Posts Tagged ‘tcs’

—Good Problem Solvers-what type are YOU?
—Type 1: The self negating,despairing type
—Type 2: The someone else’s fault type
—Type 3: The “ostrich” type
—Type 4: The Problem Solving type
—What is a Strong Workplace?
—Tackling more challenging problems!
—A strong workplace is one that recoqnizes problems and can take steps to solve them.
What is a Problem?
—Narrowing the gap between the ideal and the real!
—A problem is a matter that must be resolved
—A Project is a Problem scheduled for solution (Dr.Juran)
—The QC Problem Solving Approach
—The QC problem solving approach is a method of solving problems rationally,scientifically,efficiency and effectively using
—1.The QC Viewpoint
—2.QC 7 Step Formula
—3.QC Tools
—The 10 Commandments for becoming a Competent Problem Solver
—1.It is a lie to say “we have no problems.Problems are everywhere.Actively search them out.
—2.Use accurate data,not guesswork.Observe the workplace carefully and grasp the facts accurately using data
—3.You cannot win empty handed.Study the QC Tools well and apply them thoroughly and effectively
—4.Skill is important.Improve your techincal ability by studying specialist skills,techniques amd tricks
—5.It is no good trying to do everything at once.Advance steadily by faithfully following the QC Seven Step Formula
—6.Do not be beguiled by apparently attracting solutions.Analyze the possible causes rigorously and only act after identifying the true causes
—7.Computers are useful but not creative.Exercise your ingenuity and originality
—8.Without a rational approach,things will come to a dead end.Move ahead using the QC viewpoint
—9.It is no good standing back and telling your subordinates to get on with it.Tackle difficulties yourself
—10.Never give up.Be determined and fight to the last.
—The QC Viewpoint-vital for QC Type Problem Solving
—1.The QC Mindset-Total,Statistical,Quality,Control,Improvement factors
—2.Quality First-above all produce good quality
—3.Consumer Orientation-make the products the customer really wants
—4.The Next Process is Your Customer-never send defectives or mistakes on to the next process
—5.The PDCA Wheel –Rotate the PDCA wheel deligently
—6.Priority Consciousness- Pounce on priority problems and attack them mercilessly
—7.Management by Fact-speak with facts and data
—8.Process Control – control working methods not results
—9.Dispersion Control-pay attention to dispersion and identify its causes
—10.Recurrence Prevention-institute radical countermeasures to ensure that the same mistake is not repeated
—11.Standardization-Formulate,observe and utilize standards
and many lessons to learn on this Art & Science of Elimination of Wastes (Money) due to Mgmt and Staff Errors!

Ramli have many clicks on his BLOG on the subject of Kumpulan Inovatif & Kreatif or KIK as for the Government Sector as well as Innovative & Creative Circles or ICC as for the Malaysian Private Sectors and GLCs.

Many Ministries and Companies are now committed to this focus on KIK and ICC.They expect their workforce to be involved in teamwork based activities to solve problems as well as getting more “breakthroughs” for better quality,productivity,cost savings,faster delivery,more safer operations and better morale in the workplaces.The environment is also a new focus to make improvements where a more sustainable based management can be made and become a strong culture in the organisation or company concerned.Hopefully this new focus can be a major contributor to their CSR or CR initiatives.

Teamwork in Excellence will need great effort among the team members to move their team from the 4 stages of Team Development ie.Form to Storm to Norm and finally if all goes well to Perform stage.

KIK or ICC will also see this kind of team progress where when they first start their project they must first register their KIK or ICC with their Secretariat.After the initial “ice breaking” process and understanding their Team Mission they will need to get to know each other well and what are the responsibilities entrusted to all the Team Members.They then will abide to follow the Deming Cycle ie.Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle as the many steps involved in the PDCA Cycle will enable the team to achieve their target and team’s mission.

Initially the KIK or ICC will have many problems involving each team members but with good leadership and facilitation skills of the team leader and their Team Facilitator,the KIK or ICC will overcome this “storming” process.Members will cooperate better and keep on focussing the right way and all problems either made known or hidden will be dealt with carefully and settled.

After this stage,the KIK or ICC will now moved to the NORM stage where they are together and keep on with their team mission and activities.However if there are still “hidden” issues among them they can moved back to their STORM stage and if at this stage their problems are not solved,this KIK or ICC may not performed and become “a problem team” and can even lead to failure and a possible deregistration with the Secretariat.

If the KIK or ICC managed to overcome all the “storming” issues then they move on to the NORM stage and ready to perform well.

What we all want or Management want is for KIK or ICC to become Excellent Team or Team that Perform well as expected and met all their project targets.

So for KIK or ICC to become an EXCELLENT TEAM they must take lots of actions such as:

  • understand what the philosophy of KIK or ICC is all about
  • know the team leader and members roles&responsibilities
  • understand the tools and techniques of KIK or ICC like PDCA,7Basic QC Tools,7Mgmt Tools,etc..
  • benchmark with other teams-how they do well and what are their good points
  • complete their project on time and in full
  • and many other actions (invite Ramli to conduct KIK or ICC Trainings in your org/co)

So,KIK and ICC is very relevant now even though the original concept of QCC have been introduced since 1962 in Japan and in 1983 in Malaysia.

Lets hope your KIK or ICC understand this Team Development Stages and your team must moved on very well this 4 stages of form,storm,norm and perform with great results and satisfaction of your Top Mgmt,Customers and all stake holders concerned.

Contact Ramli Abu Hassan for Training and Consulting on all areas of KIK or ICC.Call hp:+6019-2537165 or email at





Ramli have been involved in assisting project based teams like QCC@ICC,KMK@KIK,MQT and other types of Project Teams to solve problems and create breakthroughs for their organisation success.

In order to create such success we need Structure (Teams),Tools (M7&Q7 plus others) and Datas (numerical and verbal or language datas)

Currently ,many ICC and KIK teams in Malaysia know how to apply the Q7 Tools and some the M7 Tools.Without the knowledge of these tools for problem solving and improvement activities,we cannot get the job done right!

Companies must ensure their People learn the tools the right way and apply them in the right conditions.Its not knowing all the tools will be good but it is about knowing how to apply the tools for the right situations that will be useful and beneficial.

It is stated by Japanese Union of Scientists & Engineers (JUSE) that the M7 is good to use when you have verbal or language datas and you need to apply the M7 Tools as to create some order from all those chaotic conditions where everything seem so confuse and you dont know what to do yet!So,with M7 Tools like Affinity Diagram or Relations Diagram once applied will assist your Team to have an idea what is the status of the problem now and what actions to take as a result of the findings after the respective M7 Tools are applied.

In fact M7 Tools is also best to be known as supplementary tools for Q7 Tools.Do not simply use M7 Tools when the problem can be solved with Q7 Tools since the problem is very simple otherwise it is a waste of time and resources.Each M7 or Q7 Tools have its role to play.

For more support and education of these M7 and Q7 tools,please contact Ramli at hp:+6-019-2537165 or email: