Posts Tagged ‘selangor darul ehsan’

Recently there are lots of hoo haa on this subject about Who are U first,a Malay or Malaysian also a Chinese first or Malaysian second and also an Indian first or Malaysian second!

One thing for sure,if you answer I am a Chinese first and China second or Indian first and India second then you are a confirmed “Pendatang” or Alien to Malaysia.

Why Ramli said “I am monkey first and pet second” is because when you are not domesticated to be a PET you were your original self that is a monkey that is free to swing from tree to tree and you are free to roam the jungle or forest.Once,you are caught or tamed to be a PET like those in the circus,you act now more like a PET than a monkey because you are not free as you suppose to be originally or destined in your life!

Like all 1Malaysians we are just like the monkey,we are free to live anywhere we like since our great great forefathers maybe like Nabi Adam as who was moved from Heaven to Earth due to his act of disobedience of wanting to eat the forbidden fruit with Hawa as as a result of Satan’s continual persuasions.

So,once you decided to move to a country like Malaysia from China or India then you are still a Chinese or Indian first and Malaysia second no more a Chinese first and China second since now Malaysia is your home but you are still a Chinese first or Indian first then Malaysia (your new homeland) just like the Malays who emigrated from Java or Sumatra to Malaysia and now known or brand themselves as Malay first or Java first and Malaysian second!If you want you can still migrate to Canada and become or profess to be a Bangali first and Canadian second if not the Canadians will not like it and treat you as an Alien just like other countries!

The great beauty about Religion is that when you confess you are a Muslim then wherever you go,you want to be treated as a Muslim first then a Malay second or Iranian second because Islam is universal and everyone is proud to be a Muslim first and Malaysian or Iranian second.Why?Its all about FAITH and you and I know that Allah SWT is the Greatest and who else can be FIRST only ALLAH SWT is always FIRST and Muhammad pbuh is His Messenger.The rest is not important at all whether you are a Malay,Chinese,Indian or whatever as long as you know that WE are from the same roots or beginning that is from Prophet Adam as unless YOU want to believe you originate or are a decendants of the MONKEY or APE!

Ramli loves Malaysia very much and have represented his state Selangor Darul Ehsan since Std 6 as Selangor 200metres sprinter at the MSSM sports meet in 1968 and also many other events like his Pro-Boxing promotions by representing Malaysia as the Promoter of the World Class Championship Boxing involving countries like Japan,Korea,Thailand,Philippines and Indonesia.

Maybe,let not confuse ourselves with asking ourselves whether we are a Malay,Chinese or Indian first and Malaysia second since thats what we are from our early history or roots and the only thing we must really ask ourselves is “ARE WE A GOOD MALAYSIAN FIRST OR BAD MALAYSIAN” there’s no second here because WE only want 1st Class Malaysians not 2nd Class or No Class!


Ramli Abu Hassan



twitter: @pramleeelvis

In the month of Ramadan Al-Mubarak,many Hafizs’ (the one that can recite the whole Quran by heart without any problems or reference)will be invited to lead the prayers especially the Solat Terawih which will be performed either 8 or 20 rekaats.The Hafizs are the best person to lead this Ramadan special prayers since the main objective is to try to complete the whole Quran in the days of Ramadan.For those that are able to complete the whole Quran in their Terawih Prayers then that is a great achievement well blessed by Allah SWT (God Almighty)For your info,the Holy Quran have 114 Surahs and almost 6666 verses altogether…Its like a miracle to be able to remember all the surahs and recite them with perfection.Of course to be a Hafiz takes a lot of sacrifice from an early age where the person or boy usually will study in a Mahad Tafiz especially dedicated to train new regisitrants to become a qualified Hafiz well respected and well learned for the service to Islam and the community they belong in.
Malaysia have many hundred Mahad Tafiz centres and every year thousands of Hafizs are produced and hopefully they will do great service to Islam and the spread of the Islamic teachings,best practices and develop Good Pious Muslims..Inshaallah.
Reference from Wikipedia:
Hafiz (Arabic: حافظ‎, ḥāfiż, pl. huffāż, f. ḥāfiżah), literally meaning ‘guardian’, is a term used by Muslims in modern days for someone who has completely memorized the Qur’an. Hafiz, however, traditionally is used for a scholar who has mastered and memorized 100 000 Ahadith complete with their narrators and chains of transmissions. Female Muslims who have memorised the Quran, are, however, called Hafiza.

* 1 Overview
* 2 Practice
* 3 See also
* 4 External links

[edit] Overview

The Islamic prophet Muhammad lived in the 7th century CE, in Arabia. In those times, many people were not literate. The Arabs preserved their histories, genealogies, and poetry by memory alone. When Muhammad proclaimed the verses later collected as the Qur’an, his followers naturally preserved the words by memorizing them.

Early accounts say that the literate Muslims also wrote down such verses as they heard them. However, the Arabic writing of the time was a scripta defectiva, an incomplete script, that did not include vowel markings or other diacritics needed to distinguish between words. Hence if there was any question as to the pronunciation of a verse, the memorized verses were a better source than the written ones. The huffaz were also highly appreciated as reciters, whose beautifully intoned words were accessible even to the illiterate crowd. Memorization required no expensive raw materials (in an age when there was no paper in the Muslim world, only vellum). Memorization was also considered more secure — a manuscript could easily be destroyed, but if the Qur’an was to be memorized by many huffaz, it would never be lost.

Even after the Caliph Uthman ibn Affan collected and organized the Qur’an circa 650-656 CE, recitation (from memory) of the Qur’an was still honored and encouraged. There are numerous traditions of recitation. Most huffaz know only one version, but true experts can recite in several traditions.

