Posts Tagged ‘SPR’

Yes,the 13MGE is rumoured to be in Nov,2011 but with no official announcement from the current PM and later the SPR Boss,the 13MGE remains anyone guess!

Lots of issues can be debated,analysed and focus upon by the Rakyat as to whether the ruling parties are doing their job RIGHT!If the scorecard shows an excellent performance of Grade A+ or A then YOU can reelect them to power BUT if the scorecard or performance is having a Grade B+,B or C+ then it’s time to rethink and consider a better candidate or alternative.Finally if the grading is C,C- or D then just dont vote them anymore otherwise you will have another miserable 5 years of poor administration of the state and country.If your grading was F then YOU have made a serious error in the last 12MGE by voting the wrong candidate and wrong political party.Its your fault because your vote helped determined the final result of the election.

The 13MGE need the Rakyat to think smarter,act wiser and vote the Right Candidate and the Right Political Party.To do that we need good knowledge,smart assessment and excellent commitment to vote Rightly without Fear and Favour!

Can YOU do that?Ramli think YOU have too,thats YOUR RIGHT!