Contact Ramli at 019-2537165 or for any enquiries or assistance.





In Ramli’s book “Revolusi Aksi” or Action Revolution you can see the 4 Elements in the Revolusi Aksi Cycle of Actions and they comprised of:

1.Thinking (Pemikiran)

2.Doing (Tindakan)

3.Measuring (Pengukuran)

4.Discipline (Disiplin)

In these 4 elements there are also their own  7 factors and together they will act in harmony as to produce the right results when we apply this Action Revolution Cycle of Actions.Please do read this book to know more before you act for results.

Today,Ramli wants to futher stressed the importance of Discipline.

The moment our kid starts growing up,we must teach them the importance of discipline.LIke in Islam,we are advised to teach our children at the age of 7 how to pray 5 times a day and when they reach the age 10,if they dont pray you must beat them with the “rotan” or cane so that they are discipline enough to know the punishment of not praying since they been taught about praying 5 times a day when they were at age 7 already.

This reflects in our growing up years where if  you are late to school the discipline teacher will record your name and send you later to detention class as a punishment for non obedience to the rules of the school.Same goes when you start working in a company and when you are late to work you too will be given a show cause letter from HR Dept as to why you are late many times or not improving your performance even ample warning are given to you by the company.

So,discipline is a key factor to teach us the values of being obedient,steadfast,good leadership,time management,persistence,quality and so many other good attributes that a person must possess if they want to be Excellent People.

Nowadays,the parents are slacking in discipline and “too polite” with their children and based on Ramli’s analysis maybe thats why we have so many juvenile crimes,mischiefs,indiscipline and worst still child murderers in our own backyard!

Children if not taught the importance of discipline then they will become rude,impolite,no patience,lazy,easily give up,poor leadership,poor grooming and etiquette,and so many bad character that is a liability to human society rather than add great value to us all.

The many “mat rempits”,”bohsia or bohjan”,”kaki lepak”,bullies,drug addicts,smugglers,snatch theives,gangsters and others are the outcome when a child is not given the necessary discipline and not enough mental strengths to face life with courage,honesty and patience.

As all of us know,the SATAN or DEVIL is always beside us to “make us be like them” and when you behave like the Satan or Iblis family then discipline is not your priority anymore maybe the discipline to be bad or evil is your priority now!

How to instill discipline in our life?If you read Ramli’s book the 7 factors that constitute in the 4th Elements of Revolusi Aksi Cycle of Actions clearly spelt out the 7 areas of focus that you can concentrate and act upon.

Please read Ramli’s book but at this time around Ramli only have the Malay edition and need to get this book translated to the English version for all those non Malay readers.

Some pictures of Ramli’s book: Revolusi Aksi