Posts Tagged ‘swasta’

Ramli berpengalaman dalam KMK@KIK serta QCC@ICC dan MQT sejak 1980 lagi.Ramli pernah bekerja di Matsushita (sekarang Panasonic) serta Affin Bank Berhad (dulu Perwira Affin Bank/Perwira Habib Bank)

Sila lihat profail Ramli dan pengalaman luas Ramli terutama dalam subjek KIK@ICC ini.

Ramli bersedia untuk membantu dan bekerjasama dengan syarikat2,agensi2,jabatan2 atau mana2 kementerian  kerajaan dalam semua aspek KIK@ICC ini seperti:

  • Ahli atau Ketua Panel Hakim Konvensyen KIK@ICC dari Sektor Pengurusan atau Teknikal
  • Khidmat Konsultansi untuk penubuhan dan perkembangan KIK@ICC di syarikat atau agensi anda
  • KIK@ICC Knowledge Session untuk semua peringkat kakitangan -Pengurusan Atasan,Pengurus2 dan Pekerja2
  • Merancang strategi dan acara2 KIK@ICC untuk promosi,perkembangan dan penambahbaikkan untuk Prestasi KIK@ICC Anda
  • Hari KIK@ICC atau Bulan KIK@ICC
  • Lawatan sambil belajar (Benchmarking Visit) kepada Organisasi yang Terbaik dalam Prestasi KIK@ICC mereka
  • Latihan “Facililation untuk KIK@ICC” untuk Fasilitator dan Penasihat KIK@ICC
  • Memastikan Budaya KIK@ICC Sentiasa Hidup,Mesra dan Capai Semua Objektif2nya
  • dan banyak lagi aktiviti,latihan dan khidmat runding yang boleh Ramli & Teamnya sediakan dan laksanakan.
Harap talifon Ramli di hp:019-2537165 atau emel segera :
Kos Latihan atau Perkhidmatan dari Ramli & Team adalah sangat berpatutan,boleh di runding dan mesra pelanggan.
Sekian,Terima Kasih.

KIK atau KMK yang dilaksanakan pihak kakitangan kerajaan sejak 1984 adalah sangat penting dan perlu di tingkatkan prestasi mereka setiap tahun.KIK@KMK dan ICC@QCC di Malaysia memang “confirm” telah menjimatkan berjuta2 RM kepada organisasi dan syarikat2 di Malaysia.

Malangnya,banyak syarikat2 dan agensi2 kerajaan ingat ICC atau KIK ini hanya untuk tonjolkan prestasi mereka pada sesi persembahan atau konvensyen2 KIK atau ICC sahaja!Itu anggapan atau approach yg salah!

Projek KIK atau ICC adalah usaha untuk membina Budaya Kerja yang akan meningkatkan prestasi seperti:

  • Q-kualiti
  • C-kos
  • D-delivery atau penghantaraan
  • S-safety atau keselamatan
  • M-moral
  • E-environment
  • lain2
KIK atau ICC perlu membina semangat kerja sebagai kumpulan di tempat kerja mereka secara dinamik,berpasukan,penuh sinergi,banyak idea2 dan cadangan,meningkat prestasi kerja dan banyak lagi faedah ketara dan tidak ketara..
Untuk keterangan lanjut,sila jemput Ramli untuk sesi latihan dan bengkel KIK atau ICC…
talifon Ramli 019-2531765 atau emel:

Ramli have written his book titled “Revolusi Aksi” or Action Revolution in 2006 and the book actual released to the Malaysian market was on 24thMarch,2006 during the KL International Book Fair held at PWTC in KL.

Ramli have written many articles and have tried many ways to promote,teach and build communities of Revolusi Aksi practitioners especially in Malaysia.

Now,Ramli once again want to emphasised the importance of the 3Es’ factor in this Revolusi Aksi Philosophy and Methodology of making sure we get the RIGHT Results with the RIGHT Actions!

The first of the 3Es  is EXCELLENCE.

To achieve Excellence in our work and play we must aim for the best always.Normally Leaders must possess this attribute of becoming an Excellent Person ie.a person with Great Mind,Great Action,Great Dynamism,Great Preseverance,Great Leadership and many other attributes of a Great Leader.

To achieve Excellence we must also know what is World Class Performance ie.the best among the best in the World.Like in Ramli’s teaching of World Class Performance,Ramli stressed the World Class Performance is like participation in the Olympics where you must be the best of the best atheletes to reach the FINAL of the particular event.Only when YOU are in the FINAL can you consider as the best in the world and if you win the Final race then you become the Champion or No.1 in the World!

Motorola is a World Class Company because it strieve so hard in 1982 when one of the Directors mentioned that “Motorola Quality really stinks” and so Motorola decided that they must improve towards Excellence!

So,Motorola initiated their many actions in this 6Sigma Journey of Excellence and through the 10 years or so,Motorola finally achieve “their quality that smells like perfume where they now tolerate only about 3 defects per million production” and that have helped them to improve their business,their reputation as far as quality of their products and services are concerned and also quality of the people or talents.

Excellence must be a passion especially among Leaders and if Leaders do not go for excellence then don’t be a Leader just be a Follower!

Excellence must be a Prerequisite for Top Management candidates and only with this excellence in whatever they do can move the organization to that World Class Levels of Performances.

Next of the 3Es is Excitement.

All people must show excitement in their work and play.Excitement is all about being happy and enthusiastic because something good is going to happen at your workplace or at home!

Once the Top Management have introduce the Business Plan of the Year,all Middle Management must show their support by actively and enthusiastically promoting and stressing the contents of the Business Plan to their many subordinates especially the workers level.

Excitement must now be a prerequisite for Middle Managers levels so that together with Top Management Excellence and Middle Management Excitement then we can achieve many things we want in our business or family since the Revolusi Aksi is now moving full steam ahead and will work as planned!

However without the application of the last of the 3Es ie.Enthusiasm especially from the Workers level then it is so difficult to achieve World Class because we need all 3 levels of commitment,cooperation and collaboration to work in any company or entity concerned!

Ramli once read from Tan Sri Konosuke Matsushita’s teachings that with enthusiasm a worker that is not smart or have higher education qualifications can still outperform others around them because their enthusiasm will become like a “magnet” that attracts all the “iron fillings” (people) around them and that moves the organization to World Class Performances also.

So,all workers must possess this Enthusiasm together with Excitement (among Middle Managers) and Excellence (among Top Management).

All these 3Es can also be possessed by all levels of Management in a company through training and practice preferably through projects based but like Ramli have emphasized earlier each strata of Management have their core competencies to achieve and with these 3Es of Revolusi Aksi at least attaining World Class Performances is no more a dream but a Road of Hope and Certainties assured.Inshallah.

For training and consulting work on these subjects like 3Es of Revolusi Aksi,World Class Performances,Corp U,TQM,all the QCDSME+I factors,Team Based projects like MQT,ICC@QCC,KIK@KMK and others,please contact:

Ramli Abu Hassan-Principal Consultant

Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd.

