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Here are some sites for you to see and understand whats happening with Rest of the World and Malaysia’s QCC@ICC and KIK.

C:\Users\ramli\Desktop\all abt kik@icc\konvensyen kik kebangsaan 2011 – Google Search.htm

Since 1984,when Malaysia started her QCC Movement there was only a handful teams registered with the QCC Secretariat (administered by NPC (now known as MPC) and INTAN).In the first year of Malaysia’s QCC Establishment as Ramli can recalled the 1st QCC Convention was participated both by the Govt Sector and Private Sector.In the following year the Govt Sector decided to hold their separate QCC Convention and NPC was given the responsibility to promote and administer the Malaysian Private Sector QCC Convention till today (2012)

The Govt Sector later renamed or rebrand their KMK to be known now as KIK and NPC also rebrand their QCC to be known as ICC.

With the steady growth and increasing popularity and acceptance of these QCC@ICC and KMK@KIK activities,many govt depts,agencies,ministries and also private sectors have all tried to implement and get the benefits of these teambased activities and projects implementation.

Studying back the actual philosophy of QCC since was initiated in Japan in 1962,the Father of QCC,Prof.Kaoru Ishikawa stated in the QC Koryo Book that QCC is a small group activity in the workplace participated by all workers to help solve problems in their workplace using QC Tools & Techniques in a desired time frame agreed by all.

QCC when carefully studied,practise and continual improvement will enable to help unleashed the hidden talents of the members to infinite possibilities and will be good for the personal development,mutual development and organisation development to take place.QCC is a tool of management and properly applied will help make the company and employees better.

Malaysia is now in the 28th year of QCC@ICC and KIK@KMK existence since 1984 till now (2012).Many great changes have happened as Ramli analysed and some of the recent ones are “shocking”,”disturbing” and “far from the original philosophy of QCC”.Why?

If we really study and understand the QC Koryo,QCC is basically established with the members in mind and how best to get team members to work together,unleashed their hidden talents and solve problems or make “breakthroughs” for their section or process or workplaces.

Nowadays,its more about results and results but the process of QCC is never highlighted or thought of deeply! Why?

Problems are plenty at the workplaces and yes nowadays the focus is no more on problem solving projects but “breakthrough” or “penambahbaikkan” projects.We must now move to improvement modes and no more problem solving BUT processes still have problems happenings?So,we still need to do problem solving before we can move on to “breakthrough” projects.

Today,Ramli was shocked to hear that the KIK Presentation time have been set at 10 minutes rather than the usual 30 minutes duration ( 5 mins preparation,20 mins actual speaking and 5 mins for Q&A)

How come they decided to set at 10 mins?If that the case maybe no need to come for KIK Conventions anymore just submit the KIK DVD to the Panel of Judges and wait for the evaluation by the Judges based on the Project submission via DVD.Good or Bad way?

Ramli personally think its good to give time to the KIK to present their QCC Story in the 30 mins duration and only The best TEAMs will be presenting or taking part in the Final KIK Convention.Like now only the Best 2 Teams ( one each from Mgmt and Technical Team) from each state in Malaysia are invited as Finalists in the National KIK Convention held annually.

MPC this year 2012 will organise the ICQCC 2012 for the second time in history being the first one organised by NPC in 1996 in Kuala Lumpur (Ramli presented a paper at this ICQCC 1996)To know more please visit for details.

Finally,lets hope ICC and KIK still lives on well in Malaysia and do not forget the original mission or philosophy of QCC established in 1962.QCC is all about people and talents and how’s best to unleash these talents to infinite possibilities for personal,mutual and organisation development.

To assist YOU on this QCC@ICC and KIK Journey,please contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 or email:

Ramli have been involved in great depth and experienced with QCC@ICC and KMK@KIK including MQT since 1980 till now.See Ramli’s achievements in his Profile at