Huffaz are highly respected within the Islamic community. They are privileged to use the title “Hafiz” before their names. They are tested on their knowledge, e.g. in one test for example, they are asked to continue the recitation of a passage taken randomly from the Qur’an. As they do not know which passage will be chosen, they must know the whole text in order to be sure of passing. In another test, a would-be hafiz might be asked to recite verses containing a specific word or phrase.

Most huffaz have studied as children in special Islamic schools or madrasahs, being instructed in tajweed (rules of recitation) and vocalisation as well as committing the Qur’an to memory. To give some idea as to the nature of this undertaking: The Qur’an is divided into 114 Surahs (chapters), containing 6,236 verses (comprising some 80,000 words or 330,000 individual characters).

During the holy month of Ramadan, special daily prayers called Tarawih are read in the mosques every evening. Tarawih prayers include Qur’an recitation. One juz’ (1/30th of the Qur’an) is recited by a hafiz on each of the thirty days of Ramadan. If the audience is at all large, several huffaz will be present. Any hafiz who stumbles is sure to be corrected and this is called luqma, a correction done by another hafiz.

A number of scholars point to hadiths that state that a hafiz will be rewarded on the day of Qiyamah (Judgement Day), as will his or her parents, and will be granted the ability to intercede on behalf of ten (sometimes narrated as 25) family members.

“He who learns the Qur’an and practices upon it, his parents will be made to wear a crown on the day of Qiyamah, the brilliance of which will excel that of the sun if the same were within your worldly houses. Hence, what do you think about the person who himself acts upon it?” (Abu Dawood). “Whoever reads the Qur’an and memorises it, while he regards what it makes lawful as lawful and its unlawful as forbidden (i.e. he practises according to it), Allah Ta’ala will admit him into Jannah and will accept his intercession on behalf of ten such persons of his family who were doomed to the fire of Jahannam” (Tirmidhi).

It is important to note however that in the classical Arabic lexicon, the word ‘Hafiz’ was not traditionally used to refer to one who had memorized the Qur’an. Instead, the word used was ‘Hamil’ (lit. one who carries.) ‘Hafiz’ was used for the scholars of Hadith, specifically one who had committed 100,000 hadiths to memory (i.e. Al-Hafiz [Ibn Hajar]).

Today, the largest number of people that are Hafiz of the Qu’ran, can be found in South Asia, particularly Pakistan, although it’s not an Arabic speaking country.

[edit] Practice

Having memorised the Qur’an, the hafiz or hafiza must then ensure they do not forget it. To ensure perfect recall of all the learned verses requires constant practice. [1]

The memorization of the quran was very important to muslims in the past and is also in the present. Yearly many students master the quran and complete the book with tafseer (understanding) and also memorization.
See the videos of this World of Hafizs’….
For more info,please contact:
Ramli at hp:+6-019-2537165

Many Nations or even companies are very eager to be World No.1 in their various businesses or performances.Coca Cola wants to be the No.1 World Soft Drink maker and they are there all the time even Pepsi aspires to take over the Leadership as World No.1 soft drink or cola drink supplier.
Exxon Mobil also wants to maintain her position as World’s No.1 Petroleum Company and so do BP or even Petronas and many other Petro companies in this world.
Adidas aspire to be World’s No.1 sports equipment supplier or attire supplier like her shoes,balls,racquets etc..and so do Nike or Puma….
So,if YOU want to be the World’s No.1 company YOU better have a “beat it” game plan and if you only want to “catch up” with the best in the world then YOU will forever be catching up since all the other Top Leaders are moving far ahead as you are trying your best to catch up…
Like Usian Bolt the current Olympic Champion he is now far ahead in running the best time..i think almost 6.7 secs for the 100m dash while the rest are running at 6.8secs or above.So,if anyone wants to beat Bolt then have a “beat it” plan to run below 6.7 secs or else you are still a follower of Bolt at any race……

For more on World Class Performance contact :
Ramli Abu Hassan at hp:+6-019-2537165 or email:

This 27thJuly,2009 marked the 25th Year of Marraige for Ramli & Munah.On 27thJuly,1984..Ramli & Munah had their akad nikah(marraige vows-ceremony) in Kg.Pengkalan,Alor Gajah Malacca and immediately after the Nikah ceremony,the “bersanding” was held in Kg.Pengkalan.What’s so special is that Munah’s elder brother Azman also got married with his wife Hawa from the same village on that same night with Ramli&Munah.SO it was a Double Wedding with 2 Couples on the wedding dais or stage.
Later on 29th July,1984..Ramli&Munah had their wedding reception in Petaling Jaya at Ramli’s home attended by so many relatives,friends and loved ones…It was like the Wedding of the Year for Ramli&Munah in Sect 14,Petaling Jaya.
SO,the wealth that Ramli & Munah possessed actually the 5 grown up children we
1.Zaim Aimran – 24 years old…an Engineer graduated with Honours from UTM in 2008
2.Zaim Ikhwan – 22 years old..completed his Form 5 and now helps the mother and household cores..
3.Nur Amirah – 21 years old – a 2nd year student at University Trengganu Malaysia doing Environmemtal Economics…
4.Nur Arina – 17 years old…a Form 5 student in SMK Sect 18,Shah Alam
5.Zaim Bukhairi – 14 years old – a Form 2 student in SMK Sect 18,Shah Alam
May our children become Great Persons that hopefully will achieve the status of “Hartawan & Dermawan” and make this World a Better,Happier,Safer,Cleaner and Prosperous place for ALL.
May Allah SWT Blessed and have Mercy on all of US and send us to Jannah (Paradise)